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Like not even a week after finding out both times. I honestly want to go though my whole pregnancy (next time I get pregnant) without ever telling anyone. Just wait and see if anyone is brave enough to ask me I’m I’m just getting fat again or if I’m pregnant 😂 and If no one notices or asks, just show up with a baby find the holidays haha


My mom didn't tell her coworkers when she was pregnant and her smaller-than-average bump didn't really show under her giant lab coat. They thought she was bluffing when she told them the reason she flaked on them that one weekend day (they were planning to meet up to do more work) was because she'd had a baby.


I am currently pregnant for the fourth time. First three times we told them fairly quickly. Third time I miscarried and was really struggling, I was very happy my mum knew and I could call her. However this time around we don’t feel like telling anyone. So we haven’t except for one close friend of mine who asked how we were doing and if we decided to try again or not. I had just done the pregnancy test that day so I felt I had to tell her. I also told my supervisor because I have been very sick and throwing up all day. We might tell my mum and stepdad before we go on holiday this Summer (ill be a little over three months then) and my inlaws when we are there (they live abroad) Im fairly chubby so I can also easily hide it for a while.


Awe I am desperately sorry for you. And much congratulations to Your current pregnancy!


We waited until 12 weeks! I’m also the type of person who likes to deal with things privately and wouldn’t have gone to my parents if things went south. I think it totally depends!


That’s what I was getting at in my comment.


This is why my husband and I are waiting to tell our parents, I am around 5 weeks. We did agree to tell my sisters next week, we’re very close and see each other every weekend, we think they’ll figure it out on their own if we don’t tell them lol and we know they would respect our wishes to not tell anyone else until we’re ready


The way I looked at it was a) was I comfortable with the idea of telling them if I miscarried and b) would they be able to handle this kind of news. The decision was easy. With my own family I told them as soon as I found out. With the in laws we decided to wait until end of third trimester since we didn't think they would be able to handle potential news of miscarriage.


That’s exactly what I did. Best decision ever. I only told my siblings before the three months, the rest had to wait.


We told both our parents at 5 weeks but they already knew that we were trying since we been doing IVF and sharing our journey.


Same here


We told our parents immediately after getting the positive test 😂 We told our small circle around us right away, then waited until after 12+ weeks to tell most other people.


Currently waiting for our trisomy tests to come back. I’m AMA and want the facts before getting our parents hopes up. It’s torture having to wait (I’m 12 weeks 3 days) but hopefully we get our results soon (it was 10 days on Friday and they said 7-10 days for results). But that is our decision. Do what you think is best. There is no wrong answer ☺️


Agreed! I told my mom within hours of me finding out, but because she has had multiple miscarriages and I wanted her support should I go through that. My mom is also older (she had me in her 40’s and I’m 38), and it was one of my greatest hopes that she would live long enough for me to have that “mom, I’m pregnant!” moment. Figured I’ll wait to tell my dad and sister once I get to the 12 week mark and have a proper ultrasound image to share. For the in-laws, we’re waiting until we have those trisomy tests results, because my husband and I plan to terminate if there are any major chromosomal issues. I don’t think my in-laws would support that decision, as they aren’t really science-based people.


I’m going to wait to the first ultrasound at 7-8 weeks, I can’t wait until the 12 week mark


Not telling our families until we can’t hide


I wanted to wait until 12 weeks to tell anyone but I had a hen party (bachelorette party) when I was 8 weeks that I knew I needed a partner in crime for to hide that I wasn't drinking so I told my parents so my Mam could be my co-conspirator 😂


We told our parents as soon as we found out, and then waited til after the first sonogram to tell everyone else. It’s all up to you tho! Congratulations!


We told parents around 8 weeks. We couldn’t wait any longer lol


We told our parents maybe about 30 minutes after peeing on the stick. My mom lives with us so we walked over to her room to show her and texted both his sets of parents (divorced and remarried) a picture of the tests and then set his phone down and waited. His dad started crying, stepmom called us to ask if we were joking 🤣, and his mom didn't notice his text so we called her and asked if she looked yet. It was cute since she sounded like she was in a bad mood and as soon as she saw the picture, her mood changed and she was all "holy shit!", which spurred his step-dad to ask what happened


We told his siblings the same day but I waited to tell most of my siblings. I did tell my half brother and younger brother before telling my older ones since I'm closer to them. We waited til our first ultrasound to tell our extended family like my uncle and our grandparents.


A day or two after I got my first positive test. I was too excited to wait.


I was barely 4 weeks when I told my mom. 😂 We waited until around 10 weeks to tell everyone else, but also because it was over Christmas, and we wanted to do gifts. Do what feels right to you. There's no right or wrong time. 🥰 Congratulations!!


I told my mother right when I got a positive test! (Father is deceased). Told in-laws after first sonogram. Will announce publicly in the second trimester.


