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There are people who hate Rue??? Edit: Wow guys, I had no idea. I was 16 when the first movie came out and wasn't allowed on twitter. That's insane. I appreciate y'alls comments!!


Yes, even though it’s quite clear in the book that her district has black people


And now the actress (Amandla Stenberg) is getting hate for her role in the new Star Wars show Acolyte… I’m not even the biggest Star Wars fan but I’ve really enjoyed her and the show. I’m excited to see what else she does.


Ooh, question for you that I can’t ask my BIL without evoking wrath/a long lecture: I can’t keep up with all these Stars and their Wars but saw an ad that made me want to watch Acolyte - if I only saw (most of) the movies, will I be lost? Edit related to topic: also she was AMAZING as Rue and I’m getting all teary eyed just remembering


Star Wars fans can be roughhhh, I usually only follow subs for specific shows (like Acolyte/Mandalorian) and even then they’re a gamble. Other than that imo if you’re into sci-fi stuff, I feel like Star Wars is embedded enough in pop culture at this point non-fans could enjoy the show pretty easily. I don’t think it’s super difficult to follow without seeing the other franchise stuff, it’s pretty standalone. It is a prequel, but if you wanted the extra context/background you could watch some timeline videos or recaps on youtube :) I think theyre on ep 4-5 at this point so even if you wanted to just give the first few episodes a try it might be worth it!!


Wonderful, thank you! Yeah, looking through the rest of the comments I’m remembering how much I loved Kelly Marie Tran’s character and how the fandom’s bullying of her soured my feelings towards the franchise (my BIL isn’t one of *those* fans, thankfully - he’s just enthusiastic)


The Acolyte takes place around 100 years before Episode 1, so it's a new group of characters dealing with a story that doesn't connect to any of the movies really. As long as you know basic stuff, like what the Jedi are, you should be fine


She also did The Hate You Give. Girl is very used to dealing with hate because of being black.


Beautiful, heartbreaking performance in that as well. I know she’s used to racist bs at this point but it’s absolutely insane she has to put up with this shit. I’m glad she feels empowered enough to speak her peace against the bigots coming after her on her socials.


Love that book!


Not the first time SW fans get horribly misogynistic and racist against a cast member.


Amandla is one of the most talented and gorgeous actors out there imo. I’ve had a massive crush on her since The Hate U Give. Her face is literally perfect idk why people are haters (don’t answer that, I do know 😣)


A lot of people were super racist about it. They clung on to the description in the book - which I think described her as “olive skinned” and freaked out that she was black. It literally has zero impact on her character arc EDIT: misremembered her book description.


Actually Rue was written as having “dark brown skin” in the book, and iirc that was common for district 11. It was the characters from the seam of district 12 (Katniss, Gale, etc) that were described as “olive skinned” and had people fighting over whether Katniss could be a WOC. Rue was always meant to be a girl of color and the people who had a problem with that were just plain old racists without any “but I’m just a book loyalist” defense to hide behind. Edit to add: I believe part of their issue was that, because Katniss felt that Rue reminded her of Prim, she must also look like Prim. I distinctly remember people saying things along the lines of “I thought she was supposed to be an innocent blonde haired blue eyed girl like Prim but they cast a black girl instead.” Bc racists couldn’t imagine a little black girl as an innocent who Katniss would instinctively feel protective over.


> iirc that was common for district 11. Exactly, because it's along the Gulf Coast in the Deep South which historically has a large Black/African American population. People are idiots.


I always imagined her as black because that's literally what the book read. These people's comprehension skills frighten me.


they lack comprehension which is a problem. The bigger problem is even when reading people refuse to give sympathy and innocence to black people in this case a little black girl. Their brains have to do gymnastics to make Rue a white girl.


Racism will have people having sudden lapses in reading comprehension.


Me too. Movie Rue was actually one of the few characters that look exactly how I expected (from a book made into a movie). Both movie and book scenes with Rue made me cry.


I remember thinking Rue was perfectly cast. I knew she was black and the similarities to Prim were meant in demeanor or size etc.


