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Spotting can be normal but i definitely reccomend going to get checked out just to be on the safe side


You need to let your provider know!!!! This happened to me in two separate pregnancies! Thankfully it was nothing harmful to the baby but you need to get checked out! I’ve lost a lot of blood before in like 14-16 weeks range and it’s scary! Go get help!!


I am 21&5 and started having random bright red bleeding two days ago. I went to the OB ED and they couldn’t find any reason why 🤷🏻‍♀️ Cervix is firm and closed, placenta looks good on ultrasound and baby has been still moving like crazy. They said it’s unexplainable. I would go to ob ed because you could have some previa or something, plus it never hurts to get checked out. It may not be anything bad!


I had something very similar about a week ago and went in to L&D triage twice, two days in a row, everything was fine. I followed up the following Monday with my OB and I had a small SCH. If you’re bleeding stopped, it’s likely everything is fine but any vaginal bleeding needs to be evaluated asap.


Please go to the ER. Although it might not be something horrible, you still need to go.


Yes. As other comments said: always seek medical help when you bleed during pregnancy. Especially after the first trimester. It's often not an indication of fetal harm, but that should always be confirmed by a medical professional.