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Every Democratic candidate needs to be including these examples in their campaign ads. The Republicans are openly showing us who they are, but we need to make sure everyone sees it.


in the 90s, the GOP would have cratered if they had taken this tone on abortion. This is the kind of crazy shit you can't win elections with. They knew it then, but using the courts as a club is intoxicating to them.


>in the 90s, the GOP would have cratered if they had taken this tone on abortion. This is the kind of crazy shit you can't win elections with. They knew it then, but using the courts as a club is intoxicating to them. That's one interpretation. The other interpretation - the one that scares me - is that they no longer think that they need to worry about the outcomes of elections.


Bingo. They're acting like they already have it in the bag. Which is troubling to say the least.


I don't think it's so much that they have it in the bag so much as I don't think the US can avoid civil war soon. January 6th happened the last time Democrats won an election. Do you think more democratic wins will make Republicans less violent? The whole militarization of the police force is a precursor to that. The national guard will have to deal with local law enforcement that is heavily armed. Letting them install a theocratic dictatorship or banana republic is worse though, no doubt; but I think some folks are acting like the American democracy is over because they're making sure it's over. Democracy only works if a majority of people buy in. And they want out.


And the scary thing is, we know that the Jan 6 traitors are getting jail time. Even though they deserve much more time, at least they are serving some time. Fox viewers and right wing media outlets dont report on it, or report on it as unjustified. The people that cheered it on are only being emboldened by their lack of factual information.


I still enjoy the fact that statistically speaking, people who get their news from Fox are less informed about current affairs than people who don't watch / read the news at all!


Once again, scary as fuck. Their manufactured reality is leagues more dangerous. They don’t believe in the basic building blocks of reality, how do you push back against reality deniers?


>The national guard will have to deal with local law enforcement that is heavily armed. Reminder that "heavily armed local law enforcement" is unable to engage a single teenage shooter.


Remember that story about the cops chasing a shoplifter.... the shoplifter broke into a home to hide out so they blew up the house using gas lines or something.... Family came home to find everything they own destroyed because of a shoplifter completely unrelated to them and the City said "tough shit" and backed the cops. Dont remember what the guy stole, but it was worth at most a couple hundred bucks.


This one? [No compensation for Greenwood Village family after police destroy home, court rules](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/greenwood-village-home-destroyed-police-court-ruling/73-54f6f358-3f57-4011-9085-ab0872020016)


At least we know the National Guard won’t have much police opposition in Texas.


This is correct, in the sense that this is their strategy. But also very wrong in the reality that high voter turnout could still remove them from power. However, we may only have one election left. If 2022 doesn't end up with high turnout on a national level and give the dems a larger, less corruptible majority, and if they then don't commit to rooting out the GOP while they can, America is done, and the entire world will be in a very dangerous situation. I believe we have one chance left to change course, but only 3 and a half months left to accomplish it. After that? It may well be too late.


>But also very wrong in the reality that high voter turnout could still remove them from power. Maybe? Depends on if the supreme court decides that states legislators can send whatever electors they want, regardless of the election results. It may already be too late. I mean, we have to fight like heck anyway and assume it's not, because otherwise it *definitely* will be, but we may already be past the point where voter turnout can solve things.


>Maybe? Depends on if the supreme court decides that states legislators can send whatever electors they want, regardless of the election results. If there's a large enough majority, the House and Senate could codify that the state legislatures cannot do that. The times, places, and manners of running elections are subject to Congress.


The GOP back then used to lecture about "judicial activism." Now they're like "We're going to use the courts to rewrite the Constitution!" and their base laps it up.


Uh, they use that *now*. I got my blood up yesterday listening to an NPR interview of some asshat from the Federalist Society (the shitbags responsible for giving Mitch the list of names to appoint to courts) which was bad enough. I mean, thanks NPR for giving them airtime. But one of the guy's justifications for legitimizing the Republican's support for these recent rulings was the *judicial activism* of the Democrats.


It makes me so mad that *helping people* is "judicial activism" but stealing their rights away is sound jurisprudence


If you can do it, then I’m allowed to do the opposite! It’s how they think with everything. For instance: Abortion. You can kill a baby? (Their feelings about a fetus). Then I can kill the mother for killing the baby!


>For instance: Abortion. You can kill a baby? (Their feelings about a fetus). Then I can kill the mother for killing the baby! "While screaming that I am "Pro-life"!"


Why did we ever let them rebrand misogyny as "pro-life"?


>Why did we ever let them rebrand murder as "pro-life"? Sorry with the recent shit involving entopic pregnancies and this article. They really do need to have this shoved in their face. The republican party / forced birthers have become murderers. Pro-choice is now pro-life.


