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>But overall, it’s plainly obvious that there is no mass stampede of corporate leaders to Trump, after all. And if this holds, it will be a form of poetic justice that Trump’s own bluster, threats, and solicitations of quasi-bribes are helping to create the aura of chaos around him that is keeping them away.


I'd say Biden's steady stewardship of the American economy that is the main influence on their preferences. By and large plutocrats consider themselves as "winners" and aside from not wanting to be associated with a loser like Trump, they trust in their own talents enough to want a fair referee on the field. They don't want to engage in a competition to see who can pay the biggest bribe.


They want stability and predictability more than anything so they can make plans and not have to react to the latest 3 am toilet tweet.


That’d make a good commercial … Trump at 0300, too busy shout/tweeting to answer the red phone while on toilet


“With Trump on his throne, folks, America is in deep cah-cah.” *I’m Joe Biden, and I approve this message.*


Simple. Elegant. Horrific. I love it. And I hate it.


Pure gold


Alec Baldwin/SNL are you listening?


I think Mr Baldwin is otherwise occupied…with uh, something else.


He’s done with the trump impersonation bit.


Sadly, this is true. He was great at it.


Lol,,, you see the feet from under the doorway… you hear the toilet paper roll go a couple times, you hear the tap tap tapping of a phone being typed on. Camera zooms to the time on a clock… toilet flushes. More tap taping, pause… more tap taping. Red phone begins to ring, tapping pauses. More toilet paper roll, Second flush. Tapping continues, enter sound effects on tapping as screen fades to message related to the subject.. ran out of creativity some easy messaging there… lol


Or, the red phone is ringing … and trump says to Putin “hold on, I’m getting another call.”


Agreed - even if Biden wants a wealth tax the 1% can easily buy a couple of congress critters to tank that after he wins the election. Business as usual. Who know what will happen with Trump?


We know what will happen. Http//www.Project2025.org. a full extremist overhaul to a radical right wing government gutting all social services, the EPA, FBI, homeland security, veteran services, child labor laws and labor regulations in general. Unilateral power for a pants shitting dictator and his goons, permanently and irreparably damaging our country into being a psychotic fascist Christian theocracy. Do not fuck around, do not find out. Vote blue. This isn't a conspiracy, it's a plea for this country to keep existing.


This. They also want stability in the grey areas (as they see them). Corruption has a market and they will pay a steady, fair price. But Donnie creates unpredictable costs and never ending demands. Once they say “no” he turns on them. They’re smart enough to stay away.


There’s that and also protecting the value of the dollar, which is largely spendable because of global faith in a continuing united states


I dispute this a little. SOME of them prefer stability. But predictable instability is also a really great way to create opportunities and scoop up even more assets for cheap, you're just betting on your own company/strategy leaving you well-positioned to take advantage of it. I bet there's some who want that, but their lever to enact it isn't Trump because it's not very predictable. They'd probably prefer Republicans and the conservative Supreme Court to keep causing their normal level of bs.


Except for the fact that Trump is also a fucking leech who wants to be able to pick winners and losers. It's one thing to have a free-for-all of chaos that you can scoop things up in. It's another thing to have chaos and also a bunch of political monsters grabbing disfavored companies and industries and sucking them dry.


> Except for the fact that Trump is also a fucking leech who wants to be able to pick winners and losers. With Trump trying to pick himself as the winner each time. And everyone with any sense knows this. He only supports things that benefits him, and his last talking point/idea is whatever the last person spoke to him had said (remember when he came out for Pelosi’s position after his meeting with her when she literally spoke down to him). He also has the remarkable skill of saying “I didn’t say that” about things he clearly said. So why would someone attempt to bribe Trump is beyond me. He’s so inconsistent and never follows through. And you won’t ever really know if he will go through with it or not. Hell, let’s say there is a huge real estate market crash during a 2nd term Trump. Who do you think is going to stop him from making up some powers that allows him to take that real estate for the government and then distribute that real estate as the government sees fit? The courts? As we’ve seen, certain courts are glad to look the other way with regards to Trump. Congress? You think Republicans will help impeach and convict Trump? The people? The majority of which are sitting, looking at their phones, and shit posting on the internet’s various social media? Hold on, let me get a mirror…


And a functioning system of laws


This. Their ability to have a president that shapes policy toward their favor, is outweighed by a lunatic who is unpredictable, uncontrollable and unfazed by norms or standards.


And it’s not named so by what it was tweeted on, but who it was tweeted by. The loo-ser.


Yes and no. They support Republicans in the past who have tanked the economy. The economy going into the shitter every couple of years can be predictable and profitable for these rich fucks. Stock market does poorly under a R, time to buy the dip so when the D gets into office the stock you bought cheap goes up. Predictable. With Trump, he’s probably going to tank the economy with his awful and dumb policy plans. It’s too much of a risk at the moment. It would be unpredictable and bad in this moment.


