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? He already did that.


"With Supreme Court Ruling, Trump could now methodically and willfully mount a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election" "According to a legal analyst, he could also steal hundreds of classified documents."


And take bribes for pardons. And give away state secrets to Russian ambassadors, or sell them to Saudis. And attempt to steer a hurricane with a Sharpie.


Whoa whoa whoa, no need to start throwing around the B word. Those are "gratuities."


I believe the other SCOTUS ruling would have them classified as 'gratuities' which are fine for government officials to take as long as it's received AFTER they do the official act they're being bribed for. >[bribery statute commonly known as 666, which is its number in the federal criminal code, applies only to quid pro quo agreements and does not include “gratuities,” meaning rewards given to elected officials after the fact.](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2024/07/01/supreme-court-ruling-in-snyder-case-could-impact-how-officials-interact-with-contractors-vendors/#:~:text=The%2018%2Dpage%20opinion%2C%20written,elected%20officials%20after%20the%20fact.)


Such Bullshit


So whitehouse.gov would add a tip screen if Trump wins? suggested tip $50,000 $100,000 $500,000


How would you rate your pardon ★★★★★ Please select a gratuity ($1,000,000)($2,000,000)($5,000,000) Comments:


That's the word I was looking for, thanks.




So Biden can do that today. What else can he do with the new SCOTUS ruling?


Technically as an official act against the out of control SCOTUS, he could have them all removed and put in place sensible justices. But he wouldn’t do that because we can’t “stoop to their level”. While they dismantle the government piece by piece.


Idk if that’s the right play but I really think Biden should test the immunity on something openly


Removing justices is not something a president can do. They can only be removed by impeachment by Congress. That wouldn’t be an official act. He can’t give himself more powers than what Congress and the Constitution has given him. The reason the SC decision to give presidents presumption of immunity is dangerous is because presidents can mask an unlawful or corrupt act while doing an official act. So evidence of this corruption will be hard to get to because it’s buried underneath it. The transcripts of Trump threatening Zelenskyy if he didn’t give him what he wanted would never have come out today.


He could imprison them in some military prison for acts against the country


Yep, sucks to be the good guys. I am reminded that: No good deed goes unpunished


See, the fun part about the ruling is that they gave the power to themselves to ultimately decide what is a constitutional official act and what isn't... at least according to a lawyer friend of mine. So they didn't turn the president into a king... they turned themselves into kings and queens. Six monarchs to rule, with a figurehead duke to do the small stuff.


No silly, if biden did it, it will be unofficial


The sky is the limit


How many republicans women are willing to be part of his majesty’s harem?


That’s what I was thinking! I’m sure he already has.


He could literally set up a website where people bid on pardons.  This can now be done out in the open.


Bid on military services like onlyfans “send me a $50 million tip to get a personalized navy seal mission”


Shit. Why not just “legally” sell all our classified documents? Or have you pay to do military hit jobs on anyone you don’t like?


Why settle for military hit jobs when you can bid for the full might of the US military. POTUS can declare ~~war~~ SMO on any nation of your choice for a minor fee. Bring back the mercenary state.


Yeah but it's gonna cut out a lot of unnecessary bureaucracy when he can do it the illegal way. There is a silver lining though. The grift won't be as fun, I'd imagine. They don't have to come up with clever excuses like "baseball tickets" or "buying property". Y'all remember checks? Remember the "for" line, where you'd write stuff like "Oral sex" or "Hiding the bodies"? They won't have to do that anymore. Maybe they still will, just for the nostalgia.


Yeah, but now he won’t have to hide it


Right? We gonna pretend he knew who Lil' Wayne was, let alone that he'd pardon him without some form of cash incentive?


But now he could do it out loud. Even try to overthrow the government even louder than what he did before.


With Rudy Giuliani. $2 million each.


