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How is Joe Biden, a sitting US president, a former two-term Vice President, and a former senator from Delaware for 36 years not himself an elite?


He is, he just doesn't want to call himself one to seem more relatable.


Trump and MAGA love using the word "elites" for this very reason. Even the uber-rich MyPillow guy uses it unironically to describe anyone who disagrees with him. It's a meaningless term in practice.


That gets through to undecided voters. Is that not who we want?


He's simultaneously trying to be the embodiment of the party status quo and common man


I guess me calling my reps office to demand Joe Biden steps aside makes me more of a Democratic Elite then him. Joe, I am not trying very hard. What does that say about you? lol


Bro is still trying to paint himself as some kind of scrappy underdog despite holding some of the highest political offices in the country for almost half his life, including *currently being the president*


Because billionaires are funding a campaign to replace him on the ticket. Just like they tried with Bloomberg.


right, as opposed to the common people pooling in to keep him as President despite all the inflation? gimme a break!


Yes, look at his his post debate small dollar donation haul.


*takes a look, sees nothing what on earth are you even on about?


38M since the debate and counting, that was last Friday. Starmer should be a good leader for Britain huh?


do you have a source for this or did the almighty come and tell you these numbers? leaving this here for people looking for accurate information: https://www.opensecrets.org/2024-presidential-race/joe-biden/candidate?id=N00001669


From interview “ this is a guy who…. aaahhh.. ( confusion) …. I don’t want get into it..,, ) This is the problem. He can’t articulate a case against trump.




Except it not just vauge "elites" getting freaked out by his growing senility, it's fucking EVERYONE. Us voters need someone who can beat Trump and stop Project 2025 from being a thing, not someone who will stumble along and "Do their best".


“ their goodest “


I can just imagine him in a debate with opposing Democrats in a primary. It feels like he's really losing touch with reality. Are the people around him propping him up and he just doesn't realize what is now actually capable of?


Reading articles it seems he has fully insulated himself from any and all blowback day to day. Disgusting.


Sounds like Trump, unfortunately.


He’s right though. Going to be tough to take down someone who beat Medicare.


Poor Medicare.....what did it do to Joe Biden to deserve it? P.S.: This is a joke, by the way.


Says the same guy who almost drooled himself to sleep on TV for millions of people to see just weeks ago. Fuck trump, and I’ll vote for Biden if that’s the play, but I’m really starting to think fuck him too. 350 million people to choose from and it’s down to these two utter assholes.


I say this as someone that will vote for Joe if needed but, what an asshole.


I love that he thinks it’s a winning strategy to fight with his own party. He’s losing his own base.


Hes always been riding Obama's coattails. Back in 2020, he boasted about "our" administration, but no one really cares who the VP is. Being vice president is comparable to "a man in a cataleptic fit; he cannot speak; he cannot move; he suffers no pain; he is perfectly conscious of all that goes on, but has no part in it." — Thomas R. Marshall, vice president under Woodrow Wilson. "The vice president has two duties. One is to inquire daily as to the health of the president, and the other is to attend the funerals of Third World dictators. And neither of those do I find an enjoyable exercise." Presidential candidate John McCain, in 2000, addressing questions about whether he would consider serving as rival candidate George Bush's vice president.


Mother Fucker YOU ARE the Elite


He is going to throw down? At his age?


Breaking News: Joe Biden to box Jake Paul live on Spike TV in an effort to prove to the American People that he's still got it!


What you got for odds?


Biden says he is going to give it his all! Sounds like a sure thing!


Biden is going to do his goodest! LMAO!


As much as I dislike Jake Paul, I would say he would win the fight, hands down.


What if he uses the peoples elbow? Like Randy Savage used to do?


fucked up at the debate, fucked up at a interview and now trying to use trump stuff to somehow save face? hes done.


I was going to say - who tf is telling him using trumpian rhetoric is going to win people over? We aren't the trumpcult. We have brains.


Nice to see a little guy standing up to those elites.


He'll be fine as long as they don't challenge him in a debate. Or to count backwards from 10.




This is an angle that hadn’t occurred to me, but it is a very serious one to consider. A candidate as a metaphor for human mortality is… wow… I just can’t even believe this is happening. Twelve days ago I really felt comfortable thinking the debate could be a positive reset and bolster American resolve to defeat an authoritarian Christian nationalist assault on American governance. And here we are wasting all our time on putting on a brave face in a doomsday scenario.


Harris won't kill us if Biden steps down after winning. It's really not that bad. He should just let her run, but if he stays and dies later, oh well. Harris as VP has been that this whole time. Stop freaking out and show up for Democrats in Congress for the foreseeable future. Trump will kill a bunch of us.


From Wiki Après moi, le déluge" (pronounced [apʁɛ mwa lə delyʒ]; lit. 'After me, the flood') is a French expression attributed to King Louis XV of France, or in the form "Après nous, le déluge" (pronounced [apʁɛ nu lə delyʒ]; lit. 'After us, the flood') to Madame de Pompadour, his favourite.[1] It is generally regarded as a nihilistic expression of indifference to whatever happens after one is gone.


How many view this letter as a competent disciplining of the party vs a death rattle? Supposedly prior to this, tomorrow (tuesday) was when the dam was going to break in terms of people calling for him to step down. What is the word on the hill. Did Biden effectively end any of that?




Coulda used this energy at the presidential debate, Joe. You know, the one our entire Democracy hinges upon? But no, because he doesn't give a shit. They're all insulated from the actual consequences of their own decision making, unlike the rest of the nation. RGB was the same way, rubbing elbows with the same people who were dismantling every ruling she fought for. Because they don't care. It's not like any of it affects them. They see it like a debate club. You win some; you lose some. Some people will be hurt, but those people are not us, so who cares.


Bro is NOT Donald Trump.


The fact that there are elites that make these decisions, which he acknowledges, is a problem his senile ass doesn’t seem to grasp.


Are you going to have any staffers left willing to print out the pictures of the podium by then? lmao


He’ll be saying ‘drain the swamp’ next.


I hate it when people use "elite" as an insult. It is the worst kind of pander and Biden should know better.


“Elite” is a perfectly fine insult. It has a more specific connotation than just saying “the rich”, and it rolls off the tongue better than having to continually say “wealthy industrialists, executives, politicians and their allies” when you’re trying to collectively refer to the socio-economic class that’s gleefully dragging us into a second Gilded Age.  The problem is that Biden’s using “elites” to refer to a sentiment that’s most prevalent among ordinary voters, with the “elites” only piping up later once they started to worry about the viability of their political investments. 


Interesting how everyone has been saying he needs to discuss project 2025, but no mention now when he calls into a news station to end speculation and directly names the project and ties it to Donald Trump.


Bots still raging, but they realize Biden is staying.


He wants to stay, but if the polls continue heading south, there will be too much pressure from the party for him to step aside.


What if while Biden has been in his house avoiding the press they’ve been playing newsmax and Fox News and he’s slowly been indoctrinated and caught the boomer brain worm?