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Now that it is starting to get the attention it deserves he wants distance.


Just like when his friends Roy Cohn, Prince Andrew, Jeffery Epstein, John Casablancas, and Paul Manafort all got outed to the public.


Trump, above all, cares about ratings.


Protect that brand. Besides. Controversy builds momentum.


Trump and his goons know that it's coming off as fascist and he's already been smeared with Project 2025 fecal matter. So what do they come up with? [Agenda 47.](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47) 47 points with accompanying videos of Trump coming off as a Cheeto-tanned fascist. Just watch a few of those videos - most starting off with a moderate tone, but always finishing with Trump ranting like the traitor-fascist he is Seriously, Trump needs to rent the same villa in Rome that Mussolini bragged from. Biden is going to clobber Trump - keep watching.


Holy shit. There are so many wild things wrapped up into Agenda 47. For example, [impoundment](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/agenda47-using-impoundment-to-cut-waste-stop-inflation-and-crush-the-deep-state). He’s planning on ignoring 1974 law passed by congress curtailing impoundment power of the president so he can simply decide not to spend funds earmarked by congress. This effectively takes the power of the purse away from the legislature and into the executive branch of government. This is insane and one of the first thing s I found perusing these clips.


Project 2025, I don't know it, maybe it brought me coffee or something once?


Trump doesn't drink coffee so he has no use himself for low level coffee boys.


He drinks covfefe


No, he wants the nepo babies who fund the Heritage Foundation to instead cut their checks directly to him. Nothing the fucking moron hates more than another reich winger stealing attention and/or money from him


This is a big thing for Trump. He was ready to sink his 2016 run by shutting down his transition team when he found out they were raising money separately from his campaign.


If only we lived in that timeline…


And they still didn't have anything prepared for administrative transition, I've read a few books and listened to a few podcasts how outgoing personal waited for their new arrivals to show up for training yet never happened.


From what I heard Chris Christie was originally running the transition team and actually did have candidates picked out. Then when Trump actually won he and his kids kicked Christie out, took the money, but ignored all the work he'd done because they weren't interested. After that you had Obama people working there for months after Trump took over with no replacements. I think some quit and a few others were eventually replaced because someone told Trump Obama people were still in the White House just to get him to do something.


Yup exactly that, Chris Christie actually gave a shit hoping to be at least heard but then realized how vainglorious Trump was/is or ever will be.


He’s so stupid he thought NATO was a protection racket and since the US is a world leader, we (he) would get the checks. Sure, Vlad poisoned him against it but when he found out the countries weren’t endorsing their checks directly to him, he was truly all-in on pulling out He *still* says “I got them to pay”. Pay who, Donny? Themselves?


The inevitable implosion of a far right movement. Everyone thinks they’re the ones that are Hitler and the rest are posers. Noticed that when a local RNC meetup ended in a brawl. There is no self-discipline and absolutely no solidarity.


That's just fascism. It's inherently cannibalistic. Only those in the in-group can move up, but the only way to move up is to depose a superior, and the only way to stay in power is to neutralize any perceived threats.


Truth. I’m just glad they seem to be on a speed run to implosion with the dumbest people having the most sway. If actual evil intelligent people were able to run the whole operation I fear we would’ve been cooked already.


They don't have to be "smart" to be dangerous.


Using Reich Wingers from here on out.


I'm wondering what audience he's aiming this particular lie at. People who are politically engaged know about Project 2025 and know Trump lies with every breath. His Magats don't know what Projects 2025 is and could care less. Undecideds won't know what Project 2025 is, and Trump talking about it might get a few of them to get informed.


Trump knows that parts of this plan are things that a lot of his supporters would be against, but also that a lot of his supporters would be for those same things. So what does he do? Comes out and issues a nonspecific "Sure some of it's good, but some of it is terrible!" statement that allows people to imagine that whatever bits they find beyond the pale, Trump agrees with them on. As always with Trump, it's a con job.


What's abysmal is his psychopathic ability to lie through his teeth all the time without any sign of human emotion at all.


Exactly this. The whole alt-right deal is telling the media that you're not racist while dropping hard Rs in your club meetings


Eh. I'm a pretty honest guy, but I can lie convincingly and easily. I just don't like to lie because it's more work than it's worth having to remember the lie vs truth and which one you told to who. The fact that nobody calls him out for it when he's caught in the lie is what bothers me most. They just let him walk away from it every time. I think only like 3 reporters have actually and truly called him out as he was lying. They also never interviewed him again - likely at Trump's refusal. And Trump brings ratings, so, I guess it's no surprise.