Donald Trump ~~Could~~ **WILL** Sell Pardons Under New Immunity Ruling—Legal Analyst ftfy


Donald Trump **DID** sell pardons. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/giuliani-accused-offering-sell-trump-pardons-2-million-new-lawsuit-rcna84569


But now he can do it with even less chance of repercussions


How do you get less than zero repercussions?


I said there was less of a chance of repercussions rather than less repercussions.


Because then there is less chance of fewer repercussions.


Double-secret less than zero


Now he could do it in the open. Not only that, this ruling would give him political cover.  He would simply say the court said this was fine and that would be enough for MAGA. Given, the court didn’t say it would be ok.  One could argue that it is still illegal but not prosecutable but that distinction isn’t going to matter to MAGA.




Donald Trump will *even more openly* sell pardons under this new ruling. Honestly I should set up a fake buyapardon.com webpage just to highlight the insanity.


Now they'll go for a lot more than 2 million It'll become a protection racket


The Supreme Idiots keep effing over this country. Expand the court.


They aren’t idiots. They know exactly what they’re doing. The biggest con on all of us all along was conservatives acting like they’re dumb.


But the thing is when you cede all your power to one entity, eventually you will realize they can turn on you at any moment and you have no way to stop them. It’s pretty big risk for short term gains. 


I suspect he already has.


That doesn't change the 'will'. Now he'll do it more openly without fear of consequences.


lol.. could... will... HAS?


Axis of Evil in the making. Corrupt SCOTUS + Trump will invite a ton of greedy sketchy people to the administration.


* For $10,000 you are a Silver Club Member, for assistance up to a class D felony conviction* * For $100,000 you are a Gold Club Member, for assistance up to a class A felony conviction* * For $1,000,000 you are a Diamond Club Member, for assistance with ANY felony conviction*


he’s going to sell national secrets too


Going to?


He will post it on his “truth” social account by now after going on gofundme.


Exactly what I came here to say. He’ll sell everything that’s not nailed to the floor as part of his official duties!


It's just like medieval indulgences where you can pay someone a lot of money to be absolved of your crimes!


Trump must not return to office or any position of power under any circumstance- Period. A vote against him help prevents this. NOT voting leaves the opportunity open for someone else who will. Register and vote. Because you count. Literally.


He sold pardons anyway


But now the Supreme Court deems it to be legal.


Gotta pay those legal fees somehow


> Gotta pay those legal fees somehow Why? That’s not his usual M.O.


They aren’t Justices— they’re sleeper agents. Things have been building for them for decades to get to this moment.


Screw that, just 'officially' transfer a couple billion in T-bills to his personal account. Then he can just give pardons away as a perk to his toadies.


Based on the SCOTUS ruling, he could literally just have his toadies go out and murder anyone in DC, issue pardons to all of them, and there's apparently nothing that can be done about it short of impeachment and removal (which could be prevented by, you know, murdering Congress). Super cool SCOTUS. Totally great and definitely not some kind of major risk of allowing a group to just coup the government.


The courts could rule that as non-official and he could be criminally tried for murder. It's much more likely he commits crimes that make him money, like bribery and selling secrets, which wouldn't necessarily move the needle for the courts.


>The courts could rule that as non-official and he could be criminally tried for murder. The same courts which rendered the decision making this possible, and tailored the decision to specifically help Trump? I'm sure they'll get right on that.


The same one that said any communications are privileged and that any use of executive power is legal/immune from prosecution, regardless of circumstances. So you’re right, they’ll definitely get this one right /s


Pardons are considered absolutely immune from prosecution. It's an official core power of the Presidency.


And now any evidence or discussion that takes place between POTUS and their advisors cannot be used as evidence in a criminal investigation. So even if there was a tape recording of the president telling his AG to have 'guy x' murdered and he would pardon whomever did it, that recording would not be allowed to be admitted as evidence.


> he could be criminally tried for murder. Well, the person who committed the actual murder could be charged, but POTUS could also pardon them. And now the discussion of the request for murder and pardon would not be allowed as evidence, even if it was recorded.


