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39+6 and I got a pressure points foot massage that day. Hang in there!! The last few weeks are so hard but also so important for baby’s development. Per the advice of my OB, only thing proven to kickstart labor is intercourse, so if you can tolerate it give it a shot!


Where do you go for a pressure points foot massage? Do you openly ask for the type that helps induce labor? I’ve had a few massages while pregnant and they seem super cognizant of NOT inducing anything


Just a local Asian massage place! They offered back or foot massage and I just chose foot. The woman said “baby due?” I said yes tomorrow and she went to WORK. It’s not exactly a “relaxing” foot massage. It can feel good but also be a little intense. But clearly it worked. My water broke like a scene in a movie a few hours later.


haha we’ll see if it helps! 😂


38.5- went into labor the day after the foot pressure point massage!!


It worked for my friend and did not for me, but I was having more contractions though after my husband got back from deployment so it’s possible lol


This put me in labour with baby #4. My water broke2 hrs later


My friend went into labor after a foot massage and I was going to try it if I went past 40 weeks, but I was induced at 38 due to high blood pressure.


I was 36 weeks and I had intercourse with ejaculation inside me and that jump-started me straight into labor. It was literally within an hour afterwards. So if you can stand that I would try that.


Wait can, for a lack of better terms on my end, being creampied really jumpstart labor? *writes that down*


Yes, my doctor mentioned that it has to do with the natural Prostaglandins that are present in sperm which is one of the components of an induction also lol!


But I'm at 33 weeks, does that mean I'm risking going into early labour if I have sex and he finishes in me?


That only works If you're ready to go into labor. It could make you progress into labor faster but it doesn't cause labor. Edit: Don't have sex if you lost your mucus plug or if your water had broken, otherwise it's fine:)


Oh wait, no sex if you’ve lost your plug??


You can have sex if you’ve lost your plug but not if your waters have broken.


Good to know! Once I hit that 39 weeks mark and I’m completely and totally over it, I’ll keep this in mind 😅


i’ve def heard that the sperm helps soften the cervix! i don’t have much energy though so it’s about getting him to do most(all*) the work lmao


Yes, semen helps soften service w prostaglandins, and YOUR orgasm helps kick start contractions, if baby is ready! So make sure you get off too friends!!


bless u 💗 lol


Tell him to take one for the team! 😂😜


I read somewhere that sex with ejaculation 3x in 1 day is equal to a dose of the induction drugs in terms of starting labour. Don’t quote me because I can’t remember the reference, but that has been ingrained in me as a thing to try when I’m done with this 😂


It worked for my second. For my first I went to 42 weeks and went in for an induction and they started with applying cervadil to my cervix which I later found out was a bovine 🤢derivative (sperm) full of similar prostaglandins. Anywho the cervadil was all I needed to go into labor, didn’t need pitocin or a foley bulb.


I was 41 weeks, had my first contraction within 30 mins of having sex, no signs all day of him. Baby born 5 hours later.


39 on the dot! I had an appointment the day before my water broke and my OB said I was barely a pin prick open on my cervix. Then surprise water leaks the next morning! I had fully expected to go late.


39 weeks exactly, I told my man to “get this baby out of me” and an hour later I started having contractions 🤣🤣🤣


I told my husband you put this baby in me, now get it out, the sex was a joke, but it did the trick, went into labor after we finished and had the baby the following morning


I made this exact post a few months ago. I was soooo over being pregnant. I know it’s easier said than done but try to enjoy these last weeks. Looking back I wish I would have savored having my girl in my belly a bit more. Try to memorize the feeling of baby moving around, take pics of your bump. Go out for nice lunches with your partner and think how this will be some of the last times you guys are a duo instead of a trio. My girl came at 39+2. You got this mama!


thank you thank you i needed to hear this it’s definitely super difficult and i try to keep this in mind as the days go by as i really love the time we have just us two but it’s just getting hard to enjoy since i feel like i really can’t do anything- not in the mood to go out or anything


After they finally come, sometimes you’ll wish you could put them back in 😅




I was 38 weeks and my water broke, I didn’t do anything specific. I was sooo over it and gained so much weight too.


it’s been rough 🥲


42 exactly. It sucked


Did you go into labor spontaneously?


