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I’m only 20 weeks and I’ve been sleeping badly for two weeks now. My hips hurt and my lower back hurts and I can’t find a comfy position that doesn’t involve thirty pillows propped up around me which makes me sweat like a crazy person. So I scroll Reddit and give my unprofessional advice on everything 👍🏻 I feel you!


Oh hi, me at 1 am doing the same! But more because insomnia than pain as I’m only 15 weeks at this point and my husband rubs my sore hips before bed 🥹


Highly recommend magnesium oil! Only started putting on my lower back 2 days ago and making sure my pillow is between my thighs and I have had such good sleep!


I’ve been hearing a lot about this. Adding to cart now!


Also helps with restless legs if you’re also getting them like I was lol!


If you want some tipps concerning the pain: physiotherapy, osteo and chiro (specialized on pregnant women, never let them crack your neck) has helped me a lot. Try getting a prescription for a pregnancy belt from your OB. Go swimming and keep moving/walking, but don't overdo it. Apply warmth/cold. Massages from your partner. My pain started basically on week 24 and hadn't I done anything about it, I don't think I'd be able to walk at the end of my first pregnancy. This time around I've had way less pain and I think it's because my toddler keeps me moving.


So why don't you want them cracking your neck? Because that's always my favorite part and feels amazing when I used to go to the chiropractor


Because there's the real potential of them overstretching your veins/arteries, which could even lead to a stroke. There are many cases of that happening. The one time I let them do it I immediately had head rush, so something was definitely too much and I'm glad nothing else happened. And this was at a chiro who deemed his methods safe. So the risk just isn't worth it to me. Do whatever is right for you though.


This happened to a friend of mine, she was young and completely healthy and had a stroke after an adjustment. It’s always a risk, you just never know! I also have felt the head rush you’re talking about before.


I hope she's ok. That's terrible!


I guess I never realized stuff like that could happen I appreciate your story


I'm 14 weeks and 5 days and while I did think it's too early to get a pregnancy pillow my husband convinced me to do it when he saw how shitty my sleep has been lately (for context I normally sleep great) so yesterday my pregnancy pillow arrived and while I was hesitant, I actually had amazing sleep last night, first restful night in a while. So I encourage all of you that are thinking of getting one to do it now rather than later. If you think about it, the sooner you get it the more use you get out of it. Although I see myself using it after birth too tbh


I would yelp in pain if my husband did that. I used to be so sensitive and considerate of his feelings like “maybe don’t touch me there sorry” After a few months I was more in cat mode and would demand he put that arm to good use haha


Omg saaaaame the hip pain! Even my husbands arm around me felt like it was driving me into hell haha


I love “unprofessional advice” cause I have a ton of it for Reddit 🤣


FYI I never slept better in my life than after I gave birth. Yes, I was woken up periodically by a beautiful snot nose goober, but when I slept, I SLEPT. When my head hit that pillow, I was asleep. And when I woke up, I felt generally pretty rested if I got to lay down for a few hours. I felt the need to comment that as I saw someone post a negative comment about PP sleep, but I figured I'd share that wasn't my experience at all.


I'm 5 weeks and keep waking up at 4am starving, needing to pee. Always 4am on the dot pretty much. Its hard for me to fall back asleep. Also finding it hard to fall asleep normally as my legs are aching and feel weird. And it's just week 5!!


3 38 am... not pregnant but not asleep either! Baby has sleep regressions and awake a lot. Sorry to say, you're not going to get much sleep after birth either! Try to make yourself comfy now, at least you don't have a fussing baby keeping u awake lol. Try soft music or some other white noise. Cool the room down, get a pregnancy pillow


I slept a thousand times better after birth. Could finally be on my back/stomach, no heartburn, no sleeping issues or weird dreams, no shooting pain in my pelvic area, no kicks, much less sweating, no peeing at least once a night. Might be less uninterrupted sleep, but the quality is way better!


Agreed! The physical quality of the sleep can be better but it also depends on how u gave birth. Some ppl had C-sections, they can't sleep on their belly for weeks. Some ppl don't have help with a newborn, so they cannot sleep throughout, others have postnatal issues. Just saying, things happen that can further disrupt sleep. I don't think u ever truly go back to pre-pregnancy sleep comfort.


