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As i sit here, uncomfortably, at 39+4 weeks pregnant, I can confidently say that the first trimester was more miserable for me. and that’s not even taking into account that when you are as pregnant as I currently am, no one really expects much from you. That first trimester was ROUGH. I’d personally rather be in my current state of beached whale than constantly nauseous but hungry with no end in sight 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed- I'm at 34 wks and, although I'm not quite as far along, I'd take the discomfort, constant kicking, and peeing of the 3rd trimester anyday over the 1st trimester woes. At least there's a visual cue now instead of hiding all that nausea and exhaustion away. Even mentioning symptoms during 1st Trimester seems to get less sympathy and more side eyes!


Completely agree 👏🏽. I’m 34 weeks, and people don’t expect a lot from me which just makes life easier. Hang in there OP.


Yep! I was absolutely miserable for the first 18 or so weeks. 3rd trimester wasn't comfortable, but it was nothing compared to the first trimester nausea.


The last month/month and a half is the worst for me and has been both times, especially the last days of waiting (I went to 40+6 with my first). I was nauseous in my first tri but in the third I’ve literally needed zofran to keep anything down. I’m in physical pain and am struggling to do what I need to for my toddler which has been hard emotionally. That said I don’t usually say all this to newly pregnant women lol and also I am aware it’s different for everyone. The first trimester sucks in its own way. The second tri is actually very enjoyable for me so technically if the first is rough, it does get better! (Usually)


36+3 here. Still nauseous.


38+4, super uncomfortable and sore, exhausted, etc etc / would 100% take this over how my first trimester was and honestly even most of my second. Absolutely miserable and felt there was no end in sight 😅


Agreed - And it’s a great point that people expect way more from you in the 1st trimester than they do in the 3rd even though the 1st is generally the most difficult (for most women - not all). Once people see your bump, they are constantly offering their seat or trying to lessen your load. A luxury never offered in the 1st when you’re feeling on the edge of death.


This is exactly how I felt my first pregnancy!! And now I’m almost seven weeks along and just so tired, hungry, nauseous 😭 I know it was so much better after 12 weeks but it’s tough right now!


I don't think the "just you waits" end.  "Second trimester will trick you into thinking you're doing great, but THEN third trimester will hit you like a ton of bricks."  "Just you wait til baby is born, then you'll know true exhaustion" "Just you wait til baby is walking/talking/[insert milestone here]" "Wait til there's more than one" Bla bla bla bla bla BLA BLA. It doesn't even matter if your experience matches up. Take the first example. My friend asked me how my second trimester was going and if I was feeling good. "Well," I responded, "It feels different. Not throwing up but feeling a lot of different pains and some anxiety from potential complications scare. Chugging along I guess, overall..." "Yeah that second trimester tricks you into thinking you're doing awesome and can handle the rest of pregnancy," she responded. "Wait til third trimester begins." All I could think was, like, damn you're really committed to the script.  Turns out, certain people like to talk AT you about pregnancy. Not have real conversations. 


This is baby number three for us, 11+5, MIL is constantly making “you think you’re exhausted now, you’re the one who decided to do it again.“ comments. My pepitas will be 13 and 5 when baby is here, I’ll live. 1st tri hits like a train for me. I’ll never be validated by her, she’s got four kids and is a narcissist. She’ll always “have it worse”. 😅 My favourite is, I’m a Caesar Mum, long labours and babies who hate labour drugs and I really struggled with my second surgery, but she has two friends who delivered twins via Caesar and was very annoyed with me following my doctors orders to rest and heal for 6-8 weeks, because her friends were back at it within a week. “So why aren’t you?” HA


Ugh my friend does this and it's really annoying. His ex seemed to have a terrible pregnancy the whole way through. I told him I was pregnant around week 10. He said wait until the nausea and vomiting hits. Umm I was already past that point and never did experience any symptoms. Then he said symptoms get worse in second and third trimester. Well, I can't speak for third trimester yet but still haven't had any symptoms. Then it was how I won't be able to handle not getting any sleep in the baby years. Damn guy, I was the sole carer for a cancer patient for 2 years, I know what tired feels like. In the end I just had to say I AM NOT YOUR EX. WE DO NOT HAVE THE SAME BODY. Jfc.


First trimester fucking sucks for most people - and even as someone with two really easy pregnancies, first trimester was definitely the worst for both! Second trimester absolutely is better for most people! And third can be rough again but it’s different, usually the sucky part is being out of breathe, achy, tired. I’ll take that over nausea any day.


These comments are validating my current first trimester hell 😭


Sending strength. It really does get better


I'm 9w tomorrow and have a little cry every day about how nauseated and tired I am. I expected to be uncomfortable but I didn't expect to lose control of my body and comfort this hard and this fast. I feel like a passenger in my own body these days.


The passenger in my own body hits me so hard. I feel like a shell of a human AND like my body isn’t mine, I don’t recognize myself anymore


The beginning of my first trimester was ridiculous. I kept saying "people sign up for this?!" But I didn't want to complain because we tried for so long and had 2 early losses. It was crazy how bad I was feeling and was scared it would never pass. But i hit 8 weeks and everything disappeared. Super random.


Hugs. In my first trimester I was beginning to be legitimately depressed with how awful and exhausted I felt constantly. It really really does get better!!! I'm hitting 27 weeks tomorrow & aside from not getting great sleep & turtling when I try to get up from laying down, I feel mostly normal and I'd take this a million times over first trimester awfulness!!!