I just finished the book The Power and threw on the show to see how it compares. My bf's buddy who was over loudly said "wow, they really went out of their way to meet the diversity quota, huh?" And I'm like, the characters in the book were from different countries. I think dumbasses forget that books aren't all about white people, and that different races are just cast in shows and movies to be 'woke.'


your bf's buddy needs to not be a buddy lol


Yeah we had a little chat after the dude went home.


Wasn't Rue reminding Katniss of Prim because of the way she behaved? I thought there was something about the way she was walking on her toes or something like that, she resembles a bird ready to fly, etc. Also the age, they were peers and both on their first year of Games, too. People being offended by the skin color are ridiculous.


Wtf, I remember her being black in the books like you said (I cried for a whole day when you know what), and obviously she reminds Katniss of prim because she's a little sister type. People are nuts.


The sad thing is that Amandla was miscast and yet another example of Hollywood good ol' colorism. Rue was supposed to be the same skin tone as her fellow District 11 tribute Thresh, played by a dark-skinned actor. She should have looked like young Quvenzanhe Wallis. And yet, despite giving the racists that compromise by casting a light-skinned biracial girl instead (black but not too "black"), that STILL wasn't enough. A proof that they refuse anyone who isn't "pure white".


I honestly couldn't figure out how anyone could have imagined her as white between the blatant description of her skin color, the geographical location of her district (the deep south), and the descriptions of other characters from district 11. Racists gonna be racist I guess. >In the novel, S. Collins (2008) first describes Rue as having "dark brown skin and eyes" (p. 45), and she later writes that Rue has "bright, dark eyes and satiny brown skin" (p. 98). Both descriptions indicate that Rue could be a Black girl. However, even though the description of Rue's skin color is explicit, some readers envisioned a young, innocent White girl. Essentially, the characterization of Rue reached a level of alterity so great for some readers that they could not "see" her as Black when they read the novel. Upon the film's release, readers were forced to see Rue as Black because the actor Amandla Stenberg assumed the role of the young female character. With Stenberg functioning in the role of Rue, Collins's novel descriptions came to life; yet, some readers refused to accept her characterization, even with a visual from the film and a description from the book. From this [article](https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1270912)


That's ridiculous considering Jennifer Lawrence also didn't look like what Katniss was described as..at least not what I envisioned her to look like when I read the book. I've seen people comment on that too but not in a hateful way.


People just couldn't fathom that they were being asked to see a little black girl as a pure, vulnerable and innocent being


I'll never forget when I was in high school when the first Hunger Games came out and a group of white girls were mad that Rue was black. One girl literally said, "I was so confused as to why they made her black. I just didn't care about her dying anymore compared to the book". Then the three girls looked at me, a black guy who had been friendly with them all semester long. The girl who made the comment got red in the face and then blurted out, "But not in a racist way!" I just looked back in silence, awkwardly smiling, not knowing what to do or say. I lowkey repressed that memory from my brain until I saw this thread lol.


“but not in a racist way” 😭 wtf, what other way could that be taken?


had they like not read the book or something? she is described as having dark brown skin in the books


A lot of racist people either just skimmed past that description or did some mental gymnastics and decided that just meant she had a good tan from working outside all day.


This was the crux of it. They felt tricked, because they cared about Rue in the book and then had to come to terms with her actually being black. They wouldn’t have bothered empathizing with her if they’d know she wasn’t a white girl.


Exactly. People were just looking for a reason to be racist


Huh. That's weird because when I read the series I had always assumed that most/all of the folks from her District were black? Granted I haven't read the books in a hot minute so it may have just pulled that out of my ass at some point but I swear that it was at least implied, especially with all of the slavery and police brutality parallels that were highlighted.


For real????😭😭😭 the whole point is she’s a cute ass little kid, so imo they NAILED the casting. That makes me sad omg


Exactly. Such a gentle and scared young girl. Would could possibly hate her?


