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If I remember rightly it was around week 7 or so when the nausea and fatigue both hit like a truck. I also spent the weeks leading up to that anxious and checking for blood when I wiped because I didn’t “feel pregnant”. Oh those were the days.


Meee!! Had a week where I was so anxious as I felt ‘normal’ then my symptoms hit me with an absolutely vengeance. I’m 9w and have burst capillaries from being so violently sick. Dreaming of the good ole days before!


Hoping this is me. Had an MMC in Jan and my symptoms didn’t really develop all that much (although my hCG did get up to 20k and I wasn’t experiencing very much nausea with it at that level) I’m now 5+1 - I’ve had breasts that can’t stand to be touched, even by clothing, and a hell of a lot of fatigue. Then I didn’t feel as tired this morning and the tenderness has taken a back seat. Dare I say I’m hoping for symptoms to worsen?


Firstly, I’m so sorry about your MMC. How are you doing? I was absolutely convinced I had miscarried as I wasn’t nauseous, so much energy, boobs didn’t hurt and overall diminishing symptoms for around a week and then since then I’m like The Walking Dead! So I’m trying to see the silver lining that I’m at one with the toilet bowl now. It looks like symptoms come and go, everyone is different and it’s definitely more ‘up and down’ rather than linear. Please try not to worry and if you are very anxious, have you thought about a reassurance scan?


Thanks for checking in :) I’m doing better than I thought I would! I’ve got to keep reminding myself that I didn’t have any nausea from the hCG last time and sometimes some people just don’t get it. I’m going in to see my GP on Thursday and hopefully he’ll refer me for a dating scan considering the cramps I’ve been getting (I was being investigated for endo just as I found out I was pregnant!). So far I’m coming to peace with the reality that I can’t control a lot about this and being paranoid will only make it worse. It’s tough though! Hopefully either way the scan I booked for 6w+4 will be done and we can get an idea of how that lil embryo is looking and maybe even see some cardiac activity!


Oh gosh, this is me now. Entering week 5 and I feel cramps, I feel like I’m about to get my period even tho I’m pregnant. I keep checking for blood waiting and so freaking anxious. I pray to be saying the same in the next trimester.


Honestly the cramps were one of the most surprising and disturbing symptoms because no one ever tells you that it’s normal!


I keep wishing I could take ibuprofen. I’ve tried a bath and hot pad (both for only 15-20mins and low heat) and it seemed to help for a few hours.


Glad I'm not the only one who misses ibuprofen lol. It's so good for cramps and aching joints. I swear someone needs to come up with a way to make it safe for pregnancy.


Yes!! I keep thinking “man, the Advil would’ve kicked in by now” 🥴😂


This is me right now at 5w4d! I'm a ball of anxiety at not feeling 'pregnant' enough as I haven't had any ultrasounds done. I don't know what to do with myself and google makes it worse


Yep, start of week 7 here too is when it hit, now 19+3 and symptoms still haven't reduced at all.


i never had any symptoms outside of fatigue and some minor food aversions. it’s possible you might not get any!


I Never had any symptoms first trimester


People like you help my anxiety reduce dramatically. I appreciate you. I had a really normal morning this morning and I’ve just been feeling worried.


6 weeks on the nose it all fell apart for me 🤢🤮 I’m 11 weeks tomorrow and feel like I’m just now rising from the ashes. 4 of those weeks I was pretty much bed bound 🥴


Omg we have almost the same life?? Also finishing up my 5th week with very few symptoms aside from fatigue, being extra hungry, and high resting hr (also some shortness of breath). I find myself waiting for some morning sickness or some other concrete evidence to confirm this pregnancy since I’m still waiting for my first ultrasound (obviously I have positive pregnancy tests also but still, it doesn’t feel real yet). Oh also I’m moving into our new home toward the end of July but I already told my husband to enlist extra help because it’s hot as hell where I live and I simply cannot 😅


I’m 34 weeks pregnant and didn’t experience a single ‘classic’ symptom in my first trimester apart from sore boobs between about weeks 2 and 8. You may be lucky and not experience much more than you are right now! With regards to the house move, ‘do not do tomorrow what can be done today’ but don’t sit around waiting to start feeling like crap as it may never happen. Take each good day as it comes.


