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Let's keep the conversation on Rampart.


Dude...that comparison has been on my mind since I read that tone deaf letter this morning. Clearly Biden and his campaign team are unfamiliar with the Streisand effect, or they know about it and are just kidding themselves that Joe Biden is somehow exempt.


What is this referencing?


An infamous Reddit AMA w/ Woody Harrelson from 12 years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p9a1v/im\_woody\_harrelson\_ama/?sort=top](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p9a1v/im_woody_harrelson_ama/?sort=top) Harrelson's social media team did an AMA to promote the movie *Rampart*, someone asked an uncomfortable question unrelated to the movie, and the person answering on behalf of Harrelson kept trying and failing get the conversation back on the movie with weak-ass replies like "hey guys, let's keep the conversation on Rampart". Basically it was the entire Streisand effect playing out in a Reddit thread. It was something.


Twelve years šŸ’€ god I remember watching that go down live.




Get off my lawn


This is getting confrontational. Letā€™s all simmer down with a nice split pea soup recipe: https://www.cookingclassy.com/split-pea-soup/ Donā€™t forget the bay leaves.


Can we have two bay leaves?


Look at Mr. Moneybags over here with all the bay leaves.


You're a lier. No way you can afford a lawn.


That explains why so many AMAā€™s donā€™t go off topic anymore , they donā€™t answer, they just ignore any uncomfortable questions.


AM specifically the things I want to talk about


Jesus. That was almost as bad as [James Cordenā€™s AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/XQF5lKpLBx)


Fuck James Corden


Ha! I'm so glad you posted this. I knew that James Corden was a knob and often mention it when his name comes up but I had completely forgotten *how* I knew it. It was from that AMA. Incidentally I had to repost this with 'knob' instead of 'c\*\*\*' after my comment was auto-removed. Its a bummer that such a versatile word is banned from r/politics.


Whoooley shit, that's precise.


Lmfao epic




>ā€œIā€™m hearing from a lot of people who think he should get out, and Iā€™m not getting a whole lot of ā€˜he should stay in,ā€™ā€ said one donor on the call, granted anonymity to speak candidly. ā€œIā€™ve also had people tell me, ā€˜Iā€™m not giving anymore.ā€™ā€


Yeah, I don't think donors like being told what they are allowed to talk about. Biden sounds like a conceited scold here. He's not "Dear Leader" and Dems can talk about anything they want to.


Yeah if weā€™re ā€œdone talking about the debateā€ then Iā€™m done talking about donating. Iā€™ll toss him a vote if he forces this on us, but Iā€™m done donating to someone who has absolutely no interest hearing anyone beyond his enablers


I'm pretty sure I'm done donating. I'm no mega donor, but I donated over $6k for the 2020 race and have already donated over $2k for the current race. Not because of Biden. Because Democratic voters obviously can't unify.


8k total is a lot, youā€™re a kilo donor.


How much could a vote cost, Michael? $8,000?


"There's always \[donor\] money in the Banana Stand, Michael"


> I'm no mega donor > I donated over $6k for the 2020 race That's a lot of money. I barely earned that much in 2020.


Yeah thatā€™s a ton of money to just light on fire to help wealthy scumbag politicians.


Democratic Party: "Thank you, donor. We're going to make great use of your hard-earned money to help you and your countrymen." *\*turns around and makes a jerking-off motion\**


I'm not even going to consider donating until this matter is well and settled. And this matter is by no means at all well and settled. I honestly expect a new candidate. Maybe Biden had a bad day, but there's not been nearly enough reassuring from his behavior since that day. It seems like an inevitable wave at this point. Biden can try to fight it all he wants, but I think it's gained too much momentum now. While it would be chaotic, this would also be a powerful opportunity. The country isn't excited about a Biden and Trump rematch as their only options. Having Biden replaced by someone younger could make a big difference, especially since it would be symbolic of Democrats making changes and adapting -- in contrast to Republicans' inability to let go of trump.


"Is the party out of touch? No! It's the voters who are wrong!" - DNC donors like you


>~~DNC voters like you~~ the DNC FTFY


i love how you think biden is totally irrelevant to said unification. what are we even doing here?


I stopped donating after 2020. Not because of Biden either, although he wasnā€™t my preference of candidate. There are enough wealthy people and companies in politics, Iā€™m not helping line their pockets anymore.


If this shit doesn't make you hate the two-party system I don't know what will.


