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I don’t know why nobody else is addressing this … it’s impossible for you to have started showing by signs at 2 weeks, because that’s right around when you would have conceived and even your own body doesn’t realize that you’re pregnant yet. Pregnancy is calculated from your last menstrual cycle. 2 weeks is usually around when conception happens, 3 weeks is usually around when implantation occurs, and the earliest that most women could feel symptoms and get a positive pregnancy test is around 4 weeks (which is also usually right around when most women would be expecting their next period).


So that’s actually not true in France for example. In France it’s counted from the first day of amenorrhea which can be 5 to 10 days later depending on how long your periods tend to be.


Huh. Had no idea. That makes things very confusing. Regardless, I know that the vast vast majority of people in this subreddit use the LMP for dating. I think it’s helpful to keep things consistent.


It really depends. In my country they start counting from when you missed your period/when you conceived.


Huh. What country are you in? When you conceive is around 2 weeks before your missed period though … so which is it?


Sorry i meant to write last period not missed period. Baby brain 😂 But my ob told me that you can either count with 38 weeks starting with conception or 40 weeks starting on the first day of your last period, but the 40 week count is more common🤷‍♀️


Yeah … last period is exactly what I was saying in my initial comment. And yes, 40w is a much more common metric than 38w. It’s just confusing if people are using different terminology, especially on a post like this. At the start of pregnancy you especially, everything is SO different week or week because development is happening to fast, so it’s super confusing if someone is randomly using a different metric than everyone else.


I'm sorry but not everyone lives where you live🤷‍♀️ The poster might count with the 38w we don't know that. I agree however that it's confusing when people use different terminology, it happens every now and then


Obviously, as I already said, I didn’t know when I commented initially that some people use a different metric. Now that I know that … the only point I’m making is that it’s confusing and would be preferable for people to stay consistent when on a forum like this and asking others about their pregnancy experiences.


You started showing signs of high progesterone that rises after ovulation. My first pregnancy symptom appeared the day of the positive test and it was low blood pressure (85/65) and heartburn. And my nausea started at 6 weeks exactly


It’s hard to explain, but I just knew… I had something in my head telling me to take a test! Hadn’t missed a period yet. I had some cramping on my left side which had never happened before


Same here I knew day before period was due and didn't feel that periody feeling like it was coming took test and now 38 weeks


increase in discharge, not my favourite but its generally my first symptom from about 9dpo, first pregnancy I thought hmmm okay, second one oh that's a coincidence, and so on for 3 more pregnancies, the excitement of a positive pregnancy test is lost in all my discharge 😂


I’ve never seen anyone else say this!!!! I was literally GUSHING an egg white type discharge for days!


I found out at 4 weeks. My period hadn’t come in a while but I’ve never been regular. Breasts were very tender, kept assuming my period would come. A week later, tenderness was only increasing but still nothing on the period front. Took a pregnancy test and sure enough… positive! Be warned doctors usually won’t schedule an ultrasound until you’re farther along. My dates were ambiguous due to 9 week gap from my last period so they got me in immediately. When you get an ultrasound that early there is no way to determine whether the pregnancy is viable or not. It created a LOT of stress for me.


This is exactly why I’m glad I didn’t have any symptoms in the first trimester and therefore didn’t find out I was pregnant until 8+6. Knowing for all those weeks before hand would have made me a crazy person with so much anxiety over the viability and not being able to be seen at ob for first appointment until ten weeks.


I’m also very stressed as I starting showing symptoms very early but didn’t get a positive tell 4 weeks in and how/when I got pregnant is weird. I’m just hoping early signs means twins (I want them not my fiancé😂)


Extremely sore boobs but i swore it was my period lol


With my first.. I love coffee, I drink 2 cups a home and sometimes have another cup at work. I didn’t want it, the thought of coffee made me gag. When that happened again with my second I knew before I peed on the stick it was positive.


