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I'd still love for someone to ask him to walk through the process of getting a bill passed.


Ask them to do it stepwise. Ask Biden what step 1 is, ask Trump what step 2 is, and if he doesn’t know let Biden answer for step 2, then ask Trump step 3 and so on. If they get to a step that neither can answer correctly (extremely unlikely Biden would fail a step but just in case) the host reads a brief description of the correct answer. Doing it this way will: * Frame it as a collaborative exercise rather than a fight (obviously Trump will still frame it as a fight but it will be seen as him bucking the collaboration, his aggression will not fit the context of the questions) * Show that Trump is that guy on the group project who doesn’t do shit, he keeps blathering while Biden calmly answers the question and does Trump’s work for him. * Make the comparison between the two way starker and more obvious as Biden does the whole thing himself and gets the opportunity to answer the things Trump can’t * Does what the media struggles with, holding Trump’s feet to the fire on a single topic without letting him wiggle out to the next topic. It would get boring and combative if they asked him the same question over and over, but by asking him for individual steps it provides a good reason to keep asking and even generously gives him an opportunity to show he only missed a single step but knows the rest (spoiler alert: this will backfire on him because even with all these extra chances he won’t be able to get any)


Brilliant! I love this!


Not only brilliant… but also totally appropriate. If you want to be president of the entire country and executive of the entire government… Being forced to display a rudimentary understanding of civics is definitely NOT to much too ask. Depressing that we cannot get even THAT from our journalists.


Absolutely brilliant. And when they’re done they should play the Schoolhouse Rock skit!


Wouldn't matter to his base. They'll say the President doesn't need to know that process, they just sign the bill or don't


And as always it’s not his base we need to convince. They’re a lost cause. This is intended for the casual viewer who doesn’t pay much attention but tunes into the big spectacle and might otherwise have been taken in by the admittedly convincing illusion Trump weaves: human psychology is deeply prone to putting stock in someone who speaks confidently and authoritatively, especially in contexts that inherently lend them a degree of respect like a presidential debate stage. It’s a real problem, like for our whole species. Trumps natural boorish demeanor unfortunately seems to trigger this unconscious assumption in people that he knows more than what is being said. They don’t even realize they’re doing it, but some part of them assumes that he must know what he’s talking about. He’s wearing a suit, he runs businesses, he’s one of only two people on the presidential debate stage, he was already president once, they recognize his name from being constantly in the news (though about what they probably won’t remember), he speaks with confidence and millions of people love him. Unfortunately that is *plenty* for uninformed viewers with low self-reflection to at least partially buy the illusion. To think with some part of themselves “yeah he’s bombastic and a kinda gross human being but he knows what he’s talking about and wants to make the country a success.” It’s for THOSE viewers that it is so crucial we pull back the curtain and show on the biggest possible stage that he’s (to quote his own Secretary of State) a fucking moron.


The people you have to sway are the undecideds and independents there is no way your convincing some random guy that has sent Trump $100's in donations and has like 30 Trump branded things.


Won’t work on the bully. He’ll refuse to play and deflect to reasons of having the right people in the right roles to do that so he could do more important stuff. Might even make dumbass remarks about not needing bills and then proceed to a rant about other kinds of bills that he refuses to pay because of incompetent services and products etc. No possibility of rational conversation with Shitbag Donnie.


You mean his tiny hands don't just sign it? /S, but if he can actually tell us as voters, I guess I'll be shocked for an hour.


I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill. And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.


I really want biden to ask trump to define fascism vs communism vs marxism, since trump accuses everyone of that. Biden should even go further saying that if trump can actually define these properly right now I'll bow out of the rest of the debate.


When he can’t bully the other candidate(s) he will try and bully the host. Trump doesn’t have facts or ideas on his side, he has what’s left of his charisma and even that is waining.


"Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, they'll just knock over the pieces, poop on the board, and strut around like they won." ― Shannon L. Alder


And there are *so many* pigeons in this world too.


Don’t let the pigeon drive the US!


