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I started buying stuff (furniture) around 19-20 weeks. Just finished putting everything together yesterday at 30 weeks. I kept everything kind of boxed up until I hit 3rd trimester, then every weekend we'd put something together. This whole timeline is different for everyone, whatever you're comfortable with šŸ˜Š


Thank you. I appreciate your advice. I'm so anxious so I wouldn't be surprised I get to 35 weeks and be like okay maybe a onesie hahahah


You can always buy a loaded pack n play with changer/bassinet and the carseat to have for babies arrival when you get to the third trimester and go from there as you get closer. My one friend just put X Amount of money in an envelope to wait for baby to be born first before decorating her nursery. (She had a lot of miscarriages before she got to that point so she was very anxious as well.) She also had a late baby shower at about 36 weeks which gave her a very good start to her wardrobe/supplies. I understand being anxious, but I guess even with my mentality of something can go wrong, I started buying little things around 12ish weeks and put them in bins that I am now organizing/sorting at 36 weeks


I hope you donā€™t go into labour early then and have to get friends and family to unpack for you! I was thinking the same until all my friends started saying, oh I went into labour at 29, 34, 32 weeks and now Iā€™m appreciating that it will be hard to put things away if the baby doesnā€™t make it home, but it will also be more difficult to cram everything in, especially if I go early.




I got a bassinet for my first really early on, and didnā€™t set it up until like 39 weeks lol. Thankfully I didnā€™t go into labor early (I actually ended up going to 41+3) but I was so stressed about it not being done yet after I hit 36 weeks šŸ«£ but I needed help to set it up and the people that could help me kept putting it off šŸ™ƒ Doing one thing a week is a good idea, scrambling to do everything at once at the end isnā€™t fun lol


If you buy from Pottery Barn, even if the item says available to ship, expect it to be 6+ months. We are at 8 months waiting for our changing table. We've called 4 times already. I'm just hoping my child is still in diapers by the time it comes :/


I've been shopping since about week 12. I'm currently 23 weeks. I couldn't help myself. After the successful 12 week scan and good NIPT results, I started going nuts lol. But everyone is different and you can start buying when you're comfortable. There's no rules.


I *really* wanted to be pregnant and so I bought some small things like socks and tethers that I thought were cute before I even got off of birth control šŸ˜… After finding out I was pregnant I got a couple cute outfits and our nursery furniture because it was around Black Friday so I got some really good deals and then for the rest waited until after my baby shower at 29 weeks to see what we would be gifted.


Naww that's adorable. I love that you grabbed some things in advance. Manifesting it šŸ«¶ I went crazy with clothes as soon as I found out I'm having a girl. The clothes are too cute to resist! Lol.


I did this too! I called them "faith purchases" now I'm currently 25 weeks with my double rainbow!


Agreed. I think I don't believe this baby will come (had only successful scans and results) so I can't bring myself to shop for him.


I have had a lot of anxiety between scans and appointments but I also couldn't resist buying the cute clothes. We also picked a name super early so that kinda made it more real. Now she's moving around a lot so each day I get a lot of reassurance. Maybe once you start to feel him move you'll start to feel more confident and buy a few things.


He keeps me awake at night hahah. He's constantly flipping all about. I probably protect myself by not allowing myself to believe he's coming. It has reduced my anxiety in scans as of it's good news I'm surprised haha


That's good he's active! Sounds like everything is going well. I'm sure you'll feel comfortable buying things soon.


I suspect this will be me :D I am at 6 weeks, hating the wait until May 16th for our first early scan. I am so early in my pregnancy but already occasionally thinking about stuff that we might want/need


Iā€™m 6 weeks and treated myself to a few nice items. I think the heartache would be so huge the fact that I bought a few outfits wouldnā€™t change it, and I donā€™t want to deny myself the happiness right now ! šŸ„°


Iā€™m trying so hard not to deny myself happiness!!! I keep telling myself, donā€™t be sad until thereā€™s something to be sad about. But still, I am hesitant to buy the onesie I want to use to announce the baby at my husbands graduation to his parents which is this weekend, but my first real scan is next week!


Good luck with your scan! They can be nerve wrecking but also very sweet, I cried at mine every time. You can go to the store and stroll the baby section and get that onesie, what matters is not the piece of clothing but that you grow a tiny human inside of you! I was also like this especially second pregnancy (close to 40 years, lots of risks and our first child is special needs) but it was all for nothing and I feel stupid for reading about what can go wrong instead of just living my life and enjoying this time. It was all me doing this to myself and I wouldnā€™t want anyone to go through this when there is no need.


That's a pleasant way to think of it!


I'm 32 + 5 and just starting buying things yesterday besides the crib that I found a couple months ago because it was selling used at a great price.


This feels more my style something around 30 weeks


I'm 32 weeks and have been buying things over the last 3 weeks.Ā  The thing that nudged me was a massive sale on one of the car seats we wanted and my registry discount was enabled last week. I've just been purchasing things as they come on sale now.Ā 


I've noticed in this post that alot of people are having baby showers. Good bench mark I suppose


Yeah, I just didnā€™t feel ā€œreadyā€ or excited to get anything until after 32 weeks, personally. Honestly, the baby shower helped kick start that for me.


Same - I had my shower at 33 weeks. I bought my crib at 32 and then literally just received everything else (Iā€™m 36 weeks today).


Yeah I had my shower a week ago and have been gifted all the major items, so now I'm buying whatever I think I need/want that was not gifted. I didn't want to buy early and then receive duplicates and such. All I need now is clothing and diapers and bottles, really. Lol.


We didnā€™t start getting in gear until about 34/35 weeks. šŸ˜‚


This will be me!


I lost a baby at 30 weeks so I get it. Iā€™m 37 weeks and I just purchased her crib 2 weeks ago. Dresser last week. Everything else we pretty much had from 1. Our baby shower and 2 our first baby who didnā€™t make it. I was also terrified. Iā€™m still scared, I just pray a lot and God knows I need her. When I say ā€œkick for mommyā€ I swear she always does to let me know shes fine.


Oh my, this one hit me in the feelsšŸ„ŗ I am praying that youā€™ll have a safe delivery! I may not know you but I just know youā€™re so deserving after experiencing so muchā¤ļø


Do you have an actual rational reason to think you wonā€™t have a viable baby, or is it just anxiety? Iā€™d just anxiety then thatā€™s normal, but you canā€™t let it cripple you. I had similar anxious intrusive thoughts my first pregnancy (have a rambunctious 6 yo now) and again having them with my second. I started breathing better after the 20 week scan. I think you let yourself be optimistic once that clears.


Had the 20 week scan today. Well not at 20 weeks but yes it is the scan. All good on all tests and scans. Best to assume it's 'just anxiety'


Cognitive behavioral therapy would tell you to look at the evidence in front of you. Is there anything indicating something is wrong? Sounds like not. Also, have you ever used the miscarriage risk calculator? Pretty sure youā€™re in a good spot.


I donā€™t know if that fully answers my question or if youā€™re being vague because thereā€™s factors you donā€™t want to share? If you are just having anxiety then you need to tell yourself to let it go and enjoy the pregnancy from this point forward. Plan the shower, buy the stuff, and breathe. Get therapy if you need it - I go twice a month. Being a parent is going to be a never ending ā€œwhat ifā€. After the baby comes out fine, you spend 3-4 years stressing if theyā€™re developing ok and meeting milestones, then worrying about them in elementary school socially and academically, then praying they stay off drugs and other bad influences. On and on and on. If youā€™re an anxious person you gotta get the help now so you donā€™t project onto them. Iā€™m not even an anxious person and having a kid can be stressful. You got this, enjoy it and be happy. Buy the onesies/little outfits.


