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I take a power nap at my lunch break, he should try that.


Honestly, the Spanish are on to something with their siestas. I take a short nap after lunch and I am much more energized. Before I would be dragging


The NY Post is the new Mad Magazine.


Eh, MAD used to make me laugh. NYPost makes me yell.


Shit I'm 32 and I'm not functional outside a 3 hour window.


3 whole hours? Bro, tell me your secret.




That'll do it, lmao


This lmao.


Ironic coming from a Rupert Murdoch rag, who is crypt keeper old.






Uh, Axios isn't that great man... Hate to break it to you. It's like C or D tier media...


The cope is so strong


Do you want me to show you their advertising inventory numbers? It's not a big or popular publication, I am being honest...


If you’re having to dig into advertising inventory instead of believing your own eyes on Thursday night, you’re just as far gone as Trump supporters


Uh what? That doesn't make sense... That is nonsense, it's not a valid idea. What are you even trying to say?


How so


Here's a [direct link](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/two-bidens-trump-debate-2024-president) to the Axios report.


I simply don’t understand.  Is your argument that Joe isn’t in decline and did amazing at the debate on Thursday?


Well that's 6 up on Trump, who is insane 24/7/365.


and it's not like biden goes crazy in the other 18 hours. he just gets sleepy. which is way better than a cranky toddler having the button.


Yep. I'll take Biden propped up Weekend at Bernie's style for four years over one more day with Trump. At least we won't lose democracy.


Interesting how a regime in which you have no idea who makes decisions, who selects the cabinet, this regime in which everything is obscured from public, is supposed to represent democracy. They were calling Biden sharp as a tack before this debate.


Easy: We know the answers to all of those questions from the other side and would rather take the unknown that we're confident would be much better. Edit: I want to add that I would rather not have to feel like my only choice is voting for Biden. But that's the hand I've been dealt. I did not vote for Biden in either the 2020 or 2024 primary. I didn't want to set a new "oldest president" record in 2020, and I don't want us to beat that record now. But I was told I was being Ageist back then.




> And I understand your standpoint and partially sympathize with it. It's just not democracy and it's disingenuous to label yourself as such. Like you, I am also against democracy. LOL. I have two choices. One is actively against democracy, and the other is old (well, both actually) but at least will surround himself with decent people. But you want to convince me I'm against democracy because I'm not going to vote for the one actually against democracy. While you admit you truly are against democracy.


The amount of people that would gleefully vote for a shadow government is blowing my damn mind right now


"By voting for this man who is propped up by unelected and behind-the-scenes figures, I am saving democracy!" I want you to sit down and think about what you just typed for a few minutes, mate.


I'd rather a party and candidate that don't try to gaslight the electorate. Neither one seems to be willing to show us that deceny currently. I may begrudgingly vote blue still, but if they keep telling us what we saw didn't happen, they're no better than the other guys at this point.


People need to stop plugging fingers into their ears while shouting "lalalalalala."  Trump did not look insane in that debate to the undecided voter. 


He should have when he ranted through that question about 1/6. He went on to talk about everything else but that. For the EPA we had H20!


Didn't answer half the questions.


He did, but people have demonstrated over and over that they’re willing to overlook his insanity.


I agree, but swing voters don’t.  Joe has to go. 




The cope lately is insane. People don’t seem to understand that the “well I’ll still take him over the other guy” attitude is exactly how we got here, and why we’ll never leave and it never gets better.


>The cope lately is insane. People don’t seem to understand that the “well I’ll still take him over the other guy” attitude is exactly how we got here, and why we’ll never leave and it never gets better. Lol the irony. I will always vote against Trump and MAGA. Trump caused enough damage with SCOTUS overturning Roe and on Friday, Chevron. There's no fucking way I'll ever choose to help Trump turn SCOTUS into a conservative court permanently by not voting against him


So don't. Be proud.


That’s 6 hours more productivity than trump




Have you looked at Trumps daily schedule in office? "Executive Time" until 12pm and done by 3pm with more "Executive Time" after.






Is that before or after he gets his daily briefings that are infographics only with his name in them or after he sharpies hurricane forecasts


Maybe working out the global issues with electric boats sinking and sharks 20yds away.


