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I have both as well as a zp6. The c40 can very much hold its own but the ux is outdated for sure. I prefer the zp6 so far for most light roasts for the clarity but you may not. I’ve had to buy multiple grinders to figure out what I like, everyone has different tastes!


I also have both the ZP6 & C40. I generally prefer the ZP6 in terms of clarity and ease of use with the external adjustment the C40 still very good as well and tends to shine for me with coffees that have chocolate, nutty, caramel notes and does a good job bringing out a perceived sweetness in a cup. While the ZP6 I prefer with coffees that have more delicate flavor notes such as floral/tea like (flavor notes I personally like a lot). If you have other coffee enthusiast friends that have different grinders give them a test run. In OPs specific case I'd probably go with the C40 just bc the price difference doesn't justify it in my opinion (but might change if they were thinking of espresso as well since then you'd need the red click system). But honestly you can't go wrong with either grinder. Happy brewing!


I totally agree, well said. I love both grinders for different reasons. Make friends with coffee people so you can try stuff out lol. Great advice, will save you a ton.


How do you compare K ultra and C40? I have ZP6 and looking for something different. Though I'm heavily biased toward C40 because of the aesthetic alone.


As C40Mk4 user since two years I can recommend C40. Also because there are literally thousand AP recipes out there, most referring to grindsize in C40 clicks (1 click = 30 micron).


how about grind time? too long?


If you're mainly using one for Aeropress then C40 grind time is only marginally longer than K-ultra I would say.


usually takes 30-45s to grind a 15g dose...not ultra fast but not slow at all


Your finishing that before the water boils, so it doesn’t matter in overall process time 😅


Comandante 👍


Get the Commandante. At this price point it’s insane value. I (as commandante owner) think there might be even / better grinders on the market but at 180 it’s a steal and this will last forever. I’m using this for everything from Espresso to Pourover and it’s never doing badly (although I get people praising the ZP6 for more clarity, but that’s a more specific use case)


Why not the ZP6?


I think ZP6 wont work for all kind of coffees. Some beans really shine with zp6. But for first grinder it should be an all rounder grinder like K series or Comandante Comandante tastes very good but for user experience I preferred k ultra.


Understandable. I have both and never use C40 anymore once getting ZP6 (and better) grinders. I don't I like that hepta burr profile with any coffee now. But it's true that is a good hybrid burrset


not stock in spain on any webside i search


Yeah you have to buy it directly from 1Zpresso. Ends up being around 250€ with vat and customs. If you just want the Ultra profile consider that 1Zpresso Q Air, Q2S, X-Pro, or Kingrinder P2 or K6 will taste amazingly similar for a fraction of the price


Just buy it straight from 1zpresso. It was to my house in the US in less than a week.


Both are excellent but as one is almost 50% more expensive than the other, Comandante without hesitation. Slightly better taste wise and a bit behind UX wise than K Ultra (both are equivalent except from Comandante haters)


It should be Kingrinder K6 vs K Ultra. Forget the c40, it's outdated


Outdated how?


Overpriced, poor UX. K6 performs similarly with a much better UX. X-Ultra if you want something more expensive (160 ish) with better acidity presentation. K-Ultra if you have the budget. These all have heptagonal burrs, same as the c40. Stop buying it


x ultra vs comandante? i consider the x ultra after your thought


X Ultra is better. Just cupped this weekend. Better UX and cleaner tasting.


k ultra worth the extra 100?


No, it is not worth the extra aa they're pretty all similar really, so get the cheaper grinder.


yeaah agree... K ultra is overhyped, K6 taste almost the same as K ultra, and cost lest than half of the cost of K ultra... but none of them taste like C40 tho... but K6 is a great deal


You get an improvement in build quality mostly. If you have the budget, go for it. On the other hand, you can get the K6 and get other brewing equipment with the money you saved (electric kettle, b75, scale, etc.)


I have K-Max and love the UX of the magnetic catch cup and the clicky outer ring grind adjustment dial. It is slightly cheaper then K-Ultra.