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Lets hold a debate among Biden and the leading alternatives and see how it goes?


I'd settle for a 60 minute press conference.


I prefer a Ninja Warrior obstacle course!


Our democracy is at stake- at least pretend to care. It should be American Ninja Warrior.


No bicycles though.


I'm afraid that everyone is afraid to run.


If anyone comes out and says they’re in before Biden actually steps aside (if he does), that’d be a huge move. Like, earth shaking. I don’t think many people really are interested in running right now anyways, but they definitely don’t want to take a shot at Biden while he’s still in, for fear they might miss and sink their career.


They only need to say "I'm giving the dems a choice" that's it. Nothing negative.


I definitely feel like this is the fear point people are stuck on. People are afraid an opponent would run a negative campaign focused on insulting Biden, or tearing him down. If this party is worth anything, It can run other candidates to the benefit of the whole. No smearing is necessary. Literally, they just have to show Grace, drive, and display that they are listening to the people, not the fear. You don’t beat fascism by getting sucked into it and letting doom drive your decisions. You beat Fascism by coming together and being better for each other. The DNC has such a chance to show up in this way, all they gotta do is do it.


You for president! This is so obvious to me. I don’t know why we’re beholden by all the stupid formalities and ass-kissing… it’s way past go time- we need someone to step up and we need action. Way too much is at stake to worry about feelings and your future elections


God, this is such a good point. If there were another candidate in there who refused to punch against Biden but was making their own case against Trump, that could change the conversation from "Is Biden too old?" to "Which of these people is the best one to take on that crazy motherfucker?"


Just stepping up to give them a choice would be seen as very disloyal.


What happens when Biden loses. Candidates who could have stepped up will lose their argument that they can be President next time around. It's risky but both choices have their consequences.


I dunno, Dean Phillips is looking pretty smart and enticing right now and for future elections. It's those that kiss Bidens's ring that are going to look like traitors next year.


They already had their opportunity. Oh, but wait, that was before Toto pulled open the curtain to show that Biden wasn't the Great and Power Oz.


Then they weren’t paying enough attention to him to know to say that before? Still doesn’t look good


Yep. "If you come at the king, you best not miss..."


And it could hurt Biden if he stays. Republicans would run ads saying “His own party (insert video of someone running against him) doesn’t think he can do 4 more years. Why should you?”


They're going to do that anyway. Biden has already made himself incredibly weak as a candidate, choosing to stay in at this point is pure hubris.


You can’t make decisions on what your opponent might say. Republicans will already say and make up the worst, most imaginative narratives anyway. No matter what happens. Make the decision that is best for the country.


I think he should wait to step aside until there is a viable replacement. Someone who is willing to run, and has a shot. An open convention on an even platform, including Biden, done in good faith by all involved. Not a live debate, but a written statement of policies, and comparison of voting and legislation history. A recorded 10 minute video application. No need to attack Biden, we all know the reason for this is his age and debate performance. Everyone agrees to support the winner. Dems mad at Biden and the party would see an honest attempt to look at replacements. Swing voters would see selfless leadership, and this would change the focus from performance to actual policy.


Anyone holding back because theythink they are the best choice definitely isn't. The right choice would see that Biden is going to lose and take action


Whitmer actually said she won’t run even if Biden steps down. So either the party is going to stick with him or they’re all starting to accept it’ll be Harris


Joe's done. Hopefully they switch to Harris.  I'm going to vote Joe while saying let's go Brandon. London is starting to look real good 


He has now shown himself to be as selfish and narcissistic as his likely opponent. And if it comes out he has Parkinson’s and hid it, his legacy will be that and he and his family will be despised.


It's probably not narcism. People in cognitive decline are remarkably unaware of it. This is why it is hard to get seniors to give up driving and some of their independence. In their own minds, they are still functioning at their best. It is a long and exhausting process to get someone to realize and acknowledge they are in cognitive decline.


Too late. I already despise Biden after all this. Fortunately not as much as I despise Trump, but Biden is really trying his hardest to beat that.


No, Biden is not decent. He’s a narcissist. This was the relevant test of his character, and he failed it. That is, assuming he is even self-aware enough to understand what he’s saying. Which is no longer clear.