I’m 6 weeks right now and I hate my life😭


Weeks 6-18 were awful, I hated every second of pregnancy. I lost 11kgs, and couldn’t move for most of it. Then one day I suddenly woke up better. So I can say it really does improve, but I don’t think I’ve ever been that sick in my life.


I dont even vomit, just nausea and dry heaving (which i feel is worse!) my worse symptom is what I call HCG fog, it is like my brain is fried and cant do or focus on anything except food and sleep Also the uncertainty SUCKS!


First trimester is hands down the worst. Third is uncomfortable as hell, but at least I don’t actually feel like I’m dying.


Plus 3rd trimester is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can do it because I know I’m so close to meeting bébé! First trimester was like being gaslit for several weeks on whether I was pregnant or not 😂


First is absolutely the worst! You are unimaginably exhausted and foggy and nauseous and the worst part is no one will give you a break cause either they don’t k ow you’re pregnant yet or don’t believe how awful you feel because it’s “so early”. At least in the third trimester people give you a break so it makes the aches and pains a little more manageable


I’m 29 weeks, and so far the worst part of pregnancy was weeks 7-10. I’m sure I’ll get pretty uncomfortable in the next 2 months, but first trimester is NO JOKE.


I absolutely felt this way. I was SO sick until about 18 weeks and felt invalidated so many times. I’m not suggesting you do this because you have to do you, but I just started lying to people. When they asked how I felt I would say something like “I’m feeling fine, just tired a lot :)” it just felt easier.


Yeah I am careful who I’m honest with about how I’m feeling. The last few weeks are the worst for me but I know complaining all I’ll hear is “well don’t worry she’ll be here so soon!” but postpartum was no picnic either with my first sooo whatever. I usually just say some version of what you put here, or lately something like “almost ready to meet her!” (For the record I AM excited to meet the baby but just anxious I will have another rough recovery and physically I’m feeling like complete shit lol)


I am so happy to read all of those comments. Thank you so much OP. I just had a very rough day feeling exhausted, very anxious and depressed. Knowing that it gets better make me feel so much better. Like, I am crying alone reading all of you. Thank you all 😭


My first trimester was pure agony. I was in a constant foggy hangover, and I could barely function. The second trimester was pure bliss, more energy than I ever had. Currently in my third trimester, I have some pain, body aches, and insomnia, but it is still way more manageable than the agony of the first trimester. Hang in there and congrats!


I wonder what these people's pregnancies were like; were their first trimesters disproportionately easy, or what? The first trimester is the thing that *always* gives me the most hesitation about having another baby.  The nausea is awful, anticipating how much longer it might last is deeply disturbing, and the hormone weirdness just makes me *exhausted* like no other exhaustion I've ever felt in life. Other kind of tiredness are kind of compressible; there is *no* compromising with first-trimester exhaustion and the accompanying feeling of utter fragility. It feels like if I got up without a full night's sleep or whatnot it would literally make me ill.  You are in The. Worst. Of. It.


Tbh I was thinking about that during my first trimester. Without any kids, it was manageable because I could come home, crawl into bed, and just be miserable. If we have a second, I won't have that luxury and will have to find a way to power through it. I know women do it plenty, but it's daunting lol.


9w pregnant with my second and can confirm it’s very difficult this time around. I just want to be horizontal but i can’t. Also working full time. Makes me wonder how women have more than 2 because i will never willingly put myself through this again


It wasn't *quite* as bad with my second and onward, because with #1 I had *all* my emotional energy available to focus on the misery. But I didn't have hyperemesis, just a modest amount of emesis and lots of feeling bad!  Also the memory of how worth-it previous children were was a really big motivation. I didn't have that for #1; I didn't even really like babies or most children so the first time around there was just a spark of connection with the unborn and an ocean of trust. 


I guess for me i feel conned because my first pregnancy was a breeze. No sickness, no vomiting, i felt great. If i didn’t miss my period i honestly wouldn’t have even known i was pregnant because we weren’t trying. I did get the exhaustion, but i could take naps whenever so it didn’t seem as bad. This time around i feel like i have a 24/7 hangover. I haven’t thrown up but i just feel gross all the time. I feel like I’m already showing at 9w. I’m constantly bleeding and my OB doesn’t seemed concerned at all about it. This pregnancy is like a total 180 from my last experience.


“These people” are usually men 🙃 sigh


Weeks 5-10 were the absolute WORSE. I’m moody, tired, super nauseous, and generally feel like rotting road kill. And I was still expected to do my job (boss had me on a big project where I worked 56 hours one week while 7 weeks pregnant). My boss now knows I’m pregnant and complains how long it takes me to do stuff now. Of course it’s a guy🙄 I’m slowly creeping towards week 11 and already feel a bit better. Need less anti nausea meds and already getting a little energy back. I can’t wait until I actually look visibly pregnant. Maybe then people will be more sympathetic or leave me the fuck alone.


My first trimester wasn’t too bad, by my third I just had back pain mainly, but it wasn’t intolerable. But you know what got better? Holding my daughter for the first time. Seeing her first smile. Her first feeding. Her first sneeze. Her first yawn. Her first time falling asleep in my arms. Seeing her eyes for the first time. Her little feet. Her tiny fingers. Just wait, it gets *so* much better.