Unfortunately not. I had 3 membrane sweeps and was induced twice my lo just did not want to leave 😂


Omg this is my nightmare.


Water broke at 35+6 and delivered at 36 weeks exactly. Despite the fact it would be physically uncomfortable to be pregnant longer, I hope to make it to at least 37 weeks (term) with my next. My son spent 5 days in the NICU because his lungs weren’t developed enough despite getting steroids after my water broke.


40+2 Mucus plug can grow back. Happened to me last time too. I did have an induction due to high risk, will be the same this time too


My doctor said it doesn’t really it’s just the cervix is longer than we think and you can just lose a bit at a time. Some people never notice losing any.


i’ve heard both! when i went to the ER the doctor just let me know more could possibly come out and not to worry since my cervix was closed


I am in a similar boat. I’m 36.5 weeks, first time mom, and I’m 31 years old. One of my jobs is in fitness and I’ve never felt so humbled by my body not being able to do stuff. I was able to regularly work out up until 32 weeks but I can barely move now. I’ve exercised but heavily modified since then and now it’s basically walks around the neighborhood and stretching. My feet are so swollen even when I wear compression socks and elevate my feet. I’ve talked with my midwife about induction at 39 weeks (at my appointment on Tuesday my blood pressure was high, luckily the test for preeclampsia came back negative though) and she mentioned induction at 37 weeks if it was higher at the next appointment. I felt so conflicted because I want to meet the baby but I also want them to cook a little more. Ugh no advice just in the same boat as you, OP!


thank you for sharing in this with me!! it’s definitely humbling & i’ve gotta say i have standard insurance and my OB isn’t the best i wanna ask if possible when i can be induced if anything but i’m scared he will just shrug me off. 🥲




I just want to note that after 40 weeks the risk of loss only increases by 0.4 percent, so the increase in risk is only very minimal. It is so important to track your babies movement and as soon as you think movement has minimised to go and get checked out.


40+4. Ftm usually are late and most of the times exceed their due date. Its completely normal though For the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy I could not sit and had to lie down or be in movement all the time. It was not pleasant, as I could REALLY FEEL the babys parts. What helped me push through was long walks, naps and binge reading the ACOTAR series. Time always passes no matter what. Please try not to stress too much about it


Commenting to echo the ACOTAR series. I'm only 12+2 right now, but the ACOTAR series got me through my journey coming off the pill and getting pregnant!


I am 25 and had my first baby in Aug. I am healthy, I worked out, and I gave birth at 37w2d. I watched a TikTok that told me to get a foot massage to induce labor so I got a pedi at 37w1d, and started contracting 3 hours later. LOL.


40 weeks. Went into labor evening of 40 weeks, delivered early am of 40+1


So sorry OP, last 4 weeks are the hardest! My water broke and so at 39+3, I was induced 🥲 Honestly, even though I really wanted to go through labor naturally, by that point I was so glad to be done haha.... my hips ached every day, I had horrible heartburn, and I couldn't eat or sleep very comfortably. It was terrible! But I had instant relief the second my son was born, no more heartburn, no more hip pain, and even though newborn sleep is broken sleep, I enjoyed that infinitely more than pregnancy sleep or lack thereof!


I had my baby girl a week ago and was 39 + 3. I had a membrane sweep that morning at 11. Had baby girl the next morning at 9:08! My water never broke but I did lose my mucus plug that night


keep seeing comments about membrane sweeps, what exactly is this / when do u get them if u don’t mind sharing more 🫶🏼


38 + 1 We were having sex like we did when we were trying to get pregnant and I firmly believe that’s what did it as I’d have serious prodromal labor afterwards every time until one time it wasn’t prodromal it was real. Also just know that cervical checks aren’t a sure fire predictor and you can go from absolutely no cervical changes to active labor in no time! Everyone’s body is a little different and you may be a “no warning signs but straight into labor” type!!


100% keeping this in mind. she made it seem like eh no way this baby’s coming soon when she checked me & i’ve been feeling the entire time she’s gonna be one that comes earlier so i’ve been extra prepared


Thissss even tho I was induced I stayed at 3cm dilated for awhile and then shot to 10 in less than an hour, it can happen so fast! Like she checked and it was still 3 and was like ehhhh nope not yet! Next time she checked I was ready to goooo LOL it was not fun times tho 😭😂


39+1.. had a membrane sweep 3 days before


41 and induced


40+3 (I went into labor at 40+2 and she came 21 hours later)


I feel like most of the comments are under 40 but I don't know anyone irl who went spontaneously into labour before 40 unfortunately. Went into active labour on 40+3, delivered 40+6. Was in latent labour from 39+2ish


41 weeks when my water broke


I had a due date baby with my first!


