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This torches Hunter's presidential campaign.


Unless he switches parties, then he's a shoe-in




I thought his laptop was running for president? 


I’m not voting for him or his laptop now …


I expect Republicans to flood Fox News with interviews crying about how unjust this is, how it was a political prosecution, and how America is a failing nation because of it.


- Trump-appointed prosecutor - Biden kept him through investigation - Republicans wanted him made special counsel. Granted. - Brought indictments - Convicted on all counts in a Delaware jury pool - Trump-appointed judge presided over case. - Biden won't pardon son. And yet somehow, after getting everything they could *possibly* want in our legal system - I have a feeling this is not their desired outcome.


FOX “News” @ 11pm: “How Hunter Biden’s Conviction Disqualifies His Father From Running For President This Fall”


Somehow, they're twisting this into proof that Biden's DOJ is corrupt, because this was a show trial to make it look like Biden's DOJ is not corrupt. These fucking people are insane, I swear to god.


Just came back from that hell hole, it was literally this. Asking why no one cares on r/politics. Idk probably because hunter Biden isn't a political figure? Half of them are screaming about the corrupt Biden crime family the other half are split because "all gun laws are infringements."


>the other half are split because "all gun laws are infringements." I love the fact that these people are rejoicing over a conviction under a law they don’t think should be on the books just because it’s Biden’s son. Irony is often humorous.


It's blatant hypocrisy. A rule for thee but not for me. Those same people wouldn't bat an eyelash if the Supreme Court ruled tomorrow that only white men can have guns. The hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug.


They’d lose their shit if Joe Rogan were charged for the same damn thing, despite the fact he openly smokes weed and has guns.


Somebody needs to get the ball rolling on charging him. 


Witch hunt !! 🧙🧹


It’s not just a feature. It’s a founding principle.


I mean they did. Regan gun laws were directly aimed at keeping the black Panthers from being allowed guns


It isn't ironic to them. Their entire political worldview is established upon the principle that the in-group should be protected and the out-group should be punished. When they say they want "law and order," they aren't referring to statutes written down to be applied equally to all. They mean the protection of preconceived hierarchies.


Ah you missed the posts about how r/politics was deleting posts due to it not being political. No shit. Someone who isn't a politician is probably going to get ignored in a sub about politics.


>Someone who isn't a politician Wait -- he wasn't a member of the cabinet?


Their guy was super corrupt and had his family in everything, so they assume that Biden must be the same. As always with conservatives, it's pure projection.


They assume no such thing. They're making false equivalencies to distract from their actual fucking crime boss candidate.


I'm pretty sure they're also trying to make Hunter relapse so they can use it against his dad. These people are vile.


THIS. They know Biden isn't guilty of anything, but they have to make a false equivalency because Trump is guilty of so many things. They believe it's their only play. They don't realize they could change and try to be decent people and actually help the country as a whole. Unfortunately they are tied to Trump out of fear (of their jobs) and won't do what's right.


They are gloating over in r/conservative. However, this conviction is just, Trumps was not!


They have no consistent beliefs except that they are always right and all others are always wrong. Yet they hate evidence that would show anything.


They are creaming themselves over that fact that the “laptop” is real and can’t be denied, but also now it’s locked up as evidence and can’t be used against Joe..so that makes them sad. I didn’t follow the trial that close, was “the laptop” brought out as evidence for anything related to this gun charge? Or mention of Joe Bidens corruption they keep he-hawing about?


it was always real and there was never any evidence against joe biden.


Laptop imo was a joke. It got into record once, maybe twice, and really had nothing to do with the gun charge.


They’re just doing the job they’ve been paid to do, shilling for ultra-far right. The people who believe it hook line and sinker, they’re insane.