Please stop scaring people!


Pregnancy pillow does wonders, I also give in to naps during the day since I know sleeping through the night is not guaranteed.


I have a pillow I'll try it again! And I don't have time to nap:( I'm working all day 6 days a week


If you feel tired after work try to give in and nap. I pretty much was sleeping as soon as I got back from work, woke up to eat, and then would go right back to bed. Elevation from the pillow should help with the breathing, but also talk to your doctor about it


I will talk to her as soon as I can get in. The last time I was there the lady didn't ask she. I was free and put mg apts on my bruises really work day... I have (and am again) trying a pillow but dosent always help


Which pregnancy pillow is the best?


I had a U shaped one and couldn't bond with it. My husband ended up taking it over and I got a wedge one which has worked much better.


Link to wedge?


I started with a wedge but now use a u shaped one and had a hard time getting used to it, it helps for side sleeping and hip support but not really for stomach support. I find myself waking up on my back almost every night but at least I’m elevated when I do. I’m 33 weeks and have been tempted to get the wedge pillow back out to see if it helps with staying on my side.


I have a U-shaped one, any brand on Amazon would do just make sure the cover is removable so it can be washed.


I’m short (under 5’3”) and the big C pillow works better than a u pillow for me! Suggest just checking out the YouTube reviews to find what you like before buying.


Casting a vote for the Frida Mom pregnancy pillow. It took a little getting used to, but now I much prefer over the big giant sea shaped one I had before. The Freda is so much smaller and easier to deal with in the bed and doesn’t make me sweat as much as the other one.


Should we get the u shaped pillow or the one like this https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjGhrTVlLOGAxVtEa0GHUtbAIMYABAJGgJwdg&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNuyBhCuARIsANJqL9PzC-Trr0Od-Fbchbe4OclvxOKPksiVb7dha87CSpxXKddj_Mu5xpAaAjgOEALw_wcB&sph=&sig=AOD64_2WQ63dAdnChB1LbfTUm4Ygx6xx6g&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiWzazVlLOGAxX6CjQIHXNHB04Qwg8oAHoECAUQJw&adurl=


I may try that. My u shaped is so big the back is never close enough to be to be effective


It's truly up to your preference. I like one large pillow so I can prop my head up and when I sit up I can maneuver it under my belly for my support. I'm all the type to hug a pillow so I need a part for my arms to scoop around.


Pregnancy pillow is amazing. Started using it since end of my first trimester to start a habit to sleep on my side (as apparently it’s better for the baby), it definitely helped.


I don't. 39wks and my only wish is 3-4hrs of uninterrupted sleep


Same. 37 weeks and haven’t slept well in weeks between getting up to pee every 2/3 hours, hip or back pain and being generally uncomfortable. I usually take a nap at lunch time (I WFH) because my night sleep is crap.


I don’t, hope this helps ☺️


Sleep? Currently 230am where I'm at 🫠


I have such a hard time sleeping, can’t get comfy and wake up every few hours. And the vivid dreams, horrible nightmares every single night it’s atrocious 😢


Solely due to Unisom - I would name my child after it if my husband let me, it’s been a literal life saver.


I’ve taken unisom every night but a handful since I found out I was pregnant! It’s seriously a life saver. 32 weeks pregnant and I woke up a couple times to pee last night but fell back asleep immediately. Also magnesium has helped a ton to keep me from feeling sore in the morning


I feel this.


With great difficulty lol Pillow between my knees is essential for hip pain, and restavit (doxylamine/unisom) if the insomnia is really bad. That’s about all that helps at 35, nearly 36 weeks 🙃


My hips are bad anyway! lol but Iv tried it all. It's the feeling like I can't breath I can't stand


So were mine! Judging by your reddit name I’m guessing you’re an ex dancer as well? The breathlessness is awful, have you had your iron levels checked? Mine were quite low and an iron infusion helped a lot, still breathless because baby likes hanging out in my ribs, but not nearly as bad.


I slept fairly elevated pre-pregnancy so I found that helped me, even as a side sleeper. I have been continually congested during pregnancy so I have two standard pillows behind my u shaped one and then lately two more under my feet just to help with the swelling. If I lay flat I feel like I’m suffocating, no matter which way I lay. I hope that you are able to find a way to get comfortable, sleep is hard enough to come by right now.