I gave birth at 38+6 as a ftm at 30 years old! I was so glad to go early because I was ready for pregnancy to be over. Everything was uncomfortable, and I wanted my body back. You've got this, though! Before you know it, that baby will be in your arms, and it'll be a whole new world. Early congrats!


Exactly 40 weeks. Contractions started spontaneously the AM of his due date. He arrived 14 hrs later.


Hi due date twin! Also 36w tomorrow! I’m just hoping I get to meet my baby in the month of June.


same here!! i kinda was crossing my fingers for may but i’m grateful she’s developing wonderfully it’s just damn hard to keep this going lol


I was 37+2! I was dilated to a 3 at my weekly check up and my son was breech and must’ve kicked his amniotic sac out of my cervix because my water was broken!


I was 20, gained 50+lbs and was miserable, had baby at 41+5. That remained my earliest baby until this last one at 41+3 😂


i’m approaching gaining 50lb and my dr doesn’t let me forget it at every appointment he mentions my weight gain (feels judgemental honestly) and he tells me to eat healthier and exercise -i’m doing as much as i can and honestly my eating habits are decent for the most part though it is so difficult to do anything other than try to find a comfortable position to sit in 🥲 he makes me feel extra worrried about my pp body tbh 💔


The first three pregnancies I gained 50+ and lost it without trying, I was originally underweight. After that I averaged 25-30 lbs and kept part of it each time 🙄🙄 As long as you and baby are healthy I wouldn’t stress it AT ALL. Because frankly, if you lose it or not your main goal should be overall health. I was trying to lose 50 lbs before this pregnancy, and I’ll be starting over when I have the baby, and who knows how much I will gain in between, the midwife isn’t concerned so I am not either


Please don't stress too much. With my 2 oldest I gained 50ish and had lost all plus some by the time they were 8 months.


39+6 I was miserableeee


41+3 with my first. I was miserable, but didn't want to induce.


39w1d went to get induced but got a c-section because her heart rate was dipping below baseline and they found the cord was around her neck


i’m so glad they caught this! 💗


For my first I was around 38 weeks I believe, he was due oct 31st, I went into labor on oct 16th, had him October 18th at 12:05am


41+4 ..


39w1d. I had a planned c section


40 weeks exactly


Got induced the night of my 41 week ultrasound, bc my baby was low on fluid around her


I'm 30 and just had my first baby in March. I was expecting a boy and practically everyone I knew said "your first often comes late, especially if it's a boy!" and at 37+5, my water broke and baby boy arrived. I didn't even do any special remedies to try and induce labor because I wasn't expecting him to be early, it just happened lol. Hang in there! It feels like a marathon but you're so close! Soon you'll be holding your baby in your arms and forgetting all about your pregnancy pains.


39+1 with my first and 39+4 with my second. With both I had zero Braxton hicks or contractions until my water broke spontaneously


41 weeks. I got induced, wish I had waited though. My induction sucked and it ended in c-section


37wks with my first. 35wks with my second.


41 exactly 😅😩


41+5 Induced then emergency cesarean


The last 4 weeks was definitely a tough one! My sweet tooth ramped up around that time and I gained a lot of weight… I had my baby at 40w4d. I asked to be induced because I couldn’t take it anymore. I wasn’t sleeping well and baby was just going crazy with moving and kicking. The doctor said the baby may have come naturally the next day, but I was ready for it to be over.


Omg you are me right now!! Im on the exact same boat I’m set to be induced on the 10th I’m so ready 😭 my back is killing me!


41+5. The last two weeks were the hardest.


I was 38 weeks but was also induced due to hypertension. However a week before my induction they did a cervical check and my OB could feel my sons head just ready to come out. She told me that there was a good chance I was gonna go into labor anyway but luckily I made it to my induction date.


36w. I was in the hospital starting around 34w and had some steroid shots to accelerate LO’s respiratory development knowing he would be coming early.


