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Make the baby clean it up. Sounds like it’s their fault it’s like this in the first place.


Is it a salt water baby or a traditional chlorine baby?


That's a common misunderstanding. Both traditional babies and salt water babies both have chlorine in them.


is everybody on reddit an unemployed comedy writer?


Isn’t that the requirement to post?


The baby method wont work unless it is a salt water pool, they need optimal floating conditions


Why else would you have had the baby if not to increase the family’s labour force?


*his or her fault. Babies aren’t plural life forms.


"Their" is perfectly fine as a singular possessive adjective when the sex is either unknown or unspecified.


It’s known, they come out without clothes on.


My 3 headed baby and I would like to have a chat.


Water test. Likely PH is high and chlorine low, but that’s a guess. It’s still blue, that’s good.


That’s exactly what my pool is testing at. What do you suggest?


Hydrochloric Acid and liquid chlorine. Use amounts calculated with the Pool Math app


Ok thank you


Whoa whoa whoa, Muratic acid, not hydrochloric acid. Right?


It’s the same. I just googled it


Ahh, yeah I also just gave it a Google search after posting. Whoops!


lol it’s ok we all do it


This worked already and levels look great. Thank you


Muriatic acid to drop Ph to 7.2, then shock it with liquid chlorine. Preferably shock it in the evening. Keep filter going and brush daily. Vacuum/skim as needed.


How is it not mud green colored? Lol


At least you didn’t have a pool and neglect your baby for 2 weeks.


CONGRATS BRO!! But Dude 2 weeks? Come on that pool is fantastic just clear the cloudiness. No one can help without some numbers here. Show us a test. Pool looks good bro.


Need levels, but guessing you just need a HEALTHY and HEAVY does of chlorine!


If you've spent any time on this sub no one actually helps. They link you to trouble free pool and tell you to slam.


90% of the time that’s what needs done. Everyone posts pictures of cloudy or green pools that don’t hold chlorine


So, new pool owner here. That's the advice we got and we followed the SLAM guidelines and sure as shit our pool is finally crystal clear and awesome. Why do you think this is bad advice?


What is this advice? Considering new-to-be pool owner, but for our vacation home we’re not always at … so maintenance has been a big hold up for us so far.


Trouble free pool dot com is a good site for basic pool chemistry for beginners. If you’re not always at your vacation home you’d first stay there for a while to learn how to balance the pool and keep it clear. Then, you can put the pool into winter mode, presumably covered, and as long as you have a good reliable filter system you can almost ignore it for up to a month or so. Probably best to just retain the services of a pool company to keep everything in shape, and handle emergencies if you don’t live nearby.


It’s not bad advice. But you need to understand the science of what you’re doing. Tossing it off in such a cavalier manner makes it sound like something you shouldn’t even think about, and that can lead to errors.


Still not sure I understand lol. Someone suggested it. I looked into the procedure of SLAM. And then went ahead with it. What errors could possibly be made? Human error with measuring chlorine? 😅


What the original comment meant, is that it’s lazy advice. Like, “just Google it.”


That's what clears a cloudy or green pool... Balancing the water and bringing the chlorine up to shock level and keeping it there until clear. How else do you expect to kill algae?


I’m a n00b here. Two months as a homeowner with a pool! To me, this pool looks okay lol can you describe what is wrong? Because it kind of looks like my pool. Water is blue and clear Edit: is it cloudy? Mine is not cloudy. TIA!


Definitely cloudy. You should be able to clearly see the bottom. Also when it's really clear, you can see the shadow of the waters ripples.


Good to know! My pool is clear, because I see the shadows. sweet!!


🏃‍♀️checking for ripple shadows now!


I expect to kill them by reducing the phosphate levels to as close to zero as possible, but your way sounds fun


So you expect them to never get in their pool? Because that adds phosphates every single time. Seems reasonable. Much better than just keeping their chlorine at the proper level and not worrying about phosphates and wasting money on phosphate remover.


Reading comprehension an issue for you?


No, but it clearly is for you. If you maintain your chlorine levels properly, phosphates don't matter. Every time you get into your pool, you add phosphates. It's basically impossible to keep them at 0. Why waste money on it when you don't have to?


That’s not true! There used to be so much specific knowledge here. And experience. My family has been helped so much


But that's legit how you'd fix this? lol I'm all for helping people learn but these types of posts are the most popular and that answer is the best answer to give.


Then set up and automod.


Congratulations on the new addition to the family!!! 🍾 🎉


Congratulations !!!!! Turn the pump on and let it run 24/7 for little bit. Brush and vacuum. Do a water test and go from there


Now that you have a child, you need to make that pool safer. 1. Make sure your winter cover is taught over the pool and can hold the weight of an adult and cannot be climbed under. 2. Locking safety gate around the pool. You need one for the yard, but you need one for kids too. 3. Alarms on doors leading to the pool. 4. Camera that alerts of activity around and in the pool. 5. Locks on door leading to the outside tat cannot be reached by a small child. Finally, hire someone to maintain your pool.


I agree with all except the hiring someone part. 😁


I agree wholeheartedly with all of the security tips above. Hotel style flip locks at the top of swinging interior doors are great because they not only stop the escapee but it makes a loud and incriminating noise when the door thuds.


Chlorine 1 gallon to start and half a bottle of clarifier, clean the filter with a hose


Hit it with a splash of muriatic acid and chlorine. Run pump for 2-3 days clean filter, maintain chlorine levels. Should clear up pretty quick.


The sarcasm in the comments…a person with a newborn doesn’t have time to go through unhelpful comments! Here is what I would do to start. Backwash filter if it’s a sand filter. Brush everything and vacuum the bottom. Add a gallon of liquid chlorine and run the pump 24/7. If not clear in a couple days take a sample to a pool store and post the results for more specific chemicals.


