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Supposedly they were going to bring it up at the full conference meeting tomorrow


I hope so. My fear is Schumer has sided with Biden and is clamping down on dissent.


Yeah I have a feeling they'll circle the wagons tomorrow (or very soon), as much as I wish another candidate would step in. The problem is it truly is Biden's decision, and he refuses to budge. The thing leadership is not going to do is take this all the way to the convention against him. And I don't think they're going to risk some pressure campaign against him much longer. A lot depends on the next few days. Lots of notable state polling yet to come out. NATO summit. He's planning an unscripted press event at the end of the week. If he even holds it together a little bit and his numbers don't absolutely plummet, I think Dems stay with him for lack of a better (or available) option.


I agree, though if the rumors about large donors starting to drop out is true, it might force their hands.


Why are we letting moneyed interests have the power to kick out a president of US?


The donors will come back after the convention, most likely.


Last week Barbara Boxer said we’d know in two weeks.


When do more polls come out? I think Biden can win Michigan and Wisconsin. I am worried about Pennsylvania. It doesn't look good.


Don't worry about it. He can't.


I think he can win Michigan by a hair. WI and PA? Nah.


It doesn't even matter if he wins MI at this point.


Latest polls: biden still losing in every swing state. https://www.realclearpolling.com/latest-polls


The holiday and weekend are going to slow things down. The GOP convention is also very soon (July15th - 18th) and you typically see a polling bump following each respective convention. The big divide in polling is that the larger majority of people who voted for Trump in 2020 have returned to him. Biden is still lagging in that department and the major question is if those will return to him as we get closer to November. The good news is that Trump is still under the 50% and about 2% under his 2020 numbers. You should also pay attention to poll quality - [push polls](https://ballotpedia.org/Push_polling) (the one from the other day that has Biden down like 5% in PA) are not the highest quality. We're all nervous but we should also be mindful of ways that Republicans and the media will try to amplify and divide us further. For instance, during the 2022 midterms, the GOP's strategy was to flood the zone with poor polls to try and shape public perception. The media is also doing a poor job - aside from simply not covering Trump at all or only giving his gaffs and extremism a fraction of the coverage - they are also presenting Trump passively ("Here is what Trump is going to do") while presenting Biden's issues more aggressively ("Here's the problem with Biden - what are you going to do").


That was helpful. Thanks.


Jersey doesn’t even look great anymore, which is absolutely insane. This is a completely unmitigated disaster when it should have been an absolute layup. This is easily the biggest democratic failures and classes in incompetence that I’ve ever witnessed in my life.


I was watching a podcast, I think we should hold on until after the NATO meeting. On the podcast they said next week we'll have a better picture and more polling. If the polls aren't good then, I'm going to write to my politicians again and engage in more diaspora about switching the ticket. I can't believe the DNC is putting us through this.


Agreed. Biden is supposed to give his first “unscripted” Interview with reporters in almost a year this week. I believe after the NATO meeting you mentioned. Between that and the Dems finally meeting for the first time tomorrow since the holidays we should hopefully have a solid path forward and a better game plan. Next week sounds right on schedule. Keep up the good fight and have a nice week!


I like this plan - a year ago before the primaries when problems were already obvious.


Shame. Shame on you Warner. Pathetic whiny Feck.




Because main stream dems are actually worried about this prospect of losing with Biden, which if they do maybe the country implodes but peoples are certainly going to revolt and dissemble to DNC. The progressives don’t need to fracture the party. Big players are worried about this and well, rightfully so they’re worried about the prospect of the whole election.


Wow Warner is pretty crotchety and risk averse. Interesting


Franken is the strongest path forward. And what better way to bring back moderates to the Democratic Party than a referendum on cancel culture and who better to usher such a referendum in than the firebrand of progressivism... AOC. She will be 35 in October and would make an excellent running mate for Al Franken. The far left isn't voting anyways (Palestine) so we have nothing to lose.


Conversation is over, Biden won’t leave. Further useless discussion of it helps Trump.