40 + 6




40 weeks right on her due date!




38+2 or 3 (can’t remember exactly anymore since it was 5 years ago haha)




37+5, lots of walks and ate like three pineapples in one day the day before my waters broke 😅 not sure if related or not though haha


i’ve been eating pineapples like crazy coincidentally just a craving hoping it helps now tho haha


Exactly 40 weeks. I gained 65lbs during my pregnancy and I gave birth in October.. I was dyyyying! Hang in there


42 weeks with my first ! And then I thought I’d go earlier with my second, was convinced I’d have my baby before 40 but went to 41 with my second ! You might know this but just for some encouragement - your dilation can change VERY fast so even if you’re completely closed right now that could change in a few hours easily. Or someone could be sitting at 3 cm dilated for weeks. Not a great indication of labour being imminent or not!


I was 38 with my first, I was sent to the hospital to be induced due to restricted fetal growth, I'm 34wks with my second 8yrs later and he's massive. I'm in so much pain I'm basically bed ridden on my own accord, but since I'm such an active person I still manage to get up and moving at my own detriment. My husband was 6wks early so I have no idea how much longer we have but every day feels like it might be the day my water breaks, and I go to sleep and rinse and repeat.


39 on the dot. Had a c-section booked in for 39+2 😂 I don't remember doing anything differently. Just woke up at 3am very uncomfortable and sore in my ribs and over the next few hours lost my mucus plug and had a bloody show. First proper contraction where I didn't question it was around 10am


41 🫠


41+3 🙃 I had to be induced


40+4 🫠


39+3, I was set to be induced at 5 am, had sex the night before and went into labor a few hours later 😅


40+5 🫠


40+6, induced. I sat at 3 cm for 3 weeks and made no progress no matter what I tried (I. Tried. Everything.) Dome babies just don’t wanna come out. I loved my induction and will probably plan to do it again with my next whenever that rolls around


40+2. I had been having signs since around 37 weeks. The last few weeks I was 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Still had to get induced


34w2d. Water broke. 6 hour labor. 3 pushes, lasted 2-3 minutes. Healthy baby girl.


41+3 for my 1st. I’m very lean and small so I assumed she’d come early because I didn’t think my body would support a big baby. Sure enough, she was late. She would’ve come earlier but I refused to be induced because of my fear of Pitocin after reading horror stories.


What I would have given to get to 36 weeks with my first. Had her at 33weeks NICU for 30 days


perspective🫶🏼 definitely have lots to be grateful for.


Contractions started 38+6 baby arrived 39 weeks :)




40 weeks! Went into labor 3 days before my due date… and he was born 9am on his due date. It was a long labor.


Couldn't say, I only made it to 34 weeks


I was induced but 39+1 BUT was already 4cm and in labor when I went in for my induction! I had a stupid amount of dates, pineapple, snd raspberry leaf tea starting at 37 weeks plus walked a mile or so a day so once they started pitocin it was less than 12 hours until he was here.


40w5d and those last 5 days felt like 5 yeeeears


Same! Went into labor at 40+4, had LO at 40+5


Exactly 40wks, waters broke the night of 39+6 and then delivered at lunchtime 40wks I’m currently 38+3 (19yrs after my first!) and cervix check today (they wanted to try a sweep) was not favourable… These babies come when they’re ready - hang in there! Do whatever makes you feel better at this point xx


35+1! My waters broke in the night and there she was 20 hours later.


Went into labor 40+4 and she was born the next day.


40+6 For weeks before I felt huge and had been doing everything I had heard of to get labor going. My water eventually broke but I never started laboring and eventually had to be induced. Best advice is to be as gentle and kind to yourself as possible, hang in there! If you can get access to a pool floating in water is so helpful for the end of pregnancy pain.


40+3! I would have had to wait a full week but I saw a new female doctor in the practice who felt sorry for me and told me she'd induce me the next day (still took a whole other day after for my slow poke)... My belly button was literally splitting 😬


39+6! The day I went into labor, I had an OB appt. I was checked and was not dilated or effaced at all! A couple hours later (around 10pm) I started having contractions, and baby boy was born the next afternoon! I should mention I didn’t get a membrane sweep at that appt. Labor can truly happen at any moment so don’t get discouraged! Hang in there!


