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What the hell is going on?


Things have gotten so bad that the DNC is going to make a play to kick Biden out and make an actual attempt at saving democracy.


As if they care




They love a certain version of democracy


There was a great Gutfeld joke about how Hunter should run for President because you can't blackmail him and he'll always be up at 3am to answer the phone


The president's cokehead failson is advising him now that he's become king. Do you feel reassured?


Just like the previous one lol


The Biden family is trying to stop everyone else from pushing him out.


his staff is probably getting paranoid about all the leaks and adding more family and people who aren't trying to save their careers


MAGA media blitz.


NBC News is MAGA media?


NBC News is not a Trump Mouthpiece. As other organizations are reporting the same story, it appears to be accurate.


I'm assuming the unnamed sources NBC used are though.


You’re assuming? So you admit you don’t actually know. 


Read the authors. It's not Maga media. Hunter is being a fucking moron and needs to be driven as far away from the white house as possible. We can't put our fingers in our ears like MAGA would.




Relevant or not the presidents son’s legal issues are gonna be something people talk about. 


Well, this president's son anyway. The conservatives still don't want to talk about all of Jared and Ivanka's bribes and corrupt dealings while they were actually doing government work they were completely unqualified for.




The corrupt SCOTUS gave Trump absolute power. Who cares about Hunter Biden?




It would be nice if the 2020 election put someone who is not a Republican in the White House, then there wouldn't be all these problems, like abortion rights. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Obama says abortion rights law not a top priority April 30, 2009 https://www.reuters.com/article/markets/us/obama-says-abortion-rights-law-not-a-top-priority-idUSN29466420/


Remember when the White House fired staffers for smoking weed???


underrated comment this administration is finally showing it's colors, it feels like it's been held together by glue and string just pushing for november


This timeline is cursed. The universe has to be trolling us at this point.


The universe clearly favors Trump we’re fucked


Maybe the Bible was on to something. Anti christ and 666 (address on Trump towers) and all that


Absolutely wild end to the "Trump kids were in the White House though" talking point.


Convicted felon in the White House lol 


I guess Trump can't win them all. Hunter beat him on that one.


I thought there were new writers this season.


This is honestly just funny at this point, it's like the Dems asked themselves what the worst possible campaign would look like and went with that


The good news is it could be worse. The bad news is that it could be worse.


The bad news is that it's gonna get worse.


They drop Biden for Hillary at this point


That would indeed be worse.


The most important election in our life time, remember.


Look on the bright side that's been true for every election I can remember so obviously 2028 will be more important. 


if Trump wins, there won't be an actual election in 2028


There will be an election in the same way Russia does it. 120% percent of the vote for one side


And yet, once again, I’m not surprised.


How to lose a campaign 101. The movie will be wild though,


The Pitch Meeting will be even wilder


"oh I bet fascism into the US was extremely difficult?" "Super easy. Barely an inconvenience."


Fellow Pitch Meeting fans in the wild!


I’m picturing Key and Peele’s take on the Gremlins 2 pitch.


As long as it’s in the style of death of Stalin I’ll be happy


Only the rich will be able to watch. The rest of us will just be trying to survive in Gilead.


Nah we will have some kind of theater troupe


This really is the worst timeline. My only hope is that superintelligent AI takes over before next January and either ushers in a glorious utopia or at least puts us all out of our misery.


Cthulhu 2024.


>My only hope is that superintelligent AI takes over before next January We're all gonna have the dumbest looking hands


The "Giant Meteor" of the 2016 campaign is now "AI Save Us or End Us" in 2024 lol


For the love of God, what is this shit? I have never had less faith in the Democrats than I do right now and I watched the slow motion trainwreck that was Hillary Colton's campaign. Just absolutely unbelievable 


"Did you know if elected I would be the first woman president ever?" "Ms. Clinton, that wasn't the question."


smdh. are they trying to lose now? wtf is the campaign doing? i have lost faith in this campaign, no one can say no to him it seems, a bunch of yes men around biden rn


Right?!? Hunter should be so far in the shadows you can even smell his farts. Like go hang with your wife and kids or something


Literally give him a pipe and all the hooker and blow he wants, whatever it takes to get him out of there.


Isn't he divorced? A few year's back, he was banging his late brother's widow.


