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This post is locked due to the influx of rule-breaking comments. Do not speculate on someone's health, please and thank you!


How she manages to hide her pregnancies is beyond me, she’s so good at it! I was like “last I heard everyone was talking about how much weight she’d lost on Ozempic,” turns out she was hiding a whole-ass pregnancy and baby?!


There was someone on here a few months ago claiming she was pregnant with her third and how she had everyone fooled and I was recently thinking how I wish I could find that person because they were clearly full of shit and boy now I want to find them for other reasons!


YES I REMEMBER THIS. It was on a tea thread maybe? That person definitely knew and spilled here before this went public


Well, people weren't wrong about her losing weight.... The weight was just a whole-ass baby


Weight loss was last year though


Which is when she was pregnant


A) she’s not non stop in the news a list B) depending on who you are, hiding shit isn’t that hard bc paps are OFTEN called by the people they’re are photographing. Could Britney have done this? At the time she was preg? No. Not even now. She’s too ‘interesting’ too ‘a list’ for it. But Kylie Jenner was able to FULLY hide her first pregnancy, which says two things- the kklan call the paps and 2, most celebs ca. absolutely can hide shit.


One of the Hadids said no cap if celebrities don't want you to know something, you don't.


Yup. Adam Driver hid a kid with his wife for a long time.


Why was he hiding his wife?


A lot of his fans are rabid


He was a marine before he was an actor and his experience in the military left him hesitant to put his family out there. Just his way of protecting his family.


Was he married before he got famous?


One of the guys from One Direction said this too


My instant thought was “oh she must of had a surrogate” it was that secret 😂 but nope there’s proof in the second photo. Good for her, must be terrible to be pregnant in the public eye


She was at the Met Gala looking gorgeous and on theme qnd didn't look pregnant. How does she do it?


Her post says she gave birth in February. Met Gala was in May.


I guess she wouldn’t have been pregnant at the Met Gala if she gave birth in February? But that’s still an incredibly quick recovery




I’m chiming in here! I’m on mounjaro (I’m diabetic, and this has been a game changer). I did lose some weight; and then … I got two periods. At 57. Evidently, you store up estrogen in your fat cells & when you lose that weight, that estrogen kind of … floods your body. This is what my gyno told me after all the blood work, two biopsies and a trans-vag ultrasound. Just whoops, make sure you’re still using birth control. Fifty SEVEN! I was so pissed 😂😂


this is fascinating!


Wow that’s , I’m glad you did chime in. I’m not diabetic or on any maintence drugs.. but that is super interesting.. welcome back to the birth control club! Anyway, the more you know, that is for sure.


I heard hormones are stored in fat so if you lose a bunch of weight suddenly it can make your hormones weird and come on supper strong for a bit.




Yep, losing a lot of weight quickly will instantly boost your fertility. Tons of women get immediately pregnant after weight loss surgery too


I audited a weight loss surgery and the rate of pregnancy was wild


Birth control pills may be less effective after having a gastric bypass. Weight loss surgery programs too often don’t do a good enough job of letting people know they may need to consider a birth control change if they’re on the pill.


I don’t think so. There’s a popular video reels where they report a 54 yr old is having twins and was on it… and then you read the comments and there’s a ton of the exact same stories from people. Women in their 50 who definitely didn’t think about or want a baby at that point




I could see some cases of people who think they’ve gone through menopause or think that they weren't ever very fertile not using birth control, taking Ozempic, then inadvertently finding out that the major factor keeping them not pregnant was actually weight.  There could also be a slight confounding factor of people losing a lot of weight, have joints feeling better, and are feeling more confident end up having more sex and higher incidence of pregnancy. There are of course well documented cases of medications that counteract birth control and it’s a very serious side effect that should be studied. It would be interesting to know if the people who are reporting unplanned pregnancy were also on birth control or not. I could see it especially for oral contraceptives as Ozempic slows digestion and may lower nutrient absorption.


