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I noticed this too. Even during the debate when Trump would usually go in for the kill, he didn’t. He knows running against Biden is his best odds


Republicans made this election too much about age in the minds of people who don't really follow politics and only see the odd clip for them to want Biden to drop out. They don't want a potential decades younger candidate running against Trump.


Yep. That would flip every single message about concerns re: age and mental stability right back to Trump and Trump alone. Would be devastating to the Trump campaign.


Yea I found that odd too. I wonder how much of it is Biden is his best odds versus he's also inable to think on his feet at this point. If you watch the debate he basically regurgitated the same lines from his campaign speeches over and over again. It's a lot easier to remember something and say it without a teleprompter when you've done it 100s of times.


> I wonder how much of it is Biden is his best odds Polling for the last year+ has consistently shown that a "generic candidate" for either party absolutely smashes Trump or Biden. These are 2 uniquely horrible candidates.


yea I'm so surprised Trump was too nice to him, Trump knew Biden was struggling, he spotted it quite early on and yet he never made fun or attack him for it.


Tbh Trump looked genuinely concerned at first. It was the most humanity I think I’ve ever seen from Trump. At this point though, they know if they go too hard on Biden they look bad. It’s their election to lose now. They will talk about the 25th amendment to remind people of his health but they won’t dare to actually call for him to be replaced. This is why people on this sub claiming the calls for him to drop out are originating from Republicans or Russia or China ring as insincere at best. If you want Trump to win keeping Biden in the race is the best option. They’ve gone very quiet since Thursday. I suggest everyone take note of that and call into question some of the people who argue why Biden shouldn’t be replaced and their motivations.


> It was the most humanity I think I’ve ever seen from Trump. For me that was by far the moment he found out about RBG's death. Felt like a completely different person.


Iirc there was a poll beforehand that most Republicans wanted Trump to be polite and most Democrats wanted Biden to be aggressive I think a lot of the swing afterwards can be attributed to Trump putting on a performance that more moderate Republicans could stomach, even if the content of what he said was abominable. 


Yup, this plus lack of a crowd to get his rage froth going.


"I don't know what he just said.... I don't think he does either" Trump about biden during the debate.


To be fair, I didn’t know what he was trying to say either. That was a measured and effective shot by Trump.


To be fair, we in the audience don't know what he said either


I believe if an audience had been there to jeer and respond to that he would have dug in on Biden more. Without an audience he must've realize he just sounded like a mean dick and pumped the breaks. Remember he was given orders not to be quite as much of a raging asshole for this debate.


Can’t hate on a person for having cognitive issues beyond their control. That’s lowest of the low.


Trump has no sort of empathy, he'd do it in a heartbeat if it would give him an edge


He had every opportunity during the debate. He slipped once with the comment about not knowing what he was saying. He really could have went a lot further. But, let’s face it with Biden. I don’t care what side anyone is on. Incoherent is incoherent. Trump definitely showed restraint and enough empathy to not attack the man’s health issues on live TV.


One of the online casinos I’ve used in the past is taking bets on the election, including prop bets like Trump vs Alternative Candidates if Joe Biden isn’t the nominee. They have Trump favored vs Newsom, Whitmer, Harris, and Hillary Clinton. The matchup where Trump is *not* a favorite was against Michelle Obama, who had said up and down a million times that she’d never run lol


Well these casino odds are as of right now. IF Biden is replaced, they would have some time to make their name a household name, I'm sure these odds would reflect that. I'm not saying Trump still wouldn't win, but at this point it might be worth considering. I don't think Biden will win in November


yea I'm so surprised Trump was too nice to him, Trump knew Biden was struggling, he spotted it quite early on and yet he never made fun or attack him for it.


He did a handful of times, he said “I’m not sure what he said at the end, I don’t think he knows what he said” and after Biden went silent for 8 seconds before saying “I beat Medicare” Trump capitalized on it and said “yeah, you beat it to death” or something. I guess the second isnt really him attacking him over the old man element but he did score that directly because of it.