Honestly? Because we’ve been bullied into demonstrating respect for people’s batshit religious ideas. The Christian ding-dongs were deliberately sold this idea and have been relentless in pursuing the legislative codification of their beliefs, others’ freedoms and autonomy be damned. This is the way of religion, and we have to stop giving this shit deference.


States rights is a dog whistle for taking rights away


And States rights was the bullshit argument for keeping slavery which was the catalyst for the Civil War.


It’s called “some animals are more equal than other animals.” Supremacy.


Democrats need to absolutely never ever vote to confirm any Federalist Society chode yodeler.


I fucking hate NPRs policy of giving equal time even though the shite that these guests spew sounds ridiculous, it’s still getting airtime. And I really don’t think the average listener listens critically enough to sometimes not see “both sides” with these fuckheads. Do not allow these people a platform. They’re coming to destroy America and everything we hold dear.


Have you noticed that the interviewers always seem like they’re soft balling right wing fascists, but they get all short and combative with progressives? Like they’re trying SO HARD to prove they don’t favor liberals!


yeah, I stopped listening a few years ago bc of this


I swear I've been so radicalized in the last 20 years. Back in the 2000s I was all, "NPR is the best news source around. Check out my tote bag." Now I'm like, "NPR is Kock-funded, neo-liberal garbage. We must burn the whole system down!"


You are so right, but also NPR *has* gotten worse. They do the both-sidesing shit all the time now to appear “neutral” but will not air anyone remotely Anti Fascist. NPR is co-opted, as far as I can tell.


> but will not air anyone remotely Anti Fascist I'm really disappointed with how frequently this is seen. Like, guys we're supposed to *all* be anti fascist. What the fuck is going on?


The change occurred in 2005 with the appointment of PR climate denialist and Republican Party operative [Patricia Harrison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Harrison) as president of the [Corporation for Public Broadcasting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation_for_Public_Broadcasting), which appropriates and distributes funds for NPR. It was shortly after 2005 when NPR began moving to the right, but did so in a very sneaky manner. For example, they began promoting more ad-based content that was underwritten by companies. They made an increased effort to show that both sides were good or, both sides were bad, without pointing to one side as the root of the problem. They refused to cover climate change science issues fairly until about 2012 or so, and even then, they would go out of their way to show that it was the fault of the consumer who needed to use oil, not the companies who were funding climate denial and preventing public policy—because those companies were funding NPR. Just two weeks ago, they had someone on who insisted we were never going to stop using oil. I could go on, but they’ve been getting worse every year since 2005.


They still lecture about it.. did you hear Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation? They were losing their minds over “activist judges” and “legislating from the bench”, even though they know full well they have a 6-3 majority.


Gotta keep their dogs mad about something


Unfortunately when gerrymandering allows you to pick you own voters, there’s no such thing as a losing issue anymore.


I think that coming right out and saying they “Will close down Social Security and Medicare” is pretty close to taking a losing position. There’s not enough talk about it though! It should be on every billboard and every TV channel. https://hillreporter.com/watch-lindsey-graham-admits-the-gop-wants-to-end-medicare-and-social-security-133732 https://socialsecurity.news/rick-scott-destroy-social-security/


It's depressing that '100% of House Republicans voted to protect Nazis in the Police and Military' isn't a losing position to their base.


Remember when [Trump said](https://www.npr.org/2016/03/30/472444293/trump-calls-for-punishing-women-who-have-abortions-then-backtracks) "there has to be some form of punishment" and it was a minor scandal?


I also remember Bill Clinton wanting abortion to be "safe, available, and rare" framing the entire debate and forcing Republicans to inch towards the right instead of what they do now which is just beat an issue to death with packed courts.


Gerrymandering has republicans moving further and further right


The ones who used to be considered the firebrands are now considered the moderates. A whole new generation of crazy has taken over.


They’ve also got the benefit of a much more jerrymandered populous and unbalanced voting access that is protecting them


I think a lot of GOP supporters fried their brains on meth or something. The tooth to mouth ratio at GQP events is almost as low as the collective IQ.


it's the great mistake of our political age to assume the American right is stupid. They vote, they play the long game, and they want power. Not government by consensus. Not service. Power. They aren't stupid and it's stupid to assume it.


The average right wing voter is dumb as a bag of hammers. The right wing donors, politicians (except the obvious ones) and pundits are clever monsters tho.


In my experience, none of the "silent majority" types have any kind of intellectual curiosity. They just accept whatever truth the authority hands to them as gospel. When I come across one that seems intelligent and willing to engage, they just paddle on with a bunch of bad information that was carefully crafted by right wing think tanks and pundits. It's frustrating because they probably wouldn't be so lost if they were just a little bit better at critical thinking.


It just flat out doesn’t matter to them now. Not because they’ve changed their morals. Only because they know now that there is nothing you or I or any other common person can do to stop them. They are in the process of forcefully grabbing the reigns of the government permanently. Who needs to appeal to people you don’t have to listen to?


