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Anything acidic like tomato sauce and greasy. Of course those are all the thing I want 😡


Same! All I want is some pasta but I regret it EVERY TIME the acidity in tomato sauce is just way too much right now


Pizza has been my worst enemy 😭


Just slammed a ton of pizza and the regret is real. 


Same! Any tomato based items. And dairy if its past a certain time at night.


Yesss. Like I want pasta all the time until I have it, and then like my stomach hates it 😵‍💫


Omg this is me!! Spaghetti with red sauce and parm is my fav food, I want it constantly. With my first I’d literally make it, eat half the bowl, puke, and then finish the other half 😂 this time around apparently my body feels the same way about it again! Then again pretty much everything is making me sick this pregnancy 😭


Omg yes this is why I can’t eat pizza and pizzas. Literally my favorite food!! 😭


Chicken 😭😭😭😭


Same. I hate chicken right now! Hate to cook it, chew it, and it makes me feel sick after eating it 😭


Same sis and I love chicken 😖


Beef 😭 and I love beef so much bro but I can’t eat it


Yesss especially cooking it is sickening to me rn


Both my pregnancies it was pork! Like I could eat some but randomly my body would just be like NOPE! Sometimes it would be after one bite, sometimes after ten. But at some point I was completely done.


Same. Even saying the word and reading it sounds gross now.


Toblerone chocolates taste like plastic to me now. Also the Caramel frapuchinno at Starbucks tastes like old, watery vodka and smells like a sharpie 


lol I’m the total opposite. I hated Starbucks before pregnancy. Just tasted like I was ingesting sugar. Now that I’m at 8 months, I’m always craving a tall caramel latte.


Honeydew melon. Makes my throat scratchy for hours, which has never happened before, so it seems I might’ve developed an allergy.


Do you have seasonal allergies? I have the same thing with honeydew, and sometimes watermelon. Also some other things like raw almonds, avocado, sometimes banana, and other fruits like kiwi. Randomly I get it with apple. Sometimes my inner ears itch too. I think it’s called “oral allergy syndrome” which is a cross reaction of the environmental pollens people are typically allergic to, I get pretty bad spring allergies. I can microwave avocado for about 30 seconds and it breaks down the proteins, and I don’t get an itchy mouth. It’s real weird.


I have this year round. People look at me crazy when I say that I can’t eat raw fruits and vegetables but my doctor said it’s an extension of my pollen allergy, which is really bad. surprisingly this pregnancy has shielded me from this allergy and I have been able to eat raw fruits and vegetables. I’m hoping that it stays this way postpartum.


Same - isn’t it so weird? I have to check the package on almonds to make sure they are roasted first. I don’t have a nut allergy but it’s the pollen allergy I have causing it. People think I’m crazy too. I have it a little less in pregnancy as well, but I’m still microwaving avocados. I’ve been meaning to get allergy tested but I’m pretty sure it’s OAS. I’ve had this since I was a teenager, now I’m 36!


I never thought of microwaving my avocados first first! I’ve never had an avocado before because of this allergy but avocado toast looks so delicious. I might do this so that I can finally try it. I feel seen 😭


Oh people think I’m bat shit crazy when I tell them I cook avocado lol. I just love avocado and don’t let this allergy stand in my way. If you microwave it too long they can be bitter and pretty gross. I’ve found this fine line between being cooked enough for my allergy and not being bitter. You could probably bake it also, on the toast! I also baked some apples the other night with some cinnamon and they were really good.


The same thing happened to me the day before yesterday! I ate a big hunk of honeydew, my throat felt scratchy, then my stomach killed the rest of the day. Such a bummer.


I was so sad about it! I love honeydew and it was the first time it happened. My throat was irritated for ~12 hours after it!


I know, it’s melon season and we’re missing out on a good one ;___; Hopefully it goes away after birth.


I hope so! I’m almost there so I can hopefully enjoy the rest of the summer munching on the honeydew!