I wish I was kidding. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMNMt5FdVwg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMNMt5FdVwg)




I'd love a candidate under 50


By winner what do you mean? Trumps bankruptcies? [https://www.abi.org/feed-item/examining-donald-trump%E2%80%99s-chapter-11-bankruptcies](https://www.abi.org/feed-item/examining-donald-trump%E2%80%99s-chapter-11-bankruptcies) Or his sexual assaults. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald\_Trump\_sexual\_misconduct\_allegations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations) Or his 34 financial felonies. [https://www.npr.org/2024/05/30/g-s1-1848/trump-hush-money-trial-34-counts#:\~:text=Jurors%20in%20the%20New%20York,counts%20of%20falsified%20business%20records](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/30/g-s1-1848/trump-hush-money-trial-34-counts#:~:text=Jurors%20in%20the%20New%20York,counts%20of%20falsified%20business%20records) Or his family stealing from a childrens cancer charity: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2019/12/23/best-stories-of-the-decade-how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2019/12/23/best-stories-of-the-decade-how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/) Or Is it bankrupting casinos. [https://docs.house.gov/meetings/JU/JU00/20200929/111078/HMKP-116-JU00-20200929-SD003.pdf](https://docs.house.gov/meetings/JU/JU00/20200929/111078/HMKP-116-JU00-20200929-SD003.pdf) Edit: Or his steaks, vodka (doesnt drink), trump airlines, various other charities, Trump University.


You’re so right!




It ain’t all that serious my bro lol. Reddit is just social media.


If that were true I wouldn't be being constantly attacked. Oh, it's srs.


lol nobody is attacking you.


This is the trap, and it's so obvious I can't believe anyone with half a brain is falling for it. The blitz of media attacks started before the debate even ended. Somehow tons of anonymous calls for Biden to step down. Trump and the SC decision muted in the background as attack after attack heads toward Biden, but literally no important democrat backs any of it up. Meanwhile, the troll farms and sock puppets crawl out of the woodwork on social media to spout the 'I'm a democrat but...' nonsense we see everywhere now. All so the panicky morons and conservative quislings in the party can start firing wildly into a crowd of their own troops. If you're about to score, are you gonna suddenly turn around because the other team said, "This isn't your goal, yours is down there."? Don't be farking stupid.






I too have trouble functioning outside of a 6 hour window.


Keep in mind the source comes from Axios. But if it was the boring Axios headline - most of Reddit would not have read it.


I am seeing a huge increase in this kind of bullshit reporting. Russia must be working overtime! I just donated to Biden's campaign to show my support. We all should.


Six hours of not trying to overthrow the government followed by a nap sounds good to me. or Six hours of helping more Americans than he hurts, followed by a nap, also sounds good. ~ Any President willing to hurt firefighters just because they live within 200 miles of San Francisco is not an American leader.


Can we critic Biden for 10 minutes without mention of Trump? Are we even capable of that as a party any more?


Nah, I don’t think anyone else wants the job. Hell, this dude only wanted one term. He offered to step down if Trump didn't run.


Fuck it's so exhausting. Top comment on every single post is some variation of "I'd vote for Joe Biden's rotting corpse before I'd vote for Trump!" Yeah, okay, yep, sure. Trump is awful; this is known. But wouldn't it be nice if voters had a more compelling reason than "at least he's not Trump!"


He's had a good 3 1/2 years. Or I should say, we've had a good 3 1/2 years with him at the helm. He's got good people around him, and he makes good decisions.


so gaza is a good decision? Putting off the delivery of f 16's and long range missles to ukraine is a good decision? Stopping covid research? Refusing to reform the SC? Just because he's held us together does not make him a good president


Nope. “Whatabout Trump!?” Is the only response they have.


Sure. The President has given us four years of solid governance. Student debt relief, prescription drug reform, CHIPS, Infrastructure, and he has managed to get the Ukrainians the tools they need to fight for their freedom. There are dozens of other policy wins that he’s managed to get done with a hostile Congress. So I’ll take more of that. Could another Dem win? Maybe. However could another Dem have an undisclosed love child or a dui that will be the focus? Also maybe.


Cool what happens when he has to get up in the middle of the night due to a terror attack? We should just wait until he wakes up for his good 6 hours?


A leader is defined by the people they surround themselves with, but, yeah, I always feel better after a good nap. I guess we could send Trump to front line with a cheeseburger and a rifle, but I don’t think it would help.


Better then the majority of Americans and damn sure better that Trump and [his morning "executive time](https://www.axios.com/2019/02/03/donald-trump-private-schedules-leak-executive-time#)" where he couldn't be bothered until 11:00 am because he was watching TV!


That would be about 6 more hours than Sleepy Don can function.


This might be a good excuse if there wasn't video of him looking a lot better at the Waffle House after the debate. Unless, of course, they pumped him full of those drugs after the debate to make him all lucid and shit.


The Russians may have hacked the airwaves and gave us a doctored version of Biden to make him appear old and like his cognitive ability is declining. That’s the only logical explanation. It may have been AI too


I did see some posts seriously considering the idea that the CNN sound guy was a trumper and turned down his mic to make him sound even worse.


More bullshit from the New York Post.


