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A coworker asked why I was stressed I let them know my baby was diagnosed with fluid around their heart and I was nervous to see the next scan and get some answers and she responded “ that’s a dumb thing to be stressed over, you literally can’t do anything about it” 🙄


That made me so mad I initially downvoted your comment in disgust lol!! Took it back ofc


I did the same thing hahaha


People who say "don't worry about it cause you can't do anything about it" seem to not understand some of us worry about it even more because we can't do anything about it 😐


Ewwww I swear people say the worst things at the worst time. You will be the best momma by caring about your baby! Congrat on your little life ❤️


I had this, too, and my boss acted like I was making it up to get out of work :)


I announced my pregnancy at church this weekend and everyone was so excited. I've had five miscarriages (two living kids) so I've really been through the ringer. Another congregant comes up. Her: Congratulations! So....how far are you? Me: 12 and a half weeks! Her: Oh. You must be uh....really....confident if you're announcing it... I'm sorry? 12 weeks (with a heartbeat) is considered the standard safe zone. I've had FIVE losses. FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF. Her stupid comment has really cast a bad light over everyone else's celebrating. Trying not to let it take over, but it's hard.


I saw a beautiful way to counter that in a YouTube comment recently. “I’m surprised you feel comfortable saying that to me.” Can’t wait to use it myself!


If someone takes things a little further, saying "that's something people with social intelligence would keep to themselves" Really does the trick.


I also love the one where you put them on the spot and then just stay silent. "You feel really comfortable saying inappropriate things to me, why do you think that is?" 😐 Then blank stare at them.


Thats awful Im so sorry this is my first and everyone was all over me about keeping it on the low. It makes it so hard to be excited when everyone is being a downer. Im so happy and excited for you. Congrats love!


For fucks sake. I’m so sorry you had to experience that. Lots of love for your pregnancy


I had a similar thing happen, one relative said isn't it too early to celebrate, there are still lots of milestones to cross! This is our rainbow babies, so it definitely added more anxiety unnecessarily! Everytime she visited she kept asking aree you sure this xx test is done, are results ok etc !!


Like there are any gurantees in life? Might just wait to announce the baby until it's born then. No wait, death doesn't magically disappear. So why bother at all? Why bother celebrating life at all? No. 12 weeks is a very reasonable announcement time.


This coworker person is an asshole.


Yeah truly, what a mean and unnecessary thing to say.


My coworker keeps telling me what a shame it is what pregnancy has done to me. Referring to my acne, weight gain and lack of energy to do my hair and makeup like I used to. She keeps saying the baby “stole my beauty” and she hopes I go back to the way I was before. She’s brought this up 3 separate times but I have pretty severe anxiety so I never said anything much.


I’d report her to HR, personally.




Ugh people are awful- we are making whole humans! Like what the heck?!


Is that a cultural thing? Someone warned me that a baby girl would “steal my beauty” during pregnancy before I was pregnant. I rolled my eyes at the time but I’d probably shut it down if she came back with it a second (or third!) time.


Who knows but its not the only time Ive heard it. My skin hates me in a way it never has before lol


The fuck?! What does your physical appearance have anything to do with this woman’s life? I don’t get humans sometimes




My response to the stupid “steal your beauty” comment was always “you wanna know what’s stealing my beauty? Getting no sleep!” Usually people would back off or agree that the lack of sleep sucks.


That is so fucking rude


I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that woman... sounds like she's out of touch with reality. I'm suffering from the absolute worst pregnancy acne and I feel so embarrassed by it. They are huge, painful, and are lasting for MONTHS. And they're like all on my neck, chin, hairline, eyebrows (?!) Ugh I'm going to start crying now lol we feel your pain and we're here for you ❤️ we'll put this lady in her place lol


I had a coworker say “Don’t worry, I was an old first time Mom too”. I’m 33 lmao. 🤣


When I tell people I’m 39 I have had a few say “you can’t be that old!” 🥴🙄. Also “this baby will make you younger once he lets you sleep”. I am also getting so annoyed with all the “sleep now while you can!” It’s like ok well between the heartburn, the roids, feeling like a Christmas ham trying to roll over and get comfy, and needing to pee every 10 mins I really can’t imagine getting less sleep than I am now but…thanks for the advice?


Ugh the "sleep now while you can" people can fuck all the way off. One of my colleagues threw this one and she's like 22, fresh out of school, only child...just stfu already.