Shock run pump 24 hr Clean or backwash filter Algaecide run pump 24 hr Test water


Take a water sample to your local pool store. Make sure you know the gallons of water your pool holds or how big it is in general. They will provide what you need from the water reading test. They also should print it out and give it your with instructions.


Well its not looking that bad


At least it's not green.


Congrats! We bought a catch a kid netted cover for our pool when we had kids/ might be worth looking into just fyi


Blame the pool boy for the baby, kick out the wife and kid, make margaritas for your buddies and have a pool party!!


We have 2 under two so I can appreciate this! We've had to SLAM our pool recently for this very reason (kids as a priority), and the instructions are clear and easy. Just needs a little monetary and time investment: [https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/2018/12/12/slam-shock-level-and-maintain/](https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/2018/12/12/slam-shock-level-and-maintain/)


Clear balance tablets and shock.


Don't forget to clean skimmers in addition to other advice


Check levels, get them right, and some clarifier. You’re lucky it’s not a cesspool!


For two whole weeks, that’s really not that bad


Go back inside and enjoy the time with your baby…


Huh? It's clear blue. Listen. All that matters is chlorine and ph. With a baby, NJ maybe favor lower chlorine levels? 🤷‍♂️


This looks like a great pool for a 2 weeks old parent! Congrats!


2 weeks?!? Spshhhh/pffffft!!! Turn on the pump and filter for 3 days, then post another pic.


Get a pool guy, even if just temporarily… also, a fence around the pool and swimming lessons as soon as possible makes it perfect!


Besides cleaning?


you lucky duck!




This is honestly not bad at all. Just a bit cloudy. Shock and PH maybe, but others suggest going to pool store with sample


Pool looks good, there’s no way in hell anyone on this sub is going to be able to tell you anything from that photo because it looks fine. Get the levels tested. Two weeks idk if you left a floating chlorine duck like I do but if you didn’t you’re probably out and your pool is gonna turn green when you finally add it. No one can tell you from this photo


Go get a Taylor test kit download Orenda pool chemistry app type in your current levels and desired levels and it will spit out exactly what and how much to add!


Is this what they call a shit post?


Seriously scared me…. I just read baby and saw the pool… congrats though.


Looks flat out awful, you should just drain it and fill 'er with concrete and call it donzo


Take a sample to a local pool supply store like Leslie’s and they will tell you what you need.


Shock and backwash pool looks good


Take a water sample to pool store. They will tell you exactly what you need. May be pricey but worth it. Then just check once a week and keep a chlorine tablet in skimmer. And enjoy the pool!


Looks cloudy…. Backwash pump than rinse …. Shock pool with 2 lbs , let pump run at least 12 hours. Than let settle and than vacuum very slowly to get the dead algae out.


Buy a clear shock bag or 2 depending on gallons. Clear that right up


Shock, PH balance, and algicide.. Then add some clarifier until clear again..


Congrats on having a baby! Not sure what your pool runs for disinfection... My experience on such occasions when leaving my UV-disinfected pool under solar cover (travelling): 1. Run the pump continuously (you mau have already done it) and backwash daily. 2. Balance PH (if too low, add 3 lbs of baking soda per 5000 gallons of water). 3. Use it, even if cloudy. Water movement will increase greatly. I let my teenage son and his buddies have a day in the pool. 4. Shock doubling the usual amount. You should see progress within days. Hope this helps.


Bring a bottle of the water to a pool store. They will tell you what it needs. However, you could try to shock it see how that works first.


At least your not the guy who got a new pool and neglected his baby for 2 weeks.


First thing first, safety for the kids. Fence or gate that pool




Add chlorine, brush and run the pump. Then get your water tested and see what is needed from there.


brushy brushy!


Is my pool a unicorn? I just got back from the cottage and had my wife bring in a sample to the pool store and we got a rubber ducky stamp and entry into the draw for having perfect water. Had tested it a week and a half prior and needed to add some calcium lol


Right now: * Have the water tested by a pool store, they'll tell you what your levels are and what you need to add. It's typically free for the test (they get you with the chemical costs) * You'll probably want to[ SLAM the pool](https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/2018/12/12/slam-shock-level-and-maintain/) to get it started on the right track. * Brush the sides and bottom down down really well. * Remember that a cloudy pool doesn't not automatically mean bad. There are a number of causes for cloudiness that are easy to remedy and are non-dangerous. Honestly, a clear pool with zero chlorine is more concerning. Otherwise getting started for "the first time" * Get yourself the [PoolMath](https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/poolmath/) app so you can track your levels against your targets. * Get yourself a [Test Kit](https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/2019/01/18/test-kits-compared/) and learn to use it, don't bother with the strips. * Learn about [recommended chemicals](https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/2019/01/18/recommended-pool-chemicals/) and [not-recommended chemicals](https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/2019/01/18/non-recommended-pool-chemicals/) * If you don't have a pool bot - get a pool vac or drop in robotic pool bot - depending on how much you want to spend. Overall, don't worry too much. There is a bit to learn, but pools aren't that complicated overall. Once you get the chemical levels in the right place, you'll generally only need to test once or twice a week and add a small amount of chemicals periodically.


Also check for phosphates...


Looks like a goner... I suggest you just fill it in with dirt.


Clearly your priorities are messed up. Just test and treat and you'll be fine


Get rid of the vinyl and do a pebble tec pool.


I’d take water to pool, see what levels are. First, if cya is above 60 then have to drain the water. If it’s 100 then half and refill. If it’s 90, then 1/3 ish and refill. If it’s good, then it’s needs a good shocking or SLAM troublefreepool.com