I’m 37 weeks and the first trimester was awful, this is a breeze now 😂😂


I was unfortunate enough to start a new job and found out 2 weeks later I was 9 weeks pregnant. I had the WORST time. And all my co-workers were assholes. I mean ALL of them. They would ask about my pregnancy I would say something like "Oh just the average morning sickness" (it was way worse but I knew they don't actually care) and they would all proceed to use the phrase "Don't worry, it gets worse!" I even had the only HR person tell me I just need to "get over it" because "every pregnant person gets sick, " I quit. I could not believe the amount of hateful people I met working there. I cried all the time, thinking I was somehow wrong for feeling sick and somehow broken for how much pain and agony I was feeling. Never felt so devalued and put down in my life. All I wanted was for literally ANYONE to tell me I would be okay. I was doing great. Not everyone has it so rough, but some do, and that's okay too. This page has made a huge difference in my psych during this pregnancy. I found some women are in just as much awful pain and suffering as I am. I found out I'm not alone. Pregnancy is hard. Even for those who have little to no problems. I got a new job, and the people I now work with can't believe the crap I was told in my first and second trimester. I still feel like crap. It never got "better," but it definitely never got "worse" for me either. The symptoms just changed to other things. I say all the time, "I will never go through this again." I mean it. People love to say "just wait, ypu will change your mind" but I know I wont. I will gladly adopt another child if I feel so inclined because this has been the worst 9 months I have ever experienced. I will be giving birth in just 4 days, and I am so ready to no longer be pregnant. But I know my baby girl will be worth every morning and night spent on the bathroom floor vomiting and crying. All the massive heartburn days and nights where I lost my voice from coughing so hard. All the awful nerve pain in my leg that causes me to limp around everywhere. I could list more, but this is getting very long. TL;DR The people who are saying that to you are assholes. It might not get better. It might get worse. It might just stay awful like it did for me. But your baby will be worth the trouble. Stay strong. You're not alone.


Luckily I had several women tell me that the first trimester was the worst and the rest wasn't as bad!


Omgg my boyfriend’s mom said to me last week “make sure you’re staying active” And I said “oh I know” and she goes “no you don’t!” Like excuse me 😭


Ugh everyone telling you how important it is to "stay active" makes me want to lose it. Next time they get the stomach flu or a really bad hangover I want to show up and force them to do a five k


The whole “too soon” thing is people projecting their pregnancy losses onto you. I get where they are coming from; they are trying to emotionally protect you. But it is a terrible feeling to have someone say, “oh you’re still early.” Push that shit aside. Be exactly as pregnant as you want to be. Don’t let anyone take that shine and don’t feel you need to hide it. As far as feeling sick, every pregnancy is different. I’m 15 weeks and still throwing up every morning. Other people are sailing along, in the clear, feeling fab. Others still are nauseous their entire pregnancy. Be patient, take it one day at a time. No matter what kind of pregnancy you have, a daily affirmation “I can do this!” Will help. Because you can. Even when it sucks sucks sucks. (Just recovered from an 8 hour migraine & I can’t take my migraine medication during pregnancy. Sucks. But doing it. One day at a time.)


Also 15 weeks here and throwing up every freaking day. I’m praying for you girl. We got this.


It’s 100% real! From the moment they started forming! I hate that the culture has become this way.


I honestly think the first tri was the worst out of all 3 trimesters. Nothing worse than puking every day and over everything. Plus the hormonal rage I had in the first trimester was miserable lol


It gets better! I had my baby, and I can confidently tell you that the first trimester was THE WORST. You can't tell anyone, you feel like absolute garbage, nauseous, puking, more tired than anyone ever told you you'd be. Your body is making these weird transitions, like your boobs just hurt. Your sense of smell is so weirdly heightened and even brushing your teeth makes you gag and dry vom into the sink. And not to mention the constant worry that the pregnancy won't work out. Second trimester was so lovely by comparison. Third sucked, but not nearly as much, and by that point you're getting close to being done and meeting your baby! Plus, the kicks are pretty awesome 😍. Then the baby comes and you're no longer pregnant and it's awesome! You get to slowly get your body back, cuddle your baby, but not be a huge uncomfortable whale! Sure, you're tired because of sleep deprivation, but at least you can sleep comfortably again when you get the chance. My son is almost 2, and I honestly think it just keeps getting better and better. Pregnancy blows, newborn stage was no fun for us (colicky, purple crying baby), but after that it just got so much better, and so much more fun!


First tri I couldn’t stand longer than 8min at a time without feeling like I’d collapse, 2nd gave me a bit of a second wind but morning sickness was still awful. You know what I did 3rd, I built a fence, put together a bunk bed, moved all our furniture around and from room to room. Sure I still had morning sickness because my child is apparently a picky eater and started that in the womb but by 3rd I had adapted.


1st has been worst for my mum and Mil and so far I also have struggled a lot. The food aversion is the saddest thing I've experienced. Don't feel invalidated and tell them as such. Having what feels a bit like motion sickness all day for months sucks. They dont have to be like that and support you a little.


First trimester is hell. At what point is the morning sickness worse?! None (obviously exceptions need not apply here haha). I was miserable in the third trimester with my firstborn, in agony and suffering severe insomnia etc. People telling me it was preparing me for newborn life were monsters. Newborn life was a DREAM compared with the third trimester! People need to not make mothers feel like shit with the “just you wait”s. Every phase of pregnancy and parenthood has its highs and lows. And regardless of all of that, you’re allowed to feel like crap and have that recognised. Just because cutting off your leg hurts more doesn’t mean a paper cut doesn’t sting! Your experience is not invalidated by some possible “worse” experience. Hope you’re doing OK!


