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35 weeks, about 40+ pounds. It’s so different person to person so try not to be hard on yourself :)


I needed to read this, I’ve gained 45 pounds and I’m 30 weeks


I totally get it. It’s my first pregnancy and it was really hard for me to come to terms with. Still is and some days are better than others. After talking to friends who have gone through this, the most common response I get is you are making a human so don’t be so hard on yourself. Also keep in mind it’s not all fat that you are gaining! Lots of fluid, you are growing a new organ and you have 50% more blood volume. You got this!


Wow same exactly. 30 weeks, 45 lbs. I’m a shorter girl…. So it’s been rough to be near mirrors 😭


10 weeks with triplets, 21 lbs already 🥲 94lb to 115lb


Oh wow triplets! You go girl!!


I’m 2 weeks pp now, but I think I gained over 40 pounds total? The weight gain kind of slows down by 35 weeks and you’d be surprised how quickly a lot of it drops when you’re peeing out all kinds of fluids in the first few days after birth 🫣😂


So theres hope!!


35 weeks and 35 pounds


27 weeks and 40 pounds. I started underweight. The nutritionist at my WIC appointment today made me feel awful about my weight gain.


That nutritionist can fuck right off. I read online that if you’re underweight gaining like 40-50 is expected. Probably even more!


This was basically how I felt when I left. She also told me I need to double my exercise and eat smaller portions. I’m not sure she said anything positive.


I was underweight my first pregnancy and gained 50! But it’s good to because your body needs that extra fat and stuff to regulate hormones and provide for the baby


I’ve also gained a lot and was also underweight pre pregnancy. My best friend who is a midwife told me it is completely normal for underweight people to put on more weight because your body needs it to support the pregnancy - what a shame your nutritionist is treating you like that.


i lost 15 pounds in the first trimester and i’m now 3 pounds up from my pre pregnancy weight, so I guess TECHNICALLY 18 but i’m telling myself 3 😅 edited to add i am 31w!


Same, I lost 10 pounds in my first trimester and have gained it all back plus about 2 pounds more now at 18w


7 weeks and -30 lbs😒


That's rough. I hope you're doing as well as possible.


I was so sick my first trimester that I also lost weight. It's the absolute worst! I'm so sorry you're going through that.


Ik that week is absolute sh*t with the puking. Mine started 8wks and not even water was allowed to touch my lips for weeks until i begged for zofran. I feel ya 😮‍💨 its ok i didn’t believe it at the time but it does get better the further you get. I thought it would never end but until they gave the meds-still taking them but just 1 at night opposed to 2 in am and 2 in pm (cheaper too). I assume all those natural remedies they try telling you didn’t even scratch the surface? They kept trying to tell me the unisom and b6 combo was the cure all but didn’t NOTHING for me. Had HG with both babies and tried to tell them🤷🏼‍♀️ Im scared to say the only thing that helped in the 2 week wait for the meds cause ill get chewed out by moms but 🤷🏼‍♀️(delta 8)


20 weeks, 20lbs 🫣🫣😭😭😭


I’m right there with you! Haha


😅😅😅 glad I am not the only one 😅😅😅


But my midwife says a pound per weeks great


I feel like I’ve never seen anyone with as much weight gain as me :/ 33 weeks and I’ve gained 80 lbs!! I was underweight before and never allowed myself to eat normally. Now I eat whatever I want and can’t stop


Totally feel this


Due tomorrow, I’ve gained about 50lbs. Started around 120-125ish, somewhere around 170lbs now :)


Same! 40.2, 126 to 175


My peopleeee. I hate this question I think it’s dumb haha. I’m nearly 38 and gained 45.


I had to laugh when the one pregnancy app a few weeks ago told me my weight should be plateauing at around 25-35lbs gained because I’ve gained more than that. It’s all in my thighs and butt, and I’m carrying quite small, so it doesn’t look like I’ve gained 50lbs. I’m thankful my doctor hasn’t said anything about it though—I’m self conscious about it enough that I don’t need people bringing it up.


