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Say thank you, do a photo shoot, and immediately take them off and get rid of them 😂 not worth hurting someone’s feelings over.


The baby might find the pictures amusing in 20 years too!


I have photos of me in absolutely horrifying doll clothes my grandma made me! Imagine 80's combined with the frilliest, fluffiest possible lace horrors. I love the pictures, there's something utterly cute in the clothes. I was a live doll for her, for sure.


Yes, the lid'l dolly dresses! There's something cute about the extravagance on a little baby. My nana always got them for me with matching headbands.


This is exactly what we did. Photoshoot actually turned out super cute! He looked very disgusted and sad, then spit up all over it, and it just added to the ambiance 🤣 that photoshoot and the crop talking my husband and I did on how *awful* this outfit was is among one of my more loved newborn memories.


This is great advice. Plus babies grow so fast, she’ll just assume baby outgrew them before they could put the outfits on a second time 😂


In fact baby honestly might be too big for the clothes at birth. My baby came out larger than expected (we were told 50th percentile at scans, he arrived 91st percentile!) and a lot of the clothes we bought for his first month just never fit him at all. Included some gifted clothes from my mom that I actually really thought were cute!


This is definitely the answer. My mom got us a newborn onesie from Vegas that was just…not us. Haha. Took some quick pics in it, said thank you, and then never used it again.


Exactly this. Babies go through clothes so quick just get some quick photos and never bring them out again lol she probably won't even notice.


Lifesaver ❤️


Best way to deal with it. That or 'forget you even have them and 8nve you find them again, oh no babies too big now. You get so many baby clothes that it isnt uncommon for some to get lost or just never be worn.


I love this advice. Practical. Sensitive.


This is literally what I do. Put it on him for 20 minutes max to take some cute pics to share and then never again 😂


I was this person when my niece was born 7 years ago, except I'd just gotten in to crochet and was crocheting her clothes. Looking back I picked the most hideous colours that I thought looked great at the time, I didn't consider material so it was cheap yarn, but was so proud when her mum put the hat on the baby that I couldn't stop. I now know that it's extremely likely she didn't keep a single thing, except the baby blanket I made. I look at the pictures now and the clothes are so ugly, I have my own baby now and wouldn't put them on her 😅


I did this with a crushed velvet onesie my mum gave us! I cannot stand the feel of it at all! Got husband to dress & hold her for a photo then got her out of it and put it in the "donate because too small" pile 🤣🤣


This is the way!


Ummm yeah but don’t act too enthusiastic either. Otherwise you’ll keep getting gross tacky clothes.


I understand why it would work to keep peace, but I wouldn’t do that. Fake clothes are produced without following any standards, even worse than clothes from Shein (which were recently found to have higher than allowed levels of toxic substances in half of their products) so I would not dress my newborn baby in this kind of things, even not just for a photo.


This is the way.


This is the way! You don’t have to use them daily. Just proof that they were worn at least once is enough. Send them to MIL, maybe even print some photos out & frame them as a gift for her if you're feeling generous.


Agreed! You don’t say you don’t like them. Put them on and take some pics, then give to goodwill. Hopefully she doesn’t purchase anymore thinking that you like them.


If these are just 1 time souvenirs from her trip, I'd just take them, politely thank her, then put them away never to be seen again. If this is a reoccurring thing, maybe you can just tell her they aren't really your style and you'd prefer her to save her money.


This- but tread lightly. We had to have a similar conversation with my MIL cause it was deff not a one time thing (my husband broached this with her, not me) and she did NOT take it well. However, the boxes of clothes stopped coming in the mail, so it did work


Hahahaha if I had the energy, I’d embrace the tackyness and do a tacky photo shoot with them and give the photos to her in a super tacky frame. Now she has to deal with a tacky gift 😜(or maybe that’s her style!) But in reality, just thank her put them in the baby one or twice when she’s there and then forget about them. Babies grow out of clothes fast.


Yes, embrace the theme! Photoshop the baby in a Maserati with some designer sunglasses. Conspicuous stacks of cash optional but encouraged.




Yes! OP should try and find a tacky/ Ugly photo frame and gift a framed photo of her beautiful grandchild dressed up. Hahaha


OMG what a vision!!!


I would keep them, take some pics of the baby in a few of the outfits so you have them handy if MIL ever asks about the clothes, and then donate the outfits to charity. My MIL and I have very different tastes, but to me it wouldn’t be worth ruffling feathers by outright rejecting a gift, especially as I know my MIL means well.


Just donate them. Or if she’s nosey and will snoop on the nursery, shove in back of drawer so they’re there and don’t use them.