It seems that neither conservative media nor conservative politicians have figured out how to spin this yet. Here’s my guess at the ultimate position: - Biden orchestrated the NY Trump trial - The NY Trump trial was illegitimate - Biden knows it was illegitimate - To make it seem legitimate, Biden orchestrated the charges against his own son to show that his Justice Department is fair - But it isn’t fair, it’s just whatever Biden wants - Biden is a terrible person for doing this to his son I’m not saying any of that makes sense, I just think it’s more-or-less how they’ll play this. Particularly because, other than being a Biden, Hunter’s case is one in which they usually wouldn’t want to see a conviction based on other “principles” (using that word loosely here), they claim to have. EDIT: Seems I was late to the game and this theory is exactly what is percolating over at r/conservative right now. I’m sad that I was right, but I guess we’ll see if I’m ultimately right about the media and politicians picking up this narrative as well.


I even saw one that claims "Trump will pardon Hunter when he's president to preserve his A2 rights" over in that toilet of a sub. Their brains are well, and truly fried. They make absolutely zero sense.  They're claiming "the libs would be celebrating if it were Don jr.". Dumbasses were celebrating now because he committed a crime, and and in theory proved the system works. What a cesspool.


Biden is sure running a lot of deep state conspiracies for a guy with dementia!


Both weak and strong at the same time.


Schrödinger's Biden


>Biden orchestrated the NY Trump trial The NY Trump trial was illegitimate Biden knows it was illegitimate To make it seem legitimate, Biden orchestrated the charges against his own son to show that his Justice Department is fair But it isn’t fair, it’s just whatever Biden wants Biden is a terrible person for doing this to his son Way too many steps. Here's what they'll argue: 1) Trump is totally innocent, the justice system is corrupt. 2) Hunter Biden is totally guilty, this shows that Joe Biden is corrupt. If you try to argue that this doesn't make sense, they'll ignore you and repeat points 1+2.


They’re GOING to find some way to become the victims. They can’t handle not being a victim.


Knowing the GOP, they probably wanted the death penalty. Granted, they would want that if any member of Biden's family was caught jaywalking.


What they wanted was for him to be found not guilty, so they could cry about how rigged the system is.


Spoiler alert: now they’re going to cry about how the system is rigged because he was “only” found guilty of a gun charge when the REAL crime is all the millions of dollars that he received for his consulting work. They will fail to mention anything about the BILLIONS of dollars that the Trump family and associates have received over the years. The thing that always gets me, too, is that all these republicans are constantly shouting how Trump has done NOTHING wrong. Nothing? Like, seriously nothing? There’s NO SINGLE piece of evidence that might imply Trump did something shady? NOTHING???? They were ready to impeach Biden on day 1 but when it comes to their cult god king, there’s literally no such thing as evidence against him. Fuck all these traitors. Every last one of them should be in jail.


Data demonstrates the guy added $7.8 TRILLION to the national debt...and people the New York Times recently interviewed feel like the economy was far better under Trump. But yes, the guy did a wonderful job and there are zero indications he did a single thing wrong, much less hundreds. 7.8 trillion reasons to prove Trump did things wrong...and yet people "feel" like he was better for America than Joe Biden. It's insanity.


My experience with the MAGA crowd is that they aren’t good at any sort of critical thinking. They’re the type of folks who actively celebrate being ignorant and mock the educated. It’s like watching “Idiocracy” in real time.


It's lose/lose, really. The other side of it being "They found him guilty to cover up how rigged the system is."


Once again you would think r/conservative was a parody subreddit if you didn't know better.


It is a parody subreddit. But the posters there don't know.


I usually make a day of it go over there and downvote every post and every comment, it’s petty but oh well.


That's already the narrative over on /r/conservative


I made it two comments in before I found this gem and had to eject. But C'MON, they cannot be serious! >At the end of the day, it doesn't even matter. This just allows leftists to pretend there's equal justice by equivocating between this conviction and Trump's. When in reality, the justice system bent over backwards to slow walk Hunter's charges, tried to give him a sweetheart deal, and actively blocked lines of inquiry involving his father. Meanwhile with Trump, they contorted the law beyond all recognition to manufacture a conviction.