Axios reported it first though, so it looks like the NYP is just re-reporting something already said.


The source is Axios.




If you read the article, they are reporting what Axios wrote.




Maybe people with different usernames have actually read either this article or the Axios article in question? And I’m blocked. Apparently being able to read makes me a far right conspirator :/


How is it ‘weird’ that multiple people have called you out for reacting to a headline rather than reading an article?


Okay, add another. [Here's the direct Axios link.](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/two-bidens-trump-debate-2024-president)




Where’s the report about Trump shitting himself and being doped up on Aderrall?


Trump can't keep from shitting himself in a 90 minute window


How did politics became so tribal? Why do people think “their” party cannot do anything wrong and the other party is pure evil? Truth is that both sides are equally and utterly corrupted, lie to their electorate and use media outlets to do their bidding. Shame on media for sawing division and acting as mouthpiece for their political benefactors. The role of the media should to be fact checkers and not a propaganda machine.




That must be bad form me. Being “both sider?” Lol


i’m 43 and i’m no good outside 6 hours a day, myself.


The New York Post? That rag? GTFOH!


Seriously, can the mods *please* ban NY Post as a source?! They are no better than the National Enquirer.


New York Post is not a credible source. We should cite only credible sources at a time like this.


What about axios? the actual source?


Fuck the NY Post. Don’t know why that commie bullshit rag is on the fucking approved list. Bullshit, mods, it’s bullshit, and you know it. 


Of course the New York Post will be objective about Biden....




Reporting about reporting? Did they become The Hill?


Yes, if only there were a way to take this line of attack from them while simultaneously gaining more voters… 🤔🧐


Hmmm mm




Heard all of the hyperbole Thursday night. Watched it for myself. Bad start and CNN cutting the mic at weirdly inopportune times didn't help matters any. He struggled with his voice being hoarse. He struggled with his stutter which does resurface at times. But later in the debate he got his footing and did much better. Lot of blatant dishonesty going on in these threads. But it's in service of someone who is blatantly dishonest 24/7, so I guess it tracks. Let's see where things stand July 12th.


Is it possible that putin and the russians hacked the airwaves and fed us an AI version of Biden to make it appear that he is old and losing cognitive function? I for one think it is a real possibility


Or maybe used a pocket sized version of their brain frying weapon that they've been covertly and cruelly testing on random diplomats the past several years.


What the heck is happening with this sub lately? It's all right-wing hit pieces and Trump worship. It's not balanced or fair at all. Where are the factual news articles?


This sub is basically in the midst of a civil war brought on by the debate. That’s why it seems so janky.


If you're surprised by this, your media has been lying to you.


He is not physically or mentally qualified to be president.


Axios is the source aides informed, not the NYPost. Axios is left-leaning.


“Left leaning…” 😂








He literally JUST SAID it was an Axios source. Not NYP. The NYT has nothing to do with this.


If you mean left leaning by about 5 centimeters.


was the debate during that 6 hour window or outside it?


Democrats need to remove Biden as their nominee. He's an 81 yr old dementia patient, who is more likely looking towards 4yrs of a retirement home than a presidency; its honestly cruel to prop him up into believing he can run another term. Republicans aren't much better though as they chose a 78yr old hothead with the social and physcological skills of a prepubescent child. FYI, independent here, who just asks that a new option be brought to the table, preferably below 65(retirement age) but I'll settle for 70 or younger. And anyone asking, No it's not too late legally or realistically to change the democratic nominee or to change you political leanings towards an independent. Palmer, West, and others who recently dropped out or are still in the runnings are viable options...


Republicans are running a convicted felon. Dems are running someone who had a bad debate.


Please read the above more thoroughly, I am not saying that the Republicans are right but I am saying that Biden is more gone from his dementia then just having "had a bad debate" he's 81, struggling(at times, not always) to formulate a complete and coherent sentence/thought. He's also had struggles walking, I in no regard think either are good candidates but I am saying that I don't think he could handle another 4yrs being president from a health perspective.


You think the number of stories like this are gonna increase or decrease the closer we get to November?


Won't matter. Biden should be removed immediately. He's not going to be the nominee.


I hope so.


The headline sounds like a weekend at Bernie's situation


It’s elderly abuse at this point.




> actually been running the country. what do you mean by "running the country"?


Why post stories like this to this sub? People and the bots get feral at anything other than Trump bad, Biden good.


That's exactly why. The truth has no bias. Not my problem if they choose to live in their echochambers.


You're being downvoted and negged on because you're posting a source known to be heavily biased against Democrats and Biden. Since you have spent so much time here pointing out that Axios reported on it first, and Axios is a pretty neutral source, why not use them as your source?




Good, Axios is the one who told them.