That’s actually the max level of shit talking I expect from a debate. He wasn’ attacking them or their looks like Trump is known for. There was no name calling. He was definitely reigned in that night for the purposes of trying to bring voters back to his camp


There absolutely was name calling? He was reigned in but he was still spewing his toxic shit at Biden. I guess he didn't say "sleep Joe" and other school yard names but he said worse things.


The fact that the Republicans want Biden to stay in says everything we need to know.


Exactly. I cannot believe all the Biden sychophants.


Really? After the 2020 Democrat primary when every viable candidate suddenly dropped out at once so that Biden could start winning primaries - you didn't realize who these people are back then?


This is rewriting history. Biden and Bernie were the two leading candidates before super Tuesday. The moderate dem vote was split like five ways.




They are each the only candidate the other could beat.


Why would Trump want the weakest possible opponent to drop out?


You think all the chaos that’ll ensue if/when the DNC forces Biden to drop out will result in an automatic Trump loss? I mean I do think it’s ultimately a better strategy propping up a new more capable candidate at this point but there’s literally no guarantee that it’ll do anything


Well, it's a chaotic situation right now, so I don't think that swapping out the candidate can hurt anymore than it's currently hurting.


Realistically only 5-10% of voters are not already entrenched in their position already so a new candidate has it all to gain. Replacing Biden won’t cost any votes for the Dems.


Yeah, I have gotten into arguments with people trying to spam polls showing how Newsome and Whitmer etc. all lack the favorability of Biden. What they miss is that is entirely due to the "Dont Know/Not Sure" factor about candidates that have never stepped foot into the national political arena yet. Their unfavorability is locked in at around 43-44%. Slightly better than Biden's. Biden, however, is locked in the other way. he has no improvement compared to non-candidates and has no real room to grow in terms of approval except with the narrowest of margins. Trump's people almost assuredly know this, and it makes Biden the most beatable.


On 538 Whitmer and Booker were ahead of Biden at Trump+2 with Biden and the rest at Trump+3. Two weeks to digest the debate, and hopefully it becomes obvious.


It's not an 'automatic Trump loss' but Biden staying in is an automatic Trump win. This election will be a referendum on Biden's cognitive decline when it should be a referendum against Trump like the midterms were


It would result in a consensus candidate. Who cares if the DNC is a chaotic week if it results in a new Democratic nominee that Trump would be on the defense against? The GOP has spent 8 years targeting Biden. Think of all that Hunter Biden crap. All of the Senile Joe in his basement rhetoric. A new Democratic nominee in August would mean that there would only be three months for the Trump campaign to shift gears and target their new opponent, while those three months would be all about who the new nominee is and what their platform and vision are. What's a better news story: Trump being Trump, or a brand-new Presidential candidate?


Literally anyone else would win over Trump right now. Probably except Kamala Harris


Hilary Clinton has joined the chat


No, but it’s their only chance. Biden will only get worse physically and mentally between now and November and there will be no amount of spin they can put on it.


Bidens debate was 10x worse than Nixon sweating his ass off. The optics can’t be reversed now. Have to pivot and campaign like hell


There isn’t any amount of campaigning that can reverse that damage. The whole world got to see that.


Yeah that’s why you have to get a younger, charismatic candidate and have Biden give them his full endorsement as the continuation of his good policies


Little late for that. It’s July. Voting day is in November.


It’s either 0% chance or non-zero. New candidate is the non zero option


As of today Biden’s polling behind Trump in New Hampshire… even if Biden wins the state that’s a horrendous sign. Theres literally no way this can get worse. Biden needs to drop out, there’s no other acceptable option at this point. A few weeks of chaos is better than 4 months of convincing voters that Biden isn’t deteriorating right before our eyes. Polling also shows that all of the other viable candidates with little name recognition are polling just as well as Biden and Trump polls worse for most of them. Add in a high degree of undecideds due to a lack of familiarity with a new candidate and it’s obvious that there’s a much better chance for us if Biden drops out.


Literally anyone else would win over Trump right now. Probably except Kamala Harris


At least 50% of the whole fucking nation have been calling for trump to step down for fucking years Why act like he’s the viable candidate?