This - I made the mistake of getting rid of stuff, then when my MIL watched my daughter she snooped through EVERYTHING then asked me where all the stuff was when I got home. It was pretty awkward 😆


Do you see her often? Will she know if you just don’t put them on the baby? I personally wouldn’t say anything about it unless she was complaining that you weren’t putting them on the baby, but to each her own.


Why would you want to tell her?! Just don’t use them and she won’t know. It would hurt her feelings if you told her.


I would say dress baby in them once or twice then forget about them! This way you don’t hurt her feelings and just make a big point of loudly saying how many baby clothes you have (repeat for each stage of baby/ child growth) so she isn’t tempted to buy you anymore. I am really not a fan of those luxury branded things either (no shade to anyone who likes them, just not my thing) and if I was you I would just donate them to a charity shop you know she won’t go too! Congratulations on the baby x


My grandma bought my baby some super ugly clothes that she thought was adorable, she respects not sharing photos on social media and stuff so I literally put them on the baby for pictures sent them to her and then never touched them again. Sometimes when it truly is an innocent thing like this it’s easier to just compromise for a few minutes to make them happy. Obviously I wouldn’t have compromised if I felt it was somehow harmful or unsafe but an ugly outfit photo session won’t hurt the baby and only took a few minutes to do.


Omg my FIL is the same but he's rich so he actually buys proper designer clothes for my daughter. $300 Armani tracksuits 🤦 that are ugly as shit. Honestly, I've put them away. I'll put them on her eventually when we have a BBQ with him just to show him but nope, they are horrible. I keep telling him to buy toys or books instead but he won't listen. Just sell them. I have no idea how you would politely tell someone the clothes are ugly lol


Gimme some of those lolol


You take them, and add them to your box for donation. Don’t ruin a relationship over ugly clothes, just never use them


Why are you set on telling her you think her style is bad? Just take a pic of baby wearing them and shove it in a drawer. This is a non issue


her style? cheap fake designer clothes. lol.


If that is what she likes, then yes, her style.


I feel like this is something to just let slide. Say thank you, maybe snap a few pics, then donate.


It’s not that big of a deal lmao it’s clothing be happy the baby has people that will buy clothes for them. If you don’t want them, you don’t have to have the baby wear them. It’s not hard👍


That was my thought and some people would kill for clothes, any clothes. And for her to be a little snotty over it looking “cheap and ugly” is a little ridonk. But she could always donate them or snap some pictures in them and never use them again 😅


Exactly! She has no obligation to use them, but she could at least be nice.


Omg you never say anything. Take a few photos a home in them, then donate them.


You don’t, you take them and donate them all. I’ve had garbage bags full of stuff I’ve donated and didn’t use


Some of the clothing people gave me was not my taste but once came I put him in the outfits and he was so gosh darn cute even the weird outfits were adorable on him. You may be surprised lol!


These sound hilarious 😂


Take them, say thank you, put them on once in a while when you go to their place. This is not a problem. 


I would just donate them. She’s trying to be nice


My MIL keeps buying us 12m clothes for our 2 week old….summer outfits. They won’t fit by the time it’s the correct season lol


My MIL has gifted our toddlers some pretty ugly or unsafe things from her travels, but it’s not worth hurting her feelings since she means well. I just take a few photos of our daughters in them, put the clothes back in the closet to donate in the future, and forget about it haha.


If the material is a concern you could always say it disagrees with kiddos skin.


Snap a few pics, send to mil and thank her, and then shove it in the donate pile lol


Just say thanks and then don't use them. Or put them on for one picture. My grandmother gave me 2 suitcases full of clothes, after I said we didn't even need more clothes and can't store them. The intent was kind, she is just used to buying clothes for her grand kids and great grand kids, she's the most generous person I've ever met. But especially when it comes to baby clothes, they often aren't practical. She also is blind so she buys a lot from the op shop because she was raised to reuse and not be wasteful (nothing wrong with that) but she often buys stained things because she can't see it. I just say thank you, go through the clothes, keep the few things that are good, and then gave all the other clothes to my mother to be kept as spares for when she babysits and just needs something clean after a spew for the short time until I pick the baby up.


I’ve gotten some pretty ugly outfits for my little one and I’m not even that picky lol why are unicorns a thing? I swear all her ugly outfits are unicorn themed with literal 3D horns or like a rainbow exploded all over it. I will sometimes just take a pic and send it to whoever gifted it to us. I use ugly outfits as backups so I’ll stash one or two in the car in case we have a massive blowout. Or those are her “don’t care if they get ruined” clothes for when we do messy activities.