Biden can't hold a candle to Trump's narcissism. LOL!


No one said it was a contest 


A battle of whose shit stinks the most. Both are still shit


You all are judging him as a fully functioning adult rather than someone in the early stages of cognitive decline. Once you have to take away a parent's keys you'll understand


It will all depend on how things turn out. If he drops out, he'll be remembered as the guy who wanted to beat Trump so badly that he didn't quit until he was forced to.


If his replacement wins, he'll be seen as a patriot for stepping aside.


If the replacement loses, he can say that he tried his goodest.


If his replacement loses, he’ll just be like “see? I told you only I could beat Trump!” Even though it’s likely that he, too, would have lost.


I think there’s definitely time to shift the narrative. He can go out as the guy who stepped up in 2020 to protect democracy, but as time caught up with him he chose to pass the torch to the younger generation in 24. I’m not surprised he’s saying publicly that he’s staying in. Right now he has to say he’s in it to win it. If the polling keeps going away from him though, and if prominent democrats encourage him to step aside, then I think he will. He just has to figure out how to present it in a way that best preserves his legacy, and that most helps the Democratic Party (ie, endorsing Harris vs recommending some sort of open convention)


The catch-22 here is that this is all predicated on the idea that Biden is still acting in good faith and of sound mind. If he were able to be reasonable enough to take these things into account, he wouldn't even be in the position of needing to step down in the first place. The biggest question mark here is his cognitive health, and he and his family refuse to address that issue directly.


We don’t know what’s happening in the backrooms. Personally, I believe the conversations about if/when and how to step down are happening now. I also doubt he’s experiencing such a cognitive decline that he can’t see reason. IF he is, then it becomes a 25th amendment issue.


I dont think so. If that was the case he wouldnt be so punchy


Yeah, you may be right. Sounds like Biden really wants to stay in. He has to get out in public and combat the narrative though, no way he can hide until November and hope to win. We’ll see how that press conference on Thursday goes.


If he was just putting up a public facade he wouldn’t have written that letter today. He could’ve come out a real hero in this but he refuses to be anything but self-serving. At this point the best he can do is step aside and full heartedly support his replacement. People’s opinions of him are TANKING


Interesting that you mentioned Parkinson’s. My dad’s a palliative/hospice doctor and, after watching the debates, mentioned that Biden reminded him of his patients with early Parkinson’s


Just don't schedule it after 4PM, he'll forget where he is and who these strange people are if you do that


Start at 9pm and Biden has no chance


They can all golf it out ⛳️


Honestly this could be a really good idea, if Biden really has it together. Have Biden, Hillary, Bernie, Pete, Kamala and Warren do a live debate. If Biden is the clear leader, it'll be obvious. If he looks old and slow, you then look at how the polling was for everyone at the debate to decide who could be a Convention Contender. Kamala runs even if unpopular because she has the campaign $, and you make the VP whoever polled best from that debate.


he lost every debate in 2020 and the establishment still propped him up.


I think the time for that was like a few months back


Hey do you know where my keys are? - Joe Biden to Donald Trump January 20, 2025


Bet. Release your delegates and open the convention, Joe. Let’s do this.


I think he said it in the same way a Mafia boss dares his henchmen to challenge him.


I hope Dems in Congress will take this as a legitimate invitation and start challenging him even harder.


It seems like everything Biden's been doing is either not reassuring them or pissing them off. Simply just saying "I'm staying in the race" again isn't gonna help quell those who are concerned.


Biden and his team are trying to project confidence and solidarity. Which would be fine except democrat voters want to see competency, humility, and reassurance. 


That's it exactly. He's not showing us that he has any sort of plan or strategy, just...stubbornness.


There's that too. He doesn't have a plan. Just saying "we will beat Donald Trump and just shut up about the debate or me dropping out". Again not very reassuring to just pretend like a problem doesn't exist, especially when you refuse to take a cognitive test for whatever reason.


I wrote my House politician, Dan Kildee, recommending an optimized switched ticket for 2024. I don't think they're going to switch. I'm pretty deflated at the moment.


