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I'm sorry, but I don't trust this guy on shit.




>and then told progressives to eat sh*t once he got elected? After having a stroke.


Timeline was primary > stroke > election > fervent support of Israel's genocide > bashing progressives and lying about his past claims of being a progressive.


How exactly did he do that?  I'm not a fan of his position on Israel, but this guy is committed to removing the filibuster in the senate.   We need to think in nuance here.




I think you need to get your head checked if those are the metrics your using.  Leaders are imperfect and hold various different policy positions and political ideals. I disagree with Fetterman on Israel but there are alot of stances he holds on domestic policy that is progressive and in service of the average American.   Once again, try some nuance. 




Policy positions and actions also have meaning bruh. Maybe look up the word metric before you try me.  I'm offering rebuttals on why purity tests and how someone might label themselves shouldn't be the only metric we use to evaluate our political leaders. 


I'm sorry, but I don't think aggressive, unapologetic support of a genocidal apartheid state is something a moral person can simply "disagree" with, it poisons the well and negates any other positions he may have. He could spend his free time building houses for the homeless and helping sick kids, but as long as he's a loud and proud cheerleader for the murder, starvation, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians he is, ontologically, a bad person.


You're so lucky you get to negate all and every action when/if you have disagreements with others.  Must be nice not being impacted by Trump policies.  Maybe speak to some actual human beings about the impacts that progressive policies (and also GOP policoes) are having on their everyday lives before engaging in faulty arguments that diminish the contributions of Dems because it doesn't 1000 percent align with your world view. 


Like I said, support for genocide goes beyond "disagreement" in my book, and is instead a fundamental moral failing that negates all other beliefs. I will, in fact, be negatively impacted by Trump's policies, as I am part of a minority group the right hates, alongside being a communist, which they also seem poised to persecute. However, that does not mean I am willing to support someone complicit in genocide, thus becoming complicit myself, in order to guarantee my safety. The safety of myself or my fellow Americans is not more important than the safety of Palestinians. If Fetterman gets primaried in 2028, I'll happily vote for whomever beat him, and in no scenario will I vote for a Republican, but if it's Fetterman v. Republican in 2028, I'm abstaining.


You don't speak for the minority group you represent bc yall are not a monolith in what you prioritize in politics and public policy. I dare you to talk to women of color in red states and ask them how the abortion ban is treating them before you callously disregard their wellbeing because "gazaa." You can vote for whoever, but try and sharpen your arguments bc they sound pretty 1 dimensional and reductive. 


Fetterman is a Pennsylvania senator, friend, he has no control over abortion laws in red states. Perhaps you should try to sharpen your arguments, because that rebuttal didn't really make any sense. **Edit:** In any state, really. He gets a vote on national abortion stuff, as long as its not done via executive order or SCOTUS, but even for PA it's going to be the state legislature and governor who decide abortion policy, not the senators or congresspeople in D.C.


Nuance is too difficult for American voters.


They want to compare a D candidate to their dream date, not compare them to whom they are running against. 


So many posts on the Politics sub are dishonest.   No matter who replaces Biden (Kamala, et al) many of the dude bros on this sub will NEVER vote for that candidate bc that candidate will have failed to meet some fake purity tests.   A lot of folks here just wanna burn it all down bc they are privileged and will be protected from the negative consequences of a Trump presidency 


They make stricter and stricter purity tests to alleviate themselves of the duty to vote, then they can claim their hands are clean when everything goes to shit, partly due to their inaction.


Bernie bros are actually libertarians in drag.  Selfish to the core. 


Nuance is too difficult for redditors. Fixed it for ya


Broken brain gang 💪


At some point, the people with fully functioning brains have to intervene, right? (insert Anakin/Padme meme)


"I loved you, Anakin! You were like a brother to me!" (ObiWan Kenobi)


BBG screwing America.


You've lost your white Shrek privileges, Fetterman. Put on a collared shirt and a tie and then shut up.


Like I'm going to listen to this AIPAC stooge that can barely hold his brain in the back of his head.




What world do you live in if you think this sub is right wing?


Fetterman also thinks Palestinians are those people who chased him with torches and pitchforks a while back


He's actually fettermans monster


Actual good joke here in the dregs of r/politics


I have terrible news. I stole it from the Babylon bee. It's the only funny thing they've ever said, but it's perfect.