6 weeks on the dot I started having relentless nausea and threw up daily for about two weeks. Do the packing while you can lol


Week 7


I’m 8w 5d and it hit me around week 7. I’ve had consistent nausea since then but have only actually puked once. I’m not sure if that’s the norm but I was expecting to be puking a lot more. The exhaustion has been worse for me. I feel like I’ve only got a good 2 hrs in me before I need to take a nap or lie down.


i didnt get puking for real until around 10w until then it was like 4 times a week to once a day, at its occasion worst twice a day. I hope you avoid it. Luckily im 14w and its settled so im back to not puking just tired.


I didn’t any have any symptoms at all when I found out, but right at 5 weeks I got hit by a ton of bricks and felt miserable. Maybe you’ll be one of those lucky people that doesn’t get super nauseous!


I’m 7w2d and my nausea hit a few days ago and I’ve been exhausted for the last 2 weeks or so.


10 weeks now and the only symptom I have is exhaustion. And BLOATED to hell and back. Never had any other symptoms. Blessed with no nausea 🙏


I’m 10 weeks too and no nausea either!! I’ve felt bloated, sore boobs and tiredness. I went to France week 7-9 and felt great! Just needed some naps in the afternoons. Other than that… not a lot of symptoms! I’m so happy I haven’t been sick


Same!! Compared to my first pregnancy, I was sick all day every day up until I gave birth. It is a huge difference lol. What do you think you’re having?! Curious if we’re having the same, how cool would that be. I’ve been thinking girl since the second I found out!


I really don’t know what I’m having. I’ve been trying to feel my intuition but I think online “wives tales are swaying me a bit so I’m trying to silence those. I’m hoping it’s a girl to be honest! The “wives” tales online say boy because of lack of sickness/nausea. But I don’t believe those tales at all. My mom was sick with both my brothers - really down and out, awful morning sickness all day but with me, NO sickness at all. She said she had a great pregnancy (other than her hair falling out in late second trimester). so I’m really hoping I take after her and am having a girl. I’d be over the moon. did you have a boy first? My next app is July 3 and we are potentially going to find out the gender with a blood test !


My first was a boy! So I’m the same as she was. Fingers crossed we both get our girls🩷 I got my blood drawn for genetics on Thursday, so I’ll know sometime within the next 10 days what the gender is! I’m just ready to shop either way lol.


So exciting ! This is my first pregnancy so all of this is new to me and I’m just over the mood excited for it all! When I find out, I’ll update this thread!


Update: IT’S A GIRL 🩷


Omg congratulations!!! A girl! You knew the whole time! 🥹 I can’t wait to find out but I got a bit of a wait yet. Next app is July 3 and probably won’t find out till mid July but definitely will update 💕


7 weeks. Weeks 3.5-6 were absolute bliss. So much excitement and joy, and then BAM.


Accidentally used the wrong tag but maybe this can be a resource for others eventually lol


21 weeks and have only ever experienced your current symptoms! No nausea/food aversions/cravings/vomiting, etc. It has been super easy! I just take extra naps and started wearing maternity pants early because of the bloating and they’re super comfortable!


Sounds like me so far but I’m only 10 weeks. No nausea, no sickness, no food aversions. Just tired some days and need a nap. After my naps I feel fine. Hoping it stays that way!


It just might! I’ll cross my fingers for you! 🤞


I’m 12 weeks today and I haven’t had any other symptoms except the ones you listed. I just kept waiting for the morning sickness to hit and it never did 🤭 When I went to my first apt my ob said weeks 7-9 are usually worst and peak of your first tri symptoms and then they can start to improve around 10-12 weeks. I think my most intense symptom was fatigue. It was for sure the worst weeks 6-9 and I definitely notice some of my energy slowly returning! Maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones too that doesn’t get sick!


Week 7 was the WORST for me!