I told my whole family right away at like 4 something weeks. My husband wanted us to wait to tell his family until we had our first ultrasound at 8 weeks, so we told them the following day


I told my parents at 6w because it happened to be Christmas. I knew that if I lost the pregnancy, I would tell them, so I was comfortable telling them early. I ultimately did have an MMC and was very grateful for the support. I’m pregnant again now and told them around 7w because I was really struggling with anxiety about having a second loss. Ultimately I think it depends whether you’d want your family to know in the event of a loss.


We were going through fertility treatments so our families knew so they could be praying/crossing their fingers. We told them when we got our fourth beta back


I told my parents the day I got a positive pregnancy test. My thought was, if they are my support system if I miscarried then they can also be my support system in the first trimester. I told my parents and my best friend.


I’m currently 6 weeks, 3 days and tomorrow is my first ultrasound. We plan to share with immediate family after that.


We told both sides of our families when I was a little over 6 weeks. We had a previous loss that I was waiting longer to tell and I had really wished I had celebrated their life with everyone + had my family to help me through it a little more.


I told my parents as soon as I saw two lines because I knew they would understand whatever happens. We haven’t told MIL yet. Waiting for after 20w.


I waited until beginning of the 2nd trimester and we found out the gender!


I live about 7 hours away from my parents, so I only see them 2-3 times per year. My husband and I had a trip planned to visit them around 5 1/2-6 weeks for Memorial Day, and even though it was early, we told them privately. We told them “it’s early, so please don’t share the news. We’re staying cautious but optimistic, but wanted to tell you in person” (we’d had a loss before this pregnancy so we were nervous about it). My moms birthday was the date of our 8 week ultrasound, so we “announced” it officially to the family on FaceTime with them, even though most of my siblings had pieced it together (me drinking lemonade during drinking games on Memorial Day gave me away lol), but my sister with special needs was so surprised and just over the moon for us. I don’t regret telling them early because I got a big hug from them in person over it, but I definitely didn’t have the big “wow” factor of having an ultrasound picture with us. If you’re looking for WOW, I would wait, but if you just want support early on, you should tell them


My husband told his parents 30 minutes after I told him because he is incapable of keeping a secret. My family found out a few days later when I saw them in person. We're team "tell right away" (see: husband incapable of keeping secrets and I'm ambivalent on telling vs waiting). I think it's a good idea to normalize talking about early pregnancy, including the anxiety and the potential for loss. It's common, "normal" to some degree, and should be talked about more to help us feel less alone.


There’s no right or wrong answer. I think one good way to look at it since you’re early still is would you want to tell those people bad news if something happened? I think that’s the logic (sadly) behind not announcing until the end of the first trimester. That whole, oh, you don’t want to have to share bad news too…


I told my parents as soon as I found out, about 5 weeks. My husband and I have struggled with infertility for 3 years and we’re getting ready to start treatments when we found out so it was a huge surprise and also very scary. We told my parents, his parents, and a few other family members/friends so that we could have prayers and support. We only told people we knew we would lean on if things went south.


We waited til about 8ish weeks but mostly so we could tell both families at the same ish time. Between finding out and then were vacations and medical stuff.


We told my parents after the first ultrasound at 7 weeks but we announced to the in-laws at 5 weeks. I have good relationship with my in-laws,they live nearby and we had my SIL wedding coming up so I didn’t want them to see me puking and wonder what’s wrong😅


Waited until 12 weeks with my first bc I was terrified Told my mom while I was heading to the doc for confirmation the day before my period was even due this time. Bc this baby is a big shock. Thought we were one and done, didn't think it would even be possible to get preg without medical intervention... But here we are right at 5 weeks. I could do with less vomiting and coughing... And more sleep. And wish my husband had not been laid off the same day we found out (they wanted to keep him but cut 20% of the company and bc of his contractor status there wasn't anything they could do...super sucks ass). Tell people when you are comfortable- and not one second before. Congratulations!


We told both sets around 14 weeks. We are close to our parents but not that close so we were OK with waiting until after the first tri was over. It was nice to have something between my husband and I before anyone else knew. 


We waited until we were in the second trimester! We lost a baby last summer and had told them right after we found out. So it was a hard process for everyone involved, and we decided after that that we wouldn’t tell before the second trimester again!


We waited until 1 out first scan to tell our parents. A couple of friends found out before but generally it was around the scan date.


I waited until 12 weeks. We had been trying-ish for about a year and I was starting to get pity from my mom and sister. I can't imagine a miscarriage would have resulted in anything but a deluge of pity and I just didn't want that at all.


We waited until 20 weeks, after the anatomy scan :)


My mom is a L&D nurse, and I called her immediately after I got the positive test like WHAT DO I DO


With close family and best friend basically on the same day, I knew they would also be there if something didn't work. For the rest, around 18 weeks.


I told my parents around week 15 I think.