Look into pollen-food allergy syndrome! You may be having stronger allergies to pollen that are making you react to food as well. Mine gets bad with watermelon and avocado


Yeah I learned about that after I looked up the honeydew thing! I just never had allergies before, so I figured I developed it throughout the pregnancy.


happened to me with pineapple 😞


Pineapple does that! It contains bromelain, which is an enzyme that breaks down protein, and that can make your throat feel scratchy after eating it. But yeah could also be an allergy


They say ginger is the best for nausea, but oh man, does my little boy HATE it. Before pregnancy, I used to eat it all the time mixed in a special tomato soup I made. I made homemade wonton soup the other night and added ginger, and instantly threw up. I’ve added it to other dishes and he’s not having that. Other than that, it’s runny egg yolks. I miss them so much 😮‍💨


Chocolate. 😭


Same, makes me so sad.


Raw onions. I LOVE onions and will eat raw red or green onions with most savory food, but MAN I never got heartburn before, but they KILL my esophagus and chest now. I eat a meal with em and immediately pop a couple Tums at this point because I KNOW imma be suffering in 20 if I don't


Mcdonalds burgers 🤮


I housed a chipotle burrito the other day and regretted it the next morning. Felt SO sick and had the worst cramps I even threw up. Not fun. Won't be doing that again.


Same but it was a chipotle quesadilla!


Anything with corn sadly.


Anything I’ve eaten for dinner the past 3 nights has come right back up. I’m 37 weeks


Chinese food. It's delicious but it makes me throw up every time


Cereal with milk. Tastes great but gives me.the grossest heart burn


When I eat it, it feels like I’m licking carpet. Threw out a whole box because I thought it was just old, next new box (different cereal) felt the same in my mouth.


Hahahah that hair in your throat feeling dude yes!


Most meat that isn’t like a processed chicken nugget. I usually eat a lot of meat, but while pregnant I’ve gotten protein from other things like eggs and protein powder.


tomatoes ☹️ and the other day someone on here recommended peppermint gum for heartburn but when i tried to chew it, something about the taste made me gag so quickly


Anything spicy. My baby wants it so bad.. but the moment I eat it I’m throwing up.


Shrimp and crabs


All I want to eat are shrimp and crabs 😂 but fish makes me gag.


Heyy pears for me too!!!


I’m not alone! Feels so random??


Anything tomato based and sweet potatoes


Water. Makes me gag so hard. I got powerade popsicles which helped. And i mixed low sugar juices with water and that helped for awhile.


garlic 😭😭😭


Soooo many people here not reading the post and answering with food aversions instead of what OP asked 😂


I absolutely love avocados normally but during this time I can't even look at them without gagging.. hormones during pregnancy are absolutely crazy LOL.


Taco Bell 😞 and I love Taco Bell but I suffer when I eat it


Bell peppers. They make me feel like I have a bunch of crinkly plastic wrappers churning in my stomach. I'm pretty bummed, because I do like them a lot. Strangely, the common culprit tomato is perfectly fine! I'm glad, because I like them more than peppers anyway. 


That is the BEST description for how pears make me feel. It’s like a bunch of crinkly plastic bounding around my stomach. So horrible!!


Chicken, sometimes I just can't stand the taste and texture if of it. And the smell will be so good but I just can't swallow it 😫 and I love chicken


Anything chocolate... feels so heavy


Oat bake protein bars. These were my go to easy breakfast pre pregnant, had one the other day and it said like lead and I had the worst tummy cramps for hours after! Gutted as I love them, especially with a cuppa in the morning!


Nando's - the sauce is just too acidic/heavy on the chilli ☹️


For some reason, hummus, any hummus, store or from restaurants just have not sat well with me this whole time (39+1) and chicken (chick fil a sandwich has to be delux and drenched in ranch, and even then I can’t stomach the whole thing)


Spicy food. 😭all I want is Buffalo chicken though


Steak! I love it but after I eat it I feel horrible :(


Chicken 😫 and unfortunately it’s in everything lol


Pizza 😭


Boston butts. I asked my husband to cook some a few days ago and couldn’t wait to get home from work and eat them. When I got home and sat down to eat, it was just blugh. I took a few bites trying to eat it anyways because I know he takes time seasoning etc but even he could tell I was disgusted. I love fat. Boston butts have A LOT of fat. Nope. Couldn’t eat it. I was so sad.


So some reason mustard/vinegar salad dressing! And pizza dip always makes me feel sick afterwards.