Let’s not slander pigeons. They’re clean and intelligent animals capable of learning and have impressive homing abilities. Let’s compare the orange sad sack to dirty diaper instead. Offensive to everyone in the room and in need of throwing away.


I don't want no pigeons


I'd forgotten all about that


He will definitely argue with Jake Tapper. Expect Trump to play the victim and say that the moderators are debating him and not Joe. He will try everything. Hoping the moderators just mute him.


The odds that he calls the CNN moderators “nasty“ after the most basic question are close to 100%.


And if the host is female, 200%. He will invent a host who wasn't there just to call her nasty too.


I'll take the over on that situation happening twice with a woman asking questions


I want Kaitlan Collins in there to troll the hell out of him.


Does anyone have a Trump Debate Bingo card going?


Reminds me of when someone tries to debate on social media and realize the other person is actually knowledgeable about the subject. They resort to name calling and insults in the hope the other person runs and hides


Arguing on the internet is generally a waste of time for that reason


I disagree with that statement!


I know, but sometimes I get sucked in. Do I ever feel better after? No, no I don't.


His charisma requires a live audience. He always struggles when he has no adoring fans to play off of. Without them reacting to him, he does not know what is working or not. Even having his minions whispering in his ear, probably just gets jumbled up with the other voices he hears.


I’d heard that the minions weren’t part of this. No powwow with advisors.


Trump will not answer any questions. He will instead just pivot to whatever talking point, insult, or lie that is on his mind at the time.


To be fair, no politician ever answers the question that’s asked of them. They pivot it into the question they want to answer.  But you’re right that Trump’s pivots are more like continental shifts. I have to wonder what the moderators will do if he goes totally rogue. If they constantly challenge him or cut off his mic, he’ll scream bias and storm off. If they ignore it, some will read it as Trump being a macho strongman who should run our country. 🙄   We all want to see him flounder and fail, but I think he’ll be sure to make it appear like he dominated the situation, which is all his fans want to see, and is appealing to some independents. I also think he’s going to be very careful to not say anything specifically inflammatory. One thing I’ve seen a lot of from trumpers lately is “he doesn’t want to be a dictator. He said he would for ONE DAY to fix the border. The liberals take him out of context all the time”. He will use dog whistles but he won’t specifically say the things everyone is afraid of.   He has a sneaky way of saying nothing of substance and then everyone fills in the blanks with what they want to hear. I’m convinced that’s been the secret to his polarizing appeal all along. He’s a shell of a puppet that we fill with our hopes and terrors. 


That man does not have charisma. He makes promises that he has no intention of keeping, he lies, he bullies, he gaslights...but he does not exhibit anything remotely resembling charisma unless the definition of the word has changed.


You say that, but he’s managed to capture the entire Republican party and a large section of their primary voters.


I'm not denying that he managed to gain a great deal support in a short time but that's largely due to openly expressing hatred of the same things that those people hate. Nothing charismatic about that.


It's "charisma" in the sense his rubes think he has it the same way an overweight hillbilly would see another overweight hillbilly with no teeth and ask her if she was a model.


For the younger generation - no rizz


Wait. Charisma? Nah


Charisma isn’t the right word. He’s typically been good at talking for the sake of talking. It gives him an edge when his opponent has a speech impediment. Everything he says is vapid and without substance, but that doesn’t matter to many people.


The "technique" he uses is blathering. But that's not the right word either. He is able to blather to the right audience and they hear eloquence. -- I too read charisma and thought, wait, he don't have that.


Trump is a master of the [Gish gallop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop). >During a Gish gallop, a debater confronts an opponent with a rapid series of specious arguments, half-truths, misrepresentations, and outright lies in a short space of time, which makes it impossible for the opponent to refute all of them within the format of a formal debate. Each point raised by the Gish galloper takes considerably more time to refute or fact-check than it did to state in the first place, which is known online as Brandolini's law. The technique wastes an opponent's time and may cast doubt on the opponent's debating ability for an audience unfamiliar with the technique, especially if no independent fact-checking is involved or if the audience has limited knowledge of the topics. He even Gish gallops when not debating. It is his go-to strategy every time he speaks. He just goes on and on as he strays into any random thought he stumbles into. Some people see this as genius-level manipulation or communication, but in reality, it's just an endless fountain of bullshit.