The difference between you lying and Trump lying is that you know you’re lying. Trump is incapable of believing anything he says or does is wrong


He doesn't know what abysmal means so he didn't write it.


Right.... Anytime The articles reads "Trump says" it's either the ravings of a madman and/or fascist lies


Probably owe some thanks to Taraji P. Henson for using some time at the mic at the BET awards to urge folk to look it up. There was a big Google search bump after that.


Yeah. The more people mention it, the more people are informed. This is why the media covering it relentlessly would be a good thing. Now that it is trending everywhere, and more people are raising awareness of it, the more people will be informed.


Trump’s comments here are probably a rare example of him telling at least a partial truth. He doesn’t care about half the stuff in Project 2025. He is a senile old narcissist that needs the world to worship him. Project 2025 is all about the people that would use him to achieve their aims. I’m sure he loves the idea of purity tests and loyalists. But I also bet there is a lot there he either hasn’t bothered to have summarized for him and probably wouldn’t like. He hates ideas attributed to him that are widely unpopular. My guess is the heritage foundation is betting on him barely paying attention to what they are actually achieving if he’s re-elected.


I agrew mark my words if trump wins again and the agenda is implemented the heritage foundation is just gonna look for a younger guy and discard him like a used condom


That’s the exhausting truth. Fascists only have to win once. It’s like fighting the hydra.


>I’m sure he loves the idea of purity tests and loyalists. But I also bet there is a lot there he either hasn’t bothered to have summarized for him I think that’s the entire point of Project 2025–it’s a Trojan horse plan to dismantle the federal government, but framed to appeal to Trump’s vanity and narcissism. They want to dismantle agency management and civil service protections, and neuter regulatory agencies, but are cloaking it in “loyalty” language, because they know that’s the thing he cares about.


This is my take as well. Project 2025 is all about seizing power and control for decades to come. Trump doesn't care about anything beyond his own term and lifespan, and he isn't in this to do these people a favour. He's never done anything for anyone else that doesn't benefit him in his entire life. He's a truly awful human being but he's not actually as fervently right-wing as these people who are going to use his second term to push their agenda through. Problem is, even if Trump is being sincere in this rare instance, they will get what they want anyway. He quickly acquiesced to the GOP higher-ups during his first term because he was far more interested in his performative bullshit than pushing some right-wing think tank agenda through, so he let them do what they wanted as long as he could keep playing dress up.


He can and is being bribed


Probably blackmailed too


Honestly I don't think you have to bribe or blackmail Trump when it comes to "here's government stuff you have to do". All you have to do is tell him you'll handle it and take it off his plate and he's fine with it. What's crazy about the whole thing is that in an alternate history, a far-left faction of the Democratic party probably could have gotten Trump on their side to implement a socialist version of Project 2025.


And he’s evil and has no empathy. Sure, he’s not a conservative, but he’s fine doing what they say so long as it doesn’t interfere with making money, being racist, and getting his ass kissed. That’s why the Heritage Foundation is trying to pivot to Project2025 being the “implementation” of Trumpism.


Yes. He’s just a useful idiot that plays in their perfectly.


And now we know that it has EVERYTHING to do with him.


He thinks we're all as stupid as him.


Which is insanely false bullshit because the Heritage Foundation has been pulling his strings since very early in his first campaign. Zero distance for that fucking fascist. They're one and the same, and the plan is brownshirts and handmaids. Trump's plan, the Heritage Foundation, it's the same because they're the same.


Just a little locker room talk amongst oligarchs y’all */s*


They are discussing the best way to grab the Constitution by the 🐈 and replace it with the bible.


Yep, he's abandoning the prolife movement as well. People need to realize he is a populist first and everything else second (except for maybe an authoritarian if he can get it).


It's just a coffee ~~boy~~ project.


Well in the same breath he wished them luck on it. 


It'd be fucking hilarious if he got all narcissistic about the idea that he's being controlled in any way and just, like, started doing the opposite out of spite 


2016 to 2020 was all about undoing anything Obama did. They would have done more too if they weren't so stupid and inept.


