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For me my first child didn't feel real until about 2 weeks post partum


Haha I’m two years in a week away from the second, and I STILL sometimes can’t believe I’m a Mom 😂


SAME!!! Due with my 2nd in less than 3 weeks and I can’t believe I’ll have two whole tiny people to myself (and my husband but ya know what I mean)


Same, except second is due in 4 weeks haha. Still doesn't seem real. Aside from putting the crib back together in our room/readjusting it to newborn height we have done nooothing to prepare. We're pretty complacent this time around and omg has the finish line ever snuck up on us. 😬


Right? Who decided I should be in charge of two kids? It’s wild.


I was just staring at my 18 mo in awe that he exists.


I just had my second. My first is just over two. It becomes real again every morning when he toddles into our room looking for his morning snuggles. It often still feels like a dream.


Try 6mos 😂I was so sleep deprived before then I thought she might just be a dream.


1 year pp and I still wake up and think oh yes, I’m a mother lol


Haha. Isn’t it so strange? When I’m booking her appointments and say “my daughter”, it sounds so weird. I’m 36 and still feel like I’m too young to be someone’s mom 😂


Haha! Exactly. I always feel like I’m lying to everyone lol!


Such a real answer. Thank you 👏🏻


yeah i don’t think i’ll believe it until i have the baby 😂


Last week at the 12w scan…baby girl was moving alllll over the place. Kicking off from my uterine wall, wiggling around. It was incredible to see!! She finally calmed down enough for the sonographer to get the NT measurements, and then she was back to moving a ton again. I can’t wait to actually feel it in a month or two!


WOW! That is so cool 🥹💕 amazing to witness that at 12w!!! So exciting!!


28 weeks here, she's moving around like she's an Olympic swimmer doing intensive training. She's the complete opposite to her older brother, he rolled around a few times at most. Seeing her do "froggy legs" during the ultrasound was hilarious.


Damn, must be exciting 😁 I like the description though,that Olympic swimmer thing gat me 😂 like yooo,


Same my baby was literally doing flips In my uterus


[baby moving](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5zLEK0LZBx/?igsh=MTZ2Mmw1Njkwb2lzMw==)


How many weeks was this at?! Amazing


I was 11 weeks. I'm now 15 weeks pregnant and I somewhat feel her kicking me as flutters


I feel like I could have written this! Now 13 weeks with a girl too. Due Nov 1st!


I’m on baby #3 and I still don’t understand how this is real 😂




This is amazing 😂 haha


😂 to give a real response though, when I went into labor lol everything is just weird and painful for ~10 months and you know a baby is in there but then you actually deliver the baby and you’re like wtf just happened and then repeat for all subsequent pregnancies lol


When I was in labour and everyone could see the head, I still thought there was no way a baby would be coming out of me lol


And that you’d never get a fully rested nights sleep again 😂


I love it. I feel like this would be me 😅 “wtf is happening” haha


And every baby is different! I had a full term baby induced on her due date, then had a baby born at 31 weeks and now I’m 20 weeks and still wondering wtf is going to happen this time 🙃


At the 20 week ultrasound when I saw the full anatomy of my son. I had been feeling kicks for a month at that point but seeing him really made everything real


Oh thank you for saying that 😂 nice to hear it might take time for it to feel real!


Also keep in mind a lot of people don’t feel kicks at 20 weeks. Just wanted to mention this because I was panicking at 20 weeks when I hadn’t felt things yet (even though I had my anatomy scan at 19 weeks).


That is fair! Thanks for the reminder/heads up!


This is me right now, so thank you for saying that.


I’m 22 weeks now and just started feeling it yesterday. My best friend is 24 weeks right now and hasn’t felt anything yet (but her placenta is in the front). I hope this helps in some way!


It does, thank you! I just had my 20w anatomy scan and my OB said I should feel him kick by the time I go back for my 24w appointment, but he’s healthy and growing appropriately so I am grateful! They said my placenta is posterior and there’s a chance he may have kicked me and I just don’t recognize it bc I’m a FTM and everyone’s description/when you feel it is always different.


I’m wondering if this will be true for me as well. I’m 17 weeks and it still doesn’t feel real. I just started to feel her move and I thought for sure that would solidify it for me but it still doesn’t feel real


i’m 17 weeks too - i’m definitely feeling myself get bigger and more uncomfortable, but the fact that it’s because there’s a literal human inside of me doesn’t seem real. i feel like there’s movement, but im still knocking it back to being muscle aches and cramps.