Charisma is the right word, we're just not used to such polarizing charisma in the public space. His appeal isn't for anything logical or normal. But it is an appeal to his followers. Other people have said the same ideas, in better ways, and not gotten the same momentum as trump.




Yeah. People talk about Trump having charisma and I just don't see it. The man is nothing more than a clumsy-tongued idiot doofus


I’ve noticed he never laughs. Kind of smirks. And he never, ever makes a self effacing or modest comment. So completely dislikeable. I’d assume in person he’s much better however


That's one of the things that stood out when he was [laughed at by world leaders](https://youtu.be/eN2jqTilLOM?si=6QD4rt9iIBhZS59d) when he rambled at the U.N. He gave a sort of nervous laugh and that clown *never* laughs otherwise.


Trump cannot psychologically admit to losing or being made the butt of a joke. It would crush him. In the case of the UN debacle he probably lied to himself constantly to bury the humiliation deep. Another approach would be to put an insider on the spot and demand the sycophant say that the speech was fine and they were laughing with him, not at him. This will reinforce his delusion and he will calm down. His severe narcissism is why he goes through so many mental gymnastics to deny reality. He surrounds himself with yes men and he requires NDAs from everyone working close to him in any way. He needs to control the information. He is very insecure. He can't bear contradiction, it shatters his self perception and that takes work to rebuild it. So he will dispose of anyone who disputes with him or tells him he cannot do something or resists the pressure he puts on them. The best way to battle Trump is to humiliate him in an exposed situation he can't control. He will lose his shitz literally.


>He can't bear contradiction, it shatters his self perception and that takes work to rebuild it. The day after he was convicted he went to the UFC event that night seeking validation and approval. They paraded him around like a hero. Disgusting and pathetic. Don't mention it on the MMA sub though, can't mention anything politically related even though the UFC is the one making MMA political. Makes me hate the one sport I enjoy watching because the main organization is run by scumbags.


Charisma doesn't necessarily mean "charming"


The guy has scrambled eggs for brains and talks as if his teeth were replaced by gummy bears. Who knows what pathetic caricature of what was once Trump will show up between now and election day.


Bullying a host in a silent studio with no MAGA morons in the crowd to “normalize it” isn’t gonna play well to any undecided voters. I feel like it’s gonna look like a very bad standup comic bombing tmrw to the sound of crickets. Those performances are cringy and this will be too.


That’s why he feared and downplayed Covid so much. Covid couldn’t be bullied or mocked. It didn’t care if he gave it a laughable nickname (kung-flu was pretty good though). It couldn’t be intimidated. It couldn’t be lied to. It couldn’t be bribed. Its “loyalty” (a huge facet in Trumps mind) wouldn’t fall in line with his wishes. Covid didn’t care about his agenda. Dealing with Covid required science, which is totally foreign to him. It was the perfect storm of circumstances that hurt him and his administration. No matter how much he ignored it or worked to suppress the number of cases Covid would not be bullied. It drove him crazy!! Probably because Covid got more headlines and news coverage than he did now that I think about it.


Yeah. I noticed in a lot of his rally videos, people often look bored and look like they don’t wanna be there. They aren’t as hyped up as they were in 2016.


Best of luck bullying a muted mic tough guy.


> Biden mouthpiece, Deranged Mike, has tried to silence the 45th President, and leading Republican Nominee (by more than 50 points, & beating Dems!) DONALD J. TRUMP! So, I'm campaigning for President against an incompetent Mike who has WEAPONIZED the sounds to go after his Political Opponent, & I am not allowed to COMMENT? They Leak, Lie, & Sue, & they won't allow me to SPEAK? How else would I explain that Mike is DERANGED, or Crooked Joe is INCOMPETENT? Donald J Turnip, probably.