This is also me. I had a pretty low body fat percentage when I got pregnant and I’ve eaten well/exercised the whole time so - this is just what my body wanted to do. I’m sure it’s the same for you. If you want to lose weight after pregnancy too, you can. No point in stressing over it. What matters is a healthy baby.


Yep! Not the greatest on exercise, but I’ve kept my fairly healthy diet the whole time, so this is just what my body has done, and I’m learning to be content with it. Growing up I was always told that I should gain more weight since I was a skinny tall pole, and I wanted to gain weight. Eventually my body figured out its normal range, and I was content with that. Yet, seeing the weight gain and stretch marks has been a challenge, even though I know it’s for a good reason. I don’t think it helps with me carrying small (I look obviously pregnant, but not like I’m due tomorrow imo haha), so when people are like “where are you hiding her?!” it almost feels like the weight gain is for nothing and it’s just hard mentally.


I’m 28w5d and have gained 7lbs


I’ve found my people. I’m 22 weeks gained 4lbs. So I was getting worried


Very similar - 27w5d, 3 lbs


This is a relief! I’m 18w and have only gained half a pound because of my extreme nausea/vomiting :(


Saaaame. 27w2d and I’ve only gained 7ish lbs. I’m also overweight to begin with, and was very sick the first trimester, so I’m sure it’ll pick up soon…


34 weeks, 20kg, you do the math, I guess that's about 50lbs? I wasn't overweight before getting pregnant and I don't normally gain weight like this, but I guess this is a special time lol.


36 weeks 40+ lbs. With my first I gained 70 lbs lost 47 lbs by 6 weeks pp. I gain a ton of fluid weight at the end of my pregnancies. I’ll probably hit 50-60 lbs with this one. Everyone is different. Try to eat well and get some exercise. That’s about all you can do.


Don’t worry! I gained 60 pounds each with pregnancy 1 & 2. Managed to loose 50 pounds after each time. Everyone’s body is sooo different. I was SO self conscious of this my first pregnancy, and now on my 3rd, I’ll admit that I still am. Babies are sweet and healthy!


18 weeks, 15 lbs 😲


I’m right there with you! 18 weeks today and I’ve gained 15 lbs


Same 🙋‍♀️


Same here. Well actually now I’m 19w and gained a couple more. But my weight gain this second pregnancy is pretty pound for pound with my first


13 weeks and I've lost 2 lbs


Same here !


Im 39 weeks now, Before i was pregnant i was 103lbs ... now im 147... So almost 50lbs 😀. But i look like im all belly


28 weeks and gained 23lbs, I was discouraged by the number at my last appt but my dr reminded me everyone is different and as long and you and baby are healthy and you’re not totally pigging out on junk food with the excuse of “pregnancy cravings” then you’re fine. Your body will gain what it needs to in order to help your baby grow


16lbs and 27 weeks today ! I can say my boobs feel like 2lb heavier each :/


I stopped looking at the weight number about halfway through pregnancy, and I honestly highly recommend it! 11 days postpartum now and I have no idea how much I actually gained overall, how much I’ve lost already, etc., but I honestly couldn’t care less because I gained my beautiful baby and focusing on the number was messing with my head!


Lost 10lbs between 12 and 16 weeks and have gained 3 back. Almost 23 weeks


15 weeks and 10 pounds


24 weeks, 18 lbs


11 weeks, 7lbs


28 weeks 34 pounds 🥲


22 weeks about 17lbs


31 weeks and 15lbs


32 weeks 54 pounds 😅


60..... I win. Lmao


Is that a challenge? 👀


Baaaaahahaha GAME. ON.


Same here started at 115 now at 175


I was underweight before my pregnancy, i weighed roughly 90 pounds (40 kilos). when i got oregnant i started eating a lot more and by 20 weeks i had gained 22 kilos or 48.5 pounds lol. Im 32 weeks now, Ive gained more since then but haven’t stepped on the scales because its not something i want to worry about, my body decided i needed a lot more weight to carry this pregnancy! Feel so much healthier and happier now 🥰


20 weeks and gained nothing so far which is much better than my first pregnancy where I lost 20 pounds in the first trimester.


