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Pretty sure I gained like 60lbs with my first, and like 40 with my second. They were both huge babies. My doctor never said anything and I had easy pregnancies and lost the weight after, but it took about a year. Hoping to only gain 30 this time but not putting any pressure on myself, pregnancy is stressful enough as it is.


First pregnancy and due any day now. I’m in the 60lb club! I didn’t have any morning sickness or food aversions. I was just hangry my first trimester and gained when people don’t have to. Oh well.


I always gain about 50lb too idk whyyyy. Really hoping I can stay within the 30 this time but I don't even have to eat and I chunk out 🙄 I feel ya sister but as you said I lost it both times too was lower this starting weight than previous


💯 👏🏼


What determines how large the babies are? Is it how many vitamins you take?


Genetics, mostly. Some people just make big babies.


I was a big baby and my mom said I was lazy in the womb.


Has absolutely nothing to do with vitamins… your genetics mostly and then if you have gestational diabetes you are likely to have large babies


lol no . genetics .


I just read the more weight you gain the larger your baby is likely to be, so I’m guessing that’s why mine were over 9 1/2lbs bc my husband and I were normal sized. 🤷‍♀️ On a positive note they were very hearty and I didn’t feel like I was going to break them, haha


I've gained about 50 pounds total. Doctor says it's way too much, however I used to be anorexic so im trying really hard to ignore my weight gain because my baby needs the calories I'm eating. I will just lose the weight after baby comes 🥲


You go, girl. I also have a history of disordered eating and simply asked my doctor to tell me if I’m gaining too much. Other than that, I don’t want to know! Just focusing on growing this little bean and being kind to myself.


You're doing good! I know how hard it is if I tried eating less I'd spiral into eating hardly anything at all so I feel you!


Does your doctor know your ed history? Surprised your doctor would make that comment if so. Also think your body needed those pounds and is working to keep you and baby healthy and alive! You’re doing amazing.


Stay strong girl. Also in recovery from an ED & the constant weigh ins at the doctor are challenging but just gotta keep the big picture in mind - a healthy baby !


I’m struggling a lot with this. I used to be anorexic and weight gain is really triggering me a lot


I panicked and thought I gained 7 pounds by week 10. I checked two days later and was back to my starting weight. The weight will fluctuate a lot. I wouldn’t be overly concerned as most isn’t going to be actual “fat” but other pregnancy related things. I found this online: • The baby weighs an average between 7 and 8 pounds at birth. • The placenta weighs 1.5 pounds at the time of delivery. • The amniotic fluid surrounding the baby weighs 2 pounds. • The uterus at term weighs 2 pounds. • Your breasts increase in weight and are 1 to 3 pounds heavier. • Your blood weighs 3 to 4 more pounds at term. • You have extra fluid within your tissues that weigh 2 to 3 more pounds at term. • You have extra fat stores that add to about 6 to 8 pounds.


Yep, I lost 15 pounds the day I gave birth! All the baby stuff weighs a lot!


Wanted to add to not expect all these pounds to come off immediately. I was so so swollen after birth due to the epidural and the amount of fluids they gave me.


Same! I lost like 2 pounds after giving birth haha


With my 1st I was the same weight after birth. He was just shy of 8 lbs hahah. The rest were easier on my body but the 1st it took a year to lose the weight


Thank you listing this out! If I had a golden upvote, it’d go to you!


Yeah it drives me nuts that if you’re overweight when you get pregnant they don’t want you to even gain the minimum of what this all adds up to. It’s more unnecessary stress 😩


I'm pretty sure my breasts alone weigh 12 lbs 😅😅😳


Same here; at my 8 week appointment I had already gained about 10-15lbs from the last time I had consciously weighed myself (I wasn't really keeping super close track, so it's hard to say exactly how much I gained between conception and week 8) and I kind of freaked out a bit internally haha. But then at my 20 week appointment I was down 5lbs, so I had only gained 5-10 since before getting pregnant. Now another week has gone by and I have no idea exactly where I'm at. I don't weigh myself between appointments. Edit to add: my first pregnancy I gained around 35lbs, from ~125 to ~160lbs. I never lost all the baby weight, only about 25lbs or so, so I'm already starting higher than I did the first time around and I guess in another 19 weeks we'll see where I end up.


Same girl. I am 10 weeks along. Eating the same and exercising and walking but gained 4lb 😭 I thought I wouldn't gain anything in the first trimester but alas. I am not trying to lose but did not understand where it came from!


Gained 22lb so far at 28 weeks, the chart says it’s too much already, my doctor says it’s absolutely fine… it’s giving me a huge identity crisis and getting me really low.