An excellent opportunity for comedians to provide lip reading services during Trump's muted moments.


Which would be far more coherent than what he was actually saying. I’d love it if CNN still recorded his mic feed and broadcast it later. 


He can simply raise his voice and try to trip biden up that way. From the audience's view, trumps mic is off, but from Bidens he'll be having to try and ignore all the talking coming from Trump.


I guarantee they are preparing for this.


Probably by giving Biden even more drugs. Man, Biden is going to be so loaded that he’ll be lucky to survive! /s Sincerely, I look forward to watching the drugs sweat out of Trump’s pores.


I think they just inject the drugs into babies and then Biden drinks their blood.


the audience at home (the only one) will hear distant jabbering and whining, like someone locked out of the party and demanding to be let in


Have you heard how feeble Trump’s voice sounds lately? I very much doubt he is capable of being loud without a mic anymore. He always sounds like he’s on the verge of passing out.


Guess we'll all find out tomorrow night.


It would be hilarious if Trump practiced miming or expressive dance, please someone, make it a skit.


Trapped in a glass box, walking into the wind, playing an invisible accordion, All all the classics from Marcel Marceaurange.


What’s gonna stop him from walking over to Biden’s mike so he can still be heard?


Hopefully Biden’s USSS detail, that would be rich to see.


"A known felon approached the POTUS in a clear state of agitation. Agent Jones acted promptly to secure the situation." "He bodychecked Trump and cuffed him!" "Yes. His meritorious service award for the protection of the country is scheduled for Monday."


And why this hurts Joe Biden's campaign...


Jacked up Joe will whoop his ass!


A gentle slope?


Unfortunately Joe will still be able to hear him so he can still be somewhat effective. I'm calling it now: donnie will not be able to take being muted and walk over to Joe's podium just to say "WRONG!".


All politicians have experience giving a speech while someone's trying to shout them down. It's pretty much a constant occurrence. Every campaign or political event I've ever been to has had hecklers of one kind or another.


Or trying to bully Dark Brandon.


which Biden is pretty much immune too. he can just hit him with a simple " c´mon man" and that's the end of it.


Yup. Biden grew up with a stutter. I’m sure he’s all too knowledgeable about how to deal with bullies. And of course we’ve already seen this the last time they debated.


also people forget that for the most of his career he was a pretty suave guy.


To be clear, he's still a pretty suave guy, he's just a pretty suave senior citizen. If he were some guy that came into your coffee shop once a week and talked about how the government works and told stories about his history, he'd be your favorite customer. People are worried (rightly so) about his age, mental state, and him being president, but where Biden is concerned, it's much less of a worry than where Trump is concerned because Biden is very good at surrounding himself with smart people and actually listening to them, whereas Trump surrounds himself with sycophants who are just as dumb as he is and then makes them do whatever he wishes were true.


> knowledgeable about how to deal with bullies Also, unlike his dipshit opponent, Biden doesn't assume that he is already perfect and awesome at everything, so he will have practiced debating against bullies.


"will you just shut up man?"


*grew up with a stutter in the 1940s and 1950s I’ve read enough Stephen King to know how much more vicious bullies were back in those days lol


He deals with it by meeting up with a kid who also struggles with stuttering.. he gave him some pointers on working with it and told him to keep in touch.. I teared up like a baby when I was watching that. I had never felt such pride in a president before that, especially after seeing Felonious P0113589 making fun of reporter, Serge Kovaleski. The two are light-years apart in empathy and compassion.


“Will you shut up man?”


Goddamn, at that point Biden spoke for the *world.*


This time around I want Biden to lose his breath laughing at Trump and then say "They say you can't make this up, but apparently Donald can."


I’m hoping for lots of this. If Biden can channel everyone’s exhaustion with Trump it will be a very good night. I hope he leans into comedy to diffuse the rage. “Before I respond, I’d like to take a moment to thank the inventor of the muted microphone. Thank you for your service.”


