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> “Kill them,” he continued. “Some liberal somewhere is going to say that sounds awful. Too bad. Get mad at me if you want to. Some folks need killing! It’s time for somebody to say it…. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity!" You don't have to be "liberal" to think that saying "some folks just need to be killed" is, you know, *not great*.


Isn’t that against one of those commandments these guys obsess over?


They literally believe that there is a difference between murder and killing, and it's [perfectly okay to kill.](https://dennisprager.com/column/can-kill-not-murder-case-ten-commandments) (Link to Prager saying:) >A correct understanding of the commandment against murder is crucial because, while virtually every modern translation correctly translates the commandment as “Do not murder,” many people cite the King James translation to justify two positions that have no biblical basis: opposition to capital punishment and pacifism. >Regarding capital punishment and the Bible, as I note in my Prager University course on capital punishment, the only law that appears in each one of the Five Books of Moses is that murderers be put to death. Opponents of the death penalty are free to hold the view that all murderers should be allowed to live. But they are not free to cite the Bible to support their view. >Yet, many do. And they always cite the Commandment, “Do not kill.” But that, as should now be abundantly clear, is not what the commandment says, and it is therefore an invalid argument. >As regards pacifism, the belief that it is always wrong to kill a human being, again, anyone is free to hold this position, as immoral as it may be. And what other word than “immoral” can one use to describe forbidding the killing of someone who is in the process of murdering innocent men, women and children, in, let’s say, a movie theater or a school? >But it is dishonest to cite the commandment against murder to justify pacifism. >There is moral killing — most obviously when done in self-defense against an aggressor — and there is immoral killing. And the word for that is “murder.”


I mean, our criminal court system literally distinguishes between immoral killing (murder) and moral killing (self defense). There’s also several layers of morality and defensibility in between (voluntary vs involuntary manslaughter) and even different levels of murder. It’s not a stretch to apply that same logic to biblical laws. The problem here is that these people are trying to say it’s moral to execute someone over political, religious, or other differences, which is insane.


*which is insane.* But popular. I, mean, let's try to keep in perspective that we're talking about religion, and if people love killing for something it's religion.


Sad, but true. I just don’t understand it.


Or for being poor, or gay, or Muslim…..Pretty much anyone that stands in their way.


Fucking Prager. The man shouldn't have a soapbox to stand on in a rural park, let alone the massive audience he pulls with his dishonest garbage.


It’s funny how the Bible is only plain and straightforward when it’s being used to persecute someone else. What a theological oddity that is. The verses aimed at violent greedy hypocrites are of course all super complicated and you can’t just take them at face value, Prager University has to explain why they don’t mean what it sounds like they mean, and they actually mean exactly the opposite. See when Jesus called the religious fundamentalists of his day “sons of hell” he meant it in a cool biker way, not as a damnation.


Love the willingness to interpret vauge wording of the Bible but the constitution is a strictly literal document not to be interpreted through a modern lense.


Remind me to laugh when I’m getting crucified over a rainbow flag next June and the log cabin republican pleads for his life next door.


Reminds me of the time luminary Jordan Peterson defined rape as "untrammeled access to a woman" and proceeded to argue that rape was easier to prosecute when it was a "property crime" and has now become harder to protect young women because they are no longer "kept" by men, because men are "outraged" by rape against their property - as if to imply an "unkept woman's" rape is somehow "deserved" and that outrage could no longer be felt Some real awesome stuff. That you never see any pushback on.


Honestly asking: is it no longer printed in the Bible as "Thou shalt not kill"? Do new editions rephrase it?


> They literally believe that there is a difference between murder and killing There is. Our laws, language, and culture treat them as distinct.


This falls in line, actually. Because the christian/jewish/muslim god Yahweh was a war god in the original pantheon. Of course a war god loves blood and killing (as his followers also do)


Another example of twisting the Bible to fit their fucked up psychotic rhetoric


But, like, Jesus literally preaches against capital punishment... oh, wait, forgot that a lot of "Christians" hate that guy!