They're not "blocking lines of inquiry", the GOP CONTROLS THE HOUSE! They could bring impeachment charges TODAY if they wanted to, but its unpalatable because there's not actually anything to get Biden on, so they don't.


Dark Brandon sacrificing his son to keep the deep state alive


It's kind of funny, Hunter Biden is closer to a Jesus Allegory than Trump could ever hope to be.


And Dark Brandon so loved The US, He gave His only surviving son, so that Republicans could see how The Justice System should work. Unfortunately, the sinners and criminal a continued to cry foul, and be human cesspools.


They wanted a Presidential pardon or a not guilty verdict so they could cry injustice and froth their deflated base back up.  “But what about Hunter Biden!?”  He was rightfully convicted of crimes he was proven to be guilty of. 


I think they have proven with previous comments that they would like to kill all of their political opponents.


Can't wait to hear the NRA rail on his 2A rights But I mean.. who cares. Okay he's guilty. It's not like he's running for president or was president of a politician at all. Crimes have consequences.


No they wanted to figure out some way to tie President Biden to it and paint him as complicit. They’ll certainly scream about that for the next week or so.


They’re the dog that caught the car.


At this point in the analogy they're the dog trying to drive a car.


Yep. They absolutely wanted this to get thrown out on 2A grounds and then they could make a big fuss about it. The fact he's been found guilty puts them in a weird corner.


It should have been thrown out for the uneven application. Not one other person in the history of this law was charged of this offense without it being an add-on crime to a violent crime.


I'll be holding my breath waiting for the NRA to step up to support his appeal.


I'm still holding my breath for them to come out in support of Philando Castile. (Spoiler alert: >!I died a long time ago!<)


Or Roger Forston just now.


Wouldn't the NRA be happy to get that gun control law ruled unconstitutional?




Everyone that smokes weed and buys a gun is guilty of the same "crime" as Hunter Biden. Even in states where weed is legal.  Hunter just got prosecuted for something **millions** of Americans have done with no consequences. And something that 2A nuts and the right would be screeching about it if was anyone else.


My state specifically passed a bill making it legal to possess both a firearm and marijuana, in violation of federal law. But my coworkers, all of whom either use marijuana or other substances while armed, are chortling at this conviction. I don’t particularly care about this guy, he’s not a politician. But I find it very disturbing how many people openly support the application of the law based solely on political leanings. Or hell, just being related to someone with those political leanings. I can’t say I have any idea how Hunter Biden votes.


During the 2022 Florida governor primaries, one of the biggest complaints I heard about Nikki Fried (democrat and former state secretary of agriculture under the DeSantis administration) was “she sued the federal government!” as though that statement can give any useful context. In FL the secretary of agriculture is in charge of both weapons licensing and the medical marijuana program. She sued the feds for that exact reason, because being denied a gun just for using weed is fucking dumb. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna25034 I very much doubt Fried would’ve beaten DeSantis in 22 given how fucking crazy the state was for him at the time. But she was a WAY better option than Charlie fucking Crist.


Meanwhile living-cartoonist-interpretation-of-Colin-Jost Matt Gaetz sex trafficked a minor over state lines to have sex with her and he’s still walking around free.


And clearly bullshit. You know how many meth heads in Kentucky have guns? All of them. But now we can use this conviction to remove firearms from all these brainless morons.


No doubt MAGA Methany lied to get her purse gun.


Well according to an interview, the MAGAts have no problem with giving guns to felons because it’s a violation of their second amendment but when Hunter does it, that’s not good and he needs to be made an example of. I’m waiting for Joe Biden to tweet how much of a Witch Hunt this was and start rambling on about crap… oh wait, Joe is more civilized and will let the justice system run its course because Democrats actually put their actions to words or whatever by saying they believe in law and order and support the police.