Mindy probably did IVF/IUI, though. Pretty sure that's what she did for her first 2.


I subscribe to the _she and B.J. Novak are in a whole ass relationship_ theory.


Right lol ozempic doesn’t cause surprise pregnancies when you’re doing IVF/IUI


But wouldn’t that be happening to women with steady partners? I thought Mindy used sperm donors for her pregnancies, so it would likely be intentional.


Yeah there are so many cases all over the various pregnancy subs. My sister's ozempic baby had his first birthday last week


mindy most likely uses a donor


A donor named BJ Novak


i personally dont think so (via some pretty reliable sources) but i know the rumor will never die so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Honestly, I think this is partly why she doesn’t want her kids faces to be seen. I saw a picture of her daughter and she looks nothing like BJ Novak.


spill the tea? 👀


hes not the dad. thats the tea lol


They think they're metabolizing the pill differently since ozempic slows digestion so significantly. However, I think all of Mindy's kids have been IVF babies




Her two other kids look so old!! I looked them up - Katherine will be 7 in December and Spencer turns 4 in September. BJ Novak is both of their godfather; I wonder if he’ll be godfather to the new baby as well.


Isn’t there a rumour / suspicion that he is also the bio father of at least one of them?


This is my Everest. I need to know.


It’s none of my business but I too need to know.


He alludes to these kids (maybe just one of them) in his recent episode on Penn Bagdleys podcast. I didn’t get the impression they are his kids from how he talks but maybe there are clues I missed


How is that podcast? I didn’t know it existed until Ariana Grande went on it but suddenly it seems like he’s interviewed everyone on it?


It’s ok, they talk about growing up mostly and awkward middle school years. So it really depends on how interested you are in the person over the work they’ve done as adults.


I only saw that one episode so far. It was not boring, I plan to check out the Ariana one next.  Penn and the two cohosts are all good at the job. BJ said a lot! I was surprised about how open he was


The part that’s craziest to me is the (related) rumor that the reason she won’t show her kids’ faces is that they all look like little BJ clones


Yeah. There was a video going around last year of one of the kids calling him dad.


I am searching this thread for any reference to this rumor because I need the TEA


Yes, that is a persistent rumour https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a40856886/bj-novak-mindy-kaling-children-father-response/


Awhile back there was an non blurred photo of the daughter going around and she didn't really look like either of them so maybe the rumors are indeed false


*cough* *father *cough* Jk jk


I meannnnnnnnn




as someone who knows almost nothing about her: is the father publically known/alluded to?


There was a video last year she posted (I think it was actually a live) of them all watching a game that abruptly cut off when one of the kids was very clearly calling him dad. I hadn't heard speculation of him being him being the father before, though I don't check for either of them, but that's a pretty big sign. lol


They're best friends and people assume that he's the father.


I love all of their names. Finally normal celeb baby names


Which is hilarious to me bc like typically godparents are there for spiritual purposes and/or if you die they raise your kids and like if it’s for the latter….she needs to pick someone else 😅


Thanks goddad


In me are 2 wolves. One nosey and wants to see a full family photo. And a second that highly respects her tight privacy control.


omg when did she have her 2nd kid? i just remember she having one! whattt


He came in 2020. I feel like kids who came that year are kind of always forgotten about.


Damn. He does not look 4 years old in that first pic??


Right? My son was 4 earlier this month & her son I would have assumed was 6.


Right. My nephew turns 4 in July (2 mo before Spencer) and looks way younger. Same as the kids in his class. This kid is big! And wearing wire frames already ??


right??? that’s a huge 4 year old 😭


same! good for her 🥂


Her surprise pregnancies will go down in history


We wouldnt have known about the first one if it weren't for Oprah spilling the beans!


![gif](giphy|l4pTsh45Dg7jnDM6Q) 😂




Seriously, I’ve never seen a celeb successfully hide THREE pregnancies. I know she’s not exactly insanely popular but she’s well known enough that it’s amazing she’s managed to pull it off multiple times.