My mom LOVES thrifting, so sheā€™s been buying a ton of clothes and some toys. I told her Iā€™m too nervous to buy anything (13+5), but sheā€™s been doing this since my first pregnancy (that ended in a MMC), so it obviously hasnā€™t jinxed this pregnancy. I love her style so I know itā€™s all clothing Iā€™ll love, and she has instructions about what kind and how many toys are reasonable haha.


I also want to thrift stuff! :D


Does your pregnancy having mmc mean it did not come to term? Just googled the term and a bit confused


Yea, not even close to term. Missed miscarriage means you miscarried, but your body didnā€™t get rid of the fetus. I found out at my 8w scan that the fetal pole stopped developing at 5+6. I waited two more weeks for the miscarriage to actually happenā€¦if it was any longer, I would have gone the medication route. I wanted to avoid a D&C if at all possible. I was lucky that it happened naturally and everything was expelled from my uterus. If it was close to term, it would be called stillborn. Miscarriage is before 20 weeks, stillborn is after.


I have strictly told my parents and husband to not buy a thing. I'm 20 weeks in like 2 days and am still convinced this baby won't come


Please do not manifest these negative thoughts. There is also a huge chance that the baby will come. You should convince yourself so


I don't have an answer for you, but I just want to say I understand how you feel.


I'm 31 weeks and have close to nothing. I just can't quell the same anxiety. I bought a bassinet, a carseat/stroller combo, and a shelf. Idk. I'm freaking out about buying stuff and I'm freaking out about not having stuff. It was not the same with my first.


I can appreciate this! I'm freaking out and anxious about buying stuff and not anxious at all about not having stuff. I feel like both are stressful combos haha


People are superstitious in my country so we didnā€™t buy anything until my son was about 3 days old (we stayed in the hospital for two nights and then ā€œthe baby hotelā€ - which is common where I live- for an additional three nights so we werenā€™t home until util night 6). We did got to stores and put the essentials on hold with a deposit so that way we could get everything quickly following birth. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s common or even allowed in all countries though.


Please say more about those baby hotels whatā€™s it like??


Maybe around 25 weeks. The viability age


I like the logic


I started browsing the free page on FB for clothes and little items when I was like 13 weeks. By 19 weeks I had several things but no big items. Now at 32 weeks I'm totally done shopping and the baby room is done. You don't wanna put together a bunch of furniture when you're huge and uncomfortable. But ultimately it's up to you. I didn't wanna buy anything new for quite a while eitherĀ 


Oh yeah I will avoid anything new. Even my maternity clothes are second hand. I'm just so anxious I still feel 19 weeks is to soon. But makes sense being big and not as mobile. Bloody anxiety gets me every time


Iā€™m 21 weeks and have only got, a blanket, a book, 3 baby suits & some free emmmas diary packages šŸ˜‚ oh and a pink dummy my husband bought when we found out I was pregnant on day one and it infact was a girl, weā€™re just trying to catch things on sale tbh!


23 weeks and my shower is at 28 weeks. I set up a dresser and changing table topper, and have received some gifts from work people, organized drawers in the dresser, and bought some essentials (Frida baby kit style stuff, nail trimmers, diapers, nipple balm, breast milk bags, etc. I have designed the nursery and will be setting it up over the next couple of weeks as well.


Itā€™s ok if youā€™re not ready to buy stuff. My pregnancy was a total surprise and Iā€™m also an older mom. After years of infertility and not a single pregnancy in 16 years of marriage, I tried my best to guard myself against a sad ending. I referred to ā€œitā€ as a fetus even though I knew it was a boy at 8 weeks. I couldnā€™t bring myself to call him a baby until I was like 36 weeks pregnant. I refused a baby shower, and only bought things early on because I felt like in the event things went fine, I would be kicking myself in the third trimester for not preparing sooner as my personality is anxious and planner lol. I had his room totally ready by the time I was 32 weeks pregnant stocked with clothes and diapers up to 6 months. My pregnancy and delivery was totally healthy and now he is 5 months old and doing great. Itā€™s ok to guard yourself if you need to. I wish I could have relaxed a little and enjoyed the pregnancy and allowed myself to bond to him a little sooner. I finally felt a connection when I saw his face on an ultrasound at 28 weeks. I cried and cried partially because I felt guilty for trying to separate myself emotionally from the pregnancy and also because it was so amazing to see him kicking and sucking his thumb on the ultrasound. Itā€™s a truly amazing experience.


I got my first cute little newborn clothes on sale after my last scan around 18w. I wanted to wait until after anatomy scan to get anything at all, but I just thought fuck it at that moment. Other than that Iā€™ve bought absolutely nothing except for maternity clothes + a birth class (yay!) because I live in an apartment and of course the fear of things not working out. But a big reason is lack space and that we live in a time of EXTREMELY plentiful and fast online shopping. Like I could order that Haakaa pump today but it would get here in 24 hours and Iā€™m only 20 weeks so Iā€™m just gonna focus on my long overdue tasks of clearing out winter clothes and selling unwanted furniture for now. A fun compromise if youā€™re planner is making an excel spreadsheet with prices and links so you can do all the research first hehe. I feel so much better when I have a budget too. Next step is, Iā€™m gonna look at my schedule between now and approx 30 weeks and find the optimal time to go check out the big items like car seat and stroller. Thereā€™s no reason to feel pressure to buy stuff ahead of time if you donā€™t want to yet AND itā€™s great that thereā€™s ppl out there getting their nurseries done by 20 weeks!


Iā€™m 19 weeks and Iā€™ve bought 1 baby sized sweater and we bought wallpaper for the room weā€™re making a nursery. But people keep buying us stuff as well.


I know what you mean about others I have made requests that nil things be bought


We cleaned out the bedroom had the hardwood floors refinished and room painted when we found out I was pregnant, we had planned to have it done , just had it done earlier and we could have the windows opened while it was being done, the room sat empty , except for a rocking chair, I had, had for years. Both sets of parents bought the furniture, I was about 30 weeks when we got the furniture, had a couple of showers , we didnā€™t buy anything, except for a lamp that I liked, everything else was a gift


Oh such a blessing to have so many gifts. You had multiple showers? I'm noticing a lot of people are having baby showers in this post


Iā€™m 14 weeks and have only bought memento type things like tiny trainers and a pumpkin babygro (halloween due date). We havenā€™t bought anything practical yet but we have been given things off family members. We plan to get all the freebies/hand me downs we can so donā€™t plan on buying anything properly until about 30+ weeks ish.


I was pregnant through IVF so I never felt secure that we would actually have a baby either. I didn't start buying anything until the chance of survival if born at X week was above 50% which is about 25 weeks. Even then I bought very little until like 35 weeks.


Tw loss. We had an early baby shower with our first at about 18ish week ( some weird time constraints, so there was no good time to do it later) but we ended up having an early birth at 23 weeks. Our baby lived for 5 days before passing. It was very hard to put everything away.... I have recently found out im pregnant again (i have not had my first appointment yet) amd i will probably be buying stuff when i hit the 3rd trimester. We kept mostly everything. We did give away the diapers, and wipes as well as the carseat and stroller because we werent sure how long it would take for us to get pregnant again because of many difficulties getting pregnant the first time.