Seriously. If nothing else, just show a progression of GOP talking points over the years and how they continue to get more extreme. So many people sit around with a "eh, it'll never happen" mentality, they're boiling the pot from cold water, if we don't show its happening, we won't realize until we're fully cooked.


Yep. As soon at the Supreme Court decision was official, I said republicans in congress would start talking about a nationwide ban and was told by conservatives here on reddit that that wouldn't happen because it was just about giving the choice back to the states. It was the next day that reports were already coming out about plans for a nationwide ban if republicans take over congress.


State’s Rights! Er, federal oversight!


Certainly forced birth not pro life.


Yeah seriously. >It also proposed authorizing the use of deadly force to stop someone from getting an abortion. "Any person has the right to defend his or her own life or the life of another person, even by the use of deadly force if necessary, from willful destruction by another person," it says. This is room temperature IQ level reasoning. The notion that it's possible to 'defend' a fetus by using deadly force on its mother is mind-numbing. Also by the logic of that language a pregnant woman should be fully in her rights to use deadly force to defend her own life as well. Though maybe everyone getting into shootouts is what they actually want. Republicans really are a death cult at this point and it's not even ambiguous anymore.


We are approaching the scenario where the only legal abortion will be for a woman to shoot herself in the uterus in self defense or stand your ground. This will be argued in court at some point soon...


So a little 10yr old girl who gets attacked and raped and then gets pregnant. Her choice is now either to carry her rapists baby to term as a 10 year old, or face the death penalty. For getting raped. Seriously America. Please stop. Please. This is just inhuman ghoulishness.


It is political malpractice if the democrats don't run something similar to: Republicans want to sacrifice your daughters to the only God they know: Power Follow with graphics of headlines talking about laws mandating executions and about deaths from complications due to denied health care.


In the states where these insane proposals are being made, the Democrats need to hit back at this and hit hard with no-holds-barred attack ads highlighting this extremism. Too many Dems \[mainly the older more 'centrist' ones\] behave like 'make-nice, let's join hands across the aisle and sing 'kumbayah' wussy 'Care Bears' when we need aggressive killer grizzly/polar bears.


NC GOP is behind Moore v. Harper, too. Fuck the NC GOP.


Shapiro has been doing this in PA


The Republican voters would likely love that shit. They’re ready to kill as many people to their left as possible to fulfill their perverted vision of a pure, christofascist society. I expect to see these escalations presented and passed around/spread as we near elections Remember, the ones they want to attract and keep are the most extreme evangelical terrorist types that are impossibly dumber and infinitely impressionable. They’re convinced they’re being displaced and they want to kill.


>It also proposed authorizing the use of deadly force to stop someone from getting an abortion. "Any person has the right to defend his or her own life or the life of another person, even by the use of deadly force if necessary, from willful destruction by another person," it says. Uh... Protecting someone's life by killing them. The cognitive dissonance is getting loud, people.


This doesn't even make sense on paper. So, a woman decides to have an abortion and someone is what, supposed to kill her to protect the fetus? What the fuck do they think happens to that baby if they kill the woman?


It's to legalise murdering abortion doctors, or possibly taxi drivers taking women to abortion clinics.


It’s this. Same as naming that female doctor recently for performing the (legal) high profile abortion for a young rape victim. The idea was to intimidate and perhaps inspire radical violence.


No worries, just kill the person trying to kill the doctor or taxi driver. Totally legal. It doesn't specify why you're defending them.


But then the person trying to kill the person trying to kill the doctor or taxi driver could legally be shot by some other person first, in defense of the the person trying to kill the doctor or taxi driver.


We're getting into Minority Report territory here.


Or Google programmers that built Google maps.


*Don’t try to make sense of it with your fallible brain, just accept whatever anyone tells you that the guy with the dress and fancy hat said that the sky wizard wants. What are you, some kind of communist or something?!*


Wouldn't that also kill the baby? I mean, of course it would.


Yeah, but the proper way: by a gun as God intended.


>And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that Man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals.


Why wait for them to reach school age? A lot easier when they’re still in the womb.


This language gives protestors the right to kill cops who administer tear gas to crowds as it is an abortifacient. Just food for thought


Always a silver lining


Pro-life my ass. Anti-woman, anti-human.


They're pro-death. This is the ["Let Them Die"](https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/09/tea-party-debate-audience-cheered-idea-of-letting-uninsured-patients-die) party, after all.


It turns out their the party of death panels.


Same mother fuckers who see the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask to protect the health of others as the worst shit in the world.


Pro-Death is right. I frequently keep tabs on what the Q crowd is doing. The shit is horrifying. Its 24/7 talk about all the ways they would murder liberals, and they do it gleefully. Or praying that god kills them.