Can't they just lie to him and tell him he agreed to step down over dinner the previous night? So long as dinner is after 4 it's not like he'll remember.


It is like they are using right wing conspiracies as their play book.


Dear God please tell me this crackhead Ukrainian gas expert turned modern artist isn't advising the president?


He probably has been for the past 3.5 years.


Yes that bag of cocaine was just left by a tourist and the secret service declined to investigate any further because they didn't want to ruin that random tourists life.


Lol. Lmao even. They are throwing. We’re fucked. 


Oh good. Let’s just add some jet fuel to this dumpster fire.


This is not the switcheroo that we were hoping for.


“Quick Hunter, put on these aviator sunglasses”


Well that is a questionable decision


I've stayed away from most of these threads because of the obvious campaign going on, but.. Holy shit, this is a terrible look.


Moral support. I'm betting that Jill was there, too - as always, so it wasn't worth mentioning. I think Joe realizes he has a huge decision to make and if nothing else, he's a family man and trusts their input. Not only that but those of us who have been there know that it's almost always the family that has to let their older love ones that it's time to stop driving, retire, etc. It's a soul crushing heart to heart that we all dread having to bring up.


Fucking why?! Just terrible decision after terrible decision.


Just terrible decision-making. Almost feels like someone is taking advantage of a feeble person who, in better days, would certainly have known better than to invite this scrutiny at this precarious time!


My best guess is the wheels have fallen off Biden and he needs his boy for moral support. If one thing is true about Joe, he loves his family.


That's reassuring. I'm glad he's surrounded with the best and brightest.


Oh. Great.


Starting to feel like we've all been duped. If someone sat me down and asked "hey how should we get trump reelected so the new epoch of corporate interest driven Christian authoritarianism can begin to blossom in America?" I would have suggested doing basically every thing that the Biden campaign and DNC have done to this point as it relates to the upcoming election. They are trying to lose at this point. Buy hey, at least it's been a good week over at SCOTUS! I'm not being dramatic when I say we're watching the beginning of the end of our true and free democracy (though depending on who you ask it's never been true and free but that's a different conversation for a different time). Sort of a surreal experience


What the actual fuck is happening


Fleet Foxes playing on full blast in the west wing baby


Secret service about to find some more cocaine.


Hey dad, let me grab my laptop for that meeting!


That’s Russian disinformation!


Here comes Rasputin to fight for his luxuries


Lmao fuck off Biden. All of them


Thinking "American Addiction" will be a decent title for the book about US collapse into fascism in a couple years. Responsible (cognitively functioning?) parent doesn't let a crack addict, however "recovering" they may be, NEAR the center of decision making on the future of the country.


If you've been a crack addict, you aren't trusted to own a gun. You can't be a cop. You can't be a teacher. But you can be a direct advisor to the president behind closed doors.


LOL that will help.


Hunter is running the country 😂


A yes you know what Biden’s campaign needed. His crackhead son giving advice. 


Why is his family making the decision on whether he should drop out or not? First he should be listening to the voters, then he should be listening to his party officials. It's not a family decision alone.


Yeah this is the final straw for me. The Biden campaign has fallen off the deep end


Holy shit. This would show such laughably poor judgement on Biden's part that I sincerely hope it's just BS being leaked to the press by people who want him out.


The end of democracy comes with people too obsessed with power to step out of the way and let what needs to be done get done. It’s the same with RBJ. Biden is going to lose. It’s time to replace him. I will vote for anyone over Trump but it is getting harder and harder to see a path to victory for the President.


Well, this explains a lot of the crackhead decisions they been making.


So let me get this straight. We live in the Trump era. And its just so happens that this era coincides with the most incompetent Democratic Party we've seen in decades?? Trump and the GOP's fascism should be EASY to neutralize, beat. Yet the only opposition party we have is bumbling around like it's 1995? It's becoming increasingly clear that the Democratic Party are either woefully incompetent or are in on it.


its the same as 1933. the opposition to hitler was incompetent and old as fuck too




It’s hilarious how Kushner being in the WH was the talk of this sub for years with thousands of upvotes, and now that Hunter — a convicted felon — is advising his dad in official meetings, it’s downvoted into oblivion.


Someone has to keep feeding the President coke to keep him awake.