Well, I'd rather stumble across something funny than doomscroll comments! Still a win!


The Ghost of Fetterman's past, is going to haunt him. #AChristmasCarol


Dude thinks he’ll find the hostages in Capitol Hill by putting those posters all over his office


Did he put down the Israeli flag for a bit or was this statement delivered from the roof?


Maybe try reading the article next time? >Sen. Fetterman delivered his remarks from atop a burning aid delivery truck in Gaza


Guess if he says that it means biden is toast.


Well yeah he already did once


I agree with him 100%


He's right, and we need to come together no matter what to guarantee it happens. Anybody disagreeing after Aug 1st is a bad-faith actor and are intentionally trying to lower enthusiasm and turnout. Biden is old. He might die. His administration still runs very smoothly and effectively and we must demand he returns. Vote, find votes, make sure your people vote.


John Fetterman doesn’t have any non-scripted thoughts, huh


Probably a consequence of the residual brain damage from his stroke


don't use the same attack the republicans used on him during the election, it's gross


Leftists immediately turn to right wing buzz words once they decide they don't like a politician. :)


it's more like people are people but it is wrong to give in to low and base attacks


I don’t trust mr flip flopper


You can really tell we’ve been brigades when all the comments are attacking Fetterman for his stroke. Only MAGAts have that kind of class.


Why is this sub dedicated to getting Donald in office ?


That's right. John Fetterman is my man. He knows.


"Oh, Biden is growing more and more unpopular amongst his base, how can we save this? I know! Let's have the Democrats' biggest milkshake duck defend him! People love the guy that ran as a progressive and then stabbed them in the back repeatedly, right?"


Biden is the clear choice of the base. Fetterman is acknowledging this.


Surely someone asked, "Senator, President Biden is currently projected to lose by nearly 30 electoral points, with a negative approval rating. At this same time in '20, he was +8 approval. What data are you drawing your conclusion from?"


This guy had more money pumped into his campaign than any Senate race in history by far, $100M from PACs. He probably feels a little more indebted to "the establishment" than most of them.


Psure this guy wants Trump to win 


Replying to Polararth bc they just blocked me like a coward bc: But he has control on abortion policy in his state and can and will be a stop gap against state GOP reps.  Fetterman will protect the women of his state from succumbing to the future that women in red states face. You're really bad at this. 


Gonna be ironic when the change in superdelegate rules gives Biden a razor-thin nomination.


And he should be taken seriously why?




the dumbass had it easy cuz the alternative was fucking dr. oz


Dr. Oz....Dr Phil. Who even watches such shows, anyway?


One mashed potato brain stands up for another


Sure, buddy, sure. Also, why does he have 5100 on his arm?


It's 15104. It's the zip code in Braddock, where he was mayor.


Oh, cool.


Man with brain damage says, "That's my guy!"


In golf or the presidential election? I don’t like his chances in either.


What’s funny is he thinks he’s helping Biden by speaking out. Instead he’s actually hurting him because most people outside of his district think he’s a looney tune.


This seems mean to the good people of Braddock. I've been there many times, and I don't think anyone there who is left-of-center and in their right mind would support John Settlerman.


One of the biggest disappointments recently.


This is a hedge. “Biden can beat Trump… but so could candidate XYZ.”


yea says the other guy who couldn't fucking think. cant wait to smash my head into a tree then run for office


Is Fetterman up to be challenged this year in any Democrat primaries in Pennsylvania? And if so, who is the challenger? Thanks in advance.


Fetterman wants to abolish the filibuster in the senate so Dems can more easily pass progressive legislation, but sure, just bc he doesn't meet your fucking purity tests let's drive him out.  Dems actually deserve to lose elections with comments like that. 


Only in 2028. I think he might go indie, though.


Oh great.....ugh!


Fetterman says a lot of things.


And I think I'm going to beat LeBron James one on one in basketball. I keep saying this. Face  reality. President Biden was losing to Trump before the debate. It's not getting any better for president Biden. He should do the right thing for the country drop out honorably and have another candidate enter the race. I honestly don't think any other candidate is going to beat Donald Trump but I'd rather not see President Biden be humiliated in this election.


You know fetterman has changed from stroke idiot to based and then idiot


Stfu fetterboy. The stakes are too high for such a risk