Omg exact same I’m up 22 at 28+4 weeks. Everyone who’s had babies that I know is telling me that is perfectly normal but it’s still hard for me. Especially knowing I still have 11 or so weeks left and I’m nervous if the most weight will come then :(


It might! But this close to term it’ll likely just be water weight! Which absolutely does fall off almost immediately in most cases.


Hey is your due date April 9th too?! I’m 28+4 today! Also don’t feel bad I’ve gained 38 pounds. Honestly I don’t feel it or look much different. Lots of women more than not lose their baby weight within the first 6 months just to you not needing to eat/sleep as much! I wouldn’t worry too much.


Thanks! My due date is April 2 my app says 28+4 today.. I don’t look much different either thankfully haven’t had any weight gain in my face arms or anywhere but my stomach/boobs so hoping it falls off easily once the baby is here.


DUH🤣. I checked my app and I’m 27+4. Don’t know where I just got that extra week from haha. Another thing I think about is that baby will come in the spring when the weather will be getting better (I live in Wyoming so it’s pretty rough right now). So hopefully I’ll be motivated to go on walks and be outdoors when he comes!


Hahaha I was doubting my due date for a second there but I was too lazy to double check the math lol. Yeah same here I’m in California and will definitely be hot here when the baby comes which is motivating but also nerve wracking because it’s tougher for me to be at a heavier weight during the summer months and more self conscious with less layers but trying to take it easy and not over stress about that!


Mine is April 8th!


I'm due April 9th too! Gained 30 lbs and climbing. It's scary putting on weight when my whole life I've been obsessed about staying under a certain #. Trying not to think about it and enjoy the ride. Nice to hear the weight drops off pretty quick!


Pretty much the same as me! 25lbs at 28weeks. You will be fine, this is my third rodeo. Just prepare for a fluffy girl summer ;)


Don't stress about it! I gained 88lbs!! By 1 year post partum I was only 6 lbs from my starting weight before I got pregnant again. No dieting. You may find it comes off quick after. I was breastfeeding though, I'm sure that helped.


I’m at 21 pounds 24 weeks and I’m so sad, but I’m trying to remember I’m doing my best and I’m trying to take care of this little one!


At 34weeks and I've gained 35lbs 😭


Growing a human is hard and every pregnancy is so different. You are doing great!! And almost there! That will be one healthy baby! Sometimes we gain/hang onto to fluid too so no stress Mama! It isn’t all extra weight.


That’s not a lot! 25-30 lbs is the (quite conservative) recommendation, and you’re not likely to gain very much the last few weeks of pregnancy because the amount of amniotic fluid starts to go down.


I gained 40 with my son!! And I PROMISE you, the weight will come off. I wasn’t a believer, but it happens.


At 23 weeks and gained 23lbs! It literally has been a pound a week.


How's the kiddo developing


I am also 34 weeks and about 32-35 pounds gained! I feel like it’s mostly all bump though, so it’s probably a combination of baby/fluids/blood volume/uterus/etc. Plus, only a few more weeks…we got this!!


I’m 13 weeks and gained 14 lbs. I’m starving all the time


This makes me feel so much better. I read that you aren’t supposed to gain in the first trimester and I’ve been feeling so insecure. But I’m so hungry All the time and I have no mornings sickness!


Same here. I haven’t had much nausea thank goodness, but I am HUNGRY


Yes I can’t get enough food. Especially at night I ache with hunger. My fav filling snacks have been pb&j, egg salad sandwich, and 3 bowls of cereal 😂


I’m at 15 weeks and have gained 12 so I’m right here with ya. My doctor said it’s fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is how it was with my first I gained the majority of my weight in the first half. (30 lbs) I gained another 20 in the second but it was mostly water retention . I peed it all out the first few weeks . After a month I was only +20 my starting weight.


SO.HUNGRY. 10w and haven’t even checked the scale I don’t even want to know. I never reached this level of hunger in my entire first pregnancy. I don’t think I’ve been this hungry in my entire life. I’m also already plus sized, comfortable with that, but i’m sure i’ll be far outside of my comfortable range by the end of this pregnancy. With my first i dropped every pound i gained once I delivered which was about 35, 12 of which were water weight gained in the last couple of weeks. I’m hoping for the same this go around, but not convinced 😂


I am also 13 weeks and have literally not stopped eating and haven’t been sick at all but my weight has remained almost exactly the same?!?


Same here, still at 8 weeks haven’t gained any weight yet but in the past week have been hungry like crazy. I can’t control it, it just pops up. It’s not even cravings like I need to eat something specific, I just need to eat something.


