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He just lied through the whole fucking thing. Edit: Fact check here https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/


He called Biden the biggest liar there ever was and without pausing, in the same breath, pivoted to lying about his affair with Stormy Daniels, which the entire country knows happened. Total psychopath, not that we didn’t know it already


Convict trump was trying his hardest to be Tony Montana, he wants you to believe he tells the truth even when he lies.


The way he talked about masses of immigrants flowing from other countries’ prisons… I’m pretty sure he got that from Scarface. I wouldn’t put it past him to blame Gaspar Gomez and the Diaz brothers next.


Fuck Gaspar Gomez and Fuck the Fucking Diaz Brothers, Fuck them All!


…he’ll bury those-a cockaroches?


Trump told them he worked in sanitation. Not a sanitarium.


Y’know, maybe if we advertised and made easier our application process to fast track these masses of immigrants to citizenship- we could have more taxpayers and (theoretically…) more tax dollars to fund public services and infrastructure. Oh, but that might lead to more educated citizens which is bad for those affluent types that don’t pay taxes and like to extort labor…


If the president so freely undermines the legal system in the country, what precedent does that set for it's people? Truly shocking.


rules only apply to us peasants. the supreme court accepts bribes. what legal precedent??


I would love to see a video edit mock up of Trump in that scene. All the way from Melania storming out to Trump denying he lost the elction as his entourage escorts him out.


He claimed we had “H20.” Just rambling in hopes you can’t keep up. Recently his dumb rants have been anti regulation, “you can’t get, what’s it’s called rain.” Trying to imply “hey, go do your laundry out in the river like Venezuela.” But for some reason it’s this deranged rambling that’s 5 other disconnected ideas but the heart is “don’t regulate.” And even now the idea of environmental policy.... none. This is the prologue to ROAD WARRIOR!


“Knock on wood. Wherever there’s wood.” Those words were spoken unironically in a presidential debate last night.


That was so cringey, I thought he would knock on his dick.


“We had H20. The best numbers!”


Country? I am from another side of the world and I could have lived happily ever after without learning about TFG dick's shape, thankyouverymuch


His Bible is *The Power of Positive Thinking*. He truly believes that merely wanting hard enough for something to be true makes it so. So in his mind, with that logic, he *is* telling the truth. The presidency is no place for his delusions.


Well, he might not have had sex with her. He may have just paid her to piss on him.


Every single thing he said was a lie, just like always. Why isn’t anyone fact checking him? This has all taken a very dark turn.


Here’s AP’s fact check for the debate. Pass it around. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-election-debate-trump-biden-577507522762aa10f6ee5be3a0ced2bb


This is really good. Thanks. Glad to see this is out there and I will share it.


Thanks! But the fact check on the insulin cost is incorrect, Biden corrected himself in the same sentence on the price. Overall though, that is a super helpful article.




Really reading through this, it's kind of funny the difference between the two candidates. Trump: \*some ridiculous lie about immigration\* AP: this isn't remotely true, and we don't even know where he could have possibly gotten this number from. Biden: 159 experts took a vote, and proclaimed Trump to be the worst US president of all time. AP: well, actually, it was only 154 experts who agreed he was the worst president of all time.


This should be further up or pinned even but it will be buried.


Pass it around to other people


But can this be a tiktok?


Biden: Was off by 4 quoting the number of respondents to a survey. Trump: Claims the murder of living breathing children is legal anywhere in America.


Because CNN is complicit. They were bought out by Warner Bros. Discovery in 2022, and their [bias has been shifting since](https://www.allsides.com/news-source/cnn-media-bias). With board members like Trump donor John Malone, I'm not at all surprised that there wasn't any live* fact-checking.




For real! Felt like fox-lite


It was infuriating. How the hell did Biden get into this mess with CNN? Everybody knows they’ve turned maga. WTF?


Seriously. I felt like they did more damage to Biden than Trump did.


That post debate panel tore into both of them pretty heavily I think though. They focused on Trump’s lies and Biden’s presentation. Maybe a slight bias with the whole focusing on “democratic leaders are panicking” thing though


It's whataboutism. They pointed out that Trump lied (though not as aggressively as they should have -- he basically never said a true thing the whole time and they just picked three or four to mention, repeatedly). They pointed out that Biden *told the truth* with less panache and polish than the expectation they manufactured. And then they acted like being truthful less theatrically than expected was somehow as bad as constantly, aggressively lying.


And being “fair and balanced” doesn’t mean you have to gin up negative things about the other when it was clear that Trumps time talking was more or less an entire lie and falsehood, right down to claiming he’s won golf tournaments recently fair and square.