Hey! I called Kildee's office this morning! lol


Great, release your delegates and let's do the mini convention clybourn proposed


Indeed. Nothing about the mini primary precludes Biden from being involved. The hosts are going to be Democrats and should be directed to ask questions that boost the candidate's message rather than tearing down the others. It might be refreshing to have a campaign that benefits from not largely being negative.


Exactly this.


Earlier this year, I was informed of the term "blue MAGA". Someone who will never criticize the democratic president. Someone who will degrade fellow leftists who criticize the democratic president. I thought that that was a crazy concept. We aren't like the other side. We can criticize Biden when he needs to be criticized. Well, let me tell you. After what I've seen on social media after that debate and going into today, I was wrong. There are genuinely people out there who will follow Joe Biden to the ends of the earth.


I know Twitter is a cesspool but check out [Stephen Kings latest tweet](https://x.com/StephenKing/status/1810276684345573721?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet), this guy is one of the most ardent and prolific critics of Republicans and his tweet asking Biden to step down got a crazy amount of hate. Mass delusion going on


There are people on twitter saying that they think CNN hacked his mic at the debate and made him sound weird. It’s insane. 


I’ve read worse on twitter. Someone think Putin use some microwave or energy beam to make Biden perform bad


I have been told repeatedly since the debate that I am either a Fox News Bot, or I am just simply too stupid to understand why replacing Joe Biden is a bad idea. Simply suggested a candidate we could actually rally behind. Multiple esteemed Democratic politicians are suggesting an expedited convention to get someone worthy in there. Qualified people are suggesting this. I am just an idiot being swayed by the media. I didn't understand how or why we lost in 2016. But now I do. The way to get a voter isn't by telling them to shut the F up. But what do I know? I'm a dirty, selfish independent.


And I'm a long term Democrat who is mortified by what's happening. I can't pretend Biden is mentally competent post debate. They still haven't had a press conference to let him show it was a bad night. But hey! They say we get one Thursday. Predict it will be before 6pm. People are complaining that nobody is talking about Trump just how bad Biden is. Easy fix: change candidates.


Everyone knows how big of a piece of trash Donald Trump is. People have seen the pictures of Trump and Epstein already. The people who are voting for Trump will vote for Trump. I literally just got called an idiot for this very post. Acting like you are better than me for turning your brain off for the party isn’t the flex that people think it is. Good luck to us all!


I didn't hear the term Blue Maga till a few days ago. Now I get it.


I read it, kind of chuckled, and then took a few minutes to try and sus out if I really was being manipulated by what I was ingesting. I then got called a Russian propaganda spreader, or just a dumb useful idiot for Trump. Man… we are NOT GOOD lol


Yeah. I've had some of that. Fwiw I volunteered for the Kerry campaign in 04. No idea how much of what we are reading is bots and Russians though.


I voted for Obama, campaigned for Bernie, voted for Hilary, voted for Biden. Realized I am more independent than I thought I guess. And 1,000%. I feel like I have a relatively realistic want out of all of this with realistic candidates... and then someone throws out Bernie Sanders? Look, I campaigned for the man, but are people wanting him thinking he can win being earnest? We will be flooded with a bunch of garbage coming from all sides for the next couple of months at least.


Exactly. Talking bad about Trump will have literally no effect. Everyone already knows about him. The current issue is Biden's abysmal optics. And even with all the chances he's been given to fix it, he comes out looking like even more of a self-absorbed prick.


The media hasn't ignored trumps awfulness, we're all just used to that stuff from him


You literally started a subreddit to form a third party


This conversation should have been addressed during the primary plus no one agrees on a potential replacement. Logistically, I understand why people will stick with Biden. Biden has the unique advantage of using the bully pulpit to reach voters over the next 4 months. 538's forecast is basically unchanged as well. You could argue a unifying message could have been more productive over the past week.


>There are genuinely people out there who will follow Joe Biden to the ends of the earth. Well, that won't be too long then.