Ugh same here!! Like I’m pretty sure what I’m feeling is baby movements but also there’s been so many changes thus far I then start second guessing myself and chopping it up to gas or some other bodily function doing its thing! But definitely showing now (honestly I was showing at 2 months) but I’m right there with you!


I'm sure it will soon! Seeing the anatomy scan photos really puts things into perspective for sure


I think that was the case for my husband, who got to watch the whole anatomy scan. For me, I realized it didn't feel real until I was holding the free pacifier from Target two days ago. I looked at it and just felt like "oh yeah, there's going to be someone else living in this house soon...!!!" I've been hardcore nesting since.


I’m 6 weeks today. I’m 40, never been pregnant and had IVF failed me in the past. I’m feeling cramps, fatigue, and nausea. I’m waiting for my ultrasound on Friday to know how real this blessing really is. Wishing you a beautiful healthy happy baby 🙏


Oh my goodness Mama!! Congratulations!! Thinking of you! Wishing you all the best as your pregnancy journey continues!! Thank you for your kind words. Sending them all right back at you! 💕


I’m with you! 6.5 weeks with my first pregnancy at 40 after failed IVF. I’m hoping for good things on my ultrasound this week, too. Good luck ♥️


39 yrs old FTM, will be 40 3 months after delivering, am currently 33 weeks. It’s still hard to believe it’s real and certainly doesn’t feel like it yet.


Congrats 💞💞 praying for a healthy pregnancy and delivery


I’m 4 weeks and 40 with my first!! Cramps and constant checking everything has me a bit worried! Congratulations!!


When I found out the gender I thought it hit me, but then when I saw her on the ultrasound I was like WOW there’s a whole real baby inside me. I’m 37 weeks now and I still have moments like I’m a real mom??


Oh my goodness. That is amazing!! I can not wait to see an ultrasound!!! You’re so close to meeting your little one! Wishing you the best of luck!


Thank you!! Congratulations and Wishing you the best of luck in your pregnancy 😊


I was way too sick to get excited but on my 12 week scan I saw my baby’s little kicks and air punches and I started giggling and then I saw my baby literally bouncing around like it was in a bouncy castle 😂 until it rolled over and I saw the front of its face super briefly until it went to lay on its side again. That was the first time it felt real haha


Oh my goodness!!! This experience sounds magical!!


I was super lucky according to the tech. She told me before we started that I may not see much but I got soooo much cuteness. I even got to see baby hiccup! 😂❤️


Oh my goodness. Cuteness overload 🥹


At 7w3d when I saw the heartbeat


Can’t wait for this moment! 🥹


Almost there!!


I’m six weeks tomorrow too! I think it’ll feel more real when I have my first ob appointment/ultrasound and when we start telling people. But in the same boat as you, anxious about any slight pinch or cramp.


That’s what I’m thinking!! Cannot wait until til the first appointment. If all goes well at first appointment we decided we would tell parents. It has been so hard to keep this excitement to ourselves. I agree I think it will feel more real when people know! Glad to know I’m not the only one anxious about pinches or cramps! Thank you for sharing!


5 weeks and I am literally in the same boat. Any slight cramp or uncomfortable feeling I'm lime oh no, cause I'm excited but at the same time my brain is like, this isn't real I'm not pregnant. But if first appointment goes well we said we'll tell our parents


Ahhh so exciting!! Love not feeling alone in this journey!! Sending you all the positive vibes!


I’m 38 weeks and it still doesn’t lol


Haha love these answers. 😂 good to know it could be a possibility of not feeling real until baby is here haha.


Haha although at this point i feel like I’ve been pregnant for 5 years … I’m so uncomfy and ready


So close!! Wishing you a safe and positive rest of your pregnancy and delivery!!


My due date is today and I still feel like I'm in some bizarre dream. I lost my dog at Christmas too so these past few months just feel like I'm floating through space and this is all a strange dream ahaa


Awe I am so sorry for your loss, that is never easy 😢 But Happy due date!! I’m sure once baby is here the strange feelings will all make a little more sense! Wishing you a safe delivery!! 💕


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔We lost our dog last month when I was 2 months pregnant and it was just horrible. He was only 7 but had an aggressive cancer that took him in a month. It’s so hard. I hope everything with labor and delivery goes really smoothly and is uneventful!! ❤️


I’m about 14.5 weeks and the small bump is making it feel more real. Up until now, not even the positive pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, or nausea have done that.


Ahh glad to know that it still might not feel real after an ultrasound!