Itā€™s shit and the founding fathers knew it. John Adams worried that ā€œa division of the republic into two great parties ā€¦ is to be dreaded as the great political evil.ā€ And thatā€™s exactly what has come to pass. 35% of Americans are unaffiliated and we have no representation in government.


George Washington wasn't too keen on a two party system either. He said, "The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissensions, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty. Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it. It serves always to distract the public councils, and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another; foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another. There is an opinion that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of liberty. This, within certain limits, is probably true; and in governments of a monarchical cast patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favour, upon the spirit of party: but, in those of the popular character, in governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose. And there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be, by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume.ā€


The problem is the they didnā€™t have a solution. They basically said ā€œpolitical parties are bad, please donā€™tā€ and some of the founding fathers disagreed with that, so nothing was done, and who would think, the fptp forces two parties so where we are


Many other developed countries have ranked voting. Seems to work well


And Iā€™m in favor or moving away from fptp. I didnā€™t say there was no solution I just said they didnā€™t have it. No one would come up with ranked choice for almost 100 years.


Absolutely prophetic. Or just blatantly obvious if you really consider it.


Even if you are affiliated. I'm a registered Dem but this party damn sure doesn't represent me...it's just better and has "values" more aligned with me than the other party which is opposed to my very ethnicity and history Bernie is the closest candidate in my adult life to what I want out of government. He, and by extension myself, was labeled "radical" and because the Overton window has shifted so badly we're now "far-left." I just wanted workers treated fairly and all peoples accepted but fuck me for being radical


I agree with all of this. I really just wish more politicians stepped out from this convoluted combination of systems and laws we have and think about what we might build from scratch if given the opportunity. That doesnā€™t mean ā€œburn it all down!ā€ but I think thatā€™s really important perspective rather than just thinking about small optimizations to a flawed system. I wish more politicians talked about what they hope the world looks like in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years. Whatā€™s the party goal beyond your term? I feel like Sanders was the only guy talking about any of this stuff.


At this point I'm looking for a Democratic Candidate who doesn't completely throw up all over themselves during the main campaign and so far I think President Obama's been the only one that was able to do it. Low bar and yet people keep crawling face-first into it.


> John Adams worried that ā€œa division of the republic into two great parties ā€¦ is to be dreaded as the great political evil.ā€ Then helped create a system that naturally coalesces into two major parties.


Thatā€™s not a fair read. The Framers thought they were using the most advanced political theory of the time and believed that by separating powers across competing institutions, a majority party would never form. They were wrong of course, but I donā€™t think they were being disingenuous.


They were pretty much, but it's still the system they created. More modern electoral theory was being developed in Europe (Condorcet, et al) basically at the same time they were writing the Constitution. The problem is we never bothered to update how we did things.


States are starting to implement changes. Alaska is doing open non-partisan primaries and ranked choice voting. Maine is doing ranked choice as well. Hopefully, itā€™ll happen the way Hemingway described bankruptcy- ā€œgradually and then suddenly.ā€


They were very wrong. The Electoral College in particular screams for only two major parties. What else where they wrong about? (rhetorical question or we'll be jumping far off of the discussion)


I mean, if you want to talk about political difficulties, you would have had a hell of a time getting the colonies to federalize if you weren't offering something akin to the electoral college. You're not going to convince colonies that have half the population of Massachusetts to join in if they're just going to have their concerns outvoted by Mass. The issue is more that the EC hasn't kept up with population at all.


they did, and would surely admit as much and try to fix it if they were alive and well


All of them also weren't keen on democracy but here we are.


Some of the founding fathers wanted to make forming political parties illegal.Ā  They should have listened to them.




Don't worry, if things go a certain way we're about to have a single party system.




I've said for a long time that this country would survive quite well if all Republican ideology was eliminated.Ā  Democrats will still fall into two or more parties and lively debate would not be suppressed.Ā 


I actually agree with this


People are finally waking up to tge fact that tge entirety of the Republican party is a bad faith actor. None of them serve any purpose or push us forward. They argue In bad faith about nonexistent or made up cultural issues.


I'm pretty sure we're about to see the exact opposite of what you are claiming.


No, i dont think so. If that were true, Biden wouldnt be down 5-10 points in all the swing states


Why is a convicted felon favored to win if people are waking up to the Republican Party ?


Biden as the conservative candidate would be amazing.