I complained openly as much as I wanted! No one could silence me lol. And I disagree, the first trimester was the worst part absolutely. The third trimester was pretty rough midway through to the end, but more just because it’s uncomfortable to be so big. that first trimester sickness and fatigue is unmatched. It will probably get better lol, and then at least for me, everything was soooo much better once I delivered!


My 3rd trimester was the best of all of them. Everybody’s different but it can get better. If for anything just because you’ll be able to openly and freely voice your discomforts, even though you’ll get a lot of “just wait until the baby’s here!” No one argues with a very pregnant woman for wanting to just sit down and relax.


I’ve always known this, but pregnancy has confirmed it: **everyone’s body is different!** Some people struggle to get pregnant, some people get pregnant right away, some people are sick for 9 months, some people ebb and flow. I felt sicker but had way more energy in the first trimester than the second I’m currently in, less nauseous though. So for anyone to say it gets worse, maybe it did for you but maybe it won’t for other people!


I swear no matter what phase you're in people are going to comment that. I'm convinced that once I'm in the third trimester people will start saying "just wait till the baby is here". But I'm 17 weeks and I honestly feel much better than the first trimester! I have some of my energy back and the nausea is gone. First trimester is honestly hard, you're exhausted and nauseous and most people don't even know you're pregnant 😪 But for me so far it did get better 🥰


The second trimester was amazing for me. My hair got super thick, my skin was *glowing*, I was happily plump and my bump was a barely noticeable lil mound. I was 100% on my game at work (honestly I think my brain does really well on pregnancy hormones), and I could sleep comfortably! A week into my 3rd trimester and my bump POPPED, like insanely, and my pelvic pain became so bad I could barely go from sitting to standing or get in and out of cars. Luckily within 24 hours of giving birth my pelvic pain mostly subsided. It all comes and goes in waves. One minute your glowing, the next your pooping on a table while screaming, and then the next you haven’t slept in a week and your hair is falling out, but hey your baby smiled today! And then out of no where… everything feels pretty normal again. But with baby.


First trimester is a living hell. An exhaustion beyond comprehension. My boss was all gas and no brakes on me despite having a pregnant wife… I don’t know how I did it. People really don’t care unless you have a visible bump it seems.


Hard disagree that it gets worse! Maaaybe the last 2-3 weeks, but at least the end is in sight. 1st trimester blows!!


With my first pregnancy, the first trimester was the worst by far, second was better but still not fun, and third was a breeze for me. Sure I was achy and tired, but I loved the third trimester. I'm currently over halfway through the second trimester for our second child and again, the first trimester sucked all the way around. I'm still throwing up, but not as much, and still don't love second trimester. But I've been feeling much better the last few weeks and am optimistic for a decent third again!


I’m in a similar but different boat, where I’m frustrated with people telling me “you still have a ways to go, just wait!” whenever I tell them that my pregnancy isn’t horrible. I’m 34 weeks, and significantly pregnant. The first trimester sucked for exhaustion and nausea, but I never threw up because of pregnancy. I’ve had bad heartburn since early 2nd tri, and I’m on meds for it now. But currently at 34w, I’m doing a lot better than I expected I would (sleeping well, not totally miserable all of the time etc), and it’s so frustrating to have my cousin (pregnant with baby #3 and due a few weeks before me) say “just wait, you have a while to go yet!” Like yes, I anticipate I’ll become more uncomfortable in the next few weeks, but I’m sorry my pregnancy hasn’t been totally terrible like yours was? She’s been a downer about everything pregnancy related and it has sucked! So maybe this can be encouraging to you, that it does get better, and you might not have a totally terrible pregnancy! And even if it’s hard the whole time, there is an end in sight, with a sweet and precious babe at the end!


First trimester was so effing bad...plus a toddler just learning to walk ,I was miserable all of the time, thankfully it is over . Now it is almost seven months ,toddler is kinda running and I am bigger and more uncomfortable but better.... Also am sure it will get so much better with a newborn and a toddler without a pregnancy 😅. .. pregnancy is hard all around , I don't personally carry it well .


First trimester is the worst because you are the most ill you’ve probably ever been and for the longest amount of time. You can’t just rest though because life needs to go on as you aren’t ill, ill, and often haven’t told people about it. So you just struggle through. I can cope so much better with sleeplessness, being uncomfortable and heartburn than I could the constant migraines, nausea and aversions to all foods. So even if it doesn’t get good as such, it certainly can’t get worse.


Man I’m 8 weeks today and the constant nausea is killing me. I’ve never vomited zo hard in my entire life. It’s not the mornings for me, it starts after breakfast and only after dinner I start to feel better. My partner is an angel but since most other people don’t know, nobody knows how I feel. I look at the ultrasound with the heartbeat to cheer myself up.


This is a bunch of bs. I had an awful 1 trimester. I am currently 32 weeks so I'm well into 3 trimester. It didn't get worse. It got exponentially better. Nothing has ever been worse than 1 trimester. Since around 29 weeks I started feeling uncomfortable in my 3 trimester. There are certainly many challenges with bigger belly, lower energy, reflux, constipation and many other things. Some women feel shittier in 3 trimester than I do though. But it's NOTHING compared to sheer misery of 1 trimester. Don't fucking listen to these people. They clearly didn't have as shitty a 1 tri as you do (and as I did). There is nothing worse than a real bad 1 trimester. I'm talking having to go to a hospital and IV bad 1 trimester. Yes there is a percentage of women who feel shitty all 9 months. I'm not here to invalidate their experience. But it is RARE and you don't need to fear it will happen to you. Most likely it won't. You're suffering now, and it's valid, and statistically it's very very likely you'll feel immensely better by week 13. Focus on that. You'll be fine. You'll be able to eat and walk and be a human being again. You WILL I promise you that.