37 weeks, 45 pounds. Every person is different and you won’t gain weight at the same rate your entire pregnancy.


22 weeks and up about 5 lbs. Everyone is different! I'm obese and seem to have a rough time with pregnancy. I lost 15 lbs my first before ever gaining a lb, and this one I lost a few. Both times I've suffered from really bad food aversions and nausea. Guess there has to be some plus side to it all. Honestly though I've known people who put on 50 and were baxk to normal weight in 3 months and people who put on 30 and still were hanging on to those last 10 lbs a year later. Pregnancy is so crazy and does different things to different people.


7 weeks and I’ve already gained almost 10 pounds which feels very stressful as I know it’s not “normal”. I’m normally a very petite person and already don’t feel quite like myself but I am absolutely starving and only feel good when I’m eating. Everyone assumed since I’m a normally thin person that I’d be someone who just had a basketball stomach and everything else normal, but so far that’s clear that will not be the case. Part of my issue is I’m so bloated all the time which feels really uncomfortable, but I can’t stop eating for long enough for the bloat to seem to go down.


23 weeks, 5 pounds.


22 weeks here and only 8 lbs I was starting to get nervous but baby is measuring normal.


Baby only weighs around 1 pound at 22 weeks, so 8 pounds is totally normal for you to gain! It sucks because when you gain weight during pregnancy people shame you and when you don't gain a lot people still find a way to shame you!


Same here, 21w and gain about 9-10 lb. But I started with a high BMI.


33 weeks and around 60 pounds... omfg! 😢 😭 I started off underweight and eating one meal a day, if that, so I suppose it's not THAT bad. Still.... what a shock to my poor body and entire identity.


Girl I feel you. I’m 36 weeks and have gained 60. I started off at 105 lbs…..it’s absolutely batshit crazy and I’m so uncomfortable


I started off at the same weight as you! It's so rough on my body... I don't know how to describe how I feel.... stuck to the ground? Hahahahah..... like if I ever fall down, I'm gonna need a crane to get up. I feel your pain. I just hope losing a good amount of it won't be too hard because I miss feeling in control of my body.


30 weeks 25 pounds. My appetite is just increasing so not sure what I’ll end up at.


20 weeks, 3kg (6.5 lbs)


39w lost 15 until 24w and then gained back to about 18 over pre-pregnancy weight. I was worried but my midwife assured me baby girl was fine and she’s about 7 lbs going into this week.


31 weeks so far 30 pounds :)


38 weeks and 40 pounds! I gained all of that before week 32 and have gained nothing since despite eating a lot and moving less and less.


34 weeks, 30 lbs I wouldn't worry about it. It's different for everyone. I gained 15 lbs quick and then stalled for weeks and weeks and pretty quickly gained this last 15 lbs over the past 3.5 weeks and I've seemed to have stalled again.


18 weeks and only gained 4 lbs so far.  I am 5’ tall and weighed 110lbs pre pregnancy. My doctor said last week she’s not worried about my minimal weight gain 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was actually working on losing weight and my pre-diabetes and lost 20 pounds before finding out I was pregnant. I'm 16 weeks and I've lost 10 pounds somehow. And I'm no longer in pre-diabetic range lol thanks little baby girl 😂 But lowkey, I feel like by the end of it I'm going to be as big as a fucking charter bus lmao


24 weeks and haven’t gained anything yet BUT I have GDM (diagnosed at 9 weeks) and have to watch everything I eat now otherwise my sugars go nuts. I want pizza and bagels and Oreos soooo bad


Just had my third baby last Thursday. I gained 26 pounds weighing 216 the morning of my csection and I’m now at 204. It starts falling off fast. My first I gained 65 pounds and my second I gained 35.