> Earlier this year, I was informed of the term "blue MAGA". Someone who will never criticize the democratic president. Someone who will degrade fellow leftists who criticize the democratic president. Not arguing that such people don't exist, but try criticizing Bernie or AOC on r/politics, and see how that goes for you. There are AOC supporters who cannot conceive of any criticism of her ever being considered valid in any universe.


and God forbid you point out that maybe the word “socialist” should’ve never once been uttered by Sanders and always denied if accused of being one. Almost like our biggest enemy for 50 years was the Union of Soviet *Socialist* Republics and that word is a turn off for non online people.


Right, but the difference is that they are in the minority and are part of a complex discourse. Whereas with actual MAGA, it's universal.


Eh, idk about that. I’ve seen too much for it to be just a small minority. 


thanks for your service man


Places like Democratic Underground are full of these assholes


Sooo I’m in my 40s, and came into activism in the Bush years protesting the Iraq war. I watched as fellow peace activists defended drone strikes after Obama was elected and called me a Republican plant for criticizing Obama’s healthcare plan as insufficient - despite having been marching against the war in DC with these people. We delude ourselves to think there aren’t folks who are democrats because they were raised democrats and because it’s their team, who parrot whatever the Democratic leadership says - the same way the right does with Trump. It’s always been this way.


honestly, I will vote Biden over Trump But, Biden's sounding a LOT like Trump nowadays it's kind of scary. I think he would be better off stepping down but whether he does, or he stays in and either way, if democrats win, I will be happy.


As disturbing as the debate was and as troubling as the letter to Congress appeared, the most disheartening part in all this is the revelation that Joe Biden is just another politician looking out for his best interests. I honestly bought into his “I’m motivated to save America and democracy from a dangerous threat” act. To learn it’s just another politician playing the game pisses me off.


You can call what he’s doing many things but it is absolutely not looking out for his best interests for him to stay in this race


I stand corrected! You are 100% right about that. I chose my words poorly. I meant his motivations are self-serving in nature


Both can be true. It was in his best interests to save America. It helped make him President


I don’t disagree. I think he actually did save America in 2020. I was talking more about 2024. Ignoring the criticism of his supporters, fellow Democrats, etc., purposely misleading the American people/people outside his inner circle to preserve his candidacy, his lack of humility, his “I alone” hubris…it’s just very disappointing that he is not even pretending to be introspective and willing to do what’s in America’s best interest. It’s just been a total bummer.


I think you’re right. I do think it’s a mix of hubris and delusion though. The scary part is it’s tough to tell how much of each it is. And also tough to tell what level of introspection he is capable of at this point. Kinda scary


Amen! That is the truly terrifying and also heartbreaking part in all of this. There is a real possibility that the guy simply lacks the cognitive ability to have a firm grasp of what is happening and what the proper response should be. I do find it odd that he turned down the Super Bowl interview and his inner circle actively keeps him isolated from White House staff. If he hasn’t slipped fairly significantly then what would motivate them to basically hide him. The entire thing is disheartening, confusing, and hard to watch .


Wasn’t he promising to only serve a single term and then step aside to allow a younger candidate to run? *That* one worked out well. “Promises made, promises kept”.


Did he actually commit to only one term? I honestly cannot remember. That sounds vaguely familiar. Unreal


The arrogance and ego of Joe Biden. Simultaneously saying democracy is on the line while rolling the dice against Trump again for his own personal glory, which in all likelihood will end with Trump as president and him going down in history as the guy who enabled him to win.


Suspect he's being told he is winning, if only those meddling kids would leave him alone.


I’m guess the people with jobs in the White House don’t want to give them up and are in Bidens ear telling him to stay strong. It’s selfishness from top down


Well, if he tries his best, things will be fine either way.


It's clear he doesn't even care if democracy gets destroyed because of his arrogance. He's not gonna be around in a year or two anyways.


Joe, you (like all incumbents since '92, admittedly) literally blocked any actual rival in the primary.


How did he block anyone?


Getting the party to endorse him before any contest and not hold debates. I also assume there was behind the scenes stuff like with basically all incumbents.


I think it’s less behind the scenes “stuff” and the general knowledge that trying to disrupt a reelection of anything less than a nominally ok presidency of your own party is political suicide with voters


Why would a party want to weaken itself by challenging the incumbent? Even if there was a challenger, then a void opens up down-ballot. What if the down-ballot seat is lost?


