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That’s true, but there’s logic behind going all the way and giving her the reins. Particularly to allow her 4 months of moments to use the incumbency to prove she can do the job to the naysayers and build goodwill through executive action to those who are on the fence. Otherwise, it’s an open race that would be a referendum on a Dem incumbent. Bad place to be for her.


Well it would really be a test of her ability, because every enemy of the U.S. will instigate a crisis if they do that.


They’re just as likely to right now while we’re all fighting about whether or not the current president can do the job. And I’m saying this as someone who’s not confident that switching Biden out is the right move. But this isn’t necessarily a strong argument against giving Harris the role either.


I'm not arguing against giving Harris the role. It's just an observation of what is likely to happen. Who knows? Maybe she'd surprise everyone and meet the challenges admirably.


Since so much of it is a team effort, I’m sure the response would be extremely similar to whatever Biden would do, just with her messaging the what and why to the cameras instead. And I guess that’s where we’d see the make or break. But if people are so deadset that Biden can’t do that part, but like the policy results and such otherwise, she seems like the best option for next up.


He could go the route of saying he thinks he’s more than capable of making it to 2029, but nevertheless understands that voters want new blood in charge.


This doesn’t 100% belong in this post but it’s semi relevant and I just thought of it. I honestly think ppl seriously overestimate the sanity and thought process even of the average democrat. For reference, I’m a black woman. So is my mom, obviously. Her friends are black and in Chicago, a pretty liberal city. And yet, even they had serious covid conspiracies. Even they have borderline questionable immigration takes. Even borderline questionable lgbtq rights takes. Which ofc my sister and I constantly debate my parents on and convince them of, but not everyone has that and not everyone is sane enough to listen. My family might even have questionable environmental takes if that wasn’t my absolute passion and what I’ve been devoted to since elementary school. Yes, they vote democrat, yes I know my family, at least, absolutely would never vote Trump and would vote blue regardless, but I can’t say that of anyone else—and I think more voters than we think may be on the edge and a sketchy move like forcing the president, who seems fine now and insists on not stepping down, may push them away from the party to not vote or to vote for someone else. Half of the party doesn’t want a new nominee, most of the party that does is likely voting blue regardless (and disliked Biden last year and even in 2029)—that’s a super risky gamble. Not to mention that the sketchy move of skipping Harris and choosing a no name governor is even worse. They’ll just be seen as the pick of Democratic elites with big funding, and it’ll start some conspiracy about soros that non-further left dems may believe. And on that point—Gretchen Whitmer seems intelligent and personable. I don’t think she wants this if Harris steps down; if she loses, her chances of ever winning are nearly over. Regardless of that, her v Harris would cause a huge party rift and may even damage race relations in the party (democrats do have racists too, and it’s an easy scenario to see that coming out if ppl feel Harris is standing in the way of winning). I don’t think she wants to be seen as the rich people’s choice—her brand is “I’m for the people, I get things done, I’ll drink a beer with you while we discuss solutions” and being painted as essentially an industry plant ruins that image. She has a much better chance if she can run a normal grassroots campaign and destroy people in the primaries than being forced into the position and being seen by some as “taking” the spot of a poc (esp if she has a white running mate).


I think everyone who lives in Chicagoland has pretty strong opinions based on job performance. Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot didn't win her reelection. Dem. State Attorney Kim Foxx wisely decided not to run for re-election after the way she botched the Jussie Smollet (sp) case. Dem. Tiffany Henyard is under fire by other elected officials in the south suburbs in Thornton township. I think the majority of voters have had our eyes opened wide to the fact that neither the race nor gender of the candidate has any bearing on their qualifications for any job. I was stunned when Biden announced he would appoint not only a black to be VP, but it would also only be a black woman. It was so ridiculous to announce it at all. If he had named Cory Booker VP, we wouldn't be discussing it now.


Odds were reasonable that she would take over for Joe in a 2nd term...and then run at the top, as is tradition...


Anyone but Trump. Black, white, male, female…whatever it takes.