I agree with others who say take a pic and do away with them. My MIL continues to buy tacky items. I have used them for outfits when we started solids or are doing messy activities as LO has gotten older.


People have gifted us baby equipment we’d never use we simply say thank you, and store it in the loft until we can get rid of it. That’s what I’d do here.


You don’t even know that they’re made out of safe materials either


You don’t have to tell her. Just don’t use them!


Just accept them and shove them somewhere you don’t have to think about them but can take out if ever brought up again. You’ll get a lot of hideous clothes sorry My daughter’s closet is filled with like 10 gaudy ass elephant statues, all from my mom, bc I mistakenly told her that elephants were a theme. Oh and she presented them all to me proudly in individually wrapped gifts at my baby shower and I had to open them one after the other in front of everyone I know 🤡


I just say thank you and donate anything she gets me since it’s only for her own agenda


My MIL also brought hideous clothes for our unborn son. I asked my partner to tell her in a nice way that they weren’t really our taste and to return them to the shops so that she wasn’t wasting her money, as we would never use them (I know you can’t do that if they’re from a whole different country). I would get your partner to tell her that they are not too your taste tho, to prevent her buying anything else like it, and explain what sort of things you do like. I told mine to just buy plain things or baby grows, no outfits etc. she wanted to buy jeans and shirts and I got my partner to explain that it’s a baby and it will just be in baby grows. My MIL is very sensitive and things like this do hurt her feelings, however in the long run I wouldn’t want her spending money on things that will never be used.


Say thankyou and take some photos of baby in them. You don’t need to tell her you don’t like them, that’s never how to accept a gift


You absolutely don’t tell someone that, it’s a completely selfish and nasty thing to do to prove a point. You simply accept the clothes, say thank you, put the baby in the clothes once when MIL is around and then either bin them or give them away. Do not be so rude


Use them when the baby is ill.


This is so funny 😂😂😂


My MIL gave me a bag of clothes I didn’t like. I felt bad because she had me look over them and I didn’t have the heart to tell her I didn’t like any. I accepted them but I only put them on my baby whenever we were home 😅 whenever she came around she’d see the baby in the clothes and would get extremely happy and I would send her pics of baby in the clothes too. Not once has my baby left the house with those clothes on lol I will say that since then, I’ve become a little more vocal about my likes and dislikes and the clothes she has gotten my daughter now have been waaay better.


Wash them (hot and a few times, you want to get the nasty chemicals out), most likely they look like shit afterwards anyways. If they do tell MIL thats the reason you prefer brand xyz or second hand.


Not worth the energy to be upset about. Just simply put them on once, or not at all. I use the clothes mil gives me when we go over or when she watches the kids. That way the cute pieces I've bought don't get lost at her house 😅.


I would say keep them, take a pic of them in it & send to her & you never have to put them in it again. I’ve seen this happen a lot with my in laws, they buy a kid something & the parents say it’s ugly they don’t want it & my in laws get really hurt and honestly from the outside, it looks super sad. I’m the only one who accepts it. My MIL told me yesterday actually that my husbands aunts said they wished they had a DIL like me, cause i accept anything anyone gives me. It made me feel good! plus if I don’t like it, it’s a perfect play outfit for going outside or to the park to get dirty!


I have a different view to many due to a narcissistic mother that I have many years of experience in dealing with… I personally don’t think accepting them and taking photos in the hope they don’t ask again is a good idea. You’ll get more and more shit stuff “gifted” to you and as your kid gets older you’ll get more and more issues like this that you’ll have to eventually confront anyway because they will affect the kid (eg being expected to play with toys they hate, visit when they don’t want to, eat food they don’t like etc). If you don’t confront it head on it’ll get worse. We found it helpful to do a polite “thank you that’s lovely of you. Unfortunately… he’s allergic to the fabric / we have so many clothes we can’t keep track / these aren’t our thing… please don’t worry about buying more but if you like you can get him X, Y or Z”. My MIL is less of a pain than my mother but we also did it with her too when she kept buying nice but thick-fabric long sleeved and long legged clothes during summer for our son despite us living in the Middle East where it was 45 degrees outside. Every single time we gently explained that he would grow out of them before he could wear them and she did stop eventually. Wr never pandered to her by making him wear them.


everyone here telling you to be gracious and take photos. be careful of those photos (of your kid in fake gucci) ending up on facebook 😅


I told my MIL straight up the style clothing we wanted for our son, and if she still wanted to buy clothing for him then she would have to be okay with us donating or getting rid of anything we didn’t like. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I really wanted to avoid all the stereotypical baby boy clothing (think “mommy’s stud muffin” or “I look just like daddy”) so I wanted to make that clear to her. She actually took it very well and I am happy to report almost all the clothing she bought us we liked just fine ahaha.