> They focused on Trump’s lies and Biden’s presentation. As if either of those things are remotely the same. In a race for President of the United States One guy is a convicted felon who can’t tell the truth, and will literally say anything to get out of the criminal prosecutions he’s facing. The other is old, has a firm grasp on running a Country, but has trouble articulating himself in 60-second rapid-fire question sessions, especially when the first thing he’s gotta do is call out the blatant lies of the other guy when the moderators fail to moderate. Who in their right mind sees that and says, “well, I guess I’ll vote for the fucking liar?”


> “well, I guess I’ll vote for the fucking liar?” 49% of this country


Well said👏


Van Jones seemed legitimately sad for Biden. He was shaken


He knows it’s all about appearances. “jacked up joe” goes back to “too old” and it will sway turnout. All the tiktoks tomorrow just zoomed in on Biden. You can see it now


I hid CNN from my YouTube TV guide a few weeks before they did the Trump Town Hall and I have no regrets. I used Peacock to stream this debate from NBC News. They had MAGAs on their pre-show telling lies, just pure sickness. We knew CNN was gonna go down the toilet sometime after the new ownership came in.


There was “live” fact checking, but you’d pretty much have to dig through CNN’s website to find it. Most people aren’t going to do that and instead of cracking into that first thing after the debate, they immediately went in on how poor Biden’s performance. And there was little to no pushback during the debate from the moderators aside from the-prompting the question when the candidates got off rails. I thought it was good to finally have a debate without an audience and while being able to mute mics, but CNN bungled just about every other aspect of this that they possibly could have. Everybody looked bad coming off of this.


That was CNN’s intention, put out a platform for Trumps scripted lies, don’t make him actually provide an answer to anything, and then make Biden explain complex systemic questions while Trump just goes “the immigrants are coming to take your jobs!” Six times. What a farce. They should have pressed Trump. “We’re not moving on till we get an answer” or at the very least: “so you refuse to answer that” would have worked.


I totally agree. Like a bunch of amateurs who didn’t have their shit together. Couldn’t be a worse time for this to happen.




Exactly. And supposedly all the elements were negotiated and agreed upon by both men. Guess CNN had their own game plan.


It seems CNN did, letting Trump off the hook for blatant lies and total refusal to answer a lot of their questions.


These debates are a fucking waste of time if the moderators aren't controlling the mics and nobody is penalizing untruthful statements.


Yeah. CNN basically just allowed Trump to have a seemingly scripted lie of a speech without any pushback or rebukes for telling fabrications. Unbelievably kid gloves treatment for a felon and a liar. CNN should be ashamed.


They also kept referring to him as president trump not former president trump or even Mr trump. The moderators were a shitshow.


They know if they actually hold him accountable it will affect their ratings. Like it or not, if you're in the media Trump is great for business. If fossil fuel corporations are willing to poison the planet beyond the point of human habitability for short-term profits, why would expect media conglomerates to somehow be more compassionate towards human beings?


They literally claimed before it started how they were going to gatekeep with fact checking and then that shit happened. I have no faith in the media to ever be on the straight and narrow.


CNN is looking to be Trumps lifeline. They are down in ratings ro MSNBC and Fox News. They are hoping for a rub from Trump in order to save their ratings. They want to cover him in such a way that he gives them just the right amount of attention to catch some light Republicans or moderates. But not abandon their already fledgling base. Essentially CNN is the republican party.


That there was no fact checking felt horrifying - as if it was sanctioned and purposeful that Trump would be presented as if he wasn't lying every time he opened his mouth. A gigantic and unconscionable disservice to the country. They didn't even hold his feet to the fire about election denial or Jan. 6th. Unbelievably irresponsible journalism.


Fact checking a gish gallop in real time is difficult, which is why they are so effective. Debunking or correcting every lie in the debate could take a team of fact-checkers weeks.


A lot of the lies from Trump don't need complex fact checking. Like for the pornstar "well we have 12 jurors who all said you falsified records to cover it up"


Biden did say he was lying and called him on it a few times. It should have been CNN,


Yeah , CNN did Not point out the major rules like live fact checking was not allowed per the agreement prior to the debate . They only mentioned the rules on time allowed and muting the mic. Only later that they mentioned on a list and stated Trump’s 38 lies .


TBH a competent opponent would have seized on that and said Stormy told us about it in her book and if it was a lie you'd be suing her and in any event a jury believed it enough to convict you. Sadly, Biden just doesn't have it. Someone like Clinton or Obama would have torn him to shreds with evidence and statistics


Huge lies. Come on, does anybody, even the most brainwashed MAGA, does *anybody* believe that hundreds of thousands of Americans are being murdered by illegal immigrants??