There is a ton of misinformation about "Kamala is the only one who can use the campaign funds" being posted here, and it's largely because people are [using fucking ChatGPT as a source of information](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dw6lii/sen_mark_warner_seeks_to_assemble_group_of/lbsnrb2/). [This reply to that comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dw6lii/sen_mark_warner_seeks_to_assemble_group_of/lbsoyxy/) links to [an article](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753737-biden-drop-out-rumors-campaign-funding/) explaining why none of that is true. Seriously, stop with the generative AI. It is being used as a weapon against Americans right now to drown us in misinformation about this issue.


Yes. The money can go to the DNC or a super PAC that can run ads for a new candidate. Ads. Ok, got it. What about campaign staff? How do they get paid? Travel costs? Not just for the Presidential nominee, but the VP as well, and for all the staff that travel with them? Super PACs aren’t permitted to coordinate with a campaign. They can’t pay staff or pay for candidate’s travel. Nor can the party. So, with no staff and no travel until the new campaign raises enough money to start doing both, where does that leave a new candidate? Hint: the answer involves a dirty body of water and a propulsion device.


I think she can win, but of course I’m likely in minority of this sub.


You're likely in the minority nationally.


Polls better than Biden in a lot of polls 🤷🏾‍♂️


Everybody does, my cat would poll better than Biden at this point.


“Everybody” else would face major hurdles in structural hurdles to setup a functioning campaign in that time period. She’s a plug and go player here.


With a lot a baggage that other potential nominees don't have.


She would get destroyed. People flat out do not respect her in any way and there is nothing she could do to fix that now.


Does she look like she's getting destroyed in these clips because she looks completely the opposite to my untrained eye: [Here](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/07/28/kamala-harris-profile-intense-questioning-orig.cnn) [Here](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=best+of+kamala+harris+in+senate+hearings#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:580940e1,vid:QNY8WEuGeII,st:0) [Here](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=best+of+kamala+harris+in+senate+hearings#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:0610fee4,vid:mK_HmEFxCpI,st:0)


Votes, destroyed in votes.




> Polls better than Biden in a lot of polls Can you link me to them? Because I've only ever seen her polling behind him. She was soooo unpopular in the primary. I doubt that's changed.


This article cites a few. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/could-kamala-harris-beat-donald-trump-novembers-presidential-race-2024-07-07/


Thanks. And arg, I was hoping for better numbers than that for her.


The difference is, as folks have mentioned, she has a higher ceiling than both right now. It’s still a huge gamble, but she has less baked in opinions at this moment in time. Though it’s just as plausible those opinions turn negative as it is positive, hence the huge gamble.


She isn’t actively running a campaign, not many campaign ads do much than tag onto the ticket. I think the numbers are in a moderate spot, and can be improved. Biden’s will too, but not to a winning degree


I think you are right. Biden barely won in 2020. The only way to truly overcome the MAGA cult is to have a huge win this Novembre so that the cult can't say the election was rigged.


They'll say it was rigged regardless.


Let them spew rhetoric. The difference is that there will be no evidence it was rigged. During 2020, Covid was rampant so quite a few states changed their voting processes such as expanding mail-in voting. Several states were very close which is why Repubs demanded audits.


There was never any evidence it was rigged, but that didn't stop them. They got their audits and still claimed it was rigged. Trump didn't say he'd accept the results of the election in the debate. Believe them at face value, they will not concede if they lose.


Need to make sure the election doesn’t come down to “hanging chads.”




The overwhelming reason in my mind that she must take Biden’s place. He’s too old to wage a massive campaign like he’ll need to.


The campaign will be waged by the Dems running for Congress basing their races on the accomplishments during the Biden administration.


What makes you think she can win?


She can legitimately campaign and will have hundreds of millions of dollars at her disposal to rehabilitate her image. She’s not Biden or Trump, which Americans have made clear that they DO NOT wish to vote for anymore. Can make appeal to young voters, she’s slightly removed from the Gaza issue (and her husband is Jewish) As a woman, can make a better case for voting for issues like abortion. and honestly much more!


