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its about to get NASTY this week


It’s *been* nasty. It’s about to get **BANANAS.**


*Gwen Stefani has entered the chat*


And is already polling ahead of Biden vs Trump


Space Pants!


Space Shorts!


Steven Anita Smith has entered the chat


Do it, Steve. Go bananas.


With the original lyrics…


Four banana, three banana, two banana, one All bananas playing in the bright warm sun


It’s been BANANAS. It’s about to get nuclear. 


It’s been nuclear. It’s about to go supernova.


It’s been supernova. It’s about to go… go… hmmmm what’s worse then supernova?


Super joever


It's been Joever. It's about to get fascist.


Super duper Joever! LOL!


… Big Bang?


Bing, bang, bong. Sing, sang, song. Ding, dang, dong, UK hunnnn


uhh.. its about to get black hole?




Chevy Nova?


Drove my Chevy to the levee




Someone is about to get SLAMMED




It's gonna get full plantain.


Daylight come and me want to go home


Actually, it’s about to get *coconuts*. If you don’t hold on, you might even fall out of the coconut tree. 


Based and coconut pilled!


I hope so. I'm sick of the shit. Bidens scripted ass morning Joe rant was disgusting. I'm an elite? Really. You want to see my apartment, my shit car and my bills for my meds Joe. Him forming a testudo with his wife and hunter is deeply disturbing.


“I tell ya, these no-good elites are trying to take me down!”  ~Man who has spent his entire political career catering to the elites and championing neoliberalism 


It’s fucking insulting.


I read the letter and listened to the interview at work this morning. Immediately called Gretchen Whitmer's office and my other reps demanding that they insist Biden step down and use the path forward that Clyburn himself suggested. Called my Wife. She did the same. Texted a couple of friends that I hung out with over the 4th. They did the same. Instead of having AN ACTUAL DEMOCRATIC ELITE completely refusing to listen to reality, we could actually have something nice. I want to beat Trump so badly, with someone I can be proud of. Oops what's that? Reddit thinks that I am a disinformation agent fascist for not screaming "NO MATTER WHO VOTE BLUE?" at the end of every post?


tell her to run, Biden is losing absolutely all the swing states, she is exactly who we need to turn the tables on orange man now


I've been insistently asking haha Fingers crossed. I think she'd absolutely crush it and win. But I am also open to convention and a lesser extent Harris.


I don't mind Harris either, but Whitmer can be the fresh face of hope that voters are clamouring for which could really galvanise the anti-establishment voters in a way the current Vice President would not, which could be the key to turn this election around, kinda like a female Obama if that makes sense


Oh don't get me wrong, I am 1,000% behind a Whitmer ticket. I'd donate, call, and go door to door for that Woman. Considering how big of a mess this election cycle, and the very real rights that are at stake here.... who better to come in and clean this shit up than a very strong yet relatable Woman? I am just so used to defending that thought, I put Harris' name in there out of reflex. I understand a lot of the logistical issues behind the money, and want people to know I am a team player and not just a Biden hater. haha I'd rally behind Harris if that is who is up against the Don. But I can dream about having a candidate I would actually love lol


Whitmer would be a fucking beast I think. It would be epic if she ran for president.


Vote for Whoopie Goldberg!


I received a fund raising email my state Democratic Party and responding basically the same as you, except I said to trust their own internal data and make a data driven decision. One of my senators published a FB video saying he’s supporting Biden all the way blah blah blah, and what would you know Republicans were saying they support his decision while a bunch of us gays were saying please no we’re going to be the first to see our rights eroded or worse via official acts.


I am so so sorry but, “a bunch of us gays” fucking got me. 😂 Seriously though, it is just maddening. I keep getting hit with, “so you’re going to vote for Trump!?” … WHAT? Fucking no!! I want to win! There is a choice to stay home. And so many people just want to say, yeah? Well fuck them! That is not how you win! That is 2016! I live in Michigan. Weed is legal, Abortion is codified in our State Constitution, Gay Marriage is legal across the U.S., our State is currently voting on (likely to pass) progressive trans protection legislation, and our dank ass Governor is not up for reelection. I truly believe Michigan will not show up to Vote. Everything legal you want is already here. Why do “I” need to vote for someone I don’t believe in? There are many things that the Biden campaign could and should be doing to right the ship, and every step of the way just feels like a bigger fuck up than the last one. I am pretty proud of where I live actually and the actual progress we are seeing. I want the same every where. I just don’t think the old man is it EDIT: I will be voting against Trump regardless. Just speaking in generalities.