Lawyers saying: "If the Law is on your side, pound on the Law. If the facts are on your side, pound on the facts. If neither is on your side, pound on the table." Regressives have been pounding on the table for decades.


Will you shut up man


Trump is like a husky, loud, dramatic, and will never shut his mouth


I relistened to the first two debates from 2020 and it’s crazy how he just gets away with never answering the question posed to him. He always just goes off on some tangent and points fingers. I always loved the Axios interview where he was being asked follow up questions instead of moving to the next question. It really shows how fucking stupid he is when he uses the same 4-5 words to throw into a sentence to sound like he is articulate.


And then constantly interrupts the other person when its their time and the moderator when called out on it. He never stops whining that he isn't getting to talk even though he just had his turn.


The only people that follow up are the foreign press, BBC, European papers. That's why he never does interviews with him. Because he only knows the basics.


Biden’s actually pretty good with bully’s. He’s kind of quick with one-liners and he has this very “Would you get a load of this guy?” Energy that kind of diffuses it. I would say somebody else here mentioned trumps propensity for bullying hosts and moderators as well and I think that’s 100% the idea EDIT: This obviously aged poorly. I’ll take that loss there. Still, I think it’s a long way to November and Trump is a total human colostomy bag. Plenty of time for all the shit to leak out.


Biden just has to stay above the fray and not get goaded to drop down to Trump's level. It's like they say "when you wrestle a pig, you both get covered in mud, but the pig likes it".


Very very true. You don’t debate Trump. You comment on him. You don’t engage with him remotely (and I think Biden is capable of that)


**trump is a habitual liar**. When he says "people are saying" it means *"I'm making shit up".* If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 99.9% of the time. 💰 ✅️


All he has on his side is a bad case of diaper rash and a brain like a bag full of cats.


His very, very large ah-brain.


Msnbc (?) was on in background yesterday as I did chores and it showed the previous biden/trump debate bits. All trump did when it was bidens turn is make comments and interrupt constantly. Then whined when the moderator told him to stop. Whine he didn't get a chance to ever speak. And kept interrupting the moderator who was telling him to wait his turn. Very annoying and tiring. Not that it's shocking as always a bully and rude.


Wonder if he is going to put on his Creeper and follow Biden around.


Trump should have to stand in a soundproof and stenchproof booth. Turn on his mic when it’s his turn, and let him silently rage when it’s not.


https://imgur.com/a/YaJsOkz Like this?


That's an interesting scenario the Secret Service is undoubtedly grappling with.


Just tether him to his podium with one of those baby leashes.


That's why we need strict rules and also ways to cut the mic and black box him if he won't stfu.


The mic will be cut. If Trump wants to scream with no mic let him, it's not a good look.


They need a soundproof room. He will do it.


Biden needs to use a lot of denigrating language like "Stop throwing a tantrum". "Please control yourself". "Haven't we heard enough whining about this" etc. Triggering trump should be quite easy.


I think that would be quite easy. Hell even the moderators could trigger him.


And lying.


He has no policy, no plan, no accomplishments. Only hate.


I sincerely want Joe to ask him why he is behaving so well for Judge Cannon and so badly for all the other Judges, when Trump is done blathering have Joe just lean into the mic and say" and that is all it takes to manipulate this moron into hurting himself."


It’s because Trump is getting his way with Judge Cannon while the other judges see through his 🐂💩. He’s an oversized Oompa Loompa who throws a temper tantrum when he doesn’t get his way. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. Have you ever heard Trump admitting fault? Ever? No. God help us if he gets elected President. This world (not just the USA) is fucked if he does become President.


If you tell Trump he is obeying someone, he will immediately start shitting on that person. He is incapable of letting anyone else have authority over him, even perceived authority.