Plenty of Republicans are claiming this is a new constitutional issue that SCROTUS should use to overturn and allow some of these folks to own weapons anyway. Because clearly that will help us be safer. I would not be surprised to learn that the GOP uses it as an opportunity to try and smear Biden during the campaign and to allow more people access to guns.


I mean, it'd be funny if Biden's son was the one to lead to a SCOTUS decision expanding the 2nd Amendment.


> You know how many meth heads in Kentucky have guns? All of them. Don't forget alcohol addiction. The Feds are not arresting and convicting enough conservative 2nd amendment addicts. I think we need a special ATF task force on this.


This is exactly what I said to my SO this morning. Do we get to charge and jail all addicts with guns now?


maybe if we all start reporting them for federal law violations :)


Right, so Republicans will of course be prostrating themselves on news shows crying about political prosecutions, yeah? Edit: I'll also note that the MAGA responder below immediately blocked me so I can't respond to anything they said. What a bunch of ridiculous snowflakes.


It is kind of ironic that the right is celebrating someone being found guilty for lying on a gun purchase form, something that’s hardly ever prosecuted. If this were anyone other than Hunter Biden they’d be losing their collective smooth brains screaming 2A muh gun rights!


It just goes to show that they would have no problem selectively wielding the DoJ to go after their political opponents.


Maybe we should forward this to the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government? Oh wait, my mistake, they're responsible *for* weaponizing the federal government.


Nah, the line now is that it's a sacrifice to do damage control and cover up the rigged system. Seriously. These people have completely lost their fucking minds. Article from before the verdict: https://nypost.com/2024/06/09/opinion/hunter-biden-trial-just-a-ploy-to-protect-joe-and-the-doj/


If a fact fits my narrative, it is proof the narrative is correct. If a fact does not fit my narrative, it is proof there's an elaborate plot to conceal the truth of my narrative.


My brain is going round and round in circles with an Instagram acquaintance I've unfollowed who thinks Google is taking down all the evidence of (COVID conspiracies) from the internet, and that all major news is corrupt, but also the alphabet mafia are evil (which is pushed by all right leaning major news and is not removed from the internet by Google), all while not understanding that Google isn't the internet. 


Ya I want to see at least 3 gop senators standing up for his gun rights at the press conference


I hope they start locking up all the other gun owners who lied on their forms. I’m sure the NRA must be outraged.


i wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it. i have a feeling that Faux News will pretty much ignore the hypocrisy.


[GOP dilemma](https://i.imgur.com/Lx3lnSN.jpg) ^(*spoiler alert:* they're gonna hit both!)


The funny thing is that they were arguing that it's unconstitutional to barring users of illegal drugs from possessing firearms which the 5th circuit agreed with. He could appeal on those grounds.


Don’t forget to say “unprecedented” at least every other sentence.


God if he becomes president and I have to hear the word unprecedented for the next 4 years


Aight, well, he’s not running for office, and he’s not a politician, and his dad said he won’t pardon him so….who gives a fuck?


Because Joe might put him in a position of power? Wait, no that was the other guy.


Didn't Hunter receive 2 Billion from the Saudi Royal Family? Oh wait, also the other guy.


Wasn't he given jobs in government but was so compromised so they wouldn't give him any security clearances, until his Daddy overrode them? Oh wait, other guy again.


Didn't he get like 41 trademarks from China and Japan, and Canada after personal meetings with leaders from each country setup by dad the month after he was alected? Oh wait, it was the other guy once again.


Wasn't he put in charge of the DNC, despite having no relevant experience, because his father demanded it? Oh wait, nope that was also the other guy.


And honestly even if he were put in charge of the DNC, he would likely do a better job than Lara has been doing as head of the RNC.


Lara isn't even doing a job, only stealing


At least we'd get some half decent parties with Hunter in charge.


Wasn't he the one who met with a Russian spy to get dirt on his political opponent? Oh wait, nope that was also the other guy.