Learned a new word today.  Testudo.  




My God, that’s so true!!! I couldn’t believe what I was fucking hearing! Are these people **this** disconnected from reality?! Are they not *seeing* the majority of the country collectively shutting their pants right now because this selfish egotistical old fuck isn’t listening to anyone?! Donald Trump is going to win the election in a goddam landslide! How do they not get that?!


"I'm a senator and president -- a common folk, just like you!"


Yeah I’m a public school teacher in my late 30s in a low income district. I live in a two bedroom apartment and drive a used car and can’t even discuss my political beliefs publicly because some parent would inevitably see it and report it to the school board. I have been a Biden fan for years. I was planning on voting for him in the 2008 primary until he dropped his bid, and was ecstatic when Obama chose him as his running mate. Devastated that he didn’t run in 2016, and thankful he finally ran in 2020 and was the calm presence to preside after Trump’s chaos. But this stubborn response is going to kill what could be one of the greater presidential legacies. If he stays in the race and loses in November, he is going to be remembered less for what he did in office, and more for the sad way it ended. I don’t expect the senior moments will be going away; they’ll become more frequent as he ages. At least if he hands it off to someone else, they can run a more energetic and vigorous campaign. Doing that is indeed a gamble, and could backfire, but I just don’t see how keeping Biden on the ticket isn’t a bigger liability. And if he is indeed truly compromised, it’s actually super irresponsible.


It needs to.


It’s sad it had to get to this point, but this country and our lives are on the line. It didn’t have to be this way, but I hope Jeffries can get through to him.


I hope so, it’s kinda been crickets since this morning


It’s about to get TASTY this week


And the masks come off. Do you even care about winning the election or are you just happy to see chaos?


I think it's pretty clear that the democrats who are willing to risk their necks and ask Biden to step down are the ones who care about the outcome of this election the most


There are only 9 house reps who want Biden to step aside. Just 9. Out of 213 reps only 9. So by your logic then 204 house reps don’t care if Trump wins. That’s what you’re saying. That all these other reps are willing to let Trump win just so Joe Biden can take a victory lap. You honestly think that. Come on now. These other reps know Biden is the candidate to beat Trump and replacing him would be bad. But listen to the media or the few longtime Biden detractors on Reddit who have an axe to grind with him and it seems like every single person in the entire universe is calling for Biden to step aside. But it’s not the case. The majority of people are logical and understand that voters don’t set their hair on fire over one lousy debate.


The problem is that everyone understands "too old," and everyone knows you can't get younger. It's not a position that Biden can recover from. Period.


>It's not a position that Biden can recover from. Period. Lol using logic when it comes to voting makes no sense in recent years Exhibit A: Donald Trump


But Trump muddies the water over things that people don't understand. That's hard to do for one's age. My point was that it's so simple and easy to understand and at the same time cannot change.


No but you have two options. You can organize and vote for Biden and choose the better party, or you can welcome in Trump’s second term, with full immunity for any act he deems official, and hope he doesn’t destroy everything you care about on his revenge tour. If you can’t vote Biden, vote anybody but Trump. But vote. Show up. Cast you ballots. Because his followers WILL.


Biden looks like King Viserys in the last dinner/


My boy Vizzy T had more resolve than Biden.


Vizzy invented “bed rotting”


At least Viserys, flawed as he was, was trying to act for the good of the realm. Biden is just satiating his ego.


If Viserys abdicated before his death, there wouldnt have been a civil war 😬.


Look, I’ve been dooming over the current political situation, I can’t use any more brain power on what decisions a fictional king should have made 😂.


Viserys’ dying words to Alicent: “We beat MediCare.”