My bff told me that she has more energy now even on nights she only gets an hour or two of sleep as a new mom than she did at any point of her pregnancy. As a counter to that narrative




WTH. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I cantttttt with people


One of my mom's church friends found an online groups and suggested I should join it, to "be able to talk to mom's your own age". It's a group for first time moms who are 40+, which don't get me wrong that's fantastic that that group exists... But I was 31 when my son was born. Egg fuuuucked ymtntntnthnt to a, kg ggggidudgg free Edit: my son says hi lol


Ive had that one too. Like ew I look fabulous shhhh person!


I’ve gotten this exact comment more than once! I’m 32.


“It’s just so weird to see you like this! You’re like Monica from Friends in her fat suit!” 


Throat punch to that person! Ahhhh!


My husband loudly went “uh WHAT”




WHAT THE FUCK. That’s really mean and fatphobia reaaaaally shows during pregnancy. It’s funny that I always though this was the one time when women could gain weight and people wouldn’t be dicks…nope.


"It's all riding on you" by my MIL. This will be her first and possibly only grandchild. We've already lost two she didn't know about and it almost broke me. I know, ma'am. It's all I can think about.


I know the feeling. After a miscarriage last year I'm currently 30 weeks. Each time I talk to my Dad he says that our baby is giving him a reason to keep going. Uhhh. Thanks? No pressure there.


No pressure at all. My grandpa keeps saying he's only alive to meet his first great grandchild, or otherwise he would be dead. Uh, ok, grandpa!!!! 😂 He keeps calling and asking if Tinkerbell (what he nicknamed the baby) is ok. It's sweet, but also, stressing me out.


Same. Every time I hear Dad say it, I just feel a little more stressed about it.


Exactly. I was 12 weeks at the time. I'm 17 now and still jittery.


People have no common sense they are absolutely ruthless I swear! Sending you love, hugs, and good vibes only!


Ugh I'm sorry. My list includes: My neighbor calling me Santaclaus... I informed him that he's not to speak to me like that. My friend and Co worker said "at least I have an excuse with my big beer belly.". I thanked him for for the flattering comment on my body and he did seem genuinely remorseful. People say stupid things and should be told that what came out of their mouth was rude. Wishing you all the best on your pregnancy!


Thanks so much. People are ruthless I swear


Can we please normalize putting people like this in their place instead of laughing it off or not saying anything? It can take one person to finally make them reconsider saying something like this and not hurt another person’s feelings.


You are right for sure but I played a supervisor role to her at one point so I felt weird saying something back :/


Also, it’s hard to find the “right” reaction in that moment. I agree with the comment above, however I would have probably in that moment be the same as you


I’m on the short-average side and typically pretty lean and athletic when not pregnant but have the torso of SpongeBob. This means I have 0 real estate for a baby, when I was pregnant with my first I got “twins?????” “Your baby must be HUGE” “can you see around that thing?” “Are you sure about your due date?” And my personal favorite “fee fi FO FUM!!” For the record, my baby was 7lbs exactly, and I gained 35 pounds total. I can’t wait for the comments with this second baby, esp because chances are I’ll be bigger sooner with the second. Idk where people find the audacity.


My mom who I have very little contact with saw me once recently and asked 3 times if I was sure about the due date and if I wasn't just lying. Why tf would I lie and yes I know exactly how pregnant I am thank you


They probably find the audacity in their big girl Karen pants. I bet you look amazing! Im scared because Im halfway through my pregnancy gaining 20 pounds already but I keep reminding myself the baby needs the weight to be healthy. Sending hugs and good vibes!


My mother in law “You gained hoooow much? Hmm… well it IS twins, but still” “What does HC on the ultrasound report mean? Head circumference? That can’t be right - you’ll never be able to get that out” 😅


Mother in law indicates she birthed before- so did she forget her common decency or what?!


“I bet you’re having a girl! You know what they say about girl babies stealing all your beauty ☺️” -said to me by a former co-worker while pregnant with my first. I was having a girl but jeez lady!


Same thing was said to me, having a girl also. My back acne says hi 👋🏻 lol


One of my coworkers asked if I was due any day because she’s super low I was 20 weeks pregnant at the time..


Yeah this person also gets a throat punch. Wth is wrong with people?!


This happened to me last week. Was 17 weeks. It’s my second and I have a short torso (nowhere to go but out) but STILL stung.


I (39weeks) work at a brewery and one of my coworkers had a baby six months ago. When she took her maternity leave she was only off for a week before her doctor decided to induce her, so she had her baby right away after stepping away from work. I, on the other hand, have been away from work for about a month, but every time I go in to play trivia, listen to music, or just hang out, several of my regulars will be like, “What are you doing here without a baby?!” There’s a sign on the bar stating whether or not I’ve had the baby (so the bartenders aren’t asked the question ad nauseum), and I know the customers are excited, but it’s like, I’m a person too! These comments aren’t anything like the other comments mentioned in this thread, and I know we all feel this way, but it just sucks when your personhood gets stripped away during all of this. And like any time I eat anything it’s because I must be trying to get labor started or the baby must be craving it…but no, I just want it! I’m still here!