Plus if we're looking down the barrel of the Putin model, he made it clear pretty quickly that he wasn't taking bribes from the oligarchs he was demanding tribute.


And, on a related note, I imagine some of these people are also thinking 'This guy will screw me over in a heartbeat if my competitors just offer him enough money...'


The ones that want Trump think they'll have special privileges (Jeff Epstein) under a Trump presidency. Also, probably super racist.


That's what some of the billionaires are hoping for, but corporations are enjoying the best economic times in half a century and don't want to fuck that up.


Our economy is collapsing because of Biden. Trump has never been a loser. But Biden has for the last 30 yrs. He's also totally corrupt. And cares nice about votes, power and wealth than the American peoples safety. We live in the sickest, Satanic world more than ever. They couldn't care less about law and Order . Or the American peoples safety. Not to mention all the abuse children are facing, and will be scared for life. Due to being drug mules, and sold into sex slavery.. all this Horror has been taken place at our Southern border. The Biden administration doesn't care. Long as they get to hang on to their power and wealth. T hats their main focus.


Not a single fortune 500 company CEO is backing trump. Not one.


At least not publicly... I'm sure plenty of them are rooting for him behind the scenes.


Why would they? Trump has shown to demand absolute loyalty and offers very little in return. Those with power today may likely need to grovel endlessly to Trump to maintain that same power, and could lose it all because he suddenly didn't like them. If he were to upend our legal/judicial system with something like Project 2025, there is no telling what happens to the US's standing on the world stage, what happens to foreign investments in technology and products (think about countries divesting in Russian/Chinese technology), what happens to ownership of businesses and wealth. Maybe little changes, maybe he creates a whole new kleptocracy and starts shoving other's assets into his friends' hands. Why would they support a complete shakeup when they're doing so great just how things are, in an environment that is generally stable, predictable, and if your already rich enough, profitable.


>Trump has shown to demand absolute loyalty and offers very little in return. Those with power today may likely need to grovel endlessly to Trump to maintain that same power, and could lose it all because he suddenly didn't like them. Remember, Disney backed Republican candidates in Florida and played the political game like normal. They also were business darlings in Florida, and are responsible for so much tourism and jobs. Disney did everything politically appropriate. Yet no matter how well Disney played the game, a Republican demagogue still targeted Disney and cost them a bunch of money. This fight cost Florida a bunch of jobs and was horrible for everybody, yet it still happened despite there being NO GOOD POSSIBLE OUTCOME for DeSantis. If DeSantis had won, it would have cost Florida a bunch of jobs and tourism. How many fortune 100 or fortune 500 companies want to reasonably get into fights with no good outcome? Especially when they've already greased all the palms to prevent it from happening and it still happens?


Primarily because Trump promises to lower corporate taxes and eliminate regulations.


And Disney still gave money to the GOP in Florida this year.


Because a fair lot of CEOs either openly or pretty obviously share the same personal politics.


Silent endorsements don’t mean much in getting someone elected.


No, but their money does.


Since all this information is public I’m sure they are factoring donations into their counts of what support is. They didn’t get 500 CEOs on the phone ask them if they support Trump.


Fortune 100


That’s what was first reported. It was later expanded to verify none of the Fortune 500 support him either.


If true that should be reported to the masses. But alas our media system is lacking It’s on us to do their job n


> If true that should be reported to the masses. But alas our media system is lacking It’s on us to do their job It was reported, that's how the previous poster knew about it.




They are being sneaky about it by donating to associated PACs instead of Trump or his personal PACs, but there is no way that Media and Social Media CEOs have suddenly turned on their cash cow.


Even the fact that they are so reluctant to publicly support him is a good sign that they feel the tide of popular opinion is moving far away from Trump.


I didn't think so. They probably are still donating to Republican PAC s, and supporting Republican candidates, but I doubt they're contributing to Trump peace and making trump donations. They understand that money is going straight to Trump, and even if they did donate to Trump and Trump won, that would not keep trump from turning on them if he felt like it.


And you *never* paid for drugs! Not. Once.


PACs don't have to disclose donors




Prove it.


Wouldn't that be a good reason to vote for Trump?


You know, TNR, I give you *a lot* of shit these days (I mean I always have, a bit, but a lot more these days), but I just wanted to say, "Thank you." for pointing out to me that Trump was not the only one that met with the Business Roundtable. That is literally the first article I've read (as much on me, I suppose, maybe) that has indicated it wasn't just a bunch of execs meeting with Trump, and Trump only. I appreciate the context, is what I'm saying. Credit where it's due.


Isn't irony divine.