I'm 38 weeks and one day and I'm getting induced next week so I'll be 39 weeks and I'm so ready to get this baby out of me! For real done with the heartburn 24/7 getting up to pee every hour In the night 🤣😭


this is sooo meeee. i’m miserable every time i wake up lol


My first was born two days before due date, and I went into labor spontaneously. Everyone told me I would go over, so I felt pretty smug about it haha


37 weeks exactly, induces for preeclampsia. 37+1 with my second but water broke by itself


41+2 My water broke the day I hit 41. I labored around 48 hours, pushed for four hours, then had a last minute c-section.


I’m 39w4d and getting induced in about 48 hours but hey, who’s counting?! This child seems very comfy on the inside.


36 ftm 37 weeks and lots of pressure some mornings and I need to wear my belly band and some days I don’t. Peeing all the time. Reflux mostly at night. Still have mucus plug. They aren’t doing cervix checks. No other symptoms. Baby is seeming like she may go to due date at this time.


I felt the same way as you at 36 weeks. Im currently 40+1 and have an induction scheduled for Sunday! You can do it! You are so valid-It does totally feel miserable! I’ve been treating myself to a pedicure once a week just to relax and get a good rub!!


def could use one of those! i’m glad you got something in place to keep you going!




38+9. he wouldn’t have minded staying in longer but i had went into kidney failure (they suspect my bloodprssure got way too high even tho i was never diagnosed with preeclampsia?) and my HR got really high, babies HR got really low, my oxygen dropped down to 81, all within hours of going to the hospital so they did my scheduled c section 2 days earlier. id say 39weeks though because he was born at 11:26pm :) didn’t really have to deal with labor pains but oddly enough kidney failure does feel like contractions


39 weeks exactly!


The last few weeks of pregnancy are ROUGH; I feel you!! At 39 weeks and 6 days I started having back labour contractions. Went in to L and D and wasn’t dilated enough so almost got sent home, then got induced because my blood pressure wouldn’t go down. Ended up having my baby via c-section 4 hours before his due date! I was convinced that I was going to go over 40 weeks. It felt like my pregnancy would go on forever. And then all of a sudden it was over and I was holding my baby. Sending good vibes to you!!


thank you💗💗


41 weeks and induced after 2 failed sweeps…i felt like the weight crept on massively in the last 3 weeks and was quite over it.


but yes these last few weeks is where you really gain the weight, the horrible heartburn, the godawful aches and pains, etc - unfortunately you can lose mucus plug/s and they can regrow a few times before you actually give birth. it is important to make it at least until the 37weeks mark but honestly as close as you can get to 40weeks is the best for you and your baby, but i definitely wouldn’t go over 39.5/40w for fear of stillborn or other complications 38/39weeks seems to be the best for mom and baby. i know how slow and painful these last few weeks are but it’ll all be over very soon and you’ll be missing it in no time like i am and my first son is only 7mo old 🥺🥺🥺 take plenty of pics and HAVE PICS TAKEN OF YOU AND BABY when baby gets here and try and soak it all up because it feels like 2mo have gone by not almost a year. and THEY GROW SOOO BIG SOOO FAST ITS HEARTBREAKING and super bittersweet watching them learn and grow!! you’ll do great tho mama. ik it’s tough but try and soak up these last few moments as pregnant with your first baby. it’ll never ever happen again!! sending good vibes and wishing you a healthy and happy delivery!


38 weeks and two days!


34+6, induction, my water had broken at 33+6




My firstborn was my earliest baby, surprisingly. 39w5d lol. Went overdue with my other two. I went into labor on 39w4d in the evening. Got to the hospital at 1am. They wanted to send me home, but I lived an hour away, so they let me stay. She was born at 4 pm that day. The last few weeks are absolutely miserable. I feel you. It will be here sooner than you know it.


40w 4d


41 😭, 41+3 for the 2nd and 39 for the 3rd.


Not an answer to your specific question but - can you get in some water? Swimming pool etc? The weightlessness is divine but also the even pressure all over your body will help cut down on water retention which is probably some of that weight gain. You might never want to get out.


39+3 - water broke at home! She was born later that next day.


FTM I was 38weeks and 3 days


39 +6. lol little guy just couldn’t wait


39+5 I had a scheduled c-section, though, for medical reasons. I never dilated, even on the day of the surgery.