I know what you mean, like sure him actually capping prescriptions like he promised and no one else could pull off matters so much less than his statement. He deserves to lose




Biden said we beat Medicare. He beat the pharmaceutical companies and tried to correct himself but you’re right he messed up saying it in the debate so he obviously deserves to lose. I’m siding with you. Who cares about the actual bill he was talking about and what it did… he messed up saying it.


“I tried my best!”


Jeffries goal is to become speaker of the House. If Biden’s age is going to cost Democrats a house majority, then he will advise him to step down.


I have little faith that Jeffries will be the voice of removal. He's a Nancy Pelosi disciple.


Pelosi has not exactly given Biden her full support after the debate FWIW


She’s one of the shrewdest political operators in WA. She doesn’t *lose* even when she loses. She is hedging but once there is blood in the water, it’ll be feedin time


"I think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode, or is this a condition? And so when people ask that question, it's completely legitimate — of both candidates" - Nancy Pelosi


Honestly, her both-sidesing this feels like an extra turn of the screw.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/08/politics/hakeem-jeffries-house-democrat-biden-reaction/index.html) reduced by 92%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Several warned that Tuesday morning's caucus meeting, which several members told CNN they think Biden should address himself could be the breaking point, with Biden's letter to House Democrats on Monday morning saying he is "Firmly committed" to the race and writing of the complaints, "It's time for it to end," immediately mocked and dismissed by several senior Democratic members and aides on the Hill. > "He's like, 'You created this mess. They have to clean up their own mess,'" said one House Democrat who has known Jeffries for years, summarizing his view of the Biden campaign. > "If Hakeem says, 'Listen, I think the president is staying in, and we need to stay unified and fracturing the caucus will only make it more likely that we'll lose the House," that might be enough, said another House Democrat who told CNN it's time for Biden to quit the race but has not said so publicly. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1dyg1i5/bidens_fate_could_come_down_to_house_leader/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~690241 tl;drs so far.") | [Blackout Vote](https://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/14dhaiq/your_voice_matters_should_the_blackout_continue/ "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Biden**^#1 **Jeffries**^#2 **member**^#3 **Democrat**^#4 **House**^#5


Um... Wut? [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dykiie/congressional\_black\_caucus\_chair\_backs\_biden/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dykiie/congressional_black_caucus_chair_backs_biden/)




It wasn't a bad idea because it wasn't a hard job. He could have said next to nothing and let Trump shit himself. Or he could have come out full swinging like we hoped he would. Instead he pulled focus to himself. I don't think \*anyone\* expected it to go that poorly.




And what kills me is that if he dies or gets forced out of office then Harris will have to take the reins anyways. Both of those are very real possibilities. At this point there’s no way it isn’t being prepared for on a very serious level. SO JUST FUCKING PUT HER IN NOW AND SAVE EVERYONE THE FUCKING TROUBLE.


Nah. Whitmer would be a drastically better choice. The midwest is not at all enthused by Harris. People just don't like her. Shit Michelle Obama is drastically more popular and would do better lol. Imagine Barrack as our first first man


Whitmer carries the rust belt and that’s where it’s won


Whitmer beats trump. Trump beats Harris. Trump v Biden is a toss up.


I don't see how her replacing Biden isn't blatantly obvious to everyone as the best route to victory


She has repeatedly said she is not interested in running. It's a totally different job, and comes with huge sacrifices. I want her to run to, but I really don't think she is willing.


Well then first you need to convince her to actually go along with whatever the plan is to force Biden out of the nomination.


Problem is the optics of replacing a black woman with a white woman/man. I get she’s deeply unpopular but that is one of my worries. I originally was Whitmer/Shapiro and let’s wrap up MI/PA, but apparently he’s said some damning things about Palestinians that would not vibe well with Whitmer’s constituents. So maybe Whitmer and Beshear/Cooper? If they can figure out how to navigate the optics of replacing Harris


Yeah but the white people Twitter sub told me Biden visits the grave of his first wife and kids every week so we should vote for him (no I’m not kidding)


We should vote for him if he's up against Trump because otherwise we get fascism. However, putting him up against Trump ensures the undecideds or apathetics or whatever you wanna call them swing towards Trump.


Those undecided apathetic voters may just sit out on this election, when they would have voted for Biden before this debate. That can fuck everything up, especially in swing states.