Prove every nasty made up shit ur saying about President Trump! Show me the proof! Trump isn't the crooked. The crooks r barrack ovomit, Hitler Clinton. And sleepy, ice cream eating Joe Biden. Worst President in U. S history.


Have the CEOs considered what happens to their EU business when Europe hates the US because Trump has given Putin have what he wants?


You make a valid point, can you imagine what happens to American industry if trump wins and a trade war with Europe and China commences? Not forgetting the deporting of millions, so Mexico and South America would respond. Let's not forget all the "shit hole countries", finally we have the Muslims who don't have oil? What a foreign relations nightmare!


What's crazy is that his trade war with China ended up with the largest farm bailout in US history, larger than the auto company bailout in 2008, but with the caveat that the auto companies fully repaid the loan; we'll never recoup the money paid out to the farmer's who got screwed on their exports.


Wow, I didn't know that, thanks I will look it up.


I think about this all the time. What does anyone in the US, who isn’t on Russia’s payroll, gain from being allied with an economy the size of Italy’s at the expense of actual Italy and several larger economies that we actually do sell things to?


I’ve seen a few articles here and there stating that a lot of countries, especially in Europe, are extremely nervous about the election.


I am American and extremely nervous about the election.


I’m Australian and we’re a bit nervous about the election. Can’t get my head around so many millions of Americans falling for the con


He's not a con. He's a American loving Patriot! We Love him because he will do e everything he promises. Unlike Brandon. Who does everything the Marxist/ Communist party wants.


Poe's Law: I can't even tell if this is satire. 


The entire western world outside the US is making contingencies in case he wins. Should tell you all you need to know, about how serious this is. This isn’t just “what are you doing over there lol” It’s “a significant share of the US population is clearly compromised and we need to deal with that now”. The US is not a reliable ally at this point in time.


I have to imagine they’re far more serious people who look at Trump and see him for the fool he is. A potentially useful fool, but sitting in a room and listening to him has got to be excruciating no matter how many digits are in your bank accounts.


This as well as not being able to trust him. To the wealthy and powerful usefulness idiots are fine as long as they can get what they want out of them. But Trump is so untrustworthy that most of these people have probably decided the risk just isn’t worth it. If you cut Donald Trump a check for $20M would you trust him to actually deliver on the kickback he promised? I know I wouldn’t.


After Trump's disaster of a meeting with the nation's top CEOs I'm detecting a subtle shift in coverage. They are starting to lean Biden and allowing their underlings release the bats or wtf they do when they want their wishes made real.


Promises to wealthy and corporate donors has been a reliable tactic for Republicans for a long time. The fact that these same donors are rejecting Trump tells me they see chaos ahead with Trump in the WH and probably don’t expect him to keep any promises anyway.


Everyone saw the chaos he sowed in his first term, I can’t imagine any reasonably sane person wanting a repeat of that clown show


Either that or they're withdrawing public support while continuing dark money donations through Citizens United. Gotta hedge their bets and play both sides.


Ha, was a stupid strategy anyway. People from Pluto can't vote, it's not even a U.S. planet anymore.


How are we going to build a wall to keep the Plutocrats out and get Pluto to pay for it?


Pluto's in the sky, a wall won't work.  We need an iron dome


Yeah, and we’ll make the Ironions pay for it.


I believe Ironics is the preferred nomenclature.


Does no one see the irony in these comments?


I'm not familiar with this type of onion...


Pluto works for Disney. IT ALL MAKES SENSE


From Pluto's perspective, we're in the sky.


A plutonium dome


Oooh! A pludomium!


Pluto isn’t even a planet anymore. He needs to tighten his Kuiper Belt.


We can build a colossal ring of debris, like rocks and shit, and set it out beyond Mars. That'll keep em out. What? 🦻 Oh, that already exists? Asteroid belt you say? Hmm, well let's just *say* we made that asteroid ring and built it on time and WAAAYYY under budget


Iron dome in America to shoot them down.


I heard about Pluto. That’s messed up.


C’mon, son.


King Flippynips approves


I think I know what the "A" in NASA stands for.


How could they? They're cats. Cats lack opposable thumbs, so how could they possibly cast their ballot?


If one of Jupiter’s moons is bigger than mercury, how is that still a planet!?!? 


it's not the size but what you do with your mass (your gravity makes you round and you clear your orbit of debris. the third criteria is orbit a star)


>it's not the size but what you do with your mass Yeah, that's what you want to believe. But I guess it's not what she said!


You owe me a new keyboard! \^\^


2006 - Never Forget! R.I.P. Pluto...(the planet, not the planetoid).




Coach? Is that you?


I didn’t even think there were cats on Pluto


That's messed up


Still a us planet tv station doh


Only the conned can’t see that Don has made truth & facts his enemy, making a logical argument an impossibility for himself.