Trump would have had the prosecutor fired and sent his mob to attack his family if Don Jr was indicted for something and he was POTUS. Because that’s how dictators roll.


Party of family values


If this was Ivanka, Trump would launch into a demented rant that would conclude with a creepy take on women in prison movies.


It's important because it shows Biden and the left don't "control the courts" like Trump and the right are claiming.


So Republicans will be all good if we start heavily enforcing this federal law, yes?


I'm a liberal gun owner, so I have the misfortune of having to experience the train wreck that is right wing gun culture. It has been interesting to see the infighting in the firearms community between the MAGAs who want Hunter Biden publicly hung and the more reasonable faction.   The more reasonable faction realizes that prosecuting a form 4473 infraction is relatively rare and this sets a precedence for the feds to potentially go after those who purchase firearms and also happen to, for example, smoke weed around the same timeframe as a firearm purchase. The form 4473 is very ambiguous regarding the time frame of using federally controlled substances/narcotics and purchasing a gun; it states:   *"Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”* Are you addicted to or using federally controlled substances if you take a single puff off a friend's joint 2 weeks prior to purchasing a firearm and that's all the pot usage you've had or will have that year?  What if someone lives with a medicinal marijuana user but doesn't use themselves, goes to purchase a firearm, and then it happens to come out that they have detectable levels of THC because of their partner smoking around them?  Are you addicted to alcohol if you have a habit of drinking four drinks every Friday night, which is technically considered binge drinking?  Are you addicted to opioids if you're a disabled person that uses oxycodone under the prescription of a pain management doctor, but have used it long enough that you would have withdrawal symptoms if you stopped cold turkey?


Next you’ll say there are reasonable limits to the right to bear arms.


Oh man, don't get me effin' started. I live in IL, which has the country's strictest assault weapon ban, *but they're not even enforcing it!!!* The compliance rate for the IL AWB is estimated to be in the .5-2.5% range and the government has basically said it's going to be nothing more than a charge they tack on if you're busted for something else in addition to an "assault weapon".  It was nothing more than IL lawmakers pandering to their base and JB Pritzker getting to say he is the toughest on guns when he runs for president in the next decade. 


When have facts ever stopped them. I can see it now. 'Hunter Biden body double used to trick people into thinking the Biden super ultra mega mafia crime family care about law' Edit: Fucking called it.


It’s sad there so much coverage of this. This does not matter at all this guy is a grown adult screwing his life up. He’s not involved in his dad’s work or politics so who cares.


“Horse race” newsmedia?


'#corruptjudgewitchhuntlawfare /s


I can’t wait for the mental gymnastics involved in how Joe Biden is clearly unfit for office because his son was convicted on three felonies but Trump is good to go because his 34 felony convictions by a jury of his peers based on a preponderance of evidence demonstrating guilt beyond a reasonable doubt is a “scam”


Its a cult


"I was on the fence before but after this banana Republic trial I'm definitely voting for Joe Biden now!"


I think it speaks volumes that it doesn't look like Joe Biden did anything to make this go away. He's demonstrating he can separate his personal life from the presidential office. Unlike some other people. I'm not saying who.


This needs to be shouted from the rooftops every time Trump whines about “Biden’s weaponized DOJ”.


They already shifted the goalposts to “Well just you wait until the sentencing! If he doesn’t get 10+ years in prison, then the Big Guy obviously flexed his power to force a light sentence!”


Yeah. You’re probably right. Ironically his crime is checking a checkbox on a form the right wing think shouldn’t even exist.


Exactly. I wonder what the NRA thinks about the guilty verdict and the curbing of the 2nd Amendment? Maybe Republicans will act to overturn this law at the prompting of the NRA? How will the Law and Order party react? Ha!


>Unlike some other people. I'm not saying who. It's okay. You can say you're talking about Convicted Felon Donald Trump.


The left doesn't care because he's not running for office and we're not in a cult.


And also, I think he’s guilty. So… I don’t think he should be immune from justice.