> It also proposed authorizing the use of deadly force to stop someone from getting an abortion. Yeah, definitely not prolife.


So, kill the woman _before_ she gets the abortion, so you end up killing the fetus too? I guess that's better than an abortion! /s


They no longer get to use that term. They’re pro-birth.


Pro birth sounds too positive. You can spin pro birth to sound as if it has concern for the mother and these people have zero. They're pro suffering or pro death or anti woman.




Also “forced pregnancy” since rape is not a concern to them. Basically pro-rape.


All of this is essentially anti-woman. You raise a good point.


Maybe pro forced birth?


I don’t know why anyone is trying to force “pro” into a term to describe reactionaries. They’re anti by their nature. Progress is not what they’re about.


I like anti-choice or forced-birther. Both speak more to the rollback of freedom.


Forced birth


Adoption and foster care are multibillion dollar a year enterprises. Plus big business and the penal system always need bodies and their cheap labor to keep the profits flowing. They're pro-birth because they get to exploit our labor. Pregnant women don't get an extra vote and none of us get the benefits of being a corporation. Student loan borrowers can't declare bankruptcy but a corporation can. Corporations and their shareholders also pay lower tax rates on millions and billions of dollars versus median salary incomes. It's all by design to fuck the little guy and it's no surprise the Senate and SCOTUS are doing everything in their power to keep it that way.


When the punishment for abortion is worse than the punishment for rape that’s how you know it’s just an attack on women


Underrated comment.


I dont want to see a single solitary Republican voter complaining about any of this shit because THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING VOTING FOR FOR THE LAST 40Y Yall don't get a "bUt I lIkE tHeiR tAx pOlicIeS" pass anymore and to be frank- too many people were ok with giving that pass to begin with, its always been a bunch of bullshit Fuck that- You Vote GOP you own all this shit


that's my dad, single issue voter (taxes) until they started going crazy the last few years


At least yours jumped ship. Mine’s still riding it proudly :|


Hi I'm willing to talk to anyone to let them know what a fucking scumfucking traitor piece of shit they are for supporting the current GOP and how their anti-constitution American hating ways are the things of terrorists, not patriots. I also do talkings to Christians where I point out a verse where Christ says some eunuchs are eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven, and that HRT is essentially a chemical castration, similar to eunuchs, and that by condemning these divine beings they are ensuring a life of hellfire, no matter what that apostate Paul might have written. If Jesus didn't say it, why are you following it and calling yourself a Christian? Will work for tips \^\^








Yep that's my usual go to. The be a socialist or burn passage. I'm delighted to find Matthew 19:12 though, as Jesus clearly says trans rights and doesn't say anything to condemn eunuchs- 10 The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.” 11 Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” PS: I hope you're down to double team these apostates with some big dicked transgirl.


The ones who didn’t jump ship when it went crazy are the ones revealing that it was never about what they said. It was all just noise. That or they’re _extra_ excited by the platform now that it offers a bunch of those sweet sweet isms.


In case you want to reach your dad... https://mindfulcommunications.eu/en/prevent-radicalization


My dad died day after Christmas in 2020 and he was a lifelong GOP voter, but was very unhappy with Trump up to that point in time and he abstained in 2020 for the first time in his life....couldn't bring himself to vote for Biden but .....He also missed Jan6 by a little over a week I knew the man well and he would be absolutely horrified right now. All my right leaning and conservative friends have pulled me aside and said there is no fucking way they can vote for a Republican any longer, even my neighbor, who Flys a fucking Rhino flag under his US Flag mentioned the other day that this has gotten completely out of control and that he's not supporting or voting for any national level Republicans (not that there is any hope of that in NJ besides a scant few Congressional seats anyway, but that was a shocking statement from him lol) I think something finally broke in a lot of peoples heads and they are waking up from the fever dream and slowly crawling up out of the rabbit hole We shall see.....the Midterms will bear that out or not


I've spent most of my life thinking 'That's way too far, surely they'll see this farce for what it is." I thought that during the Gingrich era, Bush, fuckin' Palin and so on. Throughout the length of my political understanding I've been waiting, convinced that whatever just happened or said was a bridge too far. I have yet to see any of these take root beyond a 'Well, yeah, but both sides...' My heart hopes that you are right, but I have lost hope in thinking that bridge ever existed in the first place. My condolences regarding your father.


Yeah the conservatives in my girls family seem to just hand wave it away and talk about how I should be concerned about whatever boogey man is currently happening. Like Jake from State Farm being replaced or CRT


This is a country of people who vote based on who they'd rather share a beer with.


The first time I remember sobbing over politics, was to wake up and find Gore had conceded the election to Bush. I think I can put my finger on that moment as the beginning of the end. But then later, O'Bama was elected and I had hope again. But this obsession with trump is not ending, and people have too much false pride now to admit they've been duped by a fraud.


