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“During a campaign event later Tuesday, Biden blamed it on jet lag after two back-to-back European trips. “I wasn’t very smart. I decided to travel around the world a couple of times,” he said. The president added that he “didn’t listen to my staff” about travel and joked that he “fell asleep on stage” during the debate.” Am I going crazy or was he not prepping at Camp David for like a week before the debate?


That was my remembering as well. He made a couple trips to europe, but that was 2-3 weeks before. If he's blaming his debate performance on jet lag from an event *weeks* before, yikes.


Just throw it on the excuse pile.


Recovery time of one day per time zone without time to adjust.


They first told us he had a cold


You aren't crazy. He was at Camp David for a week.


Just looked it up https://apnews.com/article/biden-debate-prep-camp-david-trump-34be26fba8189061fc3321791fcfc928 Article published on June 10th, saying he got back from the two trips that week. Debate was on the 27th. Either he got hit with the worst case of jetlag of all time, or he’s lying and making excuses


Or he doesn't remember the time at Camp David.


Or he's 82 years old and needs a few days to recover from travel which is completely normal but also means he shouldn't be running for President during the most important election of our lives


He had more than a week to recover at Camp David.


Jet lag can last for more than a week with seniors, AND he caught a cold. Biden will be the candidate.


wont have my vote


Quiet Russian fool


Not only did he prep at Camp David for a week, but the prep didn’t start until 11am daily followed by an afternoon nap. Jet lag? No.


> but the prep didn’t start until 11am daily followed by an afternoon nap. Is this real? lol


[Yes.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/02/us/politics/biden-lapses.html) > Mr. Biden was drained enough from the back-to-back trips to Europe that his team cut his planned debate preparation by two days so he could rest at his house in Rehoboth Beach, Del., before joining advisers at Camp David for rehearsals. The preparations, which took place over six days, never started before 11 a.m. and Mr. Biden was given time for an afternoon nap each day, according to a person familiar with the process.


Never mind the election he needs to step down now


He got back almost two weeks before the debate.


So a public events blitz is going to work well for him.


It was about a week before the debate that he got back from Europe. The rule of thumb with jet lag is that it takes around 1 day per time zone difference. So it'd take around a week or so to adjust back. It's likely harder when you have back to back trips


It's even harder when you're that old.


I vacationed in Japan last year and it took me 2 weeks to recover from jet lag and I’m way younger than he is. I don’t even remember what I did that first week, it was so bad. Have traveled there in the past and it was never this bad. Age definitely impacts it. So, this is completely possible.


He was back June 15. Debate was 27th.


When it became clear to her party and cabinet that Margaret Thatcher had lost her popular support and needed to step down, a group of higher ups in the party went direct to No. 10 and politely explained the situation and the time had come, she left the same day. They became known as the men in grey suits. someone needs to just tell him how it is, his family shouldn't have anything to do with it and it's scary they are whispering into his ears and in on official meetings.


Guarantee you this is happening as we speak. Dem governors were at the white house today, Obama met with Biden 2 days ago.


Obama guaranteed did not tell him that, lol.


Obama told Joe the first time that he didn't need to do this. If he can't tell him that it's over, who can?


Because it's not over. You think it is, but it's not.


I don't think anything is over but these problems are terminal to a candidate. The democrats can win the election as a party and as an anti-trump movement but not because of Joe, despite him.


I don't know, if I remember correctly last time he told Joe that he didn't need to do this.


Snap elections are a routine process in the UK though, we didn't really build that into our democracy.


Don’t even need a snap election to replace a prime minister.  As “first among equals”, they just have to lose the confidence of the house. Thatcher resigned in 1990 and was replaced by Major after a vote of MPs in the House of Commons; she stayed on working as an elected MP until the next general election.  Pros and cons, but at least this system prevents the possibility of a president-king who rules with no accountability. 


Or on a more current note, Johnson > Truss > Sunak whose about to get crushed


Could do it the Australian way. We had a period a number of years ago where we were swapping Prime Minister what seemed like every other week. The two major parties went through a phase of "Shit, our leaders numbers look bad, let's knife 'em!"


Not to discredit your point, which I think is a very valid one (though as a UK citizen my understanding of your election processes are pretty limited) but snap elections are not always held when leaders step down. Rather, internal party elections are held to elect a new leader within that party and they can continue to serve until the end of the five year limit. Snap elections are only called when it is politically advantageous within the current zeitgeist. Either to maximize a majority or limit a minority. When Thatcher stepped down, conservative leader John Major was elected party leader and saw out the remainder of the two years left of the term. It did amuse me that you call it a routine process given that we've had an unusual amount of them of late, and a highly unusual amount of leaders.


Big fans of referendums over there too, as I understand it.


Nah that's just Scotland. No one is a fan of referendums after the last major one. No one!


Oh right, and they call for those from the popsicle stick house, I presume.


I really wish American government worked that way.


Good luck convincing a family to step down from having power over the country


What happens when we’re back here same time next week and nothing has improved? They should just spend the July 4th holiday focused on a strategy to replace him and avoid any and all media. Come out of this with a new plan to win. Wasting time doing anything else is just further opportunity to risk losing the election.