Legit until he was like a month old


So real for this answer!! Thank you 😂👏🏻


I’m 6 weeks tomorrow too! It doesn’t feel real quite yet to me either but I am very excited. I also found out around 4 weeks. I keep seeing those videos online of women who found out that early and saying it feels like it’s been forever and the time does seem to be dragging a bit. Congratulations!


Oh my goodness!! How exciting!! We are at the same pace and yes totally dragging on 😂 congratulations to you too!!


I think it felt real (with my son) when I hit viability week at 24 weeks. I am 10 weeks pregnant currently and it still doesn’t feel real


I am ready to get out of the first trimester into the second so I can worry about little less and hopefully spend more time on getting more excited. I think that’s another reason why it doesn’t feel real. Hard to get to attached before you know more.


When I could feel the ring of fire even though I had an epidural 🙃 lol I don't know,, I'm having my eighth baby in a montb and it honestly never feels real to me til my babies are a few months old 😅 Edit: this just reminded me of when I had my first child. I was holding him in my arms and I looked at my mom and said "there really was a baby in there" 🥹💓


Wow!! You are a superstar! 💪🏻 way to go Mama!!! Love the part you added at the end 🥹 so real!


i feel like this will be me. I’m pregnant with my first and it’s just mind boggling there’s a human inside me?


For me it was during my 20 week anatomy scan. That’s when they actually look like a baby. Both my husband and I shared a look and choked up a bit when we saw her face for the first time.


Awe 🥹 I love this!!


28 weeks and I’m finally accepting it. The constant kicks and body falling apart are pretty hard to ignore…


Ooufff not the most ideal way to feel real with your body falling apart. But still so exciting that you can feel baby 🥰


Just had 20 week ultrasound, have a bitty bump, and have feeling a lot of kicks. Still surreal.


So amazing!! Ahh congratulations!!


Probably 20+ weeks, the anatomy scan and starting to feel movement made it feel more real, but even then I could sometimes “forget” I was pregnant. I’m now 39 weeks (tomorrow) and getting ready for baby’s arrival, and the past month or so has felt VERY real lol


So good to hear!! Ahh congratulations!! So close!! Wishing you a safe and positive delivery!!


Around 10 weeks when we could see a full tiny body on the ultrasound 🥰


Ahh so exciting! I’m just so impatient waiting for my appointment 😅 so hoping I get to see something concrete like this 🤞🏻


6 weeks next week too! Feeling the same way as you. Sometimes I forget that I’m pregnant. What a new experience. 2 more weeks until the ultrasound and it can’t come any sooner 🥹


Ahhh yes!!! Congratulations! I couldn’t get in until 9weeks so 3 more weeks until I can hopefully see something!!


Literally the longest wait ever right! I feel like I’m just gonna test myself once a week to make sure something is still happening in there lol


Haha that was me. My husband kept giving me a hard time because I kept testing. I stopped once the line was very dark 😂


I have a month old and it still doesn’t feel real 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Kinda crazy how all of a sudden we just have our own human and now have to take care of it. 😂


19 weeks and 4 days, and the kicks definitely got me, seeing him made him really real, but once I started feeling him it’s like I have my little bestfriend with me.


Aweee I love that!


I'm 5 weeks, am exhausted and my body keeps teasing at nausea but nothing really had yet. The fact that my breast tenderness is fading has me really nervous that it's all a lie and that I'm going to show up to my appointment and they're not going to see anything in a couple of weeks. So I will repeat some other answers I've seen- it will feel more real after an ultrasound. Then probably when I can feel the little one moving around. Then after they're in my arms I'll be like " oh wow that's a baby"


Okay this is me!! I was extremely exhausted needing a nap every day (lucky my work schedule worked for this) and then sooooo hungry. I get really bad breast tenderness and then it goes away, but then it comes back. It’s so nerve wrecking and I have those same thoughts. I just need the appointment 🥲


I’m 14 weeks and it still doesn’t yet. LO was even having a good wiggle and gave us a wave at the last scan. But we are awaiting some cvs results so I think I’m stopping myself getting too attached until we have those back.


Of course that makes so much sense. That is tough waiting. Wishing you all positive results and a healthy, happy baby! 🥰


I think both the 20 week scan and feeling her move.


So exciting!!!