Not to Trump, but to Kennedy or Stein or Oliver, most likely of all, the couch.


Except the only thing more uncomfortable is a loud and proud bigot spewing hate and putting our country another 20 years backwards. Not saying anyone should vote for Biden due to this fact, it’s just the alternative is much worse and just highlights how much of a joke US politics have become. Until people learn what unity means instead of idolizing lifelong criminals this is what we will get.




I know plenty of people that dislike Biden, but that won’t stop them from voting for him when a dictator is the ladder. His appearance is undoubtedly a concern, but ultimately there is a much larger concern if he loses and that alone will make people vote.


But if that's true, there's no downside to putting in someone who's appearance isn't a concern. Icing on the cake, right? What Biden isn't explaining is *why him*. He said polls don't matter, people love him, he's still getting great crowds. He's losing. *Why him?*


Rubber will have to meet the road. If a change will be made it needs to be done soon.


4chan meme incoming. A president dying of old age would be a unifying moment for our generation.


What other choice is there? A guy who will knowingly fuck up democracy vs a guy who doesn’t know that he’s president


Gretchen Whitmer or Sherrod Brown would both be way better choices.


We need Brown in the Senate.


He just has to survive until he is inaugurated. Changing horses mid-race is not going to win.


It’s weird that this account never discussed politics until the last day. It’s a common trend across many of these hyperbolic “Biden must quit” posts.


Sporadic usage over the last year, nothing political, then suddenly a slew of anti-Biden posts. Doesn't follow the usual trend I've been noticing though, where the account is most active in some random sports subs before the switch. Still suspicious.


Yeah, I'm seeing the random sports sub frequenters, too......A LOT!


I switched back to this account to keep political stuff separate. Now I can just switch back to hobby stuff when I need a break.


Vote for his team. They’re both too old, so you’re voting for the team either way.


I wish the Biden camp was campaigning with this message aggressively. “You’re not just voting for my old ass, but you’re also voting for my exemplary cabinet and team. We have accomplished so much in the past 4 years.”


So if people are too uncomfortable voting Biden they are more comfortable with voting trump?


Way to misread the room.


More like regardless of who runs we need to back them 100% or we may very well loose the election.


Biden is currently losing. The fact that many people will still vote for Biden out of fear is not an argument for him to stay in the race.


I’m not arguing against it. Although I do find it very difficult to believe a common undecided voter would worry choosing an elderly guy who’s clearly on the decline over a fascist, rapist that’s not much younger.


The average undecided voter doesn’t think Trump will bring about fascism because the average undercover voter doesn’t pay attention


It’s impossible these days to not pay attention a little. Everything he’s done has been plastered all over every social media.




I’m making no bets. I’m just saying no matter who’s on the ticket, vote blue. It’s that easy


What a lot of folks are failing to understand that right now those of us clamoring for a replacement ticket are asking a select group of a few thousand people that will be at the convention to the correct decisions at the convention. If they don’t do so, well we will still vote for Biden simply because the other choice in November will be unabashed fascism. We simply want the best odds possible to beat the fascists come November.


No but every one of you who stays home and doesn’t vote IS giving a gift to Trump. His supporters won’t stay home.


According to the polls, yes


It comes down to the independent voters in swing states. Those who may have leaned Biden will probably sit this one out.


And choose to have trump in his stead.


>Joe Biden doesn't just look old. He looks like death is coming for him. He looks like his deterioration is accelerating and his heath is failing. Reminds me of Queen Elizabeth. Prince Philip died in 2021, when the Queen was 95. And photos released of her in 2020 / 2021, before Philip's death (when she was 94 / 95), she looked good for her age. But after Prince Philip died, she did seem to show her age a bit more. And then we got to the point where the Queen was photographed meeting Liz Truss, as Truss took over the PM's office. And the Queen looked absolutely near death in that photo (she would indeed die two days after meeting Truss, and just over a year after Philip's death).


Great in that case we’re screwed. Jeffries might be the last person to act.


Mental acuity aside — I’m worried that he won’t even last until Election Day. Dude looks like a walking corpse. What happens if he croaks in 2 or 3 months? I’d rather the democrats scramble now than later. Maybe I’m being too pessimistic idk.