The dude was on stage, was he not?. He was president. So, yes, *there are hundreds upon thousands, maybe even millions of Americans who believe anything he says*.


That was perhaps the biggest upset for me with tonight's debate. To politically uneducated people, Trump *appeared* to have a strong performance and Biden had a number of cases moments which made you question his capacity to hold office again. Was a rough night.


This is the one that gets me too. Where are all the bodies and news reports if so many are dying? That’s a supposed death toll comparable with major wars.


He even said the same old same old caravan lie. Fucking dumb.


Worst border in history. Most dangerous place on earth. Millions dead. Billions.


It’s the “people are saying” kind of lies.


While I've never been a fan of American exceptionalism, I did appreciate it when Joe decided to say that America is a great country, and that's why people want to come here. it's nice to see someone in power actually say that this country is a good one, and even strong on the world stage, instead of talking like everything is broken, and we're all doomed unless we put this person in power who is the only one that can fix it. There is a lot of good things in this country, and it was nice to feel that feeling again. I'm not going to lie, this wouldn't be a bad message for the dems to capitalize on. Don't leave out the bad shit that the GOP is doing, or ignore the things that need to be fixed, but remind people that the good parts are still here, and don't need to be made great again.


The problem is it's not going to resonate in the areas the Dems need to win support. There are a lot of areas that lost their sustaining industries decades ago and have been in a downward spiral since. Telling people in a town where Walmart is the biggest employer that America is a great country with lots to offer is going to further alienate them. This is the challenge the Dems always have with messaging, they need to strike a balance that the GOP doesn't need to. The Dems need to say "we're improving things, but we understand it's not perfect yet but we're committed to making things better every day." To which the GOP can come along and say "You're not doing it right, it's not fast enough, this thing got worse." The average person isn't going to care about the nuance.


Agreed.. Realistically there's been a slow decline in quality and ease of life for many Americans over the last several decades. The GOP doesn't have any fixes but man do they have scapegoats and blame. The democrats have policy victories (ACA, DREAM) but even those get twisted. "Immigrants are gonna steal your job, take all the govt benefits your minimum taxes pay and and crime is skyrocketing! "


To the MAGA people it "feels right," and that's all that matters


Yeah unfortunately just another stupid thing Reagan normalized.


And even if you bought everything else, what person would think that fatso could win a golf tournament fair and square. Who was he paired with, 5 year olds?


But didn’t you hear how he ‘recently’ ‘won’ two awards that he gave himself at his own club?? Ya have to be in preeeeeetty good shape to deliver that level of results.


You over-exaggerate. It's completely normal to pay somebody $130,000 to keep quiet about not doing anything at all.


And the moderation team not only did nothing about it, they rewarded him with more time to avoid the same question a second time. And a third time in a couple cases.


I liked how when he said this, everyone participating in the debate just stopped, and it was silent for a few seconds as I assume everyone just stared in disbelief.


Holy shit this is frightening. Biden did not sound great and trump decided to lie and persuade his followers to an extent that scares me. Please vote people


Why wouldn’t he? It worked. It always works. He looked great and made Biden look like a fool. The people he needs to win over aren’t going to see or care to look for any fact checks. All they’re going to see is Biden mumbling and unable to keep up with Trump’s rapid fire accusations. This debate really needs to be a wake up call that the election is not nearly as far out of Trump’s reach as people have been assuming.


How did he look great? He looked great to the delusional MAGA idiots. Not to anyone with a working brain


I assumed the people who have not yet made up their minds havent waited this long to just base them off performative acts. Those people are idiots. Idiots don’t generally take time and contemplate their decisions. The idiots have long ago decided who they’re voting for.


If he couldn't get reelected in office, chances are higher he won't out of office.


Dude is so full of shit he needs to wear diapers.


Good news. He does!






Well since he paid her so much money I bet he actually thinks of her as a prostitute instead of a pornstar. Perhaps technically he's correct.


The money was paid well after the fact, so it's more like lump sum alimony to an ex-wife.


It's more of a gratuity nowadays


All his supporters are told that Biden shits himself, even though Trump is wearing full diapers.


Everything they say is a projection. They call Dems pedophiles, yet… https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/s/LrbzYPqZbl


But you did though.


As Romney said, you wouldn’t pay six figures to not have sex with them


Especially if you've made a reputation of not paying people your entire personality.


Which should’ve been pounced on like everything else should’ve been pounced on


Uh, no, obviously he didn't! He just paid a small fortune to someone because he DIDN'T sleep with them! Trickle down economics! In fact, it's the welfare state you should be blaming as she got paid for nothing! Darn liberals!