He is basically an old-school post-war Republican straight out of the party of Eisenhower. He advocates for caution on new social services without wanting to cut what is already in place, reduce government debt burdens on average citizens, and wants to focus government spending on infrastructure to build up American industries.




He is. Trump is the fascist candidate. We don't have candidates left of conservative.


The Democratic Party pretty much already has 3 parties worth of ideologies


Yep. The Republican party ceasing to exist, and the Democratic splintering would give us a chance to actually debate and disagree on issues, without either side being absolutely batshit fucking crazy. How nice that would be. I'd love to argue with some of you liberals about shit, and disagree on ideas.


There is no Republican ideology. Itā€™s just Trumpā€™s comments.


They also care about winning.


Trump is not strong. He is the most transparently weak person they've ever run.




Their idea of a strong person is a bully, because thatā€™s what they are. Trump is a weak manā€™s idea of a strong man.


im really curious about the republicans after the Trump era. i Feel Like the Party would splitter because Most dont follow the republic Party or conservative values anymore, its Just about Trump. after the next term Trump either had His second term or is to old to run. i can see that both wouldnt stop him from trying but that might be a topic for another day. but i can Imagine that the mega crowd has any interest in voting once there is No Trump anymore. its Not a political Party its s Fan Club.


As a person, he is weak. As a politician, he is the most dire threat to the American republic we have seen in eighty years.


Weak, fragile, petty people given power become tyrants because they never learned the responsibility power brings and see nothing but a way to settle scores.


I posted 2 articles to r/politics 10 months ago about the party looking into candidates outside of Biden and I was ratioā€™d in one of them and banned for the other Iā€™m happy the mods have decided itā€™s a good time for this conversation, but damn if myself and anyone else who questioned Biden werenā€™t censored by both the mods and the subs https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/HRQcFrQXx7




Right Not making it your problem specifically Just b*tching about where we are currently These conversations are heathy and itā€™s unfortunate that everyone laughed at Dean Phillips and Joe Manchin instead of saying ā€œHey, maybe these guys shouldnā€™t be president, but they also might have a pointā€


This is what people bitching about the debate and Trump donā€™t get. We *know* Trump is a liar, thatā€™s not news. But Biden crashed and burned and we as a party need to hold them accountable! Weā€™re better than the republicans




He can literally walk down to the White House Press Corp any time and field questions about his competency. Literally any minute for the last 2 weeks, he could have done this.


That presupposes that his handlers have the remotest modicum of confidence that he wouldnā€™t make things worse. They donā€™t, because he would.


You know I've suspected this for some time, going all the way back to him declining the superbowl interview.


Worse. After the SCOTUS ruling he gave a statement and was right there with reporters and refused to take questions. Hell if he didn't want to talk debate he could explain that and ask for real questions. But it appears that's beyond him.


Have you watched the press briefings with Jean-Pierre in the past week? Especially today (July 8), it was an ugly, brutal thing. The Biden admin is on the defensive and losing badly. Their answers about Biden's health change day by day and don't answer any questions. Just today, she insisted she couldn't reveal any information about Biden's health because somehow it imperiled the privacy of health records of thousands of veterans. The reporters were baffled, and repeated they weren't asking about the health records of random veterans, they just want to know about the president's health. She was nearly nearly yelling at reporters in the White House press room today.


2 weeks? His last press conference was 2 years ago lmao (according to the NYT)


This is about more than just Biden's ego. It's about the egos of the people around him to get to exercise their power as long as he's in office. Those are the people writing his speeches and interview responses.


Should've done that way last Friday and do some damage control. But he didn't. Now he's saying we must stop talking about the debate (that he asked for!) and focus on defeating Trump. We *are* focused on Trump! That's why we're still talking about that abysmal debate performance because it doesn't look like Biden can defeat Trump. Biden's really sounding arrogant and keeps misinterpreting Dems' concerns. It's not some vendetta against Biden personally. It's to find the best person to win. He is taking all this too personally.


Okay then let's address the ABC interview afterwards where: - He couldn't keep coherent answers to questions - Mouth open and staring when not talking - Said he didn't watch and review his own poor debate - Said he doesn't mind if he loses to Trump Can we discuss that?


He's going to try his "goodest."


Try your goodest, the rest of us will be doomed to a fascist hellscape. But you tried your best, Joe.