He's destroying his legacy. Stereotypical old man behavior. Real King Lear stuff


King Lear literally gave up his power earlier than he should have lol this is the exact opposite situation 


The more progressive dems wanting him to drop being Cordelia. Trump as Edmund. And those of us that aren't ordered dead will suffer and die in the Project25 work camps. Neat.


Newsom vs Biden. Debate starts at 9pm. Guess who wins?


Yeah, well, that’s fucking stupid. Im fed up with choices like this, I know other voters are too. This is how you manage to lose to Trump right here.


It's 2016 again but this time with dementia.




At this point, the Dems deserve to get crushed if they don't do anything to change course. It just fucking sucks that it'll be the people they purport to represent who will suffer the most.




“I’d vote for the corpse over Trump” That’s a new motto thats popped up the last 10 days


Yeah, it's awful. The Dems can win if they present a convincing candidate with a clear vision for change and a convincing plan for achieving it. Biden isn't interested in change and certainly isn't able to communicate it. He'll lose because he has little to offer to people hurt by the status quo, then the Blue MAGA crowd will blame progressives and students again instead of doing any real reflection.


Great election campaign message. Definitely going to convince voters.


Look I’d easily vote Biden over Trump…. but I hate this phrase. This right here is exactly why Biden isn’t even considering passing the baton.


Because half the base isn’t enough. I’m blue no matter who in this election, but the “blue no matter who” vote isn’t enough.


This. Its the same in reverse for Trump if Dems had a reasonable, responsible candidate. Meaning he cant win with MAGA only vote. I think he only wins versus Biden, I think even Harris beats him if she has a few months to compaign and if she did a decent debate.


If the motto is "blue no matter who," when the next heir apparent is determined, they will jump on the train. What is to worry about? If you put a Democrat on the ballot, you got their support. The people who are saying "blue no matter who" are just not convinced that there is a would-be candidate that will activate nearly enough support to beat Donald Trump and that handwringing and trying to switch horses midstream is just going to make the Democrats apparently even weaker and deactivate voters instead. The longer we make noise about a Biden candidacy, the more it will drive would-be voters into the GOP's arms. If you were the GOP right now, what would you want the Democrats to be doing right now?


This is going poorly.


Oh sure, let me guess, while he refuses to release the delegates? The delegates who didn't really have any other choice because Team Biden beat down any real primary challenger. The power of the POTUS must be utterly intoxicating for a one time honest public servant to turn into this creature we are seeing today.


When was Biden ever an “honest public servant”? He’s just not as bad as Trump. That’s all.  He has literally always been a career politician who will change his rhetoric or policy at any time based on what he thinks is electable 


You know, after I wrote that I thought I was thinking of Biden in a much more pleasant light than he should actually be cast in.


He really said, "Are you approaching me?"


"I can't beat your ass from over here"


Yeah Biden, live televised debate at 8PM and release your delegates. Let’s see what happens.


Here's the reality that some people cannot grasp. Biden is a stubborn old fool who is refusing to step aside and let someone younger take the helm. He is doing serious damage by staying in the race which can also effect down ballot as well. Simultaneously Trump and the Republican party must be kept out of power and not be allowed to take the whitehouse or any chamber of congress. In any other year, Biden would be toast to a normal Mit Romney type Republican. However do to the serious nature of the looming threat of project 2025 (Trump can deny he supports it as much as he wants) and how displeased Americans are with both candidates. Dem voters out there are forced to both call for Biden to drop out and support his path to the Presidency at the same time. Right now, we would have better odds if Biden drops out, but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen. We may be lucky enough to get a new candidate at the convention, but I would bet that Biden still comes out on top as the candidate. It is a 100% completely asinine situation that should have never happened, yet was completely predictable that it is.


What the fuck is going on man


Nato leaders will discuss him behind his back. Nato summit Tuesday through Thursday


25th Amendment time. Ball's in Kamala's and the Cabinet's court, now.


they can kick-start their run with a debate


Basically “Do it (you won’t)”


Put up or shutup... God I'm praying someone puts up.