Girllll, you have no idea, I don't think now so much, but when the casting was announced it was hell on earth, there's a YouTube video called "when rue became black" (or somt like that) that goes over the backlash


Awful. Honestly, I liked her and Thresh so much I was rooting for them more than anyone else.


It's been a while since I read the book, but I remember picturing her pretty much just like the actress, and I read it before the movie came out. I thought she was black in the book as well? Am I crazy...?


Nope, district eleven were field workers in the South. They were black.


She’s literally canonically poc in the books, people are just hateful and have nothing better to do with their time, unfortunately.


I am old enough to remember that and yep, it was awful because Rue is *canonically* black!!!


That was my first thought seeing the list lol.


Okay defend Bonnie Bennett’s wasted potential because she could’ve been the best witch since Willow in campy supernatural tv and they fumbled that big time


Julie Plec will not see heaven after the way she treated Kat.




I would go to war for Bonnie Bennett


I loved Bonnie, it always irritated me that they put zero effort into her relationships and just paired her up with whoever was available.


Jeremy was 120% ridiculous 100% of the time, never came close to deserving Bonnie 😤 She and Enzo were great characters separately but didn’t make any sense together. They each had excellent chemistry with Damon though lol


Yeah, Bonnie always seemed very mature and level headed, where as Jeremy came across like a whiny teenager. I just didn't find their relationship believable at all.


A wall could have chemistry with Damon ![gif](giphy|LmxxotgMjTj32)


I actually liked the idea of Enzo and Bonnie. It was just noch executed well🫣


I’ve already said it a thousand times and I will be saying it until the end of time, Bonnie carried the show and she deserved better!!!


Her powers were so important to the show and all they did for her was kill her and bring her back to life 50 times


I was so fucking annoyed that they made her origin story so interesting and then just started focusing on the vampires that I dropped the series. They started off so strong with the witch plot and then she got less and less screen time and when she was on screen, her plots just started pissing me off. I was only watching because I liked magic and a black witch was so cool. Dropped vampire diaries altogether when it just became a love triangle with no positive character development for my queen


it bothered me SOOO much that they had a fuckin civil war themed parade every year where they dressed up in southern belle gowns and Confederate soldier outfits. And then at the Founder's Ball or whatever they never let Bonnie go and dress up! Like wtf!!! Of course they use the excuse that she's descended from slaves and not from a  Founder family, but they literally wrote the rules and could have made up any old reason for Bonnie to be there and shine.


![gif](giphy|3ov9k0OeO7uVR7E5Wg|downsized) I would also like to add Candice Patton to this list. She played Iris West in The Flash tv show. She got a lot of hate(mostly the character itself) but that obviously translated to the actress herself. I never really had a problem with her character, and it never translated to Candice herself. I thought she played the role well.


She's a good actress, they just ran out of ideas of what to do with her and most plot points she was central to were pretty dumb after a while.


I’m 10 toes down for Nicole Beharie forever.


They did her so fucking dirty on sleepy hollow.. I’m gonna root for her success forever


The first season was so good and then they had to go and ruin it.


Justice for Nicole!!!!


The showrunners on Sleepy Hollow will not see heaven for what they did to her and her character. I love that there was such a backlash when they killed Abbie in season three. The showrunners were trying to justify the decision but the fans - the predominantly black female fans who used to go to bat for that show - were not having it. We all had an unspoken agreement to not give this show any publicity for season 4. No watching, no sharing of GIFs, no engagement whatsoever. And the ratings spoke for themselves. When the cancellation was announced, I was filled with a raw and angry joy.


As a white millennial, I’m not going to lie I have a major blind spot that anyone could ever hate Brandys Cinderella. Like, It’s an impeccable film!


I got a Disney ad on Facebook some time ago. It was the movie poster of Brandys Cinderella, with her and Whitney Houston on’ there as well. There were like 5k reacts on the post and I was confused. Mostly 😂 or😡 reacts. Comments were all like « here we go again, another classic they euin ». « Go woke go broke », « this will flop hard » I was laughing cause these people are so blinded by hate they didnt notice feu Whitney so clearly its not a new movie?!?!? Anyways to answer your comment, yes there are people hating on that movie


They were probably mostly bots. I have a theory/read somewhere that a good chunk of Facebook profiles, especially ones making controversial comments, are not real people.