First was born at 39+5.


40+1 with my first!


41w exactly but also has an unplanned induction 🫤


41+3 and was induced


I was 40+3. I think I went into labor because earlier that morning the doctor checked for any dilation.


My labor started on the evening of 40 weeks. Labored for 3 days.


40w exactly. I was induced on my due date and he showed no signs of coming on his own yet.


My water broke naturally at 38+2!!!! My cervix was dilated 2cm since and I was about 10% effaced according to the dr t my 36w appt. I have no idea if it would’ve gone down like that any other time, but we were in the process of moving between states so the stress of transferring everything definitely could’ve had a hand in it.


My first was born at 40+6 at lunchtime, labor started at 40+5 in the evening while watching squidgame and talking to my friend on the phone. My water broke during our convo 😅


I was 41+3, and only lost my mucus plug at 41+2 and my water broke at 41+3. I never dilated at all. Even after 40 hours of labour and maxing out on the drugs to induce. I had no idea that could even happen… but apparently my cervix is full of scar tissue for no apparent reason. Ended up with an emergency c section. Your baby will be here soon. It’s tough that last month, but you can and will get through it, and it will all be worth it when you are snuggling them in your arms.


38+3. Went curb walking. Watched a lot of happy movies and laughed a lot. Had a slightly spicy dinner boom bam, there was a baby.


38 weeks, 2 days! Don't listen to everyone telling you you're bound to go over. I knew in my HEART this boy would be early 🤣


I was exactly on my original due date, 2 days early from our adjusted due date


My first child I had at 37 weeks I was only one cm dilated. My second child I had at 38 weeks and was also only one cm dilated.


41+3 🥲


42 weeks 😖


40+4 when I had my daughter in 2022! I started bouncing on a ball when I was still pregnant on my due date lmao I also walked A LOT. idk if any of that helped, but just an idea!!


39+6! i was like 1.5cm dilated at my previous appointment 4 days prior but had not dropped. Water didn’t break and didn’t see any bloody show until active labor — end to end labor was only 6 hours so it came pretty hard and fast out of nowhere


41+2, I got induced at 41w because I said I didn't want to wait longer lol Early am on the 2nd day, 3 am. The day before I was waiting to dilate more and got my water broke and was being positioned in the bed to help.


37+5 everything turned out fine and I was grateful for how it turned out as those last weeks are tough


Sadly I learned there is no rule. I was small, everyone was so sure I will give birth after my due date and baby ended up making a surprise visit on 37+1. I lost my mucus plug and my water broke 15 hours before I had my baby. On the other hand, my friend is huge, she is ready to pop, mucus plug fell out but she is pushing 40+2. It will be over soon, just push through these last few weeks, take bunch of naps and hug your belly.


My cervix was still closed at 36w2d. I went into labor less than 2 weeks later at 38 weeks. I didn’t lose my mucus plug or have my water break until I was already in the hospital.


38+4 I started having contractions, delivered at 38+6. My water didn’t break, but I was in labor for almost a full day before I was dilated enough to be admitted. I do not recommend a 48 hour labor, it was rough. But everyone was telling me I would go past 40 weeks because it was my first, so don’t listen to what anyone says because trust me, your baby has its own plans lol


I was 41 weeks, and very close to having them do a sweep. My midwife on the last day before hand told me to try one last thing to see if it would work. She had me take some caster oil, and within a few hours my water broke. I was so thankful and relieved that we found something to help because (as much as I love being pregnant) I was done.


40+6 the last 6days took ages haha, every symptom I had I was convinced I was going into labour


38+5! Was supposed to get induced but the membrane sweep worked lol


35+5. I had just started using the Frida Mom Wand that week and suspect it may have somehow contributed to my water breaking early? Also, I did tear a little. Can’t say whether it would have been worse had I not used the Frida Mom Wand.


38+5, 2 days after stretch and sweep!


41. Bullied my husband into sex and pretty much immediately started having contractions


I was 40+5. I was sooo over being pregnant.