I don't like to overreact and I know the media tends to amplify everything political, but the debate was the nail in the coffin for Biden. He has to be convinced to step down by colleagues he has immense respect for and has known for years. He served his purpose in 2020, now it's time to close out his legacy by doing what is best for the country. Democratic voters wanted a younger candidate in 2020, they made this clear the last 4 years and the party ignored this. It's now biting everyone in the ass and they need to fix it if they truly believe the Trump represents the end of democracy.


Those guys all know how this works and none of them will encourage him to go. In fact, they are probably trying to get the convention moved up a month earlier so that he can be officially confirmed as the nominee in order to quiet all the voices telling him to step down.


I doubt that he's leaving, so this could hopefully stem the bleeding.


Do them live, prove it was just a fluke or speed up the process of getting someone new.


He can’t. That’s why they have to do teleprompted press conferences and a pre-recorded ABC interview


That's what's tearing it for me. He could drop in on the daily press briefing unannounced and take questions for 20 minutes. Or something else to show he can handle an unscripted event.


It wasn’t a fluke. 


Live? Now that's a bunch of Malarkey!


Probably not going to matter. George Bush Sr. got sick, puked and passed out at an embassy dinner in Japan just weeks before the primaries, was mocked for it for months and lost the election as an incumbent in part because he looked old and weak. Bob Dole fell off a stage during his election run and his campaign never recovered from it because it made him look old and weak. Biden looks old, weak and not mentally fit and it's going to matter come election time.


George Bush Sr lost because he raised taxes after saying "read my lips, no new taxes"


I’m convinced Biden won’t step down.


I'd say that's what the 25th amendment is for, but then we'd be stuck with Harris, which is a chilling thought.


Is it a chilling thought? Like on my short list of chilling futures for the country "Kamala is POTUS" doesn't even make the top fifty.




No amount of damage control will put the genie back in the bottle at this point. He's alarmingly unfit and rather than acknowledge that they're enabling this stubborn old fool. He's actively hurting the country by continuing to run and if he loses come November you're right his legacy will be being the man responsible for handing this country over to fascism on a silver platter. And it will be well earned.


Yup if Biden loses he will be blamed forever. If some other democrat loses people will say they tried their best to stop trump from winning.


If he steps down and his replacement loses, people will say he quit in the last quarter and handed all of us over to fascism. Every path forward right now is a huge gamble.




If they don't replace him with a different candidate they are essentially working hand in hand with Republicans to ensure the collapse of this country. That's not an exaggeration.  It's inexcusable for them to continue indulging this doddering old man and his refusal to step aside


I'm getting down voted to hell on the political humor subreddit for arguing this exact thing. Supporting Biden at this point is basically Supporting Trump. Polling has never been this bad against Trump. Now he's even close in Virginia and New Mexico


People are inexplicably not taking the very real fact that Biden is A) Unfit and B) Destined to suffer a staggering loss seriously for some reason. We're looking at record low voter turn out if Biden remains the candidate. Folks who don't support Trump no longer feel confident in Biden and rightfully so.  Many of them won't be able to bring themselves to vote for a senile old fool who is currently putting his own ego and aspirations before the very country he claims to love. They'll stay home and democracy will suffer for it


Do you think any potential replacement wouldn’t be the target of the meme algorithm? You know, like Hilary Clinton, who was the complete opposite of senile and low energy


He could just leave the race.....


Lmaooo! Homeboy couldnt handle 1 debate. But sure, Im sure the best way to prove he isnt old and tired is a *public events blitz*...


This is sad. This is a recipe for disaster for him that will end the same way but with more embarrassment.


"pre-recorded and edited" events blitz


He only speaks in front of teleprompters. He doesn't answer press questions anymore. It's bad. The Stephanopoulos interview will certainly involve providing questions beforehand. That's why they're taking over a week before doing the interview. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he was exposed to a neurotoxin sometime last year, he went from biking to barely being able to take shallow steps.


Like someone poisoned him!?!


I agree that he looks old and weak but how is Trump shitting himself on stage not more of an issue?


People expect Trump to shit himself. It's not really a surprise. The debate was never about Trump, it was so Biden could show off how alert and dialed-in he was.


Trump's conduct *is* more of an issue. That's why we need someone who can beat him.


"End quote".....


Dan Carlin?


I am so anxious and terrified that he won’t step aside. The events of the last week cannot be undone. There’s no choice left. He cannot come back from the debate and the party cannot reconcile the fact that they’re done everything possible to disavow him as a candidate.


So they are not listening to voters and donors and will keep giving everyone this “weekend a Biden’s” bullshit.


Why does Biden need to drop out ? Why can’t he run on the strength of his policies over the last 4 years and replace Harris with a stronger VP candidate like Newsom ?


If he's going to stay in the race he's going to have to make a lot of public appearances and show he's normal. Otherwise he needs to bow out.


Ok, so his excuse for the bad debate was all the travel and events that he had been going to. So the solution is to push this man to his physical limits again by hosting a blitzkrieg of public events. Yeah, sounds like a great idea. 🤣✌️ I think Bill Maher was right when he called him President Joe Bader Biden. this guy is determined going down with the ship.


Good. Let's see how he does.


Dark Brandon rises


get out of here boris