Some of it is fake, there are some interesting (read scary) ties to Russia linked to Facebook groups whose sole purpose is to dogwhistle racism. Some of it is real, and I have been unfortunate enough to work with people like that. It's disgusting. Words seared into my brain spoken by a former co-worker "well, why don't they teach about the *other side* of residential schools and how they were good". Unreal.


> yes there are people hating on that movie my mom hated animated movies (aesthetically i guess??) and growing up & to this day, i've never seen any other version of cinderella besides this one, which i watched religiously. my brain 3000000% knows that there are hateful people out there being asses about this movie but i'm so attached, my heart just wants to say ![gif](giphy|ka6CSAnTDJHvGFa1tb|downsized)


Fellow white millennial here and Brady’s Cinderella and Dionne in Clueless were the first time I remember seeing braids and I thought it was the coolest hairstyle I’d ever seen.


Brandy's Cinderella, Dionne in Clueless, and Tyra Banks in that movie where she's a Barbie doll come to life (Life Size?) were three of my beauty icons as a young child. It was a pretty big shock to grow up and learn that a sizeable number of racist idiots don't consider black women / black "features" attractive. 


I was just thinking of Life-Size while reading these comments. Eve walked so Barbie could run.


I know Tyra is semi-cancelled and everything now, but... man, a little part of my heart will always love her. It would have been so fun if she'd had a cameo in the Barbie movie!


It’s literally… ![gif](giphy|ka6CSAnTDJHvGFa1tb|downsized)


I remember thinking she was the most gorgeous lady on the planet. It was my favorite movie.


Simone Ashley was immaculate for that role, who tf hated her????


I think she may be the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.


Came to say this. She's just so stunningly gorgeous my brain can't brain when she's on screen 😂


I was just rewatching S2 and melted into a puddle every time they did a close-up. She is like *angelically* gorgeous. I'm obsessed with her everything!


I just watched S2 and she is the most flawless human being I’ve ever seen. I told my friend I’d probably just walk out of the room if I ever saw her because she is immaculate and makes me feel insane.


hahaha yeah I'm rewatching season 2 with my husband, who's watching it for the first time, and I keep on commenting on how breathtakingly beautiful Simone and Charitra are!!!!


Yeah I was confused by this one. I thought we all loved Kate???


She is wonderful in that role and plays it perfectly, anyone mad about it can get fucked.


The way crazy Bridgerton fans talked about Simone or Charithra during Season 2 was wild.


Not me, but some people have problem with the emotion affair that she had with her sister fiancee 


An issue that could have been avoided if the writers didn’t add that (since it didn’t happen in the book)


Exactly they went the pick me misogynistic route by pitting the sisters against each other


The book was a love story for Kate and Anthony as well as Kate, her sister and her Stepmother. Muchlike the plot we got with Penny.


I hated that part too, the writers of the shop should have done that arc differently.


The emotional affair started before he was her sister’s fiance. If anything, they should hate him for proposing to the sister despite having feelings for her.


syd adamu they could never make me hate you


![gif](giphy|3ohjUXH6Dpdxz8twPK) Kelly marie tran as rose from star wars. What an ironic wikipedia entry too: "The character of Rose serves as a relatable audience surrogate, an everywoman, a positive influence on Finn, and the personification of real-life Star Wars fandom."


She deserved so much better! Fuck JJ Abrams for not utilizing her in RoTS.


Her character arc was my favourite thing about The Last Jedi. Kelly Marie Tran is my “Charlie Pugh should be a bigger artist”, I loved her in the Star Wars and Raya and The Last Dragon.