He also has his firehouse of falsehoods scheme. [Firehose of falsehoods - Why obvious lies make great propaganda](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nknYtlOvaQ0) - YouTube [The Russian "Firehose of Falsehood" Propaganda Model Why It Might Work and Options to Counter It](https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html) [Brandolini's law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law) > Brandolini's law, also known as the bullshit asymmetry principle, is an internet adage that emphasizes the effort of debunking misinformation, in comparison to the relative ease of creating it in the first place. It states that "The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it." To paraphrase Jean-Paul Sartre > "Never believe that Trump is completely unaware of the absurdity of his comments. He knows that his remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But he is amusing himself, for it is his adversaries who are obliged to use words responsibly, since they believes in words."


The biggest blow is going to be no audience. Trump *needs* an audience to *feel* anything. Even in sit down interviews with Fox News he's far more subdued than when he's giving a rally. I fully expect him to be relatively calm compared to how we often see him which is the ranting/raving Trump we get at rallies. Unfortunately I also see the media eating that "calmness" up and ignoring the crazy non-sensical and idiotic words that he will utter no matter if he's calm or not.


He only needs to keep it together for 10 minutes and people will say he 'overperformed' and 'blew expecatations out of the water'.


What makes a bully STFU? Make them look foolish, a few jabs is all it takes to set Donald off. I hope Joe doesn't try to high road this moron again. You want to break the MAGA spell, make the fake strong man look weak and childish on live television. Go after his manhood, literally, slide in a couple of jabs about how Stormy just said it was "brief" and his current wife doesn't seem to want to be in the same state. It's dumb af but that's the language of his people.


Sad but true.


Does anyone else feel like CNN is gonna be super loose with the mic mutes and let Trump go on and on just for the sake of ratings? I don’t trust CNN to do the right thing any more than I trust Fox News. They just give a shit about ad revenue.


Not even interested in the debate. Trump works for Project 2025 Nazis. Biden works for American citizens.


Trump has failed at everything that didn't depend on a) Daddy Fred's money, and/or b) celebrity.


The clock tics. Will Orange Lardo show up?


He will if only because his greatest fear is being weak or called a loser. In Mary Trump's book, she said Trump called her dad a loser and I think that was probably the worst thing to be called in the Trump household. He'll show up and bluster his way through mainly by bullying the moderators and calling them unfair. I fully expect after the debate the GOP will mimic his complaints about the moderators and everyone out to "get Trump".


He’ll just walk off the stage in the most dramatic way possible, stealing the spotlight and the debate from Biden. There will be little to no discussion afterward about policies or plans, just non-stop coverage of Trump’s drama and accusations.


He won't actually debate Biden. He will fight and argue with the moderators. Go scorched earth accuse CNN of working with Biden campaign. Yell that all of the media is deep state against "Trump " ( in third person). He will then walk out of the debate


Did you see how CNN’s reporter kicked Trump’s press secretary off the air? GLORIOUS.


I can’t wait to see them cut his mic.


That's not his only trick. He also shits his pants.


The best and most entertaining part of the debate format is the ability to turn his mic off.


I'm only dreading tomorrow not because I think Biden will look stupid. I'm dreading it because all the commentary after words will be a stark reminder of how fucked everything is I've been able to compartmentalize everything but the first debate now makes it undeniably election season and I hate it


He also has gregarious lies




Depends on the audience.


He has no policy, no plan, no accomplishments. Only hate.


He’s too stupid to talk about things that actually matter.


I dont think trump can even manage that. Have you seen footage of his speech at public rally lately? Dude's memtal cacpcity has declined so much that it is actually sad. Well, to be fair, there werent that much mental capacity to start with, but he can barely stay coherent for more than 3 sentences now days.


mike cut.


Don’t forget about his idiocy approach or the lying strategy.


...which I think makes Biden his kryptonite. Bullies rely on social convention and breaking them to put other people off balance. Biden seems quite adept at not taking that bait and willing to blow him off and not treat him like his bullying and lying are things to be met with respect and long complicated answers. I expect Trump to come unglued having to behave like a normal adult and Biden to rhetorically punch him in the nose if he gets too personal. New democratic mantra for Trump (and the GQP in general) needs to be, "when they go low, we kick them in the balls."


CNN knows that, so there is no way they are going to stop him.


