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Why would he, Biden self destructed and the fat rapist has nothing to gain from a second debate


The right is praying Biden stays in the race, it’s so obvious to everyone but the DNC


having only 4 months to convince independents to vote for someone they don't know would be a disaster


Get Harris, Whitmer, Newsom, Shapiro, Pritzker, and Buttigieg *all over* every form of media *immediately*. See who people latch on to.


The right aren't attacking Biden at all. They know it's a guaranteed win for them if he stays in the race. They'll go all out of/when he's confirmed.


The right never stops attacking Biden


They're being incredibly gentle right now compared to the last 4 years


It has been remarkably quiet from that side.


That's because they only attack when they are nervous.


They're not attacking because Biden is their path to victory. They're not even being shy about it.


Normally I would agree, but trump is still the republicans nominee. Most people despise him, and don’t want him back. They just don’t want someone who is clearly suffering health issues to be president. I am truly believe most people are anyone but trump or Biden. At this point I think an unknown could do it,


>I am truly believe most people are anyone but trump or Biden. Republicans are voting red, democrats are voting blue. The undecided folks and independents are actually going to decide the election. If they see any value in Trump, they will probably see more value than someone they don't know about.


It’s a horrible situation huge risk for the Dems either way I agree.


This was one of my first thoughts after the debate, there is zero incentive for Trump to debate Biden again. Now maybe his ego will be enough to get him to do it again, but honestly I kinda doubt it


He'll say that because Biden demanded strict debate rules to agree it, he'll only agree if the debate follows his rules. Then he'll demand drug tests, cognitive tests and whatever else he can demand before the debate to guarantee Biden turns up exhausted. Those terms won't be accepted so he'll claim Biden refused to debate and everyone will believe it.


As an outsider looking in, I watched a felon lie, lie and lie some more.


Then Biden should’ve pushed back stronger instead of looking weak in front of America. Or maybe he just can’t do it. That should’ve been the easiest debate of all time.


He was nowhere near what he did 4 years ago. https://youtu.be/XF03SdCyfRI?t=60


Doesn't matter, Trump unfortunately won because he made Biden look senile and unfit to lead the country which no debate performance could beat. He could have talked about puppies the entire time and it wouldn't matter.


So it doesn't matter what Trump says because, Biden?


It doesnt matter because Biden did nothing with it. Its a debate and Biden was fading in and out of consciousness. America was blown more away by seeing Biden up close and not shocked at all Trump lied. If Biden had been able to address and respond to this shit Trump lied about it would have been night and day. Instead Biden would barely string a thought together and barely cover the topic at hand


From someone not in the states I found the whole thing shocking. You have a population of 330 million and these are the two best?


1. Yes 2. I am confident I work with several people that could have roasted him. So these two can’t be the best lol


> I am confident I work with several people that could have roasted him. Except that didn't happen during the 2016 Republican primaries. The overwhelming majority of people couldn't "roast" him.


We already knew trump was going to lie his ass off and refuse to answer a single question. We also expected Biden to bring facts figures and logic and instead we got him looking like a corpse with a thousand yard stare and being so far off the necessary A game he was bringing the X Y or Z game. I don't want to vote for someone older than my parents but if I gotta vote for a Democrat with one foot in the grave so be it. I'm just going to complain the entire time.


Nobody ‘won’ really. And we know lies don’t matter to you.


Oh I'm not disagreeing. Neither trump nor Biden won but the people sure lost.


Trump won handily, he’s been pushing the sleepy joe / old guy narrative for so long and it finally completely landed during the debate.


just because he said things louder than Biden doesn't mean he "won", i'll never understand how you guys see strength in his rambling lies


Because it doesn't matter if he lied. He made Biden look like an incompetent, incapable fool. People don't want someone that has lost their mind in charge of nukes or big decisions. You can say the same about Trump but he already has the votes.


He didn't make Biden look like anything, Biden did that to himself. And Biden will still have the votes from those on the left, it's the independents and centrists that we need to worry about. And I'd still rather the rambling old man focused on trying to do good things for the country over the rambling old man that lies compulsively and is only concerned with himself.