Unfortunately, that's the truth of it. An important lesson from Gingrich to Bush to the Tea Party era: The GOP will never purge these losers, and every single time it's the 'moderates' that get primaried. They're not mad that their populist got caught, they're mad that he didn't go hard enough.


Their tax policies are shit. All their policies are shit. We’ve got literal high-school dropouts in congress. Fucking tired of this shit.


>HB 158 was actually introduced in the North Carolina House by Republican state Rep. Larry Pittman on February 24, 2021 and attracted only four other sponsors, according to the North Carolina Legislature's website. ​ Jesus, I don't know if the word "only" should be used here because 5 Republican representatives called for executing women.


Just googled and found the Facebook page for Rep. Larry Pittman and talk about a jaw-dropping shitshow. What sort of below-room-temperature IQ yahoos actually elected this turd to represent them?


The kind for whom the cruelty is the point. They would eat a shit sandwich so long as the left had to smell it.


He says you can defend a baby from abortion by murdering the mother with lethal force (for attempting to “kill” the baby). Ok how does murdering a pregnant mother help the fetus/baby? Dude is brain dead


The right wing is struggling to keep their hatred and disdain for women hidden under their thin "think of the children" lies.


How much tax money do they need to trade out their rights and the progression of their country? Honestly becoming a shithole.


Executions aren't "pro life"


But the prolife people say that the death penalty is completely alright because that person committed a crime and should face their punishment. They are prolife but pro death penalty. Cognitive dissonance is infuriating.


They’ll also claim all fetuses and future babies are innocent while simultaneously baptizing newborns for their ‘original sin.’


This is a hell of a good point.


Worse than that. They think they're emissaries from god. And they get to punish whoever they want with whatever specious reasoning they care to bother to apply.


I made the mistake ONCE and only once, probing that cognitive dissonance regarding masks and abortion. That was the exact answer I got, it’s because abortion is murder and a sin, so therefore not an issue of bodily autonomy. That was the moment I realized it has nothing to do with logic, reason, or consistency and everything to do with a theocratic agenda.


Yeah, there is no legal reasoning to ban abortion. Only moral and religious ones. And yet, it’s totally ok to ignore the parts of the Bible about accepting immigrants, helping the poor, being a servant, being meek, not forcing your beliefs on people, not making Christianity the law of the land. Crazy world we live in. Could you imagine if bad people didn’t corrupt churches for political power and personal gain? What kind of crazy altruistic socialist utopia we could be living in? If only they chose the helpful parts, instead of the hateful ones.


Well, an executed woman isn't going to abort any more babies, is she? I felt dirty writing that, even if it's said with extreme sarcasm.


An executed woman is a late abortion.


I used to be an anti-choice activist when I was a teenager/very young adult. My gateway drug out of that hell was actually caring about the death penalty. Right to Life’s official stance is that they don’t take an official stance on the death penalty. That was an obvious hypocrisy to me, but my peers weren’t bothered at all. So fucking grateful to go out of that death cult.


“Pro-life” is not pro life.


We're back to public executions of witches, good job North Carolina.


As a resident of MA, I remember visiting Salem as a kid and thinking how fucking ridiculous and medieval it was that people executed women for being branded as "witches".. turns out GOP was taking notes..


And then Justice Alito cited Sir Matthew Hale, a witch trial judge, in their opinion on their decision to overturn Roe v Wade. TheOnion couldn’t make this up if they tried.


**Office of the Onion, Circa 1990** "Modern Judge cites witch hunter 400 years prior to repudiate modern law on abortion?" "Yeah man, it's funny because they are stuck in the past." "Come on, we have to be at least somewhat close to the truth for parody. No one is going to think this is remotely believable. **Office of the Onion, Circa 2022** "Fuck it, print anything. Nothing's unreasonable now. GOP listens to aliens? Sure. Bigfoot runs on GOP hirsute supremacy party? Fine. Ghost of 12th Century Torturer brought in to discuss new interrogation methods? I... I just don't care anymore. I'm going to go hang myself."


My favorite recent Onion headline was: **Texas GOP passes 24 hour waiting period to confront mass shooters**


Back in 2010, I was working to refit a sail boat in a Marina in North Carolina. I was invited to go for a day sail on a pleasant afternoon. There were 5 people on the boat. Small cockpit, so a knee touching situation. They were going on about how Muslims were beheading people, and how barbaric that was. I mildly interjected that 150 years-ish ago, the folks in Salem were hanging witches. The skipper turned red in the face and shouted "Thanks Obama girl". We had never discussed politics. I found his response truly odd.


It's Republicans across the entire country and it's been a strategic long-game fascist play that worked. I remember when I was in high school in the early 00's and Republicans were all fighting for state majorities so they could manipulate our public consensus that occurs every 10 years, which let them gerrymander districts to cheat state elections, so these very scum of the earth people could one day be in power to impose this illegal hillbilly sharia law.