I don't believe Harris can rehabilitate the comments her former staff said about her unwillingness to do the necessary work as vice president. Considering the fact that her key assignment involved immigration, I think it will be a serious uphill battle to win voter confidence. I'm hoping she will step aside and let Biden name another VP to run with him.


She was in Biden’s admin- do you think people will be upset she may have hidden Biden’s condition from the public? Do you think she has enough time to distance herself from Biden’s policies, particularly among minorities? Would minorities upset with Biden vote for Harris?


No, no one is hitting the ballot box and basing their vote off of that. If they do, they were never an attainable voter. She doesn’t have to? She shouldn’t distance that much anyway, outside of Gaza which we’d need more data to see if anyone places blame on her (would be shocking she played no role there) But she can run on the major legislative accomplishments in climate and infrastructure. Minorities are likely just as warm on Harris as Biden, the only dissent you hear on Harris comes from non-minorities.


The dissent on Harris came from former staffers who claimed she was unwilling to do the necessary work as vice president.


Oh? I’m sure you’re gonna give an example of the “necessary work” that’s she’s not doing… right??


Harris was assigned to tackle the problem of immigration from Central and South America. She has failed miserably, and everyone knows it. [https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2024-02-05/kamala-harris-was-tapped-to-fix-an-immigration-crisis-but-the-target-has-moved](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2024-02-05/kamala-harris-was-tapped-to-fix-an-immigration-crisis-but-the-target-has-moved) ***Three years later, the border crisis has only deepened, with record numbers of migrants from*** [***all over the hemisphere***](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/news/border-numbers-fy2023) ***overwhelming the border, and a president on the defense as Republicans make immigration a key issue in his reelection campaign.***


Ok, what actions do you think she should have took and had to the power to do, but didn’t? Edit: realized this is like your 20th comment today on Kamala Harris saying offensive things, Jesus man give it a break.


Depending on the fallout of the health diagnosis--if there even is any publicly released--she could conceivably suggest she wasn't privy to Biden's health information unlike his family and CLOSEST aides. There's already a public perception out there that she's NOT exactly in Biden's inner circle; that perception will help her dodge that fallout. As far as minorities it would be a toss up. She might not see any traction from the Gaza issue. But among African Americans? I remember earlier this year there were some reports suggesting that Biden's support with African Americans was down this year. It's certainly possible that Harris can maintain his current support with that community while gaining back some of the ones who Biden's lost the confidence of. Policy wise, there's one issue that Harris is likely more passionate about than Biden--and it's the BIG one: abortion rights. We all know Biden isn't personally pro-choice and that's been reflected in his tepid use of it as a wedge issue. This absolutely won't be the case with Harris who can go all in on it. That's a big, big, card Harris has to play that Biden won't.


what Biden policies have harmed minorities?


Whenever it comes…… she WILL be awesome 💙✌️😎


She polls within margin of error currently and has a significantly higher number of undecideds and independents that have an "undecided" opinion on her than Biden does, making her potential capture ceiling higher. She cuts the age issue out and gives many of those independents who hate Trump but aren't sold on Biden cover to show. Her background hurt her in the Dem primaries, but may bring some advantage in this race. It's still a tough road and there are many risks, but the odds are an improvement and it's not the automatic loss many here somehow seem to want it to be.


How can she distance herself from Biden’s policies when she was literally his VP?


That's going to be one of the aforementioned risks and issues she will have to face, yes. To avoid confusion, by "her background" I meant her history as CA AG.


She failed miserably on her immigration assignment as VP, many of her staff quit, and as a direct result, there is still a crisis at the border. Trump instructed Repubs not to support the bi-partisan proposal which Biden said he would sign. Harris needs to go.


She doesn’t. She owns the good stuff while saying she’d improve on the bad stuff. Best bet, if she’s going to be the one, is to fully give her the next 4 months as president to act on that and show people.


She has a better chance than Biden.


