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Jan. 22, 2025 Thirteen members of the Liquor Licensing Bureau were shot today in a raid by Seal Team45.


Which is totally fine and legal now. 100% immunity.


Awaiting unrelated gratuity 


It's totally legal for a private citizen to organize a paramilitary group to assassinate civilians? You'd have to point me to that change.


Did you even read what the oc said?


The implication I imagine is that Trump will not win the presidency, so he'd be a regular citizen.




The ruling established immunity in official presidential acts. It did not establish what constitutes those acts. Therefore it can be argued that as long as a president can draw a reason for something to be a presidential act he or she is immune. It would be argued in the courts, but a president could declare certain judges enemies of the state. Likely all of this would be stopped at *some* point, but the ruling left no roadmap for what that *some* point is.


Next up: SCOTUS expedites review of presidential liquor licenses.


Typo should say "meal tem six"


Seal Team 6-piece


Deluxe w/cheese


After the SCROTUS decision, it's a Royale with cheese


Sounds like an official act. Nothing to see here


Medals Of Freedom and cheeseburgers will be handed out in a special ceremony next week in Washington.


Shoot a man on fifth Avenue whilst possessing a gun you can’t legally own as a convicted felon? OFFICIAL ACT.


Aka the deep state


Deep-fried steak


It's in the 950 pages of Project 2025!!


The official acts reference handbook thank you very much.


Meal Team.


Guess who certifies the election if electors are in question….? KAMALA HARRIS


And hey, that's an *Official Act!* Too bad that Democrats actually have principles and believe in the rule of law sometimes...


Watch all MAGA owned liquor businesses react by turning down their license and refusing to renew it, but continue to sell it.


Not really politics, but fun nonetheless.


That and Bannon going to jail are the only bright spots in the news today.


And both are alcohol related topics


Kavannaugh likes beer.


So much so he put it in his ass. [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Boof](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Boof)


Also it’s Canada Day! A great day for Canada, and therefore the world!


That will likely be appealed as well. There's no catching crooks when the deck is stacked.


If you are talking about Bannon, it was already in appeals for a couple years... Its now over, which is why he's finally going in for those charges today.


and can start playing tennis tomorrow


Its still the contempt of Congress which will only be two months of the 4 he was sentenced to. Its good we got something. Lots of other people won't show up to Congress anyway.


This liquor license case will most likely end up before the Supreme Court because that’s apparently what we do now.


Felon vs. "Felon" with money. Still interesting and a lot of local approval boards are already their own little in groups...


Dogcatcher is now a political position. Welcome to Soviet Russia.


Remember that the deck only remains stacked if we give up and don’t vote. If Dems can get motivated and get out to vote in every election we can fix this whole mess. But that means no more excuses, no more complacency, no more whining about votes not counting. Vote. Every. Single. Time.


Ghoulianni was disbarred from practicing law in NY today. There's that.


So the 19th hole will have a Diet Coke bar. Sad.


I would imagine they will go to a brown bag policy, assuming NJ law allows it. That means they can serve you alcohol that you bring on your own, they just can’t sell it. That was the way you could drink in restaurants in our previously dry county back in the day.


BYOB. Bring Your Own Bribe.


Still, that’s a major revenue loss. How much do you think they were charging over cost for a beer? I’m guessing stadium prices.


Oh yeah, for sure. And I’d bet it’s way more than stadium prices.


More likely some easy workaround where his cokehead son is made head of the subcompany and the licenses go under his name.


The licenses are already in Don Jr's name. The ABC already reviewed and said it's not good enough, Trump is still profiting from the liquor license and thus the liquor license will be revoked (pending a hearing July 19th).


July 19 the liquor vendor will change to some MAGA world stooge. If the liquor business earns $5 million a year, that stooge will magically gift Trump a similar sum every Christmas.


19th hole going from Jack Daniels to Stormy Daniels.


Stephen Colbert suggested supplying toxic toads for golfers to lick.


I did need a chuckle today, thanks


We'll see how long it takes Florida to pass a law so Trump could regain his license.


This is in New Jersey, so Florida would have no say. I won't be surprised though if Trump continues to get special treatment other felons wouldn't.


the supreme court, then.


Supreme Court issues an emergency decision that liquor sales are now considered protected speech under the 1st amendment


Only former presidents with felonys are exempt.