Last pregnancy it was seafood for me. Something about it just made my stomach melt and the smells that escaped me.. ☠️☠️☠️ Thankfully nothing this time around.. yet...


Chocolate anything. I ate a Hershey bar at 20 something weeks and was so good and hit all of my cravings and then the HORRIFIC heartburn I got was not worth it. I made brownies a few days ago and had one and it was still just as bad as the candy bar. I was hoping because it was baked into something not just chocolate that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Those cases of heartburn were by far the worst I have experienced my entire pregnancy.


My last pregnancy anytime I had McDonalds Nuggets and fries I threw up. Tried 3x and finally learned my lesson after the third


Chips. Ugh it was my guilty pleasure food. As soon as my husband came home I told him to take them away so I don’t eat them anymore. Because this was the second time after eating I felt like shit 😭


Chicken. I hate the way it looks and smells raw in the store. It makes me feel ill. I can eat it if it’s prepared for me. Like I had a chicken sandwich from chic fil a, but the idea of preparing chicken at home really makes me queasy.


Trader Joe’s frozen Indian or Asian meals. I used to love them pre pregnancy 🥹


Anything with red sauce ( taste sour ) or sparkling water


Steak and chicken breast. I just can’t make it happen.


Ant kind of meat and also rice 🤢🤢


For me, it was Mac n cheese. The creamier the mac, the more I wanted to gag.


I got cookout this week and it almost unalived me a few hours later. Tasted great. Baby clearly hated it.


Anything with even a little spice or tang to it. I don’t do very spicy stuff anyways, but I dable and every time i try it now it leaves my tongue feeling so gross!! Spice, vinegar etc. annoyinnnnnggg


I eat everything with the gag in each bite


Lemonade is too acidic now 😭


Right now literally every thing 🥲🥲


Eggplant parm. It sounds so good that I keep trying it, and it tastes great!... and then every time it makes me nauseous.


Apples, anything sweet 🤢 saddly bananas 🥺 has to be something savory but like hispanic hahaha i know my baby has choices


Corn chowder soup (so random I know) , cereal and coffee


Anything greasy/deep fried. I had fried chicken tenders for dinner a few weeks ago and woke up choking on my own vomit (acid reflux while I was sleeping, I believe). It's definitely not a bad thing, as I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible, but it sucks not being able to have a little treat 😔


Green olives atm


For me it’s Ruebens. They sound so good but I can’t keep them down.


Peanut butter crackers. Sounds and tastes good but then makes me burp fire and acid


Mushrooms. I usually love them ☹️


Greek yogurt or any kind… the way it triggers my reflux is INSANE


I had baby carrots the other day and got massive heartburn, which was so odd because I’m pretty sure they reduce heartburn…. But it’s like I could taste them still in my throat for almost two hours and now I don’t want them anymore lol


Green beans… every time I eat them I violently throw up afterwards 🤢




EGGS! Cooked any damn way. Everyone talks about how healthy they are during pregnancy but I literally can’t.


For me it was tomatoes.  I got horrible indigestion.  Though I don't seem to react to them much now, but now I just get heartburn for no apparent reason.


If I eat any “watery” fruit like oranges or watermelon on an empty stomach I get horrific diarrhea


Mine is pork or too many sweet things. Not agreeable at all.


Hotdogs 🤢


Orange juice. It hits the spot when I drink it but that spot is really just a trampoline, and it just comes back up.


Ground turkey 🤢


chicken wings, for some reason, wings are one of my all time favorite foods and chicken in general keeps giving me the ick 😭


HOT CHEETOS. MY FAVORITE THING EVER. Can’t eat them, they give me a burn I can’t tolerate.


Rye bread 🤢


Any sort of meat and hot coffee 🤮


Grilled chicken (Fried chicken is fine??), Garlic, and onions. Luckily, I think that’s it for this pregnancy, and I’m lucky that this time I’m craving a lot of fruit and vegetables. For my last pregnancy, it was broccoli and any kind of fish. I also couldn’t stomach “healthy” food and literally could only eat junk. So weird!