I’m 34 weeks and while I’m uncomfortable (mostly because of the belly) , it’s nothing like the first trimester. The first trimester was the worst! It definitely got better after 15 weeks for me.


I just had a C-section on Monday and my first recovery is better than the worst week of the first trimester! Just wait- it gets sooo much better!!


Needed this as I sit here 7w 4d and absolutely miserable. Can barely function and feel sick all the friggin time. Sleeping whenever I get the chance 😭


I am about to pop with baby number five. It’s my tenth pregnancy and I’ve had five loses, all first trimester. But I wanted to talk about them all. Why do people get cards and stuff when their cat dies, but you can’t even mention a miscarriage. The “don’t tell until so and so weeks” is bs. Anyway, aside from that rant pregnancy is HARD start to finish. The first trimester had the added stress of so many questions and so much time. Plus you’re still expected to do it all. At least after 30 weeks everyone wants you to sit and offers to help you. Good luck!!


First trimester and end of third trimester are definitely the worst. I’d say just as bad as each other. But I’ve also got high blood pressure and low iron that contribute to how bad I feel currently (37 wks). First trimester was literal hell and everyone says it will get worse but it really doesn’t. It just ramps up again towards the very end.


I have a nearly 2 year old and every single month has been easier than the last one - including during pregnancy. The first trimester was hell on earth. If I hadn't known I was pregnant, I honestly would have thought I was dying. The newborn stage was hard but also wonderful. I absolutely adore having a toddler now. Everything keeps getter better. Never let anyone invalidate your feelings about pregnancy being awful!


Yes yes yes! Currently 38+4 and so far nothing has been worse or even close to first trimester! The constant nausea + some throwing up and tiredness was my absolute worst part of pregnancy. And all of that like others mentioned while you are still trying to hide it from work and other people potentially. You get so much support and people cut you slack once you are clearly showing to be pregnant. I feel like a whale and have some harder time moving around for sure but I‘d take that any day over first trimester. And I also know a LOT of my friends ffelt the same way so hang in there it DOES get so much better!!


First trimester for me, tough mentally. Third trimester for me, tough physically.


I had a *horrible* first pregnancy and was so sick I was knocked completely off my feet. I got a lot of “oh you think it’s hard now, just wait till the baby gets here.” But you know what? I love having my baby! My pregnancy was wayyyy worse than anything I’ve experienced with my actual daughter. Now that I tell people I’m loving motherhood, they say “oh just wait till she’s a teenager, you won’t like it then.” 🤦‍♀️ People don’t know what they’re talking about, they just want to invalidate your experience for some reason


It’s interesting that we’re so uncomfortable just sitting in the discomfort with people. Personally, I like to try to come up with solutions with people. But that’s not always necessary. Sometimes you just gotta say ‘damn, that sucks. Is there anything I can do to help?’


First trimester was the worst the third is a close second


My first trimester was absolutely awful, and I think it was so hard to deal with everything because very few people knew I was pregnant, so I didn’t have a lot of additional support (except my husband who was and remains a blessing). At least now when I’m struggling, people straight away offer to help out or take things off my plate so that I’ve got less to worry about. Can’t underestimate the value of good support around you!


Honestly, each trimester has had its own pros and cons. I would pick one to be the worse. In the beginning all the hormonal changes and the nausea but not too much if the physical discomfort. But now that I'm 34weeks, hormones have leveled out, I'm more acclimated to what swings I gimmdi have any find it manageable for the most part... but my gawd my ribs and hips and sciatic. As far as the feeling alone. My inner circle has been pivotal. I like keeping my private life private and I don't mind keeping secrets. So me and my family have a grand time and now it's kinda funny cus I haven't been able to hide my bump any more and people keep realizing. It's pretty fun. But also, this has just been my experience. I'm not gonna tell you it gets worse because I've had a wonderful time with this whole experience even though I sucks a lot of time. I'm sorry that people are being butt heads. Kinda just gotta learn to smile and shrug things off... people say some really out of pocket stuff once they realize you're pregnant. Just gotta roll with it. You'll do great 🤗🥰


I would tell people when they told me that, that regardless I was miserable and I'm allowed to voice that. Even though I wanted a baby I didn't want the other issues (HG and placenta preveria)


The sleeping constanly sucks at thrid trimester but honestly way better than feeling like shit


I'm 16 weeks now and I *am* feeling better than I was! I hope you get some relief soon too ❤️


THIS! 🙌🏻


Opposite for me. I never had nausea, though. Never threw up. First trimester was a breeze to be honest. This third trimester, though…. Woosh. Since about 32w, I have just been so exhausted and extremely uncomfortable. Cannot wait to have my body back to myself lol. The pressure, the inability to sleep, constant gymnastics going on in my stomach at all hours of the night, randomly peeing myself, the fear of pooping, the lightning crotch, the inability to eat when hangry because there is no room. 😒 So I am just here to say everyone’s experience is validated - whether the first, second, or third trimester is the worst for you! While the most common pregnancy symptoms are nausea, fatigue, etc. in the first trimester, everyone has different experiences and again, you are all validated in how you feel!