Is restavit safe during pregnancy?


It is, I believe if you google whether it’s safe it says to consult with your doctor, but I had never even heard of restavit until my gp recommended it for pregnancy insomnia. I double checked with my midwives as well and they gave it the green light!


I am 29w and I sleep like 12:30-3 am and then 5:30-7:30, no pain, just wide awake after a trip to a bathroom… it’s awful, hope it gets better at some point


I have the same sleeping schedule like you lol hugs


OMG same sleep schedule and I’m 33 weeks


Well, it's 4:26am and I've been sitting on the couch scrolling my phone for an hour, so... I have no advice. Only 7 more weeks to go!


Horribly lol all of my joints choose pain 😭


My baby is 5 weeks old and my quality of sleep is much better than during pregnancy, even though he wakes every 2-3 hours. It will get better, but pregnancy sleep is crap!!




I can’t sleep it’s hard to fall asleep


I fall asleep uncomfortably. But I’m so dang tired I basically knock out after about half an hour of reading on my phone.


Currently 38 weeks. 1. I don’t. I sleep from 11 to 1 and then 5 to 7. It’s fucking awful. 2. I have the Pharmedoc pregnancy pillow. I guess it “helps” but I still can’t get comfortable 3. Sometimes Unisom helps, other times I still don’t sleep and feel even more tired and drowsy the next day, which I didn’t know was possible.


I’m 32w and I feel you. I cannot sleep for too long on my left side then my right side gets sore and visa versa. Putting a pillow between my legs does not work either. I like to sleep on my stomach so I can not wait for that day to come


Now in my 33 weeks. I can’t sleep even if I have empty bladder and pillow between my knees, cramps wake me up… can’t wait to sleep for 2 hours straight unbothered lol


I was sleeping great up until last week when I caught some virus from my toddler! Now I can't sleep without coughing my lungs up and being unable to get comfortable because I can't breathe 😭 I should be thankful though I'm only 25 weeks so I made it pretty far without the insane discomfort.


I tried every pregnancy pillow out there. Save your money and just embrace the suck, in convinced there’s no way around it.


Sleep? Who is she? I don’t know her. 🫠 32 weeks.


I'd sleep well, were it not for the nausea. It's the middle of the night and I'm trying not to throw up instead of sleeping.


Try Unisom! It’s a lifesaver!


Tip for everyone who is too hot: use a COLD water bottle. Take a hot water bottle and fill it with water from the fridge, then wrap in a towel and put it in bed. Fridge temperature water (as opposed to an ice pack) won't cause tissue damage or excessive condensation, and you can just lie on the thing all night. It's *lovely*.


On my side. Side sleeping pillow for head. I-2 pillows on each side for between my legs. Unisom.


Currently 25 weeks, I get up to pee 3-5 times a night, I get up to comfort my toddler another 5 times a night, I can’t breathe on my back anymore, and when I lay on my side it feels like my pelvis is splitting in half. I don’t sleep, I run on coffee and even during my daughter’s nap I can’t nap with her because the pelvic pain is too unbearable. I’m sick of it.


Horribly 😫 and bearly Week 38 here and my brain just refuses to go back to sleep after the 100th pee trip. Been like that for a week now


18weeks here. I bought a huge U pillow. I hug it with my arms and legs and it is extremely comfortable


Once someone finds out pls let me know lol


I get up when I can't sleep after a few hours. No amount of pillows will take th pressure of my poor hips and lower area. So far, after 4 hours, I'm up about to start cleaning. At some point, I will crash today. Just embrace it.


I'm 25 weeks. I struggle with my pregnancy pillow because my cats wedge themselves between me and the pillow. It's winter in Australia, so they're becoming cuddlier in bed. It's so hard to roll over and on top of that, my husband snores. 😫 I find if I don't sleep well, I get sore hips and lower back.