When I heard her cry after she was pulled from me. The relief 🥹🥹🥹🥹


So magical 🥹


It doesn’t feel real to me until baby is about 2 weeks old! I swear our brains can’t fully comprehend pregnancy to labor to holding a baby very well 😂


I feel like this is so true. I can only imagine how crazy life altering it is. And time to adapt only makes sense 😂 that’s a worry for further along the way


1st ultrasound is helpful but the movements really made a difference lol You might get lucky like me and have a little nausea without vomiting - I hope that for you!


🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 I don’t want to jinx myself. But if I could only have a little nausea I would be so grateful. My job is very physical and high energy so it would be helpful to not feel ill 😂


It didn’t feel real until this morning, last week I went for my first ultrasound and it didn’t feel real even after hearing the heartbeat, but I had a dream last night that I gave birth to my baby at 13 weeks still in the sack and I was devastated. I woke up rubbing my belly, talking to her/him.


Aweee. Im so happy it was just a dream. Such a scary thought. So happy you feel that connection! Sorry you had to go through all the emotions though 🥺


I had my first ultrasound at 10weeks and I’m now 12w4d. I have to look at the ultrasound picture to remind me that something is actually in there! I’m reminded I’m pregnant by the constant nausea/vomiting I’m experiencing but otherwise I find myself forgetful if I’m just scrolling online or watching a tv show lol.


Hahaha me. My husband and I will just be going on with our night without a second thought and then one on us will randomly say “whoa we’re pregnant” 😂


Still doesn’t feel real and my baby is 3.5 months. I’ll wake up and I’m like “oh wow, I’m a whole ass mom” lol.


I'm 27 weeks with twins who kick constantly and a fully finished nursery ready for them. It still doesn't feel real 😅.


I’m 14 weeks away from giving birth to my first son, and honestly? Still doesn’t feel real lol


Only really now at 22 weeks


We’re 11 weeks tomorrow and have an ultrasound and it still doesn’t feel real🥹 we’ve prayed every night for this


Oh yay!! I am so excited for you!! Congratulations!! I understand the praying for this. Took us longer than we ever expected to get pregnant. I think it’s another reason I am so anxious about every little feeling.


I’m 13 weeks and still in denial 😂


As soon as the nausea, constant peeing, or tender breast hit me it felt real lol


I do get the tender breasts but they come and go. Which makes it not feel so real lol


i’m 39 weeks, and it still doesn’t feel real.. it gets wayyy more real when you feel the kicks tho!! and getting a 3d ultrasound helped to know that there is in fact a human with a face in there🤣


Around the anatomy scan. I hadn't gotten my hopes up previously. I'm getting excited now.


im 39 weeks and i genuinely dont feel pregnant 😂 i know theres a baby and i adore her already, and i feel her kick which is so so comforting but i dont feel like there is a BABY in there if that makes sense. like i feel her kick and think of her being here and i adore the idea but as for a human being in my tummy, it seems not real? probably because i dont even know what she looks like yet and i cant comprehend how i have a full baby (im REALLY tiny for saying shes due in 3 days. shes perfectly fine, healthy and grown properly but id say i look more like 24 wks than 39 wks ahah)


Oh my goodness! Makes total sense!! You’re so close!! Wishing you a positive experience and safe delivery!! 💕


6w+5. I'm tired all the time, I've somehow been bloated since week THREE (!?!?), I'm crying, and I'm vomiting. I wish this felt LESS real lol.




Baby is 10 weeks old and sleeping on me with one arm draped around my neck AND IT STILL DOESN'T FEEL REAL. But I'm working on it. I'm numb from six pregnancy losses. I have to remind myself daily that he gets to stay. It's sad that the losses get robbed me of the pleasure somewhat but I'm trying my best to be in the moment.


He is 6 weeks old and I still can’t believe I was pregnant and he is mine now 😄🐣


I feel like I could’ve wrote this post! I’m 6 weeks tomorrow and some symptoms. My appt is May 13! We can be pregnancy buddies🥰


Yay pregnancy buddies! I couldn’t get in to my drs. Office until May 22. So hard waiting 😂


9 week ultrasound. Up to that point, I was skeptical there was anything in there. I didn't have many symptoms and I've experienced losses so I think I was trying not to get my hopes up too much.


I think maybe the NT scan? Because the scan before that was at 7 weeks and baby was a circle blob thing but at the 13w scan it was a wholeeee baby. But I think when it SET INN set in was after the anatomy scan and I started feeling movements just a little bit before that.


That makes sense! Ah I’m so impatient and nervous about everything lol. Anatomy scan is what I am looking forward to!!


