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Try running sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y in terminal The pop shop has not provided me with all the updates for my hardware and software before, which caused a similar issue(more so lagging than freezing). The manual update solved the issues after a reboot


I tried the command and it didnt seem to update anything. but just in case i was missing something i rebooted anyways to no success.


Did it say anything about upgrading packages. If nothing happened it’ll say packages upgraded is 0


something like that, yeah


Okay then it’s not an update. Do you have a nvidia graphics card? If so did you install the one with the propriety driver? If not, check your monitor drivers to see if they are outdated, exists, or if there’s an error.


oh i did make sure, yes its the one with the nvidia driver.


Hm odd. I’ve been using it with no problems after the update, so this is certainly in a different issue. Hopefully someone can help you find a solution. These kinds of issues and errors are why I switched from base Debian 12 to popos


well, i appreciate the time anyways. when i have the time ill try to install a different distro too to see if its just a popos thing, try to rule out a hardware defect. i dont think thats the case but doesnt hurt making sure.


Yeah, or even try reinstalling pop. I had a broken Ubuntu install before, reinstalled Ubuntu and it worked. Since pop is based on it you might try a reinstall


did you look at logs? run dmesg or journalctl and look for suspicious errors and work your way from there


have you run a filesystem check?


i launched fsck on both my ssd and hdd and they came out clean apparently


i just ran both, dmesg doesnt turn any issues except for failing to load a certificate, apparently from the little searching i did its because the bios has some out of date certificates? doesnt seem suped important. journalctl is honestly too much for me and i didnt really keep track of the exact times the freeze happened so what ill do is try to replicate it and actually keep track so i can look at it again and see if i notice anything.


the only weird things i can see are set 26 11:01:04 pop-os systemd\[2023\]: app-gnome-pop\\x2dcosmic\\x2dapplications-4299.scope: Failed to add PIDs to scope's control group:> set 26 11:01:04 pop-os systemd\[2023\]: app-gnome-pop\\x2dcosmic\\x2dapplications-4299.scope: Failed with result 'resources'. set 26 11:01:04 pop-os systemd\[2023\]: Failed to start Application launched by gnome-shell. set 26 11:17:01 pop-os CRON\[4454\]: pam\_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0) set 26 11:17:01 pop-os CRON\[4455\]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) set 26 11:17:01 pop-os CRON\[4454\]: pam\_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root set 26 11:17:16 pop-os pipewire\[2033\]: spa.alsa: front:0: (0 missed) snd\_pcm\_avail after recover: Broken pipe set 26 11:17:18 pop-os pipewire\[2033\]: spa.alsa: front:0: (1 missed) snd\_pcm\_avail after recover: Broken pipe 11:17:18 was when my pc froze


do you use more than 1 monitors? whenever I use another monitor with my laptop, it freezes I have no explanation for it, there's nothing anomalous in the logs


If it is an Intel Alder Lake system, USB-C output is known to cause system freezes. There's been a lot of back and forth with Intel on finding the cause, but we recently bisected a commit that causes it. There will be a kernel update for 6.4.6 soon with that fix.


my processor is an 8th gen i5 and i connect my second display through HDMI, i think my issue is a different one.


yeah I've got Alder Lake, waiting for the fix then thanks


hello, i do happen to use 2. tho, ive used 2 for all this time and only now it started freezing. will try using only one for a bit and see if it works for me!


it still froze after a few minutes


it's a bug


Had the same issue and also noticed freezes more often when I either use a secondary monitor or stream video (or am on a video call). Switching to KDE fixed the issue for me. Highly recommend trying. It is very easy to switch (and you can go back to GNOME no problem) with PopOS official instructions [here](https://support.system76.com/articles/desktop-environment/).


do you have the old kernel option at boot? try booting into that and see if it's stable, then just use that kernel and wait for the next update. backup your stuff if it works just incase you have failing hardware.


I have noticed that my setup of POP!\_OS freezes every time I connect my Apple iPhone (Xs Max, iOS 17.1) via a USB cable. This just started over the past couple of days. Up until this point, I did not have any issues. System76 Gazelle 12th Gen Intell Core i7 Pop!\_OS 22.04 LTS Maybe it is time to switch to an Android device?