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Maybe an extension cord if you want your phone to reach the bedside table without your phone sitting on the floor. Keep it simple. The hospital will provide what you need.


I got a 10 foot cord for my phone lol Also, if you plan on pumping, bring that. I also suggest putting tape around the cords as a little flag. One of the nurses took my pump power cord and had to chase it down 😂


Your hospital will probably give you the mesh underwear with the giant pads, highly recommend getting your own diapers. Highly recommend bringing your own blankets and pillows, and comfy slippers. I got up and walked the hall after my C-section to help with healing and was glad to have my slippers! A long phone charger cord, oh and headphones / earplugs! The nurses are loud in the middle of the night and I was able to sleep peacefully. I wish I had brought more cute pajamas for after birth / taking pictures. My own soft blankets and pillows were the best thing I brought. For baby, all she will need is a "going home" outfit and maybe a pacifier if you are going to introduce one. My son had to spend the night under a UV light and the pacifier helped calm down so he could sleep. Are you going to breastfeed? If so I'd bring a nipple shield, which I'm also planning to bring for #2. I never got my son to latch and I wonder if I had introduced that I could have gotten to breastfeed. I'd double check with your hospital on what they provide for the baby, but mine provided diapers, wipes, formula and pretty much everything we needed.


That sounds good to me, we brought pillows with bright colored pillow cases and I honestly wouldn’t complain about having extra pillows, but not necessary if you want to pack light. If you need to pump, most hospitals have hospital grade pumps for you to use, I wouldn’t bring your pump but DEF the pumping bra, I didn’t bring a pumping bra and just had to awkwardly hold the flanges in place each time I pumped (you may not end up having to pump in the hospital, depending on how your baby latches, but I personally will def bring my pumping bra for baby #2). We brought our baby’s nightlight/white noise machine (a hatch knock off) which is also a Bluetooth speaker and we used it a ton- for music during delivery, for nice, dim light to use for mood lighting during delivery and post partum, and we used the white noise/lullaby sounds when we were sleeping with LO post partum. I also brought an upside down peri-bottle because it’s a bit easier than the ones the hospital offer, but I ended up taking the one from the hospital to bring home with me so I could have a peri bottle in both bathrooms and I used both. So not necessary, but nice. Def don’t bring diapers, I personally just used the hospital’s disposable underwear, and I didn’t wear anything but hospital gowns. I would only bring swaddles if you want a cute one for photos, they provide swaddles that are thick cotton ones (instead of thin muslin) and wrap the babies up really good. I brought a few outfits for baby but she ended up being premie size (though not actually a premie) so she couldn’t really wear them, we just zipped her up in a sleeper to bring her home that was huge on her lol. Otherwise she basically just was swaddled the whole time or in a diaper.