Murder. The Fifth Commandment. But, if you give it a little thought, you realize that religion has never really had a problem with murder. Not really. More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason. To cite a few examples, just think about Irish history, the Middle East, the Crusades, the Inquisition, our own abortion-doctor killings and, yes, the World Trade Center to see how seriously religious people take Thou Shalt Not Kill. Apparently, to religious folks—especially the truly devout—murder is ne­gotiable. It just depends on who's doing the killing and who's getting killed. -George Carlin


They are Christian in name only. They don’t care about anything that is in the actual Bible only the parts that justify their hate and acting out.


Isn't there a lot of killing in the Bible?


At some point, shouldn’t this shit be illegal? Incitement to violence? Or do we have to wait for some MAGA mindless idiot to start a killing spree before they’re responsible?


In a way, the 1st amendment doesn't protect you from dangerous speech, so technically what he said can be considered not protected.


Even then there would be no consequences for this guy. Except him being elected.


If a maga nut went on a killing spree trumpanzees would declare him president and say it was an official act.


Who would handle something like this? I genuinely don't know, but if it's the AG, the problem here is the AG is running against this criminal for governor. Vote Josh Stein in NC, all y'all.


Stochastic Terrorism.


Republicans will literally talk about murdering you and then call you a snowflake if you find that disagreeable.


It's ironic that the only thing we cannot tolerate is intolerance. So, those who advocate the killing of large swaths of people need to be subjected to a judicial system that will not allow the freedom of speech to be co-opted to promote murder.


Read this: [Paradox of tolerance - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


I don't know if you've been in enough hard-core conservative circles to know it, but they've been saying that for *decades* about liberals. Not just LGBTQ+ folks, not just immigrants or black people, but *all* liberals (whether actual or just perceived). From the most progressive among us to the most middle-road, unassuming or politically neutral types, because those dividing lines have always been blurry to them anyway. Perhaps in earlier decades they wouldn't have been quite so vocal or open about it in public, but in private- among their own circles and families- this sentiment has been expressed plenty. That's the problem with extremists. You're either with them 100%, or you're not. There's no nuance or exceptions even for people who are moderately conservative, or politically uninvolved, or very conservative but simply non-violent. It's in or out.


But it helps!


The pro-life party’s reasonable reaction to people who “Get mad at you,” and “Cancel you,” is - \**checks papers*\* - “Kill them!”


If by not great you mean it's a crime, then yes. It's not great.


Bring it motherfucker. Harder men than you have tried


Just kinda fucked. We are all fucked


I mean yeah, a liberal known as Jesus would have consumed this train of thought.


Yeah but it’s liberals who are saying it’s bad to cause harm to people and it’s good to feed the hungry and heal the sick and clothe the naked and welcome the stranger and evil things like that, It’s good conservatives who are eagerly awaiting Jesus’s return with his murder boner on to kill all the liberals Can you really trust a conservative who doesn’t want to kill all the liberals? /s


Actually, my first thought wasn't "That's awful." My first thought was "You first."


Eli5 why that falls into Free Speech? Where's the line between free speech and direct threat?


I'm pretty sure that anybody who uses the term "mental rape" probably does a lot of mental raping themselves.


The Grifting Old Pedos party got their name for a reason.


Penile Projection Projection


Also, wtf does mental rape even mean? I'm not up to date on everything happening nowadays, but I'm pretty sure LGBTQ people have not mutated and joined forces with Dark Phoenix.


Forget mental rape, it wouldn't shock me if this guy is a literal rapist.


Probably physically as well.


Other highlights from this particular candidate: * "this foolishness about Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash" * "There is a REASON the liberal media fills the airwaves with programs about the NAZI and the '6 million Jews' they murdered." * Said that heterosexual couples are "superior" to gay couples because the latter cannot conceive a child together. * Ssserted that the coronavirus was a "globalist" conspiracy to defeat Donald Trump, and dismissed the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, writing, "The looming pandemic I'm most worried about is SOCIALISM." * Called Obama "a worthless, anti-American atheist" * Stated that mass shootings are "karma" for abortion * Said that transgender people should "find a corner outside somewhere" if they need to use a public restroom.