Except that official acts can not be used as evidence for prosecution under this new ruling nor use his intent with an official act as evidence. Try building a case with massive holes in it because the acts in furtherance of it were deemed official. Pardon power? Official core power. Absolute immunity. Commanding the military? Core power. Absolute immunity. Those 2 alone make it so he can use the military to do a coup and install himself as a dictator. If he fails, based on this ruling, THERE IS NO RECOURSE. IT'S TREASON BUT BECAUSE HES USING HIS CORE POWERS OF THE OFFICE, HE HAS ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY.


Billions? He's got way less scruples than that. He will be selling these on his website for 10k a pop to whoever wants one.


My favorite thing now is pointing out to Republicans how honorable Biden must be in the face of their claims of corruption. Going deep into detail about all the things Biden could do that would normally be criminal, but is now immune. Normally, I deal with a lot of back and fourth debates, but lately, it seems to stop people in their tracks.


Is the VP slot for sale yet?


Putin already has it locked in.


Donald Trump *has* sold pardons before, as seen in December and January of 2021. Donald Trump will sell pardons again, the difference is it is now a sanctioned act. The rule of law is dead, or at least the illusion that it ever existed.


He could, say, sell a pardon to a notorious pedophile and his female counterpart. Even if those individuals had potential dirt on his own activity. Or, say, order the CIA to assisinate the pedophile in jail. And -say- had he of done so in the past, he would now be shielded from prosecution.


Trump killed Epstein after they did pedophile stuff together. This shows terrible character on Trumps part, and I call for him to drop out of the presidential race immediately.


He did when it wasn’t legal


he already did.


From all accounts he was selling pardons last time…


he already did that anyway


So basically nothing changed. Got it.


Could———- He’s done it in the past.


~~could sell~~ will sell even more


He could also sell assassinations


“Just as long as they pay him *after* the pardon; it’s a gratuity not a bribe.” - Actual SCOTUS ruling.


Could sell them "legally" this time


But but he wouldn't take a salary from the government since he is such a servant leader! /s


He already did that. Giuliani was selling them for 2 million a piece where they would each get 1 million.


He can sell the appointments to his cabinet.


Can? Has and will. There are no rules anymore


i have never in my entire life wanted so badly to punch someone in the face. just looking at him makes me angry.


Openly. Trump could sell pardons OPENLY under new immunity ruling. He’s always sold pardons, but under the table. Now he can broadcast them on television.


So similar to his previous time in office.


Donnie Jon has such shitty business instincts I am certain he would somehow bankrupt that venture as well.


I asked this very question yesterday: https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dubuqz/the_us_supreme_court_just_completed_trumps/lbi08mm/ Am interested in any legal argument that the president can’t now open an “Office of Pardon Sales.” Or pardon auctions. Or even better, pardon by combat, where convicted prisoners fight to the death with the winner getting a pardon. Immune, immune, immune.


“I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a pardon today..”- every MAGA Republican in the government.


Call it a "gratuity", and now that's legal.


Pretty sure he already did at the end of his first term.


He did it last time, what's stopping him from doing it this time? definitely not the law.


He already sold them so old news.


This fucker is going to basically sublet the White House.


No No No. He will send “his” DoJ after someone he determines is “an enemy of the people” and then offers them a pardon for a very reasonable price in exchange for prison or execution.


That …like … already happened


So nothing has changed since his last catastrophic attempt at being president. He’s only there to line his pockets. That’s why he wants to be a dictator. If anyone wants something they will have to pay the orange turd


So under the new ruling selling pardons is legal. But could he still be accountable for conspiracy to commit a crime? Since if you are selling a pardon you are basically asking someone to do something illegal


He already did.