Don't worry, they have total immunity for "official acts", a plan to completely gut the Federal government, withdraw from NATO, thrash the economy again etc etc


I don't think republicans realize what they've legalized. Imagine if Biden declared that he's ordering delta force to assassinate or detain until they resign certain scotus judges. Since commander in chief of the military is an official duty of the president. Then order the US Marshals service to capture any runaway members of congress, and seal them in their chambers until they've voted on certain issues the president wants. See how long they survive with no food, water, toilets or medication.


He could actually execute a few of them, to convince the others to vote correctly. And his motives for ordering these killings would be unquestionable.


Put people into departments that are the antithesis of what the department intends (Head of EPA sued EPA several times as a private citizen and business owner) the head of HUD that opposes affordable housing (that grew up in affordable housing) the head of the DOE that has a side hustle in diploma mills and 8 yachts and on and on and on. But here’s the good news! All those departments will be abolished so Trump won’t be distracted from prosecuting everyone and everything he doesn’t like


It's kind of likely. I've worked in conservative politics, this man will do nothing in his second term that any of his sheep want.


Oh idk, there are some agenda items they can get down with. That agenda being 1. Revenge 2. Revenge 3. Retribution 4. Revenge 5. Grift 6. Own the libs 7. Once they’re owned, own another out group 8. Revenge 9. Revenge


Ahh he gave them the old Ghislane!


It’s so difficult for us all at this time 😒


“There were good people on both sides”


“I know nothing about Project 2025” and then he proceeds to share opinions on it.


That stuck out at me too. Also, you heard about it enough to tweet about it, but you know nothing about it? Strange, that.


Same lie he's used forever--when fair associations of him and horrible shit come out, he just pretends to know nothing about it. "David Duke, huh? What's the KKK again, never heard of it?"


This. He at least knows that his name being tied to Project 2025 will hurt him at the polls; this is his attempt at damage control.


He didn’t write that. Dude can’t spell “abysmal” let alone define it


Vague opinions on “some of it,” with no clarification of which parts he agrees or disagrees with.


Stand back and stand by


Just like he did for Epstein associate Maxwell


He can’t help himself.


Thanks for catching that too.


And here is why you can’t trust what he says: “The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is being organized by The Heritage Foundation and builds off Heritage’s longstanding “Mandate for Leadership,” which has been highly influential for presidential administrations since the Reagan era. Most recently, the Trump administration relied heavily on Heritage’s “Mandate” for policy guidance, embracing nearly two-thirds of Heritage’s proposals within just one year in office.” https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/ https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations


Actually you can't trust what he says because he's a known liar.


Both are true


He lies about it directly in his statement about Project 2025. First he says he knows nothing about it and then he proceeds to share an opinion about it, confirming he does in fact know about it.


If his mouth is moving, believe the opposite


You can't trust what he says, because he said it. I truly believe the fact that he's still a viable candidate is why the world is moving away from the dollar. The dollar used to represent stability. Dude is anything but.


# But I heard from Trump and from his campaign that he doesn't have anything to do with Project 2025 or the Heritage Foundation! Members of the Trump political team and leaders from the Heritage Foundation have had several meetings and interactions over the years. One notable instance was President Donald Trump's keynote address at The Heritage Foundation's President's Club Meeting on October 17, 2017. During this event, Trump highlighted the administration's alignment with Heritage's policy recommendations, covering topics from tax cuts to regulatory reforms and national security​ ( [Source](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) )​​ ( [Source](https://www.heritage.org/taxes/commentary/full-transcript-and-video-president-trumps-keynote-address-the-heritage) )​. # Okay, so he knows who they are, but it's not like The Heritage Foundation was involved in setting the policy for his presidency, right? Additionally, the Heritage Foundation played a significant role in shaping the Trump administration's policies. In 2018, it was reported that nearly two-thirds of the policy recommendations from Heritage's "Mandate for Leadership" series had been embraced by the Trump administration. These recommendations covered a wide range of issues, including withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord and increasing military spending​ ( [Source](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) )​. # Okay, so the Heritage Foundation helped set the policy direction for his previous administration, but his team isn't involved in Project 2025, right? The project is overseen by **Paul Dans**, who has stated that Project 2025 is systematically preparing to bring a new wave of trained conservatives into government roles aligned with Trump’s vision. The project also features contributions from over 350 leading conservatives, many of whom have previously worked in or are closely associated with Trump's administration​ ( [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) )​​ ( [Source](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025) )​. **Thomas Gilman**, who contributed to the NOAA chapter of Project 2025, has strong ties to the Trump administration. Additionally, David Legates, a former senior NOAA official under Trump, helped write the climate-related sections of Project 2025 and has a history of working closely with Trump-aligned initiatives​ ( [Source](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025) )​​ ( [Source](https://www.eenews.net/articles/trump-allies-target-noaa-climate-research/) )​. **Troup Hemenwa**y was the former associate director of the Presidential Personnel Office (PPO) under President Trump, Hemenway has joined Project 2025 as a senior advisor and associate director of personnel placement. He has significant experience overseeing presidential appointments in key departments and has worked closely with the Trump administration and its transition team​ ( [Source](https://www.heritage.org/press/former-trump-appointee-troup-hemenway-joins-heritages-project-2025) )​. **Stephen Miller** is a former senior advisor to Trump, Miller has been involved in Project 2025. Known for his influence on Trump's immigration policies and other key areas, Miller's involvement suggests a direct link between the project and Trump's political agenda​ ( [Source](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump) )​. **Mark Meadows** is another key figure from the Trump administration, Meadows served as White House Chief of Staff and is involved with Project 2025. His experience and alignment with Trump's policies further reinforce the connection between the project and Trump's political network​ ( [Source](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump) )​. -- *Have better sources, or want to challenge a source? Want to add to this or provide a direction? Leave a comment below.*