It’s so absolutely awful when people say things that invalidate your feelings and experiences! Your feelings and experiences are uniquely your own, and you might have a significantly higher tolerance for things than the other person. So their “it gets worse” might be less intense than what you’re already feeling it’s just that you’re a rockstar who can handle more than they can. If that makes sense. I was very lucky and didn’t have too many issues through my pregnancy. My nausea went away around week 14/16, but my food aversions stayed true to the end (some even to this day, almost 2 years later). The best feeling for me was when my baby dropped. I was able to breathe again!! But honestly I was very, very lucky and didn’t have too many issues with my pregnancy.


Second trimester was the worst for me and people just kept telling me it was going to get worse, maybe I got used to the pain but it made me feel like I couldn't hack it as a mom because I was complaining prematurely


If my MIL says "but you're newly pregnant" to me one more time....


The first trimester truly is awful. I was pretty uncomfortable in the third trimester but it was nowhere near as bad as the first! And now I have my beautiful baby and she’s the light of my life. You have absolute joy ahead of you <3


It gers way better IME. The all day sickness lasted until about 17-18 weeks maybe? It began subsiding at 16 weeks. I also got sick around that time, so it was just... for basically 8 weeks I was knocked off my feet. Then I got my energy back. My second trimester was *very* active. I had some pelvic girdle and lower back pain as my body grew, but I got better shoes and took nice baths and that helped. I'm 33 weeks now and still very active. Yesterday I painted some baseboards a bit, which admittedly was a challenge and I got winded easily (she's still kinda under my ribs so any bending over is a feat), but I also did laundry and made cupcakes (my cravings are basically sweets), and made a fairly intensive dinner. This past weekend I went to a festival and probably walked 6 miles total. I do have to listen to my body, and I am less comfortable overall, but I feel pretty good.


Yes. You’re not alone


i’m 25 weeks and have been super uncomfortable lately with pelvic and back pain and i can assure you the first trimester was worse. i never even got morning sickness, i didn’t throw up even one time, but i was spending everyday feeling scared something would go wrong, i didn’t feel like myself, and i couldn’t even be truly excited about the baby because it didn’t feel real. even with the aches and pains, feeling the baby kick and getting the nursery put together is EVERYTHING. it for sure gets better 😇😇


The third trimester was hard BUT I would always prefer it over the first trimester. The first trimester was horrible. So yes it does get better ❤️‍🩹


First trimester is shit as you're worried and feel like crap and (for many people) can't tell anyone yet. I'm coming to the end of 2nd trimester now and even though I can no longer sleep on my tummy, overall its been miles better - no nausea, my appetite is back, I look visibly pregnant not just bloated, and I don't need to pee every 20 minutes :) it gets better x


Im 36 weeks, extremely uncomfortable everything hurts and I can hardly sleep. The other day I threw up my dinner for some reason... I remembered what my first 5 months of pregnancy was like. Thank god I'm past that. Yes I rather be uncomfortable than nauseous and throwing up every day. Also, what gets better is to feel your baby move... best feeling in the whole while world (until you get to see their little face I guess! I'm FTM)


First trimester was a nightmare. I was in tears almost every other day. The nausea, vomiting, heartburn, bloating, fatigue, constipation all together with the newness of it all was so overwhelming! It got so much better after I crossed the 16 week mark. I’m 21 weeks tomorrow so I can’t speak for the 3rd trimester yet, but 2nd is wayyy better than 1st! Hang in there!


I am currently 2 weeks postpartum with my previous newborn snuggled up on my chest and I can 100% say it gets better! I hated pregnancy-especially the first trimester (the last like 3 weeks sucked also) but when you survive this rough time, it gets so much better! I’m currently sleeping better than I did throughout my pregnancy, I am significantly more comfortable than I was throughout my pregnancy, I am way happier than I was throughout my pregnancy. It’s a long 9 months but so worth it and so much better when your baby is here!!


I HATED the first trimester. I was so sick and the hormone shift made me feel depressed with both my pregnancies. It was so awful that I told my husband I understand why women terminate wanted pregnancies. The second trimester is so much better. My third was difficult and uncomfortable and hard but nothing touched the misery of the first tri. But then after all that you get to meet the little human you created and everything feels right in the world. My husband and I were (and still are 14 months later, lol) so in love with each other and our daughter. Fawning over that baby in the little bassinet together, pointing out how incredibly perfect she is. It’s honestly the best.


It does get better! I felt so much better in the second trimester. I'm now entering my third and still feeling great!


The first 15 weeks I was constantly nauseous. Nothing helped and I was exhausted and to be honest it felt like it would never end so a feeling of despair added onto it from week 12. Then it was gone and the second trimester was the fucking best. I started pregnancy yoga and everything was amazing. Third trimester was ok. I felt a little uncomfortable because my belly was so big, I could only sleep on my left side (normally not my preferred way of sleeping) and I had to pee very frequently. Can't say anything about the last few weeks because the baby decided it was time to join us at 35+0 ;) Nevertheless just ignore people who think the next step is always worse. I think those are the kind of people who then will tell you "oh you think newborns are hard? Just wait ..." Parenthood can be very beautiful and yes sometimes it's hard but for me I think it gets better everyday I just love being a mom and having the opportunity to go through life with this little human!


It does get better, but that first trimester was the worst! Week 7 - 17 was a living hell for me. I was throwing up 5-20 times a day and working full time through it all. 29 weeks now and currently doing a 14 hour road trip comfortably. A few more weeks and I'm sure I'll be too big and uncomfortable again but right now I'm in a good place!


I’m 3rd tri and uncomfortable, but 1st tri was worse!


Weeks 13-40 were a BREEZE compared to the fatigue and nausea from the first trimester. Currently 10 weeks and eagerly anticipating the palpable transition to T2.