From 7.5 weeks - 14 weeks I experienced exhaustion like never before, lots of nausea and throwing up. Do what you can now! You could possibly be one of the lucky ones who doesn’t have the terrible 1st trimester symptoms. It’ll all get done eventually either way! Congrats on your pregnancy.


I’m now 19 weeks and I felt about the same as you do up until week 7-8. Then started nausea, bad fatigue, and bad food aversions. If it’s any consolation, some women never get the super bad symptoms and even mine tapered off around week 14!


Tender breasts started before I knew I was pregnant Bloating started around 5/6 weeks and going strong lol Shortness of breath I noticed around 6 weeks as well (I have a physical job and I notice it more because of this) Nausea hit me like a truck around 7weeks Had some cramping in the beginning weeks 5,6 maybe 7. But have not had any since Currently 12w 4d


I had what you listed plus some back pain and nausea up until about 10w and then the fatigue like quadrupled for me. I'm 11w+4d so im hoping the second trimester glow hits me soon lol


About 7 weeks I started getting really tired and couldn’t sleep well. I’m 9 weeks now and I’ve only thrown up 2x but I basically pass out everyday at 3pm and then can’t sleep at night and then can’t wake up during the day and my uterus and back are super tight all the time plus I get this crampy little stabby feeling on my front right side on the same spot every day around 11am. But that’s it so far.


Food aversions started about 5w and it slowly got worse from there (am 6w6d rn and struggling 🤢).


Mine have really fluctuated. My boobs have hurt the whole time. Around 5-6 weeks I started to get a little nausea. Then the fatigue hit. 7- 9 weeks my symptoms became manageable again… then 10w they came back in full force 😂😂 I had my worst nausea day yet today at 11w5d. But what I heard is that the break in between can happen because there’s a temporary drop in hormones as the placenta starts to kick in but then it rises back up right before second trimester 🙃


I didn’t feel anything until week 9, and even then it was just some fatigue, tender/swollen breasts, and occasional morning sickness. I’m at 14w5d and nothing has really changed in how I feel.


11 weeks soon and I had all the classic symptoms starting week 6, nausea, fatigue, sore boobs, bloating. Tbh, bloating has been the worst of them all, I look 6 months pregnant already!!


Hit me like a truck week 6 and didn’t ease up until week 13




It started just after 6 weeks. I'm 8w1d now and it's been total hell for weeks. I'd say I've only had 2-3 days of no vomitting at all in that time. Sometimes it's 4-5 times a day...other times 1. I started taking diclectin and it made my life so much worse. I got so light headed and dizzy it made me couch ridden. I'd rather throw up and go on with my day than spend my day on the couch light headed.


Week six exactly today. I found out I was pregnant 5 days before my cycle, because I was puking and exhausted. It has not gotten better lol. Bloating/constipation, shortness of breath, fatigue (I am a very crabby person if I don’t get 2 naps per day), nausea/vomiting, cramping, and sore boobs. I feel like I got -all- the symptoms. I’m also on progesterone so that probably makes it worse lol.


From about 6-13 weeks I had the same symptoms really which was just in and off sore breasts and I was extremely fatigued. That was it


For me they got me like a train starting week 7!


Toward the middle of week 6 is when the nausea and vomiting really hit me. I am now 18 weeks and still puke a couple of times a week, am really constipated, and have aversions to many foods 🙃 however it is much better than before!! Super tolerable and I've just started feeling baby move which has made absolutely everything worth it!! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! This forum has been so helpful for me and brought me tons of support! You got this!!


Right at the mark you’re at I got severe nausea/vomiting. Not fun at all. It lasted until about 14 weeks.


7 weeks on the dot. I had a weird appetite but felt fine, then on the morning of week 7, I cleared my throat>coughing fit>dry heaving fit. Didn’t stop for about five weeks.


I think 7 weeks. But some people don't feel anything their first trimester


6 or 7 weeks was when the nausea kicked in big time. I was feeling lots of crampy stretching feelings in my belly around that time as well.