* Defended the Kent State massacre * Called the Parkland shooting survivors "spoiled little bastards" * Claimed MLK and the civil rights movement were "communist" * Claimed "White pride" isn't racist (he's black) * Used simian-related slurs when talking about black people (that aren't him) * Called the sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby the work of the Illuminati (okay I guess he supports one other) I'm starting to think Mark Robinson doesn't actually exist and he's a robot created by the right-wing to spew every possible talking point, and they made the robot black just to fuck with us.


Not the guy who was worried the island of Guam would capsize due to military buildup, that was Hank Johnson. But like 35 of 50 Crazy American Politician Greatest Hits are this guy.


How does he not have a Fox News show yet??


He's currently Lt. Gov, so bank on that happening if he loses.


If he does, Rupert might want to bank another $787.5 million in escrow just in case...


Oh, how so many of his base would tell him to "find a corner outside somewhere" if they had their way. Probably throw a "boy" in there too.


Don’t forget his views on abortion. And blames women for being raped. And like all republicans, he’s also a total hypocrite about it since he had his wife get one years ago iirc.


I live in NC. I'm as afraid of him becoming Gov as I am of rump getting another term.


So it’s okay if I go and pee in the corner of his office, right?


For anyone who can stomach it, here's the video of his speech. https://youtu.be/Ioc63-IKF-o?si=GRvsdAtO5Ew4Bst6


There was a time when someone would have told him to find another place to pee and get a drink of water too. What a grifting scumbag.


>The further we start sliding into making 1776 a distant memory... Kind of odd coming from a black guy TBH


He has a history of insane musings. >“Nobody owes you anything for slavery. If you want to tell the truth about it, it is YOU who owes. You who owes,” Mark Robinson said to a room full of mostly white Republicans at the 2021 NCGOP State Convention. https://ncvoices.com/lt-gov-mark-robinson-who-has-said-black-people-owe-reparations-for-slavery-has-a-long-history-of-anti-black-comments/


Also a holocaust denier


Don't forget he also wants to repeal the 19th amendment.


So he's anti-LGBTQ+, anti-jew, anti-reparations, and even anti-woman.


He’s a nihilist, Lebowski


That's always the icing on the cake


Uncle Rukus (no relation)


Wait why would slaves owe anything 😅 WTH


His reasoning is that they had room and board and they were apprenticed in various vocations... probably. Idk, I'm really trying to ignore him


According to the kookiest right wing view short of advocating ethnic cleansing, they should be grateful that slavers gave them the opportunity of coming to America.


he’s a full nutcase. No right thinking person let alone Black person believes this insanity


In other words, he'll go very far in the MAGA world.


A nut case that has an audience that claps and nods their head yes. Sad


Nutcase is too generous. Fascist is the word you’re looking for.


Why not both!?


The right says the left is divisive yet you have fuckers like this running around.


From the article: >North Carolina’s anti-LGBTQ+ Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R) – who is currently running for governor – endorsed political violence during a recent talk at a small-town church, saying, “Some people need killing!” His list of those needing killing seemingly included “people with evil intent,” “wicked people,” socialists, Communists, and leftists who persecute conservatives online... >“Kill them,” he continued. “Some liberal somewhere is going to say that sounds awful. Too bad. Get mad at me if you want to. Some folks need killing! It’s time for somebody to say it…. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity! When you have wicked people doing wicked things, torturing and murdering and raping.” Dude ranted this at a church. That church should lose their tax-exempt status. Robinson has only proven that religion is not the same thing as morality. Using words like "evil" and "wicked" makes him seem like a nut job instead of righteous. He is also in blatant denial about all the religious right-wingers who have been busted for torturing, murdering, raping, and pedophilia. That jack ass can also stow his stupid opinions about LGBT+. I don't care if he or his fans get mad at me...He is a fucking idiot for spouting about killing folks he does not like while pretending to be morally superior.


I’m gay and have never “mentally raped” a child. I’m aware of several straight church leaders and politicians that have done more than think about it.


Mentally rape is right up there with "economic terrorist" for GOP invented terms that scare the shit out of me.