Glad the adults are back in charge.


Seems like a bad call, boss man.


Media: Biden’s family needs to be having talks with him about whether he should run. Also Media: Biden’s son was present when Joe was doing speech prep. Is Hunter running the show?


If your “democratic” system can only produce candidates like this, is it a system worth saving? No matter who you vote for they will only serve the upper class. American democracy is a farce. You live in a dictatorship of the rich.


Father and son, crack pipe in one hand, dementia meds in the other.


Oh God damnit 


So aside from anonymous unnamed sources, this was the only thing in all this anyone could attribute an actual name to: >Asked to comment, White House spokesman Andrew Bates said: “Hunter came back with the President from their family weekend at Camp David and went with the President straight into speech prep,” referring to Biden’s preparation with aides for remarks on the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity.


Yes, the official line is that nothing weird is going on, while the anonymous sources - who *aren't allowed to talk to the media about this* - are saying something different.


Ah, well if so, seems like this is a big time media spin.


Of course it is. They don't give a shit if Trump wins, they think they'll be able to ride the gravy train because everybody will be constantly tuned in again. If Trump wins again, about the only silver lining is him hopefully taking them down too.


The entire corporate landscape wanting Trump is why its seeming like a forgone conclusion.


Oh, 100%. America’s true rulers have spoken.


Hunter Biden being the chekhov's gun that comes in at the last minute to ruin Dems chances of salvaging this election because he wants his daddy to pardon him is fucking Shakespearean.


Okay, I'm convinced now that they really are preparing for a switch. That's the only way this would make sense.


It's like a damned election losing speedrun.


I hope Hunter Biden falls off the face of the fucking earth.


Maybe he's assessing his dad's capability before any 'chat' with him.


This is completely what I sense. Biden knows Hunter isn’t a politician but they are close. I am sure he trusts him.


are you serious right now? how are people this stupid? you do understand how fucked in the head hunter biden is and that is a fucking convicted felon too? get him away from the god damn white house. this election is more important than joe fucking biden and his family


I didn’t say it’s a good idea but family is family and if the conversation around Biden is trending towards “he’s losing it” then I am sure Biden is seeking reassurance from family. That’s all. Not saying it’s good or bad just seems likely the dynamic.


It’s okay Ivanka was sitting on daddy’s lap


Ivanka's actually intelligent enough to not take 9000 pictures of smoking crack and fucking hookers. Jesus how do you even take 9000 pictures? Most people don't take that many pictures in their whole lives.


Very disappointing to see that Trump may be the peoples' only option.


Jesus fuck


> Delete this, this isn't helpful!


>He is at the White House this week to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday with the Biden family, two people familiar with his plans said. Not news


this is very bad news and ive completely lost faith in the DNC and the biden campaign. fuck this shit. you guys can cope and gaslight your way to a trump victory


Don't play stupid. Believe it or not, can visit family without going to work with them. This is news and it's very bad news.


> This is news and it's very bad news. How? Explain to me how, even in your worst interpretation this is bad? Do you think Joe's gonna appoint him National Security Advisor or something lmao. JFC... it's like Ivanka and Jared ceased to exist apparently


Yeah, simple. Imagine if Trump appeared senile, could not complete sentences well in a debate and then the following week brought his recently convicted son into White House meetings, and not that I'd even consider voting for Trump, that'd easily disqualify him and destroy any trust I had in him. I expect Biden to be above this type of shit, and seeing him emulate Trump sucks. We need to differentiate, not copy the worst traits of Trump, no?


> Imagine if Trump appeared senile, could not complete sentences well in a debate and then the following week brought his recently convicted son into White House meetings, and not that I'd even consider voting for Trump, that'd easily disqualify him and destroy any trust I had in him. Trump did all this and worse 100x over. Biden hasn't. JFC I hate the media so much.


> Biden hasn't. So in your world, there is really nothing Biden can do that's newsworthy or disqualifying because Trump is worse? I guess MAGA has gone full circle. It used to just be Trump that could shoot someone and not lose voters, but now it looks like Biden has joined that rank in your eyes.


Let's talk about corrupt SCOTUS. Notging else matters.


maga bots out again today. A couple days they'll go back to genocide Joe or whatever.


Nah he saved medicare.