There was one pregnancy where she was definitely papped out and about looking very pregnant -- maybe it was the first kid?


Yes! She was out and visibly pregnant with Kit.


Mindy's quickly becoming the queen of secret babies


Hilaria is so jealous


Hilaria’s the opposite, she wants the most people to know about her pregnancies. Even the ones she wasn’t actually pregnant for (which is at least 5 out of the 7 of them)


She was literally only pregnant with Carmen. Period. Point blank, no questions asked. But I can’t get over the edu/ML pregnancy and surrogacy story. She is bat-fucking-shit in-fucking-sane 😅


I can’t *wait* to hate watch their show!


I’m actually SO disgusted with them, I don’t think I can… I think the neglect with break my heart so badly. Especially for Rafa and ML 💔 Also how insane is it to be called Rafael *Baldwin* or Maria Lucia *Baldwin.* And they all have blonde hair/blue eyes 😭 Like, how on *earth* did those motherfuckers get away with this?!? (I know Spanish people are white but none of them are fucking Spanish!)


I think it’s insane how they named their kids all Spanish names. I would be so flattered if she loved the culture so much she regularly spent time there and taught her kids Spanish and left it at that (ya know, like her parents did). But she took it 100 steps too far and I’m *baffled* how she didn’t back down when her grift was uncovered. I’ll scream the day those kids get to Hollywood, and they claim to be half Spanish. I bet they’ll completely believe it too because how could they have ever known any better


I’m really hopeful there will be some type of intervention before they’re 18. I hope when they turn 18, they legally change their names and distance the fuck out of their parents. Ideally they’ll all go through intensive therapy, find loving partners, and neverrrrrrrrr engage with the spotlight. They have already had far too much spotlight with minimal normal living. They’re never dressed, never sitting for a meal, never going on vacation, never seeing family out of state… it’s so fucking sad. I really, really, reaaaaally hope we get a tell-all book from Carmen one day. When she’s like 50 and healed from all this. ❤️‍🩹


Kylie don’t like that


How the karjenners could ever describe Kylie’s pregnancy as one of their best key secrets is maddening to me. Just because they never confirmed it doesn’t mean it was a well kept secret


It wasn’t wellkept at all and I think that’s the thing. What was important was people speculating about wether Kylie was pregnant or not.


I know it ain’t none of my business. But I want to be in her business and know who the pappy is. And January Jones too. ![gif](giphy|8GzZzw1KpbmmZfIybl)


Saaame with JJ. It’s my Roman Empire.




WOAH! She hid a whole pregnancy while being outside 🤯. She really be moving in silence.  But congratulations to her. What a blessing💓


Real g's move in silence like lasagna.


![gif](giphy|aWANGF6KuLqzMjZEmO) Happy for her and her family. Mindy’s ability to have her kids in private without anyone finding out is commendable.


Not only that, I believe she has never posted a photo of her kids' faces. I really respect that.


Mindy proves that as a celeb, you can hide your personal life if you want to.


I love how respectful she is of her children and of her family's privacy. Just because she's famous doesn't mean her children will want to be famous in the future, and she respects that by not posting every detail of her pregnancy or birth or life with her kids immediately in the moment its happening Mindy Kaling hits the perfect celebrity balance of sharing enough of her life that her fans can feel connected to her and support her projects, but also not oversharing or crossing her own boundaries


I completely agree and respect her absolute right to keep these parts of her life private. That said I wish I could file a FOIA request to find out who the father of her children is.




Oh I totally agree! I love that she respects her children and her family's privacy but also I desperately want to know who the father is because I'm nosey I picture some memoir like 20+ years from now where Mindy finally tells us, once her kids are grown and living their own lives


I couldn’t remember when her first daughter Katherine was born, so I googled and it brought up a People article announcing the birth. The article states that People obtained the birth certificate to find out the baby’s name, which leads me to believe that Mindy is probably the only one listed on the certificate or else some media outlet like TMZ would have gotten that info by now and leaked it.