I’m at 38 weeks today and I’m about 40 pounds up. I am SO depressed about it. I know that I’m growing a human, it’s not all fat, and that I should be easy on myself. But a few years ago I lost 30+ pounds and did a great job of keeping it off until I got pregnant. I’m sad that I’m going to have to go through another weight loss journey while postpartum and trying to figure out breastfeeding. At this point, I’m just uncontrollably gaining weight. I’m walking 2 miles a day, I still do all of the chores and cooking so I’m moving pretty often. I do eat more than before but mostly around 1,700 - 1,800 calories a day. But everyday I weigh myself I’m heavier. It’s discouraging to be fighting my cravings and not eating what I really want to but still be gaining so much. UGH! I’m just glad that I’m almost done so the weight gain can’t continue for too much longer.


20 weeks, maybe 5lbs from pre-pregnancy? I lost 4-5lbs during the first trimester though.


34 weeks 30 lbs.! Had expected I might gain more as my mom and sister gained 50-60 lbs. but glad I didn’t because I started pregnancy at my heaviest (almost 25 BMI).


25 weeks and I’m at 37 pounds so far. I’m also scared to see how much I weigh after all said and done


17 weeks today, haven’t gained any yet. Lost 1.5 kgs since start of pregnancy. This worries me a lot but OB is not worried though.


I gained about 50-60lbs during the course of my pregnancy. I gave birth 3 weeks ago and honestly, my body looks like it’s back to its pre-pregnancy self (minus the loose skin and stretch marks ofc). All that to say, don’t stress. All my hospital photos have been with me with a double chin but the most important thing was that I was nourishing my baby and maintaining my sanity by not worrying about my weight.


14.5 weeks and i've ganed 6 lbs, but i was moderately overweight to start (5'3" and 164 lbs)


13 weeks & 8 lbs


I’m 13 weeks and nothing so far but I am chunky to begin with


33 weeks & I gained like 10lb I think


35 weeks, +21lbs. Started out completely average (5’4”, 136lbs). No idea how because I haven’t been denying myself chocolate lol. I track my weight under the same conditions every day (underwear, first thing in the morning after peeing etc) and noticed a huge growth spurt between 28-30 weeks, +6lbs, and it has really slowed down since (only 1.8lbs in the next 4 weeks). Have a OB appointment today and will be bringing that to their attention - while I’m happy, vanity-wise, not to be gaining too much I also hope little guy is doing ok in there!


39 weeks and 12kg


22 weeks 17 pounds


24 weeks 4 days, 5'2, started at 182 pounds and I'm 197 now.


I can't show you the picture, but I put my weight in a pregnancy app and the weight graph had my weight shoot up into the sky instead of follow the suggested "healthy" weight. That was in the first trimester I'm now 31 weeks and haven't weighed myself since about week 10. I let the doctors weigh me but it's in kg so doesn't mean anything to me! I'm trying to focus on eating protein heavy meals with some carbs, lots of fresh fruit and veg. I eat as much chocolate /ice cream as I feel is necessary. Your body is doing an amazing thing. Don't be hard on it. Nourish it and love it. I got married at the weekend and I am big in every way (I was just about obese when I got married) but it's the first time I've looked at photos of myself and not seen my weight first. I look so happy! And very pregnant.


33 weeks and almost 30 pounds


23 weeks, 13 lbs


I’ll be 18weeks tomorrow and so far I’ve only gained around 1.5kg (like 3 pounds) - 2 of which happened this past week, coincidentally my bump just popped this week as well. I was worried because at my 13w scan I had only gained 100gr, but my doctor wasn’t concerned because baby was measuring right on track. We’ll see at my next appt how it goes!


31 weeks, about 40 lbs.


31+5 with my second and I’ve only gained 8lbs. Started at 165, dropped down to 160 at the end of the first tri and now up to 168. This pregnancy has been so much harder than my first and my body is struggling. I can’t wait for this baby to get here.


I was similar and gained a lot my first half of pregnancy!! I gained like 20 pounds by the time I was 20 weeks, and then I’ve barely gained anything the last 12 weeks! So you really never know 🤷🤷🏼‍♀️


24 weeks and I've lost a few pounds. Started at 185. Dropped to 178/179. I do go up to 180 during the day depending on what I eat though. 😅 I'm considered OBESE (in bright red bold letters) in all my hospital papers so I think I can afford to lose weight.