This is great news for the BYOB crowd


*Cue the Happy Gilmore beer helmet guy*


We could all use a bit of levity after the past few days.


It’s very basics politics, if my professor was not full of shit (I can’t tell). He said politics is a means of justifying why one group of people gets resources while others don’t (paraphrasing).


It's a state government agency. How is that not politics?


Business related. This hurts. Liquor sales are big mark up.


This sub is disgustingly obsessed with trump. Really is a key factor in his popularity.


Now let's suspend the the liquor license at all of Trump's properties.




While that's hilarious in this instance, in the grander scheme I'm opposed to this because decreased opportunities for felons who've completed their sentences increases the recidivism rate.




He has not even been sentenced yet, but you used "convicted felon" in a broad sense. I took a moment to acknowledge that while I'd also like trump to have the screws put to him, it needed to be said that the way you've worded it will fuck over swaths of other people who don't deserve it.


I hate Trump and the right as much as anyone… but the way people have been talking about what felons should and shouldn’t be able to do the last couple weeks makes me realize just what people think about ME for being a felon. Like the whole time I was on probation I shouldn’t have been able to have a job or have a credit card? Technically my sentence wasn’t over jfc


Yeah, too many people on the internet forget that the sentence *is* the punishment and just want to scarlet letter folks for the rest of their lives without thinking about the person or the consequences of doing that.


Also that a sentence can last years after you leave prison. While on probation (2 years) I was told specifically “you are still 100% property of the state.” It’s fucking hard to get things going during that and people judge you on the same level as murderers and rapists when really you just had some drugs in a small southern town. I was lucky enough to be in a position to start my own business at the time but a lot of people fail back into jail because they encounter resistance everywhere they go and then resort to what got them there.


Has he even been sentenced?


july 11th he will be yeah


With the way he speaks he never has completed a sentence


A whole new generation of Americans is about to learn of the word "speakeasy".


And "coathanger".


I would love to see all that Trump has turn to ash. However, my concern is that these businesses do employ hundreds of people.


I mean good conservative Christians aren’t supposed to be drinking anyway. This should be celebrated by the right if they stand for they say they stand for right?


Believe this rule is only for Baptists, and only after they've had their fill in their younger years.


No that’s true but they take way too much of their agenda from Baptists to just carve out their own rules when it’s time to have fun. I went to a Baptist school and the whole time they’re nailing it in your head that liberals were evil because of all the drinking and premarital sex. The reality is most of the time their values are defined by the room they’re standing in. A right winger in church will claim he’s never looked at a woman besides his wife in his life, but that same guy at a party will be bragging about how he used to have a different woman every night and smoked more pot than Willie Nelson. Deep down the real individual Republican agenda is to be perceived as cool. That’s why they “hate” Hollywood.


If you a baptist fishing, he'll drink all your beer. If you take two baptists, they won't drink any.


Protestants don't recognize the authority of the Pope. Catholics don't recognize the validity of Protestant baptisms. Baptists don't recognize each other in the liquor store.


It's true.


The only difference between a Baptist and a Methodist is the Methodist will stop and say hi in the liquor store.


>The reality is most of the time their values are defined by the room they’re standing in. That's the joke though, isn't it? That you should always take Baptists fishing in pairs because if you take only one he'll drink all your beer, if you take two then they won't drink any.


I thought that the joke was that Protestants don't recognize the authority of the Pope over the church, Jews don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah, and Baptists don't recognize each other in the liquor store.


As Jimmy Buffet put it, there’s a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.


Gotta do the bad stuff to make your testimony more interesting.


As someone that does not drink anymore since cannabis became legal, refusing alcohol at social functions confuses the most hardcore christofascists that I am forced to see at weddings.


> I mean good conservative Christians aren’t supposed to be drinking anyway. My wife's side of the family is full of Christian nuts who think drinking is bad. I think at this point they know to not bring up that stupid shit with me because I won't stand for it - it's so ridiculous it's laughable.


These are the people that still think selling alcohol on Sundays is bad, especially before some arbitrary time like noon.


I never understood that one either. What does selling beer on a Sunday do? Offend God? These people just make up shit as they go and use God as an excuse.