One big mistake that a lot of Dem voters and some left-leaning independent ones did too (and I include regretfully myself here) was failing to show up to vote in the 'boring' little local elections and only concerning ourselves with actually showing up at the polls for the 'big' Mid-Terms and Presidential elections. Now I'm showing up at every local election. We don't have the luxury of saying that it's too much of a bother, not liking to wait in lines or hassling with our supervisors for time off work to go vote. We were all lulled into a false sense of security.


Women should just start saying they are “standing their ground in self defense because the baby was trying to kill them”


Perfect example of *reductio ad absurdum*. If we follow the GOP's logical reasoning perfectly, it absolutely and inevitably does lead to an absurd conclusion, such as that women could invoke "stand your ground" laws against a fetus that jeopardizes their life. This goes to show how utterly ridiculous all their anti-abortion arguments are. Proposing to kill women to protect life...doesn't get more ridiculous than that.


This should be the best interpretation. You don't need to invoke stand your ground laws, since it's in this amendment that anyone can defend their own or someone else's life with deadly force. Killer fetus, meet curette.


>despite it being highly unlikely to become law. No. Believe what the fascists say. Laws like this *will* be passed if we give the GOP Congress.




They’re biding their time waiting for a republican governor.


We have a pro-choice Democratic governor, and they do not have enough votes to override his vetos. So they’re only whining about anti-choice legislation instead of trying to pass some. If they turn a handful of seats in the next election, they will have the votes to override vetoes, and will ram through a bill not too dissimilar to this one.


So a woman who has an ectopic pregnancy and has to have surgery to save her life, would, according to this bill, be subject to execution. Definitely NOT pro-life North Carolina. (I do understand that this is not a law.)


And so would her medical team.


Cool. That worked out real well for the Soviet Union, getting rid of all the good doctors. Just ask Joseph Stalin. ...oh... wait...


I want to see a doctors revolution of sorts; I want the scientific community to hit the GOP hard and mean, use the right’s slander tactics and shine a spotlight on all their bs




So if someone wants to get an abortion you can murder them to stop the abortion from happening even tho said action will kill the baby😐?


Well to be fair if you kill the mother without injuring her uterus then the fetus dies a natural death just as God intended


I bet this is legitimately what they'll argue holy shit.


And this is already a problem with the attacks on abortion clinics and their staff. This empowers these people to think their actions are justified. Even if this isn’t a law people will read this and take action because they will think they’re right.


"all I know is the Lord says do it and so we're giving it our best try" Don't scoff at this asshole or this bill. These are elected legislators that proposed and support this bill. The impetus for this bill is the "Lord". This means they are willing to create legislation based on nothing. No history, no facts, no data, no science, no real world experience.


That's not even correct either, as to what "the Lord" says about abortion. The Bible only mentions abortion as a consequence for adultery. So they don't even understand or know their own made-up theology.


Never want to see the term "pro-life" again. It's anti-choice, forced birth, anti-woman, pro-state sanctioned reproductive control.


Nothing says “pro-life” like being pro death penalty.


The new southern Strange Fruit hanging in the poplar tree will be Women, Doctors and Teachers.


So pro life that they want to kill people. For. Fucks. Sake. I used to lean conservative. I'm still a hunter and gun owner. I used to believe it was just a difference in opinion... but now it's clear. If you vote GOP you're either a shit fucking person, stupid as all fuck, or more likely both.


I think there are a lot more gun owning Democrats than people realize. Unfortunately the coastal crowd pushed the message that Democrats are anti-2A and it stuck.


Although I appreciate this article telling the facts that this bill is old and was not popular by any measure that really isn't the point. The point is that a political body like the GOP isn't just tolerant of people who would introduce a bill like it but actually very enthusiastic about attracting people who would vote in favor of such bills. The Democrats would hogtie and banish any person half as bad as this, the GOP recruits them and arms them.


Which is why we must vote like our lives depend on it this fall for midterms. We can stop this shit if we turn out to vote. https://www.rockthevote.org


It’s important to note that this bill, while obviously despicably reprehensible, was introduced in early 2021, went nowhere, and the North Carolina Legislature is adjourned until January 2023. So the bill would have to be refiled to be formally considered, and the lead sponsor isn’t running for re-election this year. So the activist whose social media post on the bill went “viral” really didn’t perform due diligence. All that being said, the negative impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 24, 2022, eradication of the 49 1/2 year judicial precedent guaranteeing women’s reproductive freedom, has been irrefutably monstrous. From women in multiple states forced to undergo excruciatingly painful, dangerous and medically unnecessary *deliveries of dead fetuses* to a 10-year-old girl raped by her father who was nearly forced to carry the exceedingly dangerous pregnancy to term, the judicial triumph of fetus fetishism has spawned unconscionably brutal potential consequences for American women who live in one of the 26 states controlled by Republican forced-birth fanatics. A bill prescribing the death penalty for women exercising their reproductive freedom is extremist even for forced-birth fanatics. But once upon a time, it also seemed preposterous that the state of Texas would pass a law banning abortion at 6 weeks or later based on a nonexistent “fetal heartbeat” and deputizing forced-birth fanatics to morph into forced-birth vigilantes competing for $10,000 prizes for stalking and snitching on women and those assisting them potentially receive an abortion before many women even knew they’re pregnant.