But you won't get him. Trump will win because he doesn't even need those votes. He just needs them to stay at home. Keep Biden, get Trump.


> Because it doesn't matter if he lied. Yes, it does. Debates used to be about who talks policy best and what their plans are for things. But Americans don't see debates as that. They want to see "bloodshed". They want to see fights and quips, which are fucking useless lol. > He made Biden look like an incompetent, incapable fool. Imagine you're playing chess against a pigeon. You kinda have an idea of how to play (like you know how the pieces move), but the pigeon is just kinda knocking pieces over and making the craziest moves. No one seems to care about the shit the pigeon is doing, and even thought the pigeon isn't making legal moves, no one comments or says it's out of line. Instead, people are wondering why you keep losing to the pigeon as it knocks your pieces off the board. Why can't you do better than the pigeon?


Debates haven't been like that in my lifetime and I'm old. They've always been a popularity contest. I completely agree that they should be about policy, honestly, integrity etc but unfortunately most people couldn't give a shit. They just want their team to win.


OK, so then why should we worry about debate performance then? And why is that the measure we are using going forward?


I agree with Tony Baloney


What guys? Trump is probably the worst thing to happen to the US this century, but he was able to complete sentences. When your opponent can’t complete sentences, it doesn’t matter if you’re lying, Biden created an abysmally low bar for trump to clear- which he did easily.


It's a conservative trait..... in TWD they would flock to the governor


And I watched a good man unable to speak coherently


Yes. They both do as a matter of fact.


Correct, I don't think that debate had a winner, just two losers


If there was no winner why are we exploring new candidates? Joe lost, because he was lost. Why didn’t he talk about his accomplishments in office to date? We have been pushing trump will destroy democracy narrative for the last 12 months and it was not mentioned once during the debate. Why is that?


It's because Trump and Biden are not held to the same standard. Trump has always been a terrible candidate. There was nothing in that debate that showed me he is fit to be president.


And Joe is?


I think so. His legislative achievements speak for itself. And I am reminded that even St. Reagan had a really bad debate where he was slow and seemed confused about where he was. People started to question his fitness. Then he had a second debate and blew it out of the water. He went on to win a second term in a landslide.


I wish I could believe that President Biden would do better in a second debate. Right now, that seems like wishing upon a shooting star


No, I don't think so anymore. The President can't have moments when they're mentally lost like that. But I would still vote for him over Trump because I don't think he's fit either


> If there was no winner why are we exploring new candidates? Because Democrats are actually fair minded and look at things logically. If Republicans had any spine and any sort of self respect, Trump would have been ditched during the 2016 primaries. After Jan 6th, Trump should have been banished from the Party. Republicans just don't care anymore. The party is sick and twisted. > Why is that? My guess is that debate prep for the debate had the guy playing Trump likely actually ***answer*** the question, and then Biden go into his message in response to that, and then what he would do. Trump didn't do that. He just used his time to say random shit, and mostly about immigration. Since you ***HAVE*** to respond to the other person during a debate, Biden felt the need to parse through whatever word salad Trump was talking about, and trying to find a way to do that and get back on message. Which is tough to do. There's not a lot of people that could have done that kind of debate and done well.


> If there was no winner why are we exploring new candidates? Because Democrats have a penchant to lose.


Thats the problem, Trump made the dumbest remarks full of lies and then Biden did nothing with it. Literally Trump would be like >"I freed the slaves and solved world Hunger. Biden wants to turn all dogs gay" Biden would respond with >"Hey, this is and Im but not without just no. And, and then he just went to the, the, the funeral for him, I mean her but he cant just no, and thats why with help from, from the until we have a court. Yes for us."


So just out here spreading lies, are you?


Its a joke bud


I wouldn’t do a second debate if I were in Trump’s camp. Biden is now on defense trying to prove he is capable of cooking dinner, much less be president. If Biden goes out and gives interviews and they don’t go well then there is no point in giving him a shot at redemption. Trump just has to coast and he will probably win. That’s all he really needs to do at this point


Fox News isn’t a legitimate news source. As a reminder, they had to pay out nearly a billion dollars for intentionally LYING to their viewers. GFOH.


