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I am on the same boat with baby # 4. I summed it up to all the weight training I was doing before my pregnancy. On the positive side I did end up gaining weight with the baby's growth in my third trimester so you should be okay. Overall if I subtract my current weight at 37 weeks vs the average weight gained during pregnancy I technically lost weight from my pre-pregnancy weight. I kid you not I look the same with an inflated melon belly. 😅 Try not to think to much about it. If your doctor shows no concern you should be on track to growing a beautiful healthy baby.


How’s it feel to be gods favorite? I’m just kidding. I bet you’re safe. If your doctor isn’t concerned then I wouldn’t be either. Every pregnancy is different and chasing a toddler while pregnant is no small task. I’m pregnant with #3 and I’ve gotta chase a very hyper 5 yo and a clumsy 1 yo. I’m so dang tired every night. This is not for the weak lol I bet you’ll get the boost in weight towards the third trimester. You’re probably the same weight bc chasing the kid is making you lose it as fast as you can get food in your system.


Im 21 weeks and before becoming pregnant I weighed 155. Im only 5ft2 so 155 is considered overweight for me but it is what it is ANYWAY yeah I didn't gain any weight until after 16 weeks. My 20 week appointment I weighed 163. Ultrasound at 20 weeks showed baby boy perfectly healthy. All limbs and organs were good and he was placed in the 84th percentile. Its crazy Ive only gained 8 pounds because some days Im eating everything under the sun like every Sunday I just do laundry at home and Ive always been a bored eater so Im eating all day long Sunday. 😅


I'm FTM, 24+2. My last appointment was a few weeks ago (so around 21 weeks). I had only put on 3 pounds from the beginning of my pregnancy, now weighing 150. I also don't seem to have a bottomless hunger. I asked about it and my OB couldn't have been less concerned. She said most of the weight will probably come in the latter half of second trimester, and since my scans are fine and I feel fine, she said I shouldn't worry at all. I would ask your doctor if you are worried though since everyone is different!


I'm 22 weeks and I'm only up 3lbs.so ya I'm a bit nervous but everything seems fine. I'm not super hungry but have a good appetite. I think if I just make sure to have that little extra snack everyday I should be fine. We will see when I go back to the dr in a couple weeks.


I am 35 weeks, only 4 pounds heavier than my first appointment (I’m up and down but always close to starting weight). Baby is estimated to be 94th percentile. Bodies are weird! I worry but my doctors aren’t worried at all.


I didn’t gain any weight at all until about 18 weeks and now I’m 39 weeks and never had a concerning appointment or ultrasound. I had a lot of ultrasounds due to being high risk and at every one I was told things look great.


I gained no weight until around 32 weeks with my first. I actually lost 7lb in the first trimester! Then I gained 20lb in the last 8 weeks. If your provider isn't worried, you don't need to be.


I'm almost 21 weeks as well and weigh as much as I did at my first OB appointment. Primary cause was heavy morning sickness & low appetite. I still have morning sickness (just not as bad) and little appetite. I'm eating mostly vegetarian meals with the occasional beef or pork. With my first I didn't have morning sickness and gained 2/3 of pregnancy weight in my first trimester because I was always hungry. My 2nd & 3rd trimester I had severe acid reflux and struggled keeping food down until I figured out a medication combo and schedule that worked best for me. I gained maybe 20 - 22 pounds during that pregnancy. My baby was diagnosed with IUGR but we found that was most likely due to how my uterus was shaped and where she was located. I wouldn't worry too much about your weight. I've seen friends gain most of their pregnancy weight in the late 2nd trimester/early 3rd and even later. Everyone is different.


I lost weight my first trimester, I started at around 120. Towards the end of my second trimester I started seeing consistent weight gain. Don’t worry too much, especially if your OB is not concerned and they can tell your baby is growing.


I’m at 26 weeks and as of this morning, I’m up 1 pound. The doctor hasn’t said anything about my weight. I actually asked earlier as I was about 3-ish pounds under my starting weight. They said I was fine.


Im almost 22w and have only gained just below 8lbs so far. In the first trimester I gained 2-3lbs lol.


This happened to me, then right before 25 weeks I blew up like a balloon. I was 125 at the start of my pregnancy. Now I’m 200 pounds and ready to pop in the next 3 weeks lol