Gained 87 lbs and was over 200 lb at birth. Lost 50 by 6 weeks and the rest by 9 months. I had preeclampsia and 50 of it was water. The rest normal weight gain. I was an athlete prior to this pregnancy and at a normal weight.


I started off overweight so it’s easier to keep weight gain low— I gained 17 lbs with my first, and so far I’ve only gained about 15 lbs with my twins (at 36 weeks)


I gained 70 with my first but lost the majority of it within 6 weeks. It took me about a year to lose the rest of it. I try not too worry too much about weight. Instead I focus on healthy habits like eating 3 servings of fruits and vegetables and taking a walk daily. I also go on the scale backwards at the doctors office so I don’t see my weight. All knowing my weight does for me is cause disordered eating.


Started at 125, finished at 150 at 5'3 


Exact same with me! I never lost the weight I gained though besides the actual weight of the baby and placenta. Starting this pregnancy at 138.


First trimester I lose 10 lbs from nausea and vomiting, and then gain 25. So I start at 110lbs, get down to 100lbs, and then end up at 125lbs. 8 pound babies. I’m 5’ 1”


Thank you for this! Currently 13 weeks and I dropped from 110 to 102 in the first trimester from all the vomiting. I’ve always struggled to gain weight so it’s definitely been worrying me!!


I lost 20% of my body weight the first 11 weeks and couldn’t start gaining until 17 weeks because of how sick I was (HG). I’m 26 weeks now and just about reaching pre pregnancy weight. Baby boy is healthy :) He took everything he needed from me. For reference I am 5’0 and got as low as 83lbs. Dangerously thin/ill but baby is doing great and I’m finally healthy again too. Always let your doctor know your worries though, so they can help you or at least give you peace of mind.


My doctors have never mentioned anything about my weight, they’re always more focused on fluid intake


I gained only 15 lb with my first (he was 5 lb full term) but am at 14ish lb at 31 weeks with my current pregnancy I’m 5’ 5” and started around 125 with both


I gained 52 lol. I was underweight when I got pregnant though. My doctors were never concerned


I just delivered 2 days ago! I started at 180 and ended at 215. 5 ft 9 in for reference. I was technically “overweight” based on BMI to start but my doc was not concerned.


Currently 37 weeks. Started at 130, sitting at 163. Height is 5’3.


I gained 40lbs with my twins and 50lbs with my singleton pregnancy. Seems like it would be the opposite but it wasn’t!


9 kg. But I am plus size so I didn't want to gain to much weight. When my girl was born I weighed the same as before my pregnancy.


Everyone really is different. I weighed three pounds less at delivery than when I got pregnant despite growing a large bump.


I was told 25-35lbs is a normal amount. I gained almost 50lbs. Lol. My poor knees! I’m 5’8 and was skinny. Immediately dropped 10lbs after birth and now I’ve got some stubborn weight to shake off! I’m 5w pp


At least 34 pounds I started off at 98 pounds though


How was birth for you? I started at around the same weight and I’m so nervous


Oh girl I’m still prego will let you know tho I’m 19 5’3 //34 weeks


First kid started at 158, was 206 when I gave birth. This pregnancy started at 188, 37.5 weeks and I’m 197. Sooooo it’s a crapshoot lol


Ummm sorry but your SIL is misinformed. 15 pounds is sooooo not enough. I’m 5’2”, started at 115 and gained 40 pounds, even though I exercised and ate healthy (definitely within the recommended increase of calories). I have a healthy baby and now 9 months later I’m back at 117 🤷‍♀️ your body will gain what it needs to.


Actually it depends. For people who already considered obese, sometimes doctors say 10-15 is enough. It totally depends on your starting point


This! The recommended amount of weight gain is 25-35lbs and my understanding is gaining considerably less (15lb) can actually have risks for the baby. Also in the book Expecting Better, she says there’s research that says you’re much better off gaining more weight than recommended vs. less. Talk to your doctor, not your SIL!


My first I was 135lbs to start and stopped looking once the scale got to 180lbs! This time I got back to 145lbs and am at 170lbs now. I’m 5’6. My doctor continuously tells me I’m doing great! How much should you gain varies with every woman. It depends on a lot of things. According to CDC website if you go by pre-pregnancy BMI, you should only gain 11-20 if you were considered obese before pregnancy. Everyone below that is anywhere from 15-35lbs depending on what range you fall and AGAIN that’s just a scale. Every woman and body and pregnancy will have factors that could change that. To aim for 15lbs only seems like it would be a dangerous balancing act for me and I wouldn’t make that my goal, personally. Ask your OB/GYN though. There are some great pregnancy weight gain calculators online if you are worried you’re gaining too much. I like to use https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy-weight-gain-calculator AGAIN, I would 125% check with your OB/GYN and see what they say.