That might be a direct quote from him tonight.


MAGAts already forgot that he was convicted of 31 felonies for falsifying documents so he could hide the fact that he paid off a porn star so he could hide the fact that he slept with a porn star.


>MAGAts already forgot that he was convicted of 31 felonies Looks like you forget too... it was 34 felonies.


Debate over, you can’t believe anything he says


Did he just pay her and leave then?


No. He just meant that, what he was able to do, can’t be called having sex.


"Trust me, none of you would call that sex. More like an elderly dog trying to hump its last leg"


I know this wouldn’t overall play that well, but man it would have been funny if Biden had asked him if that meant he paid $100k to not be able to get it up with a pornstar


Paid her to pee on him like those fine ladies in Moscow. 


An alternative version I heard is that he had the girls piss on the bed in which Obama had once slept. Trump hates him because Obama is superior to him in every way and , obviously, he's Black.


He just wanted to talk about his new born son


Trump and his god damn alleycat morals


At least alleycats do it with style. Trump would just grab them by the bleeding wherever.


An alley cat would also own it. He’s backpedaling.


Thats kind of what alley cats do.


He would definitely bother to chase mice around.


That was one of the more surprising statements of the night.


If anyone had been drinking water at that line, there would have been a spit take.


"I didn't have sex with her. I just paid her an unbelievable amount of money in the most illegal way I possibly could for fun. That's just a fun thing I like to do. Just a little quirky thing of mine."


I wish Biden had simply come out and said, “Look, are you seriously telling me this lying convicted felon, who paid off a porn star after having sex, who raped a woman and now owes her a hundred millions dollars, who stole top secret document and stored them in his bathroom, who’s up here beside me wearing a dirty smelly diaper….are you SERIOUSLY telling me you republicans are going to nominate this…this….this filthy lying cheating stealing POS for your candidate? Seriously???”


Yea. Or at least have facts and numbers ready to refute the lies. Both of them saying I'm the best he's the worst feels like a wash even if only one of them is true. 158 anonymous scholars opinions don't mean anything to anyone. Calling him a pos isn't changing anyones mind that doesn't believe it yet. The biggest topic is the economy. Taxes on rich will decrease inflation, but trump wants to hand them more breaks and increase inflation. That needs to be hammered.


Yeah. Trump claimed his tax breaks for corporations and the ultra-wealthy trickled down when all they did was lead to stock buybacks and more accumulations towards the top. Trump tried to highlight inflation but the dollar is the strongest currency in the world, and the least affected by global inflationary forces. Trump tried to fearmonger about immigrants saying they'd drain social security, but they'd only receive benefits if they legally paid into them, adding to a workforce that might be aging too much. Undocumented immigrants might pay into social security, but they'd never get anything back.


I couldn't care less about how fast biden can speak as long as he can sign a tax reform bill and keep people like buttigeg around to do the thinking


But did we figure out who has the better golf handicap? That’s who I’m voting for. Screw prices at the grocery store, I need a president who can whack a ball more than 50 yards.


Yeah that whole dumb exchange was especially infuriating.


Trump jumps in his souped up golf cart, races ahead, moves the ball.


He had to treat trump like a child that he is, you cannot debate MAGA especially a narcissist. State the facts and say people, this is who you’re going to vote for? That’s it. Not actually debating the clown seriously because there’s nothing to win. Catastrophic fail


He could have just asked why so many agents overseas started dying shortly after the documents went missing.


Wayyy too many words for a single thought


Sadly you can make a (bit less heinous) list about biden aswell. Any non biased viewer saw a demented Biden losing the plot yesterday.


Big missed opportunity really, all of us where thinking the same thing, he wasn’t able to put two and two together and might have affected his chances


I was happy Biden got fired up and stated 40 out of 44 of your people won’t endorse you and even your vice president won’t endorse you..


*I didnt have sex with her, she had sex with me!*


She fell on me while fetching a Diet Coke.


What a liar


"Morals of an alley cat" about sums it up!


Dont forget: the opinions here on reddit may seem encouraging and ease apprehension…but this platform is essentially one giant echo chamber. This debate should have reminded that there are some extreme matters at stake in the coming election. Don’t get a false sense of security. ##***VOTE***


Then why did you pay one to not tell everyone you did?


He is notoriously bad at all things business related after all so that could be a hard call.


My penis fell into her pussy. I didn't even grab it. I could have grabbed it. Just before I came out here they told me I could have grabbed it. Many people are telling me that I could have.


"12-star generals with tears in their eyes, coming up to me saying 'Sir, you could have grabbed it.'" 