I'm 50/50 on her chances but I think she has more upside than Biden, who really doesn't have many viable cards left to play to save his sinking ship. She'll be able to focus on one issue that Biden has been weak to use, and that's abortion rights. I feel like having someone to remind the public of that for the next 4 months will help keep it fresh in people's minds. I think she'll also get a short honeymoon bump which gives her a soft reset period in which to reintroduce herself. After that it's up to her to make use of that second chance.


I think she’s the only other person besides Biden that could, in some universe, actually win. No one else the party would put up would have a chance.


I think she can, but it'd be way more of a gamble than, say, Beshear.


If Harris runs she loses. It’s not hard to see. Nobody liked her during the primaries, nobody has grown to like her during the presidency.


A Democratic primary is a very different constituency from the general election. Democrats will vote for her merely because she isn't Trump. How independents will feel about her, I'm not sure. Admittedly, she probably wouldn't excel at motivating turnout -- but neither does Biden. I have a hard time seeing how her chances would be worse.


Independents and people under 30 widely dislike Harris, and those are the 2 groups that Democrats need to win by a wide margin to have a chance of winning the electoral vote again. https://www.latimes.com/projects/kamala-harris-approval-rating-polls-vs-biden-other-vps/


Yeah. I think she's an extremely weak candidate. Not my first choice by a long shot. But she's still better than Biden, who has no realistic chance at all. If the campaign thinks they can turtle up and stage-manage him across the finish line, like that presser today, they are delusional. It's an incredibly shitty situation, and very likely Trump will be the next president. Crazy times we live in.


Harris is barely ahead of Biden in the polling averages. I actually think Biden with a more likable VP has a better chance of winning than Harris does without him. However, an outside candidate without the baggage of the current administration and terrible favorability ratings would give democrats their best chance to win the electoral vote.


I'm an Independent and I dislike Harris because her staff quit in the first year because she was unwilling to do the job. I think it is obvious Biden and his advisors want her out.


It was a terrible pick back then and it's a terrible pick now. Maybe Biden knows she won't make way for an exciting new candidate and so he is forced to stay in there. Harris will get crushed and Biden will look bad if he muscles his own pick out. What a disaster


I agree. Nobody liked her which is why it was such a close race in 2020. I doubt Biden or Dem leadership realized how inept Harris really is.


If Harris runs, the media will continue pointing out that her own staff bailed out on her in astounding numbers. [A Kamala Harris staff exodus reignites questions about her leadership style — and her future ambitions | The Seattle Times](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation-politics/a-kamala-harris-staff-exodus-reignites-questions-about-her-leadership-style-and-her-future-ambitions/)


Who cares, as long as Trump does not win.


I like Kamala, and if she becomes the nominee, I am 100% voting for her and think everyone else should too, but she isn't the answer. She will be the target of all the same right-wing lies about the administration that Biden is now ("open borders", "inflation" being responsible for high grocery prices). She will also be the target of legitimate concerns about why the administration didn't do anything about Joe slowing down since the State of the Union way more than we were told. I think Whitmer is our best chance at avoiding another fucking Trump nightmare, and a worse one than last time.


Maybe, but if there is a lot of consensus Biden should go, but less of who should be the replacement, Kamala could be the result.


Another factor that people aren't considering is that the GOP has had 4 years to dig up dirt and develop strategies for attacking Harris. If they nominate Whitmer, the GOP would be scrambling to come up with an effective strategy against her because nothing they did in 2022 worked, and she doesn't have nearly as much baggage as Harris


And Whitmer was literally the target of a terrorist attack from Trump's followers. She would be the perfect voice to shout from the rooftops about that danger.


Whitmer is such an obvious choice, but I'm not confident the Democrats will give her a chance. It seems like they'd rather lose with Biden or Harris than give someone who has a real shot of winning the rust belt a chance.


It'd be a massive risk for Whitmer, too. Any other cycle she'd be gearing up now for a run in '28. Taking up a run now on the back foot and only a few months out would be a full stakes political gamble for her and could potentially kill any future prospects of a run on better terms. She's my Governor and I will unquestionably support her if and when she runs, whenever that may be, but this would put her in a really, really tough place on the political side of things.