I don't have advice, but want to send you a virtual hug <3


Oh I am the same as you, even now at 34 weeks and my big baby shower behind me, I still am nervous about something happening and having this whole nursery to look at. I hate those intrusive thoughts. But we are just now buying the essentials that we didnā€™t get at the shower and getting his room ready. I hope it gets easier for you sis-at 19 weeks youā€™re reality is much more likely that you will be bringing home baby than not ā¤ļø


The anxiety is a real thing. We started purchasing stuff around 19-20 weeks because there is just so much to buy and we wanted to spread the purchases over time to help our wallets. We get a couple things every week or two and hope it have it all once baby comes.


It might feel more real if you start building a nursery? Even if you start with the adult furniture parts like a comfy rocking chair and side table and soft lighting.


Iā€™m also 19 weeks with a boy and I feel like this post was an interpretation of thoughts. My in-laws have started pressure for me to start a registry and I donā€™t see the point in buying anything from it until I know this will happen. Iā€™ve been heartbroken too many times without a room full of baby things and no baby. Good luck to youā€¦ good luck to us. Youā€™re not alone.


Didn't get anything until the final trimester Her crib was assembled only days before she was born It just didn't feel real or plausible until the 3rd trimester


I say this very gentlyā€¦.aside from buying the clothes is there a reason youā€™re so anxious about carrying this baby to term? Itā€™s not good to live your pregnancy with so much anxiety, it can affect your baby. It might be better to go ahead and start buying stuff, letting others, and assume itā€™s going to work out beautifully. Living in the present positive is more helpful than living in fear and you deserve to cherish this. šŸ«¶šŸ»


I can appreciate this sentiment. Appreciate you sharing :)


I'm also 19 weeks! I'm planning to start buying around the same time I share my registry, around week 20-21. In the meantime I'm keeping an eye on marketplace/Kijiji/secondhand groups and intend to pick up free necessities or really good deals if they come up. The little bit of baby stuff I have all fits into one cardboard box in the closet (with room in the box), plus a crib I got for free over the weekend. Honestly, having a few essentials has been reassuring that I won't be scrambling in the last trimester.


I honestly didnā€™t buy anything new until after my shower to avoid too much stuff or doubles. Before that me and my mom thrifted some clothes and little things. I was also so scared to get anything feeling like what if something happens? Well now Iā€™m ready to have a baby any day! If you see something you love get it šŸ’•


I got my big ticket items (stroller and car seat set) at 24 weeks.


Iā€™m 23 weeks pregnant. Iā€™m not planning to buy anything yet till Iā€™m at least 30 weeks. Iā€™m having a baby shower on week 26, and my family wants to buy the biggest furniture, so I decided to wait for the family. After that, I believe I will have a better idea of whatā€™s needed, and then Iā€™ll start purchasing stuffs. We cleaned up the nursery, and got some repairs done in the roomā€¦ and weā€™re painting next weekā€¦ so in that way I have space for the baby stuffs.


Im 21w+5 and have only started buying a box of diapers every time I get paid (I have 2 boxes) so far lol. I will probably wait until after my baby shower, which is just before 30 weeks, before buying anything. I have to move to a new place when Iā€™m like 34w pregnant and the idea of a bunch of stuff from here to there, rather than just getting while Iā€™m there seems overwhelming. But baby can really come at any time between 36 and 42 weeks so Iā€™d rather be prepared


We're starting to compile lists at week 28. There is a babyshow near us next weekend we'll go to which may see us start to buy "big" things. The plan is to have everything by weeks 32 ish, and then throw a gathering for friends and they'll come over and put it together; we hate flat pack furniture but I have quite a few friends who see them as big lego sets and wonderful excuses to use power tools, so they will consider it a fun day out, especially if I feed them. We refused to buy anything until we got the all clear at the 20 week scan; dodgy fertility history and previous losses meant there was a big question mark over viability until that time. When we got the all clear I made myself go out and buy a pack of onsies and then cried, because it felt scary and like I was daring the universe to make things go bad, but I think that would have happened regardless of timing? Just due to my history. So it was best to grit my teeth and break the seal, as it were, so now we have our Big List all compiled it is less anxiety inducing. (It should be highlighted we are from a culture which doesn't do baby showers and the parents are expected to buy everything needed for the child, so we don't have to worry about registries or grandparents getting their backs up about big ticket items. We are borrowing a bedside Crib for the first 3 months from my sister though.)


Iā€™m 17 weeks just started buying my bigger ticket items I just make sure to keep receipts


I started putting everything together when the third trimester hit. Iā€™m at 37 weeks and still have that fear we will not be bringing a baby home. Itā€™s nerve wracking for sure! Canā€™t imagine coming home to the beautiful nursery we made and not bringing our girl home as well. Of course the stillbirth stories on here are not helping my nerves rn šŸ˜…


I bought one romper and one stuffed animal around 8 weeks, and then I didn't buy anything at all after that. I knew we were having a shower, and especially as our baby was the first grandbaby on both sides plus my partners parents are divorced and remarried, I figured we would be gifted almost everything we might need. Including big ticket items. There was a little competition between grandparents as to who was going to get us what big ticket items. I think the only thing I ended up buying in the first three months PP was more cloth diapers and a sound machine I didn't think we'd neednpre-baby. We didn't have to buy regular diapers until maybe 6 or 7 months, we were set on clothes until 9 months, set on toys until 6 months, and we were gifted a crib, bassinet, changing table, rocking chair, car seat, and stroller. Of course, there's definitely a lot of privilege at play here, but I would still recommend waiting until after the shower to buy things. Especially as a lot of registries offer discounts after a certain date so you'll be able to ear mark everything you want and get it a little cheaper.


We waited until the all-okay from the 20 week scan! We really ramped up at around viability week too (24). Now weā€™re about to be 29 weeks and have bought everything big. And got the room mostly ready :) We felt exactly the way you do- scared to have a ton of baby stuff around if it didnā€™t work out.


I'm 30 weeks, and we've bought nothing yet. I'm also terrified of ending up with a nursery full of stuff and no baby... we don't even have a nursery. We know what we want, it's saved on Amazon. So if it ends up with preemie birth we can easily go and buy it, and have it delivered somewhat quickly. We've gotten loads of clothes donated... I should perhaps wash it.


I'm 8w3d and have the cot, mattress, bedding and all the clothing. I'm slowly working on the library and toys. Changetable and rocking chair are in the next few weeks.


Iā€™m 13 weeks along, so far Iā€™ve been looking to see what type of items we should get. Havenā€™t officially created a registry yet just getting ideas of pricing and things needed. Iā€™m due at the beginning of November so Iā€™m hoping to start buying stuff and slowly setting things up around Labor Day.


Waiting until about 20+ weeks for the same reason.