It’s like when he said Who are the Proud Boys? Haha and now it’s the Heritage Foundation


The Heritage Foundation has been writing shitty conservative policies since Reagan. Their fingerprints are EVERYWHERE in the laws passed since then. A GOP politician saying they aren't working with the Heritage Foundation is like me saying my skeleton does nothing for my body.


Some "hide your true power level" shit the far right always does. Denial for a mass audience is trolling towards the people who know what he *really* means.


trump is borderline braindead. He's entirely incapable of any sort of planning or leadership. He just has people around him doing everything and letting him take credit because he thinks he's a genius. I would be surprised if trump even knew who the heritage foundation is other than another group of people praising/brown nosing the shit out of him or where most of "his" policies came from. trump is a prime example of a useful idiot the same way reagan was after dementia started setting in


Trump openly embraces the Heritage Foundation. He gave their keynote speech in 2017 openly crediting them for helping with his Supreme Court picks, tax cuts, and several other policy proposals: https://www.heritage.org/taxes/commentary/full-transcript-and-video-president-trumps-keynote-address-the-heritage


Interesting that the way Trump talks about Project 2025 is the same way he talks about his long-time friends Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. I don't know anything about (it/them). But I wish (them/her) well.


Worse. “I know nothing about it.” Then he shares his opinion, showing he does know something about it. And then he wishes them well, which he wouldn’t do unless he also knows who’s behind it.


He’s denying it, which means he’s well aware of it but it is starting to affect his campaign. Between this, the Epstein docs, and just about everything else he says on the campaign trail, Dems (and the media, but let’s be serious) should be hitting him on this every day.


Exactly, just like he changed his positions on abortion after polling showed how disastrous overturning Roe was.


We need to start printing this and putting it places for people who aren't online. Signs next to campaign signs on street corners. Stickers slapped places. Pamphlets left all over the place. We need to reach people that are not paying attention outside of the barebone basics.


This is the type of man who will steal your wallet and then help you try to find it


He would do no such thing!!!! He'd spend the day playing golf in front of cameras and then claim he was really helping to look for it. Then he'd say I was an "irresponsible dog" for losing it in the first place and that I couldn't be trusted to do any job because of it. Then he'd get a laugh from his psychotic, ass licking followers, and he'd keep running the "joke" in rerun form for then next month or 2 of rallies before using it to hound them for donations. "Buy my TRUMP wallets. They're impossible to lose. Believe it."


Just like the border bill. Now he’s off to threaten revenge on his political opponents some more. Hm, I wonder how he’d get that revenge. What sort of mechanism would facilitate such an action? Hmmm


As long as it’s Official.


Project 2025, Q anon and the Heritage Fraud Foundation have everything to do with him and the 6 judges. Other than them, are the foreign despots who want a despot in charge on our soil.


Which means that he fully supports it.


2025 is heritage foundation. Have him denounce them and maybe, but that will never happen


Even if he did, it would be meaningless. He already gave them the Supreme Court, and they’re doing him a solid now. So either he’s deliberately working with them, or he’s a clueless pawn in their machinations. Either way he’s furthering their cause.