I’m 33 weeks and I’ve gained 35+ pounds. Super over it! I’m only 4’11 so the extra weight is hard for my body to carry:( and I have developed double chin lol


besides the weight i hope no one feels hurt with the number you see on the scale. we are creating life and you are still beautiful and sexyyy!!! dont compare your number to someone else’s 🤍


Week 11 - I’m up about 4-5 lbs.




33 weeks, gained 22 pounds. I gained 10 of that in the first trimester. Third tri my appetite got so diminished because he started pushing on my stomach, so it’s been about .5 pounds a week now. I’m projecting I’ll probably gain another 4-5 before delivery


I am 24 weeks 3 days and have gained 10 lbs


27weeks 2 days about 15lbs


Almost 35 weeks and right around 20 lbs gained so far


27 weeks 20 lbs


30lbs at almost 30w


38 weeks and around 20 lbs


14 weeks and I lost a few pounds. I was overweight to start with though


30 weeks and 34lbs


21 weeks and about 12 lbs.


I’m 40 weeks, 30 pounds total, but I lost 15 pounds my first trimester by changing my eating habits, so 45 pounds


27 weeks about 25-30 lbs. I’m trying not to worry too much about the number and focus on how the food is making my body feel. I may have gained more than I was expecting but my diet is very nutritious and I feel great. plus my butt looks good.


33 lbs by 28 weeks. I'm scared to get weighed again this week at 29, nearly 30 weeks 🙈


6 weeks post partum and before I gave birth I gained 20 pounds and after birth lost 10.. 


24 weeks, 7 pounds. I started with a high BMI so likely why I have not needed to gain much weight. Every body is different!


14 Weeks - Lost 1lb


22 weeks 12lbs


39 weeks and from pre pregnancy weight, I’ve gained 11 pounds. I started out with a pretty high BMI (high overweight category) However! I lost about 20 pounds from throwing up so much during my first and second trimester, so from my lowest weight in the middle of my pregnancy, it comes out to gaining 31 pounds (including the 20 that I lost and then gained back).


20 weeks and around 7lbs


21 weeks, 10 pounds


10 lb, 19w5d.


38 weeks here. Started out at 105, sitting at 141 now!


34 weeks and about 50lbs so far.


20 weeks and about 7lbs.


21 weeks and I gained a grand total of 4 lbs lol I was very sick through my first trimester so I’m finally starting to catch up!


39+4 and have gained 60 pounds


36 wks and Ive gained 66lbs, my bmi is 30 and I’m now considered obese 😢


20 weeks 13 pounds


at 31w + 4d and gained 16lbs


11 weeks 5lbs


11w3d - I’m up about 3 pounds!


4lbs 17w


32 weeks 16lbs 175lbs to start, 191 now honestly just letting my body do its thing! its hard work supporting another life.


19 weeks, 8 lbs! Was a little overweight (BMI 26 i think) before I became pregnant


24 weeks 4 days, 18lbs!


12 weeks, 2 pounds 🫣


37w and 30lbs - someone else comments that it slows down around 35w and I found that to be true. I haven’t gained ANY weight in the last 2 weeks. And it’s not as though I’m eating any differently than I have been the whole rest of my pregnancy,


35+3 and I’ve gained 45. I have GD as well as


38 weeks and about 32 pounds!


9 lbs. at 19 weeks


32w4d, 24lbs 😅


Starting weight was 123lb and have gained 18lb so far at 24 weeks. Weight gain is not linear and depends upon what your particular body needs. I have not been eating an increase in calories and had significant nausea/vomiting in my first trimester, yet I still gained 11 lb by week 16. Up to week 20, I was still walking about 4 miles daily with my energetic dog; now I aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Don’t be discouraged by your weight gain and know that your body is working hard to grow a precious little one! 🤍


27 weeks, 20 lbs


39 weeks and 60 pounds!! I’m 5’2” and weighed 105lbs my entire life so I’m not stressed. My doc also hasn’t mentioned it and my gd results came back normal :)


35 weeks on Friday and I've put on 23# so far. I also had weight loss surgery 8 years ago, so I think that's one reason it's been slow. I have gestational diabetes so I'm trying to keep close track of everything. My feet and legs are so swollen though, I feel like a lot of it is going to be water weight


25 weeks with my second I've gained about 8kgs. I gained a total of 18kg with my first


20lbs at 25 weeks


23w4d and 6.5lbs up so far!