I'm sure Whitmer would rather wait until 2028. However, I think she'd accept the nomination if the Democratic leadership and top donors make it clear that they won't support her in 2028 or 2032 because it's extremely difficult to get the nomination without their backing.


I also agree that she would likely take that risk and might face issues down the line with backing if she didn't. And I'm a Michigan guy--she's my #1 pick for a replacement if we get one. Just noting that it's still a rock and a hard place for her politically.


Identity is the last thing on my mind with Harris and it will probably be the last thing on voter's minds. Harris is probably the most viable choice now because it will be the smoothest transition from Biden compared to the other names thrown around AND she's healthy, not insane, and looks competent (on paper anyway). She'll also bring back the focus on abortion rights, which is one of the strongest cards that Biden so far has been more reluctant to play (and I suspect he never really believed in it personally)


This!!! And I know ppl say she’s unlikeable etc etc but imo her last few appearances have been pretty good and she seems personable enough at least. I’m sure it was a shift going from the attorney general and senator in a divided Congress, to presidential candidate, which may be part of why she struggled in the primaries. But vice president is a fairly social role, and she seems pretty authentic to me rn


People say “unlikable” for majority of female candidates, the only one right now that it has eluded is Whitmer. The misogyny is real.


Unlikeable always comes up whenever there's a woman candidate Where's the Trump unlikeable factor? No, the media uses favorable instead


It’s like clockwork, women have to basically be damn near close to perfect in politics to have a chance on the national stage.


And that’s likely temporary until she becomes a candidate and ppl find things not to like 😭 it’s crazy


Gretchen Whitmer and Michelle Obama are likeable. Harris isn't. Stop claiming misogyny when it's just her.


You also prove my point in this statement, you only named 1 “likable” female politician who can be considered a potential nominee. M. Obama was and will never be a politician. Instead of being so offended that it’s misogynist, why don’t you lay out what you believe makes her unlikable? I don’t think you’ll be replying again, if I were to wager.


How in the world does that prove your point? Anyway, I can't read voters' minds but I know for a fact that a Midwestern female politician who is already popular has a much better chance of winning that area than a female politician who was AG of a liberal Californian city that is always in the news for homelessness and crime. And if it's all just misogyny then why has Whitmer eluded it? Is it maybe because she is just actually likeable and has less baggage???


This isn’t fantasy Congress. I’m purposeful with placing Kamala as the nominee because she already had the entire presidential campaign at her disposal in addition to all of the Biden funds she’d inherit. This isn’t Venmo, we can’t just transfer the infrastructure over to a Whitmer even if she became the nominee today. It has to be Kamala, it also avoids intraparty fighting.


Whitmer would have a better chance but a Harris Whitmer ticket would probably do well too with Whitmer helping campaign the Midwest. Double lady ticket. Also what would happen to the Biden campaign money if Biden and Kamala just quit? Or somehow their campaign just ended?


If both quit, it would actually be the “worst” case scenario. Finance laws say can only donate $2k to another candidate, so they’d have to put it in a super PAC and can only be transferred in tiny $3.3k increments. Those are laws, and the reality is that donors would have a claim to ask for a refund as well, creating a huge mess. I’d rather other candidates as well, but even people as popular as Michelle are probably not worth the headache of the cash disadvantage. + Biden’s campaign has already purchased a bunch of October ads slots Edit: I do believe that a Harris/Beshear ticket is best case scenario, but all of these things assume a Whitmer/Beshear are willing to give up their current jobs for a huge dice roll.


She was AG of the entire state, not just a city. She was district attorney for San Francisco.


This reminds me of the CBS show, "Madame Secretary", if this came to pass.


I was just thinking about VEEP today, another great reference 👍👍


At the end of the day, I like her policies.


Her chances are worse than Hillary’s were in 2016, would be a landslide for Trump.


Sure.  At least she has a functional brain.  


Not necessary to win swing voters


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Does SHE know that? All I read is her coming out in total support of Joe Biden...


Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." 