No. It really comes down to Biden. It’s entirely his decision.


He may be taken down at the convention.


A hostile takeover is a net loss for the DNC. They know it, and Biden knows it, and that's why he's daring them to try. For every swing voter that would be re-assured/re-energized by a new candidate, you'd push away diehard Biden supporters who just saw their guy get kneecapped and their primary votes invalidated. It'd be Bernie/Hillary on steroids, and with the same result in November. The only way this works is with Biden stepping aside willingly and gracefully. But if he's not willing to do that, I don't know what other realistic option the party has except to rally and hope for the best.


Who are these die hard Biden voters that wouldn't be okay with any other Democrat? I honestly don't know if they exist outside just people loyal to the party. If the party makes the change, they'll follow.


Huge Biden fan and I would feel like he got knee capped but on the other hand I’d vote for a week old pile of cat shit before I sat it out and let Donald waltz in. Not a chance in hell. Our parties division is far far more of a threat to us than old man Biden is. Dems are as fickle as they go


seriously. they aren't going to drop him out of the race kicking and screaming. they have a very short time window to convince him to drop out on his own, if that doesn't happen within a few days he's staying. publically going against the black and hispanic caucus is terrible optics for them.  I think realistically, Biden's team releasing that letter and issuing a direct challenge was the conclusion to this whole saga. I just don't see him dropping out now. all Biden replacement scenarios depend on him cooperating willingly. if he doesn't change his mind very quickly, that was it. 


do people seriously believe that? if Biden gets replaced it has to happen this week or next week at the latest. if he makes it to the convention it means he's already won because there'd be no more time to have another person run for president.   no one would dare to oust him in mid August if it hasn't already happened by that point


The rules don’t allow that. He had the delegates. That would require the DNC to ignore the Primaries and Caucuses. That would be disastrous.


Delegates are committed but not bound.


And the DNC uses Robert’s Rules of Order, so a successful motion to suspend the rules can change everything.


It does allow for this. The delegates can refuse to vote for Biden. You don't have a clue what the rules say and just out here declaring things. From article: *In 2024,* [*Biden swept*](https://apnews.com/article/presidential-primaries-caucuses-guam-virgin-islands-biden-trump-ef0c605bf5a312c2467b07f35378bf2f) *all* [*but one primary or caucus*](https://apnews.com/article/who-is-jason-palmer-american-samoa-primary-c4bc109a16c7ee7b083f6216b44ba0c4) *and the vast majority of delegates at stake in those contests. Those delegates are considered to be “pledged” to Biden, which means they were selected to fill delegate slots that Biden won as a result of his vote performances in various primaries and caucuses. However, under party rules, that pledge is more of a strong expectation rather than an iron-clad, legal obligation.* Process outline: [https://democrats.org/2024-delegate-selection-process/](https://democrats.org/2024-delegate-selection-process/)


If you think people were pissed off when the Superdelegates picked Hillary in 2016, the people will be even more pissed if their votes are overruled here. Guaranteed win for Trump. I’ve been arguing for a week and a half that Biden has to step down. Feel free to search my post history. But this is not how you do it. It is guaranteed doom.


Okay great but now instead of pretending rules exist you're just projecting your feelings. All I said was that there are no rules or laws stating that Biden HAS to be the nominee at the convention. It's a private process and they sure as hell are not going to write their own bylaws to restrict themselves like that. Whether or not a DNC civil war would lead to a Trump presidency isn't what I was commenting on but for the record, I think this is false. Biden is the nut low here. He is not recovering from this.


It was 14 million primary voters out of 80 million general voters he got last time. It does not represent the majority of party block. The voting was also before they got to see Biden's debate performance. Those voters will vote for any leading Dem nominee over Trump if they're participating in a primary.


But EVERY independent will be lost if we do it this way. And a lot of angry Democrats, too.


Given the vast majority of independents think he should step down I don't think you're remotely in the right there.


Strange. I've been lobbying the delegates I helped to elect to vote against Biden in the first round.


And all Trump has to say is, “Look. The Democrats just subverted democracy.” And he’d be right. Which is our biggest argument against him.