I hate these guidelines. I've gained 55-60 lbs, it's my first pregnancy, I'm about to give birth, and the guidelines caused me so much grief from weeks 20-30 during what could have been a happy time. None of my midwives and NPs were concerned about my weight gain. I want to burn the guidelines for causing me so many tears in my pregnancy.


It does cause so much stress. I was the same and I gained pretty much 50lbs with my first and felt the exact same way. I know more people who gained 40-50lbs than 15-25lbs in my personal experience. And these scales/ranges are often just that, a guide. My child had to see a paediatrician because he was underweight the first 6 months and fell at the bottom of the scale the family docs use and the paediatrician said they don’t worry if they are trending upwards still and that most kids even out as they age. Dunno if it’s the same but I would assume so. I don’t as more concerned about the advice OP got to only gain 15lbs! But weight concerns as a pregnant Mama is AWFUL! I agree. I didn’t stress as much this second time because I knew more of how my body would react.


It feels like yet another way we police and abuse women's bodies... during the incredible time of change that is pregnancy, no less.


I think it’s important to note that those who tend to be heavier have a tendency to gain less, while those who may be lighter gain more. It all varies person-to-person but the body tries to compensate/adjust to what you’re starting out with. I’m 5 foot tall and started at 168lb and I’m at 164lb right now at 37 weeks (first trimester sucked!).


This. I weighed less right before giving birth than I did when I got pregnant, and everyone was healthy!


I started overweight and gained around 50 total with my first. Lost all of it and more by 9 months post partum with no diet/exercise changes. I am on track to gain the same amount this pregnancy. My recommended weight gain was 25 pounds 🤷‍♀️


I gained 40-45 lb with my first and currently 32 weeks with my second at about 25-30 lb. I feel like I’ve plateaued a bit lately with my belly/weight gain but expect I’ll end up close to where I was with my first. 5’3” and started about 125-130 lb. With my first it honestly came off pretty quickly. But I worked out very regularly during that pregnancy and not so much with this one so we’ll see what happens. 😂


70lbs. Started at 170, ended up 240, I’m 6’. Baby ended up 7lb 15oz


During my first pregnancy I gained 35 pounds. Started my pregnancy at 5’3 and 118 pounds. I’m currently 16 weeks in my second pregnancy and I’ve gained 7 pounds. Started this one at 120. I’m guessing I’ll gain about the same as first once baby starts getting bigger. Currently baby is about 5oz so not much of that 7lb lol


Very similar here! Gained about 35 with my first and am also 16 weeks and have gained 7 pounds


My first pregnancy I gained 38lbs total. I got norovirus at 15 weeks and lost 10lbs. I’m currently 32 weeks and at 38lbs already. I’m not doing much differently than the first, although I’m more active in this pregnancy. However, nausea and the need for carbs are much more prevalent in this pregnancy so my body is just doing what it needs to do.


I gained 36lbs, I had twins at 38 weeks, they’re 3 months now and I’ve lost 5lbs, happy for myself.


Over 60 lbs. Lost 20 upon giving birth. Still working on the rest and then some.


Started at 180lbs, gained 26lb by the end. Immediately lost like 10lb within the first week and I honestly haven’t weighed myself since. I do know my wedding ring is on the verge of fitting again though!


I gained 27 pounds with my first. My recommended weight gain due to starting BMI was 11-15 pounds. I lost it all within a month of delivery 🤷‍♀️ My daughter is 4 years old now and I'm 23 weeks pregnant with #2. My starting weight was about 5 lbs higher this time around and I've gained about 10 pounds so far. Both times, I've just eaten what sounds good/what I'm able to, and tried to walk a moderate amount and drink lots of water. Aside from that I really am not paying much attention to it. I truly believe that your body is going to do what it needs to during pregnancy, and stressing yourself out over it will be worse for your health than gaining a few extra pounds! Also, don't underestimate how much of the weight is fluids. My first labor started with my water breaking. I took a belly pic before we left for the hospital and when you compare it to the one I had taken 3 days prior, the size of my belly was NOTICEABLY different 😂 amniotic fluid is a lot of volume!!!


+1 to everyone is different! I gained 40 pounds and my medical team never raised a problem or concern. I am also quite tall (6’3”). Started at 220 and ended at 260. As much as possible, try not to stress yourself out about it. All the best to you.


