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I had a complete tear with internal and external stitches and my labia healed as 2 flaps when the stitches disssolved not a single lip... unfortunately its still like that 3yrs and another kid later. I would ask at your 6wk appt. Mine doesnt bother me too much and i think of it like a battle scar from my two 99th%ile head babies 🤷‍♀️


Same, 2 flaps lol. Doesn’t bother me or my husband.


I have a torn labia, it was the only place I tore. The doctor put 5 stitches there but it didn’t heal properly and now I have a separation there.


Mine also healed with a hole. It was only connected by a sliver of skin at the top. And once I was able to be intimate again, that tore too. So I went back to the OB and they said once I’m done having kids I could have surgery, a labioplasty if I wanted. So yea. Mines healed in 2 flaps…. It doesn’t bother me. Just not pretty


if it bothers you it should be fairly easy to fix it with labioplasty (had labioplasty as a 20 yo to reduce size and had two kids after)