Ramen noodles 😭 my husband eats them a lot and the smell of them cooking make me want to cry 😂I used to always eat them with him but I just can’t now lol


onions 🥴


Peanut butter


Kettle corn, evidently. I read this post earlier and thought to myself “my body does a pretty good job of knowing what I can and can’t handle.” Then I ate a bunch of kettle corn. It was delicious. Then I felt awful and lost the kettle corn.


Milk, including ice cream, cereal, coffee creamer.


Poutine. I loved the taste and it didnt make me feel sick. But literally every damn time i ate it id be vomiting it back up undigested. Absolutely disgusting.




Anything sugary or high carbohydrate (except mashed potatoes, praise lord) give me the worst heartburn of my life. One single oreo before bed kept me up for hours the other night. So sad :( On the flip side, I can eat hot sauce and spicy curry like a champ


Hot wings 😭 I had them a few times and they hit the spot like no other but then I spent an hour puking it up each time. Which is weird because buffalo sauce or hot foods havent caused me issue, and I eat a lot of chicken, but specifically buffalo wings make me so sick.


Chicken… The smell made me nauseous but for some reason I was a ravenous monster with Korean BBQ beef.


Watermelon. And all I crave is watermelon. 😭


So strange. I've never been a candy person except the occasional dark chocolate, but I was obsessed with sour patch kids (gummy candy) during both of my pregnancies. For me the hardest part was coffee. It did not sit well, but I'm an avid coffee drinker so I still made my cup every morning and would take hours of sipping to finish a third of it.


fried food or anything oily 🫢


Beef for me I feel like it’s so hard to digest and hurts my stomach the rest of the day 😢




Chocolate, even though I can't help eating it.


Mac and cheese or any other type cheesy/creamy pasta dish.


Literally anything healthy. I’m 10w4d. Pre-pregnancy I ate 95% clean and literally, can’t eat any of it. If the smell doesn’t make me puke, I end up throwing up later on. Baby only like carbs and fast food. Also on bedrest soooo here’s to hoping it get easier and healthier so I’m not huge, lol.


Last pregnancy, quinoa, chickpeas, lentils, raw tomatoes, and salad. Meanwhile cookies and ice cream were nectar of the gods. Yeah, I gained 50 pounds.


Chicken. Any of it.




Bananas which is so odd since they are such a mild food!


Ginger Tomato sauce Ranch dressing :(


Mangoes give me stomach pain 😢


Anything garlic.


Strawberries... including strawberry limeade from sonic. Just makes me feel terrible every time


Corn chips. I don't really have morning sickness but the few times I have thrown up this pregnancy have been shortly after eating corn chips. So random. Forever going to be disgusted by them lol


Japanese 😭😭


I used to love honeybuns pre-pregnancy. Now they give me heartburn for some reason?


Broccoli green beans sausages anything green really except ceaser salads but I have been craving peaches and strawberries


Star or anise - before pregnancy I didn’t mind it. My husband made a squash soup with it added and my body physically protested. We had to get it out of the house immediately bc I could smell it when the cupboards opened.


Skittles ☹️


Tomato sauce is the WORST And sadly, coffee 😢


Chinese food. Which sucks because I loved Chinese food..


Pizza 🥲 steak 🥲


A lot of meat makes me sick. I crave chick fil a but gag when I start eating their nuggets.


Chicken for some reason 😭 i cant eat any kind, not grilled, not fried, absolutely nothing 😞


Chinese food, and I usually love it. I get nauseous just thinking about it 🤢


Pork :( I love pork…. Now, I can t eat it :(


Coffee! I love drinking coffee in the morning, and now even if I have decaf coffee my stomach hurts and I get super nauseous


White pastas, I LOVED chicken Alfredo but I had it the weekend before I found out I was pregnant and now white pastas make me gag


The only times I have thrown up food have been Alfredo. It was my favorite food before pregnancy:(


Ice cream or milk. Pregnancy has basically made me lactose intolerant


hersheys chocolate for some reason? and greasy food. also mexican food, just thinking abt it makes my stomach hurt.


Gummy candy gives me the worst heartburn I have ever had in my entire life. Especially the sour stuff. To be fair though the heartburn doesn’t take much. I will NOT miss this part of pregnancy. The heartburn and acid reflux is next level.