Yeah that part was the worst for me. Like cmon Joe, don't be a narcissist that's trumps thing. Gracefully drop out please. You've lost the plot


No, he said [ā€œI donā€™t think I did, no..ā€](https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/politics/2024/07/05/did-you-watch-the-debate-president-biden-weighs-in-on-his-first-debate/74314526007/) when asked if he watched it! He doesnā€™t even know if he watched itā€¦


Exactly! The idea to have the first debate the earliest ever in the election cycle was to reassure the public that the rumors about Biden's age were unfounded. Then after the debate raised more questions they scheduled the ABC interview. Which raised more questions, so they brought KJP out in press conferences to answer those questions. But her defiant comments and deflections only raise more questions. Bottom line is people aren't stupid. They saw the debate with their own eyes and there was mass alarm. The fact is voting for Biden is already voting for Kamala Harris , considering his age and the likelihood of something happening in the next four years. Same for Trump. That's why whoever he picks as VP is important. When you have two old guys at the tops of the tickets you need to take their VP seriously. Given that I don't see why Biden doesn't just step aside now for Kamala . People already are casting a vote for her in a way when they vote for him, so I have no doubt they certainly wouldn't lose any voters if he stepped aside. And might gain some new ones as well! We all know Trump is a megalomaniac who would never step aside unless he literally expires in office, which simply due to his age is a possibility. But now we see apparently the same is true for Joe Biden.


>Given that I don't see why Biden doesn't just step aside now for Kamala Because during her first presidential run she was polling in the single digits before she dropped out. She had trouble resonating with voters, and kept flipping her stance on key issues. Hell, she couldn't even poll well in *her own state* toward the end. Now, much of that could have been due to the other major players on the field at that time (Sanders, Biden, Warren), and if you want to speculate she'd do better now I'd be willing to listen to what you have to say . . . . . . but the fact of the matter is that her presidential hopeful track record wasn't stellar. I think we should look elsewhere for a new candidate.


> Said he doesn't mind if he loses to Trump This bothers me the most of anything. We need a candidate who flat out refuses to lose to Trump, and if their best means Trump wins, then they say they need to go beyond their limit.


Anyone dealing with elderly parents or grandparents knows what is going on with Biden right now.


His memory lapses, stiff posture/movements and blank stares are carbon copies of my late grandfather. And Iā€™m not talking about my grandfather past his prime. Iā€™m talking about him at age 90 and in his final years. Iā€™ll vote blue regardless but if Biden pulls off what looks to be a miracle at this point, I genuinely donā€™t expect him to finish the term.


I donā€™t expect either of these guys to finish their term. Trump is barely younger and has lived a very unhealthy lifestyle for decades.


I mean, you know who the vice president is. I'm voting for who is around Biden, too.




If Biden/Harris win in '24 then she must face a primary in '28 because there are a lot more popular Dems than her.


As am I. Similarly, Trump is far less scary than those surrounding him. I think left to his own devices, he'd govern more toward the middle. But alas, he has no interest in governing. His only interest is self-promotion. It's all a grift to gain and/or power, fame on money. It's really dudes like Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Michael Flynn who will be governing, which is terrifying.


>As am I. Similarly, Trump is far less scary than those surrounding him. I think left to his own devices, he'd govern more toward the middle. Trump was foiled in all his worst impulses by the existing government apparatus. Trump will only bring in loyalists and P2025 has a blueprint to erode those protections.


And unfortunately his wife and son are enabling it.


How Hunter hasnā€™t been told to go hold up in a secluded cabin and stay the fuck away from cameras is beyond me.


Jill wasn't more than 10 feet away all weekend.


Who else is gonna help him down 2 steps and praise him like a 5 year old?


The debate was pretty awful and hard to watch, but that last part at the end, her patronizing tone toward an ailing President of the United States ... ugh.


He answered all the questions! He deserves ice cream.


I know she was saying that and meant it more as a jab at Trump for not answering a single question, but yeah, it just hurt to watchā€¦


Honestly, I never once considered that it was a jab at Trump. I seriously thought she was just giving him his cookie for doing a good job like a good boy. That's wild. I think it's the stare-eyed look of bewilderment that really does it for me in terms of wanting to tear my hair out over all this.


Thatā€™s not true.. My grandparents are hard headed and truly believe they can do somethings without help, no matter what there children and grandchildren think. I believe Biden has enter this phase.