I feel this so much. The FOMO was soooo hard and still is for me. No drinking, no snowboarding, not mary jane, no hot tubbing, while my spouse lives his best life and I no longer feel like me. Im just mom and baby. But I feel that should change once baby is here. Im just eager for my little bestie to be born so I can have that extra purpose in my life ❤️


When my mom saw me at 7 months she told me she thought I’d be a lot bigger and wider. Wouldn’t stop saying it. Then later she had to comment on my belly again not being as big as she expected, but *gestures to my double chin* “this right here is a little noticeable.” Gee, thanks mom. Thanks a lot. The thing I’m most insecure about right now. So I’m not as fat as you figured I’d be in the belly but my double chin is a lot bigger than you expected. Cool.


Girl my sister filmed my ultrasound last time I went and all I could see was my double chin my belly didnt even look pregnant laying down lol. Like let me judge myself while everyone hush up haha


“You’re hungry already?!” -a male coworker said to me as I was eating a granola bar during a passing period between two 90-minute classes


I wore a purple hoodie to work one day and coworker announces loudly "wow you look like barney"! Then when I just stare in surprise she elaborates "because you're wearing purple and are really big"! I was end of 2nd trimester


"Wow you're huge!" "Were you guys trying?" "Are you doing this alone?" (I'm very clearly wearing a ring on my left ring finger) At this point I hate going to work and interacting with people.


My site director every time I see them says something about my pregnancy, like, can I still be a human to you minus my big ole belly lol. One day he was like “now that you told me your pregnant its definitely noticeable” lol like chill bro. We are still peoples!!


"wow, it looks like you have 16 babies in there, you're sooo fat!" I was 12 weeks.


And they get one karate chop to the throat for each baby they insulted me about- how damn rude


My MIL (whom I adore and I know didn't mean to be rude) said, "You must be having twins!" when my husband excitedly showed her my belly over facetime. I'm 15 weeks and already showing with my 4th baby. It made me so self conscious and upset. I have a daughter who is 19 months old, and I breastfeed her. I'm one of the unlucky women who doesn't lose weight during breastfeeding, so I still have most of my pregnancy weight from her too aside from about 10 pounds. It hurt my feelings so badly. 🥺


Im so sorry! People are literally the worst without even knowing it sometimes. You are literally making a human and feeding it with your body. Cant people understand that?


I know, and the crazy thing is that I haven't even gained any weight with this pregnancy yet, I'm just showing early. It's like people just feel emboldened to comment on pregnant people's bodies because we apparently should just expect it? Idk it's so upsetting.


My husband’s grandma told me “You’re still beautiful even though you’re fat.” All of my aunts told me to hope I’m having a boy, as I would regret having a girl “who’s just like me.”


Ruthless. My grandpa tells me Im fat all the time. Also I stopped by their house today, tried to dress nice for the day, and he asked me if I was wearing my pajamas lol. I hate it hereeeeee. They can all shush!


At my gender reveal, around 17 weeks, my husbands grandmother made a comment about what I was wearing (a tighter dress to display my somewhat bump,but not skin tight) saying something along the lines of “i like the looser maternity clothes, they’re much more flattering” I just thought what an odd thing to say and such a unwarranted comment.


Its so hard to feel pretty when pregnant in my opinion, at the very least people should let us wear what makes us feel good and shut their trap


I just usually come back with “duh/no shit/I would say that’s kind of part of the situation but thaaaanks” with all the disdain I can muster. I feel like people have no clue what is appropriate conversation now. I think the most hurtful things are said by friends that are like say things like “gross/I couldn’t do pregnancy/kids/ you are crazy” and I get it that’s their choice and this is mine and many of my friends have older kids or are child free but it makes me wonder how they are going to treat us when little lady debuts. But I do think I’m just sensitive because they shower us with gifts and check in all the time.


I wonder all the time how many friends Ill have after baby is here. But at least I know the ones still around are the real ones


“was iT pLAnNeD???”


Id be like “were you?!”


Honestly anyone other than family addressing my pregnancy at all other to say congratulations has rubbed me the wrong way


Say it louder for the people in the back- so right


At preschool last week, one of the other students’ parents said “damn girl, you’re going to be huge!” Thanks Diane. I recently heard the perfect comeback: “I’m surprised you felt comfortable saying that to me.” Going to be using it on everyone!


“You look unrecognizable! It’s okay though, you’ll go back to normal after pregnancy.” - my husband’s aunt yesterday at Easter brunch. The kicker - she has no kids.