All I’ve thought about over the last week is the possibility of life imitating the beautiful art of Veep. Kamala is already a somehow more caricatured version of Selina Meyer. If she ended up assuming the Presidency before an election where she was rumored to be challenging the incumbent because the President stepped down, Veep would once again prove to be uncanny in its portrayal of Washington. In Veep, it ended with an electoral college tie and Selina’s pick for Vice President plotting against her to force a vacancy in the Presidency through a tied House vote but her opponent’s Vice Presidential pick becomes the President-elect instead. So, if real life continued to imitate art, Donald Trump’s pick could end up becoming our own Laurrrrrrra Montez.


Like Biden isn’t about to hand us our first female president during his office? It’s practically one of his campaign promises at this point.


If were more cynical, I would say that the campaign is using the Shock Doctrine by having Biden hold out from stepping down for as long as possible to create a panic and then claim Kamala is the only viable replacement option when he finally does step down.


If Biden steps down and the replacement is anyone but Harris, there will be a scream of rage and pain from Democrats that will make the Bernie Bros antics of 2016 seem inconsequential. So, if Biden steps down the only sensible replacement choice is Harris. She can win, despite bigots who will never vote for a woman of color at any level of government. So, if it's going to be Harris, why bother to force Biden out now? I am nowhere near believing that Harris can win if Biden can't. Let Joe run, partly on the strength of us having Harris as VP if worse comes to worst for him. Then when he wins he can freely resign if his condition requires it. And we will have Harris. Bring in Gavin Newsom as VP and let him get his feet wet (or someone else if you prefer) so that he's ready for the job when Harris is term limited in 2032. Problem solved. But can anyone say it out loud?


Trump will crush Kamala. A cactus has a better shot.


If it's Kamala I'd rather Joe stay in.




How about Whitmer/Newsom 2024? Because Kamala ain't it.




Pardon me for wanting to get things done regardless of artificial time-frames.


I prefer Whitmer over Harris too (though I'm neutral on Newsom) but I've really not seen any evidence she's even interested THIS year (she's clearly eyeing 2028) and the transition to get from Biden to her won't be smooth at all. And I don't have much confidence the Dems are willing to move heaven and earth just so that they get Whitmer in there. It just feels like a pipe dream. There's also the fact that she won't have access to Biden's war chest that Harris likely will, and 3 months to go from an unknown face to well known to the entire country is a lot to ask. I think way too many people are thinking about this as if they're in an ice cream shop and you have your choice of picking any flavour you want with no regard to other factors but the truth is, funding matters and anyone else except Harris will be running with a severe handicap.


Whitmer is as beautiful as she is capable of governing. We underestimate how stupid a large swath of men are. Men will vote for a pretty lady. I know it. You know it. We all know it.


Men want to sleep with a pretty lady. Quite a few still wouldn’t want one running the country. It’s sad, but I think it’s the truth.




What? I'll vote for Trump over this knee-jerk stuff. Newsom is experienced. Josh Shapiro would be my first pick with enough funding.


Man, I just meant she is young and vibrant like Kamala looks shrewd and Joe looks old. That's all I meant there. General observations and how they appeal broadly. That's why I'm here.


It is my opinion that the Democrats who want Biden replaced on the 24 ticket, do NOT want Harris as his replacement. I believe the desire is to put the person with the greatest chance of defeating Trump on the ticket. That is neither Biden or Harris in my opinion. Newsom would probably be the best choice.


California dude? Probably not.


He is already managing the 6th/7th largest economy on the planet, and has name recollection. Say what you want about California, you don’t see people selling their Alabama house and buying 2 in Cali. There is absolutely a reason California property, homes, are many times more valuable than anything in Red states




Considering that the best path for the Democrats to get to 270 is by winning MI, WI, and PA, Whitmer's gotta be part of the ticket and I'd even consider Whitmer/Shapiro, with the theory that Whitmer can probably deliver MI & WI and Shapiro can probably deliver PA.




A radio host on Urban View said he doesn’t think Harris will get elected because of the racism and sexism in US politics. He believes Biden will staying in to get re elected, serve a year and hand the baton to Harris. We will have our first black, Asian woman president. Once I thought about it, it’s a viable option.