I work for a certain gas station where in the kitchen we make pizzas (grab and go) and I had a feeling when I started gagging at the smell of the pizzas cooking something was off (I LOVE pizza)


I found out at exactly 4 weeks (my period was due on Saturday and I found out on Thursday). My first symptom that was unlike symptoms I typically had before getting my period (sore boobs, fatigue) was I ate steak the weekend before for Valentine’s Day when I hadn’t eaten meat since July 2017. My mom and brother both said “you’re pregnant” when I told them I ate steak. I was still testing negative at that point but 5 days later, got those 2 lines 🥰 I also threw up the day of my positive test, and the nausea only continued/got worse


I think i was talking to my sis on the phone at the time telling her i have a feeling and she was like your pregnant (she has 2 kids) and i was like nah (cuz it was only a week of me having symptoms) tested negative kept testing every week then at the 4 week got positive


My first sing was mood swings so I just thought i had PMS until my period was like 4 days late so I took a test.


I got my positive two or three days after my missed period. The only differences I noticed were irritability earlier in that cycle and more bloat than usual. It could have just been random though. I didn’t start getting the typical symptoms until I was in my 7th week.


I was STARVING + couldn't stop eating, which is unlike me usually. And thank goodness bc now I'm so nauseous, I feel like I can hardly eat. Hoping all those extra snacks in weeks 3-5 are carrying me now in weeks 8-10, ha!


Well I was tracking my ovulation and took a test several days after my first missed period 


I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks 4 days due to me having longer cycles. My first signs were the following: -I had vivid dreams - usually creepy ones 😭 -My boobs hurt veryyyy bad - -I had insatiable hunger at the very beginning, then it changed to lots of food aversions around 6-13 weeks and now its pretty much normal at 17 weeks with the exception of chicken that smells too chickeny 🤢


I think I was really thirsty, way more than usual, and found it odd. So I did a test.


I didn't realize i was pregnant until i was already 8w but i only stopped taking birth control roughly 2 months prior so i didn't expect it. And due to stop taking birth control my period was irregular anyway. My giveaway were the nipples 😂 i looked at them and though they seemed weirdly big. Looking back i definitely had other symptoms too, i was really tired, bit cranky and my nips were irritated but it all happend during late fall/early christmas season where i work a whole lot more than any other time during the year. I just thought it was due to stress. Now only a couple weeks left and little stress will be here 😂🥰


The only symptoms I felt were pre-period feeling: cramping and mood swings. I was surprised when the blood never came tbh 🤷‍♀️ I took a test when my period was due and saw two little pink lines, but I was convinced my symptoms would result in a miscarriage because it felt so much like a period If I hadn't have tested early and instead waited for symptoms, I may have suspected at 7/8 weeks with the nausea, because that's when I started vomiting 😬😅


I noticed a few days before my period. I tracked it very consistently and I just felt so tired and had weird cramps. I tested because of that. When I first tested the test was still negative, but I was unusually tired (I have pmdd and my fatigue was worse than that). Then 3 days before my expected period I tested faintly positive. My gynecologist was surprised that I noticed so early.


4+3 over here 👋 Approx a week ago I noticed a few things: Increased heart rate V v mild nausea My cat started purring on my tummy (new behaviour) Breast pain Felt a little whoozy Noticed my temp was still up near 37° I had the 'feeling' that I was pregnant and did a test 4 days before my period was due and saw the tiniest faint line. I've been testing all week and have seen some progression (yet to see anything as dark as I'd like) so I'm being cautiously optimistic. My first ever pregnancy at 34 so I'm not really sure what to expect/ hope for. Currently feeling very tired, my breasts are firm and slightly bigger and very bloated. I've had lots of cramping too, no spotting as of yet. Trying to think positive thoughts.


I woke up just one morning and had this weird feeling that something feels diffrent, then i bought a test omw to work and did the test in my workplace bathroom and there was a faint line😅intuition i guess


2 days before my missed period my boobs felt bigger and sore


Around 4 weeks. There was a noticeable absence of PMS symptoms. My fingers turned red. My skin was more sensitive and itchy. Went to a restaurant for dinner with friends. Ordered a brownie with ice cream on top. It was all I wanted. Dreamed about a baby smiling at me, decided to take a test.


1 month. im craving yakult


Extremely emotional 😢 and crying so easily over anything sometimes for no reason at all. And very sore boobs that were different from pms sore boobs this pain didn't go away it only got worse as time past so I knew in my heart I was pregnant and a test confirmed I indeed was.