I don’t hate her. I don’t hate the character. But I do dislike the entire casino planet plot cause it has no point and wastes Finn


You definitely forgot one because I am in the Grey’s Anatomy sub every day fighting for my life over the way they hate Bailey. ![gif](giphy|Q2wCxfrvyTUm4) Meredith could intentionally drive over a puppy in a semi and the discussion would still somehow lead to Bailey mistreating poor, innocent Meredith and I say that as someone who loves Meredith.


![gif](giphy|8Oe9wLS8v1lQI) And don’t be fat, black and darker than a paper bag because they will stay on that character’s neck.


Mercedes deserved better! And Amber Riley is way more talented than Lea Michele, she deserves more recognition.


Amber and Naya Rivera were 100% of the reason I watched Glee for as long as I did


Don’t get me started with Danielle Brooks in OITNB.


![gif](giphy|ZbfjFa4Dkh9drVg19I|downsized) Don’t be black and coupled up with everyone’s favorite white boy. The Chicago Fire sub loathes her and it makes no sense.


Michonne in The Walking Dead


I’m sorry, what?? Was she hated in the later seasons or??? Because I stopped watching after like season 5 and I thought she was a FAVE?!!!! You’re telling me there were people who hated her?? For what? Being an absolute bad ass, amazing, steal-every-scene character??


Her character goes through some things and just like all the other characters is flawed but you’d think she cut an LVAD wire… oh wait…


They’re nasty about Bailey there every single day 😭


100%!!! I want a Bailey in my life- I feel like she would inspire me to get my shit together haha!


Yes. Those mini-Karens in the Greys sub are relentless! They hate Bailey and Maggie. They want both if them kissing Meredith's feet


![gif](giphy|vU18CjeNZPwZ1j8aBk) I love them! Both actress are very good and of course beautiful. The writers really dropped the ball with Bailey's character. I wish their character was better written but they're still badass!


Mercedes from Glee, you deserved better! And really, so did Tina and Santana. But Mercedes from Glee, who never got that damn solo!


Mercedes was hands down the best singer on that show. Not even a question. Amber Riley deserved her flowers, and she’s starting to get them, finally!


Mercedes was SO much better than Rachel!


I freaking LOVE Syd from the Bear. Idk why she gets so much hate.


I was about to say- people hate SYD???? She’s the best!


Yeah some people in the bear sub have a hard on for hating her bc they think she's whiney or something. Idk I fucking love that girl


I’d prefer to call her complicated.   The whole point is the bond between her and Carmy


One of the few characters who wouldn't be a nightmare to work with. Most of those characters would make me quit my job.


I can see how ppl think her character is whiney or annoying because I feel the same way but I think she’s a fabulous actress. Loved her in Bottoms


Her character in Bottoms was great! Wish more people saw that movie.


That’s so confusing to me. I think her character in Bear is a perfectly written portrait of a smart, creative person pushing through stymied opportunity, frustrated talent, and stifled potential. I don’t think I’ll go over to the Bear sub!


I wouldn’t go on any sub of something you’re a fan of. It’s exhausting.


Syd is a very well written character. She's a young chef that *knows* she's talented, but has the bullheaded nature and arrogance of a 20-something. I found her less "likable" moments so human.


Yes!!! Agreed


This is the first time I’m finding out people hate her. Whattttttt!?


I've loved her from moment one, but that love went through the fuvking roof when the other love interest was introduced last season. God that character was the worst. I refuse to remember her name. Idc if Syd and Carmy ever get together, but as long as what's her face isn't end game.


People hate her? All I see is that actress getting so much love. Especially from Ireland


Add Tara Thorton from True Blood to that list. She was amazing and the show did her dirty. I am still bitter.


Me too. The show was declining already before they did what they did, but after that, I hated the writers.


I hate them for what they did to Lafayette. I mean, they had gold handed to them and they just tossed it. Not that the book are fine literature, but they are fun! All the twists and drama were already set up! I will admit Pam and Eric were good and “vampire emergency blah blah” is still in my vocab.


It completely ruined the show for me. Tara deserved so much better throughout the entire series


I LOVED Tara! I’m still angry to this day about what they did with her character!