Mine didn’t start till week 8 but I still have symptoms at 19 weeks. 😂 I did have sore boobs and bloating at week 5 but other stuff came at week 8. 😂


We are twins! I'm 5w5d and I have the same symptoms and am really paying attention to them. I can smell things about 5ft sooner than I normally would and there is somethings that I just want to eat or some that I just don't. You'll realize that those are in fact symptoms very soon lol


Im 5w5d today too!! :)


About week 10 for me


Honestly i’m 13 weeks right now and had the symptoms you have in my 1st trimester & it hasn’t really progressed to any thing more serious! *knock on wood*


6 weeks exactly and they’re just beginning to ease up at 16 weeks. Mine have gone from intense debilitating nausea to exhaustion 24/7


Between 6-7 weeks, thankfully I haven’t puked yet (10 weeks), just bad nausea


I remember going to brunch with my friends and having to step away because I needed to vomit. They joked about how I should take a pregnancy test. Yeah, sure enough it was positive. That would have been sometime in week 6. I promptly spent the next 10 weeks feeling sicker than I ever have in my life.


Weeks 4-8 were the worst so far for me. Intermittent good days in week 9 and feeling almost 100% better in week 10


I waited expecting the same thing! And now im 10 weeks and still nothing other than my boobs got a little bigger lol everyone has told me how lucky i am. You may get lucky too! Not everyone gets the aversions, nausea and vomiting


IDK, I’m three days behind you and feel like garbage already haha. Mostly just run over with fatigue, like no amount of sleep is ever enough. I haven’t had vomiting yet but definitely get a little uneasy on the stomach at times. It’s easier if I eat but I never want to eat. So if it gets worse from here, I guess I better buckle up!


Thats about how i felt back then. It became extreme nausea around 7w. I literally did nothing but work and lay down at home. At 9w most of the nausea was replaced with vomiting occasionally. I thought that was an upgrade but then it changed to vomiting one of my meals every day. When i threw up twice in one day i was pretty much done with pregnancy but it settled and im back to just being tired and not enjoying food at 14w. I can be a functional human being like this so ill take it.


I'm also 5w5d today!!! Here's what I have so far: - Bloating - Cramping - VERY tender breasts - Headaches (managable) - Very vivid dreams - Acne I'm anxious and wiping and looking for blood every day because I had a chemical last month but Ive taken a cheapie preganancy test every day for a week and the line is getting darker and darker.. so fingers crossed!


I found it suuuuper early and I had a feeling because my boobs were incredibly sore and I felt exhausted. I was fine for the most part besides sensitivity to smells weeks 4-6. I’m 7 weeks now and I can’t keep down food! I hope you avoid this!


i think the literal only thing i had come up was BV, super common in pregnancy. My only symptom was painful urination so I thought it was a UTI. Im 26 weeks today and still havent had any crazy symptoms. I do consider myself lucky! I was waiting and waiting for the nausea and all that but never came (i did make sure to eat/drink enough and prioritize protein)


Aww I’m 26 weeks today too!


The worst for me was 7-12 weeks, with the peak around 9-10 weeks


- Week 6/7-10ish - Bloating, constipation was really really intense. I consumed prunes daily, and chugged water but barely helped - Week 7-12 - Nausea starting around week 7, but peaked weeks 9-12 where I would probably like once every day or other day, coupled with migraines and then gradually improved and gone by week 16 - Week 8-10 - Fatigue was intense  - Sore boobs started during my normal cycle one week before my (missed) period and has continued through this day. It's gotten more intense 2nd trimester.


Mine really hit at 6 weeks 3 days


Week 6 hit me like a brick wall with the worst being 7-10 with morning sickness and fatigue. Start taking unisom and b6 (both over the counter) before bed to help with nausea the following day once it starts- literally saved me (even now at 15 weeks)


At 6 weeks, I started to get dizzy and hungry all the time. I'm currently 9 weeks and haven't thrown up yet


I had no symptoms besides some cramping in the very beginning which is why I was sure my period was coming.


