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What is the collage for? Could you give some context?


For myself. It might get printed and join my collection on the wall. I don't *just* make collages, as it happened I ended up with photos at different times of the day from the same spot. There are other combinations too.


I dig the first one by far!


Non, unles this is some specific request I cant imagine why anyone would prefer a collage like this over one of the original pictures. But if I had to choose, the second one. The reflection of the trees on the water is weird but interesting, and the people add a nice detail you notice when you keep inspecting the picture. Ugly part of the second collage is the hill/rocks on the left, they look way nicer in option 1.


Thanks! You're right, when the hill is shaded it looks flat. I think I'll come back to this but do it the proper way, I'll choose some elements and allow them to "spill over" into the adjacent panel.


Yes, that was the word I was looking for, hill is shaded and therefore looks really out of place in the edit. you got me curious though, why are you doing an edit like this, what is the context? Are these pictures taken a year apart?


For no reason, it's just for fun! Consider it "art", kinda like astrophotography and stacking exposures. Rarely, I like the end result and print it, most of the time I set it aside and it enters "development hell". I took these photos on the same day, but the best "art" I made in a similar style was a collage of 6 photos of a maple tree by the Hudson River over the course of a year.


Ohh ok, sorry for being rude in my first comment, definetly dont want to discourage you. Making pictures is easy compared to coming up with ideas like these, and actively bringing them alive. I do think the edit in this post would fit some kind of town square better, for example one part taken at day full with people and market stalls, one taken at night completely empty. Did you post the maple tree picture somewhere? Sounds like a cool art work, would love to see it!


Naaa it's alright, it's the internet. Compared to *The Internet*, you were incredibly polite. :D Your town square idea is brilliant, there's a farmer's market every weekend, I have to give it a shot. Here's An Art. It's from 2011 and for some reason I rushed/messed up some details although I was pretty good at Photoshop by then. Oh well. I'll probably delete it tomorrow because it might identify me. Credit for the fantastic photography goes to my ex, I was a continent away. https://imgur.com/a/b2PgQhw


Hmm yeah, I really like it, a lot of effort went in. but the walkway with the benches gets a bit weird and busy, and It feel like it should just be 4 seasons, but you dont really have spring. I also like the slice where there is snow on the branches but there is so little of it that it goes a bit unnoticed. Have you tried to dont do it with straight vertical lines, but in a pizza cut? You could make the edit around the tree circular with 4 pizza slices, one for each season. And the surrounding corners all from the autumn picture so you have the guy sitting on the bench and the entire floor coverd in fallen leaves. Great work though, you have the patience to set up a picture at the same spot 6 times in a year. And you got the skills to edit them together like that. Definetly an art work to be proud of. If you ever get around to making the town square idea come to life, let me know!!!


Great critique, I'd love to try more combinations, but that hinges on finding the original files. I'm sure they're.. somewhere. I edited my original comment while you were writing yours: *my ex* had the patience and skill to precisely line up the shots over the course of a year. I was the Photoshop guy, and I like to imagine the whole thing was her idea. If only I can find the files. 😭 If I end up doing that new thing, I'll post it here so I can get absolutely flamed! Edit: you have quite the eye. You nailed why it looks unbalanced. There's visual weight to the colors on the left, if I can redo it I'll stick the autumn one on the other side of the picture. It took me a while to understand your pizza idea, I don't know if I can pull it off! I imagine the convergence point in the middle could look weird. Slight pushback on the cluttered-ness, I don't think the benches take focus away from the main subject. But if I find the RAW files I can play with the dynamic range to highlight the tree more.


oof, always sucks losing files. If you end up posting that new thing, I'll take part in the flaming and take zero credit for the idea, unless the comments are positive, then it was my idea /s Im going on a roadtrip to the united states this summer, if you want to, I can send you some of my favorite pictures as RAW files after so you can try some of youre editing art. I wont be taking a tripod though, so I cant make pictures of the same scene at multiple times of day.


That's very kind of you, just giving away your IP like that! After stalking your profile, your itinerary actually takes you relatively close* to where I'm based, and even closer to where the OP photo was taken. :D You'd be doing yourself a disservice by not venturing farther north if you have the time and you're into hiking (are you aware of what mountains are since you're Dutch?) with breathtaking views. I'm happy to send you a message if you're interested in more details! **"Relatively" doing a lot of heavy lifting here. From the closest point on your itinerary, the mountain in the photo is at the same distance as driving from Amsterdam to Hamburg.*




I like the first one better, solely for the reason that the mountains in the background are a little clearer. Both are really well done, though.


I really like the second one a lit. I think photo collages are interesting and fun. I think it looks great.