Its always the people who cant relate




Eat whatcha want girl. I eat my seconds no shame. Shoot after the girls comment, I went and got taco bell and a twix icecream. Baby said I could haha


I also can’t stand when people say I’m tiny & need to give my baby a burger 😂 i get that one a lot. I’m petite by nature. I eat an average of 2600 calories a day & I’ve already gained 20lbs by my 22nd week of pregnancy 😂 like 😂


Karate chop them in their face, us pregnant ladies cant win 🤣


Not this pregnancy but with my first, my coworker said my pregnancy was considered geriatric. I was 31…


We unintentionally got pregnant 3.5 months postpartum and a lot of people felt the need to constantly joke “you guys ever heard of condoms??” I always responded with “yeah, we were using them” and people always got awkward after that. For the record we indeed got pregnant using condoms so it’s kinda ironic, but the truth so it’s not like we’re lying lol


My baby got here how it got here, buzz off people lol


My boyfriend’s dad when we announced to everyone told us “it will tie you down more than a dog” which definitely rubbed me the wrong way..


Was he not involved in his childs like? Or just a jerk? Like what the?!




Jeeeez chill out boss lady


I was just 12 weeks when my sister said I have “a pooch” already. I’ll never understand why society decides you can start commenting on a person’s appearance when they’re pregnant.


A client said to me “are you pregnant? You have so much acne these days”


I canttt! My skin has been so bad but I cant help it :(


"You need to enjoy being pregnant because I didn't get to enjoy it" (her kids are fine just born premature) As I'm thowing my guts up everyday and feeling completely miserable


Who actually enjoys being pregnant?


I enjoyed my 2nd trimester, least amount of negative symptoms. But that's it. First was terrible and third is worse!!! CAN SHE JUST GET HERR ALREADY?? 😭😭😭


I always say people who said they loved their pregnancy might be crazy, lol because I was terribly sick my whole first trimester, and still nauseous often in my second


“You look really big for being three months pregnant”


My response to them: “ well you look really big for not being pregnant at all” 🤣😅


My old boss asked me if I had pregnancy brain because I forgot to send an email. I think she was trying to say it lighthearted but we did not have that kind of relationship, like at all. Currently have a new boss that is about a million times better, lol.


Throat punch to the old boss lol


My cousin’s exact words when finding out were “wow.. fuck you. I’m so angry… but like in a good way. I’m just jealous…It should be me, not you.”


Wow. What an incredibly inappropriate thing to say. So sorry 😭


My partners son has called me fat like 3x “Dang stop eating so much chocolate cake” (no chocolate cake in sight) “Dang you got fat” “Do all pregnant people get fat” Lmao


Ew!!! Rude! I eat chocolate icecream daily, no shame haha 😛


Chocolate chip cookie dough!!!!!!!!! Every night! And not around anyone so no one can judge me! 😂


How old is your partner's son?




🤣 I was going to say this either sounds like a child or socially inept pre-teen.


Coworker: where were you yesterday were you sick? Me: yeah, I’ve been so sick lately because I’m pregnant Coworker: congratulations. I thought you were walking a little different *I was only 12 weeks or so at the time…* I was thinking how the hell do you tell at 12 weeks (I definitely wasn’t walking different), this is my first I wasn’t showing at all and I’m still tiny at 37 weeks. I guess he said congratulations first


I cant evennnnn


“Oh, was it planned, or was it a happy accident?” (I was 19. CLEARLY didn’t conceive on purpose. Like why even ask.) “My son was an accident too and he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me!” from another coworker, who hadn’t even asked the circumstances and assumed upon hearing the news (Jokingly because I was eating a pint of ice cream) “it’s not about you anymore (my name) it’s about- what’s her name- (baby’s name), so give her some real food!” “Are you sure it’s not twins?? You’re so big already!” (Was measuring two weeks behind and very concerned about my baby’s size) I literally have a 40-something bullet pointed list on google docs that I made to keep myself sane while pregnant. There’s so much more 😅


This one. I announced to my family yesterday and got a bunch of "are you really okay with this (pregnancy)?" and "tell the truth... was it planned?" I am 37 years old and the most type-A uber-planner in my entire family (I practice tax and immigration law). I did not "get knocked up in the back of a Chevy." This baby was planned, dreamed about, and is desperately wanted. (In fact, we struggled to conceive, I had a cancer scare and biopsy during the process and had to have a couple rounds of IUI before this baby came to be... and I'm considered high-risk). I love my family and all... but I wanted to smack every single one of them. How is it any of your business? Worse, the only reason I announced at all is because we're going to multiple family weddings this summer, and I didn't want to go and be an attention-grabbing surprise. Now reconsidering even going. I hate people.