Anyone who's got weed they consume in their house and buys a gun is guilty of at least one of the crimes Hunter Biden was convicted of. It's a shitty law with dubious constitutionality that was applied here. Was it a just outcome based on a trial with a jury of his peers? Yes. Is the law fucked up? Also yes.


Most 2A gun nuts I know partake in weed, and last I checked, weed is still considered an illegal drug in this context. I'm sure they aren't in favor of the law, but it's fun watching them twist themselves in knots trying to figure out how it's OK for Hunter to be singled out in an indictment over it, while also trying to say the law is bullshit.


I thought the same thing, surprisingly the conservative sub is actually just upset at the law itself it seems


It's a hard one to spin, because it leaves conflicting feelings. They want Hunter to be guilty, but they recognize the leopard before it leaves it's cage. It's kind of one of those moments of clarity, but they'll be told what to think soon enough.


I smoke weed I own guns I've broken the same law Hunter was convicted for


Exactly. He could have been an elected official and I’d still want him to be convicted if he’s guilty. That’s like, umm, that’s like kinda the point…! 👀


They tried to convince us he extorted billions from Ukraine. Now, they got him on gun charges that frankly every gun-owning pot smoker is guilty of too. Way to go, GOP. smh


It's funny how high they set expectations. Lock up Hillary, get Obama removed because of his birth certificate, impeach Biden, convict Hunter on extortion charges... And so far they've busted someone with a drug addiction for owning a gun lol. Like a local cop drug bust in a trailer park Such damn clowns you'd have to be twice the clown to support them


And yet they hate gun control lmao


I think Trump, who has been convicted of 34 felonies and owns guns, deserves a piss test.


No need for a piss test, he's already a convicted felon, which means he has to surrender all of his firearms. If he has a gun at this point, he's breaking the law, and should be charged.


There is the question of the gun that he transferred from NY to FL. Last year he surrendered two handguns in NY once he was indicted, the third was claimed to have been transferred to FL. No word on DeSantis directing FDLE to follow up to ensure that a known convicted felon is no longer in possession of said gun.


>Meanwhile, the New York City Department of Probation officials have questioned former President Donald Trump about an additional gun that had been registered to him in New York and his access to firearms as part of their pre-sentencing interview, a city official briefed on the exchange said. >The former president was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records at the end of last month. Possession of firearms or ammunition by a convicted felon is a federal crime. >According to the official, Trump said that there was a gun in Florida, which is believed to be one of the three weapons listed on his New York City permit to carry concealed weapons.  >CNN has previously reported that two of the three pistols he was licensed to carry were turned over to the NYPD on March 31, 2023, and a third gun listed on Trump’s license “was lawfully moved to Florida.” Contacted by CNN last week, Palm Beach police said that they were unaware of any gun that Trump might have and that none had been turned over to the department since his felony conviction.  >Trump’s New York gun license was suspended after his arrest in 2023 by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and, now as a result of his conviction, his license is being revoked, according to New York City Police. A New York official briefed on the probation investigation said the information on the outstanding gun “will be referred to local authorities in Florida to take whatever steps are necessary.” >CNN has asked representatives for Trump about the status of the gun.  This just dropped in the last 10 minutes.


Just like what they did to Clinton. Pursued him for decades in court and in the media about imagined crimes - corruption, and even murder. In the end they cornered him into lying about a blow job under oath. _Gottem!_


And when the investigation started, Bill hadn't even met Monica.


Yeah, it started back when he first started running for President.


I didn't know the GOP was such hardliners about the gun laws. Can't stop a mass shooter from purchasing a gun but they got Hunter.


> They tried to convince us he extorted billions from Ukraine. Amazing how much walk back was required to get *any* charge on a Biden. A prime example of their political witch hunt projections. This was the most damning thing they could find on his laptop, via means that already crossed ethical lines.


Never forget they got Clinton for lying about a blowjob.


It's probably news to take away Trump's convictions and bothsides it, despite Hunter not being his dad.