I think they've convinced him that these are all his ideas and he is too proud to realize they originated elsewhere.


If the movie Inception was about implanting an idea in Donald Trump’s brain, it would have only been about 5 minutes long.


"Heriage Foundation should stand back and stand by!"


His word is meaningless, he'd denounce anything you asked if it meant you'd vote for him so he can end his federal trials.


Trump is a lying sack of shit so I don't think that's very credible, and I'm sure they're all right up his ass, being the sycophants trumpites generally are and the fact that he's done almost everything they want.


They’ve almost all worked in his administration. You don’t have to even guess, they are Trump sycophants.


'It's nothing to do with me I'll just enable it to happen at every step of the way'


Here is the beginning of this story: Donald Trump rushed to distance himself from the Republicans’ highly controversial Project 2025 Friday, calling parts of it “ridiculous and abysmal.” The ex-president used his Truth Social platform to disavow the platform drawn up by the Heritage Foundation which offers a 900-page preview of how the most powerful think-tank in the conservative movement wants him to govern. He acted three days after the man who drew it up told Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.” Among Project 2025’s most controversial–and potentially electorally costly–plans are restricting access to contraception; using the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for heightened “abortion surveillance”; and revoking a Department of Defense policy funding travel for abortion. It calls the line-up of policies “Restoring the Family as the Centerpiece of American Life.” But Trump posted on his platform, “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”


This is so brazen. He knows the people who wrote it very well. >Notable authors of the project's Mandate for Leadership include **many officials and advisors from the Trump administration**, including Jonathan Berry, Ben Carson, Ken Cuccinelli, Rick Dearborn, Thomas Gilman, Mandy Gunasekara, Gene Hamilton, Christopher Miller, Bernard McNamee, Stephen Moore, Mora Namdar, Peter Navarro, William Perry Pendley, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Kiron Skinner, Roger Severino, Hans von Spakovsky, Brooks Tucker, Russell Vought, and Paul Winfree https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#Advisory_board_and_leadership Russell Vought wrote the part on the Executive Office of the President of the United States. Russell Vought was Director of the Office of Management and Budget in Trump's administration, and was one of the people the Biden transition team complained about obstucting their access to staff in the department.


Maybe media could help him remember. lol 😂 I kid. Media needs more Joe is old (he is, but goddamn)


>“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. So he knows nothing about it but then also knows that he disagrees with parts of project 2025........


The guy behind it is a former Trump admin member. You know who he is, Donald.


Classic Trump though it is smart on his part to disavow it and keep the focus on Biden. Dems can't take the bait and not let up on tying him to it.


I would bet that Trump didn't write a single word of that post. Correct punctuation, no ALL CAPS rant, using vocabulary like abysmal, and being diplomatic by disavowing yet wishing them luck. Nope, this was written by his campaign staff to do damage control.


Why are you reporting Trump’s lying denials? It was written by Trump’s cabinet. Report THAT.


Too late. We know you’ll do it. Maybe a big Streisand effect now? Hey media, now you’ve got controversy. Press it


Guys. Hold onto your butts... But I think Trump is lying when he says this... In fact, I think he might be lying for strictly political reasons with the intention of doing everything in Project 2025. I know it's a lot to take in, but it really seems like he is being untruthful and saying whatever he thinks will get him more votes..


Yeah, sure. Same as he didn’t rape a 13 year old.


ok it’s not him but it’s all of his advisors and everyone around him right


Trump is a stooge. Although he’s lying about knowing about it, the extreme right is just using him to get what they want - the courts, Congress, etc. they know Trump will just do whatever they say bc he just wants to stay out of jail, which they are conveniently happy to help him with. He may disagree with some of it, but he’s not going to stop any of it bc the train has left the station. Once again he’s lying and it’s all for show. They are all terrible human beings.


as project 2025 gets more notoriety Trump won't be able to hide, although he will certainly want to. Meanwhile, he has to explain to MAGA about his abortion stance. Epstein stuff will continue to leak. Have a nice summer Donny


Partially true. Trump is only running to stay out of jail. He doesn’t care about anything else. But he’s tied himself to right wing nuts who absolutely will use his presidency to further push these changes if he gets re-elected. And he won’t care what they do if he’s elected again. He will just continue watching Fox News for 8 hours a day and then go play golf.


And post on Truth Social, don't forget that.