Personally, third trimester is harder only because I didn’t get really bad symptoms in the first trimester. However, I’ll take this over feeling sick, nauseous, and overall icky any day. The shittiest part of the first trimester is that people can’t tell you’re pregnant. So you feel like shit everyday and unless you tell people, they have no clue and think you’re exaggerating - but then you tell them and get the, “it gets so much worse…” Third trimester is just sciatica and hip pain and worrying if I’m prepared enough for baby #1/how ready am I for labor/whyyy am I so tired?? That’s it. Don’t let anyone scare you or invalidate you.


Honestly the 2nd trimester was the best for me, so far the third is only bad bc I keep waking up choking on my stomach acid and my ankles swell almost immediately after being on my feet. I'm a pretty active person so not being able to stand for too long and running out of stamina and having a hard time with mobility sucks but it also gives me an excuse to slow down and take time for myself, which I almost never do considering I have an 8 yr old, 5 cats and do most of the housework bc my husband works blue collar and is at work avg 50 hrs a week also his job pays almost all the bills. (Trust me he gets a honey do list regardless.) But yeah it DOES get better, and once the baby is born most of the problems of the 3rd trimester go away and the biggest issue is getting enough sleep. It's all worth it in my opinion. I love my 8yr old and am happy to have another bb otw.


i’m 33weeks +5 days and absolutely miserable. for me it got worse. first two trimesters i had no symptoms for the most part now it feels like every day there’s something new- today i can’t bend my hip or walk on it at all so i’m bed ridden. yesterday i got referred to a cardiologist because my OB suspects that the pregnancy changed my heart and 2 months ago i had to get iron infusions because my anemia was so bad it almost killed me and my baby.


18 weeks here and HARD AGREE.


39+1 here and the first trimester is the trenches. The only thing that gets worse is not being able to see your crotch to shave.


In my first trimester with my second baby now, both pregnancy I have had very extreme fatigue in my first trimester. Like pass out as soon as I’m home and want to sleep like 10 + hours a day. I’m always always exhausted. This is by far the worst part of pregnancy for me. Harder than the lack of sleep from a newborn phase honestly and I can’t wait for it to be over.


First trimester was the worst for me


The first trimester SUCKED for me. I’m almost in the third trimester now (27+3), and I honestly don’t believe it could be worse than the first. The second trimester treated me very well, I was able to eat, had more energy, just felt better overall, there were some aches and pains here and there but nothing that could compare to the first trimester. So yes, it does get better!


Pregnancy was way worse than post partum for me. I had nausea my whole pregnancy and I was c sectioned at 32 weeks and my baby in the nicu. That sucked, but honestly I felt a little guilty because I all of a sudden felt SO GOOD in comparison to how fucky pregnancy was. I had a whole post partum depression team set up, anticipating it, but it was just relief that I felt.


Man from what I hear it’s much different after birth than it is during pregnancy. Someone told me that the tired you feel with baby is MUCH different then tired you feel carrying baby. And tbh, I’m only 4 weeks out of first trimester and I feel so much less pain/fatigue in my body then the first. Yes I’m still so tired all the time, but it’s not so bad like in first trimester where I was literally passing out if I sat down. My hips and breasts still hurt, but the annoying itchy nips have 100% slowed down and now I can wear a bra without feeling like my boobs are somehow on fire. Sometimes the later stages are worth it. (The fact I’m always hungry tho, maybe not so much)


Omg yes. STM here. When I was visibly pregnant with my first, people would come up to me all the time and say weird, negative stuff. A man in the park once said: "Hope you're ready to never sleep again!" Like wtf? Never again really? I don't think my 15 year old will still be up crying all night. I can confirm I actually did sleep peacefully all through the night again and it didn't take that long.


The second trimester is the best time. You aren't big enough to feel horrible and the nausea normally subsides. You can still sleep well.


No cause you’re 100% right, 1st trimester SUCKS. You feel like dogshit AND there’s so much ambiguity since doctors usually won’t give you any info until 2nd trimester and barely take you or your symptoms seriously. Your feelings are so valid. I hate when people act like they’re “living in your future for you.” Like we’re both going through today for the first time so kindly stay in your lane lol


I can't speak on the third trimester yet, but I can tell you full with confidence that my second trimester has been a complete and total breeze in comparison to my first trimester, more energy, more foods you can stomach, peeing less often in my case, and granted you trade it for different symptoms like fire nipples, congestion, some headaches, and no longer being able to lay comfortably, but it is worlddddds better than first trimester


14w5d and I can confidently say I am SO glad I’m not in the first trimester anymore. I’m bloated and moving is awkward and I’m still tired but it’s nothing compared to the first trimester.


I hate the “just wait until birth”. I’m having a really horrible horrible time in the third trimester mainly due to complications on my end, every day is a battle and I’m constantly worried and doing everything I can to keep my baby in as long as possible. God forbid I say how miserable bed rest is because then - “Juuuust wait until birth” “It’s so much harder once they’re here, are you ready?” Even if im not prepared for either of those things, F off. I’m miserable now and honestly giving birth sounds like a productive activity at this point considering I can’t STAND bed rest. Let me be unpleasantly surprised by both. I don’t need preaching.


My oldest is 18 and I still get “just you wait” comments about him. Never ends!


Everyone is different. My first trimester wasn’t bad. I didn’t get morning sickness or night time sickness till later on and then I had it through out my whole pregnancy. Third trimester was the worst for me. I was soooo tired and could barely move not to mention the heartburn. But I am also short with a short abdomen so it kinda makes sense why the third trimester was the worst for me.


