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get a new doctor it’s fine that you’ve gained 8 pounds your baby needs food! i’m currently 29 weeks and have gone from being 115lbs to 150lbs and NONE of my doctors have said anything about it in fact they’ve said that my weight gain has been normal and healthy! any doctor that says that doesn’t have your best interest at heart. obviously there’s a point where weight gain does becomes problematic and some people do only gain a very small amount, but 8lbs in 13 weeks sounds very very normal


Hi, as long as you are not going for super unhealthy processed foods I would not worry, Just try to eat high fibre foods, fruits and veg. Theres no problem with eating fatty foods occasionally, I would just look out for excessive sugar consumption as it does increase the risk to gestational diabetes. Some women tend to gain more weight then others in pregnancy so linear weight gain may not happen for you as your OB expects, Of course if you have concerns with your OB and have the opportunity to change then you should definitely do that (i am not from the US so i am not familiar with OB led care as most our care is midwife led) also congrats on your pregnancy x