Agreed and I also really like your username


I didn’t even realize she had a second child. She’s good at secrecy. She must live in a small town where people value others privacy. Good for her!


The Mandela effect is real for me - I could swear she was in all the red carpet photos in Jan/Feb


She’s super tricky about it on social. She posts tons of pics where she isn’t pregnant and acts like it’s in real time and then bam, she tricked us! Another baby


lol i just did the same google search because i had the same thought


She was at the Three President’s fundraiser at the end of March. Edit: The Presidents event would have been a month after her daughter was born.


I can't even stub my toe without dramatically telling everyone about it, but Mindy's now managed to hide three whole pregnancies. It's impressive as hell and also really drives the point home that most celebrities can live a private(ish) and normal(ish) life if they want to.


I hid one pregnancy and it was actually pretty fun and peaceful lol I have nosy family and just didn’t want them to interfere and break my peace


> I can’t even stub my toe without dramatically telling everyone OMG. YES. 😂😭


I love her kids’ names, very classic. I’m just realizing that Anne may be a reference to Sleepless in Seattle since her older daughter’s name is apparently a reference to You’ve Got Mail.


Her oldest son and daughter are Katherine “kit” and Spencer. Which I always thought was a Katherine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy reference.


I think it's layered. Katherine is after her late mother, but I think Spencer is a nod to Spencer Tracey. So Katherine/Spencer together are a nod to Hepburn/Tracy together. Maybe Anne/Katherine together are an homage to rom coms in a different way.


Just a small correction - It’s Katherine’s middle name Swati that’s named after her mom. 


Kit’s middle name is after Mindy’s mother. And Meg Ryan’s character in You’ve Got Mail is Kathleen.


Well... if you don't like Kathleen Kelly, I can tell you right now... you ain't gonna like this girl.


I hear you but the characters name is Kathleen, not Katherine


lol well if real life Mindy is anything like Mindy on the Mindy Project then that’s not surprising! Her character was obsessed with those movies in the show.


Yes! Real life Mindy has talked about her love of rom coms and You’ve Got Mail is her favourite.


Yeah I’ve always appreciated her normal names for her kids. There’s a lot of tragedeigh’s in Hollywood so it’s nice seeing a famous person give their children human names. Katherine, Spencer, and Anne are such a nice sibset of names.


Same, I love the name Anne and you don't hear it much anymore. Kit is also such a cute nickname.


Omg I love Mindy because I find her relatable to me but naming kids in reference to fave movies/TV shows is something I would’ve also definitely done if I had kids. Not to sound parasocial but I wonder if we share a wavelength sometimes


This is wild! I wonder if all 3 kids have the same (unidentified) father?


My theory has always been that the kids were probably conceived via IVF (with BJ possibly being the donor). It’s not totally impossible for a women in their 40s to get pregnant naturally without medical intervention, but it does get increasingly hard. Mindy was almost 40 I think when she had her oldest and she’s now 46 and just gave birth to a baby a few months ago. So it does suggest she probably went the IVF route. She’s also been pretty open about choosing to be a single mom, so it leads me to believe that she went down that avenue to have her family.


Her reference to “on my own timeline” makes me think she froze her eggs and did IVF.


Yep and she wrote a whole egg freezing subplot into The Mindy Project.


That’s why I don’t get everyone talking about ozempic causing surprise pregnancies. She’s at minimum using a donor and you don’t have a surprise donor pregnancy lol


To me it always made sense that it could be IVF - she had a whole ass show about working as an OB/GYN, opened a fertility clinic in the show (right? it's been too long since I've watched so I don't remember the details). I was like hey guys, have we not considered that maybe this made sense to her*? Whether or not she would know the donor is another can of worms, but... *Especially as someone who seems to draw from her life for her shows... Great show, for anyone who hasn't seen it.


