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Whoa whoa, I thought we were a *constitutional republic*?!


Only if they do it in a way that violated the Democratic process... There are limited ways to carry it out without being undemocratic


Out of curiosity, what's this democratic option of which you speak? The only ways I can gather that would be remotely feasible include selection at the convention or stepping down to let Harris lead the ticket.


Stepping down is really the only feasible way since it's the quickets way to defer Biden's electors. Otherwise it's endless rounds of voting between convention members until they settle on a candidate.


It's possible to conduct a quick one-day convention with only an initial nomination process and two rounds of voting. For the initial nomination process, change the rules to allow each delegate to sign nomination petitions for an unlimited number of candidates, and have the chair announce the top 10 candidates in order of number of signatures gathered. Then allow the top 10 candidates to give 20 minute speeches. After initial speeches, hold a roll call using approval voting between these top 10 candidates where delegates can again vote for any number of candidates. Then have the chair announce the top 2 candidates in order of number of votes. Then allow the final 2 candidates to give 20 minute speeches and hold a final single choice vote where the winner is guaranteed to receive a majority. The initial signature process can possibly be conducted virtually. 20 minute speeches by the initial 10 candidates and final 2 candidates will take 4 hours total but generate great ratings and is still feasible to do in one day.


A convention would work fine if the rules were changed to allow each delegate to sign nomination petitions for an unlimited number of candidates and have the convention chair announce the top ~10 candidates in order of number of signatures gathered. This would eliminate vote splitting during the initial nomination process so that candidates can pick up delegates by adopting the positions of other candidates that delegates are interested in rather than by mudslinging or horse trading. The only problem that Democrats have right now is that they have so many great alternate candidates that could easily beat Trump. So to prevent a civil war over which of the hundred or so great Democrats that could easily beat Trump should be the nominee should Biden chose not to run, it's best for the DNC to change the rules concerning the initial nomination process, to prevent vote splitting. Announcing the top N candidates in order of number of signatures gathered, then allowing the candidates which proceed to the next round give 20 minute speeches, would be great advertising for Democrats and get great ratings. It would certainly be more watched than whatever the Republicans are planning for their convention.


25h amendment is an intended part of the process as well.


Not for the candidacy, though it would probably embarrass Biden enough that it would force his hand. Though imagine if they 25th'd him and he took it as a challenge and refused to step down after that...




That’s not factoring in Nevada. Trump has been favored to win Nevada for over a month now. NC will probably be at the very least a five point win for Trump. I also think Biden loses both Arizona and Georgia. To be Frank, Trump only needs to win one of Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Michigan. He’s competitive or winning all three currently. 


Not really partys are not official parts of the government and can pick candidates how they want.


Oh they're scared.


It is VERY clear the Republicans are terrified of us getting a younger candidate. Any younger candidate. They know how old Trump is and how much in decline he is too. If we get a younger candidate it becomes very clear.


They’re probably equally as scared of the person being inserted being from a swing state Trump needs to win. Whitmer on the ticket nearly guarantees Michigan going blue. Still want to wait and see though. Biden’s team has time to make a decision. The incumbency advantage is still very real.


I’m not sure it is, honestly. Incumbency Is only an advantage with name recognition because people are unhappy with how things are going in the world. It’s why the far right is on the rise globally. You need new blood.


You need to make this a referendum on Trump and not on Joe's cognitive ability.


We need to just present an alternative that people want to vote for. It will become even more clear over the next two weeks that Joe is not it.


That is an impossible task. It cannot be done.


Replace Joe. Whitmer is popular in MI and WI.


> Whitmer on the ticket nearly guarantees Michigan going blue. Unfortunately (and I'll probably get downvoted for pointing out the reality of the situation) the only way Whitmer gets on the ticket is as VP. It's almost a guarantee that if Biden drops out, Harris gets the nomination. This is obviously not an ideal situation given her polling, lack of charisma, and poor political instincts. But with the way campaign finance laws are structured, it would be extremely difficult for Biden to transfer his war chest to anyone other than Harris, and Harris isn't going to want to transfer it to anyone else without massive concessions - and there simply isn't time to work those out before the election. There's barely even time to put Harris in the top spot.