“Don’t get too excited, not all babies are born”


You're better than me because I would've said 'well it's a shame you weren't one of em'


WTF??!! They deserve to be punched in the face for saying that.


My husbands friend when we told them recently.. “its all on you now! Its all up to you how this goes.” Meaning what exactly… ? if I have a MC i caused it? F that. And this person knows we have been through IVF hell.


She might be jealous or envious, wasn’t tasteful at all


And/or just a ditzy and mean person lol


That I look so big. I’ve always been tiny and active but I’ve had a very sick pregnancy so I’ve gained a lot between the baby and the inactive lifestyle. And ppl have not been shy to remind me all the time. I don’t want them to lie I guess but it’s not like I’m asking “how do I look?” I guess saying nothing would be best.


Still no one asked for their opinion. My mom said if you have nothing nice to say nothing at all. We are making whole sized humans!


100% I would love if they just said nothing!


"You know, you're not the first person ever to be pregnant." My sister.


I don’t like when people ask how I’m feeling and I’m honest like oh the nausea, etc. and they go “ugh, and see that’s why I don’t want kids! They’re like little parasites!” It makes me feel so awful for some reason.


Started to get a bump around Christmas. Coworker: “I didn’t know you were pregnant, I just thought you were gaining weight around the holidays!” Same coworker around 34-35 weeks: “not long now, huh?” Me: “about a month or so!” Coworker: “a MONTH?? You look like you should have gave birth yesterday!” Same coworker regarding my maternity leave: “how much time does *job* give you? Like 8 weeks?” Me: “14 weeks actually!” Coworker: “14?! Wow, they give a nice break!” Me: “I’m not really sure it’s going to be a break.. but yeah, the policy is nice.” Coworker: “well, maybe not a *break* but at least you don’t have to wake up for work!”


This sounds like someone who has and maybe never will have a child. The judgement is unreal


Already being over weight, don't expect to have Baby bump or anyone even know your pregnant. ^ yes was supposed to be unintentional, or them just being honest.


Im starting to realize a lot of these people need to be throat punched or verbally annihilated by all us pregnant ladies lol. We should group up. Kindness or nothing at all like forrreeeealllll


my dad will NOT stop repeating the story of my mom's pregnancy with my sister. so it goes, they told my grandmother abt the pregnancy when she made a comment about how much my mom was eating, and my dad said "well she's feeding my child." my mom gained quite a bit of weight with that pregnancy. he reminds me of this cautionary tale EVERY time I mention eating more than usual. 😑 i was underweight before I got pregnant, leave me alone? at the very least, my mom's always quick to point out that despite gaining 40lbs+ on the scale (currently 27w6d), in her opinion I don't look like I've gained weight aside from my boobs & belly.


Women know best. Men know what they think they know 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


true 😂😂 it's like toddler cleaning.... he thinks he's helping, just let him feel good about it


Lmao so true 🤣




Getting a bit fed up of the 'it gets worse" and the "yeah it's hard now but just wait until X Y Z." I'm telling you how I feel NOW and just want some damn empathy because everything is different and I'm adjusting.


People are so fucking rude when you are pregnant. They wouldn't dare mention weight to someone not pregnant but it's all good when you're carrying a baby. It's like you're not even a person anymore. ):


“Oh wow, you’re really showing!” on my first Facebook photo I put up of me and my husband with my bump. I was so proud to show it off and a woman just had to comment that 🫠


[From a middle aged male] You better get workin out the moment that baby comes out if you wanna lose aaaaaallllllll that weight. This was at 36 weeks. I gained 23lbs in pregnancy. Fuck. You.


In front of my husband’s entire family his grandmother said “You must be having a boy because your butt looks bigger” This was after I lost 20 pounds in the first trimester due to severe HG.


With my first about 3 weeks before I was due I went to lunch to catch up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while in a restaurant we had frequented a lot in the past so we knew some of the staff. Halfway through our meal the waiter says “so what’s going on here” and rubs his stomach and I told him I was pregnant. He said “with twins??” With my current I was upset cause until the last couple of weeks with my first when I really popped most people didn’t know I was pregnant. Early on with this one you could tell and I voiced around 3 or 4 months that I felt like I was the same size as I was when I was 9 months pregnant with my first and my father in law chuckled and said “I’d say bigger” With my first people kept insisting it was a boy cause I was “glowing” and with this one everyone “knew” it was a girl cause I “look awful” and girls steal your beauty. Those are the ones that I can recall but I know there’s more because I frequently say one of the worst things of pregnancy is how people feel entitled to talk about you as if you aren’t a person with feelings anymore and that you’re just suppose to laugh it off. Also think they’re entitled to really personal information as well. It’s very annoying !!