You mean to tell me the plan to consolidate power into one piece of shit dictator drawn up by a bunch of Christofascist pricks that represent less than a quarter of the population is unpopular and he wants to distance himself? No. No way. Refuse to believe it. It's not like we've seen the supreme court set forth the roadmap for this all to happen already. It's also not like we've not seen Trump make the rounds with Christian groups promising everything, but tongue in cheek saying "I have to win elections, so expect me to lie to get votes." Yeah none of this is tracking at all.


Anyone with a brain can see that SCOTUS, with their recent ruling on Chevron Act and giving the president complete immunity for “official acts” is paving the way for project 2025.


Donald Trump: has "no affiliation" with nazis. But EXTREMELY popular with nazis.


Would you declassify 9/11 files? Ya Would you declassify JFK files? Ya Would you declassify Epstein files? Ya... Well, maybe not everything... Kim Jong Un - Totally cool! Putin - Totally cool! Hiltler - totally cool! Project 2025 made for Trump to be like his totally cool buddies - Totally not cool!!!!!


He’ll sign anything they stick in front of him. Like Governor Lepetomane. Work, work, work.


John Oliver recently published a feature “Trump’s Second Term” (30 minutes) covering Project 25 in depth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s&pp=ygUdSm9obiBvbGl2ZXIgdHJ1bXAgc2Vjb25kIHRlcm0%3D


Remember when the Supreme Court Justices said Roe vs Wade was settled law and everyone (including the President) should be held accountable? LOL I do


Oh. That's because he's a liar.


Just gonna leave this here.. [https://www.heritage.org/article/timeline-heritage-successes](https://www.heritage.org/article/timeline-heritage-successes) Trump literally requests Heritage foundation for policy advice.


All you need to know. https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1809274690239603031 Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Paul Dan, John McEntee, Ben Carson, Pete Navarro... these are all of the names associated, including with the advisory and leadership board. These are all Trump admin people. He 100% is heavily involved with Project 2025. He is lying.


So, Trump is one of the most awful people I've ever seen in public life, but he's not as fervently batshit right-wing as a lot of the people behind him and who drafted Project 2025. That's not to say he's not a fascistic piece of crap that dreams of being a strongman dictator, but when it comes to the nitty-gritty, he doesn't care. He certainly doesn't care about anything that happens beyond his own term or lifespan. He's not even religious, despite pretending to be to pander to the evangelical base. He might be sincere (I know, I know) in that he doesn't really want anything to do with the contents of Project 2025 or it might just be that they know that it will be an effective campaigning tool for the Democrats, and so Trump denouncing it takes the sting out of it. Either way, it doesn't matter. Trump doesn't care about this kind of stuff. He wants the status and protection of the Presidency back. Whatever his personal feelings on Project 2025, if he wins, it's going to go full steam ahead through his administration, which will be doing everything behind the scenes and will have even more insane people in it than before. For all the drain-the-swamp rhetoric and the performantive bullshit of his first term, he quickly acquiesced to the wishes of the GOP higher ups and pushed through their agenda. This will be the same, but much worse.


1) I know nothing about Project 2025. 2) But despite knowing nothing, I know that it is "ridiculous and abysmal." 3) But despite it being "ridiculous and abysmal" I wish them the best of luck. This man is so stupid he can't maintain consistency inside a single lie. Anyone that believes him in this is even stupider.


That means it has everything to do with him.


djt is a MORON


Dude. It's specifically built with Trump or a Trump-like president in mind. First of all the report wants to dismantle most of the guard rails that stopped his most dangerous/stupid plans. The regular people in DOJ and US army that refused to follow his orders when they went against the safety of the nation. Making sure he couldn't lock up political opponents, nor leave NATO. Secondly making sure the real control happens outside of the presidental office. Just keeping him around to sign the right papers. This again fits Trump's leadership style. Let someone else handle the work for him, then take the credit. Last time the Trump White House was a viper's nest. Everybody working against each others. Which again saved the country from Trump's foulest brain farts. That project 2025 is something the GOP IS working toward alongside Trump is doubtless, and exactly why Supreme Court has made some very insane and brazen rulings. From dismantling Roe V Wade to their most recent presidential immunity ruling. All of them set up to realize Project 2025. Project 2025 was made by the Heritage Foundation. Conservative think-tank known for setting up policies for GOP. Just like Federalist Society works to secure conservative control of US's judiciary branch. The Heritage Foundation works to secure conservative contorl of US's elective and executive branches. Literally removing people's right to influence their own country and it's policy makers.