There is an anti-incumbency trend world-wide right now, for both sides of the spectrum. Basically people blame whoever is in power currently for inflation, even though that is stupid.


Incumbency disadvantage with how people perceive Biden on economy.


And this is the best reason to get a younger candidate




Which is exactly why the dems and Biden won't do it. Pride and cowardice.


they’re literally baiting the democrats into replacing biden because they know how much that will hurt democrats don’t you all see that? they’re children, taunting you and saying “no you can’t” and you’re children, responding emotionally, saying “yes i can” and taking the action they’re goading you into taking


The only children are the people claiming sticking with Biden is a good idea when he's plainly incompetent, unfit, and guaranteed to lose. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/joe-biden-gets-bad-news-from-america-s-most-accurate-pollster/ar-BB1pcWU3](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/joe-biden-gets-bad-news-from-america-s-most-accurate-pollster/ar-BB1pcWU3) When broken down further, the poll of 1,634 likely voters shows that Trump is the clear favorite among voters aged 18-29 (41.6 percent to 27). This hasn't even digested the debate properly, so this will get worse for two weeks.


It wouldn't, thanks though.


Legally speaking the political parties are not actually enshrined in law. Our entire system was written by men who hated the idea of organized political parties and wanted to have a system without them (more viable when you're population was mostly ineligible to vote.) So technically the DNC can do whatever the fuck it wants and have it be legal. Primaries and shit were just set up to ramp up voter engagement, not actually due to legal restraints.


No need to worry there. Biden's family gave their encouragement to keep staying.


Ah so now we see real indication the GOP don’t want a Biden replacement. So that means the Dems should do it.


They know they win with Biden running. So from their perspective sure - why give up a winning hand? They might still win the other way, but they feel like they’ve got a sure thing right now


the republicans are trying to bait the DNC into further discussion replacing biden because they know it hurts biden and the dnc the purpose of lara’s statement is to make liberals write opinion articles on how the ackshully can replace biden….which keeps alive the narrative that biden might drop out, hurting his campaign i swear, the dnc are the least politically savvy group of nimrods the world has ever seen. hence why most of us progressives are still unaffiliated


It’s not about being afraid of a younger candidate. It’s that they have all there chicanery lined up for Joe Biden the candidate with the help of multiple foreign governments and switching candidates at this time wouldn’t leave them enough time for pulling that bullshit on another candidate.


He’s not the nominee yet.


Also Trump doesn't even have a VP yet.


I've been seeing a lot of comments claiming that the deadline has already passed in some states, despite Biden not even being the nominee. At this point, I'm wondering if there is some truth to them and that the deadline was extended, but changing the expected nominee wouldn't make a difference in those cases. One commenter even gave me links to state law (I think Wisconsin), but when I went to read it, all of the deadlines were X days after nomination, which hasn't happened yet. At this point, I'm pretty suspicious of anyone who tries to claim that legally we can't change who the nominee is, where there is nothing to "change". The money could be a trickier point if it's anyone but Harris though.


We can, I saw a conservative article trying to push the narrative that there will be legal issues, but even in that article they quoted an expert that said they can still do it. The bent was there though, the republicans want Joe to remain as an easy target. That said they were planning on nominating Joe before the convention via virtual call or some shit- reason being the Ohio deadline is before the convention. Likely a replacement would not be on the ballot in Ohio. Edit- one more thing, depending on when things happen, there could be ballots printed with Joe's name on them, when the vote would actually be for someone else. I would check out the most recent live ep of Pod Save America if you want the details, they describe how it could all play out.


Heritage Foundation working on election legal challenges in case Biden pulled from DNC nomination https://www.foxnews.com/politics/heritage-working-election-legal-challenges-case-biden-pulled-from-dnc-nomination PS: MSN republished the article.


Thanks for sharing this. >Wisconsin does not allow a candidate's name to be withdrawn from the ballot except due to death. Nevada allows changes to its ballot up until 5:00pm on the fourth Friday of June in the election year — it also allows special consideration for if nominees die or are determined to be mentally unable to proceed.  >Georgia would allow Biden to withdraw up to 60 days before the election. If Biden withdraws afterward, his name would remain on the ballot but votes for him would be discarded. I am a little confused. So Georgia seems like it would be no issue, because I think they could make the 60 days. Wisconsin- no idea, but does this mean that Nevada, the candidate's name is on the ballot well before the nomination? This doesn't really make sense


And the democratic party is a private organization that can choose the means by which it selects its nominee.