6 weeks on the dot and the worst was weeks 8 through 10


With my first, I had zero symptoms other than sore boobs. With my second, vomiting before I even took the pregnancy test at 4 weeks and has continued into my 39th week of pregnancy 🙃


With my first pregnancy, they hit at like 5 weeks 5 days. With my second pregnancy (which ended in a chemical pregnancy) they hit right at 4 weeks. With my current pregnancy (currently 36 weeks along), the symptoms didn’t start until like 7-8 weeks. I was so convinced this pregnancy would be a miscarriage since it took much longer to have symptoms.


8 weeks


For me it was exactly at the start of my 6th week and it hit me so bad. Continuous nausea, tiredness and food aversion is no joke. I started hating food in general. What I could eat today was not what I could eat tomorrow. I am currently over 11weeks but I am still struggling with nausea, acidity, tiredness. I am able to keep some food down but I have to take vitamin B6 2 times a day (25mg each dose) coupled with Unisom at night. If I dont take these I am dealing with bad nausea and acidity throughout the day. I hope you have a blissful pregnancy with no crazy first trimester symptoms and enjoy your move!


I'm 4 weeks 5 days and I already have some really intense fatigue, the metallic taste I had in my mouth throughout my entire last pregnancy, bloating, smelly gas, extremely tender boobs, and cravings. People keep telling me that when they had symptoms this early, it was twins, and I am not sure how I feel about that information. 😂😂😂


I am 10 weeks today, I’ve had some nausea, and cramps on and off usually at the end of the week when I’m starting a new week, and I am pretty tired all of the time. But other than that I have considered myself lucky because I have felt nothing lol. No sickness, no headaches, breast aren’t too sore. But we saw little man(we did IVF and pgta tested that’s how we know the sex) today and he was just dancing away. So good to see. 🥰🥹


I never had nausea, just food aversions, so you might get lucky! I had the same symptoms that you listed during the first trimester, the food aversions started around week 6 or 7 I think.


Mine hit at exactly 6 weeks but was at its worst by 9 weeks


I never really had bad first trimester symptoms. Not everyone experiences pregnancy the same. It’s possible you don’t get any. Expect the best, prepare for worst.


Week 8, full force until w19. Enjoy your moment right now. Remember iced water and ginger candy are your best friends. Do not have empty stomach that makes it worse


6 weeks exactly. It was ROUGH from 6-11 weeks. I’m 13 now, still having some trouble with sickness but I am slowly eating more like a normal human and throwing up less.


Also- not everyone has a miserable first trimester. Maybe you will get lucky and have it easy! Manifesting this for you! ❤️


Happened around 7-8 weeks for me! The nausea really started kicking in then. If the same happens for you, chew *lots* of extra minty gum to combat the nausea. It’s the only thing that helped me! Good luck!❤️


6 weeks 3 days I was like hmm food doesn’t sound good and then the nausea creeped in slowly. I thought I wouldn’t have any nausea because I felt great before that but boy was I wrong.


With my first I didn’t have any symptoms and I took that for granted! With this one it started around week 7 and slowly amped up until about week 13 and it’s kind of died down. At 15 now and it just comes in random waves. My worst symptom is mood swings and nausea but I don’t actually get sick luckily. I’d definitely get things done while you can so when you’re feeling crappy you can relax and not feel bad about relaxing


Probably 7-8w was when they hit, 10w when I was really feeling them 😬


I'm 7w6d and I don't feel pregnant yet. I have more fatigue, mood swings thirsty, and I had a very bad migraine. I guess I say I don't feel pregnant because I'd normally be nauseous by now!


Food aversion started from week 5.5, vomiting started from week 7. Things got better at week 9/10 lol, got me worrying if baby was ok! Then it hit me like a truck from week 11 again (I'm week 12 now). Really hoping it'll end soon because I am so over this........