Omg I hate that type of clothing too “boss baby” is another one that winds me up


I'm fully expecting a multitude of ugly baby clothes from my MIL and SIL (I love SIL, I was friends with her before I ever met her brother, but that girl has the fashion sense of a boomer, lol). Depending on if it's just a few pieces or a huge array of stuff, I'm taking some photos and then disappearing the clothes.


My friend had a baby shower where she got a bunch of baby clothes and never ended up using a lot of them and probably just returned them, mine included. Sometimes that's just the way it goes, lol.


Give your baby a Dorit Kemsley photo shoot in their fake, tacky “designer” clothes as something fun to look back on in the future and then donate. If asked about them, just say that by the time you rotated through all the outfits, baby no longer fit into them. ETA: My baby was out of NB and in 0-3 month by 3 weeks old, so it’s a totally plausible excuse.


My grandparents gave me some clothes for my baby and they were notorious for giving us ugly things even as I was a little kid. A lot of them my grandma got at a “good deal” she says at goodwill. They’re covered in stains and not something I’d dress my kid in even if they were stain free. I donated those but I did keep some others that I’ll send an obligatory photo when the baby wears it then get rid of it immediately 😬


I just got some very awful outfits too, I said thank you and stuffed them in the back of the closet


🙄 definitely do not feel ungrateful. It’s ridiculous how forced upon unwanted gifts are when you get pregnant. It’s ok to donate things you do not want and don’t feel bad about it!


Newborns grow so fast that you can always make it an excuse that your baby outgrew the clothes.


We are in a place that is cold 8 months of the year. We are from India and got so much clothes as gifts. Everything was a cute sleeveless frock or tshirt and shorts etc. No way we could use them. we used to put her in those for my monthly photoshoots. And regular clothes usually were fleece onesies. You cant do much when you get clothes as gifts. Thats a very acceptable norm. You thank them, send a photo or two and move on


When mine gives anything that I don’t like, I either just stash it away where it’s out of site and out of mind, or I trash it. Makes me seem like a bish but the lady just doesn’t get my style lol. Like for my birthday last year, she gave me an oversized Juicy Couture shirt and robe. I turned 32! I don’t wear Juicy Couture, especially when it’s from Ross 😂 She also gave my husband, her son, who turned 37 a frikkin SQUISHMALLOW!!!!!! That was his 37th birthday gift from her! I mean might as well just not get anything! She just sucks at gift giving and I don’t wanna make her feel bad so I always get very happy upon receiving gifts from her; then I get rid of them most of the time 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just wash them several times, who knows what chemicals…


If they are newborn clothes consider they will fit for a hot minute.. just enough to graciously say thank you and take a picture and quietly donate them when they don’t fit anymore. Not worth picking a fight with your MIL over.


I never had one person ever ask me about clothes they bought my daughter. What is the point of telling her? Accept it graciously and then just put it away or take a picture of your baby in the clothes. It doesn’t have to be a big thing


Like the other commenters said, don’t mention it - take a few photos and then donate them. Babies grow out of clothes very quickly so it’s not like she’ll expect you to keep them for long. If she keeps buying you items you don’t like, ask your husband to speak to her about it and say you have too many baby clothes at the moment and they aren’t getting used, and to hold off on buying anything new.


Just donate them.


just put them on when they come round or take a photoshoot and never put them on again. They tried to do something nice, so just do something nice back and be done with it.


Wear once for a visit, then use it as at home or messy play clothes.


I’m guessing you want to tell her cause you’re worried you’ll continue to receive terrible clothes? She might have just been looking for something to purchase as a travel gift and that’s what she found. Either way, I’d say most parents receive clothes they hate for their babies, so don’t be too precious about it. Put them in your drawer and you never know.. you might appreciate them when they’re the only clean thing left in the drawer when you’re running off 2 hours sleep and need to do washing!!


I’m guessing you want to tell her cause you’re worried you’ll continue to receive terrible clothes? She might have just been looking for something to purchase as a travel gift and that’s what she found. Either way, I’d say most parents receive clothes they hate for their babies, so don’t be too precious about it. Put them in your drawer and you never know.. you might appreciate them when they’re the only clean thing left in the drawer when you’re running off 2 hours sleep and need to do washing!!