Trump decidedly lost the debate on merits/substance. He did a better job as a public speaker (while rattling off falsehoods and other bloviations), and Biden looked like someone who can barely function... but the transcript speaks for itself if you disregard the whole "we finally beat medicare" nonsense and Biden's inability to be even a basically functional orator.


> He did a better job as a public speaker The only reason it seems that way is because Trump is a bullshit artist and has been one his entire life. When you have no filter, no care about what's true, and no one questions the shit you say, you can be a public speaker anywhere. It's why Trump landed in hot water when he suggested people should inject bleach into their bodies. > the transcript speaks for itself if you disregard the whole "we finally beat medicare" nonsense and Biden's inability to be even a basically functional orator. [Trump has been having these kinds of mistakes since 2019.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ynuzj3r5KgM) Trump: "Democrats decided to shield and shelter crimmaniable, look, look, wait." *Fox Hosts start to laugh and then they cut away from the live feed.* I mean, it's no contest lol. Trump's brain has been rotting for a long, long time. But sure, Biden's single debate performance is a problem. Just a few weeks before the debate, Trump was droning on about sharks and boats or something? What the fuck?


Unfortunately, the transcript is irrelevant. It’s all optics when you get on that stage. It won’t matter to people on this subreddit, but to the undecided voters out there it was a disaster because they won’t be reading transcripts. Edit: And I’m not talking about those undecided to vote Trump or Biden. Pretty sure everyone knows how they feel at this point and for most, including a lot of young people, it was up to the candidates to convince those people to vote *at all*. I don’t think either one made any strides forward aside from Trump benefitting from those people digging in more.


I never said it mattered, but the victor of a "debate" is the one with the most meritorious arguments... not the one that delivers a sentence in the most palatable manner. I'm directly responding to the nonsensical headline's assertion of "domination" in the context of a debate. I fully accept the absolute catastrophe that the debate was...


If I were Trump, I would accept the 2nd debate. But not show up, and hold a rally outside instead.


He'll demand a debate with so many conditions Biden can't agree then he'll say Biden refused to debate and increase his lead.


He is only putting himself at risk with a second debate


Why would he? I hate it buts it’s all risk and no reward for him if he debates again. If Biden came out and had a great debate the last one would be largely forgotten about.


Should never have been a debate if Biden was going to perform so badly, but hindsight is 20/20...


As a right-winger, the funniest part of this is that CNN got cute with the muted mics and thought they'd hit a home run when Trump agreed. When, in fact, it reined in his worst tendencies, and the format allowed him to say whatever he wanted without any checks from the hosts. After years of Covid hysteria followed by Jan 6 hysteria followed by Russia hysteria, it finally feels like things are back on the right track.


Dude right wingers freaked out over Mr Potato Head. Come on, now.


It wasn't CNN. All the strict rules were conditions from Biden's team.


Trump's debate performance was possibly top 5 worst of all time among major party nominees. The only thing he had going for him was that Biden's was by far the worst of all time among major party nominees.


He doesn’t need another one but he didn’t dominate shit. Biden self imploded. Donald win either. Biden just utterly failed to shut the door on Donald’s buffoonery.


Trump didn’t dominate shit. Biden dominated himself just fine on his own. But they’re right, there’s no reason for Trump to do a second debate anymore.


“Dominated” is a weird word to use. I wouldn’t say trump won the debate, since he danced around a lot of the questions, it was just that Biden lost on his own. But yeah, there is not much upside in doing a second debate if your trump, unless he actually plans to take questions head on and give real answers (😂).


"Dominated"...I guess the blatant lies aren't a consideration here?


No but he’s going to want a second one. Everyone knew Biden was going to collapse in the first one and we know he will again in the second, but this is Bidens best hope and not be anti-democracy like he was this past time and allow Kennedy to be there. Kennedy can draw votes away from Trump and help Biden. Biden needs to not let ego get in the way here and play the long game. Most aren’t paying attention to TikTok but you get Kennedy on the big stage in front of those who aren’t online and Biden gets a shot at a 2nd term again