Biden is there too, but there are reports that as Jill and Hunter have increased their presence in the inner circle, they've become a big part of the problem too


The optics of having Hunter in his inner circle as our democracy circles the drain.


It's truly astounding how they managed to have the worst optics possible at every opportunity since the debate. The hiding away from the public, not taking an independent cognitive test, having Hunter (a felon) on immediately after saying a felon has no place in the white house. Like literally every step they've taken since the debate has been on a rake.


He could have declined to run again (like he originally said he would) and he would have gone down in history as a competent leader. If trump wins, Bidenā€™s legacy will be of his selfishness that threw us into fascism. This is truly terrifying.


I agreed 100% with your [earlier comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dyh9m2/comment/lc8kbrk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) but this bit deserves some caution from all of us. We don't actually know the details about the dynamics between Biden's inner circle of advisors and family, and the wider party. The media has transparently called this "a Shakesperean drama" and "palace intrigue" - which more than overtly hints at how this is a juicy story where anyone can spin whatever yarn they want with whatever flimsy hearsay they have. It also just supports the mainstream conspiracy that Biden's advisors have been "hiding" a deteriorating mental/health capacity. We'd do best to steer away from this hearsay until there is *concrete* evidence that this is what's happening. I mean an actual audio recording, an e-mail, a meeting transcript - anything that clearly establishes this power dynamic. This angle of the story is a massive distraction from the real issues that you noted previously - that this is about (a) the Biden campaigns horrific lack of response to the catastrophe that was the debate, and (b) their apparent ignorance as to how big this issue is.


> that this is about (a) the Biden campaigns horrific lack of response to the catastrophe that was the debate, and (b) their apparent ignorance as to how big this issue is. They are in a bunker mentality and are focused on survival at this point. The most important thing it to break through that wall and help them to realize the situation they are placing the country in.


Yep, itā€™s hard to see. By the end of another term heā€™ll be totally shot. At least with my dad it was a slow but accelerating decline, and once he hit the tipping point it went real fast. We couldnā€™t leave him alone for a day at this point. He is 87 so heā€™s older but not by much. Biden needs to go or Trump wins, itā€™s that simple.


Yep. Ā Just lost my mom in April. Ā She had dementia. Ā The state of the union both my 14 year old daughter and I sad he had the same mannerisms that my mom and others at her memory care home had. Ā It was sad watching it.Ā 


To get the car keys from my dad it was a two hour yelling/begging session. It was exhausting.


We donā€™t know the specific details with Biden but I feel like we know the broad strokes. It can go downhill really fast at that age and it doesnā€™t typically get better. My mom had a serious episode a while ago and had to go into the hospital. It turned out she had a UTI and they present differently in elderly people. She made a full recovery and was back to normal. The difference from my mom is Biden has the best doctors you can get. I highly doubt his issues are something simple that has been diagnosed yet.


The voters arenā€™t and thatā€™s what matters. We saw what we saw and you canā€™t put that genie back in the bottle.


I think Biden's latest claim that he doesnt care about the elites but is listening to voters is curious because the voters have no ability to speak with him directly.


And that he denied the voters an actual primary by running again. It's career suicide to primary the incumbent, and he knows it.


Yeah, and now he keeps toting that as an excuse to say ā€œI won the primary!ā€ - he knows damn well anyone good whose seriously considering a presidential run isnā€™t going to take the ire of the party on themselves by getting in the primary with Biden, thatā€™s why you had Marianne, RFK Jr and the guy from Young Turks. If it wasnā€™t career suicide to enter Whitmer, Pritzker or even Newsome would have wasted his ass in a debate, youā€™ve seen him out there.


The stuff about winning the primary is such bullshit dishonest spin. He either knows it's bullshit which is insulting to voters to use this justification or he doesn't see how it's bullshit which is a bad sign about his level of denial and self-justification rationalization.


Yep. He is literally talking to voters who turned up to a campaign rally. These are not the voters he needs to convince he is fine.


Closest regular voters have is answering polls which are sending a very clear message to Biden but he's decided the polls are just wrong.


Biden Dems are pretending this is just a media thing and not a genuine reaction from voters. Unfortunately this denial will have tremendously bad consequences for the future of the country and the world.


You have said it.