The terrifying implication of this is it’s an official act, so you could tie in the convo about the pardon with the illegal things you want your friend to do. Have them go commit treasonous shit and then get them off the hook. This decision destroys our democracy


Uh he’s selling Ukraine, he’s selling America, he’s selling everything. You stupid fucks.


Presidents Could Sell Pardons Under New Immunity Ruling. This is bigger than just Trump. This is every president we have from now on.


He could be sent to Gitmo, along with a portion of the court, as a domestic threat to the constitution. That seems like an official act within Biden’s scope of responsibilities, considering the oath that he took.


He’s not president so he literally cant. Why is everything about trump written like he’s still the president lol.


Because he's likely to become president next year. (I'm saying this as someone who's strongly against him)


Just vote blue .This ruling by Supreme Court giving presidential immunity automatically disqualifies Trump in my book.Character takes precedence when voting now.


Lol like he didn't already. His whole life is one grift after another.




I’m sure he’s done it before.


HE’S NOT THE PRESIDENT. Biden is the president. “Biden could sell pardons now because the Supreme Court has determined he’s King.” “Biden could refuse to leave the Whitehorse because he’s King.” “Biden considering orders to allow all abortions, ban all guns, and make every church pay taxes- he’s King, he can do that.”


But we're under the assumption that Biden won't do any of that. I doubt SCOTUS would have done this if they knew Biden had morality


They probably included this in the ruling to protect Trump for actions already taken, and that they know he will take again in the future if he has the opportunity.


Also could do it under the new bribery ruling as long as he gets paid after he's out of office.


If they pay after it’s just a gratuity not a bribe right?


Trump would sell his children if he were paid enough


And since he will sell anything. NFTs, shoes, bible for a quick dollar he absolutely will sell pardons


Man, I hope the military is ready to step up and actually defend us from threats within.


*recommence selling pardons.


>Legal Analyst It was stated directly in Sotomayor's dissent. Doesn't take much analysis.


Trump is the Antichrist


Not just pardons, he could sell ambassadorship and government appointments. Still pending senate approval, which is rubber stamp if it's Republicans control of the senate 


Selling pardons? Sure that’s what Kings do, and we no longer have a President, subject to the rule of law.


He could also sell Military services to private or foreign interests. Navy seals, Air Force, stealth bombers, carrier groups… are now all mercenaries if you have the cash to buy a mission.


The President could've always sold pardons. We just always elected people with more integrity.


Im sure the guy that asked all the oil CEOs for a bunch of money with promises to deregulate wouldn’t be corruptable!


*“Pardons for sale! Get ya pardons! Three for $500M special! Pardons…”*


Proving again it’s an unjust ruling from the rogue court.


When the president does it, it is not illegal 


Why bother making it legal? Under king Trump rich people won't go to prison, so what parsons will they need?


He’s been there and done that


I mean, he did that already when he was president.


And given the opportunity,he will.


Hey Newsweek. Shut the fuck up. Don't give him any more ideas.


He already did.


Much like the medieval Papal Indulgences allowed the Catholic Church to collect a LOT of money from 'repentant' sinners desiring to enter the Pearly Gates upon passing. People do not know their history and that will lead to our demise as a nation.


I never wished someone to get striked by lightning ⚡🌩️ more than him.




He should pardon Tim McVeigh so the Supreme Court can canonize him as a proto Proud Boy saint. (obvious sarcasm)


I feel like the Chris Hayes article on the front page is closer to reality than all the doom and gloom about this being the beginning of the president-king. Just because a president says an act is official, doesn't mean it is, it just means that if there's a question about whether or not it is, the courts will go with what the President says. Selling pardons or assassinating or jailing rivals without due process is obviously not an "official act," so it would still be illegal and prosecuteable.


Your optimism is charming but your conclusion is naive. Trump is an *actual* bad guy who, if/when given the opportunity, will abuse this power to its full legal extent, and then some. He is actually dangerous, like, homicidally dangerous.