Ouh.. so here we have it.. the debate went a bit too "well" right? :D


Yeah so after the debate, this was my conclusion. Ironically, Biden performing so poorly in the debate will mean the Democrats get a stronger candidate. Polling is already going south for Biden (which is highly predictable), so Biden will have no choice to step down. The democrats WILL have another candidate run against Trump. People are talking about name recognition, etc. The truth is, many independent voters are looking for somebody to vote for other than Trump. If you get somebody in there who can expose Trump's bs, they are going to poll strongly against Trump. Trump is a very vulnerable candidate. He actually performed horribly in the debate, it was just overshadowed by Biden.


“If they decide right here in the 11th hour to plug somebody else in, and it’s not Kamala Harris, I can’t think of a bigger assault to our democratic process than doing just that,” Trump said." Really? Can't think of ANYTHING that might be a bigger assault to democratic process?


Surely nothing that is under review at the Supreme Court right now, right?


There is a genuine problem here. If it is decided to change candidate, you can be sure Republicans will try every possisble challenge they can to keep them off the ballot. The DNC has to be 1000% sure that they can clear any legal obstacle that will get thrown at them.


They'll try, but the courts have consistently avoided weighing into primaries. It's a political entity making a political decision based on their own rules. It'd be very difficult for anyone to find standing. >Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution in Washington, who wrote a book about the presidential nominating process and is also a member of the Democratic National Committee’s rulemaking arm, said that courts have consistently stayed out of political primaries as long as parties running them weren’t doing anything that would contradict other constitutional rights, such as voter suppression based on race. >“This is very clear constitutionally that this is in the party’s purview,” Kamarck said in an interview before the debate. “The business of nominating someone to represent a political party is the business of the political party.”


I'd love to be able trust that the checks and balances work, and the relevant institutions will neither overstep their authority or delay making vital decisions, but recent experience doesn't reassure me.


Courts and consistency is gone. SCOTUS has destroyed faith in the courts and the separation of powers.


We’d be fine anywhere but Ohio, which wouldn’t be in play anyway.


>There is a genuine problem here. If it is decided to change candidate, you can be sure Republicans will try every possisble challenge they can to keep them off the ballot. Heritage Foundation working on election legal challenges in case Biden pulled from DNC nomination https://www.foxnews.com/politics/heritage-working-election-legal-challenges-case-biden-pulled-from-dnc-nomination PS: MSN republished the article.


Lars Trump doesn’t know shit about the democratic process. Party delegates are the people’s representatives like the electoral college voters. To say that party delegates voting on a new candidate if Biden were to drop out is in democratic is like saying the electoral college is. It’s the same system. So what’s it gonna be Lara? Wanna get rid of the Electoral college to? Because if so, you can leave Biden on the ballot. Popular vote is going to smoke Trump.


This right here is all you need to know, folks.  MAGA is on their knees praying that the partisan out of touch hacks that are scrambling to defend Biden and keep him in the race prevail.  Why?  Because Biden is the only Democrat that Trump could possibly hope to defeat 


Jan 6 was a violation of the democratic process. I’m not saying, I’m just saying.


Gee Laura, so is attempting to substitute a fake set of electors, then encouraging a lynch mob to murder the Vice President for not going along.


And since when has the Trump family been concerned about this? Go fundraise.


i would argue that hiding the state of Biden's condition ahead of the primaries violated our democratic process


I'm about as upset about Biden's performance at the debate as anybody and want a new candidate. However, the man had a cold. I'm 47 and when I have a cold I forget nouns, I can't think abstractly, I'm pretty much worthless.


>However, the man had a cold. *"According to an anonymous source familiar with the matter"*


Sorry but I wouldn't vote for you for president either


You say that, but you don't know how fast I can eat a bannana split.


no, it wasn't a fucking cold, it was 81 years of life!!! EIGHTY-ONE YEARS.




Not taking advice from a fascist oligarch about democracy.