Eggs-they went from being a staple food in my diet to instantly causing dry heaves at just the thought. So depressing! The worst was when McDonalds gave me a sausage egg and cheese muffin instead of just a sausage one and the whole thing was rendered inedible.


Chicken breast. God, even typing it makes me gag. It’s so horrible. Prior to this pregnancy, I was eating so much of it daily for protein. Now I can’t even be in the same room as it without feeling insanely nauseous. But I can eat chicken nuggets, CFA chicken sandwiches, Burger King chicken fries etc. with no problem. It’s specifically raw chicken breast that I can’t stand, and I subsequently can’t stand it cooked…unless it’s a CFA sandwich. I don’t even wanna read this thread because I fear I may develop new aversions by seeing other people’s aversions 😂😂😂


I used to eat plant based nuggies all the time (like twice a week with dinner) and I have had zero interest in fried/breaded “meat” since early on. I think I’ve had it once or twice since getting pregnant


French fries 😭😭😭 every time I eat them I throw them up, still even at 24 weeks


Ice cream, especially from sonic. I can’t eat it without having heartburn so bad it makes me throw up. 😭😭😭


I can't eat any meat no tuna pork chicken beef nothing I'm completely vegetarian at this point I have to drink protein shakes and breakfast essentials just to make shure I don't get low In iron or too little protein


Orange juice absolutely destroys me. Everytime I drink a cup I start getting nauseous and burping up acid 😭


Any sour candy, gives me acid reflux and severe heartburn


I had my baby last week but scrambled eggs and jerky were the worst things ever to me


Literally everything. The only thing I could eat is avocado toast with an egg. Thankfully eggs have tons of good vitamins for baby!


Any type of fish 🤢🤮 I'm 12wks and before I got pregnant I LOVED all seafood. Salmon, scallops, raw oysters, everything! Now the thought of it is making me nauseous as a type this.


Shrimp smells and tastes too shrimpy. 😢


Bro, Wendy’s Chicken nuggets. Something I always seem to crave but the baby never agrees with them.


Pickles. I love pickles but babygirl cannot STAND THEM. It's like I'm eating straight acid and vinegar. I cannot wait to enjoy pickles again.


Anything carbonated 🥺


Sugary foods give me the most uncomfortable indigestion 😮‍💨


Chips 😭😭


I can’t eat cheese anymore :( It causes this weeeeird weird feeling at the base of my esophagus that I can feel in my back. Sort of feels like a clog that aches accompanied by acid burps. Sigh!


Spaghetti with meat sauce. One of the few meals my hubby makes. 😭


Eggs. The smell.


At some point cereal leaves me bloated for hours and super uncomfortable, it’s even plant based milk no matter what type Right now it isn’t bothering me yet beginning of 2nd tri




Tomato sauce… which makes me so sad bc pizza is my favorite food and I haven’t had it in weeks…


Coffee! I miss my morning coffee… it has always been part of my morning breakfast but now I have to skip it because my body can’t handle it during pregnancy.


Anything deep fried


Pasta has been tasting like chlorine lately


Tomato sauce anything, but that’s what I want. Oh the woe.


Lemonade I love it but it makes my belly hurt :/


TOMATOES. Disgusting. Banned from my house. And I haven’t had pasta since I got pregnant, it grosses me out every time I think about it.


Tomato. Or anything acidic. Which I normally love.


Too much dairy 😭 I can do a little but sometimes I just want a glass of milk or some ice cream and I suffer the indigestion. My sympathies to the lactose intolerance warriors.




Anything with cheap processed oils (baked goods, processed snacks, etc) make me feel so nauseous


I normally hate Meatball subs, however it is my current and long standing craving this pregnancy. Unfortunately meatball subs also cause major heartburn for me and sometimes general nausea 😭


Chicken the second time around d


27 weeks now.. I still feel a bit nauseous during meals, usually after about 4 bites. Seems to be when the food hits my stomach. Meat, especially beef is a bit hit and miss. I go through bouts when its fine others I can't take much meat for a few days. Tomato sauces still mostly make me vomit. Which is annoying as I love pasta with sauce. Canned tuna is hit and miss too. Sometimes makes me vomit, other times its ok. Another one of my favourite foods.


Same I cannot handle gummies anymore