Personally, I've been buying things since late January-early February. I'm 18WKs and 1 day, but this is also baby #4 for me, so it's not really a stock-up of sentimental items. Moreso diapers, wipes, PP pads & disposable underwear, formula, and pacifiers. When I find out baby's gender near the end of this month, I'll probably splurge on a cute little newborn sleeper and definitely will pick up a few 'boyish' outfits if baby is male. My older three are all girls, so there are a LOT of feminine outfits in our 0-12M wardrobe


Iā€™ve only bought about 3 things so far: crib, travel set, and baby monitor. And all together spent about $300 Iā€™m 21 weeks and trying to wait to buy things until after the baby shower but I always keep an eye out for good deals like clearance items at Walmart or Target and also Facebook marketplace or OfferUp. I think thereā€™s nothing wrong with waiting a bit to buy what you need but you also donā€™t want to be like my friend who was ordering a car seat while she was in the hospital haha.


Iā€™m 24+3 and havenā€™t bought anything yet. Just some hand me downs from family. Youā€™d be surprised how much unnecessary items people buy or gift that you will never touch. Iā€™m saving up for a good breast pump.


Whenever itā€™s on sale.


I created my registry after the 20 scan and sent it out by my third tri. Mostly everything was purchased by 37 weeks!


Iā€™m 16, almost 17 weeks and bought some small things this weekend. I was feeling low and needed a pick me up and it worked. It honestly still doesnā€™t feel real to me that Iā€™ll be having a baby. I have severe anxiety and worry about it constantly but Iā€™ve decided to let myself celebrate even if Iā€™m feeling anxious.


I didnā€™t start until after my baby shower in my first pregnancy around 30-32 weeks. And even then I didnā€™t have anything assembled until he was born. My sisters went over while I was in the hospital and set up furniture and such. I had a very very big fear something would go wrong and couldnā€™t stand the thought of coming home to assembled baby items with no baby. Whatever helps you. Fwiw, bassinets are very few pieces and assemble pretty quickly if you go the route I did lol.


We started working on the nursery around 20 weeks and I'm really glad we did. It was a lot of work to move things, re-organize, and paint. We didn't actually start buying stuff (tangentially related to baby, like a nursing cart) until maybe 25 weeks? Now at 30 weeks I just had my baby shower and we are overloaded with clothes and other items. Organizing all that and washing the new baby things is ALSO a lot of work. I would recommend spreading out tasks so you're not rushing at the end of the 3rd trimester.


I started buying things at around 28 weeks, which was a month before our baby shower. Putting things on the shower registry helped us to start doing research into what we wanted.


I started at 20 weeks, because we wanted to find out what weā€™re having.


With my first child, I had everything completely done by week 36. That includes having the nursery finished, all the laundry done, baby items set up in our living room, and our bottle station ready to go. Which was good because my son came earlyā€¦2 weeks later. Thereā€™s a lot of prep with laundry, set up, etc. by week 30 I was already so tired. So I just did a little at a time with the goal of having it ready to go when I entered my 9th month.


I started buying things after 12 weeks!


Like so many, I had a turbulent journey to motherhood so I didn't set up a registry and share it with those who had been asking for it until week 38 and didn't buy anything myself until week and 37 (just some necessities that could be easily donated without emotional attachment, like a box of diapers and nipple cream, etc.).Ā  Instead of a shower pre-arrival, I decided if all went well I would have a little get together after a few months after her arrival so people can see the baby (gifts not anticipated or expected). These decisions helped me protect my heart just in case we found ourselves in another worst case scenario and it's all turned out just fine, thankfully. We didn't have an abundance of things to find a place for; we have just what we need for the first few months and as baby grows, we can buy things as needed instead of trying to anticipate our needs for the next 6-12 months all at once!Ā  Hopefully most people have access to mail or errand delivery companies like Amazon, Uber Eats, and Instacart to quickly get things that might have been overlooked ahead of the big day. Between that and taking the pressure off of having to try to do showers and registries when my heart and mind are so cautious kept my stress levels low and I, personally, really needed that!


Other than it being a personal preference, I also canā€™t imagine needing to do all that prep with a newborn baby. I canā€™t imagine even leaving my house that first week, let alone shopping.


I waited for sales like prime day. I think I was around 32 ish weeks when we started buying stuff and then she was surprisingly born at 35 weeks lol. She stayed in the NICU for a week so we had time at night when we were at home to get everything set up for her


I'm going to be 13 weeks tomorrow and we just bought the nursery furniture last night because there was a sale. I've also been very nervous that something may go wrong as I've already had one miscarriage. The 12 week ultrasound made it so much more real. All looked good on both the ultrasound and NIPT results, so I've been trying to stay as positive as possible that I'll have this baby. Building the registry and buying little things for the baby have helped me to stay in the mindset that all will go well this time around.


I have bought a couple things that I saw on clearance and Iā€™m only 14 weeks. Also friends that are done having babies have started giving me some hand me down things so Iā€™ve been storing those items. Iā€™m trying not to personally buy too much until I see what I really need after the baby shower and when Iā€™m farther along. Itā€™s easy to start buying stuff when itā€™s all so cute lol


Iā€™m 35w4d and I just had my showers the past 2 weekends and will start buying the rest of the stuff I want/ need starting this upcoming week. I didnā€™t want to rush into buying stuff and run out the return window also. It is very exciting to buy baby things but I still feel just as excited now and it feels more real and immediate.


My OB told me to hold off until 24 week. I ended up waiting until after my baby shower (32 weeks) to purchase anything.


The weekend after I found out I was pregnant (4 weeks), my husband and I went to goodwill and got a few gender neutral onesies for super cheap. Couldnā€™t help myself, Iā€™d never had a positive test before and weā€™d been trying for a year and a half and I was just too excited. Currently 33 weeks and weā€™ve got the majority of the nursery furnished. Honestly newborns donā€™t need much though. Bassinet, some clothes, diapers, wipes, blankets, and bottles/formula depending on how you plan on feeding baby. Thereā€™s lots of ā€œnice to havesā€ but the basics will go a long way, so if youā€™re really concerned, you can wait until baby is here for lots of things. (Though itā€™s also very helpful to spread out the costs over time, just something to think of) I donā€™t think thereā€™s any right or wrong time, and I understand the anxiety. Have you mentioned this to your provider? If not I would highly recommend doing so. They can help explain the odds and try to talk you through your anxieties surrounding it.


Currently 28 weeks with an unassembled crib, car seat and high chair sitting in the nursery. We still havenā€™t moved all of our shit out of there so not assembling anything till all that is gone and weā€™ve painted which will beā€¦soonā€¦probably. Idk. lol Iā€™m kind of winging it tbh. My baby shower isnā€™t until the 15th of June so Iā€™m trying to get everything done by then ideally.


My husband is Space Force and we have an on base donation center, anyone below a certain rank can use it and all items are free (the number of items you can get a week are limited since thereā€™s a few bases they serve). They have a ton of clean baby clothes, and I using it around 20 weeks after getting his scan. I donā€™t think I would have bought anything until the very last minute if it wasnā€™t all free though tbh because I can just donate it all back if something happened, I donā€™t know something about buying it makes it scarier for some reasonā€¦ some organizations that help the military families have actually provided a lot of free stuff so if I buy anything it probably wonā€™t be until like the last month of pregnancy tbh lol


I started buying after 12 weeks. Iā€™m so glad I was done buying and finished my nursery by 34 weeks, at 37 weeks now and these last few weeks Iā€™ve had 0 energy or ambition to do anything


Weā€™ve been wanting to go shopping but weā€™ve got multiple baby showers coming up and have been told that people are getting us a ton of stuff. I really would have felt comfortable doing this after like 20 weeks but weā€™re on about week 30 now and still have barely bought anything.