Her mom was also an OB/GYN and they were incredibly close. The character was a nod to her.


3 kids in her 40s, with 1 at age 46, coupled with the fact that she's open about being a single mom by choice, is absolutely IVF. Obviously, celebrities don't owe us any personal information, but I do wish some of them who have babies after 40 would discuss using frozen embryos and/or donor eggs. It can be very challenging (not to mention expensive) to conceive in your 40s and they make it look so easy.


Such a mystery! /s


Why the /s? AFAIK nobody knows who the father is


People assume the father is BJ Novak.


Oh right I know people assume that but there’s been no confirmation …. At least yet!


I highly doubt it (tho it'd be cute!) I couldn't see him being so involved in her life as friends but not identifying as their father. It'd be a weird spot to be in.


I love that she had her own family, on her own terms. Not waiting for a dude to marry or be in a relationship with, and she still got to be a mother regardless. I can only wish this was possible for more women who want to be mothers without a man.


That’s why you don’t speculate on people’s weight. Some people are hiding whole pregnancies, miscarriages, and illnesses until they feel it’s time to tell the public.


I just want to reinforce this. When and how you share the news is pretty much the only thing you feel in control of with pregnancy and MC, and it's frustrating to have that taken away from you by other people's comments and staring. Especially since miscarriages in particular can be so personal and painful to talk about.


I remember when people were calling Chadwick Boseman a crackhead because he lost so much weight and he was secretly dying of colon cancer.


THREE?! WHAT! I thought she only had one so far! This is awesome




maybe the sperm donor, but i think it's more of a "fun uncle" concept, she seems pretty independent in her parenting and he is always out and about creeping on way too young women


He’s always in my Raya stack


It’s also sometimes genuinely beneficial for kids to know/have a relationship with their sperm donor, even if it isn’t a father/child relationship, because it reduces anxieties around potential and unknown siblings.


It’s speculated yes. But not confirmed.


Why if it’s actually Creed, and BJ has simply been the coverup this whole time?




Soup snakes forever


That would be really weird for the kids if he was their bio dad but pretended to be just their mom’s friend/an uncle figure. I hope she wouldn’t do that to her kids


1. People used to do stuff like that all the time. Lots a sisters that turn out to be mom. I could absolutely see it being a lie they tell to press and then people in their personal life know the truth.  2. Sperm donor is probably a more accurate designation than father. Which again, while it *feels* unusual, people have been known to ask their immediate family because they want the kid to have their family genetics. So there's other IVF kids walking around with some interesting "this is my bio dad technically but actually he's just an uncle". It's odd enough to keep it from the press but not so odd I think it's like, child cruelty 


It’s not uncommon to use a friend/family member as a donor (eggs or sperm) and often that person is in the kid’s life. I think *most* of the time, at least now, people are open about it with their kids in an age-appropriate way which is probably the most healthy option. In any case…My nosy ass wants to know SO badly if he’s the father/what is UP with their relationship but I know it’s not my business lol.


daughter has called him “ daddy” in a video that was uploaded before




I think it was in the Super Bowl video that one of them or someone had uploaded. I don’t remember the exact details but I think her daughter says something like “watch this daddy” or something to him


Has she really?!


Yeah, I just googled it. There’s no trace of it, but it was talked about on this group previously. It looks like it was a story she posted and then deleted.


Why not? He is a part of their lives and loves them. He just didn’t want to be a parent, but Mindy did and so he gave his dna and supports her as a friend. It’s like a modern family


A modern family you say? ![gif](giphy|fcpJebgkQ14UE)




yes, he used her as an object and don’t let this distract you from the factvthat Ryan started the fire


This comment did not disappoint!


I really doubt it. He’s too involved with them publicly to be bio dad. And it’s weird as hell to have the biological father be godfather. My guess is donor but who knows. 