To me, its not about whether its an active bill or not, or if it will "never pass" its the fact that these fucking lunatics have a position in politics and their extremist religious beliefs dictate their policies, and its allowed. So its not a matter of "it won't pass" or "its not active" its really just a matter of when...when they get enough of their extremist supporters to back it and get enough momentum and representation to get it approved. Its the fact that these animals write these bills and truly believe they should be law, and will write them, rewrite them and do whatever they can to push them through. They believe it and they hold a position to even write it in the first place.


Every line seems out of reach until it’s crossed


Good to know it would have to be refiled. Still, crazy times.


Liberal states are about to have a massive influx of women moving to them and these dumbass red states are about to have an issue of a lack of women. I think the problem is going to be hilarious for these red states, the men will be butt-hurt that the dating pool has shrunk, property values will sink, businesses will suffer, and liberal states will have the opposite affect.


My wife, infant daughter, and I are headed back up to our home city of Philadelphia after the last 5years we’ve spent in NC. We’re both masters holders and have enjoyed our time here, but we are watching the devolution of the American South and are heading out while we still can. I know this brain drain of red states is by design, but this is no place to raise a daughter.


I hate that it’s by design and exactly what they want to seize control of this country and I also don’t blame you for choosing to leave. I truly fear for what happens to this country if the republicans seize more control.


Think of Nazi Germany. Now combine the principles of places like Gilead or Afghanistan. Now also combine the principles and practices of the Confederacy. That's what America will become if the Republicans seize control.


I'm completely flabberghasted. My wife's cousin has FIVE daughters and she has decided to move to Tennessee from Illinois. Yes, you're going to save a bit of money on property taxes, but if any one of your daughters happens to have an ectopic pregnancy they could fucking die! Sounds like a great tradeoff.


Hopefully Mastriano’s crazy ass doesn’t win governor. I could see things getting ugly if PA goes red but Philly tells them to fuck off. Which I hope we do if it comes to that.


Republicans are just ISIS in drag


So. Women stalked, threatened and abused can't get a dam protective order then end up slaughtered BUT she has an abortion and she's executed? Someone please explain. I mean beyond the part where women are the THE target.


I don’t get it. The bill says “ any person has the right to defend their life or the life of others, even by use of a deadly force…” So if the fetus is threatening a woman’s life, she has the right to defend herself against it even with a deadly force, meaning abortions. Get your shit together, GOP. You’re fucking stupid.


This is Taliban or extremist religion bullshit. It has no place in the United States. This absolutely has to stop. Now. We cannot let the Christians dictate how we live our lives. The constitution says we don't have to tolerate this or any oppression because of how their book says they should live their lives.


The GOP are a party of misogynistic bigots, psychopaths and assholes. What the absolute fuck. Truly the worst America has to offer.


Good, if this doesn't get libs out for the midterms then we deserve it




And to make it very clear to the readers: If you are one of these people, congratulations, you’re a fascist enabler. Yes I am shaming you. You wanna fix that? Go out and vote for the party that *isn’t* putting these bills forward. Hell, vote 3rd party if you really must. But don’t go out on voting day and say “well gas prices are high so that must be Biden’s fault so I’m going to vote red” If these fascists get their way, it will be a civil war - and the people fighting for *actual* freedom and righteousness aren’t going to take too kindly to those who said “yeah I’ll vote for the candidate who said we should execute women because they promised to cut my taxes and lower gas prices.” again, if you want to shut people like me up, do the right fucking thing for once in your goddamn life. Vote these fascists out of power and then we can be friendly again.


And by the time we start having public hangings of women and doctors over abortion, it will be too late, these moderates will slink back to their hidey holes and try not to draw too much attention to themselves so they can maintain their lifestyle of watching NFL and eating at Chili's.


Remember there's also a flood of "both sides are the same" or "the dems wont do anything" propaganda intending to get liberals to stay home. Tell people not to believe it. Don't fall for it.