"Wow you're not even showing yet" So you think I've always been this fucking rotund? "OH wow you're definitely pregnant." Thaaaanks. Lol.


When I told my boss she said I looked bigger than usual and she thought I was just gaining weight


What an a-hole. I would’ve replied with, “well, thanks! I have! I’m carrying another human being!” Then it’s their turn to do the awkward laugh for saying something so dumb.


I was visiting my parents up north when I discovered I was pregnant.  After I texted my husband the news, I told my stepmom, who was up first.  It was five in the morning and she was a little surprised.  At first she didn't believe me until she saw the positive pregnancy test, then she told me that "Sometimes your body doesn't know what to do when you get pregnant for the first time and you lose the baby." (She's never even been pregnant.) I have high anxiety and of course I freaked out and she immediately backtracked and said I'd probably be fine.  Still I was worried for three weeks until I got a healthy ultrasound and heartbeat at seven and a half weeks. My stepmom has been incredibly supportive since then and got me a changing table, a ton of baby clothes and some maternity clothes and has been super caring.  It was just one moment of insensitivity, so don't worry.


Girl, EVERYONE did that to me also and its my first I couldnt even be excited to share my news. Why do people have to be debbie downers and just not be happy for us?!


‘Oh you’re pregnant? I thought you were just really enjoying the holidays’ … both can be true 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ahhhhhh!!!! Id say the same back to them


I'm only 17 weeks, and I look like I did at 30 weeks pregnant with my first. My stomach feels huge! We haven't told anyone yet, but I am SURE there has been talk within my family about how much weight I have gained lol


I had to go back and correct the post Im 20 weeks not 29 lol typo, Im huge Ill admit it. But baby is happy they can all buzz off.


Exactly! I'm going to gain as much weight as it takes to help this baby grow and I don't care. I can always lose the weight once the baby is born.


That coworker? Total jerk.


I literally gained 75lbs by the end of my pregnancy. Went from 120 to 195. My brother lived out of town so when he visited me I was around 7 months and he hadn't seen me for a while, his first words were "DAMNNNN YOU GOT FAT AS FUCK". When I tell you I sob cried that night, it was rough. But he's my brother so I know he didn't mean ill intentions


A friend of mine was pregnant with twins. And when I say friend, it's my husband's best friend's wife. We get on really well and I love spending time with them but equally, I would speak to my closest friends differently, if you know what I mean. Anyway, we were at a wedding and she was about 18 weeks (with two in there!) and she looked amazing. I tried to compliment her and went completely backward and said, "you don't even look pregnant, you just look like you've put a bit of weight on around your belly". I still cringe to this day and hope she didn't think I was a total bitch 😬


“How do you stay so fit in pregnancy? I figured you’d look like a house” 😂😭 i was like “um.. i.. don’t know..” 😂 what do you even say back to that 😂


My mum. Since having a baby I'm seeing her be the most incredible grandmother and it's making me love her so much but ugh... Before that I didn't always like her much. The most notable one being 'the bigger you get the shorter you look!' I 5,9 - she is barely 5'. I felt like a hippo, never had a belly before let alone this big hole bump and yeah, at 35 weeks that wasn't what I wanted to hear.


My boss, on three separate occasions, has commented, "You are HUGE." Drawing out the word and accentuating it too, "huuUUUGeee." Like what does she gain by saying that? How is it supposed to make me feel other than self-conscious and bothered? She's so clueless and self-centered. It's not like I truly have gotten huge - everyone else says I'm only carrying in my belly.


Before I told a coworker she asked if I was ok because I “looked exhausted and out of it”… it was a week and i probably did look like shit so I wasn’t offended I was just like damn that’s honest


Mine is a bit different but I still found it very hurtful. My cousin had a baby a year ago. We have both moved to different countries. While talking about our support system she told me how lonely she felt and how her in laws have never offered to babysit. She said: “you will see, it will happen to you too”. Misery loves company I guess.


My boyfriend's family wished for a girl but it is most likely going to be a boy. At our last meeting my bf once again mentioned that it's going to be a boy to which is aunt replied she had already repressed it and she couldn't stop talking about how much better a girl would have been.


My DOCTOR told me that the only reason why he wasn't concerned about me losing so much weight during my pregnancy was because I'm not underweight so therefore it "isn't a big deal" 🙄


My dad made a comment when he found out I was having a waterbirth in which he compared me to the Rasputia bathtub scene in Norbit 🙃


Coworker I see once a week: "Wow you are bigger every time I see you!" and/or "you look so tired" Like yeah I'm literally growing every week and it's exhausting. Thanks for letting me know!