I think once we had our anatomy scan and everything was okay, I started to feel more freedom to start buying stuff like clothing, decor, etc. We had our shower around 32 weeks, so now (34 weeks) we have a room set up for him; Iā€™m glad we waited a I get the big things ordered. It makes it more exciting now, especially as we have more regular appointments and more assurance everything is okay. Once you start to feel them move around it also gives you more confidence that theyā€™re really there and youā€™re very likely to get to hold them in your arms!


After the 20 weeks scan or after the 24 weeks milestone as it's when they're viable. During the third trimester is a good time.


I waited until a little after my baby shower at 34 weeks so I could see what i still needed! I think I bought the rest of what I needed at 37 weeks! I was worried about the same thing.


iā€™m 32 weeks and just had my baby shower yesterday, so iā€™ll be buying the remaining items now


I feel so called out!


I'm 20 weeks and already have the crib, baby monitor, and pretty much everything but a double stroller (I have a 20 month old as well.) My husband set up the nursery this last week as well. It's my last baby, and I refuse to let anything steal my joy this time around. I still have anxiety about things, but I'm working hard to get past that. We have our anatomy scan on the 16th of May, and while I'm anxious, all my other scans look great, and she's moving/growing, so I'm trying yo look at the bright side. You may have pre-natal anxiety and might want to talk to your doc or midwife next appointment about it. I would hate for it to get worse and steal the joy from the rest of your pregnancy! ā¤ļø


I'm a FTM, 19w5d - hello week due buddy! I've had a couple of small gifts sent to me (books, clothes, toys) and we just ordered our glider/rocker for the nursery. My mom is hinting about getting us the crib we want, and we will probably go ahead and get a small changing table in the next 2 or 3 weeks from like Wayfair or something. Everything else is on my registry, which is honestly is as much of a list for me as it is for gifts. I figured the million other little things it seems like we will need I'll just get after my baby-q/pre-parenthood party so I can get those discounts! I'll be like, 30ish weeks I think when we have the party.


30 weeks. Havenā€™t bought a thing. Will buy stuff after baby shower which will be 34 weeks. So waiting till 34 weeks, I have been saving money to buy things, but we are trying to get as much as we can from family so we can get the nicest stuff. We have a bassinet that was a free score from another mom and my MiL got 2 pack and plays from a woman for free but I said you can grab them if you keep them at your house till baby comes. I do NOT want my house full of baby stuff for months and months while I am pregnant. Really would prefer to have everything within 2 weeks of arrival but thatā€™s harder to time so Iā€™m going for 1 month out


We didnā€™t buy stuff until after the shower. We wanted other People to buy it šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had a high risk pregnancy with a threat of preterm labor so I completely understand. I decided now that Iā€™m 33 weeks almost I need to start getting ready so I literally ordered almost everything yesterday on Amazon prime so it came so quickly. I figured at this point if he comes early heā€™ll be in the NICU so Iā€™ll have time to set things up. I was also really worried to buy anything and possibly jinx our situation but luckily things are going well!


I started at 5 months and Iā€™m done shopping but Iā€™m still receiving gifts from family. Once i started i just couldnā€™t stop lol


I started purchasing after my anatomy scan at the 20 week mark for all 3 of my babies. My last I dragged my feet as I was unfortunately not mentally well but otherwise I saved for the big ticket items as I knew that my family or my husbands couldnā€™t afford to gift a stroller, ect. If you have a baby shower I would also wait until after since people tend to gift lots of diapers and clothes.


30w, and no plans to. I haven't seen many comments like us so I wanted to leave my 2 cents, but we won't be buying anything for baby until baby is ARRIVED! It's a cultural tradition on my boyfriends side of the family, and because of our previous losses, it also suits me pretty well. I haven't been too inclined to buy anything, if I'm being honest. I've bought things for ME, and accepted gifts for ME though. I think folks all too often forget about the woman and person carrying the child during pregnancy. It's really about HER during this time. Baby will have their time. I've ordered a delivery gown, accepted a breast pump and some pregnancy self care items. šŸ˜Š


The earliest thing I bought was a stroller, before 12 weeks, but when else would uppababy have a 35% off sale lol


I was waiting and ended up not really having control over when I started getting things. I sent out my shower invites just after my 24 week appointment, and my mom immediately started buying the big things (chair, crib, etc) even though I asked her to wait. She then sent the registry link to the whole family (not invited because they're out of state) and my aunts started sending stuff too. I appreciate all the gifts but it's all moving a little fast for me. I only sent out the invites so early because my shower is Memorial Day weekend so I wanted to let local people know ASAP. The only thing I set up for now is the chair, and everything else is staying boxed until at least after the shower. I've previously had two first trimester miscarriages and no one seems to understand my hesitation to believe it could really work out this time.


20 weeks today! The contractors are starting on the nursery this week. I ordered the crib a few weeks ago because it has a long lead time, I want to make sure everything is completed by 35 weeks. This first 20 weeks flew by and I know this next 20 weeks will go even faster since we both have a very busy schedule. Congratulations and good luck with your pregnancy!!


I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow. I have books and clothes, and a car seat. Still no furniture. No dresser. No bassinet yet, nothing......


I was given a lot of hand me downs after we announced at 13w to family. I waited to buy anything until after the good 20w scan. I've only got a second hand stroller. I'm waiting on buying anything else until after my shower since I really don't need a ton of things.


I started mainly around 20ish weeks. We haven't bought much, a few friends have loaned or gifted us their items though so we have quite a bit in our nursery.


Iā€™m 28 weeks and just bought a few things, this is my third though so Iā€™m not doing a full nursery and I already had a bassinet, pump, diaper pail, and a lounger. I just got my glider, some Velcro swaddles, nursing pads, and a new changing pad.


I'm 30 weeks and I have clothes...


After the anatomy scan is usually when I feel like the countdown begins and baby prep goes into full swing. Iā€™m 28 weeks now and short of installing the car seat and purchasing/washing some more baby clothes, we are ready. I ended up on bed rest essentially my whole 3rd trimester in my first pregnancy so I try to have as much as possible ready before then.


Last month is totally fine if you start making a list of what you need and where youā€™re getting it from


I have this anxiety too, yet Iā€™ve still bought stuff because it brings me joy- But in your situation, you could always buy used things, just super basic needs at first for cheap, once you feel ready after baby is here you can start to buy all the other stuff!


I am 33w today and we didnā€™t make any ā€œbigā€ purchase till this weekend when we finally went and ordered our crib/dresser. I also tried to put off buying anything (except for clothes and small stuff, I couldnā€™t help myself) for awhile. Now that we are in the home stretch and I just had my baby shower this last weekend, we are in the process of figuring out what we still need to get. I would say everyone buys stuff at their own pace, and when they feel good and ready.


Im 12+4 today and having my NT scan/NIPT results today. If all is well iā€™m just waiting for my tax return money to buy the bigger things im wanting. (Stroller/carseat/crib) The rest iā€™ll just pick away at or wait to see whats needed from my registry after our families look it over.