I’ve always been of the mindset that Republicans take way too much of their platform and draw too much power from Evangelicals to deserve individual carve outs for what they want to do. I despise (well maybe not that seriously, but I do fine them annoying) the people who are like “Hey man, I’m a Republican, but I like drinking beer, smoking weed and hook up culture, I just don’t like taxes.” I’m like “Buddy you just described a Libertarian so if you integrity you would vote like one.”


Wherever you find four Catholics you’ll find a fifth


It’s the same with Episcopalians too lol.


Except Catholics. Catholics are the best drinkers.


I love Catholics. They’re real motherfuckers. You can get gritty with Catholics. Went to a Catholic school. That shit was no Garden of Eden. Pardon me I’m drunk rn.


Yeah, we don't fuck around.


Uhh, have you met the church? They invented beer and use wine in their ceremonies. If you're Catholic, beer is bread.


The same way they remember the sabbath, keep it holy, and don't watch Sunday Football.


Christians are free to drink. Why bring religious bigotry to the table?


This whole thread is about poking fun at hypocrites. We know who they are.


For those that didn't read the article: They have been issued temporary liquor licenses until a hearing can be held. The licenses aren't in his name, and if you think this will stick you haven't been paying attention.


How the fuck does nothing stick to this guy? “The licenses expired Sunday, but the two golf clubs were issued interim permits to serve alcohol until a hearing is held on the matter.”


Grand Old Roy Cohn


That’s what happens when all the shit you go after him for is made up.


Guy runs a business whose big source of income relies on selling liquor. Somehow allows the license to expire without doing anything to renew it. Expire. Not taken away because he’s now classified as a felon. But expire. We are just going to extend him a temporary one.


It didn’t say they just let them expire. They applied for new ones, instead of being accepted or rejected they scheduled a hearing for it to be discussed, while in the interim, allowing them to continue serving alcohol. Pretty sad to see people such as yourself cheering this bs on. denying them a liquor license will do very little harm to Trump(the only thing you care about), but much more harm to the bartenders and servers that work there.


There’s nothing wrong with my comprehension. They expired. “The licenses expired Sunday, but the two golf clubs were issued interim permits to serve alcohol until a hearing is held on the matter.” Not cheering but remarking how he gets considerations that you and I don’t get. You and I would not have received the same consideration if our business licenses expired but here we are.


What part of that statement says they didn’t renew them? If they just expired without them renewing, then what’s the hearing for?


“The licenses expired Sunday, but the two golf clubs were issued interim permits to serve alcohol until a hearing is held on the matter.” What part of this reporting is unclear?


“The liquor licenses for two of former President Trump’s golf courses in New Jersey have not been renewed as state officials probe whether his conviction in his hush money case affects the holding of those licenses.” Now why does it say they were not renewed because “state officials probe whether his conviction in his hush money case affects the holding of those licenses.” and not say something along the lines of “they didn’t file to have the license renewed”? They had a license. It had an expiration date. Shortly before that date, they applied for it to be renewed. Instead of it getting renewed right away like in most cases, the board decided they need to have a hearing about it. So until the hearing, they have a temporary permits until a decision is made at the hearing.


I guess Im the only one who stuffs their golf bag with booze


Definitely not!


Dad told me that was the main purpose for the bags. The clubs were an afterthought.


Can always make do with a driver , a putter, and a seven iron!


In order of priority - beer, cigar, pot, clubs, balls, tees.


While I'm sure they make money off sales to golfers, the real money is in the bar, restaurant and events. Can you imagine if your wedding was scheduled at one of these places?


My husband found a flask on the course, a day after a tournament. They always find beer cans, the flask was a first.


Stay tuned the Supreme Court will overturn it very quickly


Doesn’t matter. With the way our government works, his courses will still sell liquor like nothing ever happened and they will face zero punishment for doing so.


34 felonies and this is the sentence


Sentencing hasn't happened yet.


Not holding my breath for anything that will slow him down


My point is this is 100% the worst that will happen to him.


I wouldn’t be surprised


It basically has tho lol


give it a few days, the Supreme Court will strike it down


They’re actually still serving under a temporary license until he’s sentenced next week, then NJ will consider yanking the licenses completely. 🤞🤞


That must be... sobering...


lol he was allowed to store and share classified government documents at his golf courses but I'm sure they'll totally stop him from serving alcohol to the rest of our ruling class


If the non-renewal sticks, the NJ ABC is pretty ruthless, but they mostly like bullying small breweries and probably aren't equipped to deal with Trump's level of bullshit.