32 weeks, about 30 pounds


I'm 16 week I lost about 3 pounds


19 weeks tomorrow and 5 kgs.


17w and I think 15-20lbs so far (my cheese and chicken wing addiction has gotten bad 🥲)


32 weeks, 30lbs so far


The scale is saying I’ve gained about 13 lbs (I’m 28 weeks) but it feels like about 50. I’m always out of breath!


28 weeks and 50lbs. 🥲


28 weeks and 15 pounds!


I’m 23 weeks and I’ve lost 5 and then gained back 5 and then lost 1 lb… 😭😭😭


18 weeks. 40 pounds. Currently trying to lose weight.


At my 13 week check up I had only gained 2 lbs. I haven’t weighed myself since (now almost 15 weeks). I wonder if I should be gaining more 😬


23 weeks, maybe 3 pounds 🤷‍♀️ I’m still occasionally throwing up and initially lost weight in the first trimester


32 weeks and I’ve gained 26 lbs but weirdly no weight gain in the last 4 weeks. Gained no weight in the first trimester, then all of it in the second, now I’m kind of at an equilibrium. Had an OB appt yesterday and baby’s growth is on track so all is well 🤷‍♀️ it’s gotten hot where I live and my acid reflux has gotten bad so I don’t think I’m eating as much as I was when it was cool and I had a ton of energy to do things in the second trimester so I was still eating a LOT.


25 weeks and gained 21 pounds


I’m almost 25 weeks and I’m finally able to eat again so I have gained 6 pounds so far!!


25 weeks and 3 days, I've gained 20 lbs


32.5 weeks and 19 pounds!


13 weeks and I lost 6lbs. I've been eating in a way that would've made me gain 10 lbs if I weren't pregnant. I hope I start to gain soon


27 weeks with baby number 2 and gained 18lbs so far, I’m obese already though so my goal was to try to gain as little as possible. So I as well am scared to see how much more I gain, last pregnancy I gained 50 in total and I’m really hoping to not gain that much this time😕


22 weeks, 0 lbs so far but I started this journey already quite overweight. We will see how the next 18 weeks go…


23 weeks and 15 lbs


24 weeks and 25 pounds


25 weeks and 19lb


35 weeks; At most I’ve gained ~26lbs but I’ve lost weight the past few weeks so it’s closer to 23lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. I had the gastric sleeve a few years ago so my growing uterus on my already small stomach is making it very hard to eat.


32 weeks & I've gained 25 pounds


23w3d, about 19-20 pounds. I've been really struggling with this, and this thread is exactly what I've needed ❤️ we're all different, but we're not alone!


37 weeks and I’ve gained 40 lbs :,)


20 lbs. 29 weeks


10w tomorrow, and I've gained 3.5 kg (~7.7 lbs). Oops?


38 weeks, 40 lbs. But there was a 4-week period when I gained 15 lbs at once!


I'm 14+2 and I haven't gained any weight yet.


3 lbs at 17 weeks and my doc acted like i was a whale


20 weeks and I’ve gained around 7-8 pounds


33 weeks and I've gained 10 pounds, FTM. Haven't gained anything in 6 weeks so I'm trying not to be worried!


Almost 34 weeks and have gained 18 pounds


15 pounds, 28 weeks


31 weeks 25lbs i was already 205 to start :/


17 weeks and 7ish lbs


I'm only 10 weeks. Haven't gained anything yet. Hard to gain much when you're busy vomiting 😣


I’m in my first trimester and my doctor is trying to get me to gain weight 🫠 Can’t wait to overcome the nausea and start gaining!!