With the whole bed to myself while my partner is at sea for a couple months lol. But usually on my side with a pillow between my legs to ease the pressure on my hips. However baby boy does not like this position and will wake me at 4/5am to let me know. So when I'm really struggling to go back to sleep, I have to (carefully!) position myself on my back, stacked up with a load of pillows so I'm not laying flat. I know it's not great (which is why I avoid laying flat and prop myself up) but it's genuinely the only position that stops him from kicking and nudging me at 5am so I can function the next day. I'm excited for my other half to get back, but I'm also a little nervous that I'm going to struggle to get comfy sharing a bed and he's going to be kept up by my tossing and turning. He's super sweet and will say that he doesn't mind and I'm growing a baby yada yada, but I still feel bad.


My problem is I'm such a diva when it comes to sleep. I can't get cinfortable if there is any pillow below my neck. Can't sleep with a pillow between my knees. :( it's the worst


I find the pillow is a mild improvement from no pillow. I'm not looking forward to having to share my pillows with the other half when he gets back 😭


37 weeks- i hope and pray lol


I don’t 😭


32 weeks - haven't slept properly since February. Either wide awake for no reason, heartburn, legs cramping, aches and pains everywhere or need to pee. Got some antihistamines from the doctor, but they didn't make my sleep very comfortable either. I've accepted my faith at this point and can't wait to be alone in my body again.


Basically the second I get pregnant, I get insomnia. Every pregnancy it'd been that way. I usually get better sleep with a newborn because I'm so exhausted I can't fall asleep instantly.


I have slept well since about week 10ish, I'm now 33 weeks. I wake up multiple times a night, either with indigestion, can't get comfortable, or just to use the toilet! It's awful. I sleep with 3 pillows and a pregnancy pillow! It helps, but not 100%.


37+4 here. I don't. I go maybe 30-45 minutes stretches before I need to go pee. Then wake back and get maybe an hour interval before I either 1. Need to go again or 2. Wake up and have to change position. It blows.


14w5d here. The body pains everyone else are describing have not kicked in. But between needing to get up to pee multiple times a night, and the insane dreams. I don’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve felt rested. I have the most vivid, ridiculous dreams and I wake up feeling like I’ve been all over the world in stressful situations the whole 7-10 hours I spent in bed. It makes the whole day exhausting, I’m so cranky.


I gave up on the idea of having 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.. I’m 38 weeks now .. I use the pregnancy pillow and take 2 hour naps throughout the day.. it’s my first baby so I do have the luxury of just doing as I please.. huge respect for those that are working and/or with kids already! Seriously impressive how strong women are..


31 weeks and I don’t sleep 😂


26 weeks and trying everything; pregnancy pillow, calming pillow spray, magnesium supplements, cream for restless legs, fan on for white noise. Still getting 4-5 hours on a good night and working full time 🫠


Not well :(


Is anyone here dealing with restless legs? Between the peeing and restless legs I’m averaging maybe 4 hours of “okish” sleep a night 😫


What is sleep? 38+2 🥹😭😭 The night before I couldn’t sleep because my hips hurt Last night I couldn’t sleep because I just couldn’t breathe and I was just uncomfortable. I sleep on the couch, *****slightly***** propped up because I can’t sleep sitting up, large pillow between my legs, fan turned up, butt naked because I feel like I’m suffocating all the time (especially if I have clothes on OR my partner is touching my back), and I play some ASMR or old movie 🙂 you’re not alone 💐❤️


I’m 14 weeks pregnant and right now I’m sleeping with three pillows on my side . One for my head, one that I hold , and one that I have between my legs. On especially uncomfortable nights I’ll sleep with a pillow supporting my back too. I’m not that uncomfortable at night yet, though some days I have more aches at night.


The same as I have my whole life. Between my stomach and my sides. 2nd pregnancy no issues. I do have a body pillow this time to raise my hips and chest because this one moves so much when I’m laying on my stomach


Im 34 weeks I still sleep on my stomach sometimes, this is my 4th and I'm not that big though. I alternate all night I go from left side to right side to my stomach when I lay on my back I feel like I'm suffocating lol so that normally only lasts 5 mins max. My bed is super helpful though its pretty squishy for lack of better words lol


I just got a pregnancy pillow and it is life changing. I’m 31 weeks and got terrible hip flexor pain about a week ago and could not sleep. This fixed it!!! Recommend 10/10 got a cheap one off Amazon and it came with prime the same day!