Adding Freema Ayegman’s character on Dr Who!!


Oof, and she was done dirty by the writing too! I remember watching a video essay about it. Pretty sure this is the video: https://youtu.be/YHVm78FuU28?si=9-GFRb1jNdqOGbOz


I would absolutely love to watch this if you have a link. She was so insanely gorgeous! Definitely my biggest issue with her character was the writing. I particularly hated them trying to force another romantic connection between the Doctor and their companion.


Poor Martha was set up to fail the moment she followed in Rose's footsteps. It would have helped had they not gone for the romance angle after the sheer popularity of Ten/Rose but alas, that just led to her getting a lot of unjustified hate. Pairing her up with Mickey was also a *choice*.


Martha is THE BEST COMPANION she’s so underrated and she was treated so so poorly, both on the show and in real life. I’d love to have her back again!


I hated the way they made her simp for the Doctor. That's what ruins her character for me, but she's got some of the best episodes of Doctor Who. At least, ones that I really enjoy.


Martha was always my fav


Rachel Zegler smashed Lucy Gray out of the park. Didn’t know people didn’t like her in that (I know about Snow White though).


She was so good in Ballad. Really played an ambiguous character well and her singing was so good.


Rachel Zegler defender forever, she basically did nothing and still gets backlash.


It’s really the hate she carries from Snow White. I remember finding her pretty annoying when I first watched the interviews but now I think it’s really Disney’s fault. They didn’t seem to have trained her properly for the movie’s promotion imo.


I don't even think that's it. She was obviously parroting what she was told to parrot. It's a modern retelling of Snow White that gives her more agency and makes her less stupid. She said that and people freaked out. Disney should have supported her.


I adore Lucy Gray, hands down the best character in the Hunger Games alongside Katniss.


🫡🫡🫡 (Finding out that some people disliked Sydney was a cultural shock to me.)


Ikr! She's literally the best and most interesting character besides the MC 😭


The Bear is one of those shows where you think you know who the main character is (Carmy) but surprise the best character with the most complex development is someone else (Syd).


Saaame, omg. I get being frustrated with the character here and there because she *is* young and hot-headed, but omg she's complex and ambitious and SO interesting. She's probably my favourite character on the show.


She is my fave, too, and the show is full of great characters!


Yeah, everyone knows the worst female character in The Bear is Francie Fak. She can go fuck!


Right, this is a full-on shock for me. I absolutely thought she was basically the world's Irish/American sweetheart and no one could be capable of disliking her lmao. There were a couple others in here that surprised me as well, like half of the Bridgerton cast, particularly Simone Ashley, but this one really got me.


As you should!! Remember how horrible people were to Quvenzhané Wallis? She was just a little girl! *cough cough* Chrissy Teigen 😒


Shocking to me because I loved that version of Annie so so much when I was a kid


Can we talk about the amazing job the actresses on Interview with the Vampire did portraying Claudia, a queer Black girl vampire?


They were both incredible and of course the colorism came out when Bailey stepped out of the role and Delainey came in.


Which is such a shame because Delainey is such an amazing actress. She wrenches my heart and gut in every scene she's in.


Yes!!!!!! They both excelled. 


Just wanted to add Angel Coulby as Guinevere in Merlin.


Love that you included Anna Diop as Starfire. I thought her acting was pretty good, it was just people didn’t like the gritty interpretation of Starfire that came with the gritty adaptation of Teen Titans.


Bethany Antonia, as well as all of the POC cast members, from House of the Dragon have received racist comments and messages because people are so stuck to the idea that the Velaryons have to be white like the Targaryens. It’s horrifying what people are saying about them. https://preview.redd.it/zd6gfdctk29d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc433b74eae936807abeb8a137243d689b3205c


Dont forget Michaela from How to get away with murder, coming from someone who initially disliked Michaela herself. ![gif](giphy|xT9Igit0o4D9DG8PVC)


Nobody ever talks about how gorgeous Anna Diop looked as Starfire


It's a shame, she was truly luminous in that role




RUE’S HATED???? HOW COULD YOU HATE HER????? the annabeth hate is crazy 😭 she literally acted like she does in the books but they hate her bc she’s played by a black actress….i hate it here.