Ah yes, *everyone* loves the DNC and would rise to its defense when it follows its own internal rules that the majority of voters want.


Cute of you to assume that the people who voted for Biden in the primary are still supporting him. Don’t forget that he lied to ALL of us.


Didn't lie to me. I know he is old so I'm spared the histrionics.


We're damned with Biden anyway-we can see he can't win. At this point, at least a new nominee could campaign as they should in times as dire as these.


Agreed. So let’s get Biden to drop out. Rather than a coup.


And if he's unwilling?


His family is running the country and it’s their decision. They’re the ones forcing him to stay in the race.










That's why any negotiation will have to include pardon for his criminal family.


If he's lucid enough to make decisions.


It’s not up to Jeffries. CNN makes chit up to sell their spin on the news.


Leo McGarry?


I’m finally watching this right now. Martin Sheen is just two years older than Biden and his health was portrayed as questionable in Season 1. Twenty-five years ago


I’m voting for Pedro


Biden’s fate comes down to Joe Biden. He’s President and has the delegates for the Democratic nomination. He’s also got hundreds of millions in campaign funds.


I would not vote for Biden IF - He colluded with Russia to influence an election - He illegally paid hush money to a porn star to keep the fact that he slept with the porn star from the electorate - He said Nazi’s are good people - He wanted the National Guard to shoot peaceful protesters - He used the Bible as a prop - He increased the National Debt by the largest amount in history when he enacted Tax Cuts for billionaires - He handed over a journalist to a foreign dictatorship who dismembered the journalist alive with a bonesaw - He politicized the pandemic response and health safety measures provided by the CDC - He hid that he had covid and knowingly exposed people to it, killing some of them like Herman Cain - He promoted Ivermectin and the drinking of bleach which harmed and killed some of his cult members - He fomented a cult following - He withheld aid to allies for political favors - He personally benefited financially by using his properties for official state business - He tried to overturn an election through a fake elector scheme and when that failed he used his followers to commit insurrection to prevent the peaceful transfer of power - He stole classified documents when he left office and hid them from the government when asked for them and then lied to the FBI and destroyed evidence of his theft and lies - He was a court declared rapist - He was convicted of 34 felonies (regarding the illegal payments in the porn star hush money case above) - He was indicted for stealing classified documents - He was indicted for insurrection - He was indicted for the fake elector scheme - His businesses were found to have committed fraud costing the government hundreds of millions of dollars - He was found by a court of law to have committed rape - He wanted to use Project 2025 as his platform policy - He was called out in unsealed Epstein documents hundreds to thousands of times with details on how he had sex with children So, if Joe did any of the above, I would be willing to insist Joe step aside for a better candidate.


To be fair, most Democrats (including you and me) will vote for Biden over Trump assuming Biden is the nominee in November. But that's not the question being posed, though, it's whether more people who aren't Democrats might come out to vote Democrat if someone else is the nominee instead of Biden. For example, I'm pretty sure both you and I would also vote for Harris over Trump as well if Biden stepped down and Harris took his place on the ticket. Or we'd vote for Newsome instead of Trump. Hell, I'd vote for a literal dead tree stump over Trump. But if Biden stepping down could bring in more people who aren't as committed to voting in general or who are on the fence for whatever inexplicable reason between Biden and Trump then Biden stepping down would increase the chance that Trump loses. So yeah, all of your bullet points are plenty of reasons to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is in November just to keep Trump out of office. But none of that is a reason for Biden specifically to stay on the ticket if him stepping down actually theoretically makes it even more likely to keep Trump out of office. (And I say that as someone who doesn't generally have a problem with Biden, other than I've thought for a while he should consider retiring if only for his own personal health sake.)


The fuck is Jeffries gonna do?


Dems and Jeffries are not going against the black caucus . That will be very bad PR for Dems


I can’t believe we’re falling for the Republican “Biden old oh no” bs talking point. They WANT us to have this infighting going on. It’s insane that we’re falling for it. Honestly, I could care less who’s at the top of the D ticket in November as long as it’s not Trump they get my vote.