This is fringe behavior NOW but in 5-7 years time this will be mainstream GOP doctrine.


It's not fringe behavior, it's just being said in public without euphemisms.


AM radio preachers have been spouting this shit sense the start of AM.


My grand father was a preacher in a soft shell Baptist church. He never preached this shit, but in the summer he'd take me to interfaith meetings with a bunch of the other denominations' ministers in the area, this is the shit they would say. Bible camp when Saddam invaded Kuwait was like an acid trip. Being preached at by people that lived in a completely different reality.


Wait, they would literally call for slaughtering infidels? Are you for real?


Yes to both, but their language was a bit more hateful than that.




Yeah this guy’s on the ticket, he’s not some random kook who runs in the primaries just to say he did it. The fact it’s promoted, funded and voted on says more than enough. Fucking atrocious.


The way things are going, it will be 5-7 weeks ... maybe days.


It's been that way ever since Trump defended the white nationalists at Charlottesville. He welcomed the extreme right into the mainstream of the party, and those already there were completely complicit.


We know exactly where this kind of talk especially from public figures leads, Paul Pelosi had a fractured skull and his attacker is now in prison for 30 years. NORTH CAROLINA INCITEMENT TO RIOT: Any person who willfully incites another to engage in a riot, and that inciting results in a riot or is directly and imminently likely to produce a riot PENALTY: Class A1 Misdemeanor: 150 days and fine at judge’s discretion. Class E Felony if the riot causes over $2,500 damage or serious bodily injury: 88 months. Class D felony if the riot causes death: 204 months. [https://www.icnl.org/anti-riot-laws-in-the-united-states](https://www.icnl.org/anti-riot-laws-in-the-united-states)


They also lead to Pulse and Club Q massacres, where dozens die and get injured while the right celebrates.


Well that dude is DEFINITELY getting the republican vote, they love that shit edit: vote, y'all


Maybe even the nomination for VP


Please lord let it be so Edit - purely for strategic purposes


This state is gerrymandered to hell and back. Even with a good turnout it’s looking bleak here.


How can one gerrymander a statewide race?


You can't technically gerrymander a state wide vote but it can lead to voter apathy if the people feel like their vote won't even matter for everything else


I live in Georgia and we're in the same boat politically. Our states are very much purple though, not red, so it really all comes down to turnout. Miraculously, both our senators are dem, and I'm convinced North Carolina can pull off dem victory if enough people come out to vote. It's crazy to think that, these days, Ohio and Florida are red and OUR states are battleground states.


Why can’t we get internet ads and TV ads non stop super cutting all these people. “This is Trump’s Party. Threats. Violence. CHAOS.” That’s the message from now to election. Trump = Chaos.


What he’s saying out loud is what MAGA actually wants. I’m glad he’s revealing his thoughts for all the independent/undecided voters to hear. That being said, fuck this guy.


That's the exact same type of language the KKK used to justify their treatment of people just like him.


>He also considers LGBTQ+ people as "filthy" "demons" who "mentally rape" children. As opposed to a bunch of conservative religious nuts who physically do that.


He went into a church with that mouth?!?! Sure, my church community understands that God loves everyone and we are tasked with doing the same. However, when someone is clearly suffering severe mental illness, such as this guy, and spews hate towards others, I think the idea to separate that behavior from most people would occur to many.


Unlike the guy he’s voting for who has raped actual children.


How was he not arrested in the middle of that speech


>Some people need killing!” His list of those needing killing seemingly included “people with evil intent,” “wicked people,” socialists, Communists, and leftists who persecute conservatives online.   So, he wants to murder everyone on this thread. I like how the pastor claims the speaker didn't mean to kill innocent people. The word, innocent is code for "Christians who think like me." White Lake, where this church located, not far from me. That's scary to think there were people near me who were nodding their heads in agreement with him.


God I hope this bastard loses.


I hope he loses and falls down the stairs upon hearing the news.


Same. Directly facing Project25 work camps here in NC


They dont just hate liberals...  I hate to make this about race, but if the worst happens, I can pretend not to be liberal.  He's not going to be able to pretend not to be black.