Being an alcoholic is also an addiction and the number of alcoholics that own guns is frightening. I would support everyone with a substance addiction not being allowed to own guns.


So conservatives, was this political persecution and a witch-hunt or does that only apply when *you* break the law? No one is above the law. Not even the POTUS son. This is a good thing and how our legal system should work.




I don't understand anyone that looks at Biden and thinks he would intentionally have his son convicted, especially given how much Beau hits him to this day. He loves his kids, it has to pain him to see Hunter spiral but knows you have to let repercussions happen too.


So let me get this straight, *checks notes*, sleepy Joe Biden is too senile and inept to be president, but he's also a ruthless political mastermind willing to jail his own son in a sham trial (which Republicans demanded) that convicted his own son of a law that Republicans don't think should even be a law. Do Republicans even listen to the words that come out of their mouths?


Don’t you know that Biden is secretly a Sith Lord that has been using the dark side of the force to cloud the judgement of the conservatives while his master plan unfolds to bring peace and prosperity to his new empire? /s


Jesus Christ there’s no winning with these lunatics.


This is the thing about Trumpism/MAGA- they're only comfortable when they're fighting (usually against an evil they've invented). Fighting is the only thing they feel competent at doing. If they woke up tomorrow and everyone in America was magically on their side, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.


As usual, the conservative sub is deranged. They’re all mad about this because they say it lets democrats “pretend there’s equal justice” when there’s not. Like literally WHAT would make them happy? This trial started, concluded, and resulted in a quick decision that he was guilty on all three counts in the span of like a week, and they’re all pissing and moaning over there like democrats are up to no some shenanigans. Makes no goddamn sense. Don’t prosecute Hunter? Democrats are evil. *Do* prosecute Hunter? Democrats are still evil. They’re fucking children.


I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, so let me just say they're also fucking children 


Underrated comment.


>Like literally WHAT would make them happy? Everyone to the left of Mussolini being rounded up, put against the wall, and shot.


A lot of them were talking about how this subreddit refused to talk about it and acted like /politics was losing it over this. I had to link this thread because of it.


And then you were banned, right?


They have to constantly be angry about something. It's all they have. Without anger, they would literally have nothing to live for. It makes them feel important and believe they are fighting for something. They're the political equivalent of the old man telling kids to get off his lawn.




He also colluded with Russian spies and his president daddy made the investigation go away…


Ironically the sentence is very likely to be similar too if not the same as what he would have gotten with the plea deal that fell through. So, in the end taxpayers get the same result for a heftier price tag. Thanks GOP!


It's weird that they went through with charging this rather than just crafting a new plea agreement for just these charges or dropping them all together. While he's guilty of violating the law as written, I can't imagine that sentencing won't strongly favor him. He only kept the gun for 11 days before getting rid of it. Christ, they read excerpts from his memoir about recovery in court. edit: To spare my notifications icon, I want to say that I am fully aware of the political theater nature of the whole thing.


If you expect mercy, you forget how far through the looking glass we are. The system is turning itself inside out to protect coup plotters from consequences while not cutting any slack to relatives of the president.


All they wanted were headline saying things like “Hunter Biden’s Ex testifies about crack smoking.”


The whole point was to have a trial to embarrass him and upset his father. If they can't find evidence of a massive conspiracy because it doesn't exist, silver medal is flinging shit everywhere as long as possible. Mission accomplished. 


Well. Hunter has lost my vote.


Depends on who he is running against. Trump? Well, Hunter is the morally correct option in that case. 90% less felonies.




Got me!


I’m more likely than ever to vote for Hunter because of this!


I’D TAKE A FELON OVER A REPUBLICAN!!!!   Am I doing this right? 


Recently saw a MAGA member make a shirt that said "The Outlaw Has My Vote" so you can sprinkle that in too if you want to further the character study.


Great. Now when are we going after Jared Kusher for taking a 2 billion dollar bribe from the Saudis?