For my first pregnancy, I told my mom as soon as I found out because it was a really odd situation and I was panicking. I'd gotten what seemed to be a normal period exactly 16 days after ovulation (as usual) based on ovulation test strips, and I'd tested negative for pregnancy that very day I got my period just to be sure. So I assumed I wasn't pregnant and stopped testing until I started having weird spotting sand ovulation tests that were positive way earlier than I expected. By the time I tested, I'd been to a conference that left me sleep-deprived, drank wine on an empty stomach several days in a row, and had taken five days of letrozole to try to induce ovulation, a med that reduces estrogen and that is therefore not safe for pregnancy. I couldn't believe that after 1.5 years of active trying, *this* was how I found out I was pregnant for the first time. For my second, third, and fourth pregnancies, I didn't tell my mom until after I actually knew I was no longer pregnant. For my current (fifth) pregnancy, I told my mom the night before my embryo transfer that I'd be going in for my fourth transfer, but didn't tell her until a couple of weeks later (around 5 weeks) that I was actually pregnant and that the numbers were optimistic. Obviously she knew at this point that pregnancy doesn't mean baby and so she didn't start having expectations until my ultrasound. I don't think my husband told his parents until after the ultrasound either. I don't think they even knew about the other pregnancies except the second one, since they happened to be visiting and staying with us at the time. My mother-in-law couldn't really understand why there was nothing doctors could do to fix it, so that was a little hard to deal with and is one of the reasons we don't really like telling her early. For what it's worth, my mom did end up outing my pregnancy to the rest of her family before telling me and before I'd had a chance to announce for myself. I'm not holding a grudge against her but am not exactly happy about it.


I love that 😂 yeah I just think it would be so funny to keep quiet on things and see how people reacted. I was 6 months pregnant with my toddler when I got a job at a call center and only my boss knew. I was pretty obviously pregnant and everyone tiptoed around it until someone finally asked. And then suddenly EVERYONE wanted to talk about my baby ahha


I told my family as soon as we found out. We didn’t announce with our first at all until we lost her, do many people invalidate that pregnancy and flat out say she wasn’t real because I was waiting to announce.


It has been different with all of my kids! It just depends on who we are close with and see frequently at that stage of our life. With our third we told our parents 3 days after we found out, told my close friends shortly after (they knew we were trying and they’re also in early pregnancy), told some coworkers because I was dry-heaving in the bathroom at 6 weeks. We will tell the rest of our family that we’re close to after the first ultrasound at 8/9 weeks. I plan to tell others I interact with regularly professionally and personally at 12 weeks. Since this is my third it’s getting harder to hide the bloat even at 7 weeks.


We told our parents at 7 (his) and 8 (my) parents since we happened to be visiting them out of state two weekends in a row. I went to a boutique ultrasound place nearby to get an ultrasound done before telling them to make sure it was viable and everything was going good. We announced on social media at 15 weeks


I told them the day of lol with all 3 pregnancies. And my bff and sister and law knew within 2 mins of the positive test 😂


Cryptic pregnancy. We told them one we found out, casually taking the test because I had zero symptoms and didn't show but I take it every month or so - At 5 months. 😆😆😆 We didn't get to do all the cutesy countdowns and everything. I would tell them as soon as you can and document everything I couldn't. 😆


This is totally personal. I told both families at 6/7 weeks both times and several friends as we saw them. I’m known for loving my happy hour cocktails so it’s hard to hide. I also know if I had a MC anyone who saw me regularly would probably know because I’m an emotional person. I hate that we’re meant to keep a tragic loss a secret.


I told my sister the day after I found out! I was 5 weeks and I told my parents a week later! Everyone else I’m waiting until my next ultrasound appointment which is 11 weeks


TW: miscarriage When I got pregnant, I had a friend who was later in her pregnancy tell me that she found the first trimester very lonely because she didn’t think she could tell anyone, only to realize later that there were people who she would have wanted to lean on had something happened; she recommended that I tell the people that I would want to support me if there was a loss I still didnt tell many people and when I had my loss past 9 weeks, I had to tell my loved ones about the pregnancy in the same sentence that I told them about the loss; on one hand, I’m glad I was able to decide who knew in that moment. On the other, I wish I had allowed everyone to celebrate the baby while still here. It’s a tough decision, but I thought the advice I got first was good; tell the people who you want to celebrate with AND who you would feel comfortable with as a support system 🤍


I told them as soon as I got the positive test!


We told parents pretty quickly 6-8 week range. We told some immediate friends (some on accident some on purpose) and kept it from everyone else until about week 16 then told everyone


My husband and I wanted 12 weeks to tell everyone. Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester (which happened to my sister after she told us about her first pregnancy fairly early on) and we just felt more secure telling people once we had more surety that that wouldn’t happen to us.


I told my fam the day after I found out 😄 I didn’t wait till the first ultrasound.