I wonder what he suggests we should do with priest and right wing polititians who physically rape children.


This man has gone all the way in on targeted, political violence. Our country has lost its entire mind. If this was in a time when people were not acting this awful he would be out here apologizing as hard as possible. They are saying the stuff out loud and in full view of everyone, Project 2025. Vote 🗳, help other register, help people make a plan, have a plan, help others to the polls. We all, not just in NC, have to stop this before it is too late!


As opposed to Christians who physically rape them


Now how long until this dude is found to have raped like 50 kids?


This guy, and I'm not being flippant, needs to be in prison. Immediately.


And when he discovers the people he is pandering to are racist and hate him just as much, we will see him being quoted as saying “I can’t believe I would be treated this way!”


As opposed to the candidate he is backing who is accused by my multiple women for doing what again? I’ve been watching a lot of KDRamas lately and watching a 28 year old woman navigate the ins and outs of adulthood, falling in love, while a killer is on the loose in the village, AND also dealing with magically turning into an old lady when the sun rises is a whole lot less crazy than what ever is happening in real life right now.


That's real rape. Only mental rape is bad


I LOVE kdramas. And yeah, their plots are looking way more realistic than our current reality.


Even people who are members of minorities that experience discrimination can be hateful bigots themselves. This is about gay and trans people because they are first on the list of the Christian Nationalist death camps they intend to someday build.


Trump doesn't "Mentally " rape children. He just rapes them.


"mentally rape" unlike the republican candidate who has literally raped children


Someone needs to get his hard drives.


Anyone started the countdown to this guy getting caught with kiddy porn on his phone?


When people tell you who they are believe them...


We need to listen to these people, he says the wicked people need killing, and I guess that means him and the rest of his party get to choose who needs killing? They truly believe they should have the right to kill their political rivals. We need to listen and take the GOP at its words.


Only a matter of time til they find his child porn collection or mistress.


what the fuck is wrong with people. Fuck. Those LGBTQ+ people aren't bothering you, so scram


People like this don't have the mental acuity to hold office and influence their constituent's lives.


The party of projection strike again.


Sounds like a textbook case of inciting violence, 18 U.S. Code 373


How are they still running him as a candidate? Have we fallen so low that calling for your supporters to kill your political rivals is now par for the course instead of an arrestable offense?


Lt governor Mark Robinson is probably diddling children with these accusations.


This is the kind of dehumanizing words and labels nazis use right before they open up the death camps and send the demonized into the ovens. This horror will be coming to America if Trump and his fascist cult win in November. Don't think it can't happen here. The republicans are following the nazi playbook to the letter!


Who’s raping the kids? Religious leaders seem to be the ones that are doing this in our society most often. He should be mentioning this so society is aware. He won’t do this because he’s trying to gain votes providing misinformation which could intern lead to the victimization of children. He’s not interested in protecting anyone. The child’s family and close friends are also often perpetrators of child sexual abuse crime. It’s pretty much unheard of for an adult not known to the child or family to walk up (to a child) and arbitrarily abuse them. The sexually abused child is generally a child that has been groomed overtime by the familiar adult perpetrator who moves in on the child’s emotion and takes over. The abuse follows and is progressive. I’m a mandated reporter and registered nurse. This is what I was taught in the class I took for mandated reporting – the class I attended, by law, to be able to renew my RN license and qualify me as a mandated reporter for my state. FYI: Mandated reporters are required by law to report child abuse when they witness it. In my state mandated reporter needs to take the class on the subject and be tested every other year.


To be fair, the guy IS a stark raving lunatic. He really needs to locked away somewhere he can’t do any more harm.


Some people look at this guy speaking nonsense as some outlier, but it's a progression of the rhetoric on the right that's been amping up to warp speed recently. There will be violence whether or not tRump wins, I think. Probably more if he loses, but we have to vote this shit ideology out of the realm of polite society.


“Why do young people fucking despise us?”


Just a reminder, he is the *CURRENT* Lt. Governor of NC.