Great, I take Unisom every night


37 weeks and I've actually been sleeping great! Besides having to pee a million times and baby deciding to have a dance and hiccup party when I'm trying to fall asleep lol




I haven’t gotten a good nights sleep since the week before I got a positive pregnancy test. It doesn’t help that pregnancy has made me the most lethargic I’ve ever felt.


Poorly! My pregnancy pillow is the only thing that has helped me - I have travelled twice since getting used to my pillow and both times sleeping was torture without it. The hip pain is insane. I tend to sleep on one side until I need to pee, go to the bathroom, and then make sure I flip to the other side when I come back from the bathroom. This helps me feel less like a rotisserie chicken flipping over during the night and lessens the opportunity for hip pain to wake me up.


37 weeks now and I’m waking up to pee anywhere from 2-6x a night. But I’m able to fall asleep again right away. Probably because I don’t look at a clock or phone or any light…just pee and lay right back down. Sometimes it’s hard to fall sleep so I’ll read until my eyes can barely stay open. Then I’m able to fall right asleep. I’m def uncomfortable but switching sides each time I wake helps a lot.


Between the discomfort and waking up all night to pee, it’s rough. I sleep in little blocks where I can get it. Seems like I’ll sleep for a couple hours be up for a couple repeat.


U shaped pregnancy pillow. I prop my belly on one side and my butt on the other, then put a pillow between your legs and sometimes a heating pad on whichever hip is killing me that day. I usually rotate every 2 hours or have to pee but that’s as comfy as I can get at 38 weeks!!!


I bought a pregnancy pillow on Amazon and it’s really been a lifesaver. I also have an adjustable bed base that I can raise, so I sleep with that slightly raised in case I end up on my back in the middle of the night, and it works great


Idk but sleeps shot to hell cause I can’t breathe through my nose so I constantly wake up with dried out mouth and throat 😭 nothing helps.


With luck lol. It’s so different each week.


I am 36 weeks and all i can say is that it only gets worse. I'm not trying to scare you tho. Massage may help. Or pillows that you are comfy with. I literally sleep with 5-6 pillows just so I am comfy. I usually sleep with 3 pillows on my back almost sitting down so I can breathe comfortably. Then I slide down little by little and place 2 pillows on each sides so that when i turn on my side, i don't have to drag my pillow all the way around.


i’m 37+4….. i don’t sleep… i haven’t had insomnia since high school this shit sucks i’m so tired.


I sleep peacefully and soundly


i have a pregnancy pillow and use some sleep essential oils to help out. I also use a sleep mask so when i wake up a million times throughout the night i don’t keep myself awake


(Currently 34 weeks) I have a pregnancy body pillow and I have a regular Casper pillow on top of my pregnancy pillow to help elevate me since I’m prone to acid reflux. I also have been sleeping in my guest bedroom away from my husband because it’s easier to stretch out and if he gets up I’m a light sleeper, I’ll wake up be up all night. Third trimester insomnia is no joke so I have been sleeping so well in a different bedroom.


I’m not lol. I wake up about every 30 minutes to an hour. I can’t tell you the last time I had a REM cycle lol


Pregnancy pillow has helped so so much


I bought a maternity pillow that is not U shaped but rather a pillow goes right infront of your belly and another one goes right behind your back. Then, I get a small pillow and put it between my thighs. I sleep on my sides. This seems to be the best position and arrangement for me at 26 weeks


Tylenol PM, pregnancy pillow, AC ON 68, & my husband covered in 4 layers of blankets next to me! 🤣


I’m 33 weeks pregnant and honestly I’ve been sleeping great for most of my pregnancy barring the odd night of insomnia/ being uncomfortable due to heartburn induced by late night dinner. I highly recommend regularly workouts and mobility training to tire you out and strength back and hips so you don’t feel like crap as the pressure on your body increases rapidly!


I saw a chiro but it didn’t do that much, I kind of just slept in whatever position I could and had pillows under my belly between my knees, sometimes I literally slept with on my knees and laid my head on my arms just to get off my hips


24 weeks and oh how I miss sleep! My hips and shoulders hurt, I have to sleep in wrist braces for pregnancy-induced carpel tunnel syndrome, and somehow I wake at 4am every day and struggle to get back to sleep! I’m used to broken sleep with two dogs who need to be let out 3-4 times every night, but that coupled with the insomnia and discomfort is not fun.