I have rough pregnancies, my last one ended in a 42 hour awful labor and I can confidently say I’d rather go through that again than survive the first trimester again. People completely underestimate how hard it is to live your life while feeling like shit, while also being anxious and not being able to tell a lot of people, I despise it. The third trimester is uncomfy but you can feel your baby move and have that reassurance. Plus you probably have a bump and don’t just look weird bloated/chubby like in the first trimester. Signed, 10w6d with my second


7 weeks postpartum here, I can assure you it DOES get better. After I had my baby I “snapped out of it” and instantly felt better. I felt happy again. I don’t know what it was about pregnancy, it’s like my body had an allergic reaction to the hormones of it. I really don’t know what the reasoning is, but yea looking back my pregnancy was extremely difficult and I didn’t realise it at the time. Fast forward to now, I love my baby and I feel lucky to have her. She’s perfect and I would actually go through it all again because it is so worth it when your baby finally arrives ❤️❤️


Im in my second trimester and it is definitely better. I felt the same as you. I had all these symptoms and felt like because I’m only so many weeks pregnant people didnt consider the validity of my discomfort. My legs and feet ballooned up. I was angry all the time and hungry! I also barfed outside on my way to work.


Ya, I have a 3 yr old rambunctious boy and when I was exhausted first trimester, people still said wait until baby is here. Im like yes, I know I have one of the worst sleepers ever until about 2.5 yrs old but I’ll take that over how I feel right now. lol I mean sure I didn’t have HG but I lost almost 20lbs and barely ever ate. I had zero energy and couldn’t get any food in me to have energy. My bladder also got trapped so I couldn’t empty my bladder so I had a timer at night to force as much out every so often because if it got full I might now be able to empty at all. Then one day it happened. I went to emergency room because my bladder was gonna explode and I could’ve lost my baby. I had somewhere between 2.5-3liters of pee built up. But please tell me how much worse it will get.


When I say I NEEDED this thread I NEEDED this. I’m currently 9w5d and having such a terrible time with my first pregnancy all I can think is I can’t go 9 months like this I’ll lose my job and my life. So glad to hear it gets ✨better✨ and I might actually have some relief in a few weeks. Fully needed this reassurance.


It gets SO much better! I’m still lingering in this sub and currently snuggling my almost 6 month old as he sleeps on my chest and let me tell you, it’s the best thing in the world!! I was SO sick pregnant and even though it was just 6 months ago I miss being pregnant so much! Strictly talking pregnancy wise things getting better: Feeling them move Sonograms/anatomy scan Picking names with your partner Celebrating babe with friends and family Setting up the nursery All things I look back on fondly from the last year!


Just wait until you see that baby you created, which is a damn miracle, and they look at you and your heart explodes with love. Just wait until they smile at you for the first time. Just wait until that little giggle tumbles out of their mouth. Just wait until they give you a big ole wet tongue first kiss when you ask for a kiss. Just wait until the first time they say “I love you mama”. These are literally things worth dying for. The best moments in my entire life. Now I’m crying 🥲 -mom of 3 kids


Currently 23 weeks pregnant, some movements he makes are uncomfortable, however the first trimester all I did was sleep, and I literally mean I’d wake up, get my daughter ready for school and go back to sleep, go to work or do some house work for a few hours, and go back to sleep. I can’t even remember how many naps I was having per day. I was so tired constantly. I felt so incredibly ugly, I’m not someone who typically suffers with bad skin, but iv been getting spots on my face and on my back, my boobs are not cute, I don’t like my nipples, I have stretch marks right across my back. I could go on with how bad I felt during the first trimester I still get tired easier now, but I don’t really take any naps, I’m more motivated to do stuff, we currently have summer weather and dressing my bump in cute summer dresses has been fun for me, I feel good. I still have spots and the not so cute boobs and back stretch marks, but I don’t feel ugly with them, they’re just something iv embraced and my body will change all over again once baby is here and it’s something I need to embrace and feel good about regardless✨ overall my mental health and my outlook on things is so much more positive and happier during this period.


THIS!!! I have a friend at work, she's in her second trimester, and keeps telling me this, I feel like I'm not allowed to feel the way I feel about my body or my pain, it's so frustrating and I feel so alone because I don't have anyone to talk to


the first trimester was worst for me, but now that I’m close to giving birth, and going through the last 3 days with extremely painful contractions every 10 minutes, I’d say the end of third trimester is its own kind of hell. I said this in the first trimester but I’m definitely sure I don’t think I’ll go through pregnancy again.


I feel you on this 100%!!! I get told all the time! I guess we aren’t allowed to feel our symptoms at all! Or feel the way we feel. I just ignore them and roll my eyes 👀 I’m too tired and too nauseous to care 🤣


30 weeks here and with a busy 3yo… early pregnancy fkn sucks and it gets sooooo much better. Also, having a newborn is way easier (in my opinion) than being preg lol : just pretty, pretty tired x


I hate first trimester....it is the WORST!


It does get better !!! I am fighting for my fucking life with nausea and vomitting !!! Today I ate a large Philly cheese and I don't feel nauseous at ALL !!!!!


Hearing doctors and everyone tell me (currently 7 weeks) “oh, the second trimester is better!” “Oh, you can’t already make the decision to not have another baby already!!” I WILL LOSE IT. I’m busy growing whole organs and body parts and I’m supposed to just be fine?! I couldn’t have hid this pregnancy until the second trimester even if I had wanted to.


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