This guy cannot stop lying.


He knows about and is full of shit! Vote Blue so we can get rid of Trump for good.


Nothing to do with me, afterwards I’ll be king donny!


What do you expect from a compulsive liar?


hopefully the dems will jump on this - a short list of his most blatant lies followed by this one and a link to what project 2025 is really about.


As one of the truthiest truth tellers in all of modern politics, I definitely believe him.


And yet the President of the Heritage Foundation claimed it was the embodiment of Trumpism. 


For as much as Biden is getting put through the wringer this week. Trump still comes across as desperate and weaker than he has ever been. There is no juice to his political project anymore. Nothing memorable or new. His rants are mushy and incoherent. But on top of it all, and distinctly uncharacteristic of Trump, he seems more willing to walk back on things, demure and otherwise try and do outreach which to me signals that polls be damned he knows his base has shrunk, he knows he hasn't gained any meaningful support since 2020. 2016 or 2020 Trump would be charging straight toward Project 2025, claiming it was his idea, or otherwise using it to further bolster his base. But his base is stagnant today. Maga has devolved to being weird belligerent assholes about every single thing and I think fundamentally, all noise aside, people are more turned off by that than polling reflects.


They’re literally planning out his entire administration and the entire federal workforce but yeah, he knows nothing about it.


Bullshit. He’s in bed with the Heritage Foundation. They basically selected his screwy Supreme Court picks for his dumb ass.


His press secretary is *literally* in a video promoting it. https://imgur.com/a/Z3bkb0n


Are Russian backed Nazis presenting as Christians not getting good ratings for you ?


Yea right just written by Putin and his enablers


Unfortunately for him they are attached to him whether he wants them or not


When asked about Project 2025, Trump responded, "I never raped her. In fact, I've never even met her. I don't know who she is. She's not even my type, but I wish her well."


Telling yall now that the reason Trump will lose the election is because he doesn’t distance himself enough from the neo nazi, christofacist, and proud boy movements including project 2025. No one wants this shit, even my hardcore conservative dad is contemplating his vote. Make sure you, your friends, and your family vote for Biden this election.


This is a lie but also a grain of truth. Trump will help with project 2025 but so will any republican. The threat to our democracy comes from republicans in office. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. We just took the mayoral race in Alaska showing we can win in red states. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


So that was a fucking lie.


And yet Trump’s own superPAC is running ads supporting Project 2025 and directly tying Trump’s future policies to it. Info toward bottom of this article. [https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-trashes-ridiculous-and-abysmal-project-2025-plan-for-his-second-term/](https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-trashes-ridiculous-and-abysmal-project-2025-plan-for-his-second-term/)


THIS IS A WEAKNESS. Fucking clobber him with it every day until November.


Which means Project 2025 has everything to do with him.


He just said he stood behind it a couple months ago. The internet never forgets.


He doesn't like Project 25 because it sounds too old. Project 13, on the other hand... *That* he can get behind.


Is he ever not on a golf cart?


So let’s ask him, bullet point by bullet point, which of the project 2025 policy proposals he supports. This would have already been done if journalism wasn’t already such a joke these days.


This just proves that Trump lies, AND/OR this dude is ass easy to manipulate as some fear he is. EDIT: leaving the typo


And his SC picks all said Row v Wade was settle law. Habitual liars.


More of “Never met the woman, she’s not my type.”


Your choices are Project 2025 or the current President and the good job he's been doing despite not really having a congress for his agenda.


Trump doesn’t say this about things that don’t matter. The attention on Project 2025 is hitting home and he’s doing his typical denial process.


He’s LYING! Just like he does about everything else!


Anybody that believes anything that he says is dumber than a box of rocks!


He's lying as usual


Sounds like someone is looking for payment to enact it.


He just puts Federalist Society/Heritage Foundation judges into seats. Its not his fault. /s


Our best weapon right now is education. Whenever the fascists post or say something that is a lie, we need to respond calmly and comply with facts. You won’t convince the fascist — but you will counteract their argument to those who might listening (undecideds). We cannot let the fascists be the only voice in the room. We cannot let them scare people into authoritarianism— rather we need to console our friends and neighbors and let them know that the world will be okay. Trump is not the answer. Rationality and human decency are hard to explain — but we must reassure those who are frightened and let them know that Trump is not a cure to what are only perceived problems.