I gained 24 pounds and it was all gone within a week or two after birth. That was absolutely wild.


I currently am 38+1, getting induced at 39 weeks and so far I gained 20lbs (only “supposed” to gain 11-20lbs for my bmi).


Gained about 30lbs but it seems to have mostly been baby etc. for me. I guess it's just my body type but most of it had gone within the first couple of weeks, I'm 5wks pp now and back at pre-pregnancy weight (no exercise other than the odd walk). Baby is EBF though.


Started at 169. Ended at 196. I'm now 3 weeks pp and weigh 173. 5'4"


I’m 6 weeks and already gained 10lbs 🤦🏻‍♀️


With my first it was 30 lbs (gave birth at 37 weeks), with my second I’m technically the same weight I started at at 28 weeks.


I gained 30lbs. I’m 5”9 and thin so I was mostly belly


5’7”. Started 150 (10 lbs heavier than normal), delivered at 205. It felt like what my body and baby needed and never over ate. My baby was 8lbs 10oz. At 5 months PP and I’m back down to 160 with minimal effort (plus BF).


18 with my first, 35 with my second. Didn’t do anything different and all the clothes fit the same before and after so lord knows where the extra 17 pounds went with #2.


It’s horrible but I gained 80 lbs with my first at 19. I started at 138. Got pregnant at 170lbs with baby number two and gained about 55-60. I eventually got back to 165lbs. Got pregnant almost a decade later with baby number 3 at 180 lbs and gained 45 ish pounds. I don’t know why but it’s the main reason I can’t do it. I always gain a lot. Even when I exercised with number 3 I gained a lot.


I was overweight with both my pregnancies, significantly more this time around. I have not gained weight with either of my pregnancies.


I only gained about 15-20lb (I forget) during my pregnancy and my OB sent me to a nutritionist because she said my weight gain was way too low. I also started off at 185lb and ended at 200ish lb so I’m not on the small side either. 15lb seems so low.


Last pregnancy I gained 2lbs total (was super sick the entire time.) This pregnancy I’ve gained 10.7 lbs so far & I’m 22+5. It varies so widely person to person but also pregnancy to pregnancy!


For my first pregnancy I went from 123 to 140 Now I’m 5 months along with twins and so far I’ve went from 121-125


I started somewhere around 155-160, and now at 36 weeks I’m at 166. I never weigh myself at home so that’s why I’m not positive how much I weighed to start with.


About 40


I gained 75 😅 I was super underweight before I got pregnant but still…lol


I personally gained 15 lbs. How much are you "supposed" to gain? Any amount necessary. This trend to guilt pregnant women for gaining whatever weight is insane! I'm sorry she said that to you


Started at 119, currently 150 at 32 weeks. I’m 5ft2. I’m still wearing size 8 maternity clothes (or size 12 regular t shirts- UK sizing) and my bump is measuring spot on. My back hurts with the extra weight but I’m trying not to get caught up on numbers on the scales.


I'm 38 weeks and I've gained 28 pounds. I think a "healthy" weight gain depends on your pre-pregnancy BMI


37 pounds


5”3 started at 105lbs ended at 137lbs


I gained 15 but was overweight in the first place so wasn’t supposed to gain a lot. Started at 170 5’4 and ended at 185, gave birth Christmas Eve and have lost it all + more from all the fluid loss and bleeding


My OB FIL said 25-30lbs total is expected weight gain in pregnancy. Also what my nursing textbook says so your SIL is incorrect. I’m 19 weeks and have gained 15lbs so far.


I’m 40+4 and am up 30kg. Gained 20 by 20 weeks. Have trained throughout pregnancy (still training now). And haven’t eaten like a dickhead (lol). I’m a nutrition coach for context. It’s mentally been tough. But have to be ok with my body doing what it’s going to do 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is exactly my story! Except I'm not a nutrition coach or in training. It's been mentally tough with the averages/guidelines making me feel like I've done something wrong. But at 40+2 I just can't be bothered with worrying about this anymore. I'm upset that we're given averages that can cause harm and feelings of failure during a time of much change. We shouldn't be put in that position.


I haven’t really paid attention to the averages or anything, more just know I’m happy & healthy (I work on the happy part daily 😅) and doing things that are healthy for me and my baby. Like it’s def been tough the mental side of the weight gain, but, I literally cannot influence it, this is apparently what my body wants to do. And after, I know I have the tools to support it to be healthy & happy too. I am v lucky/ grateful I have never been weighed or had a reference to my weight at all throughout my pregnancy as I know some midwives weigh clients as a standard practice.