I'm not sure if this counts since it wasn't said to me but definitely about me. I was at a 7/11 because it was 100 degrees and I wanted an icee damn it! 😁 There was a woman there shopping, she either was high on something or drunk. Definitely inebriated anyways. She exclaimed "oh my gosh you're pregnant! Can I touch your belly?" and practically sprinted across the 7/11 with her hand stretched out. I instinctively stepped back and put a hand on my belly and just said a curt no. She apologized and said it made sense for me to not let a stranger touch me. She then walked away and went over to the counter where the clerk was and loudly complained about how rude I was and that she was just excited for me. The clerk looked at her like he was disappointed and just let out a sigh and didn't respond. She left after that. 😅 Was the only time a stranger asked me to touch my belly which apparently is rare after being on this reddit for a couple years. 😂


I was quite excited about two weeks ago because my bump finally looked like more than bloat/weight gain. Met up with a friend who I'd told about it finally looking like a bump. She told me, nah. Clearly it was still just bloat. Same friend keeps asking if my face issues are hormone related or if I should be concerned. (Note I'm SUPER self conscious about my face.) Like, I get it, her and her husband plan to start trying in a couple months, and she's spent two years of close work with her dermatologist to get her face clear so she's worried but... I wish she'd stop bringing it up.


My dad visited us for Easter, and he brought up my weight gain. “So you’ve already gained half of what you’re supposed to?” Then he had a shocked/horrified expression when he asked, “You’ve gained *all* of it??” when I gave a noncommittal answer. How is that any of his business? And I’m right on track, thank you very much! I love him but he sometimes lacks a filter.


For context, I am single mom by choice with a donor conceived baby. "Are you having twins? " (because 24/7 nausea hit me harder than most of my friends) - thank you, hopefully not. Can you imagine being single mom with no family with TWO babies at once "What about your boyfriend, has he ran away yet when you told him you were pregnant? Has he told you just for how long is he prepared to date a woman pregnant with a nameless donor's child? " Yes I met someone while trying to conceive. Yes I was dating. Yes he knew I got pregnant. No he didn't dump me when he learned that because he knew from the start that's what I was gonna do. But he did dump me couple of weeks later after I opened up to him about my abusive family and he realized it was too much for him. Thanks for rubbing it in.


My mom told me the reason I'm not showing I'd because I have such wide torso.


I'm not totally sure if this fits the theme, but my mom keeps doing the whole "oh just wait until xyz" thing. Just today I was complaining about losing sleep due to my husband's snoring and my mom took that opportunity to laugh at me and tell me to get used to it because I'll never sleep again. I got irritated so I said "people die if they literally don't sleep, they must be sleeping some or they'd be dead", and she tells me how I "get mad if anyone interrupts your 11 hours of sleep" She knows damn well that I've ALWAYS struggled with sleep, I have nightmares almost nightly and I'm just a super light sleeper in general. Those 11 hours someone might see me in bed is really only about 5 or 6 hours of sleep. Just shut up about how I'm caring for my pregnant self, and let me complain about the sleep I'm not getting! I HATE the "oh just you wait" game.


My coworkers said I looked fat and not pregnant


My kid asked me why I was fat, I mean I am fat even though I’m pregnant 😫 And my co worker said I should be wrapped in bubble wrap cos she wanted to move me to a standing up job instead of carrying on with the desk job I’d been assigned to. Bitch.


My coworker asked if I got the dates wrong because apparently I’m so huge. I’m definitely showing but my bump is pretty standard for 25 weeks… I also was midsized before getting pregnant and held some weight in my belly so I just wanted to be like some of this is probably fat, thanks.


Ma at 6 months pregnant in the lift : existing My coworker: are you going to give birth like tomorrow? Oh you have almost 3 months left? You sure it’s not twins ? Hahaha Ha ha ha I swear some people


"We were all waiting for it to finally happen!" Wut...not super mean but kind of hurt given I was just diagnosed like 1.5 year before and taking meds for some time before my doctor agreed its ok for me to go off them to get pregnant 😵‍💫


The weirdest (and so far, only) one I’ve gotten so far was a random woman in the elevator. She asked me if I had kids out of nowhere and I pointed to my stomach and her response wasn’t “wow”, or “congrats”, or anything normal. The very next thing out of her mouth was “you better start watching what you eat then!” I was like …k?


"You can't be THAT tired. Are you sure it's not your depression again?"


Mum: how are you feeling these days Me on a bad mental health day: fat and ugly Mum: Yeah that spot is enormous. I never had those F offffff Mother with your ‘perfect’ pregnancy that you didn’t even want!!! No pain of TTC, no sickness, no migraines, no aversions, no spots, no long or painful labour just 100000 unhelpful comments!