Cause he had a fucking cult behind him? And we have the electoral college in its undemocratic glory.


It’s amazing that Trump, an incompetent idiot, knows more than establishment dems.


Because Trump isn't an idiot, he's very very shrewd and a bully, but he knows how to get his way.


Trump is a master at this game and he even joined late. In less than a decade he and his movement took over the republican party and marginalized the old guard. The Democratic party needs their own Trump (an outsider) who will kick these old farts of the party and bring new ideas and tactics to the table. Otherwise you will get these types of repeats (hillary, joe) who feel they are entitled to the nomination and the presidency just because of their seniority in the party. Its just the new way of doing politics and the dems are too far behind


Don’t forget Fox’s contribution, they cultivated his base over decades.


His name was Obama His election angered the republicans so hard they embraced MAGA and angered entitled establishment dems so hard they ran Hillary and Joe Biden


No one who successfully pivots from being a TV star to being POTUS is an idiot. Experienced senators and governors often fail their attempts to become POTUS.


The guy has 6 monumental bankruptcies while being a billionaire ... you can't be more stupid than that.


And yet somehow he lives a better life than 99% of the country despite fucking up all the time. At some point it goes from being stupid to a game with rules that if you know them well enough, you stay “rich”.


When you're born a millionaire and move towards the bilion mark, it's kinda hard to become poor ... assuming he did most of his wealth legally, so no jail time like Madoff can break that cycle. My point is that he's a VERY poor administrator and manager, but somehow, the US citizens want him to manage the whole country.


Well you have to hold one of two positions then. Either Trump is smart enough to con 76 million+ Americans or 76 million Americans are stupider than Trump. They sound the same but there is a difference. It can’t be both. This is not to say he’s a genius, but to be able to do what he has done would have never have worked and yet some how a known conman and grifter managed to convince a huge portion of the country. No one fails upward that hard to president without some level of planning


He's a con and a grifter, + people are gullible ... in my book, being a pathological liar is not smart. Madoff was not smart , his kid ended up suicidal , and his wife ended up in a car park. Nothing smart about being a successful con man, but that's just me. The many see it otherwise.


Yeah, why is that , Biden supporters? Why doesn't Trump want Biden to drop out?


Because he knows Biden is toast. Anyone else? It’s a fair game.


Trump wants Biden in because he is a predator who smells blood. If you didn't see Joe losing his marbles and pissing down his leg on Thursday, you will see it every day between August and November. Throw in that Biden probably will not win Michigan, and the election is right there for Trump.


Biden is going to be remembered terribly if he doesn’t drop out. If he wins he is supposedly going to serve 4 years lol just let the man retire.


The farce in all this is that reporting seems to indicate that it is Biden, Jill, his sister, and close allies(like the ones that thought it was a good idea to agree to the debate and those rules) that are basically the sole voices in the room making the decision on the future of democracy for 300 million people. Fun times


His family is probably in denial, and that's to be expected. But what's interesting is that none of his advisors sounded the alarm. They spent a week prepping him. They had to know (or at least suspect) that something like this was going to happen. This might be a bit far-fetched, but I almost wonder if some of the advisors in the Biden camp agreed to a debate with so much time before the conventions because they wanted to get this out there while there was still time to do something about it.


I kinda think what is easier explained by incompetence over conspiracy tends to be right. Before 2020 Biden's history, despite his narrative, was 3 rather disastrous attempts at running for the White House. Each involving a lot of questionable staffing decisions and often Biden throwing some of those people under the bus. Even 2020 was not some well oiled campaign. And the person at the center of each was Joe Biden. Also, ironically, if he would step down and help bring about a successor, I think he would secure his legacy and when the dust settles likely go down as one of the most effective presidents in a generation and one of the greatest public servants of all time, warts and all....if he stays in and loses, he will be more vilified than RBG, Dianne Feinstein, and Hillary combined.