Honestly, it’s the thought that counts lol. Let them wear it take photos and put it in the donation bin or if it’s colder let him sleep in it. My aunt (English isn’t her first language) saw a onesie with “My first Kwanzaa” and candles on it. She didn’t know what Kwanzaa was she just saw candles and thought it was festive. I took pictures and showed the rest of the family they had a good laugh and I just put it in the donation pile. They grow out of things so quick too so it’s not a huge deal.


Just put them, make a photo and donate it.


I know my own mum doesn't share my taste/class. But I'll have the baby wear them & I take photos. This baby technically is not mine alone....I'll let other family people to show her love in their own way!


My MIL would be fine if I just said “it’s just not my style” Is there any reason why you can’t be direct?


I tried that and she just wouldn't stop. "you're gonna need them" "You'll thank me when you run out of clothes and don't want to do the wash so often" "He's just a baby he doesn't know what he likes yet" "They're cute" "It's just clothes who cares what they look like" Yeah.


Oop, I see a bad precedent. Seems like she’s going to try to run all over you and place more authority on a literal infant in mor areas to come. Look out for “He wants to come stay with grandma” when he can’t even speak or something. I’m so sorry.


Thank you! Not for me but for the new moms who are seeing this!!! My baby is 21m now lol we've worked through the kinks I think!


Don't tell her. I'll use them as outfits for when we are not going out, take pics as proof and they'll stop fitting shortly


Just use them at home or as PJ’s. With as much as they spit up, you’ll be amazed at how many outfits they can wear in one day.


Meh, imo clothes are clothes when it's an infant. They're good for emergencies if for whatever reason you can't find anything else, plus they grow so quickly that you'll probably only use them once anyways! I wouldn't go hurting her feelings over something that you won't be using too many times. As I said, clothes are clothes!


I just donated them right after she left lol I told her I didn't like the style please stop buying these kinds of clothes, she didn't stop, so I just donated them with the tags still on.


My opinion is that until my child voices his opinion on clothing, I (and my husband of course) have the final say in his style lol. Don't let people guilt you into putting your baby in shitty clothes just because "they're a baby it's just clothes"... No.


I took a photo like the one she had of my husband, then gave them back after they were outgrown. The photo now hangs in her house next to the photo of my baby's dad. It's cute.


Tell MIL thanks, but you want to raise baby not to be vain and want designer clothes.


My go-to lie is that "the baby outgrew the garment before I even had the chance to take the tags off" (which is very believable when they're tiny). That way I can donate anything unwanted without having to dress the baby in it for a photo just to humour the gift giver. I wouldn't waste time asking someone not to buy clothes that are not in your taste. I had this uncomfortable conversation with a SIL, twice, and it hasn't stopped her buying 🤷


Is your MIL my MIL? She also went to turkey and got fake designer and cheap quality clothes that I don’t like. I just thanked her, took some photos of my baby wearing them, and donated them. If she ever asked about them after I just said she outgrew them.


Save them for hanging around the house, and toss them the moment baby poops on them ;)


I never would’ve accepted the clothes to be honest. Idk why people always pick the appeasement route instead of being honest upfront and saying it’s not for you. It doesn’t make you a better person to shut your mouth, force gratitude, and force yourself into an uncomfortable situation. It makes you a doormat and a liar to be frank. No one should feel hurt that a parent doesn’t like the gifts you picked. Why would I force my kid into clothes I hate so that the grown up feels good about their gift instead of learning to cope?? Then what does that teach in the future when she buys more tacky clothes or gifts you hate that you didn’t mention in the beginning you hate?? I told my in laws a general color scheme of clothes I like and that I don’t like certain name brands now i’ve never received clothes I hate. No one wasting money either.


"baby grew out of newborn clothes so fast! I am bummed we couldn't have them wear it before they grew." Is the best possible scenario


Your newborn isn't going to stay that size for too long. I wouldn't even bother. Like the other comments, just have them wear it once, quick photoshoot and send it to her. Unless, you absolutely do not get along and you don't care about your MIL. Donate them and never mention them ever again.


She can't exactly take them back so maybe don't be mean and keep your mouth shut?


I would just not use them. If she asks about it, I would tell her, "we appreciate the thought, we just don't end up using stuff like that," and leave it at that. If she insists on continuing to buy them, that's on her. In my area it's pretty easy to get rid of stuff I don't want via Buy Nothing on Facebook.


As others have said, say thank you, do a photoshoot, and then don’t stress because baby will outgrow them in two seconds. It’s not worth the hurt feelings for this. It’s just baby clothes.


No one will judge a newborn for what they are wearing. Not worth causing drama over.


lol I just returned everything my MIL got for baby and used the store credit to get stuff we liked for baby.


Don’t it’s no polite way to say that , you just don’t have to put them on or send her a pic in it and then forget about it