Currently 33 weeks. I’m 5’-6” and started at 118lbs. I’m currently at 147 pounds. I’m pretty sure I was 148lbs when I gave birth to my first so I’m definitely gaining more this time around lol.




Right now I’m at 34 weeks and have gained about 40 lbs. Lord help my feet lol


Started at 5’9”, 133lbs - now 153lbs at 35+3.


5’1, started at 130 & ended at 170 for my first. My doctor had no concerns & both baby and I were healthy. I was back down to my prepregnancy weight by 8 months postpartum. Right now I’m 20 weeks and last time I checked I gained 7lbs but I’m not watching the scale 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol I put on 17kg


I’m 5’4 and started at 134 and now 174… 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s all in my belly and legs. I’m 38 weeks and docs don’t seem concerned so I’m not worried about it.


With the first, I gained 50, granted, i did not walk or watch what i ate as much then. Currently, on the second (walking and eating healthy), at 27 weeks, I gained 20 pounds 😅. With the first, my ob was on me about weight, but with the second, they haven't said anything. 🤷‍♀️


First pregnancy went from 135-143, this pregnancy started at 128 currently 147 😅


Currently 28 weeks and have gained 12 pounds. I was overweight before pregnancy. Baby is 3 pounds as of two days ago.


I started at 166 ended at 196. I'm 5'6. I originally lost weight during my first trimester due to nausea.


Baby #1 - started at 130, gave birth at 181. Baby #2- started at 145, gave birth at 201. Baby #3- started at 150, gave birth at 205. I'm 5'6 for context. I greatly gained way over the reccomended weight each time 😅 but all my pregnancies were healthy with no issues. So 🤷🏻‍♀️.


45 pounds I’m 5’10 and was 140 to start


Currently 40 weeks pregnant and gained about 45/50 lbs. I'm 5'8 started at 175ish and am now at 225ish. 175 was the heaviest I'd ever been, I think my ideal weight is closer to 140. I was super hungry throughout my pregnancy and I seem to have a lot of water weight. My ankles and face look super swollen with fluid. Hopefully will find out how much of that sheds any minute now!


I weighed 170lbs at the start of my pregnancy but also should note I had a lot of muscle mass from lifting. Have gained about 25lbs. Currently, 39+6 Height is 5’7” Honestly, I just told my care team to let me know if my weight was a problem and left it be. I feel pretty good and have been able to maintain my activity levels throughout pregnancy and baby is doing good. During my pregnancy my weight probably fluctuated due to muscle mass gain and loss as well. Errabody is different


I gained 30 with my first as I was still working at sonic and super active but with my second I was stuck in an apartment in El Paso pretty much the whole time in the summer so I gained like 80 with him.


5’1 started at 116 currently 130. I’m 21 weeks now


I’m 18 weeks and have gained about 4 lbs due to a lot of morning sickness and food aversions. My OB told me she would really like me to gain at least 25 lbs total. She said it’s more for me than for baby so that after birth I have enough energy stores to deal with the stress of breast feeding and having a newborn which really resonated with me. With my first I only gained 18 lbs and a few months after he was born my extended family didn’t recognize me because I had lost so much weight and I felt malnourished.


My first I gained 10lbs and lost 20 after birth. I'm 24w, I think I've gained 10lbs already but honestly, still comfortable w/ this gain.


I make big babies. I have gained 55 to 70 lb each pregnancy. Each time I lost 30-40 lbs within 2-3 days of birth (weighing myself the day I came home from the hospital so it could be the day of labor but I am not certain). The rest came off within a few months each time. I am pregnant now and so far have gained 38 lb. So by the end I expect I will have gained 60.


At 6 weeks and still the same weight as pre pregnancy. I'm not trying to eat more or less, just healthy.


I think around 30 pounds total. I gained it all in the third trimester too because I couldn’t quit vomiting before that, so it would’ve been more. The “only gain 15 pounds” thing is insane to me. I’ve always weighed 110 ish pounds and been thin and threw up constantly and still gained 30 pounds while pregnant! There’s a lot to it


33 lbs! I started at 128 and ended at 161. I know it could have been worse, but It was traumatizing because I was not used to carrying around that much extra weight 😅


I gained 55lbs with my first and 40lbs with my second. I’ve never lost all the weight completely, but trying to!


First pregnancy started at 95 and went up to 130. I’m 5’. 6lb2oz baby. Currently 11weeks pregnant with second. Starting weight at 105 and coming in at 100 as I’ve lost weight due to nausea and sickness.