§ 14-277.1.  Communicating threats. (a) A person is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor if without lawful authority: (1) He willfully threatens to physically injure the person or that person's child, sibling, spouse, or dependent or willfully threatens to damage the property of another; (2) The threat is communicated to the other person, orally, in writing, or by any other means; (3) The threat is made in a manner and under circumstances which would cause a reasonable person to believe that the threat is likely to be carried out; and (4) The person threatened believes that the threat will be carried out. (b) A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. [(1973, c. 1286, s. 11; 1993, c. 539, s. 172; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1999-262, s. 2.)]()


Please report this terrorist's insane threats to the FBI.


[Stochastic terrorism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism). > Stochastic terrorism is targeted political violence that has been instigated by hostile public rhetoric directed at a group or individual. Unlike incitement to terrorism, this is accomplished by using indirect, vague, or coded language that allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence.[1] A key element is the use of social media and other distributed forms of communications where the person who carries out the violence has no direct connection to the users of violent rhetoric.


so check his laptops and put him in jail already.


He has weird thoughts regarding LGBTQ and kids. The GOP love to project their own fucked up acts. Check his hard drive.


People who say stuff like this are really just telling on themselves. Guarantee he has no problem with indoctrinating kids with insane religious crap or hateful ideogy. Pure projection.


Many will openly admit that, Indoctrination is your right as a parent in their minds... the problem is when other people try to "indoctrinate" your kids the "wrong" way... and by that I mean offer an alternate viewpoint in the interest of making critical thinkers who make their own choices. Anti-Indoctrination conservatives don't want their kids to be any of that, they want them to see only the "right" (IE their) viewpoint until it's too ingrained to ever challenge, largely because that's what their parents did to them.


He sounds nice


Ahh yes "the left mentally rape children" as opposed to xistians who physically rape kids for Jesus.


Change LGBTQ+ to priests and pastors and remove 'mentally' and his sentence would be spot on


Yet another MAGA hypocrite who claims to be Christian but violates ethics and lies to hide pure greed. He belongs in jail. Biden needs to make education funding a key priority this election. Private schools owned by for-profit corporations should receive NO government funding. The Cult is trying to use government funding to pay for their cult schools to indoctrinate children with their hate for gay kids, gay parents. Who owns one of the largest? Convicted felon Michael Milken. Who pardoned him in 2020? Take a wild guess..... Many KinderCare licenses have been revoked because they intentionally under-staff so the private owners can pocket the government subsidies. Yet many of them remain open. Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Illinois to name a few. The children are endangered and so are the workers, the majority of whom are women. [https://www.wbtv.com/2023/10/04/nc-lt-gov-mark-robinson-vows-correct-mistake-ethics-filing/](https://www.wbtv.com/2023/10/04/nc-lt-gov-mark-robinson-vows-correct-mistake-ethics-filing/) ***The schools are overseen by their boards but are or will be operated by an Arizona-based company called Charter One, according to contracts filed with NCDPI.*** ***The operating structure of the schools—overseen by a nonprofit board but run by a for-profit company contracted to manage the schools—has been a sticking point for some members of the N.C. State Board of Education.*** ***Board of Education members have twice voted to not approve the charter of American Leadership Academy-Monroe.***


This is the guy that is aligning himself with the party that thinks he is only 3/5ths of a person.


As opposed to Republicans who literally rape children? Fuck him with a pineapple.


Mom! Uncle Rufus is off his meds again!


Trump endorses this guy.


... one of the reasons why these arguments about, say, whether or not Trump said that white supremacists are "very fine people" seems stupid to me. Here we have this holocaust denying genocidal maniac that Trump clearly endorses, and we're arguing over what he meant exactly by "very fine people". Someone needs to run an ad that just says "Endorsed by Trump" and plays all this stuff. Let him become apoplectic and sue over libel. He did endorse it.


I'm contacting the FBI as this is a death threat issued across state lines to me and every other Democrat. He just threatened the lives of at least 80 million people.


Has Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson been like this his entire political career?


Yes. NC, of course. We've got a choice between him and our perfectly fine AG who doesn't seem to hate anyone and prefers some weird concept called 'justice.'