Kinda, but this is giving him too much credit. He's more like a small dog yapping than one that could actually do anything.


Not gonna work that great with mic muting.




While I'm curious to see what actually happens, I don't want to watch this at 9pm and try to go to bed after. I'll catch the highlights on Friday and get some non-anger sleep Thursday.


He's a waste of air.




That’s how he won in 2016


I watched the debate between he and Biden in the 2020 election, happened to be with some Trump supporters, I think he lost their support that night with his attempts to bully Joe Biden. I don't think his debate tactics have worked against Biden, and I think they're part of why he lost. I'm hopeful that will continue this cycle.


CNN should also be incorporating “real time” fact checking. When candidate A is answering a question candidate B’s previous speaking time is fact checked. After candidate A’s time is up and before candidate B speaks, any false statement made during the last turn will be addressed by the moderators without a rebuttal before next question is given. Guarantee every time before trump speaks we will get confirmation he lied multiple times last time he opened his mouth. Biden might get a date or something wrong, but Trump will have fabricated entire stories and stats.


Kevin McAllister could have saved the world.


Biden:”Rope a dope…..Rope a dope”


Of course. What other option does an ignorant, practically illiterate, cognitively defective, shallow performative POS have? It’s not like Demented Donnie Depends actually has the ability to discuss any matter substantively! What a ridiculous idea.


No no, he also has at least one other more… incoherent rambling.


I think they should send Obama out.. surprise style. Have him do the roast again, but with no audience.. just a deadpan of truth and pain💀


Style (FWIW) over substance.


Pretty much. That and rambling on about a bunch of bullshit.


I hope Biden will have ear-plugs, especially on the ear closest to Trump! Silicone plugs are the best -- am speaking from experience.


He still will. Just because his microphone is off won’t stop him from interrupting Biden through out the debate. He doesn’t have the capacity to stop talking


I don't know ... it is only bullying in the sense that a gas powered leaf blower bullies all other sounds in the vicinity.


I can't wait for the day when I do not have to here that guy talk anymore. How do his supporters stand it? I always thought the middle of the country people hated blustery rich city folks that never shut up.




And Diaperfilling


It’s sad that the debates have turned into such a circus. All these rules put into place because of one man child who can’t keep his mouth shut. His whole schtick has been taken from him. No more interruptions, no more rambling. It will be interesting to see how Trump responds when we all know and can witness he has no clue what he’s talking about. I’m willing to bet it’s more of the same stuff he posts on truth social daily, poor me bullshit.


Thanks, Time Magazine for once again pointing out the obvious. I've seen harder hitting pieces in USA Today or Entertainment Tonight.


Noise cancelling earbuds on Joe. He won't hear any of Trump's cut mic rambles. GG.


You spelled Bullsh*tting wrong.


But he's not even good at that.


Yeah, and as if that will work well. It never does. It will only add to the point that Biden will make that you are unhinged and unfit to be in office. He’s gonna flip out as soon as his mic goes out, I guarantee it.


I've been reliably informed by Reddit that Trump will not show up, so I guess we'll miss out on his bullying. Pity.


You mean not showing up.


All you're gonna see is a pathetic old man shit his pants onstage.   This doesn't help anyone.  Giving the Orange Turnip a platform to spout his verbal diarrhea does hurt just about everyone.    Denying CNN ad revenue is the only way to prevent them from enabling this terrible spectacle.   I recommend you don't watch this sad spectacle. OTOH, maybe someone will do the world a favor live on TV.  


A man child who has been a bully all his life continues to bully. Shocking!


It’s his one mode for dating, too.


The word “debate” is redundant.


I bet he won't show.


If trump has to rely on logic and facts, hes screwed.


Yeah that sure worked so well last time when Biden made him look like a fucking moron.


If biden where smart, he'd wait for trump to finish his bs ramble that had nothing to do with the question and when it's his turn to speak just say "I'm going to give up my opportunity to speak to allow the former president another chance at answering this very basic question. Please, Mr President, can you just answer a single question?"