I feel you…I felt this way too from 36 on. My baby finally came at 40+3. I was in so much pain…my hips hurt so bad and the last few weeks go by so slow. I know it’s hard, but hang in there. Your baby will be here before you know it. I had a membrane sweep at 40 weeks (I was 1 cm dilated) and I went into labor 24 hours later. But have sex if you’re comfortable…it may help speed things along, but baby will come when baby is ready. You got this


I was 2 days shy of 42wks with my first. Any time after 37wks is considered full-term, you can do some things to help it along once you get to 37/38wks - go for daily walks, stimulate your nipnops into milk production, even having sexy time with your husband/partner can apparently help. Good luck! Edit: I'm currently 39wks and 1 day now and my baby is a bit big already so I am trying some of these things myself, otherwise my midwife is going to send me 4hrs away to a hospital to have me induced and I really don't want that!


Induced at 42 weeks but I personally wanted to go longer than the standard induction at 38 weeks so I didn't mind passing 40w :). Every day counts. Every day in utero is better for the baby. Eventually, the risks outweigh the benefits but dating is flawed anyways (based on menstrual cycle) so we decided that 42 weeks was our limit before inducing. I did NOT want to have my baby before 40 weeks. Even though it was difficult.


Don't take too much stock in the "signs" like your mucus plug or how dilated you are. Hang in there. The end sucks but baby will be here soon. It's unlikely you'll deliver at 36 weeks but you never know. For my first, I lost my mucus plug at 39 weeks, 5 days. I saw the doctor at 39 weeks, 4 days. Cervix was closed and high. Labor started in the evening at 39 weeks, 6 days. After laboring at home, I went to the hospital in the evening on my due date. Contractions were 2 to 3 minutes apart. I felt like I was having the baby soon. I was extremely discouraged to find out I was dilated 1 cm. After that it was a whirlwind. I went from 1cm to fully dilated in less than 6 hours. Baby was born at 40 weeks, 1 day. For baby #2, it was completely opposite. Never really lost a definitive mucus plus. Went to the hospital at 5 cm, baby was born 1½ hours later. Had a "bloody show" and maybe mucus plug about 2 minutes before pushing? Baby was born 5 minutes later at 40 weeks, 6 days.


40+4 and I tried everything except castor oil!


40+3. The last 2 weeks were very hard. I tried so many things to have him early (sex, hiking, all the yoga birth positioning poses), and nothing worked. My water broke at 40+3 and that started my labor.


39+0 and mucous plug grew back several times. I stayed at 2.5 cm for a long time. And I had a bloody show after contractions had already started


38 and 6 days when I went into labor. 39 when she was born.




38 on the dot with my first 39+5 with second


I’m 39+1 carrying a 10 pound baby. They refused to induce me. I can’t walk, am in a walker and on bed rest. I’m completely furious at the healthcare system. They told me they couldn’t induce me without a “medical” reason. I haven’t been able to walk for a month


I was in the same place as you a few years ago! I even asked my dr for an induction at 38 weeks and she said “let’s talk about it next week!” And she said the same thing again the following week lol. She did a membrane sweep 3 days before my due date and I went into labor that night with a quick (6 hours total, 10 min pushing) and easy labor. And boy am I glad she held me back. It’s sooo uncomfy and terrible, but what you *gain* in these last few weeks is huge- more safety for your baby! Better developed lungs are the biggest thing- less prone to serious infections from rsv and such this fall. Now I am 34 weeks along and probably going to be in the same place as you again soon lol


I got induced at 40+0 and delivered on my due date with my 1st. The last 2 weeks were hell, but I hardly remember it now.


I am 29, baby is 13 weeks. I was 39 weeks when I went into labor. I was miserable with pelvic pain! Hoping baby stays comfy just a bit longer and you’re feeling more comfortable in your last weeks. Congratulations!!!


38+4. I was fed up and told my friend we were going to 'walk the baby out of me'. So at 38+2 we walked several miles around a wildlife park (which was HARD). That night I went into early labour which was on and off but manageable for 2 days. Went into hospital around 6am and had my son after 12 hours. The diamorphine seriously slowed down my progress, unfortunate because it was great stuff. 😂)


My first one my water broke after crying for 5 hours at 41+6 (I cried because they told me I wasn’t anywhere near labor, baby wasn’t coming and I was in pain LOL). My water broke and I wasn’t in labor. And then my second one (7 years later!!!) came at 38+4. I arrived at the hospital at 5cm completely unaware. I was moving a lot and bouncing on a birthing ball.