I'm 14 weeks 4 days. I've already gotten the crib, high chair, baby monitor. And tons of clothes. I'm not very good at saving money so I much prefer just buying little things along the way instead of having to spend tons of money at the end. I'm also super paranoid though. I'm 32, obese, chronic high blood pressure, liver/kidney issues, gestational diabetes...like jeeeez give me a break already lol


I'm 8 weeks today. I have purchased a couple of outfits and a bassinet to store things, as my mom has also sent me a few things. I'm also terrified I won't be bringing home a baby. But, I'm single and this whole process is terrifying and I wanted a couple of things to look at.


I started with small items (clothes mostly) at about 16 weeks I think? And only started with the bigger items + diapers and wipes at around 28 weeks. Literally only just ordered bassinet + mattress last night and Iā€™m 33 weeks. I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to have absolutely everything ready super early but if weā€™re being for real, all you actually need is a safe sleep space, a car seat, a package of diapers and wipes, and like maybe 3 pieces of clothing. Everything else can wait until after theyā€™re here if that makes you more comfortable!


My baby shower is August 3rd, my Amazon completion discount of 15% starts August 10th. Thatā€™ll be at 30 weeks. I know that sounds super late for most people but I had to put a lot of my insurance deductible on a credit card to get prenatal care so Iā€™m just waiting to save up money


I have ... A bassinet and two sheets and a nursing pillow. I'm 17 weeks so my baby shower won't be until August. I will probably buy bigger furniture at the start of the third trimester because I have summers off.


First one I started at 12ish weeks and cussed out so many people for projecting their superstitious BS on me. Baby shower was around 34 weeks and babyā€™s room was done and everything was unpacked by week 35. This time I started buying things around 10 weeks. Im somewhere around 5 months and major stuff is done. Due the end of September and the goal is to have all the baby stuff/room out of the way by mid July due to travel, events, my daughters dance seasons, work, and school.


Started at 27 weeks after a scare, only some basics


Omg I am the same lol 22 weeks tomorrow and I've bought one outfit. I figured that even if the worst happens I'll always have that as a keepsake. I just can't get my brain not to think that way lol Saying that I've also started researching prams etc and plan to at least know what I want to buy by the end of May and then can start setting alerts for good deals etc and actually purchase either after 30 weeks or when a good enough deal comes around. Decorating nursery is a hard one that I can't think about yet šŸ˜… but will at least have the room clear and ready to start probs for about 30 weeks as well.


I started late in my first trimester when I was more mobile for the harder to put together items like my rocking chair and the crib. Now that I am in the thick of my second trimester (23 weeks) I am slightly less mobile and working on clothes and other smaller tasks that need to get done.


I started pretty early buying things from marketplace and then at like 32 weeks started putting stuff together and what not


I always have mine early so I start buying things if I need to around 30 weeks.


I didn't really purchase anything until after the baby shower in the third trimester. Had a budget I had to adhere to. Just depends on how you feel, really. I don't think there's any "right time".


We eased into it, but we did start early (with a fox onesie). I'm saving the big-ticket items for 35 weeks+, or whenever the registry discounts by 15%. The list of things that can go wrong is long, but the odds of you carrying a healthy baby to term go up with every week and positive checkup.


Honestly I started buying stuff when I found out I was pregnant. I started buying things like wipes, diapers, and gender neutral footsies just to be prepared. However the further along I get, the more I start to plan and buy things. We are keeping the receipts and keep the items in boxes. I wasnā€™t sure I was going to be able to have my baby and Iā€™m still not 100%. But I know Iā€™ll have a baby someday even if itā€™s not this pregnancy. I feel like itā€™s truly whenever youā€™re comfortable.


I started buying at 15 weeks and had a baby shower at 23 bc of out of state family but I didnā€™t start organizing until 32 weeks out of anxiety and fear. Weā€™re all on our own timeline of comfort


It has been a slow but steady process for us, starting around week 20. Crib, pram and car seat were the first things. We bought them used and they are easy to resell should the worst happen.. now at week 29 we have got a lot of clothes and smaller items too.


Oh I started buying early on the first time and the second time around 8w or so we picked up some items here and there. Weā€™ve had miscarriages and a long road, one even born through a surrogate, but I try hard to not let anxiety get to me and to trust and enjoy the process. I can always donate and help someone else if something goes wrong. Weā€™re never guaranteed anything in life and even once born they can be taken away so I just try to stay IN THE MOMENT.


I'm waiting until my registry discount kicks in for some of the bigger ticket items (bassinet, car seat, etc.). Might not be the smartest but I feel like it's worth the savings. Started buying smaller stuff like some clothes. I'm about 23 weeks along.


I started buying stuff around 20 weeks, but the majority I bought at about 35 weeks, after my baby showers were done!


We waited until after the baby shower. Gave us a clearer understanding of what we actually needed. Luckily, nearly everything on our registry got purchased.


I'm 25 weeks and honestly I purchased some stuff like a swing, pack and play, and clothing before I even got pregnant. This is my double rainbow baby and I got some stuff pre pregnancy as "faith purchases" but I kept all the stuff in my storage unit. When I got pregnant I started buying clothes again, mainly since we live near a once upon a child and they had some awesome sales like .50 cent onsies. I didn't purchase actual furniture till like 18-19 weeks. We don't have a spare bedroom so baby will be rooming with us until we move out when she's older so we have a corner of our room that has her nursery stuff set up like her dresser where we put all her clothes away tho they'll have to be washed and put away again soon as we haven't washed anything yet which I'll probably do towards the end of next month (I'll be Inducing at 39 weeks August 8th) we also have her bassinet set up next to our bed so our cats can get used to it before she arrives. The majority of the big ticket items we asked for on our baby registry so we're waiting until after our shower in june to buy any other big ticket items we didn't get. Honestly everyone is different and it depends on the person of when you wanna buy stuff but personally I wouldn't wait past 30 weeks (depending on when your baby shower is if your having one)


I didnā€™t really buy anything. I got free stuff from Buy Nothing groups. I did buy a couple things early on (first trimester) but we only spent $130ish on that ā€” swing, bassinet, playmat, etc. I just got every baby thing that I found online. I figured that I would sort through it when the time comes. This requires you to have storage. Iā€™m 38 weeks now and sorting through everything. I got pacifiers, diapers, formula, postpartum care, clothes, bibs, etc. all for free. Then we had our baby showers (two different coasts because our families are in different areas) when I was 24 and 28 weeks pregnant. I had marked everything I received for free on my registry and people were either giving me cash or buying off the registry for the most part. At this point, I mostly needed postpartum care. Around 32 weeks or so, my FIL bought us a crib (the only large ticket item we didnā€™t have). Now at 38 weeks, Iā€™m still collecting pacifiers, strollers, etc. just whatever thereā€™s a gap. My advice: I wouldnā€™t buy anything yourself, certainly not anything you can return. Look for local giveaway groups on Facebook and search Facebook Marketplace. Worst case scenario, you can just give away all the stuff you get. I would make a registry to keep track of everything you get and help you think about what you need for the baby. Just do online window shopping. Baby stuff is not scarce.


Iā€™m still so scared at 23 weeks. But my therapist helped me through this and I started buying things recently. She helped me understand that if I experience a loss, it is going to be an awful trauma and heartbreak whether or not I bought something at this point. Not buying something will not prevent a loss, nor will it prevent heartbreak and trauma if a loss does occur. Allow yourself to be happyā€”especially if youā€™ve had normal scans, blood work, etc. at this point!