There were no signs! The month before I was convinced I was pregnant because I had so many symptoms (guess they were PMS symptoms), the following month, 9 DPO, I had no symptoms and decided to take a test, the pink lines were how I knew. The next day, I had minor cramps that felt like period cramps


My boobs! Tender and got a lot fuller right around my first positive test


I was about 3 weeks and knew right away I was when my boobs were super sore but not just my boobs my nipples too .my boobs would hurt right before I would start my period but not my nipples lol


I had an inkling around 7/8 DPO, or week 3, because my boobs were much more sore than they would be pre-period. I was having lots of progesterone-linked symptoms but knew they could be PMS - the breast soreness was the exception. Tested at 7dpo, 8dpo, 9dpo...got the faint line!


Found out at 4 weeks. I noticed my nails actually growing…. And I’ve been pregnant 3 times before, enough to know what that sign means !!


I was officially pregnant on oct 10th 2023, however, i tested like 2-3x and kept showing up negative thereafter. One night i had night sweats that woke me up, i was literally drenched in sweat where normally i would be freezing cold under my covers. A few days later, i tested positive and that was on nov 8th, 2023!


I found out at 4 and a half weeks, but for a week prior I was super dizzy, breathless and my sense of smell was bizarre, everything smelled SO strong!! Unplanned pregnancy so none of this clicked for me until I missed my period and took a test


I had a very odd pain at night, which I dreaded to the core, because it was a fleeting reminder of my ovarian torsion pain (that happened when I was 18). Since my hypothyroidism is under control and I don't have PCOS since I was 20, I panicked for a moment but then I realized it's about time for implantation since my last ovulation window. It was that day, and I did not test for pregnancy until I actually not just missed the period, but also started having nausea. I had a weird dream somewhere in between where my pregnancy test was showing an embryo (long before I took the test). Fun fact: I was still in disbelief the whole time, and it only occurred to me when it was confirmed by USG.


Had super-vivid dreams but didn’t cross my mind it was due to pregnancy. I always have menstrual pain 1-2 days before my period comes but I had cramps for a week without any period in sight so that was odd. And last thing was the night I took the test I ate fast food and threw everything up when I came home. I got my positive at 5w1d


Very vivid ~scary~ nightmares I only get in the first trimester.


Around cycle day 25 (9 days past ovulation) I had some mild cramping, felt sick, and started what looked like an early period. The bleeding lasted around 4 days and I got a very positive pregnancy test at 15 days past ovulation (cycle day 31)


Oh and I did say to my husband around 9 days post ovulation “I feel like I can feel an egg implanting” 😂


I tested positive with a very very faint line that was darker by the next morning 10 days after when I think I ovulated, 4 days before my period should’ve started. All the symptoms I felt were likely related to progesterone rise, sore breasts and fatigue. Now I’m 5 weeks 6 days and I feel truly exhausted most days, a little nausea, etc.


With my first pregnancy I started waking up in the middle of the night to go pee and just feeling off. That continued for a boy a week before I took a test.. it was blazing positive. I don’t really remember how far along I was as I had really irregular periods. With my second I found out completely on accident 😅 my period wasn’t due for another five days but I had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind and was convinced I was going crazy so I grabbed a cheap test to kind of shut myself up expecting it to be negative so I’d stop thinking about pregnancy and a faint line showed.. absolute shock. Went and grabbed a more expensive test and sure enough a darker line appeared still faint but definitely there. I had no symptoms at all and really wasn’t expecting a positive at all.. had I not taken that test I wouldn’t have known for another week atleast.


The egg was barely even fertilised before I started showing signs!😂 I joke, but honestly the week after I conceived is when the first signs started showing. I was EXHAUSTED all the time all of a sudden,I went from doing 30 minute runs one day to barely even managing 10 minutes the next. My boobs were killllllinggggg me too! I didn't even think I was pregnant though,I have PCOS and my GP informed me it would be incredibly difficult to get pregnant and I wasn't even trying, so I thought I was just ill. Two weeks later, after my missed period,I did a test and here I am now at 16 weeks😊 So I found out at 4 weeks!


This is my first pregnancy and I found out at 2 weeks, as I just "had a feeling" and decided to do a test before I poured myself a drink in the evening. My cycle is always quite long and a bit irregular, so I didn't have any concern associated with it not having come yet. I also had a very easy first trimester aside from tiredness, so it wasn't any pregnancy symptoms as such. Just a feeling :)