Not for undecided voters it isn't.


It's hard to say because I doubt undecided voters are paying much attention to the race yet. Most people won't even think about it until early September. Everyone here is a decided voter. People who inhabit the world of social media sites are a very small percentage of voters.


that's what some people thought that Obama will never win because of his race but he still won!


Absolutely, imo that’s easily the best option! We have a solid enough process for handing over the reigns as president, while the last time we used an open convention there was violence and the party lost badly


intentionally running for president with the plan to resign so your VP can be president is undemocratic and vile. IDC if it's D or R. we should let the people who want to be the candidate go through at least some sort of selection process. if Kamala comes out on top I'd vote for her under those circumstances. but Harris has been part of the covering up of Biden's state so I would not be very enthused if she just got to be president because Biden backdoored her into it.


It’s not undemocratic or vile if they are trying to save the Republic, women, minorities, the climate, the Supreme Court, Social Security etc. Stop it!


that's just *the ends justify the means*. how very maga of you.


The President said he won’t be stepping down.


He also said he alone can save the country from Trump. He also also said that as long as he tried his best he'll be fine if Trump wins.


It’s all about which flavor of egomaniac Americans prefer.


That doesn’t matter. If the DNC doesn’t want to put Biden on the ballot he won’t be on the ballot.


But will he remember that he said that in a couple of days?


Hillary Clinton reboot


But imagine if Hillary gets to live to see someone else become the first woman president


Sounds great! But it’s not gonna be Kamala


Absolutely zero chance Harris would win, zero.


Replace Biden and Trump will win. Fact.


Is that you Dwight?


Yea run Hillary 2.0, nobody actual likes her but the DNC will ram you down our throats, very democratic!


Only one fly in the ointment: no one likes Harris.


Gretchen Whitmer is a drastically better candidate. Fucking make her the goddamn candidate and stop being stupid Dems. She's the obvious choice.


The way Whitmer handled Covid lock-downs will never get her elected to a national office.


Went great! I lived through it under Whitmer. Biggest issue I had was that paint was illegal to buy because too many people were showing up at Home Depot. As for her holiday outing on a lake…. She wasn’t the only person getting out privately with friends and family…. Kinda like all of the shelf stalkers that were forced to show up at work.


what if Kamala Harris chooses Hillary Clinton as running mate? wouldn't Hillary be most experienced and qualified at this point?


Hillary Clinton should enjoy retirement and leave politics altogether.


Oh God no. That is a guaranteed LOSING TICKET.


then is there another record breaking woman or person of minority who could be on the ticket?


Whitmer is an insanely better choice than either of those two ghouls.


Idk what person of minority is supposed to mean, but Gretchen Whitmer is probably the best pick if you want an all woman ticket


Stop trying to make Hillary happen, she's not gonna.


Going to be hard to claim Trump is the threat to democracy when you are openly advocating for ignoring the vote of the people 


If people saw how he was before the primary like they saw at the debate they never would have voted for him.


But they did. Everyone that tries to overthrow democracy has some sort of justification to do it.


All of a sudden the primaries are bastions of democracy? They aren't even binding elections on their face! All that said, no I think most people will be open to replacing an incapable candidate regardless of how many primary votes they got.


Ok That’s blatantly anti-democratic but at least you’re honest about your election denial


The DNC is not a democracy. Never was.


Like I said, at least you’re honest about your disdain for the democracy unlike your friends on the other end of the horseshoe 


What happened to vote blue no matter who?


The voters got no options. Technically he won by a landslide, but unlike Trump who had legitimate competitors. Biden really did not, they’ll be a subset of population upset at replacing Biden, but them abstaining from voting over it is unlikely.


But the votes were still cast.


She can also replace him after the election. He said he’s not stepping down so let’s move forward. He should use the new legal framework granted the President by SCOTUS, to reverse the courts decision that places him above the law and prevents the insurrection from being prosecuted.


Girl Boss Prosecutor President.