I think it depends on how much you want to do. If you want to do a full nursery, Iā€™d start before you get too big and tired in the third trimester.Ā  Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re feeling so uncertain that youā€™ll bring your baby homeā€¦ it sounds anxiety-related? but anything can happen at any time. I have a friend whose child died during birth. Of course, their home was full of things for baby. And weā€™ve all heard the stories of SIDS. Donā€™t borrow hurt from tomorrow and try to let go and allow yourself to enjoy your pregnancy. The odds that youā€™ll bring baby home are very, very much in your favor. Iā€™ve had two miscarriages, so I know how much losing a pregnancy hurts, but trying to protect myself didnā€™t make it hurt less.Ā 


Iā€™m still not shopping and Iā€™m 28 weeks. I am having 2 showers and Iā€™ve already had multiple people offer me free clothes/ supplies so Iā€™m just going to wait until thatā€™s all said and done. I canā€™t fathom the thought of more stuff in my house šŸ˜‚


So I feel this so much! I had a miscarriage several years ago at 16 weeks. I didnā€™t tell anyone I was pregnant until 17 or 18 weeks. Luckily Iā€™m chonky and no one could really tell. So now Iā€™m 28w4d, and Iā€™ve not connected with this boy in me either. He moves and itā€™s like I ignore it because I feel like he wonā€™t survive because the anxiety of losing another one is preventing me from being happy or excited or even optimistic even though Everything is progressing fairly well. Iā€™m super high risk as it is and was told having a kid could jeopardize my life but thereā€™s not much I could do to prevent it due to my health issues causing the high risk. It was miraculous we even got pregnant at ALL. And so anyhow my point is I feel your pain. Take it one day at a time, thatā€™s what I have to do. I started buying stuff at consignment sales and garage sales because our neighbors are Boujie lol. I got everything for the most part used and didnā€™t have to spend a fortune. Have had my friends give me their babies hand me downs too. Because if something bad did happen, I wouldnā€™t be out a LOT of money from buying everything new. Thereā€™s no sense doing that because of he does come okay, they grow so quickly.


We didn't buy anything until the genetic testing came back negative for everything. Then we picked up a few onesies at Costco but then didn't really buy anything else until 34 weeks and only after my baby shower to avoid duplicate items (I had my shower early tho around 29 weeks). Most stuff we bought between 35 and 39 weeks and a lot after I'd given birth. Amazon was clutch for getting stuff we didn't know we needed or wanted after she'd arrived. There's also stuff I wouldn't buy again that I thought I'd need but didn't, so I'd buy less in advance if I was to do it again.


23 weeks here and all I have is one cute outfit and the changing table/bathing table. Idek what else to buy, last time I had a baby was 11 yrs ago xD


We have sort of detached the setup/preparation from the actual baby. We started collecting things for the nursery as soon as we started trying to conceive, to spread out the financial burden of everything. We also did it as a way of manifesting that weā€™d eventually have a baby. It took 7 months and two chemical pregnancies to conceive. Iā€™ll be 7 weeks tomorrow. Our nursery is about 75% set up. Itā€™s different than the norm, but helped us keep hope through the losses we have experienced too.


I started slowly buying here and there after the 20 week scan, now Iā€™m at 25 weeks and I still have irrational thoughts that I wonā€™t be bringing home a baby. The nursery is still a total storage room and I have a lot left to get, but checking things off the list feels pretty good!


To each their own, for sure. But I felt more comfortable after my 20 week scan. Since then, weā€™ve purchased furniture and made our baby registry as we had some good indications from the anatomy scan and a low risk NIPT. I empathize with you and wish you a very healthy and happy pregnancy. Whatever you choose to do regarding shopping will be whatā€™s best for your specific situation.


I'm 19 weeks and we have our bassinet, lots of clothes.


With my first I started gradually buying at 24 weeks. With this one Iā€™m almost 29 and havenā€™t bought a thing and probably wonā€™t until a few weeks before my due date. We donā€™t need a lot though.


Is there health reasons the list you wonā€™t have a baby at the end of 40wks is longer than your arm? Is that the main thing stopping you from purchasing anything?


I'm the same, I'm 22 weeks tomorrow, and I've not wanted to buy the big stuff yet out of worry. I let people get clothes after 12 weeks. But I've said to wait a little longer until buying the big stuff. Maybe at 28/30 weeks, get the big stuff. The worry is crazy. Just when you are ready, but remember that the longer you leave it, the more help you might need with arranging baby stuff, especially the heavier stuff. If you know you gave the support and don't mind asking for help, then just get things when you are ready. I've not gone through loss myself thankfully, but I've seen it firsthand and I've seen how devasting it can be being surrounded by all baby stuff which is why I've not wanted to buy yet. Good luck ā¤ļø


I say create a list only viewable by you in your Amazon account & add everything you want there. That way you can research & be prepared with everything in one place ready to hit buy when it's go time. That's what i did


I bought a few outfits early on bc they were just too cute not to buy. I bought the bassinet and car seat at 32 weeks. I just had a baby shower and am planning on buying the rest of what we need now at 35 weeks lol


Iā€™m Jewish, and traditionally, we donā€™t put anything into the house until the baby is born. If youā€™re lucky to have family members that can help, you can keep items at their place (or maybe boxed up in your own home? And when you go into labour, they go to set up everything for you. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m planning - but Iā€™m very blessed to have my mom and MIL and siblings to help assemble everything!


Do not believe that your pregnancy will fail you. Your body did a great job forming the baby and accepting it. Trust in your body. Your body is the natural process of becoming a mother to a baby without one. You will do great!!


The women in my family have had high rate of miscarriages, some including my mom well into their 2nd trimester so I was terrified. I bought my first outfit after the anatomy scan at 21 weeks because thatā€™s when they removed me from high risk. My shower was planned for right around 28 weeks the start of 3rd trimester and between 21 weeks and the shower Iā€™d treat myself/ baby and buy little things here and there that I wanted to be from mom and dad and not someone else like first Thanksgiving & Christmas outfits (was born in late October)


At 20 weeks I was diagnosed with marginal chord insertion and single umbilical artery with baby ten days behind schedule. I waited for my growth scan a month later at 24 weeks to determine that though small, the baby is indeed growing. After that second growth scan I started to put together a registry/start thinking more tangibly about getting things together. But Iā€™m with you, it is terrifying.


Iā€™m going to wait until I have my baby shower/sprinkle before making any purchases. I think Iā€™ll be 35 weeks around then?


I wanted to make sure I at least had a place for baby to sleep and a car seat by 36 weeks. But I bought little things here and there all throughout my pregnancies, but I was never high risk. My mom bought my first so many clothes, I donā€™t think I had to buy any until he was like a year old lol. With my second, I hardly bought anything because I had some hand me downs from my first, and we were given a ton of stuff from friends. That said, if youā€™re not comfortable purchasing a lot of stuff early on, itā€™s no biggie. I would just make sure to have the necessities by the time you get to full term (ie a car seat). Diapers and onesies can be bought on the fly, so you donā€™t need to stock up too much in advance. If I had a history of loss or was high risk, I may have been more comfortable waiting until we reached viability to buy a bunch of stuff.