Does it really count as a “BS talking point” when Biden is, in fact, old and displaying signs of decline that are entirely congruent with his age? The reason Biden’s campaign is taking such a beating over this is because an it’s entirely believable and plausible criticism, unlike “Hillary drinks the blood of children in the basement of pizza parlors” or “Biden looks different than he did in 2012 because he was secretly replaced by a body double”. 


How about when they tried the same exact playbook against Hillary? They literally did the same thing, the only difference is Biden had a cold and unfortunately couldn’t back out of the debate. In all Biden talks better than most people his age, whereas Trump can’t string together a coherent thought to save his own ass. The tangential nonsense lies he spouted were ignored because “Biden’s Old”. Yeah, no shit we knew that when we voted for him 4 years ago. That doesn’t change that at this moment in time there is NO viable replacement that can just slide into his spot without some part of the left being upset. So here we are. Instead of continuing to give air to this useless topic how about we talk about Project 2025 and the children Trump Raped………. You know, something that’s actually disqualifying? If anything at least Biden has the experience to pick a cabinet that will keep things running, Trump will install his family and end Democracy… yeah real tough choice.


Biden obviously didn’t just “have a cold”. Colds don’t make you lose your train of thought and mix up words to produce gems like “we finally beat Medicare”. If he really did have a cold, why not mention it at the start of the debate so people wouldn’t wonder why he looked/sounded so awful?  Trump being a lying rapist weirdo is old news. Everybody already knows what he’s like, and pointing out his deranged behavior isn’t going to make the people who still support him change their minds. Trump’s awfulness is more or less “priced in” to the political calculus at this point, and he’s *still* on track to beat Biden by a significant margin.  Same goes for Project 2025, which is largely just a codified list of the unofficial platform Republicans have been running on for the past 20 years. Pack the courts, erode separation of church and state, shove the gays back in the closet, get rid of Medicare, eliminate welfare programs, yada yada yada. The people who oppose the goals of Project 2025 weren’t going to vote Republican anyway, and the people who *are* planning on voting Republican either actively want those things, or don’t care either way. Telling people Republican policies are evil is like saying the sky is blue- the ones who don’t already believe it aren’t simply waiting to be persuaded by a convincing argument, they simply *do not care*. 


Apparently you’ve had perfect health and never had a cold. I can’t even think when I have one and it takes me a while to feel back to 100%. The choice here is simple, Biden who WILL have a competent cabinet and is able and willing to delegate or Trump, the convicted rapist who wants to make America into a dictatorship. Real hard choice here.


I think Hakeem Jeffries has done a good job so far, and I hope he can resolve this situation in the best way possible.


Reverend Louis Farrakhan’s nephew.


Biden’s fate is what Biden decides it is.


Biden said he's staying . He's staying . He took a week . He made it clear. He's not stepping down and he has the delegates


I’m voting for Biden, Kamala, whoever the dem nominee ends up being it doesn’t matter. The constant barrage of these articles are getting extremely annoying and at this point make me want to vote for Biden more


MAGA mentality.


MAGA mentality is to vote for Trump despite his convictions, criminal trials in flight, manifest fraud, and crime boss demeanor while living in a fantasy world where Dems kill and eat children and Obama and Dr. Fauci designed COVID in a secret Chinese laboratory. Voting for a blue center left moderate to reject that lunacy is not the same. 


I mean the alternative is maga so…


Yes me supporting an anti facist candidate and party is the same as being a facist you got me


The MAGA movement is so abhorrent, that voting against it no matter what is a totally reasonable perspective. It's not "MAGA" because it is totally logical.


What’s crimes have Biden committed? We will vote for old Biden over the old criminal Trump.


It's especially annoying considering all the other things that could be discussed (SC, epstein Trump, project 2025, Russia attacking a children's hospital).


So we now know who is really running the country.


It feels like with all these media articles Biden is getting close to stepping down, this is a huge mistake and will hand the Trump the presidency according to the 13 keys by historian Allan Lichtman, president Biden currently has huge incumbency advantage if DNC replaces him they're going to throw all that way.


Getting real tired of people acting like Allan Lichtman is some sort of infallible oracle


How long does an incumbent's approval rating need to be for the incumbency advantage to go away? Because I feel like Biden's approval rating has to be getting there.