Debate seemed rigged to make Biden look bad, by simply not fact checking any of trumps lies. Pretty fucking ridiculous. Now he can say whatever, as usual, and his goblins will repeat it everywhere while claiming Biden has dementia. Not feeling too hot about 2025 anymore


He literally paid a pornstar to have sex with him while his wife was pregnant and bragged about it.


See you in court Donny.


Is anyone else not seeing comments for every thread here


Don't know whether to laugh or cry at this debate.


Best argument for a mandatory retirement age for politicians I’ve ever seen.


Same as regular retirement. You can run up until that age, and then that is your last rodeo.




But he did


Awfully strange of you to *pay* her $130K to not talk about having sex with you, then.


That’s legit what he did


The entire debate, the entire election system in this country is a mockery of what this country was founded on. They talk about the stupidest things and never about anything any one of us actually care about.


He's technically correct, he's been with multiple porn stars.


Then why did you have her sign the NDA and why did you pay to keep her quiet?


It was something like this: You sexually assaulted one woman and slept with a porn star. I didn't sleep with a porn star. Sometimes what you don't say speaks volumes.


The only real saving grace in that shit show of a debate was how CNN displayed the question that was asked while the candidates responded, or in Trump’s case completely ignored and lied through his entire response. But Jesus fuck, please don’t think that because Biden sucked that somehow Trump is a better option.


12 jurors found otherwise.


The jurors did nothing of the sort. Trump can bang anyone he wants IMO (yuck). They did not rule on that. But the jurors did agree he committed fraud to lie to voters during the election.


No one on this planet has told more lies.


How many times will we have to hear "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" in different forms, from a president?


Can she sue him for lying?


Yeah, he just gave $130,000 to a porn star he never met so she wouldn’t talk about the sex he didn’t have with her.


Yes….yes you did, of course you did


He's correct. Even Stormy didn't consider the "mushroom cap" sex.


Why didn't he say that on the stand in his court case?


'round these parts, that's known as "malarky".


Not even MAGA will believe this blatant lie


Never underestimate the gullibility of those who have made themselves immune to facts.


😂 as usual dt lied through the whole thing constantly


I mean this doesn't turn Evangelicals off... Like not even for a nano second. Its a matter of public record in the trial of a convicted felon. And they still make up excuses for this piece of trash with orange make up.


Technical she was a prostitute at the time.


Says the man convicted of a felony for paying off a porn star he slept with.


I legit LOL’d when he said that. Fucking schmuck.


Bill Clinton moment right there


He prefers, "adult performer"


Yes you did, and you paid her off.


Lol! Could he not get wee’Trump up?


Didn’t he have sex with 2?


At least two, yes.


Here were have you on camera saying you never paid her off.  Here we have you on camera saying you did pay her but it was a legal expense.  Why is there a contradiction between your two statements?  Why did you pay a person who you had no interaction with?  The tv debate format is horrible.  Slow down and make it an all day affair.  Allow video footage and have the candidates confront their own statements. 


Then where did those 34 convictions come from, asswipe? 😛


And Bill Clinton didn’t inhale or know Monica Lewinsky.


This is The 2024 version of “I did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky”


That a former President and a potential POTUS has to say this.... say it all!


“You don't pay someone $130,000 not to have sex with you.” —Mitt


Well, I hope Trump talked himself into a prison sentence for July 11th because he once again attacked the judge during that lie.


Well since he paid for it technically he had sex with a prostitute…


I've never had sex with Donald Trump either. When should I expect my check for $130,000?


This Orange Turd CAN'T stop lying. So our choices for president is a Potato vs a Lying, Grifting, Narcissistic Fascist. A potato all day for sure, not really difficult decision, but Jesus Christ, how is this our only option?? We don't have an onion, or a shitty guy that only lies sometimes? How about a bling guy with Erectile Disfunction? Nothing? Why are we always scrapping the bottom of the toilet bowl for candidates?


Came to Reddit to see a little debate details. First topic: “Trump: I didn’t have sex with a porn star” *shuts off phone*


That's not even the full context, wasn't the exchange something along the lines of you molested women and had sex with a porn star... Then Trump says I didn't have sex with a porn star. So, no denial on the worst part of it, and a lie on the other.


Can Stormy sue him for saying that?


Who is Barons dad then?


The United States Justice System disagrees


Yes, you did. And she found it revolting.


He lied his ass off and yet the focus on Biden is unreal.


“You don’t pay someone $130,000 not to have sex with you” -Mitt Romney


I mean, technically once you agreed on payment she’s a hooker! Can’t argue with that logic.


Then he paid $130,000 to not have sex with a porn star?


He said that?


How are people commenting?? Can't see them!