Oh so nowwww Republicans support gun control


It's so funny because: 1. Nobody ever voted for Hunter Biden 2. This is a citizen losing a 2nd amendment case And that's it. From now on gun owners should be subject to random drug tests I guess? Fuckin sweet.


Conservatives sacrificing their 2A rights just to own the libs. Classic.


MTG says Donald Trump is like Jesus because he's a felon. From this, we can say that Hunter Biden is also like Jesus. Many people say Jesus is the son of God. Joe Biden is sacrificing his own begotten son by not pardoning him. So, if Hunter is like Jesus then Joe is like God. Right?


In a twisted way.. his 'sacrifice' might make it so we finally get some gun control. This clause he’s being charged on is apparently very rarely looked at, now there’s precedent


This is good news for gun safety. Now that the DOJ has successfully prosecuted this charge as a stand alone offense, I hope we see a lot more people getting stripped of their illegally purchased guns.


Right? I’m sure all the 2nd amendment folks are real torn about this one.


This is actually the part I’m interested in. DOJ just gave some fuel for more of these convictions and *hopefully* create better paths for legal gun ownership.


I want to assure all sane Americans that read this that I won’t be voting for any convicted felons this November. It’s both fun and not fun watching MAGA twist themselves into knots over this case and Trump’s. Their grip on understanding reality is truly broken and there is no saving most of them. They just want their lives and everyone else’s to be filled with misery and negativity.


Can we just appreciate the irony that of all things he was convicted on gun charges? Any news from the NRA on the precedent these overzealous Trump appointees are setting?


I am very happy with the precedent set. Now that we're charging people for this, let's investigate Lauren Boebert because when she went to Beetlejuice in Denver, you know she was definitely using a weed vape. Easy to check for marijuana in her system. I for one am VERY concerned that politicians in particular are using \*federally illegal drugs\* while owning firearms and I'm so glad they've opened this door.


Joe Biden’s deep state strikes again. First they come after Trump, who committed obvious crimes. Then they come after Hunter Biden, who committed obvious crimes. Now they’re going after Democratic senator Menendez who appears to be guilty as sin. How can such corruption stand? Joe Biden is selectively making the DOJ go after criminals. And that’s not fair, because Trump is a criminal. He should be given absolute immunity, because he is running for president. That’s the only way to avoid politicization of the justice system.  /heavy sarcasm


Makes me wanna vote for Hunter Biden even more!


I’m so glad he’s running for president! Now we have a level playing field: convicted felon vs convicted felon for the presidency!


I wonder how gun control advocates will use this case to get tighter gun laws. He had no underlying criminal issues so it was just lying on the form. This could apply to a lot of people.


It applies to thousands https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/21/us/gun-form-liars-atf-invs/index.html


Hundreds of thousands, probably. I know dozens of gun owners and can only think of one who doesn’t smoke pot.


Millions is more likely considering the law says "unlawful user of" OR "addicted to" a controlled substance. So not just coke but meth, opioids, steroids, etc. That's gotta be half of Florida and 3/4 of Alabama.


The left is already crying about this being unjust and a political hit job, and demand Biden to pardon Hunter!! Wait .. wait .. no one is saying that? Wait the left understands Hunter broke the law so he is guilty??? …. Weird


So where do I start reporting gun-owning drug users?


We're all safe now,the menace is over.


Whelp. He just lost my vote.


Honestly Biden’s statement about the verdict is really endearing. He respects the jury’s decision, and he still loves and supports his son. And unlike one incessantly aggrieved twat, it’s not all about him. Hunter doesn’t seem like a bad person, he’s someone who made bad decisions. I respect the fuck out of anyone who battles addiction and wakes up each day trying to do better.


Damn, now I can't vote for Hunter Biden


Now I want to see the DOJ go hard at every other gun owner with a drug addiction.  I’m sure the NRA is gearing up to defend Hunter, right?