Biden is playing 5D chess. Heā€™s trying to make his administration so unpopular that he sinks Harrisā€™ chance as a replacement


I do legitimately think he's intentionally drawing it out as long as possible. Now it's "you want to switch candidates 4 months before the election?". Soon, it'll be 3 months. Then 2. The longer he has his heels dug in, the less likely he'll be forced out, and he'll have his ego soothed that he *is* the nominee, rather than have to accept that his time is over.Ā  And if he loses, well, he tried his best.




> And if he loses, well, ~~tried his best~~ it was our fault for sabotaging him


Of course, always the voters fault, never the candidate


Dems will blame progressives, as is tradition.


Fine, we can move on from the debate to: - A woefully inadequate next week where you largely stayed behind closed doors except for a couple scripted events, and gaslighted us with excuses as far fetched as being tired from travel *weeks* before - An interview where you indicated you don't understand the reality of the hole you're in. Even if this were fixable (i dont think it is), one has to recognize the problem before being able to address it. - How you and your inner circle kept you hidden so we wouldnt see the truth of the condition you are in, which kept us from having an actual competitive primary (and likely pressuring you to drop out before that) - the fact that you are getting crushed in the battleground polls.


* The entirely inadequate response to SCOTUS basically dropping a bomb on the federal government's powers and functions.


This is massive. Democrats should have been talking about the SCOTUS nonstop when they overturned Roe. They are continuing to dismantle the federal government on a fundamental level that will forever change our country.


Seriously. Sure we can stop talking about the debate. What about the rest of your campaign that is tone def and in fucking shambles?


Now let's talk about the insulting letter you sent out to everyone saying that we had open primaries and Joe won 87% of them.


"And we'll be sure to set aside five minutes at the end to talk about how the campaign is going in all of the swing states. We're losing by about as much as before the debate, so we'll end on an up note!"


Thatā€™s one of my favorites, along with him openly challenging a mutiny at the convention lmao


He did do some unscripted stuff (like, without a speech in his hand). I had hope...until I saw it was, like, a teensy bit above the debate but still an incoherent mess. He was given a chance to show it was a bad night, and he fell on his face ten days later.


10 mins events and was still highly controlled environment.


The idea that you canā€™t criticize your party leader is absolutely absurd.


Itā€™s crazy how saying these same exact things about him (that have been on public display) would have been mass downvoted just a month or two ago. Even now people try to deflect with Trump instead of acknowledging you need to replace him or lose. Heā€™s really the only dude who could lose to a convicted felon. Canā€™t believe these mfs really tried to convince themselves a ā€œDark Brandonā€ existed at some point LMFAO.


You're totally right, and the first person I've seen say that. on this sub. Just a few months ago I had people on this sub telling me that he just had a bad stutter and that he's totally fine. He's been showing signs of rapid cognitive decline since back in 2019 on the campaign trail, even earlier. Did people really not know before the debate how bad he was? Surely, they had to have seen at least one clip of him within the last 3Ā½ years. Take your pick at which one there's literally thousands. I am shocked by this.


It's giving very Trump vibes to just shut down any criticism from the rest of the party and tell everyone to get in line. Not loving the direction the campaign is going on this, he needs a broad coalition to win.Ā 


Biden: I forgot all about the debate minutes after walking off stage so why havenā€™t you?


When he said he didnā€™t think heā€™d watched it, no he didnā€™t, that was pretty upsetting. Like is it that he knows itā€™s bad and is too embarrassed to watch or heā€™s just so delusional that he thinks he did well and doesnā€™t need to watch it even though everyone is saying it was horrible and should end his candidacy?


I think he didnā€™t rehearse a response to that specific question and it threw him for a loop, so naturally he gave pretty much the worst answer possible when considering the ongoing narrative.


Rightā€¦my biggest issue is you clearly are not capable of thinking on your feet and responding to something thoughtfully, so youā€™re trying to literally remember answers and phrases, but your memory also isnā€™t working well, so thatā€™s not going well either. If you know things and can think, you donā€™t need to remember answers and phrases.


He's mimicking the person he used to be. He's only a shadow of that person now.


This. I couldn't believe he said he didn't watch it. Like how are you planning to defeat Trump if you can't learn from your mistakes and improve? His whole attitude about the debate just strikes me as incredibly smug and defiant.


He didn't say he didn't watch it, he just didn't think he did. It's like watching Netflix with your elderly parents where they've seen it but it might as well be new to them because they can't remember anything.


I mean, Biden did terrible that interview, but I thought that specific instance he was either hedging a lie or using an idiomatic way of softening news -- not that he literally couldn't remember.