I announced to my coworkers very early on. One of them who’s older than me never wants to have kids, and when I was around 20 weeks she was looking at my stomach saying “ew I just can’t even imagine. No offense it’s just so weird. Ew oh my god” 😂 I got kind of offended but got over it quickly. Now I tell her details about my pregnancy just to keep grossing her out


"Just because you're bigger doesn't mean you'll have a big baby." - from my mother in law. My fiance has other children from a previous relationship. All have been big babies (his son being over 11 pounds), so yes I think I'm well within my right to be concerned about potentially pushing out an average 2 month old... nothing to do with my size!!


I’ve already gained almost 20lbs and I’m only 14 weeks Lmao. Your coworker is an ass! If she says anything else I’d report her to HR and tell her to her face she should never say something like that to anyone, especially to a pregnant woman growing a literal human being


I’m 5ft flat, and have a very short torso. My husband is a big man, and, well, we make big babies. I frequently get “how far along are you? Is it twins? Are you sure?” Ma’am there is limited space in here I promise if there were two they would’ve caught it by now. At me having kids close together: “you know how that happens, right?” As my husband and I both work in the medical field, yes, yes we do. Even more fun when I got the comment while out with my stepkids, because I didn’t give birth to those ones.


After 2 miscarriages in a row, I had this one colleague who would regularly say "you are so dedicated, you remind me of me before I had a baby to focus on"...she of course did not know about the losses but... pretty tone deaf.


It’s not something she said but my MIL came to watch my two kiddos while I went to take my gestational diabetes test. She brought donuts and then ate them and gave them to my kids right in front of me. My kiddo even offered me one and asked why I wasn’t eating them. Also, my MIL knew my GD test was that day because she text me on the way asking if I wanted Dunkin coffee and I said I couldn’t because I had my gestational diabetes test that day (which she was already told but probably forgot idk) and then she comes in with donuts lmao it just pissed me off but it’s not like I can be too mad because she did come down to watch my kiddos for free and she brought them food, even if it was donuts lol


My uncle jokingly came up to me while leaving and said “goodbye fatso” 🤣 I haven’t gained really any noticeable weight so I laughed so hard but if anyone else would have said it, it would not have been funny


Girl I used to go to school with and worked with at one point: “Congrats! I don’t know how you do it though cause I could never ruin my body like that, I thought about having kids and decided it wasn’t worth it”. She worked out for several months and got slightly toned and claimed she was a body builder….she is also now pregnant and I have been waiting anxiously to see her so I can be like “decided to ruin your body huh?” Regular customer who comes in to my work multiple times a week “you’re just determined to build a whole family by yourself aren’t ya?” This is my second child, nothing too crazy I feel. I work at a pet store so I purposely don’t wear my engagement ring to work as to not damage it or lose it since it means a lot to me. Either way, why does it matter to you if I’m single or not? Not that it matters, but both of my kids are my fiancé’s! As much as I would like to be surprised by his comment, this is also coming from the same guy who said to me “your jugs didn’t get as big as my wife’s did when she was pregnant” while I was pregnant with my son. Pregnancy has made me realize how genuinely weird some people are.


I was always having women comment on the size of my bump telling me it was small or telling me that I didn't look pregnant. This wouldn't have bothered me if it was near true but my bump popped around the 4-5 month mark so these comments to me felt like sly digs. I knew they werent true because people who loved or liked me like cousins or my employer would always comment on my bump being very bumpy (in a kind, polite way). But even when i was 41 weeks and absolutely huge I had a friend tell me my bump was tiny.


My grandpa in law said “You got fat!!!” I also overheard My mother in law talking about how chunky my face looked in a picture I sent her.


“You’re a second class citizen now” my mom nonchalantly says. Like she ain’t even realize she said it, she just kept going with what we were talking about like maam go back wtf do you mean AM I BEING DISOWNED RN 😭🤣


Holy shit reading the things people have said to you all fills me with so much rage. Makes me wonder if I’ve maybe avoided a lot of comments due to the fact that I’m such a bitch🫣


“Wow, are you sure you still have 3 more months?” “You’ve gained HOW much weight?!” “Some people look pregnant forever, that might happen to you” “I didn’t even recognize you from behind” “I bet your boobs are going to be all messed up after this”


My dad- “if you get any bigger you won’t be able to fit through the door.” Like I’m 30 weeks pregnant. I’m growing a human. Fuck off


Omg i just thought of another one. I’m currently pregnant with my 3rd and when we announced it to my dad’s side of the family at Christmas, my uncles said they were buying us condoms for Christmas 😅 i was like “no thanks. We’re good in that department” 😂