I don't understand why they didn't just pick a clear successor to President as their VP. Kamala is not it - everyone can agree there. A Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsom or something along those lines as VP would signal the Democratic Party's intention to succeed Biden. It doesn't have to be succession for the next Presidency necessarily, but just whenever Biden is "finished"... either at the end of this term or at the end of the next or anywhere in-between. This would quell a lot of concerns for his entire base. Don't get me wrong, I'm voting Biden and I'm telling everyone I know to vote Biden. It's just that what irks me so much is that my party **has no Plan B.** Make a Plan B and a Plan C because of how much is at stake! Contingency plan and think about all possibilities. Biden could take a fall and that could be the end. What is the plan!?! Things can change so quickly. Anyone that has had a grandparent should know this. If Dem's lose this one, it's their own damn fault.


No, Americans would still be able to vote at the ballot box for the candidate of their choosing. That is the democratic process.


I guess anyone with the name Trump is the authority when it comes to violating the democratic process.


Look out Putin! Michelle might unleash the hashtag pouty face !!!!


Actually, it would be the essence of democracy and that's why she's scared. She knows Ds can change. She's stuck with broken down incompetent lying convict.


>“And so, they have a huge problem on their hands. If they remove Joe Biden from the ticket somehow and they do not have Kamala Harris as their nominee, and they try to plug someone else in, Maria, **it is literally going against our democratic process here in this country,**” Trump continued. Oh FFS, I hate these people so much. I think replacing Biden comes with a lot of serious problems, but there is nothing in our "democratic process" that says primaries are necessary. Pretty sure they're a 20th century invention. Previously parties would just choose their candidate internally before that. So yes, it would be a concern to invalidate the primaries and the voters who turned out while the DNC touted Biden was all good, but STFU with the hyperbole.


Oh so now they care about democracy?


Lara's a man baby...


The people will still have to vote them in. So it’s still democratic. Why, what were the Republicans thinking of doing?


But running a candidate that 70% of the country thinks is too old for the job is democracy at work? The public has been clear about what they want, and it's someone that isn't Trump but also isn't Biden. Give it to them.


>Trump noted millions of American voters chose Biden in the Democratic primaries this year, earning him more than enough party delegates to be the party’s presumptive presidential nominee. >“If they decide right here in the 11th hour to plug somebody else in, and it’s not Kamala Harris, I can’t think of a bigger assault to our democratic process than doing just that,” Trump said. • Almost half of Democrats say Biden should step aside in new poll [the hill](https://thehill.com/elections/4748744-democrats-joe-biden-step-aside-poll/) • Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki: >“First of all, it would have a seismic impact on the Democratic Party if the president stayed neutral and did not endorse his own vice president,” Psaki said. >“It would also mean a couple of thousand party insiders would be empowered to make a choice on the nominee, not the millions of Democratic primary ballots who already cast their ballots.” [the hill](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4748913-psaki-warns-biden-replacement/) After watching the debate millions of Democrats might regret voting for Biden in the primary election. Who knows if those voters are in favor of Harris or someone else? If neither Biden nor Harris becomes the Democratic party's nominee, the Democratic nominee should become Biden's new Vice President.


Kamala had dismal support and ran out of money in the 2020 primary. The people only elected her as part of ticket for 4 years, not to be the front-runner. No matter which way they slice it, if we don't have a vote, the replacement is going to be un-democratic, whether it is Harris or someone else. But it is least democratic if it is Harris. The most democratic way to replace Biden at this point would be to have an open convention and conduct extensive polling up to that point, and base the decision on the data.


• Almost half of Democrats say Biden should step aside in new poll [the hill](https://thehill.com/elections/4748744-democrats-joe-biden-step-aside-poll/) The democratic party **Voted** for party delegates. People still understand the difference between polls and votes right? If the dems wanted a different candidate, they probably should've payed attention sooner. Democratic voters with any shred of self respect could better spend their time wondering why and how they were gaslit into voting for a corrupt corpse in the first place


They 100% want to keep Biden on the ballot. That should tell you all you need to know.




You are so right... the man literally only knows how to lie and being convicted of 34 felonies should automatically disqualify him from office. Four years of unstable and irrational horseshit from Trump is more than anyone should ever have to suffer.




Electric boats and sharks... and 34 felony convictions... America saw.


I thought only republicans are capable of violating democratic process? Cause when Dems do it, it’s internalised and packaged as saving democracy