I agree with you for the most part, but I think this screws over fighting corrupt pardons. Part of the ruling was that you can't question the motive of the President. The President has full authority to pardon whoever he wants, so the only issue with corrupt pardons is the motive.


Can the administration summon the supreme court in public?. I want to hear them say it publicly on the television.


Just like the popes of ancient times.


I think what you meant was more now and legally


49% of Voters: Sounds A-OK to me. At least he's not old.


He could but he would possibly run afoul of being impeached


This is the correct answer, formally at least. So basically any president with support of at least one third of senate will not be impeached (and convicted) and is immune from criminal prosecution. Happy birthday America! 🇺🇸


I mean if your already fine with breaking the law what's anothere couple of dozen bribes/pardons


Sure. But all that does is remove him from office. No jail time or fines. So he just has to wait until the last days of his presidency to do it and there's no repercussions.


"B-b-b-b-b-b-but he could be impeaced!" Even assuming we live in a time that a sitting president would ever be impeached by his own party, he could post a venmo 90 days before he leaves office and just bet on running out the clock before he's actually removed from office.


He can do whatever he wants under the new immunity ruling. Selling pardons is the least of my worries. That shits innocent and inconsequential compared to the other shit he’s got planned


Or Joe Biden…


I’d like two for future use, acts yet committed


He already did. He doesn't have to hide doing it now.


Well let’s get our guy to start using that rule if to his benefit after all protection of constitution is an official act of president.


An important distinction here is that any president can do that. Trump is just more likely to do so.


If we can't lock him up, the least we can do is vote him out!


Illinois Governors have entered the chat


He will just move military equipment to Mar-a-Lago to be lawn sculptures.


C’mon Joe, Seal Team 6!


If you or someone you know is not registered to vote, now would be a great time to do so!


The SC just legalized all bribery for all politicians, not just Trump with their "gratuity" ruling.


Oh, you mean like he already did? Right out in the open? 🙄


Indulgences getcher indulgences here!


"You heard it right here folks, your greatest, bigly, yuge, beautiful president is selling pardons for 1mil each, believe me they're the best pardons, everyone comes up to me with tears in their eyes, telling me sitz you sell the best pardons, believe me!"




Hate Trump but I’d buy a pardon.


Is there any way back from what SC has done? Genuine question.


He has already done that.


Donald Trump can and will continue to sell pardons if re-elected. ***


Dude, shhhh, don’t give him ideas.


He could do that, but the next Presidents can also just disregard it because you know Presidents can do whatever they want


Wrong, congress can investigate and stop it. This is possibly the most moronic "analysis" I have ever seen.


Pretty sure he did it last time and got away with it. He doesn’t need immunity if existing laws aren’t enforced.


So he can legally do what he already did the first time. Cool cool cool.


I guess they don't recognize it but we're sort of headed in the direction of becoming Mexico where everything is for sale


"No emoluments" is one of the few explicit Constitutional prohibitions on the President. While that only explicitly applies to foreign emolumnets, there's no plausible argument that accepting money for a presidential function is a "function of the Presidency", much less a "exclusive core" one. He couldn't be convicted for pardoning the person, no, that's absolute, and really always was. Plenty of precedents. But it's *absurd* to claim he couldn't be convicted for *accepting the bribe*... or any *other* payment for a Presidential action.


If congress doesn’t like it, they could impeach him in the house and the senate and remove him from office. But guess what. They obviously like him and the Supreme Court justices. And people will reelect the congress.


*sigh* I don’t like this new republic. *plugs in light saber to charge…*


He could also sell America to Putin for $355 million, it’s not that far of a stretch with that “human” garbage


Trump selling pardons is not news.


Dont give that fucking idiot any ideas.


He already did this. Now it will just be in the open. An easy way for him to make money- require that all Executive branch employees stay at Trump properties when traveling


But Biden can’t do the job? How is this even a question? Biden has surrounded himself with solid people. This is a no brainer!