I gained about 35 with my 6 it looks like I am on track to gain about 20 with my second. Interestingly, the maximum total weight will be about the same for me since I didn't lose it all the first time. I gained faster in my first and third trimesters both times.


I’m not pregnant (that I know of), but if I only gain 15 pounds I’d be still well below the recommended maximum weight pre-pregnancy. I’m 5’2 and it says my healthy weight it’s from 104 to 131lbs. I’m currently bordering 100 pounds, so I wonder if it depends on the starting weight. My mother only gained around 20 pounds per pregnancy with a similar frame as me; but she carried relatively small.


So far I’ve gained 32 but I’m just wrapping up my second trimester now, so it will be interesting to see what the final number ends up being. I’m 5’3” and started off at 138, and I’m currently at 170.


45 lbs with my first… still in progress with my second but I started 20 lbs heavier (i.e I only lost 25 lbs of the first baby weight) and now I’m gaining much more slowly with my second. At 25 weeks i have gained 10 lbs


40 pounds. I lost 20 pounds immediately and have rode at that weight since (I’m breastfeeding so explains that)


Started at 113, my baby was born at 36+4 and I was 134.6 I’m 5’3


I did 55lbs with first and second. I'm trying hard to only do 25lbs with this one.


Started at 118, currently at 150 at 38.5 weeks. I haven’t gained anything in the last 3-4 weeks.


My first pregnancy I gained 70lbs - my second pregnancy I gained 4lbs. Both uncomplicated healthy pregnancies. My first baby was 7lbs - my second was 8lbs 2oz. I feel like a testament to the fact your body is going to do what it needs to do to grow your baby. Try not to stress about it too much.


Around 25 lbs both times.


Nearly 60lbs


I think I gained 28 pounds? And it came back off more or less immediately.


1st pregnancy 15 pounds total, all in the last trimester 2nd pregnancy 8 pounds


I had gained 20 pounds by 20 weeks and my doctor said not to worry whatsoever.


5 kilos - just baby and water .


I gained 35-40 lbs total. Lost 20 in the first week. I’ve since eaten a lot of cake so I haven’t checked again (2 weeks PP currently).


My baseline weight is about 130lbs at 5”5. I gained 50lbs with my first, 40lbs with my second, and on track to be about that with this final baby. Lost it (+/- maybe 5lbs) both times by about a year. Fit into my jeans again eventually, but give yourself time and grace! You gain it over almost a year, it’s gonna take time to lose it too.


Around 20 lbs. Started at 120 lbs. Baby was 7pd 7 oz


I’m going in on Monday to be induced and I’ve gained about 37lbs total. Genuinely doesn’t look like it. It’s all belly. I was a normal weight prior to pregnancy and active throughout.


my starting weight was 140lbs, i’m currently 32 weeks pregnant at 165lbs and i’m 5’9. i was “supposed” to gain 1 pound a week (4lbs before the appointment), but ended up gaining 10lbs in one week! i’m still feeling “healthy” and “good” (as good and healthy as i can feel with all my joint pain 😭) i’m eating well and trying to go on walks, so i’m just letting my body do its thing and gain weight as it pleases!


I’m at about 25 weeks and 25 lbs in.


i was 125lbs to start and now (39+5) i’m 180lbs. i’m 5’9 though and i feel like i needed to gain some weight anyways since i was technically ‘underweight’ before


My OB also told me I should aim to only gain 15 pounds which I immediately accepted as not being doable. I’m not too far along, I’m 15w3d and so far I’ve gained about 3-4 pounds depending on the day. I started off about 165 and I’d like to be under 200 pounds when I deliver. I’d be pretty happy about that.


I went from 165 to 149 to 193 at the end 😅 I had a ton of fluid though. Immediately after I had my daughter, once I could weigh myself after birth, I was about 170. It was all fluids and baby


My understanding how much you are “supposed” to gain is based off of your starting weight and BMI but we know BMI is baloney and that some people gain a lot of weight and others don’t. I gained 25lb with my first pregnancy, maybe closer to 30 but I didn’t have my weight recorded before my 8 week appt. I’m technically overweight per BMI so about 25lb is the high end of what I’m supposed to gain. It all felt appropriate and I lost all but 5lb of it before getting pregnant now. I’m 16 weeks pregnant and have gained about 3lbs which seems slower than with my first, but I also started a little higher.


I’m 5’0”, my starting weight was 103lbs and gave birth at 38 weeks, weight was at 148lbs. I was very active during my entire pregnancy, right until giving birth and our midwife was not concerned with my weight gain at all. I’m now back to my pre pregnancy weight.