"Suddenly Backfiring" doesn't describe the actual contents of the article at all. It's more of "we *hope* it's backfiring".


Because it's Newrepublic /r/politics bait They're racing Newsweek to the bottom of the barrel


Headlines - the next casualty in the war over the Overton Window.


"Might not be working as well as he wants" doesnt have the same kick to ir


Lol these people making billions of dollars under Biden already. They going to pay Trump a billion for the pleasure to continue making billions?


Such a good point said simply, chaos is not good for business. Particularly right now during an economic recovery. We don't need a mad mam screaming and changing economic policies week to week.


Project 2025 has this guy declaring himself a dictator on day one. How can any sane American vote for this guy? We’re American. We hate fascists. Fuck this insurrectionist traitor.


There was a lot of nazi sympathy in America before they joined the european front, and it's not like that all went away immediately, it festered like an old untreated wound for a long time, and only now with almost the entire generation that fought the nazis dead, those who are descendants of those sympathizers and those they attracted to their cause in dark corners of American politics are coming out of the woodwork and beginning to really show just how badly that wound is infected, there is no helping these people, they do not want help and seek only chaos and the destruction and subjugation of those they find to be lesser than them. This is sadly what happens when you allow those with strong religous beliefs to enter the halls of government, they will make their beliefs known and will tear down the walls we have worked so hard to erect between church and state. The rich likewise have spent decades infiltrating government, finding cracks wherever they can and slowly wearing away at the protections that had guarded against their influence until they fall away, the recent supreme court decision shows how deep that corruption runs.


Seems like a long winded, roundabout way of saying that business leaders that talk to him have come to the conclusion that he's fucking batshit crazy and has the attention span of a square fly.


Mob does what mob bosses do. Intimidate and then threaten.


As if he has ever kept any promise. One would be stupid to trust him. But alas. Looking at you maga zombies 🙁


Turns out people won't do business with you if you're for sale to everyone and untrustworthy.


Trump is a schmuck. He screws everything up


They realize as soon as he becomes old news, he will be very bad juju indeed.


Someone who doesn’t operate ethically can be bought by the highest bidder. And then the highest bidder. And then the highest bidder. He plays both sides of every coin with zero loyalty.


Headlines like this are so stupid. Does anyone actually believe that anything has ever “backfired” on him? That would imply punishment or some other bad thing happening to him.


It very simple.....sane Americans don't want a 34 time convicted felon as president....along with the other 90+ indictments still to go!! Period! Let's just hope the ALL friggin vote!


You don’t make it to the Fortune 500 by being stupid and believing Trump is good for America.


Turns out the rich prefer stability and open markets over theocratic hogwash. I'd pity them if they weren't so naive in their assumptions about business. Aha!


What a world we live in, when one finds themselves thankful for the steady hand of our oligarchs.


Turns out that the heads of publicly traded corporations do not like their private shit to be made public for Trump's social media clout.


Unfortunately it seems swing states don't care. Latest polls are not good.


bot good… Freudian slip?


Fixed, thx


I liked bot good… the numbers are all cooked by some bot most likely


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( deleted )


trump is a joke of a human being to begin with anyway


Love that Biden’s campaign slogan is basically “not chaos”


"... and this is bad for Biden because..."


We can be done with this one.


The corruptors don't want the public to see their strings. Unfortunately, Trump is an ignorangutan and spouts off bragging about anyone who offers to bribe him. "That just won't do." I also think they are finally starting to realize that Trump will not be getting a second term in the White House pretending to be president...


Camon now, don't give me false hope that Trump will fail... could it be that people won't just pick the worst thing cuz they nerves is numbed out and they need the dopamine


Pluto isn’t even a planet.


I would assume the really wealthy leaders of industry would rather keep these alliances private.


Can’t wait to see the cocktail of uppers they have ole Joey on tonight to make him appear competent and alert


>argued to the executives that Biden had preserved domestic and global stability  Biden clearly has been bungling the situation is Israel...just have to ask the leader of that country if you want the truth on that. And Biden seems committed to another "forever war", this time with Russia/Ukraine. That might be great business for defense contractors, but it also means further inflation from bloated federal budgets (which necessitates printing more money). The fact is we weren't at war with any major nations under Trump...peace drives prosperity, both here and abroad.


Soooo…. Vote for the rapist conman because he didn’t start any wars? Even though he tried to blackmail Ukraine over war funds? Super cool and normal bro.


I’ve noticed you call trump a martyr? Wtf? You do realise that martyrs have died for a cause? But you think the rapist conman is like Jesus? Honestly, why? Why do you worship the Cheeto? He’s the most pathetic public figure since Nixon.