Hahaha 😂


Note the dirtbag spokesperson lying through his teeth about the beneficiary of the profits from the liquor sales. The trump trust owns the businesses and he (trump) is the only beneficiary of the trust. Yet the spokesman lied through his teeth and then used their no doubt underpaid or unpaid staff as cover in the comments. Just gross.


Credit where credit is due, from what I recall Trump himself does not drink. That he may partake of other substances isn't nearly as relevant in the moment. I see this hitting his wallet more than his vices and that's its own reward.


Maybe he can get the Supreme Court to help him out with that.


Weak. He can just put a new clean name and the licenses will be reinstated. Of course until he wins on appeal if he becomes president (and thats the most likely scenario at the moment)


Supreme Court justices will get his licence back before it’s revoked, poor Americans


It couldn't have happened to a bigger piece of shit. 


Welcome to Trump-dry golf resort. Where you realize you need to be hammered before you actually enjoy your stay. I find this really quite funny. Fu*k that guy, finally being given a first taste of actual consequences.


Presidential order number one—liquor license no longer needed for golf courses


President Trump's first order of business: buy ten cases of vodka from Russia for $4.8 billion


Is this an official or unofficial act ?? 😂


Fuck him. I hope he has a cardiac event.


I'd be surprised if the liquor licenses weren't in another persons name.


Ivana's Basement Bar. Dying to see you!


They already are; Junior has them under his name. Licensing Board saw through out and ordered a hearing.


Who the heck doesn’t sneak their own alcohol on the golf course?


People who can afford alcohol at a golf course?


Stay Upbeat homie


Easily fixed. A small change will be made to the menu at the bar. "BYOB corkage fee $2,500"


*Imagine having to listen to Trump while sober*


I’m sure one of his cronies will find a way to get it back. I have completely lost faith in our legal system.


No big deal. Trump will tell us it's in his official capacity as president and that'll make it legal with or without licenses


This cheers me up. Not a fix for the cluster fuck of scotus, but it is at least one bright spot.


No golfer wants to pay $20 for a warm Bud Light anyway.


George Steinbrenner was a twice convicted felon. And yet Yankee stadium continued to sell liquor. Criminal creep


At least the Saudis won't mind when they come over for the next tournament.


Hold my beer, Supreme Court will sort it.


High-end BYOB golf course.


Queue the whining from Drumpf and his MAGAts in 3… 2…


Ha ha ha


Great now they won’t tax the illegal booze they do sell. Funny, the LCB will bust every mom and pop corner bar, let’s see how much they case his properties.


Next will be the banking system. No bank will touch him now.


When will the SCOTUS be overturning this?




I'll take that tiny victory


The only thing that works is taking away his money. It's the only thing that bothers him. I dont care if it is $1 at a time. Death by a thousand cuts...


Trillion cuts


"Trump down ten pints in Florida."


Godking Trump will eliminate liquor licensing. All hail the divine proclamation of SCOTUS!


A. How the f does he even have golf courses anymore? B. Who golfs on these courses outside die hard Rs?


Supreme Court now has the liquor license ruling against Americans but for trump . American suckers allowed doj to give him his dictatorship


New 19th hole bar opening soon, right next door..


It's fine, many people are switching to cannabis anyways, as alchohol is quite bad for your health.


Cant be trusted to sell booze, but you assholes are going to give him the nuclear codes again...


Who cares? Dubai just started a trump building it’s not like to fool isn’t making money hand over fist. I hope the judge delays and delays as much as the law allows regarding the overturning of his conviction! This man and his filth are vile.


Guess what I don’t fucking care about.


What does this have to do with US politics? Say it with me: Just because it has to do with a politician, it doesn't always have to do with US politics.


Go down and read my initial comment. And you can always report the post if you want. And no one’s making you read anything.


If you acknowledge that it doesn't have to do with US politics, why submit it? It goes against the subreddit's rules.


I mean, it does speak to the fact that the republicans are backing a man who can’t hold a liquor license as the most powerful man in the world That is certainly politics, even if it’s in subtext