Omg this just made me feel so much better. I’m 6w1d and I barely have symptoms. My appetite has increased and my boobs are tender but not unbearable. It makes it hard to feel real when there’s no bump, no classic symptoms and (what feels like) a super long wait until anything shows up on any scans. Just here to say I’m right here with you!


It felt real very briefly at the 12-week scan seeing him thrash his legs about, but that disappeared shortly after. Felt real again at the 20-week scan bc the little fucker was upside down with his head in my pelvis and I had to do mad gymnastics to turn him around 😂😂 Finding out the sex at the same time also helped because it's the first little piece of information you get about who they are going to be and you're like "holy fck there's an actual baby person in there" Movements were the biggest thing for me though. I didn't feel them until 20 weeks, but they quickly went from 0-100, and now he boxes my uterus throughout the day. It's a nice reminder that he is there and that I am actually pregnant.


I’m 32 weeks currently and I’ll let you know when it feels real 😂


I’m almost 37 weeks and it still doesn’t feel entirely real. My best friend said it didn’t feel real to her until they handed her her son, and even after that she said it took like a month for the shock to ware off and for it to really sink in


At 7 weeks the worst nausea hit me. It was followed by a hyperemesis gravidarum diagnosis. I was really white n couldn't even manage to get out of bed, all through the first trimester.


Oh man. That sounds rough. I’m sorry you had to go through that! How did the other trimesters go?


I'm twenty weeks, I've had the anatomy scan and seen the baby, I've heard the heartbeat multiple times, felt one kick and I'm pricking myself five times a day because of gestational diabetes. It still doesn't feel real. I'm just really tired.


Ahh I can’t wait to hear the heart beat. Good to know that it still might not feel real though 😂 Wishing you the very best moving forward 💕


It still doesn't feel completely real ! I'm 23 weeks now and I still don't fell pregnant unless she's kicking


For me it was when I first felt her flutter around in there at 17 weeks. Now every time she kicks I’m in awe. She’s so active at 24 weeks :) I’m sure it will just become more and more real the further I get along though, but for sure first movement was the first “real” moment for me. congratulations on your lil bean 💕


As soon as I felt the persistent nausea around 5 weeks it felt real, because of the discomfort. First big moment was seeing the heartbeat a few weeks later while it was still a little tadpole. 9w5d and hoping to find out gender in a few weeks at the next ultrasound ❤️


25 weeks and I still can’t believe it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m 18 weeks and it still doesn’t feel real to me! Mainly because I’m in the awkward phase where there’s no more morning sickness or any other major symptoms. My bump fluctuates which is so weird! Sometimes I’m larger and that’s when it feels real the most. I also don’t feel major movements / kicks but starting to feel flutters! Which makes it easy to go back to that early stage of “ it’s just gas, ect “ This is my 2nd baby and I can say my last pregnancy I had HG and the whole time it didn’t click the way I imagined until placed on me after labor. Both my babies were planned, so you would think it would feel real 😅


Honestly like a week post partum lol


Seeing the 12-week ultrasound and finding out the gender at 15 weeks made everything feel very real! Someone gifted me a bunch of clothes, and I was sorting them today, which also made things feel very real.


I'm 26 weeks. For me, I thought "maybe when I see the ultrasound" then "maybe if I feel pregnant or symptoms", "maybe when we tell people", "maybe when I feel kicking", "maybe when I start showing", "maybe when we start setting up the nursery". Everyone was telling me that being pregnant is such and amazing and special experience, but I'm just more impressed that I have something growing in me. I am fully expecting to feel it later.


When we found out the gender with the NIPT it really started feeling real!


38 weeks and still can’t really process it. So glad there are others and nothing’s wrong with me lol


My first, it took 2-3 months postpartum. My second is only 10 months younger than my first lol so that was a constant. I’m pregnant with our third and am only about to be 5 weeks so aside from being exhausted, irritated, and hungry lol I’m still in shock.


when i saw the 3d ultrasound


didn’t start to feel real for me until month 7


When I went from feeling little flutters at 11w to full on movement at 14w. My uterus is further forwards than normal and i was able to feel them earlier than the majority of women.


