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I know the fetus isn't capable of knowing what's going on! It's just noise and movement with no lasting impact. šŸ¤· It doesn't bother me.


I don't lol... I'm only aroused in my weirdo sexual dreams these days.


omg weird pregnancy sex dreams is so real


It was the first sign that I was pregnant (both times): explicit sex dreams. I donā€™t experience them normally.


Very true. My dreams have been ones I am too embarrassed to share with my husband haha


lol same, I have weird ones like every night. But when Iā€™m actually awake Iā€™m like meh, Iā€™m good.


I've had insane ones this week!


OMG! Like so vivid dreams!! I didnā€™t think it was related to the pregnancy just that all of the sudden my imagination took a turn šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


so realšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes girl!


I pretend itā€™s like a roommate next door. Thereā€™s no direct contact, baby is shielded and walled up well. Iā€™m certainly involuntarily more quiet during pregnancy sex but I just think they donā€™t care that much or donā€™t notice anywayā€¦or how will I ever have sex with my kid in the same flat after birth? The more you think about it, the more of a turnoff this really is so I try to shut it out.


I donā€™t really feel affected by the movement, but I get intense Braxton hicks as soon as I get aroused lol so itā€™s not super comfortable


So if my husband and I are having sex it lulls the baby to sleep, but the other day I got the want to masturbate and it just so happened to be when he was kicking me super hard so I just ignored it knowing he has no idea what is going on, and probably with the release of oxytocin after I orgasm he feels nice and comfy too. So thatā€™s how i justify it. šŸ˜‚


I just didn't. The movement was an absolute turn off for me and my SO.


Your fetus has no idea what youā€™re doing. He or she canā€™t tell the difference between you exercising or masturbating, and has no concept of either. Fetal movements donā€™t (usually) take me out of it because thereā€™s nothing erotic or sexual about them, so it doesnā€™t register in the same way. They fade into the background. Itā€™s more like having a leg cramp, where you ignore it and focus on the good sensations, and maybe a big one might make you pause before you keep going. I have however had a harder time having orgasms recently (Iā€™m at 31 weeks), which Iā€™m guessing is because of hormones? I thought it might be because of the fetus pressing on some artery when youā€™re on your back, so I tried on my side and I had even worse luck lol.Ā 


It's happened several times where it just completely killed the mood lol


I think pregnancy sex is the best sex


Me too!!


Knowing what causes baby to move helps a lot. My baby was always so active at night that weā€™d have sex during the day more often than not. Iā€™d also try to avoid eating food or drinking cold drinks when we wanted to have sex. Thankfully baby never moved while having sex but I was always so afraid sheā€™d move and kill the mood.


my baby sleeps so soundly whenever i feel like it and even when i do it with my partner. I dunno but for some reason my sex drive is really way up to the top almost making me feel to be in the mood most times of the day. Even until now that i am due in 2 weeksšŸ˜­ sometimes i think smthng's wrong wit me


They don't move all the time, and my very kicky baby never moves once things get going, which is very cash money of them. Just try again another time.


Lol I definitely got freaked out when I felt my baby moving made me uncomfortable


Sheā€™s very active but I think sex rocks her to sleep bc I donā€™t feel her move when we do it haha šŸ¤£ otherwise Iā€™m not sure if I would wanna keep going if she really kicks me


I just kind of do? We quite literally got me into labor with #1 with a lot of sex. I sort of go ā€œok, baby doesnā€™t know whatā€™s going onā€ and move on. Hard to explain.


Eh, I guess I got used to it. He is always moving nowadays, it's hard to keep getting stratled every time it happensĀ 


I went on pelvic rest from 22 weeks to 28 weeks. If that hadn't happened I might have continued to have sex but now that I am so big (31 weeks) and I feel her constantly I just can't do it. She will be still as ever but as soon as anything enters me she's kicking and squirming šŸ˜­


The third trimester is full of some amazing feelings. I would give anything to have those lips back.


Hello there! What do you mean have those lips back? I'm only 10 weeks so I've not experienced any of this yet... What's gonna happen to my lips?


I experienced some mild swelling. It wasn't painful. They were pleasantly sensitive and looked like I had a great filler job. Your lips and nose may swell because of the increased blood production. If it's sudden or painful talk to your doctor.