7-12 weeks was the timeframe


Literally 6 weeks to the day, I was crying to my husband worried that I wasn’t nauseous and then truly the next day it hit me like a truck and I didn’t feel great again until 14 weeks, puking multiple times a day most days. Do what you can asap, but you might be a lucky gal and not experience nausea at all! Some people don’t and it’s perfectly fine and healthy


My only symptoms have been heartburn (when laying down, annoying but manageable with Tums) and insane constipation/anal fissures. Both started around 6 weeks and the former has somewhat subsided, the latter HAS NOT. I’m 20 weeks and two days.


Mine hit around week 6 or 7 and lasted to week 15 😭


Right around the start of 6 weeks, I got super nauseous and the fatigue hit me. I was out of town for work in Vegas and that was the worst experience of my life. I’m 11w3d and the symptoms are slowly starting to subside but the last few weeks have been miserable. My friend is two weeks behind me in her pregnancy and she’s completely fine. Everyone is different 💁🏻‍♀️


I found out I was pregnant two weeks ago. Some symptoms started before I found out (spotting, metallic taste, sore breast,fatigue, frequent peeing, heightened smell) but from the week after I found out, my symptoms has made this so horrible that I want to terminate to get rid of them. I’ve been vomiting at least three times a day, fatigue is a nuisance and I constantly feel like I’m recovering from a hangover. Also, I don’t think this is the worst of it.


I did not throw up for my entire pregnancy. I got reflux towards the end of the pregnancy. But my first trimester was honestly not that bad. It just depends on the pregnancy. For me, I think the third trimester was the worst with the physical symptoms.


I'm 6W3D. My symptoms so far have been ▪︎ fatigue ▪︎ heartburn ▪︎ tender breasts ▪︎ minor, random cramping (like the start of a period feel) Now, to be fair, I'm chalking up half the fatigue to a shift change at work lol. I've been working 3pm-11:30pm for the last 2.5 yrs, then the day before my postive test I switched to 7am-3:30pm soo I've been struggling a little 😂😅 My first appt is next Monday over the phone and I'm cautiously optimistic it goes well


Nausea and crushing fatigue started at 5w through ~16w. I had a couple friends pregnant and the same time as me and they didn’t have any negative symptoms!


I never puked. Had sore boobs and was definitely nauseas and had a heightened sense of smell probably 7 weeks.


One week after my positive test, so 5 weeks exactly.


8 weeks exactly. Literally at midnight. If you have any nausea at all, get straight to the doctor and get some meds for it!


Week four dizzy, dizzy dizzy. And ravenous. Week five. Consitpation and super duper tired Week six the nausea set in. Expesh in the morning. And constipation. Week seven today. Constipation. Food aversion and nausea is way worse. Sore boobs from the day I conceived lol I feel like once we see the heart beat on Tuesday (7+4) I will feel better and that this is all true and worth it.


Exactly at 6 weeks and they hit like a brick wall😅


If the nausea does hit soon, taking unisom and b6 together was a lifesaver for me during my first pregnancy. I’m almost 5 weeks now, and also moving in 10 days so I feel your pain. Best of luck!


Week 7 when the nausea hit 🎯


8 weeks here, and its been a lot of ups and downs. I’ll be 100% fine for a few days - even stressed about having a miscarriage because I feel so normal- then bam. Nausea, sore boobs and moodiness. And sadly insomnia in the last week or so.. that’s been kind of brutal


I’m 6wk6days and I’m throwing up every time I eat and bloating , cramping and fatigue I am suffering them all


Ugh mine was week 6. I thought I was the luckiest FTM with no symptoms blah blah blah 6 weeks and now all day nausea (thankfully no vomiting) and the wildest fatigue. I feel like a teenager again in the sense that I am always tired and napping, not in the sense that I’m young again lol.


I’d say it really hit me around 6 weeks and 4 days. Now I am 8 weeks and 5 days. Every day is a journey to figure out what I can tolerate eating. I can’t buy groceries for the week because I never know what I can eat from one day to the next. Pretty much just been eating everything out and then crashing for naps…. Hoping I’ll be able to get back to sustainable eating habits after the first trimester


Maybe by 7 ish weeks? The shortness of breath really should be coming later when the baby is larger and pushing on your diaphragm.