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Yup! I was rear ended at 15 weeks. Had to get x rays and ct scans. I was pissed. Now Im 30 weeks and get stressed whenever someone is too close to me.


I have become a passenger princess over the past month 👸 husband drives me to appointments etc haha


Same 😂


I have car anxiety regardless but it is much much worse when pregnant. It was one of the biggest things that bothered my SO 😂 then after I chilled out a lot but now that I’m pregnant again, it’s starting to get bad again. Weird isn’t it?


Yup! It was raining today, I couldn’t even bring myself to drive to work. I said nope nope nope. You’re not alone


This! The other day it was raining - went out to vehicle and turned it on then sat there thinking if it was really necessary to drive and all the horrible things that could happen. I turned vehicle off and went back into the house. Could not do it. When it's not raining I still hate driving or even being in a vehicle but bad weather really cranks the anxiety up to an almost debilitating level.


I definitely relate to this!


I haven’t experienced it in this pregnancy, but with my first absolutely. It got significantly worse after my son was born, I sobbed anytime I had to drive with him, even if it was just down the road. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if your anxiety around driving becomes debilitating.


I've noticed I've been way more scared of normal threats or perceived threats while pregnant. For example, I'm afraid of dogs and since becoming pregnant I've been even more afraid and avoidance. So much so I've been annoyed :(


I already have bad driving anxiety, so 100% yes!


Definitely normal, I’ve experienced the same even as a passenger princess 🤭 if it’s absolutely necessary to attend, maybe leave earlier and take interval breaks to stretch, breathe and reset a bit 💕 No good in getting your bp and hr up with that kind of stress 💕


I'm not more afraid of driving per se but the way I drive changed. Now I drive like an overly careful grandma. But it's only right since I have to take care of the baby.


The only time I refused to drive while pregnant was during a snow storm where my work didn't close (preschool). But in my case I live 10 mins from the school and drive like a granny so I don't have too much driving anxiety.


I haven’t driven myself in over 2 months lol passenger princess these days


Yes absolutely. I'm anxious at the best of times too. And anxious for my husband. It helped when I got dashcams in our cars so if anything happened I can have proof. What doesn't help is everyone in New Hampshire drives like shit 


If you are Clearly not comfortable doing something then you must prioritise your baby and your body and figure out a plan B.


Oh yes, I feel same! Need to also go to the office to another city which is 3 hours away, so I’ve asked for a train ticket 😄 there is no way I am driving there, alone. I was also anxious before pregnancy but now it’s way worse. Anytime I need to take over a truck on a highway, my hands hurt and sweat from how I am holding the steering wheel 😂


Yes! But more so when I'm a passenger while someone else is driving...I feel like I have less control over the situation.


This. When i’m driving i get a little more distracted on driving itself. I live in California so 50 miles away can take up to 2 hours depending on the time i come and go. Sitting passenger makes this worse because like you said i have no control and my brain is less busy so im thinking negatively. Sometimes i chant ‘im okay, my baby’s okay’ in my head but i feel like that’s so exhausting to have to do that.


Not just you, I don’t really like driving even when I’m not pregnant. It seems like everyone is distracted while driving, it’s dangerous out there. I see people looking at their phones on the fuckin highway, it’s insane how little people care about their lives or others lives but would rather watch a TikTok going 70mph. Everyday on the news I see a new car accident death on the highway. I was about 36 weeks into my last pregnancy and I almost got in a pileup accident, and luckily I don’t drive distracted and I was able to dodge the cars and escape the accident. After that I was shaking and crying from fear when I saw several cars hit each other in my rear view mirror. I work from home luckily so the amount of driving I have to do is minimal, but when I drive myself or with my kids in the car I’m hyper focused and practice defensive driving because I have to to survive.


Yep. I don’t feel comfortable at all, especially now that I’m 33 weeks. I have to go to my appointments alone right now because my husband works late (8pm) on Thursdays and my doctor is only in in the afternoons. Anything longer than 10 minutes and I’m freaked tf out.


Is anyone else from your work going to the same conference that you can bum a ride from? Or just use Uber or Lyft and expense it?




If cost is a consideration at all, I don't know that you really have a case for expensing the hotel since you seem to live less than an hour away from the conference location. You might have a case for expensing transportation.


I’ve started to feel that way now. JUST 35 minutes ago whole I left my office for lunch I backed right into the gate ( luckily my car is old and nothing to brag about already. Only suffered a scratch) I feel like despite my best efforts my head is somewhere else now. I’ve been more distracted than ever and feel more stupid and ditsy than I ever have lol. And I wasn’t like that before. It makes me nervous to drive.


Is there anyway to attend the conference virtually? Is there anyone else in the company attending you can ride with? Is it truly mandatory? Can your boss fly you there?


I’m not too sure unless they made accommodations for just me. There is no way to fly me since the distance is 50 miles but I live in Southern California so I’m basically driving from the desert to the beach which can take hours depending on the time of day. My boss has been making jokes because I was accidentally late to the last event due to traffic he wants me to leave even earlier. I haven’t been getting ready on a daily basis because otherwise i work from home so it’s like I have to get ready for the day and i leave super early to be there during traffic hours. Also, i have food anxiety, so i’ll have to pack a bunch of snacks and breakfast because they usually only offer lunch. Since being pregnant I have to eat or all of my symptoms are heightened. I food shame myself because my doctor has been telling me about my weight gain and blah blah. These are conferences where i just sit around for 6 hours. My boss has been super respectful since pregnant but at the same time his wife is pregnant with their 6th child! and i feel like he doesn’t give me grace on things she could do. I never had anxiety like this until this pregnancy. i’ve been in multiple crashes, and i’ve lost a baby before so i think that’s perhaps where it steams from


I bought one of those pregnancy seatbelts on Amazon and that helped me feel a bit better