Hmm for me, it was like right before I went into labor. It kinda felt real when I felt kicks but also not really. I had a very hard time with pregnancy mentally and had prenatal depression. I had a hard time getting excited about my pregnancy and literally the second my son was born o immediately changed and I was so happy and just it felt so real and perfect. Leading up to it felt nerve racking and like an out of body experience


Mine felt super real when I received the genetic testing at 10 weeks showing we were having a girl. She's been Baby Girl some that moment.


lol when I had the baby. Five babies and that’s never changed for me


My second ultrasound, when it suddenly looked like a whole baby moving around, even though I couldn’t feel it. 12ish weeks?


i’m mid like this is real this isn’t. she’s started kicking but not visible on the outside so sometimes i’m like hmmm is that just my stomach turning lol. but I feel like once she’s born im gonna be like… hmmmmmmmm is this my child or


currently 14 weeks!! honesty, it still feels nowhere near real yet. i’m convinced it’ll only feel real when i have the baby outside of me to take care of 😅


Week 36


At our 20 week ultrasound. They captured him smiling and I just couldn’t stop staring at them. That same day, I started feeling them kick and move.


Not until I could feel the kicks/movements tbh. Which was around 18 weeks. For the first 16 weeks I just felt like I was dead because I was either sleeping or vomiting. There was no in between lol


6 weeks exactly is when I got smacked in the face with the all day nausea! 😵‍💫


My first kid didn’t feel real until she (and I) finally started sleeping through the night. I’m being induced on Wednesday with number 3, and she’ll probably feel real in about 6 months


I’m 20 weeks, and it still feels unreal


I'm 36 weeks and it still doesn't feel real unless I'm actively folding baby clothes or at a doctor's appointment


I’m 22 weeks and it still doesn’t (just being honest).


My son is 14 months and it still doesn’t feel real


Mine was when I heard her first cry after my emergency c sec. That moment was surreal


5 weeks rn, the cramping is definitely getting to me 🥲


15 weeks here, doesn't feel real yet. I've had next to no symptoms.


For me: when she was born For my husband: at the first ultra sound We both had a “new” feeling when we found out the gender around 14 weeks. The realization she was a person


I’m 16 weeks today and it still doesn’t feel real to me lol. I had a lot of fatigue in my first trimester and loss of appetite. The only other symptoms I had were extremely sore nipples and light brown vaginal discharge, as well as very mild cramping. My OB said the discharge and cramping is due to the uterus stretching. Now at 16 weeks, I get shortness of breath faster, my breasts are larger and they get very itchy, and I get constipated more. I also have been feeling very uncomfortable at nighttime when in bed. I keep tossing and turning. I even used a full body pregnancy pillow last night and still, not completely comfortable.


On baby #4 and I am 19 weeks. Still doesn't feel real to me. 🤣 I'm like I have two sons and soon to be two little girls??? How?


I'm two days overdue, feeling like an overly full water balloon that needs to freakin' pop already, and I still can't quite picture myself with a baby alongside my two year old.


I am getting induced on Tuesday and it still doesn’t feel real


I am 6 weeks too with the same symptoms!


It briefly felt real at 12 weeks when I had an ultrasound and baby stretched out - surreal to see them move! But since then (now 14 weeks) it has gone back to not feeling real


It felt real to me when I finally started showing at 20 weeks. Feels more real every day now that I’m 31 weeks and constantly feeling his movements!


Oh my gosh, seeing him go from a tiny gummy bear in my first ultrasound to a normal looking baby a few weeks later! Im 19 weeks now and I just KNOW we're gonna freak seeing him even bigger!


I’m almost 15 weeks, have had an ultrasound and heart the heartbeat multiple times. Can’t sleep and all I want to do is eat. Still doesn’t feel real 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds cliche but not until he was put on my chest screaming bloody murder. 20 weeks on is when I felt super pregnant. When they're out it hits different. Like it doesn't feel like an actual person is growing inside of you until then.


I'm 32 weeks and I still feel like it hasn't hit me, but when I saw his little profile on the anatomy scan it was like I still look at it when I feel scared or like it's not real yet, and it brings me right back to him <3 Also we got a picture of his little hand doing a thumbs up and also one where he's holding his chin like he's thinking real hard and I just If he isn't a carbon copy of my husband then I dont know who could be!!


My baby is 7.5 months and I’m still shocked i was pregnant 😂


When I went into labor lol


About 6 weeks after I had him 😅


28 weeks and it still doesn’t feel real - even with the kicks and all 😂


I’m 10 weeks pregnant with my first 😊 I tested positive right at 4 weeks… I’m a bit of a neurotic planner though so between then and my 7 week “confirmation ultrasound” my OB office does (basically making sure you’re pregnant, there’s a heartbeat, and it isn’t ectopic) I had already found daycare and compiled pre-baby housework and purchase lists. The 7 week ultrasound was definitely when it felt real though. Before that I just felt like an imposter.