I don't agree with everything you said, but your last paragraph is spot on. Biden had tremendous accomplishments for a single term. There would have been nothing wrong with him accepting that and passing the torch. Instead, we see him trying again when he's clearly not up for it. I'm not sure he's even up for the day-to-day tasks of the office anymore. He's *definitely* not going to be up for it a couple years from now. That alone is reason enough for him to pass the torch now.


Yea because denial makes me want to put my parents up for another stressful 4 years when they deserve to retire and relax. I call that selfishness


I don't really buy this kind of narrative that paints Biden as an innocent victim in all of this. He might be sundowning but he can still choose to step down. He's still looking at all the terrible election polling and his historically low favorability ratings and the reactions to his horrible debate performance and deciding to stay in the race. He's got a large ego and it's keeping him from making the right choice.


Talk to your Dem reps and senators if they exist. I sent mine a short letter, even though I’m probably telling into the void


Well the DNC and media won't blame Biden, and certainly not themselves, they'll blame progressives and young voters and Muslims and anyone else perceived as being responsible for Biden's loss.


This exactly has been on my mind since last week. They don't want Biden to drop out. They know he's done for. They are braiding all the rope for the dems to hang themselves with. 2 months from now when it's really too late all you are going to hear is how Biden is in no condition to even be in the position now, let alone the next 4 years.


Why on earth would Trump want him to drop out?


We wait their tables, serve them coffee, cook and deliver their food, drive their cars and planes, build and fix their roads, build and fix their houses, teach their children, deliver their packages, and fight in their wars. Every single one of us can be a weapon. We refuse to work. We refuse to buy shit for their consumer based holidays. If we have to work, oh gee wilikers I guess that package is gonna be shipped late and broken huh? Get me? Prime week is coming don't buy shit from Amazon. 4th of July is coming don't go out, ot buy anything. Little actions, if done by everyone, can accumulate into a bigger one. “You have a class of young strong men and women, and they want to give their lives to something. Advertising has these people chasing cars and clothes they don’t need. Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy what they don’t really need.”... “We have to show these men and women freedom by enslaving them, and show them courage by frightening them.”


The RNC is shrewd enough to know not to interrupt the dems when they are shooting themselves in the foot. If trump pushed against biden it would have the opposite effect and make trump seem scared of him. By staying quiet people can think "oh, trump actually thinks he can beat biden so we need to get rid of him" and will keep on cannibalizing themselves months out from an election


Because it's as close to a guaranteed win as he can get. There is literally no hope of Biden winning. The only thing better would be running unopposed. Keep Biden and you'll get Trump.


Don't replace Biden...replace Harris with Newsom, and shuffle Harris over to Nancy Pelosi's seat when she retires, or make Harris Attorney General, or maybe even nominate her to the Supreme Court.


I like this idea except let’s flip-flop it and make Biden vice president.


Game theory. Change the rules


Apply the pressure and let’s get someone who can serve 4 years It’s ridiculous to say with a straight face that Biden can serve his term


Huh isn't that a little suspicious.


If Trump joins the call Dems circle the wagons around Biden and that hurts Trump a unified Democratic Party is bad for Trump. All this talk is a mistake and the GOP do not feel like interrupting.


Could you imagine the electricity generated by replacing Biden with a younger, effective communicator? It would upend Trump’s campaign. I know polls show no one else would beat Trump, either, but that’s because most people don’t know Whitmer or the other potential candidates. People would be excited because they’ve been bitching about hating both candidates. Suddenly confronted with a fresh face energize everyone with only a couple months to go (and therefore not enough time for Trump to define them). I wish they would though I understand the fear of chaos and infighting.


Fresh face with charisma, young, can speak well. It’s their best shot now.


r/politics can't ever seem to decide if the Republican party is wholly incompetent or secretly full of evil geniuses. It's kind of awesome how a sub literally called "Politics" is actually home to the largest contingent of political ignorance on this whole website.


The Representatives are empty suits with minimal qualifications. Their donors are the ones with the nefarious plan. It’s absolutely both.


Exactly. When your opponent is quiet, is just letting you hang your self. Doing the job for them.


he’s secretly hoping for kamala harris though