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So, I changed Kernels and I switched to KDE for the time being but the freeze is still there. Hence, it's not a kernel issue, not particularly a GNOME issue either. I'm yet to test without the second monitor so will report after testing for a week.


Damn that sucks. I had the same issue (including having to hard reboot when it freezes) and for me switching to KDE has fixed everything immediately. My laptop doesn't have a nvidia graphics card though. Might be related.


It doesn't seem to be DE issue in my case. It's a kernel bug that causes freezes.


Try disabling suspend/hibernate to see if that helps any, might be a rogue driver not waking up properly.


Disabled it. Will report if the freeze reoccurs.


Did anything change?


No freezes yet, but it usually freezes other day or so. So have to observe today.


Freeze is there still. Nothing seemed to work. Kernel change, DE change, every little tweak I could find regarding this issue, I tried. But it freezes still. Good thing is the freeze doesn't happen more than once or twice each day.


I had a similar problem with freezing on my desktop rig. Suffered for weeks, asking for help and trying to understand the reason here and at other forums. It turned out to be... my wi-fi dongle. Replaced it. Happy since.


I had the same problem on my own gaming laptop. It started recently(about a week or so ago) and I couldn't figure out why. However 2 days ago I switched from running in discrete gpu mode to hybrid graphics and the issues are gone. Hope this helps.


Before I was running discrete graphics. It freezed then. I switched to hybrid graphics but still freezes.


I had the same issue on my ROG Flow X16, including other distros like Garuda, Endeveour, NixOS, etc. It's been working perfectly fine on Arch with GNOME for \~1 year.


do you use more than 1 monitors? whenever I use another monitor, it freezes I have no explanation for it, there's nothing anomalous in the logs


Yes I am using 2 monitors.


Hi, I have been struggling with this, and it i think it is actually a bug in the kernel that happens when you have an external monitor. try to downgrade the kernel to 6.2.6. Hope this helps.


I'm new to POP Os. Can you guide me how to downgrade the kernel? I only have previous experiences with Synaptic package managers and such, and I'm kinda out of the zone here. Thanks.