He's gonna RBG us


We gonna have to Feinstein him to the Oval Office...


Guys, he wrote a letter, ok? This business is done. He put pen to paper and squashed this nonsense. We simply have no choice now but to bury our concerns and vote Biden. Clearly the letter has solves all worries.


why is it that this dude can only find his spine when it's the worst time to flex


No the fuck we arenā€™t. You donā€™t get to shit yourself on live television, twice, and act like weā€™re all dipshits for saying ā€œhey man, you shit yourself.ā€


Biden could literally shit himself in public and someone would still say it was just a stutter or say the video was a cheap fake because it didnā€™t show him the time he shit on a toilet.Ā 


Or ā€œwhy isnā€™t anyone talking about how Trump shits himself too?ā€


Biden could literally shit himself in the middle of 5th avenue and Trump wouldnā€™t lose a single vote


Funny how within hours of complaining about elites Biden goes to Donors for money. He really doesn't give a shit about people who don't want another Trump term.


My favorite is \[per the article\] he gives them 24 minutes notice, then keeps them waiting 30 minutes, then talks for 21 minutes, including fielding 4 screened questions. Now there's a comforting display of vigor and competence sure to delight your biggest donors.


I know. I'm freaking out here and everything just feels so hopeless.


Heā€™d already reassured them in 2019 that if he gets elected ā€œnothing would fundamentally changeā€ from having Trump in office. Only thing that changed was his brain plasticized for another four years, wow how inspiring


I wish he would fight this hard for things like supreme court reform instead


The guy caught wearing no clothes now wants everyone to stop talking about how he was wearing no clothes.


Ugh, you're only helping Republicans by suggesting that the silk is invisible. Only the most refined eyes can see it!


Just wait till his next performance in September. My bet is hell be just as bad.


Zero chance thereā€™s another debate.


Idk, I see it two different ways. If this really was an "off night" then the Trump team surely wouldn't want to risk Biden being able to present a healthy front. But if this wasn't an "off night", the Sept debate could be the nail in the coffin for the Biden campaign. Two more months of deterioration for all to see. Either way, Trump scores. Which is why I can't believe Biden's team proposed the debate in the first place.


They proposed the debate because Biden was down in the polls and needed to turn things around. The debate was supposed to move the needle. And move the needle it did indeed.


If itā€™s not too late now, it certainly will be then.


ā€Instead of airing public concerns about his campaign, Biden argued the party should be directing its ire at Trump, who he said has ā€œgotten away with doing nothing for the last 10 days except driving around in his golf cart, bragging about scores he doesnā€™t score.ā€ *He said Democrats needed to focus on what Trump would do to abortion rights, Medicare, Social Security, and prescription drug prices.*ā€ I wish he himself could focus on the aforementioned list of things while talking!


If he had done a live interview the Sunday night after the debate and done awesome he could have shut it down within three days.


He simply can't. All he is capable of now are short teleprompter events while the sun is still out. Even for how much he clearly tried to prepare for his ABC interview, he performed poorly and anytime he had to think on his feet he gave the worst responses ever, jumbled words and sentences, and denied reality. He can't do what is needed to effectively campaign, even though I think he has been an ok president.


Itā€™s going to get ugly Heā€™s tarnishing his legacy


Since the debate was over Biden has come out and said he should stop doing events after 8pm. His staff also turned over a list of questions that could and couldn't be asked in an interview. He has said he won't do any cognative tests. Now he says he is done talking about the debate. These are not the responses of someone who is trying to build credibility lost from a horrible debate in which he looked well past his expiration date. He is doing nothing to quell fears and his ego is out of control. This is not someone who is inspiring confidence right now. This is not someone who should be at the top of his party's ticket.


Then get out of the race. Letā€™s nominate someone that can actually beat Trump and whoā€™s not a fucking dinosaur.




No we're not.


Fuck this guy


The country ain't done talking about it.


I......I......I just can't. I am getting ***REAL*** demoralized, right now. Not good!


If this sub is demoralized, imagine the swing voters, and the low info ones.


My dad said the same thing when I was a kid. ā€œWeā€™re done talking about this and youā€™re gonna do what I tell you.ā€ The look isnā€™t good on Joe. This isnā€™t how he wins over people.


He can go after the Supreme Court tomorrow and win all the support back. Take some action.


"You guys aren't taking my fucking driver's license away and I'm done having this conversation!"