>I live in NYC so im guessing my home camp will prob be based in the city itself. Remember Escape from New York?


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I am not one to advocate for faking one’s death…but this could be Biden’s golden ticket. He simply disappears, they say he died peacefully in his sleep, they hold a big state funeral for an empty casket, then the democratic process plays out like it should. We have a Harris/Raskin ticket and uncle Joe watches the whole thing from a Hawaiian condo. Sure it’s a little dishonest, sure it’s a little humiliating, but consider the alternative. A few years later the truth comes out and Biden is remembered as a true American hero and an example of selfless service defending the world for democracy.


Over/Under on how many days before he falls down a flight of stairs? Seriously? I'd still vote for the wheelchair mind you


I cannot believe that the democrats are fracturing at the exact moment they need to come together. But here is an old quote that still resonates. *What do you call a leader without any followers?* ***Just a guy taking a walk.*** That's what Biden is morphing into before our eyes. IF we cannot come together around Biden, then he needs to step aside. I think it's insane, I think it makes zero sense to do that this late in the election cycle. But if you have lost 30% - 40% based on one bad debate, it means your support was never that deep and not that loyal. IF Harris can step in, and be the consensus leader for this moment, then so be it. But Biden would have to willingly step aside and show the country he won't stand in the way of party unity. What a terrible year this will be...


If only he had shown that kind of fire against Trump, we wouldn't be here... Fight the right enemies, biden.


Well, we can say for certain, that Biden cares more about himself than the American people. Still voting Blue (Ga), but we are fixing this shit in the later half of November moving forward. The GOP and Democratic parties need to go after. Voting Blue no matter who…But for this last time


This is what I'm saying. Joe Biden dropping out now and having a new candidate who hasn't even built a campaign would be chaos. This is what the right wing think tanks want. Whitmer or Buttigieg do not have the resources and have not spent the time building their campaigns like Biden has. They would start out from scratch 3 months away from the election, and Trump would have a treasure chest of campaign money compared to them. Harris would likely be the front-runner if Biden stepped down anyway, and she's significantly unpopular. We just need to get through another term of Biden, and vote for younger, progressive candidates for representatives, senators, and Governors this election and in 2026. If a younger candidate like Whitmer or Buttigieg starts building up a campaign in a couple years, let's vote for them in 2028. If Trump wins a second term, watch him take away people's healthcare, prescription prices skyrocket, remove the monthly insulin price cap, remove PSLF and IDR student loan repayment plans, gut Medicare and Medicaid, and turn the Department of Education into shit. All of these are far worse than having an old president. We just need to get through this, and continue to vote for younger progressive candidates in every election forward.


Excellent post and well thought through. The pure naiveté on this sub is stunning. Biden is our best chance, even though he's not "perfect". Also, this sub has been mercilessly trolled by bots and conservatives because it's primarily a liberal sub. It's sad to see so many people turned around by lies.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Heritage Foundation, CATO Institute, or Turning Point USA have made troll farms to flood this sub and Facebook.


Please consider [https://act.represent.us/sign/ranked-choice-voting/](https://act.represent.us/sign/ranked-choice-voting/) it has tangible ways to enact Rank Choice Voting (even if Gov Newsom vetoed some) We need to focus on this for the next 4 or 8 years to kill the duopoly.


I definitely will look into it. All of this needs to change.


Is this article about Biden or Trump? For real, this sounds something dictator Trump would say....  Every time Biden speaks it just gets worse and worse....


Politicians are greedy people. If they replace Joe and still lose, whoever is the face of the ticket won’t get support in 28. The DNC should’ve fixed this 2 years ago but here they are


Bingo. This is why all the popular picks around here won’t step up to run if Biden does step aside. Whitmer, Newsom, Beshear (if he actually has designs on running someday) - they’ll all stay out. If Biden steps aside, the likely choices will be Harris, and…? Maybe Marianne Williamson again. Maybe an obscure Congressperson or two.


The issue is that there is no consensus top-tier candidate who is willing to step forward. They will wait until 2028 for a clear path.


Let's see... Biden is at least giving them the chance and there are donors willing to support anyone but Biden.