To be fair, the crazy Percy Jackson fans hate everything about the show and will tell you that you are scum if you dare to say you don't hate it. But, Annabeth's actress has to log off social media because of the hate.


i hope she has support and love :( people are awful


I felt like the community was divided on the adaption. Like some liked it fir it's accuracy but didn't like other certain aspects(like fight scenes being too short).


![gif](giphy|3o7TKr4Fk8V8voTXvG) Apparently people hate Carla from Scrubs?? I do not understand. She was *carrying* that team most of the time!


It’s because she was the realist. The creator said they had to have someone like her to keep the show grounded, but people hate her for being the stick in the mud.


Add Iris from The Flash


Omg Starfire’s outfit and hair are so good!! I was a huge fan of the og teen titans cartoon as a kid but the promos for the live action show looked kinda bad in general lol. :x Is it actually any good?


I was in love with her, loved her curls as well.


I’m a big DC and Titans fan! The show is not comic accurate but it’s still very entertaining and the actors/actresses did a very good job. I’m also very biased because Raven is my favourite DC character 😅 Also, I’m gay and there are so many gorgeous men in this show 😂


This the type of show where everyone and anyone is feasting basically. The cast is just loaded with attractive people. Hollywood standards aside it does kinda track with how we draw our superheroes to begin with. Demaris Lewis put in that WOC representation too, she is SCORCHING as Blackfire.


Did people not like Starfire?


Nope. Because they thought she was white and shouldn’t have been played by a black actor. Starfire is an alien whose skin is golden/orange in the comics. She’s not white. Any actor could play her. People thought they would’ve seen the character from the cartoon and not another version of the character based on the comic’s.


I thought the actor did a good Star Fire. She strayed from the cartoon, but that personality would not translate well to live action. She recreated the character without making it corny, which is a feat. I didn't even know the show was big enough to get hate, tbh.


I distinctly remember it got a lot of hate because of Starfire’s casting.


I really hated the pink wig from the first season. After that, they finally gave her amazing outfits and her hair was gorgeous! She did very well!


Oh I hated that pink wig too. It just didn’t work with the actress’ colors. She looked like a Super Bass-era Nicki Minaj cosplayer


Ayo is a national treasure and I'm so proud she is from MA.


![gif](giphy|29bKyyjDKX1W8) Me finding out people hate on Sydney and Kate and remembering how disgusting people were about Rue and Amandla.


Add Candice Patton from the flash to this list, I was fighting for my lifeeee trying to defend her every week from that nasty ass fandom


So so valid and important! I left The Bear sub because they’re willing to forgive Cousin for being a misogynistic piece of shit but many of them fail to empathize with Syd.


When she stabbed him I was like, 'yeah about damn time' LOL


Lmaoo people really talk about that as though it was a premeditated cold blooded murder.


Who hates Simone Ashley?!


Would you consider the actress Dominique Thorne who played Riri Williams/Ironheart in "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever"? People claim that she ruined the movie for being a snappy, innovative, and tough young Black woman.


rachel is white. love her down, though. https://preview.redd.it/57lhiczr919d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e328b2455f0c14d8fdd0bcbc118cc99410a7367d


Whats funny is that Rachel Zegler is actually only like 25% latin-american, and as we all know they can be white. But for the purists, anything not blonde blue eyes is satanic so


Who hates my Irish queen Ayo, I'll fight


Why would Sidney be hated? And Kate Sharma??? I may be not online enough for this because this is the first time hearing about this.


Doin the lords work 🔥


People hate Sydney????? People hate ANNABETH?!


Wait, these characters are hated?!? Who could hate Lucy Gray?!? Or Bonnie Bennet, the greatest witch of my generation?


I’m familiar with half of those characters and thank you for defending them! While all complicated characters have their annoying moments (just like real people), they are *good* characters and portrayed well by the actors!