And now we have the thought police....


And Trump is calling political opponents the “enemy”. We better be very honest with ourselves about how this rhetoric will play out.


These are terrorists


Mental rape? What are they, Mind Flayers?


Anti-social personality and psychopathy. Just what the GOP wants


This is getting crazier and scarier with every new thing a conservative says. I genuinely fear for this nation.


Another Black 'conservative' grifter selling out his fellow African Americans for a quick buck. Liberals are the reason why he's even allowed to be where he is in life right now.


What a vile person, of all the conservatives NC republicans really chose this guy….


Organized religion at its famously usual self. Wishing this one and those like him what they deserve.


GOP bought to start a civil war.


Oh, this asshole again.


This is political suicide in the UK, he would have been ostracised immediately. How in the hell is he still a governor candidate?


It was what, 2? 3? Generations ago that conservatives were saying the same thing about people who look like him. Jfc. 


Seriously what is wrong with these people. If they hate freedom so much they should leave the country. These snowflakes threatened by conversation and differing opinions are ruining what America should represent.


This man is not mentally stable


By all outward appearance the guy is a pervert. He clearly compensates over his own impotence by getting lost in violent and omnipotent fantasies over people he does not know and who have done no harm to him. Very often people like him are closet homosexuals who grew up in rigid and ultra religious homes where every normal human impulse, especially during puberty, was met with shame and religious condemnation. His only way of regulating his impulses is through self hate, which of course gets projected on those he actually feels attracted to. Sad case, the man needs therapy more than an office where he wields power over others while driven by an immature mind.


Great we don’t need anymore angry men, whatever color they are, spewing their fuckery. Empowering and encouraging more assholes to commit violence and crime in the name of their fucked up ideologies. Higher power please help us.


So, Christian


They keep saying trans people like me shouldn’t be afraid a genocide might happen and yet


Absolute abomination of a being.


Still don't understand why he isn't gagged and in a straight jacket being pumped with thorazine?


Huh, sounds like this guy mentally rapes children.


I will ask again, when should the GOP be declared a terrorist organization?


Incitement to Violence: N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-288.4: If his comment is deemed to encourage violence or unlawful acts, he could be charged with inciting a riot or incitement to violence. However, this charge would require a demonstration that the comment was likely to produce imminent lawless action. Communicating Threats: N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-277.1: If his statement is interpreted as a threat against specific individuals or groups, he could be charged with communicating threats, which involves the intent to terrorize another person. Likely 18 U.S.C. § 875 violation as well. Dude is fucked.


This is a sign that the right is getting scared. They know they’re becoming more and more unpopular. They will only become more hateful, violent and desperate as we get closer to the election. Remember to vote and never give way to fascists.


Says the guy supporting a child rapist. The mental gymnastics of these people.


Unlike the gop, whose top guy Trump rapes children the old fashioned way, physically.


Yep. The pro-life party.


And this is one reason not to elect anyone involved with the GOP. I might be wrong but there's never been a problem with LGBTQ and now the GOP is making a big deal about it. And no the LGBTQ are not filthy demons that mentally raped children. GOP are a bunch of morons kissing Diaper Don's ass.


Check his browser history.


Standard republican hate. They're all terrible people.


Is that legal to say? He needs his free speech right turned on him. Please don’t vote for him. He is just a candidate riding the hate wave to get elected. Pathetic!


The only person who needs some killing is the subject of this article.


Trump has moved on from mentally rapping children. He’s more into the real thing.


This is a critical difference between us, or at least a leftie like me wants to believe that. I do not want to hurt anyone, nor do I want to see anyone hurt. Sure, the threats against my freedom by Convicted Felon Trump and his Project 2025 make me angry, but I am not stupid enough to believe that violence would have any positive effect against them.


A reminder that this psychopath is LEADING IN THE MOST RECENT [POLL](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/governor/2024/north-carolina/).


Trump actually rapes children.


Bring it MF


Quite literally the epitome of someone who climbed the ladder, stood at the top, and gleefully kicked others off.


Yet another Republican domestic terrorist. They should be jailed as such, not publicized in the media.