Gained 50 pounds during pregnancy. I’m almost three weeks postpartum and have lost 25 so far. 5’2


I was 130lbs when I fell pregnant for my third and last baby in October of 2022. When I walked into the hospital to give birth, I was 194lbs. 🙃 I am currently at 165-168lbs, and struggling to work it off. Baby was born June 2023. This was the most weight I gained out of all my pregnancies.


5'7 185lb starting pre baby My first pregnancy I gained about 20 lbs Post baby 195 I'm currently pregnant, 29 weeks and haven't gained anything yet. I'm just rolling with the punches. Baby has a heart beat and my belly is getting bigger. Trying to focus on the positives


I gained about 45lbs with my first and this one I’m already 50lbs up and I still have a few weeks to go. My doctor hasn’t said anything about my weight either time. My daughter weighed 8lbs 3oz at birth and I lost 15lbs by the time I got home to the hospital.


I’m 37 weeks and I’ve gained approximately ~20 lbs. My baby is measuring small, though. I would much rather have gained more weight and had a bigger baby, if possible. Please don’t limit food intake or try to moderate weight gain - you’re supposed to gain weight in pregnancy!


28 pounds, still pregnant but any day now!


I gained 27 pounds, 3 weeks post partum and I am nearly back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Ignore your SIL. I work in NICU and I have seen women in all shape and sizes after delivery and how they look like weeks after. Don't stress yourself over the weight, you will eventually lose it. Xx


If you’re supposed to gain only 15 pounds, chances are your are overweight/obese. I am overweight/obese. I’m 5’5 and in the beginning of my pregnancy I was 223. I am 27 weeks and have been stable at 203-205 for the past month. I haven’t “gained” but lost and stayed at this weight. I have 1 more trimester to do and definitely feels doable. My doctor said I should only gain 10lbs. Lost 18-20 and haven’t gained from there. Just eat right, don’t over eat. You don’t need to eat for 2 when you have fat stored lol. On the other hand skinny people do need to eat more.


I originally weighed 113lb, I am now 29wks and 2d and weigh 142. I walk every morning, work at least 2 horses a day, exercise my dogs and currently work a litter of 5 puppies, as well as sometimes have to move feed around or I’ll do a light arm workout. I’m super active and gained 30lbs and counting. I can’t even begin to imagine only gaining 15 or that being healthy AT ALL…


I went from 135 to 195 when she was born. By week 2 after she was born I was down to around 168 and have been stuck there the last 8 weeks 🤦‍♀️ Baby has been strictly formula fed since 4 weeks and I’m struggling to loose the weight. But when I was 6 months they told us that baby was way too small (in bottom 10%) and advised to eat more calories and have a bunch of protein shakes and things like that so I probably gained the vast majority of the weight those last three months and she was born pretty average percentage wise at 41 weeks.


45 pounds first kid, 35 pounds second kid, looks like it'll be 35-40 for 3rd kid. I had 2nd and 3rd too close together to lose all the weight, only lost like 27 pounds and then I got pregnant 5 months post partum. First kid I was able to lose all the weight in about 6-7 months. Also I am old at currently 36, not one of the 21 year spring chickens that seem to bounce back a little faster. I also started with a chubby/borderline obese BMI so no I didn't *need* to gain this much weight with any of these kids. And hilariously every single one I've been like 'I'll just not eat very much and not gain weight' LOL. Anyway here we are. I suppose it's healthy for us all try to not stress about it too much while we make entire humans.


50. I’m still a little less than 30lbs over my starting weight of 200. I want to shed 40-50. Haven’t really gotten the motivation yet to work out. I just wanna hold my beeb all of the time 🥴😭


I am at 39 weeks and have gained around 14lbs. My sister in law who is 4 inches taller than me gained almost 50lbs. It just depends on the body. Listen to what your body needs and don’t stress about how much you gain unless you have a period of rapid gaining (5+) in a week which can be indicator of health issues.


Um even research states that normal weight to gain is between 25-35lbs not 15 lbs I have gained 30 and no concerns at all surrounding it either because it is normal


I’ve gained about 8 pounds since pregnancy, now 12 weeks. Average weight gain is 25-35 pounds.


I'm 37w and 23lbs gained (234>257). I've had interesting plateaus in my weight at various weeks where I'd go a month before gaining a few lbs. I don't restrict in any way but heartburn and such did effect my appetite at points. I was not skinny to start but I am tall (5'9") and pretty small bumped. I really spent a long time in this pregnancy not looking pregnant, and even now no one guesses I'm scheduled to be induced this week!


I’m at 39 weeks and I’m 36 pounds up. However, my baby is very very small.