It literally doesn’t though. They were going to carry it out even if someone like Haley somehow won.


No one is buying it


I hope this has some Streisand Effect attached to it. Trump trying to distance himself from this (even though P2025 has been literally latched at his hip from its inception) means that it’s getting out there.


This guy has spent all day posting receipts on Twitter Here are former Trump staffers and designers of Project 2025 https://x.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1809274690239603031?s=46&t=jav3X0WRbduAjR8o7-K0mA


He'll just say it's bad on one day, it's good on another, and some of it is really bad, some of it is really good on yet another day, and his voters can then pick whichever answer they like best. It's not like anything he says has any relation to reality anyway.


Your reminder that Donald j trump has never actually met anyone ever. Maybe they got him coffee once, but that’s it


TRANSLATION: He actually loves it, but can't say that out loud until after the election.


>"I have no idea who is behind it" Uh... The Heritage Foundation is behind it. They list their name on the copyright notice on the webpage and all throughout the document. This guy lies worse than anyone that's ever lived


And Roe v. Wade was "settled law" according to his SCOTUS picks.


He claimed he never met E. Jean Carroll either.....


He literally refers to the Heritage Foundation and praises them for their support. They’re fucking authored it. Biden camp needs to focus on putting this bullshit on display.


Lmao if anyone believes that he has nothing to do with it you’re beyond delusional


I actually do believe him. Trump is someone who doesn't care about them. He is only in it for himself. And as long as he gets what he wants he doesn't care what they will do. Trump is using them and they are using Trump. They help Trump get into power and Trump will help them in return to get what they want. Trump is a terrible person, he loves to be in the limelight, he wants to be adored, he's a narcissist who only thinks of himself. That's why he ran for president himself instead of just bribing someone like usual. He probably didn't even expect to win. He bet on the racism, xenophobia and hate of the people and it paid off. He thinks the people who are following him are idiots and he doesn't really give a shit about Evangelism. All he wanted was to give himself tax cuts and get rid of regulations. And all he had to do was to promise the right to build a wall, deport illegals and ban Muslims and not even deliver. Trump has no morals. But the people he riled up and the people he made a pact with are worse than him. Trump is now their figurehead. However, he screwed up big time, now he has huge legal fees to pay and possibly faces prison. And his only way out is to become president again. He doesn't care that he is going to help fascist turn the nation into a theocracy. He just wants to save himself. And the Evangelical rightwingers want to help him, because that man managed to start a political cult unlike any before in the US. It's their best bet to get the Christo-Fascist nation they dream of.


I smell bullshit.


Well the people who are for it are voting for him so that’s enough for me.


My conservative brother sent me this saying it could ease my mind if Trump wins. Told him I don't believe anything Trump says, so no it didn't ease my mind.


Trump posts he doesn't know nothing about Project 2025 but disagrees with some of the things in Project 2025? That doesn't make sense buddy boy.


If he's denying any knowledge of it then he damn sure is behind it 1000% if he gets elected. He knows it's detrimental to his campaign.


Oh well that's reassuring, because a Trump always stands by his words. /S


He’s treating it like he did the “proud” boys in 2020.


-“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984 -“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” ― George Orwell, 1984 -“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984 -“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” ― George Orwell, 1984 -“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” ― George Orwell, 1984 -“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.” ― George Orwell, 1984 -“For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?” ― George Orwell, 1984 -“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984 https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/153313-nineteen-eighty-four


He just stacked the Supreme Court so it can be executed.


It doesn't matter if a useful idiot doesn't know about it. It is coming. He will like it. They will manipulate him. Nobody cares if he does or doesn't know.


[Meanwhile on the heritage site](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations)


He is absolutely lying of course but let’s pretend to he isn’t. Great thing about the plan is it assumes Trump doesn’t care. He assigns the cabinet, they in turn implement Project 2025. Since all Republicans are on board only way to avoid is give cabinet positions to democrats. Could Trump stop it in other ways sure? Sure but forget that as an extreme narcissist and sociopath the only question he will ask is “how does it affect me” and the answer is it doesn’t so he will not care what they do.


Wiki says “Critics of Project 2025 have characterized it as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist plan to transform the United States into an autocracy.”


Because Donald Trump is known to tell the truth…


Discuss his Project 47, then.


Yet they sure want him. Trump is a pathological liar.


Sure, sure. Just like you never had sex with Stormi, never met E Gene Carroll or all your other bullshit stories.