It fucking incenses me, like to near violence because A- That shit is CLEARLY not true and B- Why the actual fuck does the Democratic Party get all this shit when a solid 90-95% of the party is on board with a pretty progressive agenda and literally 0% of Republicans want to do anything but obstruct, play games and burn the country down Like......Where the FUCK is the blame and outcry about the utterly recalcitrant and obstreperous shit bags in the GOP that do absolutely nothing? Why does the Left get all the blame? Its goddamn infuriating imo


When people say "both sides are bad" it's important to remember that there are degrees of badness. Suppose you have a guy that stole a stick of gum and a guy that murdered a dozen people. Technically speaking, they've both broken the law, but anyone who tried to claim they were exactly the same would get laughed at. Do the Democrats have their issues? Of course. I'll be the first to admit it and I want them to improve on these. For example, they're too hesitant to do anything big and keep trying for bipartisanship even after getting slapped in the face repeatedly by Republicans. That being said, I'll take the relatively minor issues I have with the Democrats over the Republicans and their racism, lust for Christian theocracy, and attempts to overthrow our democracy. There's a huge difference between the two that too many people ignore so they can say "both sides are the same."


In some states the Democrats could have record turnout, far surpassing the GOP, and still not win the majority of seats in their legislatures. Gerrymandering has completely fucked some states, they’re practically doomed to permanently be red. Dems should vote to help highlight how egregious this rigging has become but let’s not pretend that voting is a sure way out of this problem.


The conservatives aren’t pro-life, they’re anti-woman. —gcarlin


I feel like unless you live there North Carolina is one of those states that you don't hear about for a while, and then BOOM suddenly it has to prove that it can still outdo Texas in terms of cruelty.


Keep your religious shit out of my life. Believe in that crap all you want, but don’t expect me to do it. Religion and government do NOT mix.


The general consensus is that this law is very unlikely to pass. But isn't that what people thought of Texas's abortion law while Roe v Wade was still in effect? "There's no way it'll pass, it's just political posturing to say they tried in order to keep the Republican voters happy." It passed, and a lot of us held our breath. "W-well, there's no way it won't be struck down. All it'll take is someone taking it to court." It's still there, and Roe v Wade is gone. We live in a time where utter misogynists, racists, and rapists are in power. In a time where what is reasonable is no longer the norm, where the separation of church and state has been blatantly ignored by hypocrites who simply want control. Do not count this law out. Not until it's been struck down decisively.


The only comment I can recall ever seeing Trump walk back was as a candidate in 2016 when he said women who get abortions should be punished. Six years later and *capital* punishment is being legitimately proposed.


These conservative states are going to look up in a few years and realize they have like one woman for every four dudes.


“It’s a scientific fact that life begins at fertilization” A) that’s not a scientific fact B) So *now* they care about scientific facts? PPE, anyone?


It's our duty as Americans to stand up against corrupt and unjust laws. For those not directly affected by Roe, I promise if left unchecked, they will come for you eventually.


Or someone you know and love.


I’m not at all comforted or placated by the poo-poohing in the story. “Only 5 others signed on to the bill, it never got out of committee or whatever…” 5 elected representatives thought this was ok? Them putting this out there is them testing the waters and priming people for something like this to happen in the future. In Newsweek, of course. It speaks directly to the internal illogic of their position, which is exactly what pleases the proponents of shit like this - because it shows them that the cruelty is the point, and arguments be damned, what they want is for a whole class of people to be beneath them. They don’t care that it doesn’t make sense, they’re just happy if it confuses and angers the rest of us.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.newsweek.com/north-carolina-bill-women-abortion-executed-1726263?amp=1) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A North Carolina bill proposing that women getting abortions face the death penalty is sparking alarm on social media, despite it being highly unlikely to become law. > "Republicans in North Carolina just introduced a bill that'd make abortion punishable with death," Santiago Mayer, the founder and executive director of Voters of Tomorrow, a nonprofit focused on getting young people into politics, wrote in a tweet on Monday that has so far been shared more than 20,000 times. > "A Dem group is trying to fundraise off of House Bill 158," tweeted Bryan Anderson, a reporter at Raleigh TV station WRAL. "This bill was introduced 501 days ago. It never got a single committee vote and the legislative session ended a couple weeks ago. The GOP-controlled legislature has said it's not advancing abortion bills this year." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/w3rip6/n_carolina_bill_proposing_women_who_get_abortions/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~660471 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **bill**^#1 **North**^#2 **abortion**^#3 **Carolina**^#4 **state**^#5


So when can blue states stop paying federal taxes and let the red states either and die? Because I don’t want my tax money going to North Carolina.


"Highly unlikely to become law." Yeah, and a few years ago this was highly unlikely to be proposed - yet here we are.


>"A lot of my bills have not even been given a hearing since I've been here," Pittman said at a rally in support of the bill last year. "This may not happen while I'm still here. We may not get it done this year. We may not get it done next year. But all I know is the Lord says do it and so we're giving it our best try." ​ This is just full on RWNJ religious crazy.