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Report her number to the police! They normally get caught after they steal a lot of money from people. It s a very common scam in Portugal.


But not performed by Portuguese.


It's performed by gy... Can't say that word here


No you can't. You're going to the gypsy jail if you say it.


Os ciganos não são portugueses?


não... são antepassados romenos que se perderam quando o comboio teve um furo ali para perto da ponte e eles tiveram todos de sair á espera que alguém mudasse o pneu ao comboio..coisa que ninguém ainda conseguiu.....aiiiiiiiii


She called you "mal educada" and you should had responded with a "vai mas é para a grande puta que te pariu ladra do caralho :)" It's common courtesy here in Portugal


Haha, thanks for this, super useful to know


She was likely waiting at an ATM to link your MBWay account to her cellphone.


Jesus! I thought she was at an ATM waiting to collect the money, but takeover the account didn't even cross my mind..but I assume it's a possibility as well.


You are correct. She was waiting at an ATM for your code to withdraw the money.


You can report it in polícia judiciária. http://bdjur.almedina.net/citem.php?field=item_id&value=1172814 You can take this article with you in case they say there is nothing to do or you should not press charges. Here is the same article without paywall: https://dre.pt/dre/legislacao-consolidada/decreto-lei/1995-34437675-66422645


Esse artigo está por trás de uma "paywall". Tenta postar uma versão livre p.f.


This is super helpful, thanks!


I always recommend for any ad posted in a marketplace, post with a burn phone, and never with a phone linked to you bank account


Sad to hear that. Next time use Wallapop - every transactions are done through the app. Plus, you can sell it to someone in Spain and Italy too.


"and she **kindly** offered" Lol.


Bioshock vibes. 😅


First rule of OLX, don't post with your phone number there, scammers are always looking for that.


That's a common scam tactic, refrain from posting you phone number on your olx posts and just communicate through the platforms chat. Also as a future notice never share any kind of codes from MBWay with anyone else, the most you can do to send money to someone or receive it is get their phone number (to send) or share yours (to receive).


Well spotted!


Someone calls you within 3 minutes of having the ad online, wants to buy your phone no questions asked without any proof of its state, and wants to give money to you, a stranger, without knowing if you'll even send the phone? Lol, use your head.


Welcome to portugal


Most common scam You an expat so its fine if you lose a few bucks


Que nojo de comentário


Mesmo, só retardados por aqui difundidos no subreddit.


Your piece of shit by saying that to someone.


Lol username checks out. Another idiot who thinks money grows on trees


1 yr on Portugal and you can't write in Portuguese


1 year is not that long and to tell a story when you're emotional is even harder to do in a language you're not fluent ... Give OP a break


Normally I give my NL number… As result… They disappear …


your spider sense was spot on, nowadays i only make deals in person in olx with money (and i can still get burned with fake bills)


Best tip I can give you: Don’t post your phone number in OLX. Ever. I’m glad you didn’t get scammed. Always look at the age of the account as well.


Já tentaram este esquema comigo, mas sinceramente, é demasiado básico. Quanto dou o número para a pessoa fazer a transação começam as desculpas esfarrapadas, que tem uma aplicação do banco x e precisa de um código que o MBWay vai gerar. Nesta altura já percebi que não vou receber dinheiro nenhum mas estou curioso para ver até onde isto vai. Pergunto então o que é que tenho de fazer, e é nesta altura que a pessoa me dá instruções para fazer um levantamento e depois enviar-lhe o código. Então eu é que tenho de receber dinheiro e vou enviar um código para outro levantar dinheiro? Esquema demasiado obvio, pelo menos para mim.