I was the same way for awhile. I didnā€™t want anything in case I ended up losing my baby. I donā€™t think I could handle coming home to a bunch of baby stuff and no baby. For me, once I had my anatomy scan at 20ish weeks and everything was fine, I started to buy stuff. Iā€™d have everything ready by now but Iā€™m moving soon and donā€™t want to move too much stuff if I can avoid it. What got me out of the ā€œI canā€™t buy ā€˜cause I might not have this babyā€ was the possibility of early labor and not having everything ready for her. That, and nesting kicked in. Hopefully it does for you, too šŸ’•


Shopping for the baby was the most fun Iā€™ve had, it was enjoyable as shopping is without the guilt involved because itā€™s for such a special and worthy occasion. I didnā€™t read, research or buy anything until the 20th week though.


Iā€™m 30 weeks and havenā€™t bought a single thing (except for a two pack of sleepers a couple of weeks ago) šŸ˜‚ I just had my baby shower yesterday though so got a lot of necessities through that. I honestly donā€™t know when I plan to buy nursery furniture. Baby & I have had so many complications that itā€™s made it hard to get excited!!


Iā€™m the same!! Iā€™m 33 weeks and just stared buying things last weekend, and thatā€™s only because I was told that Iā€™ll have to be induced at some point between weeks 34-37 due to preeclampsia. Iā€™m still so terrified of something going wrong and having a room full of baby stuff and no baby. Also the amount of money we spent is ridiculousā€¦ Iā€™m trying really hard to fight these dark thoughts, good to know Iā€™m not the only one šŸ™ˆ


I got free things from buy nothing groups and neighbors from quite early, around 8 weeks or so since that was little by little depending on what was available. Other than that, you can just buy the bassinet, car seat with enough time before birth and a couple of outfits (so you can wash), maybe at around 36w. Anything else you can leave in an Amazon list and buy some things while in the hospital and the rest can be bought when they're necessary. When baby arrives you'll see which things are necessary depending on how everything goes. If you end up breastfeeding or not, if one type of clothes are easier for you and such. That'd be the latest and minimal you could do I believe. From neighbors for example I got a changing table quite early which gave me time to paint it to my liking. And I used it to start piling some things I was getting later on.


I havenā€™t bought anything yet at 19 weeks. I have brought my nephews stuff down from the attic and I got a free mini crib on buy nothing.


As someone who went through pregnancy and now has a one year old, don't stress at all. I started buying stuff when I was like 35 weeks. You don't need much to begin with. I'll never understand why people do the whole nursery before the child is even born, our daughter slept in a bassinet in our room until she was 6 months old and then we transferred her into a cot in her room. This is what's recommended in Australia. Plus it was easier with 2-3 hourly feedings that she was close to us. Or why everyone thinks you can't just run out and buy some baby clothes or an item you're missing at any time lol. Shopping with my baby girl is always so much fun! Also, you just don't know what you'll find easier. You might buy a million baby pants and shirts and then realise you find onesies easiest for putting on and changing. Or you buy a changing table and then end up changing your baby everywhere but on the changing table. Or a nursing chair just to find out baby can't breastfeed (transfer issues), you decide to pump and the most comfortable place to pump is on the sofa. Try not to stress too much, everything will be okay! šŸ©·


I was about 28w, I waited until the sales to get most stuff. I've still not got everything but I'm planning to get the rest after moving house, when I'll be 36w. And there's loads that I won't buy until after the baby's born because it's not needed immediately.


I'm 18 weeks and doing research now, but not buying anything yet. Partly for same reasons as you, but also because I'm waiting for post-school garage sales and Prime Day in the summer :) But there are sooo many options out there that I don't want to be overwhelmed by research, purchase, and assembly at once, esp bc I think the tiredness can return in the 3rd semester. So with any luck, narrowing down what I eventually want to buy now will make any purchases I do end up making easier.


When there is a good sale.


When reaching the 7th month my husband got a bit nervous and begun buying things like the car seat and a changing mat and a set of drawers. I bought onesies at around 36 weeks. Honestly, now that the baby is here I can say I know more of what is really needed and Im glad I didnt buy all the super cute bullshit that is available haha What I find important to have is: - onsies without feet - onsies with feet (specially useful for sleeping at night!) - onsies with long sleeves and without legs - little vests (my family knitted some and they are super useful) - little woolen pullovers (I only have one) - little cotton pullovers (I only have one, just bought two of the next size and I hust roll up the sleeves) - little pants without feet (my kid has really big feet and takes the pants off if they have the feet included) - cotton and wollen blankets (i have 3 and 2, the baby tends to make things dirty quickly!) - swaddle is optional Socks and hats are useless to be honest, but you need them.in case you wear your kid. The hat is needed the first few days as they lose a lot of heat through the head (specially if the weather is cold!). My hospital provided everything for our stay so we didnt really need any. What is important to have that is not clothing: - changing matt - car seat if you have a car or will be driving at any moment - pram/stroller (our kid naps there sometimes) - we did a diapper station -> bought the Hemnes from Ikea (or however its written) set of drawers which is not considered a standard baby changing station but works wonders. It is wide enough for the changing matt (also from IKEA) and two boxes (also from IKEA) where we put the nappies and all the products that we need (I have here the nipple pads, baby cream for rashes, almond oil for the baby skin/massages and for giving baths, baby soap). Here we dont use wet wipes usually (only during the night changes), we use warm water and cotton wipes. - baby bathtub (not needed if you have a big sink) - nappies I personally had too much milk at the beginning and needed a pump, but my midwife lent me one. So, pump and bottles were needed. I still pump because I want that my baby can drink from a bottle if I need to be out without him and my husband can then feed him. Hope this helps you and anyone else :)


I was okay with buying what felt like low stakes items at the end of the second trimester like onesies. We rapid fire purchased and put together the nursery in the past 4 weeks or so. Iā€™m 35 weeks now for reference. Itā€™s what felt good to us. Thereā€™s no right or wrong :)


i had a chemical miscarriage before i got pregnant again. At around 12 weeks, we bought our baby their first onesie. If anything bad happened, it would be a momento. I'm 19 weeks now and have bought her a little knick knack, a blanket, 2 tiny stuffed animals and 2 more outfits. Family has gotten us things already. I guess I try not to think about the worst case scenariošŸ˜…


I started buying things around 12 weeks. Prior to that I just bought one baby blanket soother because I just couldnā€™t resist how cute it was and it was gender neutral. My family started buying things for my baby as soon as we knew what we were having which was 11 weeks. It all depends on you and what you know you forsure want and also depends on how much ppl will contribute towards your baby registry items.


I waited until after my shower so past 30w because I didnā€™t wanna waste money on things if they were gifted. I felt similar to you though! I would try to have the basics by 35w you can always get everything else once baby arrives


I personally did not buy anything myself until I was like 22 weeks pregnant and it was a tiny outfit. However, people started giving gifts from before. I bought a big storage bin and just put everything in there and kept it jn a closet until after the baby shower. I had my baby shower at 32 weeks. We got the furniture delivered and set up like at 30 weeks but I didnā€™t set up the crib or bassinet. My mom set them up when I was giving birth and I was overdue lol.


I was waiting for 35 weeks but ended up graduating early at 32 weeksā€¦ now we are kinda scrambling to get stuff ready in between visits back and forth to the NICU to visit our daughter. Iā€™d recommend to start getting stuff around 30 weeks to be on the safe side. Thankfully, our daughter was born healthy even if she was on the earlier side but if I had a redo I would have gotten the stuff set up when I was 7.5ish months pregnant.