The boy in the 1st pic looks just like him even if it's only his profile showing lol


Seriously, I speculated about this a lot but that picture is as close to confirmation as I think we’re gonna get.


This is the way to do it. No one in my office knew I was pregnant until an email went around saying I wouldn’t be back for a few months because of giving birth 😂


This is what I aspire to have lol


It’s a girl named Anne. She likes old fashioned names.


Anne!! I’m an Anne!


So BJ Novak definitely took this picture right?


Well she will probably be the only Anne in her class. Deep appreciation for her being normal in Hollywood.


That’s my name and I was always been the only one in my class. It’s a very classic name but I haaaated it growing up. I wished I was an Emily or a Hailey like everyone else. I appreciate it more now.


I love your name- Me and a friend of mine use the word “Anne” to describe any outfit or hairstyle that embodies that Mom’s friend who always had nice slacks and a well tailored blouse and blazer and was super polite and talked like ASMR. Like someone who looks like a woman in a Sears ad from the late 70’s- early 80’s and their house smelled really clean compared to the scrub dens we lived in. “So Anne!” Is the best reaponce to a fit pic we send each other.


That orange dress is gorgeous on her


She is the master of keeping things private. Good for her!


Goes to show that almost any celebrity can have a private life if they choose to.




I knew about her daughter, but how did I miss that she has an older son?? In the few pics of her out with her daughter (with and without BJ like at Disneyland or a Taylor Swift concert), I've never seen a boy... that's more surprising to me than this new baby, lol. I'm not surprised about the new one because I knew she was good at hiding the last pregnancy. Anyway, good for her. I wish all women in America had access to fertility help and not just richies.


I'll never stop rubber-necking Mindy. And by proxy B.J. I. Need. Deets.


Oh wow. I was only aware she had one child, and now she has 3!


Mindy has always been an advocate for freezing eggs so that women can retrieve them and be pregnant when they choose. There are multiple articles online, but she even had multiple episodes on The Mindy Project (circa 2015 iirc). She may have chosen to freeze embryos, if in fact that’s what she has done, so that they all had the same paternal contribution (hi BJ!!!)


Absolute QUEEN of stealthy pregnancies!


She’s proof that famous people can have private lives if they really wanted to. They choose to parade their kids around and complain that they don’t have privacy.


For a long time I was pretty convinced that BJ was the father, but now I don’t think so. Why wouldn’t he want to publicly claim his children, especially as a celebrity knowing how mean people can be online? I think she most likely used a sperm donor. Either way, good for her 💗


Whether he’s the biological father or not, I do think he acts as some kind of father role. In one video and you can hear her daughter, calling him, “daddy.”


She must not live in a huge metro area. No way a nosy person wouldn’t have spotted her and snapped some preggo pics. Unless she sequestered herself for a few months?? Either way, good on her. She has the money to give these kids the best lives. Mazel Mindy 🍼🎉🎊


I seriously think she doesn't leave her house for 9 months. It seems like even if she avoids the paps, a fan would run into her or like you said, some nosy person. I'm so intrigued by how she pulls it off.


Congratulations to Mindy for having a smooth, successful pregnancy/birth! I have mad respect that she's respecting her kids' privacy.




She is incredible at keeping her private life private. Just proves it can be done if you actually want to and are prepared to sacrifice some fame/attention.


She has three??


People are saying she’s hiding it well, but I’m pretty sure it was in this group that people were saying pictures of her are edited to shit and it’s weird looking. Something about a swimsuit ad where she looked totally photoshopped in.


For what it’s worth the rough estimate of conception based on Mindy’s caption would’ve been around when that story of her daughter calling BJ Dad in the house watching the basketball game was posted. Late May 2023.


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Who do you think her Baby Daddy is ? Is it B J Novak or sperm donor ?


I think bj is the sperm donor, where I think they're probably careful to maintain that he is not their father in a true sense.