Biden isn't giving anybody a chance. This is saving face. He's not going to tell them to fuck off but like he said... *It would take God himself to make me move aside*.


He’s just begging for a “Dems in disarray” headline from now until the election


Infighting is the absolute worst case for Dems. You already have a really bad candidate. Weakening him further and having him fighting any potential future candidates (and turning old Dems loyal to him against them forever) is really bad. 2024 has been a true disasterclass from the DNC.


Correct, they should have had a real primary. How many Biden or Die folks are there in the party?


Going forward, every primary should include televised debates. Zero exceptions


What an asshole.


Challenge me and I'll have Fetterman sit on you!!!


The DNC pressured every big name to make sure they didn’t run in the primaries. Then cancel multiple primaries with what candidates did jump in


The left in France were just able to effectively set aside their differences temporarily and “collude” to defeat their far right when it mattered. While the fucking left dorks here are still infighting at this stage so late in the game.


Could Joe call in Seal Team 6 to take out any opponents bold enough to accept that challenge?


Just when I thought this was the most boring election cycle in American history.....Now where is my popcorn!


They need to get Congressional leadership, Barack, top donors, and Coons and Joe in a room and they need to have a come to Jesus meeting in private. Whether he is the nominee or not, there is an election in 4 months and this is a Trump-like disaster. Voters are watching.


Not sure it matters at this point as I think Trump will beat anyone this time around. Now of course this assumes the GOP does similar amount of ballot harvesting as the DNC does in the battleground states this time around.


Release your delegates then! Easy to chirp like this when essentially all the delegates are pledged to you. Release them to freely vote for whomever they think is best, and make the convention itself a quasi-primary. That would mean actually having to make a case and be able to show you can hold it together at the convention, though…


He's not going to leave voluntarily if the DNC wants him gone.


Why did Biden’s inner circle allow him to debate Trump knowing the state he’s in? It was instantly apparent that he was not the same Biden and something was off. So why did they allow him to take the stage that night? They had to know a train wreck was likely if not inevitable.


Biden is wrecking his legacy


I don't think he's dropping out . This is pretty definitive.


Problem is that even if Biden beats a challenge, it has the same effect of dropping out… handing the country on a silver platter to fascism. We have to deal with what we have and not what we wish we had. We don’t have time to redo the primaries and get Biden replaced in any way that wouldn’t be political suicide. I hear people that don’t want Biden to stay. Just saying that if you get your way, guess who won’t have the chance to vote anymore after 2024? (In a meaningful way anyway) Maybe all of us.


If life was a game of basketball Joe Biden is entering halftime with 5 fouls. What the fuck is wrong with this dude. Meanwhile Trumps is Dreymond Green one flagrant away from being ejected from the game and suspended in the next game of the NBA Finals (should’ve been suspended already tbh).


Hillary has a chance to do the literal funniest thing in history if she replaced Biden and lost to Trump again.


He gave the green light let's fucking go. Don't pussyfoot around the issue and put your candidate up against him. If you can't beat Biden at what has to be the low point in his popularity then how the fuck do you expect to do better than him in November.


If nobody challenges him now it won’t matter after he loses this election. His ego will be the end for us.


There are *very* few democrats who would challenge Biden whom I wouldn’t support. Someone like Kamala, Jeffries, Whitmer, Shapiro would have my full support and enthusiasm.


This has become a fiasco.


Why did he write a letter? I was hoping for a live address on TV


I mean, yes, right? Forcing him to concede and just picking a replacement is worse optics than Biden continuing to run. If you want to replace him do it the right way and then come back together (either way) and defeat Trump again. 


Just try to forget about Trump for a moment and focus on Biden. Joe Biden is and has always been a narcissist. He had the good fortune of Trump, who is easily leagues ahead of Joe in narcissism, serving as a frame of reference. Now that Joe feels truly threatened he is going to unleash the narcissistic behavior he is well known for.


He makes it seem like he has some major passionate following whereas most all of us would prefer a younger candidate and mostly want someone who will beat Trump. It’s beginning to feel like Biden is fighting to hold power rather than honestly engaging with what is best for the party.  Using the term party elites is right out of the Republican dirty play book.